PAGE FOUR MARCH 2!». 1928. THE HILLSBORO ARGUS Dept. Store. $9.57; Prest ■ > Lite < •> . Points Determine Ine. $1199; Portland Welder< Sup. Co,, $5.66; Proctor A Harris. $5 20; Industry Location Hillsboro Sash A Pool Plnning Mill, The Leider in Its Field Claim* Allowed for Month of Marsh, Ine., $1: Tipton Co., $2 80; A. L. Cunninghuni, $137.25; Frank II I »28. There »ire eighteen essential point* Roads and Highway*—E. J. God Reh. $121.55; F. L. Brown, $IL9U; County Official Paper man. $3; State industrial Accident \ I-:. Schmidt, $13,96; Ade Hut eh which are deciding factor* in th® Com., $86,94; do. $43.47; American man, $7.98; H A. Ilruwn, $17.71; election of ii community by mi In­ w verne M c K inney ......... w........... Editor Ry. Exp. Co., $3 99: Oregon Elec. F. L. Brown, $3; A. E Schmidt, dustry for an industrial location. mrs . e . c. M c K inney .... Associate Editor Ry. Co.. $39 84; do, $35.90; George $2 99; F. I. Brown. $17 96; A. E The points are: "., $7.98; Ade Rutschman, Kieni, $1.50; Patil L. Patterson, Schmidt, Subscription Rato* 1. Land at fair prica*. II A. Brown, $3.99; li » nr»» n, » $10 48; Perry trial fee, Supreme Court. Per Year 2. Reasonable taxes. ....$1.50 Six Months 10.85 Robinson, $6,99; F. L Brown, $6; Creditor* vs Oliver and W 3. Good •hipping facilities and $6; Peter Trachsel Estate, damages, J. Branehflow« r, $3.49; B. U. Issued cn Thursday or each week by McKinney & McKinney, Publishers. favorable freight rates. Co. Rd. No. 1037, $50; Chas. D. Dickey. $1.74. Entered in the Postoffice at Hillsboro. Oregon, as second-class matter. Jones. Co. Engr., $249.71 ; J. C. 4. Adequate and reliable electric Ronds atnl Highways M E Ea* Member of Oregon State Editorial Association and National Editorial Russell, transitman and chainman, terday, $26.19; Peter Hoffman, power at low rates. Association Co. Engr., $160.36; J W. Barney, $22.44; Harry Luck, $13.96; Jens 5. Constructive banking. WYNDHAM chainman, Co Engr., $17.55; L. V. Bjorndal, $11.96; B. W. Armen 6. Good housing at reasonable Hickox, cost keo|H'r, County Engr., ArmentrouW J MARTYN trout. $2.24; tltis heavy burden of taxation this kind Create More Fans $63.88; do, $63.88; 1. R. Sutter, $1.11; <’ Muller. $2 62; Roy Mallei. rentals. of property has thrust upon tt. In­ Through Radio 7. Pure water in milllrirnl <¡unn- chainman, Co Engr . $104.79; John $1.30; C. W. Dodson, $5.99; E vestigating bodies have investigated Livermore, chainmail, Co. Engr., Schlegal, $11.98; A. A. DavuUon, title*. Graduate managers of the col- i and groped, and then some more, w N u $119 76; R E Hiatt. $124.75; J. $2 99; IL Vanderxanden, $4.85; Al 8. Good atavica leges and universities of the north-1 and then usually recommend an in­ \V. Trimmer. $112.25; U. G. Gard­ belt Vanderxanden, $33.64; J. M 9. Safe sewage disposal systpfii, iner, $125.76; Harry Aldingvr, Vanderxanden, $19.45; P. Hergert,; 19. Good Kchool*. west last week went on record as come tax. When the ballot is not Chas. Hoag. $126.63; Joe $13.47; II. Wnttly. $15.71; Allwr! being opposed to the broadcasting “fogged up i” with other similar (Continued from last week) large funds at my disposal and elab­ | $120.52: 11. Churches which include toler­ Corririe, $124.75; H. E. Sushauer. Vanderznnden, $4 50; .1 M Vander of football games over the radio, measures, the fairest tax of all is orate equipment. ” ance among their virtue*. $124.75; Hans Rasmussen, $124.75; “ That he broke Professor Brad ­ zanden, $22.46; C Herb, $8.23; I ’ . claiming that it cut down the at­ likely to be forthcoming. 12. Dependable lire and police “And you?” Milman said: turning Martin Jansen. $118.51; James Bea­ N. Vanderxanden, $2.99; I. Valid® ney was a precautionary measure tendance. The Oregonian in an edi- ton. $119.69: Jack Hess, $80.82; A. hey, $1.49: I’. Jacob*, $<1.73; T protection. i to the sculptor. and not born of any personal malice. torial Monday very ably answers Powers, $137 25; H. Becker. Dierickx, $4.49; W. Cop. $5.23; 13. Skilled medical, surgical and Hickman's hanging has been de­ No doubt his subordinates had found “If enough mud is thrown at a $149.75; this allegation and points to the Claude Cook, .