The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 11, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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AUGUST'11, 11127.
■ T ---------------■
Mrs. George McGraw left Sunduy
for a few day«' visit with her
daughter, Mr«. Ray Woodman, of
Mr«. Earl Wilson was In Portland
Wednesday and Thursday consulting
en eye specialist.
Mi»« Clara Hutchens returned
home Sunday from a two week«'
outing at the Tillamook beach*«.
Mr. and Mr«. Orval Hutchens and
family of Forest Grove were Bank«
visitor rs Monday.
ME . and Mrs. George Biersdorf
of Schefflin spent Sunday with Mrs.
Biersdorf's brother, J. C. Schulme­
rich, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Moore and Fred
Moore drove to Portland Sunday to
I have taken over Blair’»
Dairy and renpectfully so­
licit your patronage.
Telephone 1821
For Milk, Cream and
C. H. Eslinger
1« Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kennedy here
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wilcox and
Mr. und Mrs. Frunk Schulmerich
and children of Farmington visited daughter, Mrs. Emma Parker, and
at the C. W. Moore home Sunday. Miss Lillian, enjoyed n birthday
A happy picnic party gathered at dinner at the Roy Schulmerich home
Balm Grove Thursday evening. in Hillsboro Friday in honor of the
Some enjoyed the swimming, while birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Wil­
others spread the tables with the cox and Mrs. Schulmerich.
Mrs. Harold Ober and daughter,
many good thing« to cat, and others
participated In
a championship Carol, of Nehalem, viaited at the
horseshoe game. Those present A. C. Wahl home Friday and Sat-
were Mr. and Mrs. William M oore, urday.
Mr. ■nd Mrs. Churl«« Lu Follette
Mr. anil Mrs. H. A. Stohler and
daughter and Mr«. Susie Reale
•on, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Moore and son, Dr. and Mr*. R. M. of Cornelius viaited with relative«
Kin««, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wahl and in Bunk« Friday evening.
Mr«. C. B. Hall and little daugh­
son, Mrs. IL A. Williams, of Banks,
who have been visiting her «la­
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gardner
Mr«. Thumb«, at Linnton, re­
children, Mrs. R. C. Vaught, Mrs.
C. E. Lytle, of Hillsboro, and Fred turned to Bank« Sunday for a few
day*' vi«it and to look after prop­
Moore of Seattle.
erty intercut« here before return­
Earl Shipley, who suffered a
ing to Miaaiauippi.
ly crushed foot last week, wan
Mr. and Mr«. Frank Grindel and
brought home from the hospital the children of Portland visited at the
last of the week and is doing as Eli Grindel home here Wednesday.
well as could bo expected.'
Fred Moore, city auditor of
J. C. Schulmerich made a busi- Scuttle, is visiting with his brother,
neaa trip to Portland Monday.
Willium Moore, and family, in thia
The Mothers' club met at the city.
home of Mr«. George McGraw Fri­
Maater "Bobby” Stohler cele­
day afternoon. "Forming of char­ brated hi« third birthday anniver­
acter in children” was the topic of sary Saturday ufternoon when «la­
discussion. Plans were made for an
teen of hi« little friend« joined him
all-day meeting with a picnic dinner in a birthday party. The little folks
at the home of Mrs. Harold Jensen played game« and Mr«. Stohler
for the September meeting on Sep served them refreshments from a
tern her 2.
long table on the lawn. Those pres­
The Banks ball team defeated ! ent were Elsie and Jeraldinc Kess­
Oswego here Sunday, 9 to 11. Turk ler, Lucille Arts, Dorothy Tildon,
■earned to bo the star player on the Hazel Jean Wilson, Billy Kessler,
local nine, knocking out two home
Evert and Leonard Shipley, Donald
run«. They will play a return game
and. Billy Moore, Donald Holiday,
at Oswego Sunday.
Hollis Hartwick, Frank Wahl, Rob­
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klllin of For­
ert Stohler, and Sally and Ronaid
est Grovo visited at the home of |
Gardner of Hillsboro.
visit Mr«.
