J IH. Y I ft, 192(1 THE HILLSBORO ARGUS PAGE FOUR ■ i— I Fair. ,875; T J Seott. ,22.75; Earl ,23.25; A C Kruger. 2 Ulis, ,48.82. Sons Co of California. »306.12; Burke1 Grace Ureae. ,10; Mrs Sarah Nunley, Luther, ,10.50; Elmer Watson, ,5.25; $31.62; Geo W ailing, ,29; Emil Mach Co, »14: Vamlervvlden Mach ,12; la Harriot Fagalda, »10; Beryl II II Kerkman. ,86.50; Claud Elford, Brockman, ,7; Tom Taylor, »21; A Co, ,6.40; Hillsboro Tranafer Co, ,2.- lliirper, »20; Katy Goble, »12; Math­ i MS-75; Frank VanHaa, $l i T <1 El Zimmerman. ,16; Godfre Airops, $!.- 32; Madson Truel: I inc, DOv: Humid ie Rolston, ,10; Flora Poschka, ,15; County Official Paper ford, ,5.25; Jim Doiel, ,12.25; Elmer 76; Goo Walling, ,29.60; Toni Kaylor, J Hanaen, ,188.71; Portland Electric Surah I. Eden, »10; Frank Kelaey4 i Mrs. Henry Gardner, whose hus­ Varner. $14: Seott Campbell. $7; H D $27; Alb Zimmerman. ,3.60; Godfrey Power Co, ,10.11. ■ »5- i band was recently killed by a falling Kerkman. $13.75: R F Lepsehat, ,21; Atrops. «20.12: A C Kruger ,37.13; W. VERNE McKINNEY - - Editor Widows* Pensions Clara Myrtle » I Oregon State Highway Com. 2 i Leonard Lepaehat. »12; Fred Haney. Sam Hougan, »16; Amos Jones, ,7; bills. ,63.»4; Creston I'ecd X Fuel Merwin, ,25; Laura G Hayes, »10; tree, was in the city yesterday. MRS. E. C. McKINNEY - Asst. Editor, ( > t E D Testerman. ,1.75; Bert Wal­ ■ .1 W Huson, $12; Jno Nyberg, $7: C F Co, ,8; Oleson Lbr Co, »32.35; llilla Liaala Wade, ,-IO; Minnie Cox. ,10; i John Brown, after having for one $8; I ter. »1.75; Joe Cowne, K Biers- rigar.l, $6.20; Sum II Stowell. ,107.- • Ritnour. ,17.50; Bertha Bores, ■ Subscription Rates month assisted Postmaster Schulmer- dorf. $1.76: H D Kerkman $33.75; G 5"; Oregon Electric Railway t'o, ,52.« boro Concivtv Bri'-k X Tile Co. ,286.- Zcphy i 20; Eagle Lbr Co, ,93.59; W 1’ Fuller ,2t>; Nova Elma Leonard, ,17.50; Ter Year..................................... ,1.50 i ich to “ learn the ropes ” in the E Dickson. ,122.50; E J Godman, , 20; Otto E Stowell, $60; Harry Stow­ X Co, ,39.75; A C Hoag X Co, Inc, Margaret E GriUmacher, ,10; Ruth i Six Months ...... .85 I « office, retires. For years he has »400; J H Wescott, 15. ell $107; Adam Jablonski, ,3ft; Jno »131.70; Herman Cop, »125; Honey­ Marti Johnson, ,10; Mary Hartman, • R X H— Frank Jackson. $3.50; Ed­ Bi’’ $6; John Bill, $21; Clarence man lljw Co, 97c; The I'hvst O Lite ,H>: Edna M lluntjiig. ,I7.!>O; Mrs I been a familiar figure at the de­ Issued on Thursday of each week by I »39; N I’ Nelson, ,28; E Co. Inc, »19.97; Munnell X Sherrill, C J Robinson, »10; Stella Shaffer, livery window. Miss Josie Schulmer- mond Cornelius, ,3.50; Fred Gordon, Cummings, i McKinney & McKinney, Publishers. i Rolibiiis. $2(1.25; H M Moore, $12.- ,155 36; .1 I. Isttture, Equip Co, ,25; ; Mary Frances Muller. »25; llor- 51 ..’«; Roy Bills. $3.50; ........ H W “ Fair. ’ i HS ich has accepted a postion as as ­ I $3.50; Chester Bridges. ,117; O A 25; A Kessler, ,14; E Bogun, $>; J ,13225; Clyde Equip Co. ,21.83; Jno tha I, Tandbury, »25; Florence Entered in the Postoffice at Hills­ i sistant. Archambault, $77: R N Brown. ,7; P Fitzgerald. $7: Jos Myers, $5.25; Nyberg. ,49 25; Marshull Well» Co. Butcher, 25; Grace E Maitland, »17.- • « boro, Oregon, as second-class mail Mrs. Sarah Collier, wife of M. C. Chau Vanaudenhaegen ,88; Win J B Stone, ,10.50; O Bowen, $7; L 58.50; Portland Bolt X Mfg Co. ,7.64: 50; Mary E Schoonover, ,10; Lula E i i matter. J ___ »38: M Sheelar, '1. Revn. 1.1. $11; .1 NyLerg. $103.60; Union Oil Co of Calif. ,64V.33: Clayton, ,10; Mrs Georgina la-wia, Collier, residing between Laurel and Vnnaudenhaegcn. i ,36: W ........... J Stameli, »55; Emi’ Duyck, E H Robbins. $10.50; 11 M Moore. Standard Oil Co. ,1011.06. ,2 60; Eu­ ,17.60; Mrs. Myrtle Finsley. ,40; Vi­ i Scholls, died this week after a long Scott Campbell. »21, Elmer Var- ,5.2ft C A Nyberg, »5 25: A Kessler, reka Carriage X Auto Wrka, ,59.25; olet May Davis, ,25; Lotti» Blanche RESULTS THE SAME By Ethel Hueston • i i and painful illness and was buried in »21: Cun- Hillsboro Top Shop, ,30.2ft; Tom Exell. ,17 50; Maude N Oller, ,10; nor, »7; A O Vogt, ,142.50: Joe Sal- $7; J P Htzgerald. ,3 50 ; the Masonic cemetery in this city zer. »123.5t'; Adolph Feilmetxger, ninghnm. $20; J B Stone. ,3.50; J Sandy. ,4; Clifford Sandy. ,1. H It Martha M Miller, ,2ft WNV »76; Claud Nyberg, $11; II M Moore. $1.75; C A Findley. ,10; l evnaui;htv Much Co, The Hillsboro Argus, “Largest and !6; Dennis DeBrasso, _____ John Anderson, Ct Hao Exp, ,28. T----aa« yesterday. Mrs. Collier was well Mra. A. B To.kl, Juv Court, »84 Oft. best weekly paper in Oregon”—(no­ Oopyriffbt by th« Bobbs-MerrtU Ofe known in this vicinity and leaves n Niberg, »1.75; E Sheets ,8; Ben Day. Nvberg. $1.75; E Sheets, «10; Peter ,281.2ft; Oregon Stat,« Hitrhway Com, Harry Thornbrue. $21.50; R Ya­ Hoffman. 2 bill», »5.75. »2.26; J H ,212.17; Gen’I Petroleum Corp. »74,- Jurora, Cir Ct. Meh term, 1926 — tice that is quoted) is, besides, about large circle of friends to mourn her $3: mada, ,27: Claus Peters. $16.50; M Kitterman, $5.50; E F McCormack, (81; J E Reeves. »I; Runo) Grader *..................... ” Wm Bronka, ,40.50; Harold I. Hal­ (Continued from Last Week) the only weekly paper in Oregon go­ loss. Fraluise, $21: Herschel Clut'er. $50.- $239.50. Mfg Co, ,14.20; Geo C McRoberts, vorsen, 112 60; B Ort num, ,12.60; ing at ,1.50 a year, the old price of Oregon and Washington Wedded 6<>; Jno Anderson. 5 bills, $9.10. $14.- R X H—M E McConnell »23.24; ,3; Concrete Pine Co, 8 bills. ,236.-1 Ella King. ,22.40; Julia McNutt, "To keep from loving me. Jerry." he —Hillsboro well remembers John R. 70. $266.70, $280, $107.10: Frank Bai- McFarlane Hdw Co, $1.0; J II Kitter- 14, ,34.63. ,11.37. ,19.44. ,23 44. ,L-| ,22.80; Ida 1. Gustin, ,24; Jno I, the 70’s and 80’s when potatoes were exchangeable. But at that, the Hills­ finished, when her voice faltered. Hargrave, who was here last sum­ lev. $93.75; H E Wolford. $10.25; i urn $145; W H Lyda. $1.25; Ches­ 30 ,14.58. ,110.38; Cady Motor Co. Kirkwood, »39; Ed