FEBRUARY 10. 1928. f THE HILLSBORO ARGUS For Sale or Trade—Tan acres of FOR SALE—Miscellaneous land near White Salmon, Wash.; will trade for land near Hillsboro Clover and Mixed Hay for Sale - mid pay difference. Used Car Ex­ W. J. Enschede, phone 34R2. 37-tf change, 47-tf Used cars bought and sold.—Used FOR SALE—Real Estate Cur Exchange, Second and Wa-hing ton streets. 21-tf Four acres and modern house at Garden Home; house, barn, double Good baled clover hay; also Red garage and fruit trees; also furni­ Clover ii'i'il .1. W. Myers, one mile ture ami lock. Walter Wyss, tele­ east of Hillsboro on highway. 51-52 phone Portland, Bdwy. 9886J2 49-51 For Sale—4-foot dry fir wood.— The llnndc home, northwest cor­ Ralph Pruhl; phone 28R3, Hills­ 51-1 ner Sixth anil Muin, for sale; or will boro. trade for Portland property. ——K. A. For Sale — All kinds of apples; Case, owner; 1180 East .Seventh St. North, Portland,_____________ 48-2R good apples, $t; fancy, $1.25.— Farmer's Mnrket. Tenth St. 42-tf JOIN IN PAGE NINE «aid Defendant and situated in Wash­ confirmation by the County Court of entitled matter and estate authoriz­ ington County, Oregon, to-wit: the State of Oregon for Washington ing, directing and empowering E. I. All County Auction Sal« A part of Lots live (5) and County, all of the following describ­ Kuratli, the duly appointed, quali­ At the Farmer«’ Feed Barn be­ Fourteen (14) of Chism Subdivision ed real property situate in Washing­ fied and acting Executor of said es­ tween Third and Fourth streets orí of Albert Stewart’« Donation Land ton county, Oregon, to-wit: tate, to sell all of the following de­ Main street, at I p. m. iharp— Claim, in Town-hip 1 South, Rnnge All of Lot 147, and the south half scribed real property belonging to Saturday, February 25 2 W< «t, of the Willamette Meridian, of Lot 146 of Beaverton Reedville said estate at private sale for cash, A general invitation is extended in Washington County, Oregon, Acreage, according to the duly re­ for the purpose of paying the debts to the people of Washington county hereinafter more particularly de­ corded plat thereof on file in said of said estate, the expenses of ad­ A Ready Market with Big to takd purt in this all county auc­ scribed as follows: Commencing at a County and State, containing 5.53 ministration and the bequests made Result* at Little Cost tion sale and bring in anything point in the south boundary of Lot acres of land, more or less. by said deceased by his last Will whatsoever that they have to well. 5, distant 609.6 feet south 89 de- Said property will lie sold at the and Testament: List your articles at the Feed Barn green and 14 minutes west from the Lot 8 in block 22, Carson Heights, as soon as possible. A number of southeast corner of said Lot 5; offices of Hare, M' Alear Si Peters, within the corporate limits of the First insertion, per lino 7c in Hillsboro, Oregon, and bids will horse«, ranging from 1000 to 1700 thence south 89 degrees and 14 City of Portland, County of Mult­ (No service less than 25c) pound«, and some cows and farm minutes West 496.9 feet; thence be received at said offices for the nomah, Sta’e of Oregon. Each additional Insertlun, per whole of said property from and af ­ tools have been listed. North 0 degrees and 28 minutes Witness the Honorable E. J. Ward, line Oc The »mall fee of five per cent will West 1075.3 feet; thence North 89 ter the 24th day of February, 1928. Judge of the County Court of the (No service less than 25c) Dated this 26th day of January, be charged on livestock, and ten per degrees and 14 minutes East 182.9 1928. State of Oregon for Washington Readers, per line ...10c cent on tools anil furniture feet, more or less, to the East boun­ County, with the seal of said court (No service loss than 25c) DOY GRAY, L. V. HUL1T, Auctioneer. dary of Lot 14; thence along said FOR SALE—Livestock Count five words to the lirie. Guardian of the person and estate affixed, on this 27th day of Janu­ Old growth fir, 16-lnch, $7; first East boundary of said Lot 14, South ary, 1928. Blnrk Face Headings — Each AUCTION SALE witheut knots; 4-foot, $6.