The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 29, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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MARCH 2», 1928.
Experiment With
A Chinese Plant
On Kinton Ranch
- -IL
Triumph of Motor Car Industry Shown Here!
1 Uli
Kinton, March 21».—A new
pertinent is being tried out In this
part of the valley at the VanHorn
? u
ranch on Tile Flat road. They have
recently set out some Ginseng,
Chinese plant, The results will
watched with much interest by
those who live in this locality.
Misses Ida and Rosa Bucher
Portland spent the week-end with
their parents, Mr. anil Mrs. F. A.
Mr nnd Mrs. Everett Wright and
son, William, spent last Wednesday
In Tualatin, guests of Mrs. Wright's
William Wenzel was busy the
first of the week grafting some of
the walnut trees in the Weniel wal
nut nursery on Cooper Mountain.
Mrs. Pearl Tozier spent the week
end with her family in Portland.
Al the session of the Bible school
Bunday Vice President Charles Wat
kins resigned, and the vacancy was
filled by Everett Wright, who will
New Star Two-Door Sedan, the largest closed car for the World’s Lowest Price, is shown above. This
serve during the year.
new car is on display at the showrooms of Otto Erickson & Company.
P. C. Robinson and Wild», Ada,
and Alfa Robinson, of Scholls, were
guests Sunday nt the home of Mrs. James Richards, first grade; Lucille reading, Herbert Deuell; song, "My
were saved. The house caught fire covering from an appendicitis oper-
Louise VunKleek, Pleasant Valley VanHorn, second grade; Lois Bicrly Blue Heaven,” Mr». Mike Yunker,
several times, but was saved. The ation.
end music by the uke girls.
loss was about $3,200, half covered
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wenzel of and Roscoe Bierly, third grade, »nd
Miss Luella Finnell was a week-
Mary Catherine Hall and Carl Van- t The Watt» Women's club will by insurance.
Portlnnd »pent the day Sunday with
end visitor at the Wills’ home. She
Mr. Wenzel'» parent», Mr. nnd Mrs.
wuh one of the graduates of the
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. William» of Warrens on the Gale» Creek road ¡ two daughters, of Vancouver, were Oregon normal school at Monmouth
August Wenzel, Cooper Mountain.
| week-end visitors at the W. L. last Thursday.
Albert Solberg und sons, Howard 1 Portland were visitor» Sunday at Thursday, April 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller, ac- Strange home. Mr. Mar.-h is Mrs.
and Gerald, of Portland, spent the the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Van­
Will Steven», Ed. Demmin and
companied by .Mr. and Mr». D. H. Strange's brother, whom she had Adolph Schmidt went to the Sandy
day Sunday at the home of Mr. and Horn.
Mr». L. L. Chambers. Mrs. Solberg
Mr. and Mr». A. Hansen of Baker Ledford and »on, Robert, motored
Sunday after smelt, but they were a
has been a nurse at the Chamber» spent Sunday at the loms of Mr. over to the lower bridge on the the Strange family through a letter few hours late, so came back with­
home during the illness of Mr». [ and Mrs. IL J. Valentine. Mr. Han- Sandy river near Troutdale, nnd in which Mr. Strange had written on out any.
I sen is a brother of Mrs. Valentine. a short time they caught their sup­ the auto tax question to the Jour-
The Roy Fields and Roy Heineck
« , nal. Mrs. Marsh was Emma Minier
Miss Luella Dallmnnn, who is cm- j
Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Saelens of ply of smelt.
families and Ade Rutschman went
ployed in Gresham, spent a few Portland spent the week end with
Carloads of people from Portland before her marriage when she lived to the Burgett Vose home at Os­
days last week with her parents, Mrs. Saelens* parents, Mr. und Mrs. motored out to Shamrock Acre» on on the mountain above the Cady
wego Sunday to help celebrate Bur­
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dallmnnn.
the Gale» Creek road to see the place.
I George Snider.
gett’s and Frank Mennes’ birthdays.
There has been some quite heavy
Mrs. J C. Snider und son, Lester, beautiful sea of daffodils.
A bounteous dinner was served.
blasting during the past week a» C. j were calling Monday at the home of
Mijflred Ihrig entertained the ' New York City, Tom Louttit and
W. Young and August Wenzel have Mrs. Snider's sister, Mr». A. J. Lur- Camp Fire girls at her home ■ last Miss •Mary Saunders of Portland, Those present besides the Laurel
been getting ready to clear more kin, of Scholls.
