The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 13, 1928, Image 1

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,, .............................
Th* date on the address of
your paper gives .
Pay it
»1.80 and Worth
"The Leader
Thi* paper has the moat
thorough circulation in tne
county, making it the
B*.t Advertising Medium
— . . ■ .—. ■
Its Field
No. 29.
1 I
Twin Round-Up Prizes Increased Fair Officers to
Note Decrease
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Be Guests Monday
In Enrollment
TWs Morning May Register Til1 Noon Saturday
Local Schools
A gala
vnla time ia
«tore for twin»
Reynold* ’ Grocery and Emmott’»
The chamber of commerce lunch­
is in store
twins i Reynolds
Mrs* Millet
Shoots Self
attending the twin round-up, a spe­ Market, »10, greatest difference in eon* will be resumed Monday noon
Found Dead in Garage About cial feature of the annual county look* of twin»; Skaggs’ Grocery and at the chamber rooms and under Large Number Student*
Market, »10, pleasantest pair of the management of the organiza­
fair, which is scheduled for Satur­ twins, and Commercial National tion. The luncheons were discon­
For Few Week*
5 a. m. by Husband
Actions Queer in Night
County at Glencoe; Coro­
ner G:ves Theory
day afternoon, September 22. Be­
cause of Washington county's repu­
tation for law enforcement it is not
thought that anyone will get the
opinion that they are seeing double
because of the many pairs of twins
on the fair grounds that day.
Entrants may register at the bus­
iness office on the fair grounds up
to 12 o'clock Saturday noon.
Prizes will be given as follows:
Hillsboro Argus, »10, twins looking
most alike; Washington hotel, J. W.
Kelley, proprietor, »10, ......
twins ____
ing the greatest distance; Frank’s
.Market and Thrift Grocery, »10.
best looking pair of twins; Lee
Oakes' Grocery, »6, youngest twins;
Mrs. Joseph E. Millet, 29, com­
mitted suicide early this morning at
the Millet place near Shady Brook I
by shooting herself through the
heail with a 38-revolver. Coroner
Glenn F. Bell, who investigated,
said it wax a case of suicide.
The husband, who had been work­
ing at Grand Ronde, returned to
the fnniily home last night.
said that several times during the
night his wife got up on the excuse
of going to see about their two
children nnd her nephew. Mr. Mil
let saw her take a revolver from
a trunk on the porch where her
nephew was sleeping, and about 2
Jack Murton was elected presi­
A. m., after she was up, he put his dent of the
Comucopians, Hills­
arin over in the hopes that she boro’* greeter club, following the
would wnkc him in
adoption of the constitution at a
attempt was made to go about the meeting in ths chamber of com­
merce rooms Monday night. Dr. J.
He awakened at 5 a. m., found O. Robb was named vice-president
her missing, nnd on investigating and Cal Jack, D. A. Kramer and
discovered her dend in the gnrnge. Dr. Charles Lamkin arc directors.
Coroner Bell said the small daugh­
The club will act ax a greeters'
ter awakened and saw her mother ’ club for and in conjunction with
in the room with a gun and flash the chamber of commerce.
It is
light. The coroner expressed the planned to have three members each
opinion that Mrs. Millet was men­ : week act as greeters at the cham­
tally deranged, and intended killing ber luncheon*.
The Cornucopian*
th«- chilren and that the girl wak­ plan to take an active part in the
ing up saved them.
! county fair.
She was born August 5, 1899, at
A black derby hat will take the
Glencoe, the daughter of Mr. and place of sailor straws as the greet­
Mrs. John C. Bills, who survive. ers’ headgear for winter, and the
together with the widower and a I winged collar and pleated bosom
son and daughter.
1 shirt will replace the soft shirt.
bank and Shute Savings bank, »10,
oldest set of twin*. Additional
prize* will probably be added.
The Auxiliary to the American
Legion voted last night to give a
»5 prize to the twins looking most
alike, whoae father was a member
of the American Legion.
Prize* indicate that someone will
be able to "buy the baby a pair of
shoes,” and all doting parent* real-
ize that thi* is helpful, considering
the high price of shoe leather.
