The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 11, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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    AUGUST il. 1927.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Phillips are
G. V. Payne and family are at
Mr. und Mrs. Lee Alexander are
enjoying a vacation ut Rockaway. planning a trip to the east and their cottage at Pacific City for a
Mrs. II. T. Bruce of Reedvllle is south, and expect to leave about the week.
spending the week with friends in middle of the month. They will
John VanLom of Cornelius was
, first visit with Mrs. Phillips’ uncle ; transacting business in Hillsboro
W. E. Kelley and son, Ellsworth, 'in Illinois, and from there will go Saturday. -
Avery Crandall and daughter, of Banks, were county seat business to Knoxville, Tennes <-e, where they
O. J. Briggs was a week end visi­
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cull will leave
will visit relatives. They will also Sunday for a week’s vacation at
Misa Gladys, of Pontiac, Michigan, callers Tuesday,
tor at Roseburg.
visit at Bristol, East Tennessee, and Seaside.
Fred Gombert of neur Cedar Can-| arrived Friday for a few weeks’
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Huff of
yon was n Hillsboro business visitor visit with Mr. Crandall’s mother, west of Hillsboro are spending the other places enroute.
Mrs. W, G. Hare returned Sun-
day night from the Hare cottage at
week at Newport.
Mrs. 8. W. Melhuish returned brother, Mux Crandall, and family.
Miss Edith Welk has returned to Cal., where Mrs. Phillips has two Pacific City.
Saturday from a week's vacation at Mr. Crandall is still carrying his her duties in the Carnation company
Mrs. Eugene H. Blake of Kansas
brothers, and at Long Beach, where
arm in a sling from the effects of
Missouri, spent Sunday with
Mr. Phillips has two sinters, and
an accident last March, when he was
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morgan are knocked down by a Ford while
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Reynolds and then home. They expect to be gone Mr. and Mrs. George T. McGrath.
enjoying • ten days* vacation at walking near the Ford plant. family of Portland were week-end until the last of October.
M. H. Stevenson attended the
their cottage nt Meacham,
realtors’ meeting at Eugene the last
Mr. Crandall says that 1000 Pon­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Easter.
IL R. and L. F. Emmott went to
Holbert Rose, who has been con- tiac* and K00 Oaklands are madp in
Mrs. J. M. Goar was a house Shelton, Wash., Monday to attend of the week.
lined to his home with an abscessed u <lay in his town, and the same guest of Mrs. M. H. Schmeer at
Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore, Robert and
the funeral of their half-bro(her,
knee for several weeks, la reported plunt also makes the engines for the Ocean Park, Wash., over the week­
Neil Emmott and Dorothy Dinsmore left Tuesday for
Wutt Hunter,
us improving.
Willys Knight cars. Flint, Pontiac end.
family had seen him on Saturday . a short visit with friends in Seattle.
M im Ruby Hornecker returned und Detroit make 90 per cent of all
Mrs. F. L. McMahon returned and he appeared to be in good ’ The ladies of the Christian church
lust week from Ashland, where she automobiles manufactured in the home the last of the week from a health.
They left there Sunday will have a food sale at the Rey­
attended the summer session of the United States, according to Mr. sis weeks' visit with her mother at morning and upon their arrival here nolds’ Grocery store on Saturday,
Ashland Normal achool.
learned that a telegram had been August 20th.
Auburn, Wash.
Mrs. L. C. Lomax and Mrs. A. H.
Mrs. William Reichel, who has
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Challacombe
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Wilkes and received telling of his death. He
Busch attended a bridge party Tues­ and daughter, Dorothy, visited .with little son of Corvallis were guests had expected to visit here this week. been ill at the home of her daugh­
day evening at the home of Mrs. A. Mr. Chaliacombe’s brother, Willis the lust of the week of Mrs. L. E.
C. L. Son of Corvallis was a ter, Mrs. G. Garthofner, for some
W. Anderson at Forest Grove.
Challacombe, and family, at Cos­ Wilkes and daughter, Miss Rhea.
guest of his daughter, Mrs. Fred time, is reported as improving.