$124.75; Chas. L. Walker, $63: Otto Erick dental service. true position of college athletics layed, according to news reports the professor was not rich and sup­ man. no matter how innocent he is, Robert Meacham, $27 44; Verl Sa •on A Co., $3.25; ¡tanks Merc Co., 14. Gas service. and the radio. It has been our im- from the southern state. Legal tech­ posed Mm ripe for the fall. There some of it will stick. I have long lee. $27.44; W. B. Fuller. $14 96; $1.75; do. $2.51; Feenaughty Mach. 16. Progressive merchant«. nicalities are getting in their bit to since abandoned any hope of being is hardly a doubt that he has made R. W Williams, $109.71: M Robin ­ pression that more football fans are Co., $85.90; do. $8,32; do, $8.33;| 16. A fair and independent elec­ interfere with the ends of justice enormous amounts by these meth ­ whitewashed. In a sense, the equip ­ son, $4 99; L. C. Melquist. $159.71; t’hoenix iron Work*. $551.90; J. E. created through the radio broad­ torate. casting of games, and besides, what and the slow cumbersome court pro­ ods. always covering himself with ment of the sculptor is expensive. \lb. Keehn, $5.23; John Trachsel, Haseltine A Co., $97.66; Howard- 17. Adequate telephone service. $4.99; W. C. Brown. $22.07; Theo good follower of the game can be cedure will give the “Fox" addi­ hopelessly compromised lesser men If I were a painter, it would be n Brown, $11.33; -A F. Schendel, Cooper Corp . $12.25; t'oljear Motor 18. A community spirit friendly Sales Co.. $61.17; M. I. Kline Co , who dared say nothing As to Mr. different thing. There is no insti­ satisfied with an imitation when, if tional sweet moments of life. $69.86; Leonard Reh. $6.99; Frank $83.78; Hillsboro Power A Invest. to industrial development. tution to endow broken, middle- Malet. that was merely bad luck possible, he can go to see the real Reh. $5.99; Bill Long. $8.73; Leon­ Co.. $4.70; Union Oil Co. of Calif., thing. We quite agree with the Secretaries out to draw farmers and not in the first design. I don't aged men.” ard Reh. $8.73; A. Duncalf, $5.48; $161.45; Walter E. Taylor. $47.50; suppose Raxon had anything per ­ “It is for that reason I asked you H. Duncalf, $15.72; Joe Cooper. J. S. Jones, $19.30; Christensen Oregonian that the v general public to Oregon lands—headline. We be­ “ ' L. H. Adkinson, $3.49; Mach. Works, $46.95; G H I’ has some rights in the matter. lieve that a little concentrated sonal against him, but he recog- ( all to come here,” Milman answered. $5.24; H. Pranger, Lbr. Co., $58.84; H. W. Hunt, thought and action might first be nized the opportunity to escape “You don't understand? Gentletpen, Frank Reh. $20.95; from a troublesome position. The 1 am a broken, middle-aged man. In $1.99; A. Hermens, $2.99. G. Her* $24.48; Beaverton Lumber ■ Co., All should bear their proportion­ put in on the tax question in order only purely personal spite was in Roads and Highways — < $111.50; F. L. Pranger Co., $3.20; : ate share of the cost of government, to bring about an equalization or the ease of Mr. Neeland Barnes. Hazen Brewer's failure my entire mens. $11.36; John Kindel, $3.49; F. M. Allen. $24.95; 11. L. Funk, fortune went. I mortgaged this Frank Reh, $8.23; J. M. Thompson, some fair basis for collecting taxes. Kite time I* danger time for chil- but the ownership of property as a F. “ M. Allen, $44.90; II. L. Raxon was intending to buy a big I house to help him. Out of the $24.94; J. R. Tompkins, $7.98; Pete $31.46; " dren and electric power and light basis for taxation has outlived its . J. Lewton, I Funk, $39.43; E. $1.99; house at Narragansett and entertain | ■ wreck I may save enough to live in Swansen. $1.99; Ed Larsen, $1.99; John Williams, $14.97; Ed. King, companies. Official* of the com- time. Property ownership is no in­ U. S. Senator Norris has suggest­ largely.” j: a couple of humble rooms for the J. R. Tompkins, $68.43; Hubert $6.99; M. J. Vanderxanden, ‘ i, I $3.98; panic* point out that it I* very dan­ dication of the ability of a man to ed that the marines be sent to Chi- Smith, $19.94; U. L. Snodgrass, rest of my life. We are all in the “I don’t remember the name j1 Chas. Crowther, $5.98; E. Benmun, L. to fly kites near electric pay­ This applies especially to the cago to quell the lawless element, same boat, all four of us victims to $2.98; G. White, 