DECEMBER ». 1927. THE HILLSBORO ARGUS PAGE THREE i Helvetia Ladies Aid Bazaar Very Profitable Event Helvetia, Dae. 8,—Proceeds from the Ladle*' Aid bazaar which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Youngvn. netted over |K0. The ladle* disposed of all their article*. Mr*. Marie Christner and Mr*. John Gfeller entertained with .Swi»» yo- dellng. 4 The sun condescended to shine on Saturday afternoon when the Sun­ shine club held their bazaar. The I ladies hail an unusually large as­ sortment of articles offered for sale and sold nearly all of them. Mr. Wharton auctioned off the article* itnd 1160 was taken in. A concert ATTENTION FARMERS! U. S. No. 1 Potatoes Wanted Best cash prices paid for Poultry and Egg* of all kinds Nobody ever turned down See Us First Steady hennery shipments wanted Joseph Fossati Co. Wholesale Produce Dealer* in Poultry - Egg* - Potatoes Veal — Onions « 1120 Second Street Pk.«. I631Y *■» also given, Burnham furnished coffee for tin* lunch. Mr*. II. E. Kchrau I* visiting her parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Davidson. Abe Hager ha* moved to the Webster house neur the station. Mr*. Heller returned to Portland last week after an extended vi»it with her daughter, Mr*. Dapp. Mr*. Helen Skibbe motored to Salem last week to visit her hua- Imnd, who ia very ill. Pete Lulich had to have a piece of bone removed from hl* cheek last week, a* u result of having hi* face frozen while in Ala*ka. Revival Meetings Being Conducted The Itev. I). I,. Fenwick of Port­ land 1« conducting revival meetings nt the Free Methodist church at Fifth nnd Oak street«. Evangelist Fenwick is said to be bringing a | ' Methodist Bazaar and Dinner on Wednesday I I The ladies of the Methodist church will hold a bazaar and cook­ ed food sale in the basement of the church next Wednesday, beginning at 12 o'clock. There will be aprons and fancy work for sale, Come and let us show you something that you will like. For those who have a sweet tooth there will be home­ made candy. Mrs. Santa Claus will be there at 4 o'clock with toys to sell to the children. We invite all the little people to come and buy a toy. Dinner will be served from 6:30 to 7. Adults, 60 cents; chil­ dren, uruler 12 years of- age, 26 cents. Every one is invited. i stirring gospel message each eve­ ning to the people. The Rev. J. N. Wood, pastor of Kamuel Arthur Frrar, 83, dirre*t Grove all to attend these services. and wa* buried Monday in the For­ est View cemetery. Mr. Frrar was a Civil war veteran, and came to Motorist Has to Forest Grove only a year ago. The Observe Lanes of widow, Mr*. Margaret Frear, a son and a daughter survive. The daugh­ Motoring Traffic ter, Mr*. A. Benjamin, lives at For­ est Grove. Traffic lanes are new, novel and A 1 I community correspondence interesting, as well as being slightly should bo in the newspaper office intricate. The Hoover conference by Tuesday. tf recommended them, the traffic de­ partments of many cities are strong for them and the Oregon State Mo­ tor association, in conjunction with the other groups forming the Ore­ gon Automotive conference, brought them to the attention of the last ses- . *ion of the legislature of Oregon. The legislature passed the follow­ ing law on the subject: “8 (a) Ex- i cept as otherwise provided in this section, the driver of a vehicle in­ tending to turn to the right at an intersection shall approach such in­ tersection in the lane for traffic near- SAMUEL A. FREAK hand side of the road want* to turn to the left and the man on the left ha* just the opposite idea. Another advantage of thia rule 1* that the man turning to the left ia out of the way quicker, thus per­ mitting through traffic to go ahead in the left lane of the street into which the turn has been made. The illustration accompanying this article shows the exception referred to in paragraph 8(a) rather than the rule there laid down. The ex- caption, paragraph 8 (b) of the rules of the road, provides that local authorities may modify the rule re- quiring vehicles in the left lane to travel to the right of the center of the intersection by clearly indicating by marker* (the circles in the illus­ tration) the course to be followed by vehicles turning thereat. These markers are to be placed as near the center line of the street where it meets a prolongation of the prop erty line as possible. Actual tests have shown that where a vehicle is driven beyond one of these property line markers and turned obliquely so that it will pas* beyond a similarly set marker on the street into which a turn is being made, such turning can be made with greater speed and safety to all concerned than if the yehicle is compelled to pas* beyond the cen­ ter of the intersection. The provision of green feed in laying houses in Oregon is impor­ tant as some of the birds in the flock will not go outside for it. Indisputable Answer The word halitosis lay buried in the widely “read dictionary of the English language scores of years, until set in ordinary type in an advertisement, it be­ came a by-word of the millions. As a result, a product forty years on the market with moderate sales, became a world leader. Bad breath became almost a fashion. On the other hand, yeast was merely to make bread with — until Fleichmann advertisements said otherwise. Now we gain fair skins, robust health, cure ourselves of many of the common ills of mankind, and even look forward hopefully to eternal youth because of it. All this has been brought about by advertising, and it must be regarded as Simon-pure advertising. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. In the matter of the Estate of Mary E. Horstmann, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, duly appointed Admin­ istratrix of the above named estate, has filed in the above entitled court and cause, her final account and re­ port as such, and the Court has fixed the 6th day of January, 1928, at the hour of TO o’clock a. m. of said day, and the court room of the above entitled court in Hillsboro, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final ac­ count, and fo? the final settlement of said estate. Dated this 7th day of December, 1927. IDA STURM. Administratrix of the estate of ■aid deceased. Hare, McAlear & Peters, 41-45 Attorneys for Administratrix. All advertising has its basic selling stories, "not in the headlines, but in the text of the ads, and readers have to read that text to be “sold.” This stands as an indisputable answer to the question, “Is Advertis­ ing Read?” $ :---- — Basket Ball Keds a iot Crepe Soled Bals Tv*** eat to the right-hand side of the highway, atid in turning shall keep as closely as practicable to the right­ hand curb or edge of the highway, and when intending to turn to the left shall approach such intersection in the lane for traffic to the right of and nearest to the center line of the highway, and in turning shall pass beyond the center of the intersec­ tion, passing as closely as practicable to the right thereof before turning such vehicle to the left’’ In other words, when one ap- proaches a corner intending either to turn to the left or right, the ve- hide is guided into the lane of traf- I fic on the side which one desires to turn. .By this means traffic can be speeded up as double lines of traffic can be run along the street without the usual corner congestion which re­ sults when the man on the right- Good Goods HILLSBORO, OREGON Genuine Springsteps ! Built-in cushion and arch; no jars to the heel and foot; rein- forced throughout. Brown— Sale Prices Will Continue $3.75 On Items In Last Week’s Event While They Last A long-wearing, light weight, athletic shoe; white trimmed in black; 6 to 10— Talking Dolls Ladies’ Coats Reduced 25% New Styles in Sport and Dress Materials! Formerly marked low, but at the new price ALMOST A GIFT! 33 1-3% Off On AH Millinery An opportune time to get a new Hat. The selection is good, and the styles are of the latest! DON’T DELAY! With the advent of colder weather Stock will require feed containing a higher Carbo­ hydrate content, if proper production is to be main­ tained. CORN furnishes this highly desirable food element, so more of it can be fed to good advantage. » Both our DAIRY and POULTRY FEEDS are milled to furnish PROTEIN and CARBOHYDRATES in proper proportion. That's why scores of feeders are getting highly satisfactory results. A complete assortment to suit any taste; new pat­ terns— 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 The Poll Parrot shoe peo- pie are putting out this doll as an advertising feature. When your pur­ chases here reach $10.00 you get a doll for 99c; regularly sold for $3.00; long hair; 25 inches in height. Don’t buy feeds just because they are cheap! ! To build FOOD the kind of a VALUE into feed requires certain ingredients. Get C blend you want and then buy as cheaply as consistent with prevail- ing markets. It pays in the long run. We mill a feed for every feeding purpose and they cost no more than most of the ordinary mixtures—because—we buy our raw ma- terials right, therefore can sell right. Rogers Silverware Premium Tickets distributed to our customers. They are worth saving! Imperial Feed & Grain Co Telephone 511 745 Second Street Christmas Boxes Any Man Can Use Sox Assorted sizes and de­ signs; from 2x4 inch up to 9x12 inch; selling from— Theme Hose We have the best values we have ever seen ; beautiful new patterns— Nothing more practical or more appreciated than Silk Hose; no better made than Theme— 50c and $1.00 $1.50, $1.65, $1.95 5c to 12c Slippers for the Whole Family Real Leather Purses A great variety of styles and colors at excep­ tionally low prices— Price starts at_____ Lingerie Gifts Pure Silk Crepe de Chine Dance Sets $3.50 • rich, practi­ cal gift and un­ usual values; hand made. Gowns at $6.00 Rayon Vests at 98c Bloomers at 98c and $1.89