Miss Elsie Pixner of the Tongue mopolis several days the last of the
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Person and
Mrs. Carl Trachsei and children Lepschat, while attending the fire­
Bros, law offices is spending a two week, returning home Monday. They of Reedville and Mrs. Trachsel’s men’s convention in Portland. Mrs. children picnicked Sunday with a
weeks* vacation at the home of par­ were accompanied by Mr. Challa- sister, Mrs. Zuercher, of Helvetia, Lepschat accompanied her father number of Multnomah friends at
ent« in Astoria. Mrs. Elmer Wohler com lie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hehry are spending the week at Rocka­ on the trip to Longview and the Grant’s park on the Clackamas river.
is substituting for her in the office. Challacombe, of Cornelius, who re- ; way.
Mt. Hood loop trip, these trips be-
John Ibach, Jr., of Banks, was a
Mrs. James Sigler and Mrs. H. mained for a few weeks' visit there.
A. F. Zillmer and Wendell Camp- ing part of the entertainment for Hillsboro visitor Tuesday. He was
Kellington and little daughter visit­
Mrs. C. A. Dunham of Wessing-f bell, who live on the Springville the visiting delegates and their accompanied by his father, John
ed Mrs. Sigler’s daughter, Mrs. H. ton Springs, South Dakota, was a road, near Old Bethany, were busi- friends.
Ibach, Sr., and his little son, John,
Frank, at Garibaldi last week, ac­ Hillsboro visitor over the week-end, ness callers in the county seat Tues­
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Emmott and making three generations of Johns.
companying James Wood on his trip a guest of her brother, Hugh Rog- day.
daughter, Miss Joyce, returned Fri­
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Shinaberger
to Rockaway.
ers, and family, Mrs. Dunham is on
Mrs. Sarah VanHorn, Miss Tillie day from a visit with relatives and had as their guests Sunday at Scog­
Mrs. Anne Hornecker received the staff of the Wessington Springs Cornelius, and Mrs. Floyd Brower friends at Tacoma, Seattle, Hood’s
gins camp, Mrs. Bessie James, the
word Friday of the arrival of a son s Republican and was enroute home of Portland, were guests Monday Canal, and other places in Washing­
Misses Mildred and Martha James,
to Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Yount at from a trip to California, She will evening of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ton. They also made the trip to Mr. and Mrs. George
Tompkins of
Spokane, Wash. Mrs. Yount was, visit Yellowstone National park be­ Wiley.
Mt. Rainier. Miss Dorothy Wehnes this city, and Mr. and
Mrs. L. Hum-
formerly Miss Alta Hornecker and
<4f Tacoma accompanied them home burg of Beaverton.
Mrs. Harold R. Root and family
1» well known here.
Fred Cornelius said that the main of Okanogan, Wash., have returned for a visit with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ogilbee spent thing which impressed him in his home, after a week’s visit with Mrs.
O. B. Gates was at Seaside over
aeverai days the last of the week at visit to Seattle several weeks ago Root's brother, R. R. Easter, and the week-end visiting with Mrs. daughters, Elaine, Katherine and
Mary, and Mrs. Chrittenden and
Gearhart and
Cannon was the speed at which cars and family.
Gates and daughter, Mrs. Francis children, went to Rockaway Sunday
Beach, returning home Sunday eve­ pedestrians traveled in the northern
Jesse O. Crandall of Hysham, Wade, of Wasco. Miss Eleanor on the S. P. excursion. Mr. Cald­
ning. They were accompanied by j city, the rate being much faster
arrived Saturday for a Kindt of Portland is a guest at the well returned Sunday night, but the
their little grandson, Robert,
than Portland. He was accompanied
his mother, Mrs. Eliza­ Gates cottage, and Mr. Wade is at rest of the party remained for the
on his trip 'by Mrs. Cornelius, Miss
beth Crandal, and his brother, Max the beach for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kearney
of Hettie Jack and William Jack.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stangel and
Crandall, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heim and
Astoria were week-end visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Alexan­
daughter, Catherine, enjoyed a pic­ sons of Terre Bonne left Friday for
Mrs. A. B. Todd, juvenile officer
Mrs. Kearney’s mother and sister, der and Miss Hazel Bryant left on
nic Sunday above Soda Springs.
Mrs. William Wahlgren i and Miss Monday for a vacation at Newport. of this county, has been appointed Others in the party were Mr. and home, after a few days’ visit with
Mrs. Heim’s brother and sister-in-
Agnes Wahlgren.
Mrs. Wahlgren Mr. Alexander will only remain a
Mrs. Ed Boos and son, and Mr. and
returned to Astoria with them for I week, but the ladies will remain ference of Prison and Social Work­ Mrs. Robert Wirtz and daughter, of law, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gates. Mr.