99c; Ed Larsen, $3,49; John ' Williams, $14.97; N. gerous ownership of agricultural land, They could do the world a lot more there,” said Barnes. wires, In addition to very great $11.97; Pete Swanson, $15.95; W. J. “ ' Bilker, $7.48; R. Baker. $1 99; “He left the pier,” Milman an- Paul Raxon’s whims.” where the returns do not justify the good there than in Nicaragua. R. Hawkins, $5.24; John McClaran, John Williams, $4.99; Ed King. danger of grave personal injury “ You, ” Neeland Barnes cried. “ I swered. “Raxon is curiously sensi- $29.94; Geo. Woell, $10.47; Orin $13.98 there is the further hazard of dam- five to ridicule. He could not re- thought you had all sorts of money.” Harper. $3.48; J. J. Adkins, $20.97; age caused by cross circuiting of Roads and* Highway* — John Wil ­ ents to agree to permit said boy or main to be pointed out as the man “I have none now. That is hard­ J. D. Wilson, $20.97; Newton Har­ wires. girl to take entire care of same.) Neeland Barnes had contemptuous­ ly true. I have enough to live on per, $6.98; O. M. Taylor. $8.97; F. liams. $14.97; N. J. Baker, $2; R. Especial warning is being given Baker, $2; Gardner Lbr. Lbr, Co., The first prize is $10; second is $6. ly tossed into the ocean. It took in this house for three months. Then Salee. $1.99; O. M. Taylor. $11.98; N. $28.64; Standard Oil Co. of Calif., again-t the flying of kite* with the and third is $4. Premises are to be him several years to get his re­ the mortgage will fall due. There F. Salee, $11.96; Harley Taylor, $293.14; J. I*. Adanyi A Co., metal frames that are now being judged on attractiveness and neat­ venge. but it was a complete one. will be an auction sale and an end $7.98; O. M. Taylor. $38.96; F. Sa­ $127.67; Cornwell Garage, $30.75; sold. Some cities have ordinance* lee, $15.96; J. Gassner, $10.411; G. Mrs. Walter Sargent of Gales ness, with most economical use of He boasts that he never lets up, and s ot the New York Milmans” — he E. Vanooae, $143.76; E. Klinger, Harms A Brock, $7.75; Lester Ire- prohibiting the flying of metal kite* I water according to ground covered. ■ “ Unless — ” ascribes Indian ancestry to this un- : paused — $156.57; Geo. Walling, $3.99; Alb. land A Co., $2.85; do. $1.70; do, in the corporate limit*. Creek was nominated president of Anyone wishing to enter this con­ amiable quality. His most spectac- [ "Unless “Unless what?” Bradney demand­ Zimmerman. $3.99; A. C. Kruger, 90c; Maya Brothers, $12.25; do, County Council of Parent-Teacher The company i officials do not $3.85; Scholls Tile Cb.. $2.49; do, $5.99; Geo. Walling, $3.99; Alb. $1.35; associations at the meeting at Dil­ test will fill out the coupon printed ular hatred was that my poor friend ed. E. R. Bailey, $4.50; J. H. mean to discourage or prohibit the : below and return to chamber of Zimmerman, $3.99; R. Walker, “You complained a few minutes Hazen Brewer incurred. ley Saturday. Other officers named: Volz, $9; Oscar B Poe, $9; ;; Pure pleasure that comes to a boy from ago. and justly, that I had listened $2.62; R. Demaris, $6.12; R Nel­ Iron Culvert A Mfg. Co., $54.60; Mrs. M. Fish. Forest Grove, and commerce rooms or to Argus office ( “ Brewer committed suicide be ­ flying his kite, but they do advise son, $5.25; J. F. Hayes. $3.99; G. Mrs. S. Chamberlain, Aloha, vice- by 5 p. m. Monday. April 2. and cause he had plunged into penury a to your confidences and given none Withycombe. $14.90; J. H. Wescott, do, $376.28. that an open apace should be used presidents; Mrs. Walter Wolfe, Dil­ absolutely not later than 5 p. m. man who was near and dear to him. of my own. Very well. You shall $3.24: O. R. W. Hosaack, court house fur the purpose. * R. Nelson, $1 49; ; R. J. Nel- * ~ ‘ Saturday, April 7. hear me now. To begin with, I am ley, secretary; Mrs. L. Langdon, This was a man unused to finance, son. $22.45; H. P. Robe: _. .. Roberts, $19.19; building fund, $3,000; l>r. Harold prepared to abandon the conven- ‘ inquest Mrs. Garden Home, treasurer, and Mrs. R. Walker. who trusted Brewer with his for- $3.37; R. Demaris, B. Myers, Exam. F »hyi. Daisy salad is made by slicing the 1 tions and habits of a lifetime in or­ $7.85; E. S. Stone. $10.94; E R. Zimmerman, $100; E. E. Haneyn, white of » hard boiled