— 0 degrees and 28 minutes East 250 of Herman Trebas, an incompetent EDW C. LUCE, Dairy cows for sale on credit; class person. lino counts same as two lines. Phone 342, Hillsboro. 44-1 feet, more or less, to the southeast County Clerk of Washington pay ns you milk; not less than 5 to Hare, McAlear 4 Peters, Cash should accompany order. At the Fred T. Lisco farm, 1 ft corner of said Lot 14; thence south County, Oregon one party.- Reichert, Cornelius. 51 Attorneys for Guardian. 48-52 For Sale - Certified white winter miles south of Hillsboro on the Lau­ 68 degrees and 16 minutes East When a statement is required By Z. R. HIATT, Iteputy. the minimum charge 1» 50c. wheat and gray oats; also Marquis rel road, at 10 a. m.— 336.5 feet; thence South 0 degrees NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Hare, McAlear 4 Peters, For Side—Jersey heifer; fresh.— (Classified columns close ut 12 and 28 minutes East 696.5 feet to Thursday, March I 49-1 Attorneys for Executor. C. ('. Wight, 1 mile east of Corne­ spring wheat.—W. B. Walker, Bea­ o'clock, Wednesday noon. 50-52 Five young Guernsey and Holstein the point of beginning, containing In the County Court of the State of lius, on highway. 51-52 verton, R. 2, box 107. , cows; two 2-year-old Guernsey and 10.0 acres, more or less, and pur­ Oregon, for Washington County. h|OTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Poisoned barley for “Gray Nig­ Holstein heifers; 3 yearling heifers; suant to said execution and levy, I In the matter of the Estate of For Sale—Young, blocky team, will upon Friday, the 9th day of for sale, by Lester Ireland 4 gers" In the County Court of the State of 2 heifer calves, 4 and 5 months old, true and gentle.—W. J. Enschede; ANNOUNCEMENTS William S. Moreland, deceased. Co., Hillsboro, and Rowell Bros., T. B. texted; one team of horses, March, 1928, at the hour of 10 Oregon for Washington County. phone 34R2. 34-tf-L Notice is hereby given, that the o ’ clock a. m. of said day, at the Scholls. 51-4 In the matter of the Estate of Transfer Local and long disi unce weight 3200 lb».; one 1200-lb. mare; undersigned, duly appointed Admin­ -outh door of the court house of Victor Nussbaumer, deceased. hauling Frank Burr, 1032 Second team harness and single harness; 2 istrator of the above named estate For Sale Mixed ciover and vetch purebred Hampshire sows to farrow Washington County, Oregon, in Notice is hereby given, that the • Hill boro; phone 1843. 51-tf an- with the Will of «aid deceased buy. build, $13.50 per ton.—W. A. after sale; one Poland China Hillsboro, Oregon, proceed to sell at nexed, has filed in the above en- undersigned, duly appointed Admin­ Goodin, on highway one mile east of soon When in need of a good carpen­ boar; 2 young sows; alfalfa hay; public auction to the highest bidder titled Court and cause, his final ac- istrator of the estate of the above Cornelius. 49-tf ter, me to stay.—E. L. Smith, proprie­ one young Holstein to freshen this HERMAN PRANGER, Oregon, for Washington County. For Sale—About 15 tons good, virtue of an execution, judgment, sects tile West line of that certain tor. _______ Administrator of the Estate of In the matter of the Estate of lo<. e clover hay in the. barn. — Ar ­ fall; one young Jersey bull. 1 ft decree and order of sale, duly is­ conveyed to James Robb by Herman Ostermann, deceased. tract Ernest Schlaefli, deceased. years old; will take in beef and fan­ nold Berger, 5 miles northeast of sued out of and under the seal of deed recorded at page 360 of Book Hare,McAlear 4 Peters, 50-2 LOST AND FOUND Notice is hereby given that the Hillsboro on Five Oak Farm; tele ­ “P ” Records of Deeds for Wash­ ners and pay top price.—Frank Rink, above entitled Court, dated the Attorneys for Administrator. has been duly appointed phone 37R3. 