“ quite ill.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Misfortune Follows
Local Business Man
Misfortune was following O. ♦
B. Gates, local business man, ♦
last week. Driving home from ♦
Seaside a week ago Sunday, ♦
where he had been to visit his ♦
family, he was stung by a bee. *
On the next evening he was ♦
visiting his sister on the ♦
seventh floor of the Cornelius ♦
hotel in Portland and, coming ♦
down in the elevator, the ♦
brakes failed to work with the ♦
result that he received quite a ♦
Wednesday afternoon ♦
his car was struck by another ♦
at Tenth and Salmon in Port­ +
land and damaged considerably. ♦
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
The Neighbors of the Woodcraft
will hold a picnic at Balm Grove on
A birthday surprise party was
held Thursday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mr». J. Johnson, honor­
ing Miss Julia Johnson. Cards were
played, after which delicious re­
freshments were served.
The Young People’s class of the
Methodist church held a business
meeting Wednesday evening at the
church. An ice cream social will
be given Friday evening, August 12,
by the young people, on Talbot's
Miss Dorothy Fisher of Gales
Creek visited a few days last week
at the home of her grandmother,
Mrs. Lilly.
A birthday dinner was held Sun-
(Too late for last week)
day at the home of Mrs. M. D.
Fred Scheible and family, Miss Mann.
The dinner was to com­
Alma Scheible, IL Garrish and fam­ memorate the second birthday anni­
ily enjoyed last Sunday at the versary of Barbara Jane Mann.
Those present were Mrs. M. D.
Mrs. L. Jesse and Mr. Willis of Munn, Loyal Mann, Mattie Mann,
Gales Creek visited with relatives William Mann, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
in Portland last Sunday.
Mooberry, Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Eugene Kleiner of Portland re­ Mann and daughter, Barabara Jane,
cently visited with his sister. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Mann and
P. Kleiner, who is visiting at the Mrs. Henrietta Morgan.
G. Gheen home.
The Workers’ class of the Meth­
Miss M. Lacmmerman is spending odist church had charge of the Sun­
day evening service at Willamette.
her vacation with relatives.
G. Kessler, Sr., la visiting with Those who helped in the service
his daughter, Mrs. E. Lyda, at Glen­ were Rev. J. R. Shaffer, Jay Shaf­
fer, Lester Smith, Winifred and
Helen Rand, Bertha McClaughry
fl and Mattie Mann.
Miss Julia Johnson spent Sunday
I at Corvallis.
Henry Hoffman returned Thurs-
old time clover seed hullers, day from Wyoming, where he has
Jansen & Spiering company, of Ver- been on a visit.
boort, began threshing clover seed
Mr. and Mrs. B. McGinn are the
nt the Delplanche brothers’ farm. proud parents of a baby girl, born
Wilfred Verboort is running the August 5.
water wagon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Eischen have re­
turned from the beaches and are at
Chief Freeman on Vacation
home on their farm south of Cor­
Chief of Police O. O. Freeman, nelius.
accompanied by his family, left on
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barber and
Tuesday morning for Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Listin Barber of Rich­
on his annual vacation.
Walter mond, Cal., were dinner guests at
Tews, night officer, is acting chief the home of Harley Barber at For­
during the absence of Chief Free­ est Grove Monday. Mr. and Mrs.
I.istin Barber left Monday after-
ters of Portland were visitors at
the home of Mrs. A. L. Brock this
School district No. 2 is having
the play-shed remodeled.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Unverricht of
Swift Current, Sask., Canada, visit­
ed last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Hoffman. Mrs. Un-
verricht was formerly Miss Katy
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Jackson spent
last week at Astoria, visiting with
relatives and enjoying the beaches.
Miss Caroline Hoffman of Port­
land visited with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Hoffman, Sunday.
Ashley Jackson and Douglas Mc­
• » • o •
o • o •
Pherson left Saturday for the coast
> • • • 0
for a week.
0*0 •
Mrs. Emma Schmalie and Mr.
and Mrs. George Beerstead spent
the week-end at the coast.
The Lutheran Mission feast was
held Sunday at the church. Ninety
dollars was raised for missionary
The Lutheran picnic will be held
Sunday, August 21, at Duncalf's
Mrs. Lilly Moon returned Sun­
day from Washington, where she
has been visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Sahnow and
Attention !