egg length­ Emma Bryant, Forest Grove, audi­ Date............... 1928. tune and mortgaged his home in a der to keep this home of mine. I Sheets, $10.10; H. R Chantier, reporter'* fees, Cir. Ct . st.itf va, tor. Officers will be elected at the I make application to enter the vain effort to -save his friend. Mr. was born here, and I wish, when $17.47; -C. Austin, I $11.22; J. C. Irving et al, Beckwith A Blum. $40; wise, and placing it on a bed of next meeting. Brewer felt disgraced, I think this City Beautiful contest conducted by Herbert Leslie, bounty, $1 20; W. shredded lettuce in the p< sition of Representative J. O. Bailey of | the chamber of commerce, and agree emotion was far more potent than my eyes are to close forever, to die Hitchcocl. $2.24; J. Raker, $4.49; D. Baker, damage*, sheep killed by petals. Centers of grated egg volk Fred Boyd, $38 93; . Wayne Boyd, here. I have suffered disappoint ­ Multnomah county discussed the i to keep up the lawn, parking and the fact of his financial collapse. He $11.97; Lionel Boyd, $28.93; Wm. dogs, dog license fund, $20; May and mayonnaise are used free text book question in the af. ■ back yard of my home, from the did not know that his friend har- ments in my earlier life that have Rogers, $41.93. llartrampf, bailiff. Cir. Ct., $24; C. not made me anxious to go about terneon. • Roads and Highway*—E. Heaton, C. Bannistqr, bailiff, Cir. Ct., $56; Business Cards first week in April to September 15, bored no hard thoughts of him and and be pointed out as the Peter $17.47; J. Heard, $17.47; C. llick- N. E. Stange), clerical services, Cir. would have made no complaints. 1928. Milman whose wife ran away from Ct. Judge. $75; Edw. C. Luce. Co. LOANS erthier, $8.98; Wm. Hickerthier, After all. the friend's loss was very- him. My life is here. I can not $4.78 flames Walters, $8,23; O. S. Clerk. $150; Z. R. Hiatt, 1st Itep. of Insurance Name .. little compared with his downfall.” face the world with equanimity af­ Shiffe^ $29.95; A J. Riche, $7.98; Co. Clerk, $115; Ethel Campbell, A WISMER Fleming Bradney, perhaps the ter these solitary years where never L. W. Norgren, $3.99; P. G. Nor- 2nd Dep. Co. Clerk, $U>0; Jose­ 1236 Second St. Address .. closest observer of Milman’s guests, an unwelcome person came to dis­ gren, $3.99; A. Elliott, $3.99; Perry phine Hughes, 3rd Dep. Co. Clerk, L. E. WILKES We. as parents (or guardians) of was becoming possessed with a vast turb me.” Gabbert. $13.98; W. D Hill. $27.96; $90; E. B. Sappington, Co. Trees., Surveyor and Civil En|in**r White, $100; Irene Chapman, Deputy Co. The Farmington Ladies' Aid will ___ ________ ____ ___ _____ agree to impatience to know for what rea­ Of the three watching him. Nee- Geo. Fisher, $74.39; Victor I'".;.., Office with McCormick l-»ml Co. Cecil Willis, $20.97; George Trees., $36; James H. Davis, Co. give a bazaar of miscellaneous use-; permit him (or her) to take entire son he had been summoned. Brad­ land Barnes was conscious of the $43.89; Third Street Recorder, $100; Ophelia Wismer, Shute Bank Bldg. Fisher, $38.94; Victor White. ney had the analytical mind tof the deepest depression. Milman had $19.95; ful articles April 7, afternoon and care of premises. Dep. Co. Recorder, $90; Valene Un­ John Bill, $J7.95; Bill. $9 7 O. 8. BERT C. HUNTINGTON scientist. There were several things brought him here under false pre­ Shiffer, $56.90; A. J. Rie evening. The Farmington young -iche. $19.95; derwood, Asst. Dep. Co. Recorder, Reaitar I in Milman’s narrative which needed tenses. All those dreams of future Alex Gabbert, k, $3.99; Perry. Gab- $90; Emma Bryant. County School people will conduct the program in Name City Property—Farm*—Rentals elucidation. Supt., Supt.. $150; G. A. a . Bryant. c Deputy the evening. Proceeds will be used prosperity were idle ones. The man bert, $27.96; W. D. Hill, $41.94; ‘ Lonn*—Insurance ................ Sunt.. int.. $80; $80 w. F B >1. y. 1213 Third St. $5.58; B. Marshel, Co. School for community interests and the Name ... “Why,” he asked suddenly, “did , was almost as down and out as he Otto Bauer, Hillsboro Co. Assessor, [12Z, $150; J. *. E. Carpenter, N. Office 1‘hnne 223 ltc< l’hori- 2097 public is invited. you subscribe to a press-clipping himself. He must go back and try $7.97; Jas. Walters,' $30.32; J. ... Dep. Co. Asse-sor, $100; Helen $21.20; Al Hergert. $10.47; The Argus will give a prize of agency and put a detective on Mr. to persuade I.ippsky to let him live Jepson, Steinke, Dop. Co. Assessor, $t00; r«nt free until something turned up. Carl Liebenow, $10.47; Billy Mann. H. A. “ Ivan Freeman Opens $10 to the person whose place shows Raxon’s track?” Ball, tax extension, $89.50; $2.18; W. A. Goodin. $49.80; Wm. the greatest improvement during the .,,¡1 Birdaell, tax extension, $31.45; Chris Mickelsen, Elizabeth “Because I -had learned through a There was always • Milman’s hun­ Barr, Sign and Art Shop DR J. O. ROBB, M D. period between April 1 and Septem­ source entirely confidential that it dred to hold against the bad day. $28.42; Geo. Crosby, $30.92: Gei. $91; 1 Verneta Nelson, slip copyist, Physician and Surgaon Ivan Freeman, former proprietor ber 15, with the most economical was Raxon who had ruined Mr. I “Well,” said Neeland Barnes, almost Fisher, $15.98; Victor White, $3.99; Co. Assessor, $10.50; J. E. Rreves, District Surgeon: S. P. and P. R. A Co. Sheriff, $149.71; ” Virgil Weck- sympathetically, “ what are you go- Cecil Willis, $6.99; Orin Frost, $4; of the Malibu, is today opening a use of water for irrigation accord- Malet. N. Railways I was interested in Mr. J. W. Huson, $11.10; Bert Fleisch­ ert. Dep. Co. Sheriff, $134.71; Oscnr Office: Telephoqg Bldg., Second St. sign painting, poster art and win- ing to size. Malet. I think that marble group ing to do about it?” Duley. l>ep. Co. Sheriff. $134.71; H. Res. : Corner of 6th and W ashington hauer. $4.30; J. H. Wescott. $4.60; Peter Milman's answer amazed Anyone wishing to enter the con- proves it. And I have said I was dow trimming shop in the Gates L. E. Wilkes, $7.50; J. M. Vander- L. Hickox, jailor, $59.71; janitor, Phones: Office 2821 —Res. 2823 Auto Top Shop building. test will fill out coupon given be­ interested in your work. too. If it | them all. It was given in a way zanden, $8; E. L. Hobbs. $169.10; $50; Wm. Hathorn, Dop. Co. Sheriff, low and return to this office before had been possible to clear you, I where doubt had no part. He was Price Davis, $4.99; J. H. Berger, ■99 71; A F. Kroeger, Dep. Tax DR. WILLIAM M ROBNETT I confident without being assertive. Takes Chevrolet Position 5 p. m. Saturday, April 7. $124.71; Marguerite Munson, $11.86; Price Davis. $24.93; Louis Dept., $124.71'; Chiropractic and Physiotherapy should like to have done so. I am I “I am going to get my money Bauer, $32.94; do, $66; J. ||. Ber­ clerk, Tax Dept. , fl Thomas C. Doyle, formerly with OU j Viola 1 I., M. $100; Vader Mineral Packs not sure there was not something back from Raxon,” he said. MacKenzie Sales at Forest Grove ger. »04. irer, $32.32; jnnn cose, B -e, 5->4, $54.66; _ E. Sundberg, cleric, Tux Dept., . : $100; Offiçe H ou ra—9 a. m. to 8 p. m. of childish vanity in it. I liked to Date ................ , 1928. “ But you ha\e said he ’ s above the J. B. Ramberger, Spec. Dep. Tax L. Walker, $41.12; John Office Commercial Bldg and before that at Gaston, has taken ......I Bose. I wish to enter my name and sit here in my lonely, unvisited law,” Bradney retorted. $25.61; E. L. Walker, $11.21; ._ ; J. H. Dent., $116.09; E. J. Ward, Co. Main and Secanti Streets, Hill-boro a position as salesman with the R. house and feel I was learning day Judge, $200; F. W. Livermore, premises in the Hillsboro Argus con ­ Co. $21.81; IL ____ “And I mean it. I had not thought Bunke, Hutchison, J. Higdon Motor Co. Mr. Doyle and HARE. McALEAR A PETERS test for the $10 prize for place by day, hour by hour, more about of invoking that sort of law. There $37.32. Bob Sinclair, $30.83; John Com., $120; J. M Hiatt, *C<>. Com., family will move here later. A a man who believed himself above Brunswick, $1.74; H. J. Keenon, $115; E. J. Godman, clerk, Co. showing the most*improvement be­ [ is an older one.” C om., $92; John Morden, janitor, Upstairs, Shute Saving* Bank Bldg. the law and building up this knowl­ $19.46; ~ K. _________________ Biersdorf, $6.99. tween dates of April 1 and Septem ­ in sudden Malet looked at him Dana to Speak Roads and Highways—Otto Voges, $100; Cha*. O. and Belle C. Roe, edge into a