50-51M the 11th day of February, 1928, upon a undersigned ington County, Oregon, said begin­ Lost—White dog with one tan Banks; phone 515 Manning.____ 521- by the above entitled court as Ad ­ ear; bob tailed; answers to name of For Sale—Chevrolet sedan; two judgment rendered and entered in ministratrix of the estate of said NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ning point being reached by begin­ FOR SALE—Poultry ning at the Southwest corner of the new tires; all good; engine just over­ said Court on the 11th day of Feb­ deceased, and has duly qualified as Ki; reward.—Mrs. W. E. Pittenger, ruary, 1928, in favor of Hazel Gee, Notice is hereby given that the Benjamin Cornelius, Jr„ Donation telephone 104IX, 50 tf For Sale—Sixty R. I. R. pullets.— hauled; I 928 license; excellent paint. plaintiff, and against E. L. Bailey, such. No. 42, in Section 9, Now, therefore, all persons hav­ undersigned administrator of the es­ Land Claim 1 North. T»l»phoM 9315 51P Price $175.—See J. L. Anderson, the above named defendant, for the Range 3 West, Jeweler; telephone 991-Y. 50-tf sum of $1.195.00, with interest ing claims against said estate are tate of Margaret A. Dorland, de­ Township WANTED Meridian, Washington For Sale—Two fine R. I. Red hereby notified and required to pre­ ceased, has filed in the County Court Willamette For Sail A limited amount „f '^reon since September 1. 1927, at sent the same, together with proper of the State of Oregon, for Wash­ County, Oregon, and running thence Will buy beef cattle.—Jack Gott­ roosters; cheap. — Fred Pearson, R. rate of six per cent per annum vouchers therefor, to the under­ ington County, his final account, as along the South line of said Dona­ lieb, 2 mile« north of Hillsboro high 4. Box 59. Hillsboro; 1*4 miles east. Putnam’s Big Red Dent seed corn; the (less $50.00 paid thereon), and the signed at the law offices of Hare, such administrator, and that said tion Land Claim North 89 degrees best silage corn for Washington school. ■! Turkey Toms for breeding pur­ county. — W. T. Putnam & Sons, further sum of $95.00 attorney’s McAlear 4 Peters, in the Shute Sav­ final account has been set for hear­ 12 minutes East 18.44 chains; Wanted—To buy any kind of poses.— i’hone Frank Schulmerich. Hillsboro, route 5. 49-tf fees, and the further sum of $12.50 ings bank building, in Hillsboro, ing, before said court, at the County thence North 15 degrees 08 minutes costs and disbursements, and the Oregon, within six months from the Court room, in the Court House at East 19.94 chains to the said be­ 47 tf I’ junk; drop me n iin».—Ben Segal, 1088 Sekolta. Small block of sto«k for sale in costs of said sale and said writ, com- date hereof. Hillsboro, Oregon, on Monday, Feb­ ginning point of the herein describ­ 1321 Main street. Hillsboro. 49-1 For Snle—Four turkey toms.—A. thriving Hillsboro industry; shares manding and requiring me to make ruary 27, 1928, at the hour of 10 ed tract; running thence along said Dated this 12th day of January, West line of «aid Robb tract, North the following ........................ _ described ' Wanted — Sewing and altering; Grossen, I.innton, route 2, near Rock $25 par, fully paid and non-assess- j sale of * all o’clock a. m. 51-52 able.—Munger’s Laundry Co., Sec­ real property situated in Washing­ 1928. 15 degrees 08 minutes East 7.25 price« reasonable.- Mrs. M. Wick. Oeek school house. Dated this January 24, 1928. ELSIE SCHLAEFLI, chains to the Northwest corner ton county, State of Oregon, to­ 5(15 Broadway; phone 522. 49-51 JOHN H. DORLAND. Administratrix of the Estate of For Sale—Barred Rock hatching ond and Walnut; phone 1581. 39tf wit: Administrator of the Estate of thereof; thence along the North line Ernest Schlaefli, deceased. Wanted—Large, clean cotton rags eggs, 75 cent« per setting, or $5 per For Sale—Five-year lease on 190- The North 1.76 acres of Lot 109 Margaret A. Dorland, deceased. of said Robb tract South 89 degrees McAlear 4 Peters, 47-51 at the Argus office. Will pay 5c per hundred.