The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 29, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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guests of relatives hero the first of
the week,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Walker and
Miss Myrtle Walker were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bart
left Sunday.
(By James Vickers)
Mr. ami .Mrs. Lester .Morgan visit- '
(Oregon State Board of Health)
brought In for treatment and scar-
Taking advantage of the temper ed Mr. Morgan's people at Banks
“There are many cities and coun-
fever accounted for only two
ary retirement of Jupiter I’luvlus lust Sunday.
,%unday afternoon, 1H ball tosaers re­
('. R. Adams spent the week end ties in Oregon that are both nu- ‘leaths.
ported for practice at the ball park nt Hood River.
I merically and financially able to
"One of the striking impressions
and a regular yannlgan eight inning
adopt a health program similar to marie upon an observer is the splen-
game was held. The regulars again
the one now being carried out in did co-operation between the medi-
took the contest with a II to 4 score,
Fargo, North Dakota,” says Dr. J. cal profession, the school authori-
but the second siring put up a real
Wallace, deputy health commis- (ties, and the health department. A
sioner, who recently had the oppor- notable piece of work is being done
tunity of inspecting the health pro- through co-operation between the
Bryee Nosier was the stur for the
gram being carried out in that city health department and the physi-
winners, accounting for three of
Aloha Huber, March 29. — At a
‘ Prior to
„ cians in prenatal and postnatal care.
their runs. Bryce poled out a pair meeting of the school board last of 26,909 population. “
<>! three baggers,
stretched week it ws« voted to have the same 1922, the Eurgo local health depart­ 1 Of all births taking place in Fargo,
them both to homo runs. Dorman teachers again this coming year. Mr. ment was conducted by a part-time already more than 50 per cent of
the mothers have prenatal care,
Blazer, the high school football nnd I.enherr 1» superintendent.
Other health officer. The average annual
basketball »tar, and former Silver ' members of the faculty are Mrs. cost to the city (1920-22) was 112 while 100 per cent of them have
ton pitcher, took the mound for the Muck, Mr». Barker, Miss Grund, rents per capita. To many of the postnatal nursing care and 50 per
yannigana in the last three frumes Mias Sunburg and Mrs. Kearney.
I public spirited citizens the service cent of them have regular post-
striking out six batters.
J and protection available was any .. | natal medical service for mother and
The Parent Teachers’ association
Manager Ray Dillon has twenty I held It* regular meeting at the thing but satisfactory, so the com- child, extending for 15 months or
1 mittee on child health of the com- longer.
men signed tip now, and was quite school house Tuesday afternoon,
“Fargo has reason to be proud of
monwealth fund was invited to aid
pleased over Sunday’s showing.
Mr. anil Mr». Andrew Denholm of
The Hillsboro merchant» proved I Stacy dvenue left .Monday for a few in putting on a demonstration. A its forwardness in providing such
that they were behind the local weeks’ visit ‘with Mrs. Denholm’s five-year demonstration was there- adequate health protection and edu­
team by giving prize» for the open­ daughter at Culver City. California. fore conducted und completed its cation for the city. But what is be­
ing game, April H. Paul Gros» of On their return trip Mr. Denholm term of service the latter part of ing done is no more than any other
civicly njinded, progressive commu­
the Malibu loads the list with a box pinna to attend I. <>. O. F. Grand 1927.
of cigars to the first man to make Lodge at Roseburg. They are muk- I “The services rendered by the I nity could or should do, and there
a home run. W. W. Borrow proves ing the tour by automobile.
demonstration were so evident and | are dozens of communities in Ore­
gon capable of establishing a no less
himself an ardent sport fan by giv­
Charles Florence of Huber 1» I so beneficial that the city has taken
ing a $2.50 shirt to the fir«t one working at Otto Erickson’s garage over the work and is now providing efficient organization."
to make a three base hit.