ear I* Crawford. Jerry lifted her misty blue eyes un mer with the photographic firm of Frank G.25: F L Brown. $5.50: Frank Louis Stark. ,2.40; Vandervelden Kline Co, ,41.09: MacKensle Motor ,1660; Henry T lkerceptlble move­ happy pair left Monday evening for | Stenhens. $13: E Bremer, $137.50; Sherk. ,5.6», Dr G F Via. ,64; Scott. Bridges, ,140; Phoenix Iron, $3: J 11 Trullinger, ,3 20; Mra. Myr­ ment. and Jerry was free of his arm. Kelso, Wash , where the groom is i ~ert Pixler. $102; E Goetter, $11.25; X Vernonia Eagle. Harry Aldingor. ,96.2ft; U G Gard- Wrka, »572.44: Used (’ar Exchange. tle Perkins. »3 20; W II Wright, H; H D Ia'dford. $97; Wm Lormer, $43,- Editor Robinson might refer to She called softly across to Newton engaged in businses, nor, $95.62; Hans Rasmussen, $116.- »17.74; R l> Murray ReGrinding Co. II G \ invent. ,3; Allen Tannock, ,2: 87. • • • the Saturday Evening Post for the Macklin, standing near them: 36; H E Suabaucr, $119.93; Joe Cor- »21.50: Fmith Auto Parts Co, »7; Chaa Northrup, ,2; Frank Connell, R X H — Joe Mann. $12: D Wood- “OK Newton, we have been looking I reri. $12112; Chas Hoair ,12229; Vem Baldwin. Bridges, »1.50; Hills- ,3- principle of a low subscription price (Argus July 9, 18961 v ard. $6; C E Downer. <10- W N Ha­ Adrian Powers, ,120.94; Martin Jen­ boro Argun. »21.45. Grand Jury Witnvaaea -W P with the greatest circulation of any everywhere for you.” When he had thorn. $173.87; J H W seott. $10.95; C. E. Whitmore of Laurel yester­ R X H—dlillaboro Tel Co. »23.45; Bronka, ,3 40; Mra W I’ Bronka, ,3,- joined them site slippet! her fingers in sen. ,132.18; R W Williams. ,100; A Geo t ook. $6; Jas Walters, $128; Jno magazine in the world with a conse­ his arm. She looked at Duane with day brought in two coyote scalps Hillsboro Pharmacy, »1.37; Corwin L Cunningham, ,84.56; A Nordlund, 40; F A McMahon, ,8; Henry Kral- quent higher advertising rate. In­ Ice-cold eyes, and smiled, with ice- on which he secures $20 bounty— Prickett. $6; A E Eberly. $6; H I, $81.03; M S Meek. «120; Jud Nicode­ Hdw Co. »1043; 1. R Gait. »353.10; l»l, ,260; B A McLay, ,6; J T An- Stone. $10.5(1; S C Inkley. $29 25; R O Arehamiaiult. ,1»; Oregon Elec ­ mus. $100; II Becker. $157.50; Aug- vestigation on our part has failed to cold Ups. "It was a wonderful dance, $10 each. His father recently F Lepsehat, $270.75; Fred Dodge. $5; deraon, »3.40; James Kirby. »3 10; disclose any weekly paper in Oregon Mr. Allerton. Will you tell mother brought in three of the same specie. Leonard I-epsehut. $66; Joe Rarick. • «t Foege. $131.25; llirman Schind­ tric Railway Co, ,5.09; A Campbell, Howard Snyder, »5.40; John Ramber­ Damages, ,150; Kennedy Bros Ma ger, ,6; A E Story. »6; Dr M R ler, $62.50; Kurt Leibenow, $100; with either subscription price of I am going with Newton to find Rae Dr, C. B. Brown is taking a post $59: F A Dodge. $29: J A Brdy. $67; Tom Rood. $19.12: Robt Meacham chine Shop. ,3.?0; Feenaughtv Much ,1.5ft or ,2.00 that comes anywhere Forsythe, and that I shall stay with