— Rai; >h Pruhl, two miles acre dairy ranch; 120 in cultivation, in Johnson Estate Addition to Bea- Hare, 51 minutes East 42.00 chains to the Benton Bowman, Attorneys for Administratrix. northeast of HiUsboro. 51-tf all in crop; rest in pasture; barn for verton-Reedville Acreage, according pound. Attorney for Administrator. 48-52 Northeast corner thereof; thence 100 cows; milk house; running spring North 15 degrees East 0.55 chains SHERIFF’S SALE For Sale—Barred Rock O. A. C. water piped to all buildings; 7 miles to the duly recorded plat thereof Wanted — Dressmaking nnd nil NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT to the Northwest corner of that cer­ now on file in Washington County, strain hatching eggs, $5 per hun ­ kinds of plain sewing; reasonable from Portland.—Wnlter Schallber- tain tract conveyed to F. Chalmers Notice is hereby given, that by prices.— Mrs. Ed. Brown, 934 Sev­ dred, or 5 cents each.—L. I. Davis, ger, Portland route 5, box 486; tele­ State of Oregon; also, Notice is hereby given, that Jacob by deed recorded at page 205 of virtue of an Execution, Order and Hillsboro, R. 5; phone 5R5. 51-tf All of Lot 86 in Johnson Estate enth street; phone 2473. 49-51 phone Broadway 9922J4. 50-51 Book "Q” Records of Deeds for Addition to Beaverton - Reedville Decree of Sale, issued out of and Leder. Administrator of the estate Washington County. Oregon; thence Ancona baby chicks, 14 cents Wanted—Two or three wood cut­ Acreage, according to the duly re­ under the seal of the Circuit Court of John H. Linder, deceased, has along the North Nursery Stock for Sale — Apples, line of said F. ters.—Charles F. Robinson. Corne­ each; small hatching off Sunday, pears, cherries, peaches, prunes. corded plat thereof containing 3.78 of the State of Oregon, for the filed his First and FSnal Account in Chalmers tract South degrees lius route 2; five miles south on the February 26.—E. E. Rowton, 1086 Maxxard cherries for top grafting, acres, the total amount mortgaged County of Washington, dated the said estate in the County Court of East 16.59 chains, more 76 or less, to 51-tf 31st day of December, 1927, in fa­ Washington county, Oregon, and Laurel rood and mile west. 45-tf First street. grafted Franquette walnuts, orna­ herein being 5.54 acres. vor of A. B. Johnson, plaintiff, and that said court has fixed the time 106.08 acre tract conveyed by Henry For Sale—Hatching eggs from mentals; first-class trees at reason­ Now, therefore, by virtue of said against J. T. Whitten, Claudia B. and place of the hearing thereof, at Harrington to one William Behr- Creum Wanted—Portland prices able prices. — R. B. Porter, telephone purebred O. A. C. Barred Rocks, $1 execution, judgment, decree and or- Kimmel, Blanche Eggleston, C. E. the county court room in the court mann: thence on the West line of paid nt door.—Crennilin Dairy, Sec­ Porter - 2, Forest Grove: nursery 1 dei of sale, and in compliance with Taylor, C. R. Bowman, Edmond Mc- house, in Hillsboro, Oregon, at the ur one and two year, large type, F. Oregon. more particularly described as fol­ in the above entitled court and cause or less, to the center of Dairy Creek; J. Chalmers, Cornelius; telephone house with hath; garden.—Inquire high production hens; chicks ready lows. to-wit: 48-tf-L By VIRGIL WECKERT. Deputy. her final account and report as such, thence in the center of said Dairy at 915 First St.; phone 2301. 46-tf each Wednesday, beginning Febru­ Hillsboro 10R2X5. Date of first publication, February Lot Sixty-one (61), Beaverton- and the court has fixed and appoint­ Creek and following the meander­ ary 8; price $15 per hundred, $140 16, 1928. Reedville Acreage, excepting the ing« thereof in a Southwesterly di­ FRUIT, NUTS, CHICKENS Vacuum cleaner for rent, 50c per per thousand; visitors welcome; cata- Date of last publication, March west two (2) acres thereof, as de­ ed the 17th day of March, 1928, at rection a distance of 11.50 chains, day.—Hillsboro Radio 4 Electric log free.