Heim and youngest son underwent
a few weeks' visit.
several weeks and will be joined ers, to be held in Tacoma, Wash., Forest Grove.
operations in Portland last week for
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Wismer
Miss DeEtte Johnston, who came eye trouble.
Harold Wismer, who is with the
Bryant, and Miss Lenora Bryant.
tertained about thirty friends
up from Oakland, Cal., several
Homer Baldwin of Laurel was
their home near Bethany Monday
Misses I.eona and Jean Rogers Newport Construction company, and weeks ago to visit her parents, Mr.
evening, the affair being a farewell and Hugh Rogers, Jr,, arrived home working on the Mt. Hood loop road and Mrs. Ernest Johnston, returned called to the bedside of his mother,
to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Krause and Sunday evening from a week's vaca­ near Rhododendron, spent the week­ to Oakland last Friday to attend Mrs. William Baldwin, of Marengo,
Iowa, Saturday night. Mrs. Bald­
family of Manly, Iowa, who have tion at Rockaway in time for a end with his parents, Mt. and Mrs. school during the coming year.
win has been in poor health for sev­
been visiting relatives and friends short visit with their aunt, Mrs. C. J. J .Wismer.
Lloyd Tupper took his family eral years, but has been seriously
in that section.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller and
A. Dunham of Wessington Springs,
over to Seaside for a month Friday, ill for the past three months and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller,
Mrs. L. A. Long and daughter, ; S. D.
and returned Sunday evening. Mrs. cannot recover.
Miss Margaret, and Miss Helen
Mr. and Mrs. O. V. White and Mrs. Earl Truman of Portland, and Tupper and son are spending the
Fred Sewell went to Seattle Fri­
Connell are spending the week at son, Gordon, of Stayton, are spend­ Miss Esther Miller of Alameda, Cal­ month with her mother, Mrs. John
day with the Artisan band of Port­
Rockaway, where they are domiciled ing a few weeks at the home of ifornia, were guests of relatives at Jeffcott, of Portland.
land to play at the Artisan conven­
in one of the Krebs cottages. Jack Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gates and other the McKinney home Thursday eve­
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Peters and tion in that city, and returned home
Connell and Lester Chase took them relatives. Mrs. White is a sister of
family, Mrs. Sarah Harvey, and Mr. Sunday morning. The Artisan band
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koontz,
over to the beach Sunday and re­ Mrs. Gates and Mrs. James Sewell.
and Mrs. Charlet Dumis of near includes members of the former D.
turned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne McKinney,
Mountaindale, left this morning for O. K. K. band of Portland of which
Mrs. L. G. White of Vancouver, I Mrs. Emma McKinney, and Mrs. K. ces Gnos, Erma Jean and Elmer a week’s outing at Netarts.
Fred was a member.
B. C., was a guest over the week- E McDonald and ‘children, who are Williams, Jr., all of this city, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boyce of
end of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Benn and visiting here from Tacoma, were Mrs. E. J. Underwood of Portland and Mrs. George Harjns and Mr.
River and Mr. and Mrs. L. B.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Willis White and guests Sunday of H. E. McKinney
and Mrs. W. O. Morley and family Swick of Monument, eastern Ore-
family. Her little son, Murray, who at Donald.
spent Saturday night and Sunday at gon, were guests Sunday at the
has been visiting his aunt, Mrs.
About 35 members of the Epis-
Hana Kruse of Swift Current,
Balm Grove.
homes of M. M. Brierly, J. H. Gar-
Benn, since her trip to Vancouver Saskatchewan, and his son, Arthur, copal Mission motored to LaFayette
Mrs. Ray Forney of Toledo ar­ rett and William Bowman.
some time ago, returned home with of Portland were guests of Mr. and locks Sunday and enjoyed the open-
rived yesterday for a visit with her Boyce is a sister of Mrs. Garrett
his mother.
Mrs. J. F. Benn over the week-end. air services and picnic dinner with mother, Mrs. William Winegardner, and Mrs. Bowman, and Mr. Brierly
the congregations of McMinnville
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crawford
Dr. J. H. Rossman and E. W.
is her father.
About y125 people and other relatives.
•pent Sunday at Eagle Creek on the Beckett left Sunday night for Gold and Newberg.
