APRIL 11. I9Í7 THE HILLSBORO ARGUS PAGE TWO in Seattle with Mrs. Woodworth’s mother, drove down to Banks to spend a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. und Mrs. M. S. ’ Wood­ man. before leaving for their home in the East. ing will be held on Tuesday, April Banks High School R. C. Coffield, the local de pot 26. Everyone is urged to be there Winner in Baseball agent, was a business visitor in llllls- to get the grounds cleaned up m boro Saturday. readiness for the memorial services. The Banks union high school nine Miss Ethel Smith and her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Curtiss and won the first game of the season Miss Cornelia Smith, motored to daughters of Maplewood spent Sat­ from Forest Grove high at Banks Portland Saturday where they spent urday evening a^ the G. . McGraw Tuesday afternoon with a score of the day shopping. home. Mrs. Curtiss used to teach 19 to 1 in their favor. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wahl and in the Banks high school. son, Frank, and John Arthur of ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Grant Jones of Hillsboro w ns The annua! all day cemetery meet- visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. Banks accompanied by Mrs. K. A. Herrington and S. Gibson of For­ Smith, here Tuesday. est Grove were transacting business liv- ♦ Mis. E. E. Nickerson, now in Hillsboro Saturday. ing in Portland, made a short visit It Pays to Eat Mr. and Mis. Charles Shipley and home here Saturday. to her at the Mis. Emil Shipley of north of Banks The Banks Grange held an inter- were among the Forest Grove callers esting meeting Friday evening. I he Saturday. next meeting will be held Friday, Lowell French, who is employed April 22. on the Fred Wileox ranch on Ball Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woodman and Hillsboro Mountain vv a s visiting with h i s son. Keith, of Scofield were visiting Main Street Opposite grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H . at the Woodman and McGraw homes Court House Smith, in Banks Sunday. in Banks Saturday. M rs. Harold Banks has been ill We Serve the Best for Less Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth of Wis­ with influenza the past two weeks. consin, who have spent the winter Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wahl and son. S. Gibson and Henry Northrup motored to Portland Sunday after­ noon where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gibson. Your prolapsed stomach and bowels, which cause Miss Ethel Smith and Miss Cornel­ that old chronic trouble, can be cured without an ia Smith were visiting at the home anesthetic, incision, pain, and bloodless. See us for of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith in information. Hillsboro Sunday. I C. S. Thatcher and family visited FREE ADViCE AND EXAMINATION with relatives at Salem on Sunday last. It is reported that the sawmills at ' Scofield have closed down to four days a week until July 1. There will be a hard time dance given at Manning Saturday even­ ing. C. S. Thatcher and sons took in the movies at Forest Grove Thurs­ day evening last. Mrs. M. Schramel and children of Forest Grove spent Sunday with Mrs. Schraniel's parents, Mr. and At the New Mrs. II. Smith in this city. C. S. Thatcher and W. S. Lee are SHADYSIDE DANCE HALL making some improvements around Bet. Forest Grove and Gaston on Tualatin Highway their places of business in the way of cleaning up and new fences. M. S. Woodman is having a new woodshed built on to his home on Main street. Mrs. Ray Vincent and children and sister, Mrs. Young, and children of Gales Creek were visiting at the Come, dance to our peppy music and new entertainers 11. Smith home in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clif Sandy and fam- ■ ily of Hillsboro spent Sunday with J. J. Hutchens and family. FEATURING The Rev Blackwell reports his wife is improving front her recent illness and expects her home soon. O. L. Hutchens and family were calling on home folks Sunday. Popular Prices Ladies Free Eli Grindell visited the county­ seat Saturday. Ben Dooley, who has been quite SPECIAL PRIZES FOR THE OCCASION ill at his home, is so much improved that he is able to be out on the streets again. David Wilson, who fractured his arm one day last week, is getting along fine. Florence McFarlane is expected home from Corvallis to spend Easter Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McFarlane. Art Caples and wife and W. Mc- Eldowney and wife of Forest Grove were present at the supper given by the Mothers club Thursday evening. A large number of guests attend­ ed the birthday party given by Mrs. Clell Carstens in honor of Mrs. Frank Rinck and Miss Beryl Car­ stens April 1. The Banks Mercantile bought six carloads of potatoes this week. Frank Grindle and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of - — Portland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Grin- die of this city. 3 1*2 Hours Quicker Portland to Lyle Wolford started to school San Francisco Monday after a four-weeks absence on account of the flu and other, Fa-ter time than ever before between Port­ complications. land and San Francisco. Only 23 Vi hours on the Rev. Blackwell reports that his swift Cascade, new extra-fare flyer over the wife is still confined in a Seattle scenic Cascade line-—-a smart travel service to hospital. delight the most exacting. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mawhinney and daughter, Zeola, drove to Rose­ Leaves Portland daily at 10:05 p. m., arriving burg Friday to visit Mr. Mawhin- BANKS NEWS Coffee Cup Restau­ rant Dr. George T. Darland Easter Dance Saturday, April 16 noy's sister, Mrs. Brown, mid family, returning home Sunday. They stop­ ped off in Corvallis mid spent a few hours with Henty Atleo mid family, The Mothers' club, u.-isied by Mrs. L. A. Humphreys, gave a chicken dinner in the I. O. O. F. hull on Thursday night. It was quite n suc­ re:.- socially us well us financially. The Sunday school of the M. E. church is preparing a short program for Easter Sunday. K. 'A. Wilcox, rural mail carrier out of Banks on route 3. was struck by a Ford coupe driven by Mrs. Ethel Stovall - “ when rounding a sharp curve on the road near Sher- man'a mill Friday of last week. The first practice game of the season was played Sunday between Banks and the V< i boort Fore ters on the Banks field, the score run­ ning high in favor of the Bunks team. The local team is lining up fine with some heavy hitters. ♦ ♦ ♦ Grade School Note« Miss Eleanor Conant, our primary teacher, has accepted a position in the Woodburn schools. David Wilson is carrying his arm in a sling us the result of u full lust Friday in which he dislocated his arm at the elbow. He will be buck in the team in a few days. Matilda and Melissa Narup have completed their sewing club work. The l'irates und Sea Dogs of the seventh mid eighth grades hud a magazine subscription contest last week. The Sea Dogs won mid were entertained by the Pirates. Refresh ments were served at Mrs. H. A. Williams’ confectionery. The sixth und seventh grades have played a number of ball games this season with the scores as follows: Watts 12. ut Banks. 20; Banks, 25, at Watts, 14; Greenville, 16, ut Banks, 29: high school second team, 16, grade school, 6. new, finer faster trains to California Effective April 17 New speed and deluxe service over Southern Pacific Shasta route Mountaindale Garage and Machine Shop J. B. Limbach Shasta and Oregonian via Siskiyou line, the famous Shasta will con­ tinue as a premier train of the Shasta Route. Carr'-'s coach to accommodate travelers to in­ ter ate points. Oi egonian via Siskiyou Line, leaves Portland at 1 a. m. sleepers ready at 9:30 p. m.) arriving San Francisco at 9:50 a.m., one day following. $15—Coach every Tuesday and Friday» Special to San , Pccial all-coach trains leave _ Portiandat 10:00a.m.,arriving Francisco-* San Francisco at 10:30a.m.next day. 24;/2-hour, low cost service—only $15 one­ way fare. Ask your local agent about minor changes in local and connecting service. m Pacific L. SHINABERGER Agent , a ..WX xJ0t>Olh ie><3e>C>üU<Ü> UH.X tjtlüh ¡(botín. iPHxWiXlW' K. > i Big Dance ---------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wall and daughter, Evelyn, of Longview vis- ited Friday evening and Saturday wuh Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Bui bank and family. Mr. Wall is Mrs. bur- bmik'» cousin. Mr. und Mrs. John Murty and chudrei-, Mr». Trach»el, Laura and Emi! Trachsel spent Sunduy ut the Keidweg home. Ray Perkins of Portland was a Sunitay evening visitor ut the Uur- uank home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rowton and fuiuily spent Sunday afternoon lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank I ugh. Mrs. 0. M. Burbank has been on the sick list the past week. Mrs. Smith und sons, Seth, Glen, Kenneth and Ivan, l.iiXeiiie uuu Glen Shap and Frank \ undet pool visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. ilur- bank. John Burbank took his sister, Mrs. Leia Woods, to Tillamook last !■ ri­ day morning and returned Sunday evening. Irene and Elbert Stevens spent Sunday afternuon at the Keidweg home. I HILLSBORO PAVILION '0 BIG CROWD — SNAPPY 8 PIECE BAND Come Once and You Will Come Again Dancing Every Saturday Nite «' i I i The reception given the opening of our five new stores in Lincoln, Nebraska, recently, was one of the most encouraging ever accord- ed our entry into any section of the country, People came from miles around to attend the open­ ing and city folks fairly poured into the stores. Expressions of astonishment and appreciation of the values offered were heard on every side. Sales for a single day amounted to thousands of dollars so eager were the crowds to avail themselves of the unaccustomed savings. Our hundreds of thousands of regular patrons are familiar with the un­ equaled combination of advantages offered by this most efficient system of distributing foods. To the folks of the Middle West, those things were new—but mighty welcome. Fruits for Easter Bananas Orange» For Your Convenience and Comfort We maintain and operate a complete and modern Fu­ neral Home. The I 'tit equipment obtainable is al­ ways ready for immediate call. Motor Coaches make it possible for us te extend our services t o outlying and di-tant parts of the city and country. Privacy is as­ sured at the Funeral Home. 7he Chapel is conveniently a, ranged and has every fa­ cility for a beautiful service. Sweet Juicy Navels Medium Size Firm. Ripe Fruit Doz.—39c New Potatoes 3 lbs. 29c Very Good Quality Third nnd Lincoln Sts. PHONE 953 3 lbs.—25c New Peas Per lb. — 15c / CANNED GOODS MISCELIANEOUS Sugar— EXTRA FANCY GRADE Corn, Peas, Beans— Lilly of the 45c PORTLAND, OREGON Twice daily at 2:30 - 8:30 (no performance Easter Si’”ilay nif.ht). THE FIRST AND ONLY PRESENTATIONS IN PORTLAND THIS YEAR OF THE SUPERB CINEMA SPECTACLE BEN-HUR A Picturization Founded on the Mighty Drama of That Name Lew Wallace's Immortal Story Presented Exactly as in New York and Los Angeles WITH ORCHESTRA OF TWENTY AND COMPLETE AURICULAR EFFECTS How to Secure Ticket, by Mail Now—Address letters, make checks and postoffice money orders payable to W. T. Pangle at Public Auditorium. Note: Include aelf-addretied stamped envelope to insure safe return. Due to Large Capacity, Public to Benefit -Price,, Including Tax: Evening, at 8:30— Every Afternoon 2:30— First 25 rows, lower floor $1.10 First 25 rows, lower floor $ .75 Last 8 rows, lower floor ... 1.65 Last 8 rows, lower floor 1.10 First balcony, center........... 1.10 First balcony, center First balcony, sides................ .75 First balcony, sides Entire second balcony... .50 Entire second balcony (No Performance Sunday Eve , April 17) 59c 10 lbs. . Buttcr- I’er lb. Tomatoci — Solid pack; Blue Bonny ; No. 2>/a tins; 59c 4 cans .................................. Corn Flake 8 for Pineapple— Whole slices; No. 3 pkgs. . 2'/2 tins; 4 cans............. Corn Starch— 8 I Lx. STANDARD GRADE CITY AUDITORIUM 9ÏS Sat.Apr.16 Rhubarb 4 lbs. 25c SATURDAY AND MONDAY Features Valley; 2 cans ....................... THE GLENN F. BELL MORTUARY | „ >ca< . «>< •< U >< K a >< >< X X at HJ>. x hji . x icxjinixtwao®®«®«. Mrs. Matthes nnd children and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Olsen visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Liebcnow and family. Although we have not as yet u complete stock nnd altera­ tions are not finished, the sea­ son being here we will take care of all work as it comes in. San Francisco at 9:25 p. m. Extra fare $3. Train No. 15— saves a business day between Portland and Los Angeles. No extra fare. Leaves Portland daily at 5 p. m., arriving Los Angeles at 8:30 a. m., the second day. Through Pullman without change to San Francisco. dj- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Iron and Steel Work Woodwork Automotive Repairing and Ser­ vice a Specialty No Order Too Small No Order Too Large H South Tualatin High School Note» The boys are p ttiog in |*< tty good trim with VanDomelon in the pitch­ er's box and Vanderzanden behind the bat. The girl lire showing good interest also. There are a great many trying out for the declamation and ora­ torical contest. The tryout has not yet been given. Bradley’s Dance Band of Portland 7 1*2 Hours Quicker Fortland to Los Angeles ■— ----------------------- 25c Jell Well— 25c 25c Arnaiz.o Oil— 45c Corn, Peas, Beans—No. 2 tins; Quart 2 cans .......... ........................ Dozen cans ...................... Tomatoes— No. 2’j cans; 2 cans .............................. Dozen cans ...................... Catsup—DelMonte, large size; 2 bottles $1.29 25c $1.39 COFFEE— For the best satisfaction drink Skaggs White Wrap; 1 lb. ■ I . GLADIOLI BULBS Various shades; Doz.— 45c $1.33 40c Features for Saturday Only in our Quality Market HAMS FOR EASTER Morrells Pride Eastern Sugar Cured Hama— 10 to 14-lb. average; Ofin whole or half; per lb. ..... OvL Carstens Hams— 10 to 12-lb. average; £’ok ,,r h“'r:....... Swifts Premium— 10 to 12-lb. Store No. 47 30c Shortening— Best grade ; 2 lbs. for 8 lbs. for 27c $1.05 Pork Roa.-ta— Loan and tender cuts from I he shoulder; lb........................ 22c Eastern Sugar Cured Bacon Squares— Per lb. 20c Hillsboro Phone 2171 Watch the Argus Each Week for Skaggs-Safeway Ads