Considerable interest 1» being
shown in the round-up in every part
of the county and it is believed that
it will attract large number* on the
last afternoon.
tinued during the hot weather.
Member* of the county fair board
will be guest* at the luncheon. The
board include* Robert Banks, presi­
dent; C. D. Minton, vice-president;
Mrs. Emma Bryant, secretary; H. T.
Hesse, director, and F. L. Brown,
The program will be for the pur­
pose of creating an interest in and
enthusiasm for the county fair next
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Members and officers of the fair
board and division heads have been
working hard for some time to make
it a success.
There will be musical entertain­
ment at the luncheon which will be
held every Monday noon. Some out­
standing speakers have been secured
for future programs.
A questionnaire to determine any
j thoughts that members might have
1 for the improvement or advance-
i ment of the chamber of commerce
i will be distributed to members, ac-
Twenty huxky high school lads cording to a decision of the board
luiiiru out
uui iwr
w*e first
ursv football
iuuiuuu I Monday
• ••»•--, The
- — idea of the
for the
practice Tuesday night at the call directors is to work from the desire
of Coach B. M. Goodman, who feels of the members, ar.d get more mem-
that he has the makings of another bers actually taking part in the
team that will keep up Hilhi’s foot-1 chamber of commerce work.
ball reputation. Thirty were out |
------ (Visit ths Fair)-----------
Wednesday night and the coach ex- .
pects that the squad will average ;
about 30 during the year.
Lettermen to answer the call I
were John Hare at end, Les Chase, 1
Leonard Rea and Steve Cox in the
backfield. Bob Patterson at end,
and George Bagley at tackle, Hus-
ton Johnson is expected back soon, j
and is expected to try for the back-, The “ifs” that would have made
Hillsboro champions of the second
Some good material is coming up half in the Portland Valley league
from Inst year’s second string and tace failed to materialize Sunday,
the coach feels that prospects could with the result that Oswego is rest­
look a whole lot worse.
j ing comfortably at the top of the
The first game of the season is perch, and Estacada has second
with Roosevelt high of Portland on place honors in the second half.
October fl.
Hillsboro was in second place on
----------- (VbH th. Fair)-----
the first half and it will be neces­
sary to toss up for the second
Estacada, playing on their home
grounds, took an awful cleaning
from the champions, 14 to 2. They
came back strong in the second
game to win from Hillsboro, 3 to
Four persons, two from Hillsboro 2
Bob Neuenschwander pitched
nnd two from Baker, were injured great ball and allowed only six
in an automobile accident at Huber hits, but three of these up to
Thursday, when a car driven by ninth inning.
District Attorney E. B. Tongue col­
Chuck Hoag tied the score in the
lided with one driven by Mrs. ninth inning with a four-base swat
Charles Pugh of this city.
over the left field fence.
Mrs. Mark Pugh of Baker suffer­ hit safely three times out of five.
ed injuries to both knees and Mrs.
Dwyer Sick
Charles Pugh has a badly bruised
Tom Dwyer, who was to have
arm, and is suffering from shock. been on the mound for the locals,
A sprained shoulder and shock were took sick with ptomaine poisoning
sustained by George Pugh, 9. and a Friday night.
bruised knee and shock were suf­
A Frank Turk benefit game will
fered by Charlotte Pugh.
probably be held during fair time.
The accident occurred, say the Turk has been laid up on crutches
report* in the sheriff's office, when for several weeks on account of in­
Mr. Tongue attempted to pass a
juries received while playing third
truck and on finding that there was base for Hillsboro.
not sufficient clearance took to the
----------- ( the Fair)------------
ditch on the left side of the road
in an attempt to avoid striking the
Pugh car. Mr. Tongue in his re­
port said the other car was so far
to the north on the road that he
could not see it as he started to
pass the truck and that the cars be-
That the fall season is here is
hind and to the right made it im- evidenced by the cold mornings and
perative for him to take to the the rain of Tuesday, which caught
a few farmers with their clover not
A statement thnt Mr. Tongue was hulled.