Mr. end Mrs. Fred Sewell and
Columbia highway. They were ac­ Beach and vicinity, where they will were present.
companied by Mr. und Mrs. Charles enjoy a week's fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bentley and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Hillis and son, Charles, of Portland.
family and their guast. Miss Ruth Donelson attended the fair at Gres­
Dr. Robert Imbrie of Prosser,
The gentlemen in the party ira Iked
Sharpe, of New York, made the Co­ ham Sunday.
Wash., was a guest of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Donelson and
up to the Devil'« Punch Ib .»I, sev­
lumbia river highway trip Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Imbrie, over the
eral miles oft the highway.
Miss Sharpe left Sunday for Seattle, Mias Evelyn Sewell returned Friday
where she expected to visit Floyd from their trip to Yellowstone Na­
A picnic was held at the fish
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Challacombe Bentley for a short time on her way tional park.
hatchery on Gales Creek Sunday in
and daughter left Tuesday for a east.
Mrs. A. W. Havens and family
celebration of the birthday of Con­
visit with relatives and friends in
way Carter of Portland, youngest
Mrs. J. Walter Holt entertained returned Saturday night from a two
•on of Mr. and Mr«. George Carter
in honor of her daughter, Mrs. weeks’ vacation at Rockaway.
Ray Dillon has accepted a posi­ Conn B. Williams, of Kansas City,
of this city. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Weik of Port­
Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and tion with the C. Willis White Motor Mo., with a bridge luncheon on Fri- land spent the week-end at the
•on, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lar- company.
day of last week, Honors were won Weik home in this city.
Mrs. A. H. Morgan and children by Mrs. T. L. Dillb of Portland and
rnnee and family, and little Nona
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kerr and fam-
Curtis of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. are spending the week at the Morgan Mrs. T. M. Ramsdell, Jr.
Four ily of near Laurel were Hillsboro
Haskell Carter and children. Miss cottage at Meacham.
tables were played.
1 visitors Saturday.
Anne Shuh and Conway Carter of
New songs by Oregon composer at
Miss Cora Smith of Grants Tass
Mrs. J. T. MacKay left Saturday
is a guest this week of her aunt. for a few weeks’ visit at Murrey-
Mrs. A. D. Smith, and on Tuesday ville, B. C.
the ladies were guests of Mrs. Mel
i ■-
O. S. Dallman of Kinton was a
Barnes of Beaverton, another niece
business visitor Monday.
of Mrs. Smith. Miss Smith is a
Neil Stangel spent the week-end
daughter of the late Tip Smith, for­
merly in the flour milling business ! at Woodburn.
in this city.
Mrs. Winifred Gunton spent the
week-end with friends at Rockaway.
Grum Cartouche
Mrs. Gunton reports that Rockaway
u4ute Ttmforttd
Hillsboro, Oregon
had the largest qrowd of its his-
told com , J J j
tory on Sunday. The Southern Pa-
cific had an excursion from Port-
land to Rockaway for its employes,
and a large number of people were
there from other places.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shuck an'd
son, Stanley, of this city, and Mr.
and Mrs. L. T. Finigan and daugh­
Member Federal Reserve System
ters returned the last of the week
from an auto trip which included |
Gruen Cartouche
the Mt. Hood loop, Maupin, Bend,
East lake, Diamond lake, Crater I
The impression is widespread
lake, Klamath Falls, Ashland, the I
Our stockholders number fifty of the leading farm­
thst a Gruen is necessarily
Oregon caves, Crescent City, Cali
ers and business men of Washington County.
fornia, and then back to Bandon
We have, however, a wide
selection of reliable Gruen
and home, They were gone two
in sturdy reinforced
white gold cases moderately
Edward Schulmerich, President
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Krause and
priced at only
Glean T. Stapleton, First Vice-President
family of : Manly, Iowa, left Tues-
Come and see these fine
E. I. Kuratli, Second Vice-President
day for Bandon, after a visit with
William C. Christensen, Cashier
Mr. Krause's mother, Mrs. Andrew
James A. Wood, Assistant Cashier
Lou, at Bethany, and at the homes
F. J. Sewell, Assistant Cashier
J. L. Anderson
i of Walter Wismer and Ben Lou.
They will visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles
I Krause at Bandon, Charles Krause
1211 Main Street
benig a brother of the visiting Mr.