graduate course at Chicago in a Raymond Wood. $63- Paul Ry, »3.40; Mra advertising carried each week by the known as “The Other Side,” which W A Buckley. <123.25: C E Robert­ ,1 k *: W C Brown. ,21.76; J C Petes- 90, ,56.70; Oregon Electric Railway C E Wharton, »6.40; (¡co Snyder. »5,- Argus shows the value of a large and turned away. son. $25.50; J Vuvlstehe. ,94.50; Ed naturally leads one to wonder which Co. M2.20; Britton-Foster IJ>r Co, “Newton." Jerry whispered faintly, King. $123.25; D W Gilpin. $117.25 son. ,13.7ft: Thon Brown. $13; W P ,20.40; Holm, Erickson X Biaaeth ,2 III, F J Ja. ks.m, »6; Ralph Snlpeft, circulation. $6.50: L H Adi’inson. $7; “I feel sick. Will you take me home? is the “tither side.” »5; J E Mitchell, »3 40; MI m Emily Wm Huebner, 120.75: H C McDonald, J Freeman. R Havden. »92.50; J I. Wilson, Lilis, ,141.33, ,205.80; Maytm Ber­ Short. »6; Mias M Randler. »6; Mian Mother Is having such a nice time I SI 15.50; L Juncker. $117.25; C H Es- nard. 2 bills, ,96.60, (48 30. GREAT POSSIBILITIES don’t want to bother her. Will you ARSON CHARGE RESULTS Myrtle S Kelsey. »6; Spence Fourni­ tinger. $220 50; Pete Eslinger. $108,- $89 25; Joe McRobert. $8.75. R X 11 Earl Bateman, $3.50; Geo 1 J E Reeves, State v Joe Justice, et er. »6; Frank McMahon, »6; Willa take me home, and then come back 5v: Joe Vanderzanden. $77; Rov IN EIGHT YEARS’ TERM Hiatt. $110: Wm B«el>e. $28; W H Wilson, $29.75; Otto I'ritzlaff, ,8.75; al. ,225. men« Fuller. »6; Mrs F H Clark, »3,- Hillsboro has had its first flower and tell her later on?” - - ,3 -- 00; - Bounty I T Mills, Fred M Van 60; “ F B Clark, Gro Peterson, Treglown, $150; A Anderson. $36.75; J W Buell, $7; Chaa Seth, ,7; Gus show. It was not large, it was not Anderaoq, »38.50; Hurrison Heisler, Kleck, ,4.70; Tad Tontx. ,1; George »6; M J Haynes. ,0: E J iaiwrent, P Swanson, $7: A Larson, $6.10; Ed (Continued from Page One) even representative, but it was very, CHAPTER X Larson. $6.10; Aug Anderson. $6.10; $14; Geo Lee. $8.75; Wm Williams, Ludwig, ,1.70. L II Peters. 80c; Mra »«; Carl Dillon. ,2; Rt Banks, ,1 very important because it was the E C Ilettman. ,33.25; V L Snodgrass. $3.50; Fred Harper, ,10.50; L F O- P C Samuel. ,5 40; Melville Jack. 60; Mrs I. M Fuller, ,0; Walter Tews, having served time in the Missouri beginning of an activity which has Jerry’s Plaything >2625; G Rcdner. ,45.50: J R Thomp­ Mara, $196.19; James O'Mara, $126.- "8.40; Mias Elizabeth Reed. 40c; Carl »4; W H Ru- f ! state prison on an embezzlement kins. $36.25; Fred Boyd. $35.75; uG; J A O’Mara, $50; John Ochs, $67; Mohrmann. $3. ladata! F llena, Bailiff and Clerk great possibilities. It was the plant­ In the first week of Decei. «er there L T Brown. $68.50* Beacher Robin­ Elections, Canvassing Board I) R Cir Ct. ,125. ing of an idea, which if properly was a heavy Middle West blizzard, and charge. He is also said to have ad­ Wayne Boyd. $26.25' J D'vlin. $40.