Official light adjusting sta­
tion now ready. A word to
the wise is sufficient!
noon for their home in California.
Wants Custody of Children
lings, Mont., July 16, 1898.
Mrs. L. IL Booth and three daugh-
Mary Brunson has filed suit for asks for the custody of four minor
daughters, Dolores and Lenora, of divorce from William H. Brunson, children.
Scheffelin, visited Sunday at the A. alleging cruel and inhuman treit-
S. Brock home.
They were married at Bil-
*1.50 year.
Lester Smith was a Portland visi­
tor Tuesday.
The Reverend H. E. Boesch of
Forest Grove will conduct special
services at Saint Alexander's cliurch
in_ Cornelius on Assumption Day,
Monday, August 15, at 9 a. m. The
Ceciiian choir will render Marian
selections during the mass.
Used Cars
New Oakland Model Is
Attracting Attention
During the past week a record
attendance was noted at the display
of the new “All American Six”
models at the salesrooms of the
Hartwick Motor Co., according to
Mr. Hartwick, manager of the local
Oakland-Pontiac dealers, who pre­
dicts record sales activity on all the
Oakland “All American Six” models
during the coming months.
No new model yet displayed
among the 1928 offerings reveals
changes more complete than does
the latest Oakland. The new car
has a longer wheel-base, now 117
inches, a new and more powerful
motor, a new chassis, seven new
bodies by Fisher, new Duco colors,
and a host of advanced engineering
features, making it one of the most
interesting and talked-about cars of
the current season. Feminine mo­
torists will find the improvements in
body designs in the “All American
Six" just as fascinating as the me­
chanically-minded motorists will the
many chassis advancements.
Rotary Bids Farewell to
First Head, Dr. Rossman
Dr. J. H. Rossman, who has sold
his dental practice here to Dr. Mar­
shall, presided as chairman at his
last Rotary club meeting Thursday.
Various Rotarians gave their im­
pressions of the club. R. R. Easter
expressed the good wishes of the
club to Dr. Rossman and bade him
farewell, Dr. Rossman was the first
president of the Hillsboro Rotary
club and has already been an active
We invite you to try out any of our Used Cars
before you buy it. It comes to you with our as­
surance of satisfaction or full value exchange.
You cannot lose. Look at these bargains:
1925 Star Sport Touring-This
for $895.00 new. We have
tioned it; buy it today for......
1924 Star Roadster................
1925 Ford Coupe....................
1924 Ford Touring.................
1921 Ford Delivery
car sold
Pay As You Ride
Otto Erickson &
HilLsboro, Oregon
Trade at your
Drug Store
Special Selling
house frocks
An unusual selection of House Dresses in attractive
styles and colorings of Fancy Ginghams and Prints.
These are such excellent values that you will want
more than one. As the quantity of these frocks is
limited the wise and thrifty shopper will come early
For Your Convenience
and Comfort
Wo maintain and operate a
complete and modern Fune­
ral Home. The finest equip­
ment obtainable is always
ready for immediate
Motor Coaches make it
sible for us to extend
services to outlying
distant parts of the
and country. Privacy is as­
sured at the Funeral Home.
The Chapel is conveniently
arranged and has every fa­
cility for a beautiful service.
Third and Lincoln Streets
Did it ever occur to you what
your drug store means to
you? What would you do
without it? It would un-
doubtedly mean a loss to you Your druggist is at
your service twenty-four hours a day. Although the
drug store is only open from twelve to sixteen hours,
you can easily call your druggist by telephone at any
hour of the night.
A drug store is not only a place to buy drugs,* but a
place where you can buy stamps, use the telephone,
ask road directions, leave your packages while doing
the rest of your shopping—in fact, your drug store
does a thriving business in everything, as well as take
the necessary money to enable it to continue in busi­
You can get your wants delivered at once without
extra cost. You have a chance to use your credit,
which is no small item.
It is worth more to you to patronize your neighbor­
hood drug store, with all these privileges, than to buy
in Portland. Think it over, neighbor, and you will
without question come to the conclusion that it will
pay you to trade at home and patronize your home
town drug store.
i Hillsboro Pharmacy
The drug store that is at your command 24 hours a day”