The Commercial National Bank is the largest bank
Krause. Charles Krause and family
in Washington County.
are well known here, Mr. Krause
having been with the Weil depart­
ment store for some time.
The Commercial
National Bank
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bailey and
children will leave Monday for a
two weeks’ visit at San Francisco
and Oakland, California, where they
will be guests of relatives. In San
Francisco they will visit with a
brother of Mr. Bailey's, where a
family reunion will take place, as
the parents will also be there on
their return trip from Michigan. Mr.
Bailey's parents will return home
with them.
Miss Norma Baker of Laurel
spent the week with Miss Alice May
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Marlin and
son. Tommy, of Portland, are spend­
ing their vacation at the Marlin
farm near Newton.
Mrs. Lester Ireland and daughters
and Mias Angie Harrington are
spending the week at the Ireland
cottage at Rockaway.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hancock
Mrs. M. McParland and son, Al- and children returned Sunday from
fred, went to Portland Sunday to a week’s visit with Mr. Hancock's
spend several hours between trains mother in eastern Oregon.
with Mrs. McFarland’s aunt, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Nosier and
M. Donnelly, of Saskatchewan, Can­
little daughter, Daphne, of Portland
ada, who was enroute to Los An­
were guests the first of the week of
geles, Cal., to make her home with
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Powers.
her sons, who are in the dairy busi­
George Roy of Scofield was a
ness in the southern state.
Donnelly was accompanied by her Hillsboro visitor Tuesday, coming
down to celebrate his birthday an­
grandson, Jack Lee.
niversary with his parents, Mr. and
R. H. Greer received a letter this
Mrs. Jack Roy.
week from Mrs. Verne Currey of
Mrs. George Newton left Tues­
Knoxville, Tennessee, saying that
they were on their way to Oregon day for Eugene to attend the fune­
to make their home. They will vis­ ral of her aunt, Mrs. Scott, who
it different places enroute and ex­ was killed in an automobile acci­
pect to arrive here in two or three dent. Margaret Newton is spending
weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Greer visited a few days in Portland.
the Currey family when they were
Henry Fogel of Forest Grove has
on their tour of the United States rented the meat market in the City
last year.
Market from Mrs. Strachan, and
Mrs. E. M. Adams of this city and will take possession next week. Mr.
her brother, A. Withers, of Hiawa- Fogel and family moved to this
tha, Kansas, are spending the week city this week, and are living at
at Newport and Neskowin. They 934 Ninth street.
were accompanied by their brother-
Additional local will be found on
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John page four.
Simmons, of Salem.
The Oregon State Veterans’ as-! H. J. Mahoney has opened
sociation will hold their annual pic­ plumbing repair shop in Hillsboro.
nic at the Oaks, Portland, Saturday, All work guaranteed.
223. 1213 Third street.
August 13, to which General Ran­
------- ,---------------------
som Post and corps are cordially
invited. Bring your basket lunch. M9S.Have your eyes examined by
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller of j ®>“a specialist See Dr. Luzader
McMinnville have moved to this city i at the Hillsboro Pharmacy every Sat­
urday. Hour« 10 to 4 o’clock. 36-tf
and are now domiciled in one of i
the new homes recently built by ’
Bert C. Shipley on Lincoln Street, I
near Fifth.
Mrs. J. H. Riggs returned the !
last of the week from Netarts,
where she was a guest of her daugh­
ter, Mrs. G. N. Taggart, at her
summer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Everest of
Bunker Hill, near St. Helens,. were
guests of Mrs. Evereai’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Blaser, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bergen and
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Applegate were
Sunday visitors at Cloud Cap Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Biassing were
picnickers at the fish hatchery on
Gales Creek Sunday.
Window ScrMOi
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Walker and
Screen Wire
daughter. Miss May, spent the week­
Fuller Paints
end at Meacham.
Miss Johnetta Riggs is a guest
this week of Mrs. John Gardner in I
Peter Grossen of Helvetia was a
county seat caller Saturday.
Better let Andy fix your watch.
He knows how.—-J. L. Anderson,
Jeweler, 1211 Main street.
Lumber Company
If you are having trouble
with your eyes consult Dr.
Glutsch of the Thompson-
The Lumber Store
Glutsch Optical Co., now
in his new location. Room 10, Com­
%lock West of Postoffice
mercial Bldg. For appointment, tele­
phone 1656.
f 2Ì-tf phon*,: Yar<1 27311 Res. 1531X