Miller’s in Beaverton.
for ft by civic funds, the organiza-
Walnut growers may reduce prun­
will give a man’s cap to the first
Mrs. Leon Lee and children of , lion now being known as the Fargo!
person to rap out a two-bagger. The Sauvies Island are visiting her par-I department of health. The demon- ing expense by selling available
scion wood. This year many grow­
Corwin Hardware ha« promised any enta, Mr. and Mrs. Casteels.
»tration had so crystallized the pub-
ers of seedling nuts are beginning
bat from stock to the Hillsborolte
Mrs. Jess Hayes and her mother, j lie health aspirations and the latent
who makes the first hit, while Long’s Mrs. W. Clark, attended the fune desires of the people, that thia civic to graft over the poorer tree« to
Hardware will give a baseball to the ral of a cousin in Portland last assumption of the work became pos­ grafted Franquettes. Top grafting
is the quickest method of variety
man who makes the first put out. week.
change, therefore good scion wood
The Hillsboro Argus comes right
Mr. and Mrs. J.
“The additional cost to provide should be easy to dispone of if the
along nnd will give a box of mono­ tained Miss Anna Norgard at a
time efficient service meant an proper «contacts can be made. After
gramed stationery to the first bi<l to party in honor of her birthday last
increase from 112 cents per capita'dipping the ends of the scion wood
make an assist. Well’s provide the week.
in hot paraffin it may be placed in
novelty gift of a pair of tennis
William Gaudinier of Reedville is for health work to about $1.60,
shoe» to the first man to make _a visiting with hin daughter in 1'eoria, over 26 per cent of this coming wet straw or sacking to insure keep­
through the school board, but the ing.
bone head play. These gifts go only Illinois.
to Hillsboro players. Anybody else
in making improve- increase in service has been quad-
wishing to give prizes should see menti at hie residence just off rupled. The figure named includes Real Estate Transfers
the coat of upkeep for the conta-
Ray Dillon.
Wheeler avenue.
hospital, the cost of which be­
M: H.
to George W. Ware
lb aArton will play a praetice
See. 16, TIS K1W.
game with Hillsboro Sunday after­ Beach. California, are guests of .Mr. cause of.the reduction in prevent­ et ux, pai
Arthur M. Rich et ux to Paul C.
They have able disease has been cut from $20,-
noon and there will be no gate Prinks brother here.
20 acres,
purchased five acres and plan to* 000 per annum to about $8,000.
Bros. Acres.
“Lives have been saved. The mor-1
build a residence on it soon.
B. LaMont et al to Bruce
Otto Erickson of Beaverton was tality figures show that annually at W. Harley
Parkin et ux, lot 8, Gales Crest
a visitor here last week.
Mrs. Bushill of Huber was a Port­ years have
saved, that
nave been
,.een savea,
inai wou.a
K,lb<.rt j „„„
UJ( t(J Tho„ Q
land visitor Saturday.
have died from preventable disease. JenM?n et ux, lot 17, Fanno Creek
had no efficienj organization come j Acre«.
into existence.
In 1927 the only)
Reed Institute to M. W. Harle-
Scholls, March 29. Mi»« Evelyn
case of diphtheria occurring in the man, lot 2, block 5, Izidd i Reed
llcssv and Mi»» Anderson have been
city was contracted elsewhere. There
given positions in the Mountain Side
Reed Institute to M. W. Harle-
were no deaths from typhoid fever
school for the next year,
man, lot 1, block 6, Ladd & Reed
Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Reid and Mrs.
Shaw-Fear Co. to Luben Covey
F. G. Miller attended church »er­
Thatcher. Murch 29.—The local from measles was a non-resident
They baseball loam won from the Forest
vices at Tualatin Sunday.
Mr. Grove team by a score of R to 10
heard Rev. Mr. Blake speak.
Blake is 95 years old.
Mondff)' afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wohlschlegel
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Duell of
Sunday where Watts spent Sunday with Mrs. Cum­
drove to
. _ Silverton
they were the guests of Mrs. Wohl mings.