—Fred F. Hughes 4 Son, the hour of 10 o ’ clock a. m, of said 15, 1928. • _ scribed in deed at page 553 of Book I more or less, to a point where the Nine and a half acres of choice Co., 1313 Main street; telephone Eleventh and Oak, Hillsboro; tcle- land for sale, with fruit, filberts, M. R. BUMP, of Hillsboro. Oregon, 117, of the Deed Records of Wash­ day, and the court room of the center of said creek intersects the 2191X. 42tf ‘'phone 2806. 44-tf walnuts, Attorney for Plaintiff. 51-3 ington county, State of Oregon, to above entitled court in Hillsboro, South line of the P. R. 4 N. com­ berries, grapes, alfalfa; i For Rent -8-room apartment, hnlf 4-room house furnished; chicken ______ NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON satisfy the hereinbefore named sums Oregon, as the time and place for pany’s right of way; thence along WHITE MINORCA and for the cost and expenses of block from the main part of town.— house, barn, tools, horse, chickens; hearing objections to said final ac­ «aid South right of way line South EXECUTION sale and said writ. Mrs. W. W. Lamb, 1250 Third 22 21 at station, 28 miles south of Port­ count and for the final settlement of 48 degrees 13 minutes East 22.94 Extra large white setting eggs, Said sale will be made subject to street. 49-tf $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs or $9 lnnd on Oregon Electric; 200 feet chains, more or less, to the place said estate. Notice is hereby given that by redemption as per statute of Ore­ of beginning, containing 219.50 from pavement; $4,500; clear; virtue of an execution issued out : of gon. For Rent—Four-room house at per hundred.—Schulz Bros., route 2, terms. Dated this 9th day of February, acres, more or less. — Owner, P. O. Box 114, Don ­ box 116, Portland; near Bethany of the Circuit Court of the State Aloha, with garage, chicken house Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 1928. Save and excepting a certain por- 50-tf Oregon for Washington County un­ 51-2P ald, Oregon. mid barn; 2 acres; will rent with or school. 17th day of January. 1928. ANGIE HARRINGTON, the Southwest corner of that certain der the seal thereof on the 23rd without acreage.—Inquire nt Aloha J. E. REEVES, Administratrix with the Will an­ tion of the 2.69 acre tract conveyed PUBLIC SALE BABY CHICKS day of January, 1928, to me direct­ Ileal Estate office. 49-51 Sheriff of Washington County, nexed, of the estate of Henry Har­ i to the Pacific Railway and Naviga­ ed and delivered upon a judgment Oregon tion company, July 24th. 1906, by The undersigned will sell at pub­ duly rendered and entered by said $14.00 rington, deceased. For Rent—Three-room apartment, White Leghorns ... VIRGIL WECKERT, Deputy. recorded at page 254 of Book 16.00 lic auction at his residency, 5 miles Court on May 13th, 1927, in favor By furni: hed; private bath; garage; one Barred Rocks .... Hare, McAlear 4 Peters, 50-2 deed F. M. Phelps, 72, Records of Deeds for Washing­ 16.00 north of Banks, at Manning, on block from business section.—M. II. R. I. Reds of Bruno Santoro nnd against J, W, Attorneys for Administratrix. 47-51 Attorney for Plaintiff. ton County, Oregon; said certain Friday, February 17th Rose, 1134 Baseline street; tele- Hatches every Tuesday from Janu­ Brooks as Defendant, and O. W. portion being all of said 2.69 acre immediately after a Barnett nnd Elizabeth R. Brooks, NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE j>hone_J_l¿L__________MLtf ary 17th. Custom hatching, 3 cents _ Sale to start --------------------------- CITATION tract lying and being within the per egg, any quantity. Write for Free Lunch at noon. his sureties, for the sum of $1,925, OF REAL PROPERTY boundaries of the above described All of my Household Furniture— nnd the further sum of $82.30 cost«, FOR SALE or EXCHANGE free catalog of brooders and amai- In the County Court of the State of tract and containing 2.08 acres, hi rwin, 2 a commodes, coiiiinuues, chiffonier, cnuionier, with interest at the rate of 6 per In the County Court of the State of inglv low prices of two and three 2 - dressers, Oregon for Washington County. more or less. For Sale or Trade—12 lots, out­ weeks old chicks.