weapon against him. BUMP A BUMP Marshall Dana, associate editor of ber 15, 1928, with most economical But I found he was so secure as to i comprehension, Long since he had $3.49; Joe Cawrse, $6.99; Emil Supt. Co. Hospital, $150; J. O. Attorney*-at-Law use of water for irrigation accord ­ seen something iron behind the Duyck, $3.49; , Clarence Duyck, Robb. Co. Phys., $75; Mrs. V. A. the Oregon Journal, will be one of Main Street Telephone 193 be able to boast of things that no smile of the well-bred host, This the speakers at the pre-Easter ser­ ing to size. $6.99; H. ‘ I). Kerkman, $14.23; K. Smith, cook, Co. Hosp., $50; Mrs. South of Court House legal evidence could charge him was not any longer merely a quiet, Biersdorf, Anna VunLoo, laundress, Co. Hosp., M. B. Bump $8.73; Otto Voge*. $1.74; vices at the M. E. church. D. D. Bump Name . with. Neeland Barnes, for example. middle-aged gentleman who f aced Emil Duyck, $3.49; B. J. Pranger, $35; Mabel Lieberman, ‘ ‘ janitor, Co. Real Estate—All Kinds of Insurance A few hundreds spent in bribery, or Hosp., $35. Malet $6.99; L. F. O ’ Marq, $134.05; do, them. It was an avenger, Divorce Saits Filed Address ... a few promises dropped as to future wondered the others did not see $17.79; James O’Mara, $105.80; do, DR D. E. WILEY, M D. Jurors, Cir. IX, February, 1928, Sorenson—Arthur Benjamin Sor- Physician and Surgeon patronage, and the thing was ac­ Milman as he did, Captain Oliver $14.04; H. L. Stone, $26.95; Clem (Nov. term, 1927) —• Robert B. enson vs. Dolly Cloe Sorenson, Mar- Members of the City Beautiful complished. Commercial Building Inkley, $8.97; W. H. Wells, $19.42; Scott. $29.40; Harry W. Thornbrua, , come to life again. ried July 1, 1922. Phones: Office 2681—Re*. 2682 committee are Mrs. Emma McKin­ A. E. Eberly, $29.89; S. C. Ink- Grace L. Williamson, $29.80; “All you have done,” said Brad­ “Don’t you see,” he explained, ley, $15.73; do, $4.49; W. H. Wells, $29; Nellie I. Bateman, $36; Thu*. R. ney, Mrs. J. M. Goar, and Mrs. C. ney, who was suddenly assailed with “Mr. Milman means that he is go- DR. W. E. PITTENGER Birth* $1.49; J. E. Mitzel, $69.85; Bob Moore, 919.90; Milton H. Briggs, Dentist Grabel—To Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Wells. The city council civic doubts as to Milman’s ultimate pur­ ing to get Raxon somehow, law or Chamberlin, $105.51; Fred Strick­ $19.20; Ella Stevens, $11.40; Chas. includes pose, “is to get us here and show no law?” The whole thing was now Offices over Delta Drug Store on Grabel of Hillsboro, March 28, a improvement committee land, $35.92; Wash. County NesA- F. Tigard, $15.20; Carrie Bamford, George Chambers, J. H. Garrett and us what failures we are. That is plainly discernible to him. Main Street, Hillsboro Times, $57; Portland Elec. Power $29 60; “ ........................ Ellen G. Johnson, $30; Office Phone 992 — Res. Phone 402 girl. W. V. Bergen. not kind, unless you have a remedy. To Barnes it seemed that madness Co., $13.48; Helwig-Chapman Co., Ralph Hedges, $16.60; Elliot B. Forney, Don’t you see it puts us in a very had seized upon the recluse of Fifth $5.19; Sherwood Valley Lbr. Co., Webb, $35.20; Wm. H. Forne- ELMER H. SMITH. M D„ D O. CLEAN-UP, PAINT-UP, Before using a new casserole, set poor light? A man may fail and avenue. Peter Milman represented $3.74; Mary Woodward, damages, $24.80; E. J. Maple. $13.20; Ida L. X-Ray Diagnoai* and Tr*atm*nt* URGE OF COMMITTEES it on several folds of cloth or paper, still have self-respect left. I de­ to him all the conventions of an es­ $65; O. T. McWhorter, $50.75; do, Gustin, $30; Clarence _ W. _ Allen, __ Osteopathic Physician L. B SMITH, D O. into a large sauce pan and add cold cline to consider myself a black tablished order, an order which $25.38; do, $101.50; do, $5.08; do, $29; R. H Greer, $3; Fred H. Bar­ $25.20; Harrison Heisler, Offices over Commercial Natl. Bank water. Heat water gradually to sheep. You tell me Raxon ruined frowned upon the ways of adven­ $20.30; do, $50.75; do, $50.75; do, ber, (Continued from page one) 450.75; do, $50.75; do, $203; do, $30.80; Henry D. Nave (pay to Office Phone 8?1 — R,.g. phone 873 Take a look at your home sur­ boiling point and keep boiling six my career. I shall make a point