- son. $59.06; Geo Sattler. $67.38; Pat ­ Cir Wit Stato V Robert M.rk cultivated, would grow to a startling for two days the city cowered under mitted several automobile fires and 25; Paul Bierstedt; $57.50; W C I.ohr. rick Moyian. $10; Herman Meyers. Wheeler, ,21 40; L A Jackson. »20.70. ’V E Ct \1 Next Week) solid lottom. Jerry, unable to endure Ethel Campbell, Stcnog Co Clerk. An order of dismissal was given Rogers. ,6; Fred Boyd. $41' Wayne J A O Mara, $12; James O'Mara, The annual celebration of a flower the brooding loneliness of her thoughts 890. Bovd. $35; luxwrence Ri e. $20: Rus­ in the case of Oregon Creditors, Inc., $1.88; Peter Hoffman, John D show here, if the prizes and other any longer, got out the roadster and E 11 Sappington, Sal Co Treasurer, sel Rice, $20; Jim Devlin, $45.50; F««r inspirations were adequate, would went for a careful ice-cold ride be­ vs. J. & T. Cho'oan. Paul Bierstedt. ,65; W C Lohr. ,60; Wilson, $20; Gus Anderson, $20; $100. ing in Groner X Rowell Co, $.30; i. J Ward, The county grand jury Monday re­ Jno Spiering. »12; W H Baker. ,60; Irene Chapman, Sal Dep Trees, $60 Oil. stimulate the growing of flowers and tween fields of dazzling whiteness. $3; Joheph F Mann. $2.45, $73.50. Jas H Davie, Sal Co Rec, $100. a genera! interest in such matters along roadways Hanked with snow- ported in 18 true bills and one not Julius Christensen. »50; W D Baker. $1.73, $1.23, $55.63; R Nelson, ,5; Dep Co Recorder— Viola M Sund- $32; Arthur Elliott, true. W. L. Coffman was indicted 40: A J Riche, $.12; in the county to an extent never bowed trees. 16; Pert Waltet Walter »10.50; $10.50; ( laud El- El­ R Herr. $6; Geo Barrett, $1.60; A Lerg, ,80; Ophelia Wismer, ,80. on two counts, liquor possession EA. t' __ <• ____ tt __ Oll T n . V» It was late In the afternoon when Joasie. $24; J M Vanderzanden, dreamt of before. It would follow F. J Ward, Sal Co Judge. ,200. ford, $3.50; Iran'. Vanllam, $3.50; E Sal Co Com- F W Livermore, ,130. that we would have many interested she turned back, As she drove through and driving while intoxicated. Floyd D Testerman. $5.25; H D Kerkman. 20’ J 11 Wahtley, $3; J M Vanderzan- den, $21 . ’ >0; E Nlafli;, ♦'!; A E Willis, visitors every year, who would see town, at the corner of Sixth and Lo­ Graves is charged with being in­ $3.50; W 1’ Desinger. $85; Win Matz­ »<’>: M Stadelmap, $1.<5; T Peters, J M Hiatt, ,127.60. cust streets she was held up by the toxicated on a public highway. Fred ke. Sr.. $<5; Wm Matzke, Jr.. $68; G E J G ilman, Clerk Co Com. $M. not only the flowers and bulbs but traffic Wm Tupper, Janitor, ,100. officer, standing foremost of the M Jones. $14; G J Tholston. $64; Roy 1 11 Maxwell. $1.12; J M Vanderzan­ the land where they were grown. cars awaiting his signal. Jerry wait­ M. Lasen faces two indictments, li­ Kearns. ,24; F L Brov.-n. $5.50; Roy den $11; E Delplabchc, $3.50; Thos II I. Hickox, Janitor, ,00; Jailer. quor possesion and having an unreg ­ Vanderzanden. ,17.5); L Vandehcy. Many would buy land and remain ed, as always, with alert eyes on the fftO. Uislda. $2: Cecil Schmidt, $2: A E Dr J (> Robb. Co Physician »75. here. This in turn would lead to officer's hand, her foot poised for a istered still in his possession. Other Schmidt, $2: I’ L Brown. $74.25; P $24; P Vandehey, $8.75; Laurence Vundehey. $i7>; (' Reiling. $19.50; H Chas (1 Roe and Bello C R"!