; were dinner guests at the J. Main- folk were Mrs. Fanny Messinger,
Saturday afternoon.
Mis» Ethel
land home last Friday.
land of »tumps und later will put it i
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Veik, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank C. Fluke begun painting Smith, leader, Billie Beaton, Agnes Mrs. Saunders came to Portland by Frank Menne, Miss Erma Vose and
into potatoes.
I arsen, Mabel and Nina Wilson and
Mr. and Mr«. W. L. VanHorn ! j the interior of the grange hall the i Marie Busch were present After way of the Panama canal to visit the host and hostess and two sons,
Arno and Lowell.
were transacting business in Port- '
1 the business meeting Mrs. J. K. Ihrig the Louttit family.
The program given at the commu­
The grange will h..1d another Rerv(.d refr„hmeritll.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Watkins and
Und Saturday.
Mrs. E. L. Cox attended the meet- | "600’’ party at the hall on the eve-
children motored to Portland Friday nity hall Monday night by school
Mlsses Evangeline Forst and Es­ i to visit Mrs. Watkins' brother, district No. 80 was very good. The
i..g of the Hkholls Woman's club ning of Saturday, April 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Snider and ther Fenega of Forest Grove attend­ Charles Larson, who is rspidly re- sale of pies netted about $21, which
lust Thursday afternoon at the home ,
family of Lake Grove were guests ed the Chicago civic grand opera in
of Mrs. S. P.’Taylor.
Mrs. Louise VunKleek and chil- ‘ j Sunday at the home of Mr. Snider's Portland last Saturday evening.
Mr, and Mr». N. A. Frost, Jr.,
dren, Mabel, Roy and Clifford, and parents, Mr. und Mrs. J. C. Snider.
their son, Jack, Mr». Frost's mother,
Harry and Buster Wedeking visited
Mr». Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frost
with relatives in Hillsboro Satur­
Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Muitland and daughter of Mountain-
Miss Mildred Richards who has
dale visited at the N. A. Frost, Sr.,
employment in a greenhouse near
home Sunday afternoon.
Tigard, spent the week end with her '
Harry Kryder of Seattle spent
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hurry A. I
■Sunday visiting his father,^?. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Vandermost
Watts, March 29.—The child wel- I Kryder. and his sisters, Mr«7 Harry
of Portland »pent the daV Sunday fare and entertainment committees Farrsnd, Mrs. Hettie Kapple, and
nt the home of Mr. Vandertnost's
of the Watts Woman's club are giv­ their families.
Harry Farr'» new home is com­
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Vander- ing a vaudeville show in the Watts
most. They also called on some of community hall on Gales Creek road pleted and they are moving in this
their old neighbors and friends.
Friday, April fl, at 8 p. m. The week.
Mrs. Fred VunKleek has been following program will be given:
very poorly at her home on Pleasant Music, saxophone and plane, Mrs.
Valley road during the past week. Mike Yunker and Dorothy Rinear-
Mrs. E. McKenzie and son, Rob­ son; song, “Among My Souvenirs,”
ert, of Umatilla, spent Saturday and Ernest Schmid; dance, Highland
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Har­ fling, Marie Busch, Billie Beaton,
riett* Ford.
| Agnes Larsen and Mildred Ihrig;
At the special meeting of the music and singing, uke girls; read­
Ladies’ Aid society held at the ing, Gertrudu Reuter; harmonica,
Laurel, March 29.—Fire of un­
church last Tuesday afternoon nu- Mrs. H. Wright; reading, Blanche known origin destroyed Don Pear­
nitrous samples of wallpaper were Britton;
and son’» barn on Iowa Hill about 9 p.
shown. A crew of _ men has pul the piano; comedy, "Mrs. Stubbin's Book m. March 17, Don. who live» alone,
paper on the walls of the church.
Agent," with the following char­ had left home less than half an hour
Joseph Wenzel, who is attending acters: Miss Amelia Marryme, Mrs. before the fire was discovered by
normal nt Monmouth, visited at the I Louis Jairscn, Sr.; Mr. Pegleg P. neighbor». It had gained such head­
home of hi» parent», Mr. und Mr». ! Galep, Thorald
Bagley; Deacon way that no effort could be made
August Wenzel, from Friday to Wheepy, Louis Larsen, Jr.; Mr. Da­ to extinguish it.