turers. $2.54; do, a*o.oo, $25.38; uo, do, aav.oo; $25.38; uv, do, Edw. C. Luce), $1; Henry I). Nave, DR. J. B. DINSMORE "One man wouldn’t have a chance $5.08; do, $10.15; do, $101.50; Bea­ $4.80; Geo. H. Snider, $5.63; Geo. roundings as though you were a or eight hours, then wipe utensil of seeing the editors of all the great Physician akd Surgeon stranger and seeing the place for and set aside for future use. When New York papers and telling thwm against Raxon,” he exclaimed. "Be­ verton Lbr. Co., $53.10; do. $29.40; H. Allison, $11; Guy Chapman, Complete X-Ray the first time. Then see if it can ready to use heat casserole gradu­ what you have said. Too long a sides that, Mr. Milman isn't that do, $8; Patrick Murphy Lbr. Co., $23.60; Henry Heesacker, $1.50. Office in Commercial Building $16.10; E. R. Sheets, $12; Carlson Ralph Dresser, I). M. D., Co. Jail, not be beautified in some way dur­ ally. Never pour cold water in a certain type of man has ruled our sort of a man.” Telephone 141 “My dear sir,” said Milman, and A Sherk Co., $1.62; do, $1.30; John $4.50; W. N. Hathorn, Ct. House, Phone 142; if no answer, call 2871Z ing the clean-up, paint-up campaign. hot dish. cities in the name of democracy.” Anderson, $3; W. Withycombe, $3; Portland Gas A Coke Co., 2., Co. Let’s make our town the neatest There was no doubt now about there was a queer smile on his face, M. F. Welter, $4.15; F. W. Bishop, $40; Hosp., $6.25; E. L. Hobbs, elec- DR. RALPH DRESSER In period rooms, sometimes glass, Peter Milman’s uneasiness as he “for what purpose do you suppose $5.20; Ed. Hettman, $1.10. looking town in the state. tions, $10; School Supt., $10. Dentist jade or metal conventionalized I have invited to my house three Will you co-operate with the com- listened. Roads and Highways—A. D. Hill, Grand Jurors — Perry Gabbert, Room 10, Commercial Bld»., Hillsboro flowers are used as mere designs, mittees? “I thought you understood,” he men who might, but for Paul Raxon, $7.60; O. T. McWhorter,- $40.60; $29.40; Wm. C. Adams, $15.60; C. Telephone 144 First—By burning all burnable j Painted or gilded seed pods, wax or said quietly, “that this conversation have been rich and famous? Was it Factory Motor Car Co., $151.80; O. Dixon, $18.60; J. T. Heard, Evenings and Sundays by trash around your premises and hav- 1 artificial flowers are no longer be­ vzas privileged. If you go to your merely coincidental that you three Indiana Truck Corp., $38.40; W. T. $18.60; W. J. Chambers, $20.40; L. Appointment . r _ E. A. Mercen, G. Hill, $18; T. E. Corneiius, $18.60, $15.96; ing all tin cans, etc., hauled to the ■ ing used. editors you will do two things: One should have been his victims, while Mereen, $35.95; West Bearing Co., »i $11.71; Palm Drug Store, relief, Bud Pn- DR. W. H. PASLEY 1 made up a fourth?" dumping grounds. will be to convince them that you Lau­ vey, $1.50; II. A. Kuratli, salary, *: Lau- Dentist Peter Milman was by all odds the Chas. D. Jones, Co. Engr., $3; Second — By cultivating your To obtain best results when cook­ have brooded so long on your own rel Frost, chainman, $8; Oran Frost, of the Peace, $150; Grace Offices in Heidel Building, upstair*. parkings by seeding with lawn grass ing a roast, have the oven hot to troubles that you are mad. The calmest of them all. Even Bradney, chainman, $8; Lloyd Shaw, chain­ Justice Main Street, near Third Millgate, Co. Health Nurse, $200; or by planting to flowers or vege­ harden the outside and keep the other will be to disclose the con- the slowest to be influenced, experi­ man, $24; Sanders Magneto Service, Ilelwig-Chnpman Co., Co. Sheriff, _________ enced an emotion of excitement. tables. (It is requested that you juice in. After that lower the tem­ fidences a dead man gave me.” $46.16; J. L. Latture Equipment $17.04; Treasury Dept., State of “ The only point now to Ee de ­ do not plant high flowers or shrub­ perature. Co., $121; Loggers & Contractors Oregon, fire protection, 1927, “But you want me to give up the bery in corner parkings because of only chance I may ever have of cided,” Peter Milman went on, “is Mach. Co., $114.99; Corwin Hard­ $607.58; Bushong A Co., Co. Re­ ware, $13.67; MacKenzie Motor Co., corder, $42; Co. Clerk,* 50c; Irwin obstructing the view