>ital. ,150 Demmin. $19.25; Jno Will. $85.75; also to the forming of acquaintance­ make the quick get-away on which she Nyberg, liquor possession; Walter Frank M Vanderzanden, ,57.25; Robert Bvrthu Strum. Cook Co Hospital. Brown. <31.50; E D Tester­ Syron, liquor posession, and Fred prided herself, when the tide of the ships and friendships. Such an at- ,45. man, $5.25; H I) Kerkman. $18.75: P Meacham, $.>0.75. Williams, liquor possession. traffic was turned. Robert Meacham, I bills, ,2.45, Edith Zimmerman. Janitrix, Co mosphere is highly favorable to the L BenefieT ,1.50; C E Prickett, »9.- Paroles of the following were re­ 75; Emmet Shipley. ««; • E Prickett, ,73.50, ,6.30. $1.23 ;D Woodward, 6 H pi tai, , :o "Jerry! You beautiful thing!” propagation of co-operation and tol- Laundress Co Hospital—Francis eration, two virtues that we all The half-tender, half-mocking voice voked Saturday due to failure to ,19 5 >; N J Griffin, f»S Arthur H'G. , ,2 45. $68.25, $6.30, Braun, $150; Chas P_and. ,13.50; $1.23; A Jessie, ,10; $ Hahn, $1.50; Vandorn. ,11; Mntildu Amsted, ,9; need so badly. There is nothing like was directly beside her. Jerry caught make payments on their fines: Frank Emmet Shipley. $6; C A Shipley, ,6; Theo Vanderzanden $6; W Meeuw- Mrs. Brenkhush, ,7. Klausen, Joe Gattucio, E. C. Becker, friendly competition, free from ave- Mias Margaret Thomas, Kurie, Co C C Harness. $3: Chas Vanaudenha- sen, $6; W Vanderzanden. $3; Mailer George W. Douglas, L. J. Morris, R. een. ,3.50; Wm Vanaudcnhagen. ,3.- Bros, $4.50; N Smith, $3; C Dodson, Hospital. $30. rice to bring out the best in us. E. Smith and Arthur Camp. C. '0; W J Stanzell. »38; Jno Boyd, 7: $4.50; A V Davidson, ,4.50; H Ras­ Emma Bryant. Co s -hool Supt »tr>0 By HAROLD MACGRMH An outstanding example of what Becker is the former state prohibi­ W E Barr. $7; P. N Brown $70: W T mussen. ,2.25; J M Vanderzanden,' G A Bryant, I’ep School Sunt. ,7ft. can be done with an idea is the J E Rei ves. Sal Sheriff, »150. tion officer who was arrested at Larmor. $14: ChesterBridges.$ 24.75. ,27.75; R Nelson. ,103.75; R Walker, Hollywood bowl. Its construction Sal Den Sheriffs Virgil Weckert,1 R X H—Perry Williams, 012: E I, 33; R Matteson. ,29.25; R Kerr. $60; Beaverton several months ago by ­ cost less than »100,000—it is now Hobba. $109.60; C L Ferguson. $179.- J Spallinger, $3; J Hallock. $6; J ,135: Oacgr Dvley, ,135; Geo Alexan­ lite story of a man to local officers. assessed at more than »1,000,000. < 25; E S Stone. $144 37; O Phillips, Malensky. $3; George Wise, $1.60; L der. SI IS. Tax Clerks Minnie Williams Joe Anderson and Arnold Wilson $107.50; C Roberts. $11.50; F Bar­ I Nelson, $6.50; Pete Bialy, $2.25; M Adjacent real estate values have whom fate had dealt were each fined ,500 and given a num. $103.50: E R Sheets. $30; W Robinson, 2 bills, $6.30, ,6.30; C E ,130.2-5; Mnrguerite Munson, ,127; risen proportionately. They produced ” uth Gabie. ,52; Lila McMillan. ,52; marked cards and Downer, 4 bills, ,52.50, ,6.30, ,1.23, 6-months jail term on booze charges. Pointer. $59.50; D Lazuke. $39.37; E beauty and wealth came. Can we do ,50.7ft; W B Fuller. 