Schlegel's brother.
Mr«. Frank Heesacker was called
Mi«» Evelyn Hesse was home from to Gaston Friday on account of the
Dirt, mud, sand — g-r-r-ound in!
Monmouth over the weeh end.
illness of Mrs. William Heesacker.
That's what ruins the looks of
.Mr. and Mrs. Bi»h and family of
•Mr. and .Mrs. Daugherty and son
linoleum, and makes cleaning a
Rainier and Virgil Bish were din­ have moved to Portland.
Gold Seal
burden. But here's inlaid linoleum
ner guest» at the F. G. Miller home
Mrs. James Gibson spent last
that's eoil-proof—that dirt can't
Wednesday w|th her parents. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sigler, Ruth and Mrs. Noah Baker, of Hillside.
grind into—that grease and liquids
and Mildred Coleman and Leonard
Mr. on.I Mr- Martin Lull
cannot penetrate.
Coleman drove to Woodburn to be land visited nt the home of Henry
Spot-proof, stain-proof Cold Seal
with little Miss Arlene Coleman on McDonald Sunday.
Inlaids! And their sensational
her fourth birthday anniversary.
Billie Gaskin of Forest Grove
super-finish can be cleaned almost
She stays with her grandparents.
rpen) the week-end at the home of
as easily as glazed tile.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Larkin came Heinz Huebner.
Paul Schultz of Portiani! was n
home Sunday evening from Woods,
where Mr. Larkin has been receiv- guest at the Ted Haney home Wed
ing treatments.
Mr. nnd Mr», t'nrl W oh li»c hl eure I
Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Pechin
nnd family were the guests of Al Portland are staying with
fred Huchons of Newberg Sunday. Pechin's mother, Mrs. Gilpin, while
The Carl Wohtschlegel family, Mr. Gilpin is in Kansas on business.
Elmer Hansen nnd others from here
Mr. and .Mrs. Oscar I.ove were in
attended a dance ut Buck Henven Portland on business Thursday.
.Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor and
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilnrry Hoeffei were son, Orva), Mrs. J. h. Lambert, Mr.
guests nt the J. E. Bennett home npd .Mrs. Fred Ramsey nnd Mrs.
Perry Ramsey, all of Portland, spent
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. B. Howell nnd Sunday at the home of .Mrs. Buck­ «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i
Community Can Improve Its Health
Organization and Secure Practical
Returns in Life Saving and Protection
Business Men
Back of Team
Fcachers at Aloha
Huber Arc Retained
et ux, 2.85 acres of lut 147, John-
«on Est. Add.
A. Frick et ux to H F. Cuthill,
port of Sec. 31, T2S Kl W.
« J. II. Christie to ________
Patrick ______
Early, _
2.55 acres, I«>iU>h Kelsey Cl. No. 41.
Andrew Johnson to Henry W.
Scott, part lot 3. Sec. 7, T1S R4W.
John Lauretta et ux to Sidney G.
Lathrop, half acre, Johnson Estate
Frieda Dethlefs et al to Rudolph
Reinhardt Meyer, tracts in Secs. 21,
22, TLS R3W.
E. H. Miller to Helen A.
ney. part lot 19, Alton Acreage
Arid., Beaverton-Reedville.
Jennie Beal Tupper et vir to
George W. Beal et ux, 4 acres,
Joseph Davis Cl. 46.
Fred Schreeck to Michael Kahr
et ux, 6 acres, Millar & Van Schuy­
ler Tract.
E. J. Cowlishaw et ux to C. E.
Cross et ux, part lot 41, Beaverton-
Mary Staley to J. F. Brallier et
ux, part tract 39, Virginia Place.
Adolph Schamoni et ux to Wal­
ter E. Cole, p<utt of Geo. Richard­
son Cl., Sec. 2,T‘2S R1W.