Some corn was damaged
driving at an excessive rate of speed Sunday morning by the cold. Some
is made in the written report of the farmers, who did not get their
accident by Mrs. Pugh.
grain hulled, feel that more good
----------- (Visit the Fair)------------
weather is coming and that it will
help the clover.
Employes in the court house,
where construction of the new units
has kept the new heating plant
from being put into operation, are
huddling around little oil and elec­
Nominations for office in Hills­ tric stoves.
boro post of the American Legion
----------- (Visit the Fair)------------
were made at the post meeting on
Tuesday night. There are several
in competition for each office.
The veterans voted to adopt a
policy of refusing letters of intro­
duction to ex-service men selling
goods for private gain.
Henry R. Greenburg of Tigard
A more complete use of the sol­ was nrrested Saturday night charged
diers’ nnd sailors' indigent fund of with driving an automobile while in­
the county was urged on the toxicated, following an accident
grounds that the veteran organiza­ near the Shute park. V. Meltebeke
tions were not in a position to act was taken into custody on a like
as soon as they should in some charge Sunday.
Murton Is Named
Football Boys
Cornucopian Head
Limbering Up
For Coming Year
-------------- (Vi.ll th. Fair)--- ■
True Bills Are
Found by Jury
■ -
Another Attempt Is
Made on Feed Store
The Hillsboro Feed company's
Eleven true bills and six not true office was entered by thieves again
were reported by the grand jury in Monday night, and they received
circuit court before Judge George their usual reward—nothing. Frank
It Bagley Wednesday. All but five Schneider of the firm says that it
of the 11 were secret indictment». was evidently the work of ama-
Arthur I. Goodrick faced a booze teurs as they worked on the hinges
count and Harry Hoffman and J. before discovering that the safe
B. Beckwith were indicted on a was unlocked. Mr. Schneider said
charge of doing wanton injury to he hoped that the underworld fra-
personal property. Frank Wood j ternity would soon learn that noth-
face* a charge of contributing to | ing of vnlue is kept in the safe.
the delinqcncy of a minor. Lulu
Entrance was gained through a
Brown was indicted on a larceny I side door. The number of times
’ that the feed company safe has
The grand jury was allowed to been rifled has reached the point
retire until the next session October where it is beyond the memory of
4. W. O. Donelson wax drawn a* the officers.
a substitute grnnd juror in place
The J. R. Imlay & Sons ware­
of Robert Forsythe, excused.
house at Reedville was entered the
Order* were given in the follow­ same night, but nothing of value
ing case*: Effie I. v*. Otto W. Lin- taken. The credit cabinet and a
quist; Helen L. nnd Hugo Naw- desk were rifled.
mann v*. George McLaughlin ct ux;
----------- (Visit ths
Credit Service Co. v*. M. L. Mayor;
Ernest vs. Melba Loi* Roberts; E.
M. Swan vs. F. B. Carter et ux;
North Coast Casket Co. vs. Glenn
F. Bell; F. P. Gram Co., Inc., vs.
5. Edw. Angalonc; Sophia M. Keho­
Mrs. G. J. Frankel of Portland,
macker vs. C. K. Dye et si.
The paroles of J. L. Mitchell, state president of Women’s Feder­
Earl “
Bray and Frank Patterson ated Clubs, will speak before the
have been revoked by Judge Bag- Coffee club at its first meeting of
the season Friday afternoon at 2
A court order was given yester- o'clock, at the chamber of com­
day fixing Scptcmlier 25 nt 10 a. m. merce rooms.
Mrs. C. H. Emmott, president of
in the circuit court room as the
time for hearing the report of the the club, will be the leader, and re­
Oregon Nursery company receiver. ports of the state Federation con-
vention held at Klamath Falls will
----------- ( th* Fair)-----------
be given, Mrs. Herman Frank will
be the soloist of the meeting.
The hostesses for the afternoon
will be Mrs. C. E. Wells, Mrs. James
Wood and Mrs. Thomas Connell.
Inadvertently it was announced
Poultry exhibits will Iw received through this paper last week that
at th«' fair grounds Wednesday af­ the meeting was to be held last
ternoon and evening nnd until 10 Friday instead of this week.