and causing Quickly grown kohl rabi may be clearing my name,” Bradney com­ whether or not^you will join me.” He looked from one to the other of $8.80; L. C. Melquist, $20.83; Cady Hodson Co., Co. School Supt., $1; accidents.) cut in halves, crosswise, cooked ten­ plained. TUALATIN CHAPTER Motor Co., $26.43; Hillsboro Phar ­ Hillsboro Independent, Co. Clerk, Third—By disposing of any un- der and served with cream, cheese, “You can never clear it that way. them with that curiously steady macy, $5.20; do, 25c; Oregon- $25; No. 31, O. E. 3. Co. Treasurer, $10; Co. School I slightly and useless small buildings Bechamel or Hollandaise sauce. It I don’t think you can ever hope to gaze of his. It was the expression Washington Water Service Co., Supt., $6.40; Co. Recorder, $10; Meets third Tuesday in that Captain Oliver had lent him, about your premises. u cooked in water without salt. defeat Paul Raxon that way.” His $3.07; C. S. Shomaker, tax refund, Co. Assessor, $42; Swift A Co., Co. each month, at 8 p. m. Fourth—By disposing of all old tone changed a little. “Tell me an expression which would have 20c; J. E. Reeves, sheriff, tax re­ Hosp., $7.75; Helwig-Chapman Co, w Visitors welcome junk or rubbish back of your busi­ To correct curdled mayonnaise, this, Mr. Bradney. Which counts been a puzzle to those who had fund, 19c; do, 23c; Oregon Tele­ Co. Clerk, $2.34; Farle C. f Miller, ■ ‘ Ada Shipley, Worthy Matron phone Co., $21.10; Hacket Digger tax collection, $12.47; Dr. J. O. add slowly the curdled mixture to a more with you: the clearing of your known him well in other days. ness house; and Rose Cave, Secretary “Well, gentlemen, what is it to Co., $26; Portland Gas A Coke Co , Rabb, Exam, Phys., Stephen I Sell, I Last but not least—Try to keep well beaten egg or yolk and slowly name of suspicion of dishonesty— $131.60; Fleming A Higgs, $84; IL feebleminded, $5; Dr. J. B. Dlns- v isitors and members bring receipt* be?" your lawns green during the sum­ add oil. not actual conviction of it, remem­ W. Sharp Co., $5.80; Smith Auto more, Exam, Phys., Stephen i Sell, mer months. Water systematically HILLSBORO POST NO. 6 ber, for your case never came be­ farts Co., Inc., , $7.54; T___ , _______ Portland feebleminded, $5; Dr. J. 11. Dins- Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday! and sparingly used is more effective fn making juicy berry pie, thicken fore a court of law—or the oppor­ CHAPTER V Oxygen & Hydrogen Co., .. S22.ÔÔ $22.56; more, Exam, Pnys., Archie Grnhnm, in veterans' Memorial Hnll than if used haphazard in great the filling before putting into the tunity to devote your life to your _ Mfg. Co., $21.53 i; insane case, . $l>; Mrs. A. B. Todd, Charles Jones Peter Milman leaned against the Portland Bolt A Frank Blewett quantities. crust to prevent the juice from chosen science?” I Ct., P ‘ corner of the Colonial mantelpiece Alexander Used Car Exchange, Cir. Ct„ State v . W. I„ Irving Commander Adjutant In order to promote civic pride cooking out. “The latter, of course," Bradney of cream marble ami looked at hi* $68.05; do, $24; Lester Ireland A •^6.31; Agnes Wahlgren, Dis. Atty., Co., $27.05; do, $3.85; Wolf A in the young people the chamber of AUXILIARY TO POST NO. 6 $75; Mnry C. Corwin, Co. Agent, cried. “It is only if I establish my guests with no undue eagerness. He commerce is offering prizes for the Water used when cooking onions innocense that I can hope to get might have been proposing a game Johnson, $2,80; Haris Cornils, $4.65; rent, $25; Wash, Co. News-Times, American Legion Henry McDonald, $6; L. F. Hum boy or girl of 17 years or under if boiled down, will make soup or another appointment. Such work as of billiards or auction bridge. < om. Proc., $25; Portland Elecrtic Meets first Tuesday in ouch month burg, $1; W. P. Fuller A Co., $3; p; ,n VlHull who keeps the best premises. (Par-1 stew flavoring. i mine is very costly. I must have (Continued next week) i Concrete Pipe Co., $75.17; Weil’s Power Co., Ct. House Exp., $79.89; ••• Vida Goodman Marie Hoffman (To be continued) President X Secretary County Court AVENUE I 1 Kite rime Dangerous Time for Children Mrs. Sargent Nomi­ nated P.T.A. Head Benefit Bazaar at Farmington Coming Professional Cards i Lodge Directory *