Rudolph Hoffarber et ux to Carl
J. Schamoni et ux, lot 14, Hoffarber
Lucy Sloan et al to Peter Mul-
lesch, lot 7, Garden Acres.
J. B. Fairchild et ux to John
Johnson et ux, lots 6, 7 and 8, block
14, Cornelius.
Mary A. Hall to Wilfred L. Mar­
shall et ux, 8 acres, Horace Parsons
Cl., T1S R4W.
Mary A. Hall to Wilfred L. Mar-
shall et ux, 6 acres, Sec. 12, T1S
W. C. Schultz et ux to T. A. Mc­
Court, lot
block 2, Tucker &
Stewart’s Add. Hillsboro.
Sunrise Finance Co. to Davis-
Langman Aircraft Corp., part block
A, Premium Add.
Johq Henry Johnson et ux to
Bruce T. Hulse et ux, 40.59 acres,
Sec. 3, T3S R1W.
Harry B. Wickham et ux to Jos­
eph H. Grimes, part of Dudley B.
< !, cu, TIN I'.IW,
Ed Jones to Ted J. McDonald et
ux, 10 acres, Sec. 23, TIS R2W.
Walter J. McPherson et ux tn
Ella Stevens, part of lot 1, block 10,1
Forest Grove.
Get your paint, varnish, enamel,
kalsomine, brushes, at Percy Long's
Vaught’s Grocery
First Quality Groceries
Prices Reasonable
We Deliver
Telephone 61
Name Teachers for
Mountainside School
Thatcher Wins Over
Forest Grove Team
High Pressure Lubrication
We have it. Every car should have all the movable parts
lubricated every 500 miles. The proper grease will prolong
the life of your car, and the oiling of your springs will make
it ride easier. We guarantee squeaklesa lubrication at a
reasonable cost.
Lilies, Hydrangeas, Cut
Flowers, and Potted
We eterni
Glorious flowers to meet
the sentiment of the
Newsham Floral
Just east of park, north of the
seuneç ^JT'S FREE
Lester Ireland 8C Co
Choose Your
largest closed car for the
Your crop depends largely on the vitality
of the seed you sow
We carry a complete line of
Certified Seed Grains, Clovers, Grasses,
and Potatoes
have a Complete Line of
Easter Box Candies
Chocolate Eggs
Chocolate Bunnies
Chosen from Clean Fields
We are Headquarters for
McCormick-Deering Farm Machinery
Chick or Egg Shaped Center, for the Easter Dinner
The new DURANT-STAR stands unequalled for performance, qual­
ity and style among all low-priced automobiles—the greatest value
ever offered—the largest closed car for the world’s lowest price.
Milled Feeds of all kinds as well as Standard
Stock F<ft>ds and Chick Feed
Dunipcn on all models at
•light extra cost
1207 Main Street
Telephone 2111
Walch for our Big Dollar Day Special
Never before has such quality
been built into a motor car sell­
ing at such a sensational low
price. New high compression
Red Seal Continental Motor,
Masury patented rubber motor
mounting, wide Bendix 4-wheel
brakes, Bohnalite pistons, Morse
silent timing chain drive, 107-
inch wheel base, beautiful new
Hayes-Hunt body
these are
but a few of the quality features
that assure unmatched per­
formance of the new STAR.
of all kinds
Brick Ice Cream
Leave youf order« for MOTHERS- DAY Box Candy
TTJTUNDREDS of thousands
JL1L of visitors to the great
Auto Shows of 1928 acclaimed
the new DURANT-STAR the
greatest triumph of America's
greatest industry — the greatest
value ever offered by any motor
car manufacturer. This auto­
motive masterpiece that has
astounded the world is nowbeing
displayed by your DURANT­
STAR dealer. We invite you to
drive this car and be convinced
of its mechanical perfection.
Hillsboro Feed Company
Telephone 271
1004 Main Street
I Sedan (Illustrated)
Coupe . . .
Four- Door
Sedan . . > •
D nrant ^Silver Anniversary iSixes also on