---------- (Visit the Fair)------------
a. m. Thursday, when the judging
starts, according to John Panek of
Tigard, in chnrge of the poultry
No exhibits can bo re­
ceived after tho judging starts.
A large entry of all breeds and
varieties of poultry is desirod nnd
Ivan Freeman, who left here sev­
premiums will he awarded in each eral months ago for Pendleton, hns
class represented. Sweepstake and sent in his resignation ns first lieu­
numerous special premiums will be tenant of the headquarters com­
awarded. All birds will be exhibit­ pany, second bnttalion, 162d infan­
ed in new snnitnry metal coops, and try. Arthur Kroeger is second lieu­
will receive the best of care by tenant of the local company.
experienced poultrymen.
----------- ( Vtalt th* Fair)-----------
Mrs. Frankel Speaks
Before Club Friday
Poultry Exhibits in
Experienced Hands
Freeman Resigns as
Officer of Company
----------- ( th» Fair!------
Schendel Resigns as
Hillsboro Constable
Fred Schendel has tendered his
resignation as constable for the
Hillsboro district because of in­
ability to handle the position along
with his duties as deputy sheriff,
which occupy his full time. Deputy
Schendel went on full time duty
when Oscar Duley went to Portland.
Eslinger to Manage
Hillsboro Ice Works
C. II. Eslinger has been appointed
manager of the Hillsboro Ice Works
by E. J. Bailey, proprietor. Mr.
Bailey plans to devote most of his
time to the Forest Grove plant as
his home is in the university city.
The local plant sold more than
3,000 gallons of ice cream during
the summer.
"Ifs” Fail to
Bring Results
For Ball Team
Four Hurt in
Crash of Cars
Clover Hulling Is
Stopped by Rains
Post Officers Are
Nominated at Meet
Booze Agiiin Fails
To Mix With Gas
----------- ( th» Fair)------------
Woman Drops Dead
Of Heart Trouble
Mrs. Amanda Jane Dillaboy, 69,
a resident of Hillsboro for JO years,
dropped dead of heart trouble at
her home in the Garden Tracts Sat­
urday and funernl services were
held from the Glenn F. Bell Mortu­
ary Monday afternoon with the Rev.
II. A. Deck officiating. Interment
was in the Hillsboro cemetery.
She is survived by two sons, Har­
old H. Ulery of Hillsboro, and
Daniel C. Ulery of North Bend.
Business Houses
Close Short Time
Hillsboro business houses will
be closed Friday afternoon,
September 21, for Hillsboro-
Forest Grove day at the county
fair. This action is taken to
allow everyone in the city to
support the fair by their pres­
ence. The stores will close at
1 p. m. The retail trade com­
mittee of th«> chamber of com­
merco took this matter up with
business men last year, and it
was agreed that the closing on
Hillsboro day at the fair be
effective each year.
Added Attractions Are
Expected to Draw Many
People to Annual Show
Fair Officials Hope “Jupe” Takes Vacation With His Rain
Bucket Next Week; Hal Hoss Will Speak at Opening
Program; Free Vaudeville Program to Be a Feature
Total Registration in Grade*
Every Night; Clubs Active; Kennel Show to Attract.
and Union High on Third
Gain Is Expected Soon
Day I* 804
Unless Jupiter Pluvius shoves across a counter offensive,
the fourth annual Washington County Fair—September 20,
21 and 22—is expected to attract larger numbers of people
from all sections of the county than ever before. Fair offi­
cials are hoping that “Jupe” takes a vacation next Thurs­
day, Friday and Saturday, so that more people will have an
opportunity to see the increased exhibits and added attrac-
A check on registration in the
grade schools of Hillsboro and the
union high school yesterday by the
school officials, revealed a decTease
in enrollment. The decrease is due,
according to Superintendent B. W.
Program Start* at 10
Barnes of the high school, and
Superintendent C. H. Nosier of the
The opening day is Children’s or School day, and the
grade schools, to the numbers that opening program will be started with a band concert at 10
are working in the cannery, hop a. m., in front of the auditorium. Hal E. Hoss, republican
fields, apple orchards, and else-
nominee for secretary of state, and
Both predict an increase
who has been appointed to fill the
within a week or so that will carry
vacancy caused by the resignation
the registration beyond the figures
of Sam Kozer, will give an address.
of last year.