Six cows, two
vid Stubbins, N. A. Frost, and Mrs. horses, about 30 tons of hay, some
The fidlowing pupils of the school Aivira Stubbins, Mrs. N. A. Frost; grain, and ail the farm machinery
have received high honor» in' arith­ "Preacher and the Bear," Mrs. Er­ were burned. A small amount of
metic during the past three month»: nest Schmid
Walter Dilley; sacked grain and some dynamite
Star-Durant Makes Debut
Vaudeville Show
To Be Held Soon
At Watts School
---- r—... ....
Fire Destroys a
Bam on Pearson
Place, Iowa Hill
Oregon Monument Works Is a
Strong Local Institution
The Oregon Monument Work«,
located at Fourth anti Main streets,
Hillsboro, is one of the largest
works of the kind in Oregon. Here
a large stock of Granite or Marble,
both in the rough and the finished
product, is to be found. Some of
the massive pieces of granite in
the rough measure 10 feet in
legnth, -I feet in width, and weigh
several tons. These are usually
made up into large monuments or
broken into small jobs for distri­
bution throughout the state.
The company uses "Rock of
Ages" granite from Vermont, Ore­
gon granite from Ashland, and
also imports considerable stock
front Scotland and Sweden.
The Oregon Monument Works
was established in Hillsboro about
12 years ago, and at this time is
under the management of H. H.
Stannard, a Hillsboro resident for
five years, and formerly connected
with the business under the man­
agement of the late M. N. Lewis.
Mr. Stannard camp from the mid­
dle west, where he operated a
large monument works, and has
had over 20 years of experience in
the monument business, and is on
experienced workman anti carver
of granite and marble, and many
of the finest monuments in the va­
rious cemeteries testify as to his
skill. Some of the memorials re­
cently erected in the local ceme­
tery were for J. M. Goar, Mrs.
W. F. Boley, G. W. Gowin. Louis
F. Emmott, A. A. Morrill, and
others too numerous to mention.
The Oregon Monument Works
has a branch stock in Newberg,
and does considerable business
there and in the surrounding ter­
ritory. At the present time the
company has on their books orders
for jobs going to Salem. Portland,
Tillamook, Forest Grove, Willa­
mina. and other places throughout
the state.
OTTO WEDMAN of New York,
a memorial craftsman of many
years* experience, has recently
been added to the cutting force
to take care of the rapidly
creasing business.
is to be used to purchase play­ ! agree upon a different kind of an
ground apparatus.
improvement, the estimate of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mulloy went to cost thereof, and the specifications
Tualatin Thursday to visit Mr. Mul­ of the same, shall he made upon
loy’» brother, Alfred, wljo is quite the basis of the character of the
I improvement so selected, and the
: ill with pneumonia.
City Council reserves the right to
designate a different kind of an im­
Seek Equalisation
provement if the property owners so
Preliminary session with field 8M- direct, as above specified.
That written objections and re­
! sessors have been completed by W.
F. Boley, county assessor, who every monstrances to said proposed street
may be made and filed
effort be continued toward equali- improvement
with the Recorder of said City at
I zation of assessments. The field as­ any time before 8:00 o’clock p. m.,
sessors started out Monday morning. on April 3, 1928, and the said City
Council will thereupon proceed to
NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE­ hear and determine such objections
and remonstrances, if any such b«
Notice is hereby given that the
This notice is given by order of
City Council of the City of Hills­ the City Council of the City of
boro, Oregon, did, on March 20th, Hillsboro, Oregon.
1928, pass a resolution declaring its
H elen M c D aniel ,
intention to improve Jackson street
Recorder of the City of Hillsboro,
from the east line of Fifth street Washington_Count^
easterly to the west line of Sixth
street, such improvement to be made
in the following manner, to-wit: By
bringing the surface of said portion
of »aid street to the proper sub­
grade. paving the roadway with
macadam pavement of an approxi-
bate thickness of six inches, and of
New Car Values!
a width of 22 feet, laying and con­
Used Car Prices!
structing concrete curb, concrete
cornerstones at driveways, drive­
Good Selection
ways, providing suitable drainage,
and by doing such other improve­
ment work as will make a proper
and appropriate improvement, said
street improvement to be made in
accordance with the provisions of
the Amended Charter and the ordi­
nances of »aid city, and at an esti­
mated cost of $1,100.00, but if the
owner» of 75 per cent of the prop­
erty affected by said street improve­
ment, and upon which assessments
will be levied to pay for the same,
| shall, by petition presented to the
Phone 12S1
1057 Third St.
City Council before the adoption of
an ordinance declaring the same.
Gold Seal Buicks
VENETIAN-Sun., Mon., Tues.
uo»a iancmmt