6 bills, ,2.75. Frances Tucker, $43.25: Estelle Kroe­ L Walker. ,31.50: L B Holt. »35.62; cheated abominably, Anderson was paroled on payment of Frank Bernier. $39 37: C Otness, | $10 25. $6 30. 87c. ,1.23, $55.83; Tho» ger. Bal Tax Rec., ,36; A C Shute, the same? ,250 and Wilson on »100. »39.37; Fred Dion. »39.37: E E Gib- Rood, 7 bills, ,2.63, ,28. ,32.72, ,4.90, Jr. ,94. then, apparently re­ A F Kroeger. Tax Deputy, ,135. The case of Minter Burton against Ions. »37.50: Jack Hess. ,33.75; El­ ,1.58, ,9.4ft, $5.26; August Foege, ANOTHER ANGLE lenting. Iiad given him W F Boley, Co Assessor. ,1,0. F. M. Burton has been taken under mer Lowe, ,49: Albert Borwick, »45,- »13.13; Archie Jessie, ,24; A E Wil-' Ilia, ,9.50; A Erdman, ,3.50; B Fow-' Deputy Assessors- M Hoffman. 50; Jno Bone. ,138.18; William Long, advisement by the court. Much has already been said, a single chance to .rtliuril, $3.50; V ”' •• nir r- ’v, l»0«! H s»w Steinke, ,80. ,6: Walter McCov, ,4; Martin Her­ els. $8.75; Joe Vanderzanden, Dismissal orders were given in mans. justly so, about the value of _2_ Nowela, Fieldmcn, Co Assessor- J E Car- ,3.50; Jos Reh. ,4; Frank Reh, Harvey J$sse, ,3.50; J * W _* stack them in lasown the following: Florence R. Wolf vs. $6.87; II R Chantier. ,170.62: J E ,7.87; L Rougan, ,6.13; ,100. .......................... H A Ball ,14; : Allan llay-Maling cannery to Hillsboro \ E Nowels, neuter. **". favor. How he took 1 | “ Tannock, ,42: Chris Schindler, ,40; I George H. Wolf; Sarah M. Hoskins Mitzel, ,119.37; Jas Beaton. »105.19; $5 2.-.. the county; but we have heard noth­ . _ -- .. r n Staley, ,7«; R X H — II Watlev, $2.65; Carl Be- O L Moore, L J Auld. ,105 19: C Austin. ,105.19; et al vs. Charles E. Crowther, et al. the chance, what he ing of what it means to folks in Floyd ‘ " Shoop. ,68; J E Bennett, ,80; Swan Nyberg was fined ,500 and J H Kindel. $42.75: W H Lvda. $81,- hiler, $7.87; J Willis. $3.50: Joe Mil- “ Cordova, Alaska, for instance. Did ler, ,2.65; Joe Earner, ,7.87; A Jes­ Allan Rice, ,100- R W Bnmes ,18; made of it and how 56; Amo Nelson $1.75; B U Dickey, given a six-months jail term yes­ $7: M Sheelar. ,7; M E Easterday. sie, ,1.75; Walt Vanderzanden, ,1.75; it ever occur to you that there are Mrs. Mae Wolf. Relief, ,15. strangely it all affect­ terday on pleading guilty to liquor $71.75; J M Thompson, $12.50; Dan J M Vanderzanden, ,34.35; Gus vast areas on this old ball where Wm V Cowan. Den Dist Atty, ,150. possession. He was paroled on pay­ Shaw. ,10.50; William Long. »3 50; Reichow, ,247.89; W P Arthur. ,302.-| Bailiffs Cir Ct—-Mnv Hartrampf, no fruit grows, whatever. Think then ed the lives of many Carl Ix>ng, $2; Anton Hermens, ,3.- 40; F E Latimer. 