The concert will be followed by the
Increase Last Year
school children singing “America.”
The grade
Fair officials will be introduced.
totals 540, with 400 in the Oak
street school, and 140 in the north
A free rodeo performance will be
side institution. Registration at the
held in the ball park at 1:30 p. m.,
end of the third day at the Oak
followed by a band concert at 4.
street school was 411, and 163 in
A vaudeville program, free, will be
the north side school, which was an
given at the auditorium at 8 p. m.,
increase over the year previous.
and this will be followed by a free
Students enrolled in the union
semi-old-time, dance.
high school total 304, as compared
Interesting events on the program
with a registration the third day of
Friday and Saturday include the
last year of 331. No check has
state championship horseshoe pitch­
been made as to the number of
ing tournament and the judging of
students registered from outside of
twins in the auditorium Saturday
the union district.
I afternoon.
To Speak at Fair
•■Grind” Starts
The so-called “grind” of studies
has started and social and athletic
activities incidental to the school
year will be started.
The busses are running according
to the schedule as announced last ' Hal E. Hoss, newspaperman and
week by Mr. Barnes.
republican nominee for secretary of
----------- (Visit th* Fair)------------
state, will speak at the opening pro-
1 gram of the county fair next Thurs-
j day morning.
Poultry Clinic
Next Tuesday Optimistic View
Dr. E. L. Grubb, a member of
/Is Return Home
the research and clinic department
of the George H. Lee company,
Omaha, Neb., will hold a poultry
clinic at the chamber of commerce
rooms Tuesday, at 2 p. m.
“Inform my office force that I
The object of the clinic is to as­ will probably be home for Thanks­
sist farmers and poultry raisers in giving.” A telegram to this effect
reducing the tremendous loss that was received by Deputy District At­
occurs every year among poultry torney Paul Patterson Monday from
from such troubles as cholera, coc- Sheriff J. E. Reeves, who with Mrs.
cidiosis, roup, bronchitis, worms, Reeves, left here last Wednesday
etc. The clinics conducted by Lee for Amarillo, Texas, to return Mrs.
specialists have frequently been Marie Adams, wanted here on a
classed short course schools, teach­ charge involving the breaking of
ing how to recognize, correctly di­ th’e old bank at Sherwood.
agnose, treat, and prevent diseases
Mrs. Adams, who was arrested
and other troubles that are the . l under
UI1UCI the name
u.uir V«
issis. s*,
of Mrs.
R. as.
D. vrray,
cause of much loss to poultry ¡s fighting extradition to Oregon.
The sheriff's telegram said: “Case
Poultry raisers who have sick, set for hearing
___ j before governor
unthrifty or out-of-condition poul- Thursday, Threatened with habeas
orn i invited
m *»i 4«»J
4 a V—_ •_
_ • corpus proceedings
try are
to bring in speci-
at Amarillo.
mens for post-mortem examination
( the Fair).
and receive free instructions on the
cause, treatment and prevention of
the trouble.
Plenty of specimens |
are needed to make the demonstra-
highly instructive and educa-
Dr. Grubb is highly en­
dorsed by chambers of commerce,
Thieves were at work in the
county agents, poultry associations I county Saturday night. The gar­
and authorities.
age at the F. D. Logan home at
There will be no admission charge Newton was entered and a moto-
and nothing offered for sale at the meter and some stools taken, while
John Matthieson and Walter Führer
----------- (Visit the Fair)------------
of near Sherwood were robbed of
about 30 sacks each. The W. Young
highway stand near Six Corners
| was robbed of an Atwater-Kent ra-
I dio, nails. cigarettes, cigars, candy
and soda water.
Held by Sheriff
Enter Many Do**
One of the added features of the
fair this year will be the first an­
nual kennel show. Entries are eom-
I ing in from all parts of the county
and dog owners are anticipating one
of the best kennel shows in the
state. There will be an admission
charge to the dog show.