—W. J. Wilcox 5 bedsteads with mattresses and cent per annum from the 4th day Oregon, for Washington 'County. In the matter of the Estate of Also excepting the tract conveyed side city limits of Portland, acces­ Poultry Faun and Hatchery, Reed- springs, steel range, 2 heating stoves, of April, 1924, on each of said sums, In the matter of the Guardianship John Roethlisberger, deceased. by William Chalmers to A. S. Dud­ sible to Bull Run water, gas and | ville, Oregon; P.O. Beaverton, route davenport, library table, piano, writ­ and the further sum of $60.36, of the person and estate of Her­ To Lena Hegler, Elizabeth Grauer, ley by deed recorded at page 73 of 46-tf-P ing desk, kitchon cabinet, oak din­ costs, with interest thereon from electricity; trade for small farm or 4, telephone 7252. man Trebas, an incompetent per­ Albert Roethlisberger, Emil Roeth­ ** Book ' ------ “W,” ~ Records Deeds ' of * - * for ing room set, 6 rocking chairs, a May 12th, 1927, at the rate of 6 merchandise store; valued $3,300.— son. lisberger, Mary Baker, Mathilda Washington County, Oregon, and CUSTOM HATCHING breakfast set, White sewing machine, per cent per annum, and command­ Paul Ogilbee, 1281 East Fifteenth Notice is hereby given, that by Schneider, Martha Brimmeier, and containing 0.25 acres. 3 Congoleum rugs, 3 rugs, 2 Aladin ing me that out of the personal virtue of an order, decree and 11- street, Portlnnd.____________ 50-52R Ernest Roethlisberger. Greeting: I Bids will be received for said Let me hatch your eggs for you lamps, all dishes and kitchen uten­ property of said Defendant and said ! cense of the County r Court of the In the name of the State of Ore­ property at the offices of Hare, Me- me- at prices less than you can afford to sils; everything found in a well-kept | sureties, or if sufficient cannot be State of Oregon fc Plant Grafted Franquette Walnut« 'or Washington gon, yon are hereby cited and re­ Alear 4 Peters, Attorneys-at-law, set hens or run your own small in­ home. found, then out of the real property county, made and entered upon the quired to appear in the County Hillsboro, Oregon, from and and after and Non Sprouting Filbert«. A com- cubator — 3 cents per egg, any Term« of Sale—$20.00 and under, belonging to said Defendant and his 27th day of December, 1927, in the room in the court house in I the c «saiu 2nd uaj day MX of luaivil) March, 1928. 13iO. Jilete line of nil nursery stocks, for quantity. Modern Mammoth incu­ cash; over $20.00, six months’ time said sureties to satisfy the said sum matJer of the Guardianship Estate Court Hillsboro, Washington County, Ore ­ Dated February 2nd, 1928. ess money. Try our money saving bators. Send for free catalog of will be given on approved note at for which judgment has been ren­ i of Herman Trebas, an incompetent gon, on the 3rd day of March, 1928, ANGIE HARRINGTON, plan. Since 1890. See M. Mohr, i chicks, brooders and supplies.—W. 8 per cent interest. dered as aforesaid, and also the person, I will from and after Fri­ at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m., then Administratrix of the Estate of 1812 (Ink street, Hillsboro: tele­ J. Wilcox Poultry Farm and Hatch­ J. A. McFARLANE, Owner. costs of and upon said Writ, I have day, the 24th day of February, 1928, and th»re to show cause, if any Minnie M. Lewis, deceased. phone 1611. CARLTON NURSERY ery, Reedville, Oregon; P. O. Bea­ J. W, Hughes, Auctioneer. levied upon the following described sell at private sale to the highest there be, why an order should not McAlear 4 Peters, verton, route 4, phone 7252. 46-tf-p Henry Stohler, Clerk. CO., Carlton, Oregon. 50-51m ■ parcel of real property belonging to bidder for cash In hand, subject to be made and entered in the above Hare, Attorneys for Administratrix. 49-1 I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING