PAGE FOUR Millsbo THE HILLSBORO ARGUS rgus The qirl ■ Local Happenings Farm Market Review Pageant Is Given By a Missionary Group at Orenco Fred Tesch and J«’»»«’ Hatch n week-end hunting trip to Arling Weekly Review of Commodity Market Trends and News The Leader m Its Field" w ton. Co-operative Extension Work in Agriculture nnd Homo Economic«. Orvnco, Dev. 1. —• "The Open Floyd Bentley of Seattle spent Oregon Agricultural College and the United States Department of Thanksgiving with hi» parents, Mr. Door," a pageant, was given by the County Official Paper Agriculture co-operating. Paul V. Maris, director. Women’s Missionary society tn the , , „ ----------- --------- , — -. and Mr». E. E. Bentley. + ........ v...... Editor church Sunday evening. About 25 W. VERNE MeKINNEY > Mrs. Ernest Livermore of Seaside Associate Editor > MRS. E. C. MeKINNEY Corvallis. Nov. 28.- WOOL— Re but are still several ilollars below was operated on for appendiciti» at persons, dressed in costumes to rep resent different nationalities, Farmers are reported porta from abroad continue optimis­ lust year. Subscription Rates the Smith hospital Tuesday. Other numbers on the pi,, part, i selling more readily than earlier in tic for holders of wool and the do ­ $0.85 > $1.50 Six Months . Per Year Mra. A. Hinman and Mrs. C. gram included two vocal solos, » mestic situation took on new life the season. Considerable seed re­ with manufacturers buying more mains unthreshed because of un­ Coon of Forest Grove were calling violin solo, three piano aoloa, scrip Issued cn Thursday of each week by McKinney & McKinney, Publishers. ture reading, and a sketch of the freely. Stocks of foreign combing favorable weather conditions. Ken on Hillsboro friends Saturday. Entered in the Postoffice at Hillsboro, Oregon, as second-class matter. Charles Deichman <>I Longview missionary organisation and th« i tuclty bluegrass seed has mostly and clothing wool in bond at Boston Member of Oregon State Editorial Association and National Editorial on October 31 were only 9.506,000 been sold by growers at prices rang was a guest Sunday of his parents, work it Is accomplishing. Association pounds, compared to 36.307,000 a j mg from 60 cents to $1.10 u bushel Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Deichman. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Woodward year ago, and 45,470,000 pounds in for rough cured seed. Most of the < Mrs. J M Goar was a Thanksgiv­ gave a Thanksgiving dinner ln*i Taps sounded last week for an ­ Weather Just 1925. Total importa of combing mid orchard gruss seed has also been ing guest of Mr. and Mrs. M II Thursday, covers being laid for flf other of the thinning ranks of vet­ As Hard on Roads clothing wool from January to Sep­ sold. Prices on this seed have ad­ Schmeer nt their home <>n Portland teen. The out-of-town guests Were erans of that great conflict between tember, were 101,179,000 pounds, vanced somewhat. Mr. arul Mrs. G. M Buford, I Mr. Heights. the north and south. Alonzo Sigler Criticism of the county court on »♦»♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦•♦»♦•»t»' LIVESTOCK Well finished steers compared to 164,567,000 pounds for of Heur Gl» and Mrs. Frank Kenyon, Mias tjlady» Mrs. Colburn Thayer was one of the few remaining vet ­ the road work is contained in a nnd feeder and Stocker cattle were the same period last year. The con ­ «I hy Th« Century ComMV.) ton was a guest this week of her sis I Kenyon, Elgin Kenyon, Ronald Hu WNU aerrtee communication from an Argus sub­ erans of the Civil war in this city, sumption of all kinds of wool from about steady, but in-between killer» ter, Mr». Lulu Ingram, aad other ford. Eddie Rapp Wnd Wayne Stun, scriber. There are many reasons and the country looks with regret January to September was 414,398,- ! went sharply lower in some eastern ecker. all of Portland, and liurney back of certain actions, and it is ' on the passing of these men, who 000 pounds (grease equivalent) as i markets where too many were re­ relatives. Cameron of Salem. fought that this nation might re ­ Mrs. II. A. Deck, worthy matron, possible that the correspondent may compared to 365,313,000 for the ceived early last week. Condition« (Continued from last week) main united. Mr. Sigler was not Mrs. S. L. Carlyle and Mias Ma­ err and possibly he is right. How- same period last year. about November 1 pointed to a con­ entertained the officers of the East tilda Dallnger, president and seer, cm Star Wednesday at a luncheon ever, this paper is of the opinion 1 only a veteran, bqt a pioneer of ’47, ’They’re all down tn the kitchen, 1 GRAIN—Pacific coast barley mar­ siderable decrease in Aittle feeding tary respectively, of the local Par that under the present road man­ who saw the Tualatin valley develop think. Listen!“ kets were rather dull last week, al­ this winter and supplies of fat cattle at her home. vnt-Teacher association, attended the agement the people of Washington ' from the rough to its present state. Mrs. J. Whitmore received word She opened the door leading to the though eastern markets were firm h> I are expected to be the smallest for county council at Garden.Home on county are getting more, dollar for hall. and. going out. leaned over the higher on good export demand. ; several years during the next few her brother, Will Sngctl, <’f Saturday and report an interesting The Oregon professor who criti­ stair-rajl. dollar, than they ever have before, United States barley exports since j months. Hogs went lower again but Tualatin, is ill with pneumonia at meeting. and that every effort should be made cises newspapers for the method in "Yes. they’re still there." she re­ July 1 now total around 540,000 i recovered part of the loaa. Lamb St. Vincent’s hospital in Portland. Miss Grace Millgate, state tuber to co-operate with and aid the coun­ which stories of the discovery of ported when she came back. “All but tons or more than twice as much as ' prices were about steady. The good weather of the Inst two tin in southern Oregon, and the re­ one of the Italians. ‘ Thev're eating last year for the same period. Good ty court. APPLES—Good apples are in de­ days has brought out the blossoms culoaia association nurse, visited th« The job of working for the pub­ puted finding of the fossils of giant now. and after that I I tbluL they're domestic demand and fair export in­ mand and prices have strengthened. on wild strawberries, according to school Monday to inspect the ring lic is not a sweet one at the best, reptiles in eastern Oregon v»re planning to leave." quiry held wheat prices generally Shipments to November 19 total Omar Vuylsteke of South Hillsboro. worm cases that were in school be­ fore Thanksgiving. Miss Millgate but the judge, commissioners and handled, might take a hand at see­ “Where’s the hag?" steady, although more favorable 61,149 cars, compared to 92,851 last i Clarence McFadden was pleasant reports that there are no new cases road department men are giving the ing how far he would get in*some­ “Watting on them." weather conditions in Argentina year to November 20. ly surprised Saturday night by his and commended the teachers fur county their vest best efforts and one else’s game. She spoke detacbedly. stnsost dully. . tended to weaken the situation. ONIONS—The latest estimate of As In the morulng. she was not sur- Light receipts of corn together with I onion production in the northern high school friends at his home in their efforts in controlling the dia- that is all that anyone can do. West Hillsboro, the occasion being ease. Investigation of the condition on Twelve hundred convicts riot at prised: but tonight there was tn her unfavorable husking returns in some and western states is 18,000,000 his birthday. the McDonald road showed that the Folsom prison in California and manner a suggestion of repressed ex­ ureas held the markets firm. ! bushels or 15 per cent more than H. A. Kuratli and family of Hill». Earl Strong of the Hillsboro boro stopped in Orenco a few mm work had been started and the peo- several _____ guards ____ __ and convicts were citement which It had not held before. SEEDS—Prices of red and alaike last year. Marketings to date have “Have you a heavy coat?" he asked clover continue to advance slowly. | been heavy and prices have sagged. Transfer company is building a new utee last Thursday while enroute to pie, several families, had to be given kyled anj injured. V. We suppose the home at Ninth and Oak street, and llethany, where they were spending a way out Investigation further ' sob sisters wju put up an awful her. x “Yea" expects to move his family In about I Thanksgiving day with relatives showed that this fall, an exception-1 story about the poor downtrodden “Get It and put It on. quick. Don’t holiday time. ally’ wet one, has been just as hard : crirnin*l. Misses Marjorie and I-aura Kidd waste any time." He Indicated the on road work as it has been on — The McCreary family of Portland came out from Portland to spend buckled house-shoes she still wore. clover seed. The county carries on I „ , ! spent Thanksgiving at the home of Thanksgiving at home, and wore »<■ ♦ - ............ - - ■■ ■■ many jobs of road work during the t \ h°w rott«‘n B ,”‘“on ,n "And put on some real shoes. If you Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miltenberger. companied by their grandfather, year and they necessarily cannot. th* University of Oregon have them." Faculty Entertained Hilhi Teacher, Miss Mr». McCreary is a- sister of Mr. uncle and aunt. all be done at the same time. se*m’ t0 have, n. We believe "Into a bathroom." Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty of Thanksgiving with his two sister». "There’s a back window over the playing bridge and Marl Woods | fuses to disclose the exact date of in taking this equipment from the the ... Prlnce «""7 cIos* . 5° ha _ ''lnS * •t'XS*'-*1*’ xavsaa waa». 1 » sang. Those present were Misses her wedding. Portland are receiving congratula­ He returned Saturday evening. What room does that city, both in case of c. a - fire — at — that ----- world » record for getting off. and veranda. Clara Case, Florence tions upon the birth of a son, No­ McDonald, ♦ ♦♦ Miss Loren« Woodward spent the time in the city, and from a possible 1 we don’t believe anyone will dispute mean?" Tennessee Weatherred, Lillie Home- vember 30. Mrs. Beatty wa» for­ week-end with friends in Portland. Junior» Select Rings the honor with him. "A bedroom off the hall. ” breakdown along the county roads dew, and Mrs. Elizabeth Abraham, The junior class has selected the merly Miss Helen Fillen of this city. Mias Alegra Wolff of Portland “Good!" or highways. Tl^i argument applies Mr. and Mr». Fred McNelly and »|>ent the week end at ths home of She followed his thought "Tint I Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Goodman. Mr. design for pins and rings, and Jan­ Scalder of dog fined—headline. to other small cities, such as Hills­ and Mrs. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Mayl ette Cady has been taking orders little daughter of Coquille were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred boro. The nearby sections might Rightly so, for the dog, undoubtedly don’t think we can risk that. One of Woods, and the host and hostess. for them. Thanksgiving guests of Mr. Mc­ Wolff. the Italians Is patrolling the hall. be taken care of by equipping a the valued possession of another Mr. Hare of near Vancouver, Nelly'» mother, Mrs. Emma Mc­ That ’ s why they hsven't locked the | person, was hardly to blame. small truck. Nelly, at the home of W. F. Boley. Wash., has traded for the A Mc­ door. I caught a glimpse of hkn just et vir - 3 sec. 5, tis now, coming toward the foot of the Real Estate Transfer«1 The ladies of the M. E. church Gill property and he and his wife do not quite see how it can do so stairs.” will hold their bazaar and cooked expect to move here thia week. to Lena C. Peters, MaiZ j successfully, or how we or you can He stared at her frowntngly, then, Alphonso S. Hendricks et ux to half R. of F. lot Peters Miss Esther Head, who teaches at food sale December 14 in the base­ 1, Peters Add., Hillsboro. “walk humbly with our God” if walking to the bed. stripped It with Rene Taghon et ux, 14.836 acres, ment of the church. A dinner will Estacada, Spent the Thanksgiving Orval L. Hutchens et ux to C. M. .............. ................——4 Sunday ceases to be a day set apart, an arm-swing and seized the sheets. Wm. Porter Cl. 65. ¡Good et ux, part lot 1. block 7, bo served in the evening from 5:30 holiday at the home of her parents, and becomes “just another day” “Then It’s simply a question of low­ Mr. and Mrs. W J. Head. Frank W. Hinman to Mark T. Naylor’s Add., Forest- Grove. to 7 o'clock. Money Could Be with the fourth commandment rele­ ering you from the front." he cried, Cox. part of Harvey Clarke Cl. 37, Mrs. Vera Husband and little J. F. Shorb et ux to Samuel ... A. The Misses Eunice Gremsgard, Saved, Says Writer gated to the attic and the cobwebs. curtly. “I’ll lower you as far as I TIS R3W. daughter of Multnomah, spent a few Shorb et ux, 8.32 acres, Sec. 7 and Jessie Shattuck, Gladys Rood and Anton Litzer et ux to John T. By the way, Mr. Tolson, you did can. and we’ll have to risk a drop of days the past week with the for j Eva McCormick, student» at the Litzer, 135 acres. Sec. 28, T3N 8, TIN R4W. Editor Hillsboro Argus: not express yourself on the presi­ a few feet Snow’s safe." A. H. Illassing et ux to Lester Normal school at Monmouth, spent mer’s mother, Mrs. Alec Allen, and R5W. As he spoke, he wss hurriedly tear­ What has become of the county dent’s proclamation about Thanks­ Fred Schaer to Henry S. Lund, Ireland et ux, part lot 12, block D, the Thanksgiving holidays with their family. ing and roping the sheets. “Used to 2.538 acres, Sec. 15. T2N R3W. watch-dog? He certainly ought to giving day. ¿-rfr’The people of this community Fairview Add., Hillsboro. parents here. do this at school when I was a kid." Yours very truly, have been around Quatama the past are cordially Invited to attend the Minnie Ardeli Gourley et ux to Alice E. Richards et vir to Frank Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Mitchel) re- he explained. "Quite like old time«. A. L. Barton et ux, 3.72 acres. Sec. S. Richards, 42.53 acres. Sec. 1, week to see what the road commis­ big free entertainment and danre at WILLIAM J. HEAD. turned last Wednesday from a few the Shute Park auditorium, Friday Now get on the coat and shoes, 11, T3S R2W. sioners were doing with the road T2S R2W. weeks' trip to southern California. please.” W. B. Coon et ux to Victor M. & Joseph Pad to Arvine F. Orn- funds. night, from 8 tp 12, ar the guests of While south they visited with Rev. the Hillsboro business men, sponsor­ She needed the reminder. She was Spaulding et ux, north 50 feet of duff. 80 acres. Sec. 2. T3N R5W. In an ill-advised attempt to gravel Florence Bryant et al to Wilson and Mrs. Lowell A. Young, and ing the Buy-ln-Hillaborn Week. A staring at this visitor, who had the south half of lot 1, block 41, Forest the new grading on the McDonald E. Brock et al, part of Donal Mc­ others, formerly of this city. fare of the man she knew and the Grove. market road, here is what happened: good program from 8 to 9::3O, and Elizabeth Fowler to A. B. Snider Leod Cl. 49, TIS R4W. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Stevenson en- voire and manner of a stranger, All (1) Eleven carloads of gravel were dancing follows. All Free! et ux, part block 8, Forest Grove. M. C. Ashlan et ux > Mirror Elizabeth Jordan UNION HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The Editor's Thirty Years Ago Lodge Directory