The free vaudeville program will
be at 8 o’clock Friday in the audi­
torium and will last for an hour,
followed by a jitney dance. The
program will start at 7:45 Satur­
day evening and will be followed by
a fireworks display. A jitney dance
in the auditorium will be the clos­
ing event.
The buildings have been repaired
and improved and will contain ex­
hibits including livestock, grange
booths, farm crops and horticulture,
i domestic science and art, floral,
commercial and industrial, and boys’
and girls’ club work.
Give Special Prize*
Special prizes for club work are
being given by Weil’s Department
store, the Hillsboro Argus, George
(Continued on Pax* Four)
----------- ( th* Fair)-----------
Sunday School
Picnic Draws
Two hundred and fifty persona,
representing seven Sunday school*
in the south part of the county,
held their annual picnic Saturday
at Elsner’s grove near Kinton.
Finis L. Brown of Laurel was re­
elected president of the district and
Glen Miller of Scholls was named
Miss Dulcina Brown of Hillsboro
and Dr. C. I. Andrews of Salem
were the principal speakers.
Schools represented were Kinton,
Hiteon, Farmington. Mountain Top,
Mountain Home, Scholls and Laurel.
The benedicts defeated the bache­
lors in baseball, 11 to 10. Harry
Schmeltzer and Raleigh Baker made
----------- (Visit th« Fair)-----------
up the single men’s battery, while
Rev. Trefren was on the firing line
for the benedicts with William Mo-
Nay doing the receiving.
C. H.
Nosier, of Hillsboro, county superin­
tendent, umpired. As the game was
O. T. McWhorter, county agent, played on the river bank, outfielders
and Frank Fluke of Metzger, went on several occasions had to take
to Salem Wednesday to make ar­ row boats and chase batted balls.
rangements for the county exhibit
----------- (Visit the Fair)------------
at the state fair. The county agent
expects to have the county appro­
priately represented, and a display
that equals any of the other coun­
ties in the state.
■ Thieves at Work in
Thp fnimtv
1 “e '-OUnry OaUiraay
Haberlach Will Run
As An Independent
Carl Haberlach, secretary-sales­
man of the Tillamook Creamery as­
sociation, was nominated to run on
the independent ticket for state
senator to represent Tillamook, Lin­
coln, Washington and Yamhill coun­
ties at a meeting in Tillamook Mon­
day night.
Earl Fisher of Beaverton defeat­
ed C. J. Edwards of Tillamook for
the republican nomination for joint
senator. It has been sort of an
unwritten law- to elect the joint
senator from the coast counties,
and thus give these counties ade­
quate representation. An active
campaign will be made in behalf of
Mr. Haberlach, one of Tillamook
county's leading citizens.
----------- ( Visit the Fair)-----------
Council Will Hear
Street Work Bids
Bids for the paving of Seventh
street between Lincoln and Main,
Sixth between Baseline and Oak,
and the widening of Lincoln street
in front of the high school, will be
received at a special meeting of the
council next Tuesday night, Other
street work is progressing.
Plan County Exhibit
For the State Fair
Golfers Swing for
Club Championship
----------- ( the Fair)-----------
Rain Is Welcome to
Hunters of Oregon
Governor Patterson Wednesday
morning revoked his proclamation
barring hunters from the forests on
account of fire danger, with the re­
sult that hunters, who have been
fretting under the ban, started off
on their quest of the buck. The
governor's proclamation ¡sued last
week resulted in the cancellation of
a number of hunting parties here.
The action of the governor follow­
ed the downpour of rain Tuesday.
The first elimination matches in
the Forest Hills championship tour­
nament were held last week. Tho
survivors and how they play this
week: Joe Frandsen vs. Dr. Todd;
Dr. Mills vs. Norman Armes; Dick
Fendall vs. Garrett, and
Goodman vs. J. H. Garrett.
Women members will meet at the
course next Wednesday at 2 p. m.
to continue the weekly tournaments.
B. M. Goodman won first in the
bogey tournament Sunday. J. H.
Garrett was second and Leo Frank
was third. J. N. Dickey, Joe Frand­
sen and Frank Miller were tied for