5 bills, ,7. »45.50; »42: C C Rnnnister, ,12. ment of ,150. what it must mean to these people others! That is the $6.30, ,1.23, ,47.78; O T McWhorter, E E Hanven, Reporter ’ s fees, State 50; Martin Vandecoevering. ,.50: Er ­ A decree for plaintiff was given living in these regions, to open a nest Hermens, $2; Paul Brunswick. ,770; Clifford Sandy, 3 bills ,79.80, vs Cir Ct. ,90. story which Mr. Mac in the case of Geneva Robinette vs. can of delicious Oregon cherries. Relief B L Hammond. ,5; Ethol ,5.50; H J Keenon. $36; Virgil ,87.95. ,186..'!7; Tom Miller. 1 bills, E. Robinette. What a service the local cannery Wright, »3 50; O S Shiffe.. ,114: A ,115 50, ,41.10, ,135.80. ,18.20; S Mullov. ,10; Elois Schweitzer. »15;1 Grath telis in his us­ Orders were given in the cases: J Rich", »26; Arthur Elliott, »14; Sandberg, J Snndb<«rg. and Vic Sand­ Mrs Mary Jacobson, ,25; Itrcss Vin­ is giving to people who have never ual eng >ging manner. berg. ,30.79; Myron Sheelar, ,63.75; cent, ,10 ’ Anna Lineman. $20; Nellie I Dave Castle. $6: W I) Hill. ,68.25; II. Coleman vs. D. Langford; G. even read about our fertile land. H L Susbauer, 5 bills, ,14.28, 87e, May Callahan ,17 50; Mrs Sidney H. Baldwin vs. M. M. Spencer, Can- Perry Gabbert. ,56: A J Riche, $28; I $1.23, Another reason why you should give »6 30, $66.50; F A Vnnaken. ft Johnson. ,10: Mrs A O I)<>Avonshiro, : «Geo Fisher, $70.25; Harry Lazott sé7~. adian Bank of Commerce vs. A. O. 1 $14; L P Jackson, ,20.25: Jno Rielev, bills, $16.20. $78 40. $19, «65.10, $145,- 17.50: B C Moore »P! 50: Stella Kcl Beautiful Thing." the local institution your undivided Hershey was released on ,1000 bail. $40.50; H H Bates ,13.50; L Scott. 60; Ray Mahler, $11.90; Joe Lep- I- $10: Jake Wrlgant. ,5; Alice B support, and conserve your fruit. sihat, 6 bills. <5.98. $1.05, $54.25, $7. Messinger. »10; Mrs Mark Neilson ?6r7ft; B Holt. »27. And how it drives home another tier breath. She did not turn her head, Fred Miles was paroled. Don’t Fòii to Read It I lid not waver her intent gaze upon the I Perry Stream. $40.50; Jno Rollins. $7.88. $1.22; Yamhill Elec Co, $196,- « ’0: Martha Snmms, ,20; Clara Y truth, “Service Pays Dividends." in letalning officer. She knew without $41.34; Jno Bose, $98.70; Edgar 32; Bailey's Tiro Shop. $29.15; Holm, Smock. ,12.50; Agatha Cooper. ,15; Fred Brethauer and wife left this Kamna. ,10.12; Albert Borw:ck, »32.-, Erickson & Braseth. $998.50, »181.64, Mrs Christie Sattler. 5: Mrs Dillaboy, ooklng that he was close to the car, THE HILLSBORO ARGUS Display Whippet j eaning toward her, his chin grimly morning for a three-weeks business '.0; Fred Dion. »2137: A Dion. ,24.-i $8.98; Jno Herb, ft bills, »10.90, »12,- ,10; Mrs Minnie Buzhnrd. »10; Mrs , 89. $58.19. »19.95 «101.74; O I, John ­ The Whippet, celebrated English ,eti j EE ll8 eyes unsmiling. . Jerry knew trip to Fort Collins, Colo. 37: Charles Pugh, <24.37: C Otness.I type light car, will be on display »he could endure no more, Jack McKibbons was arrested at • ’1.37: D Lazuke. «24.37: B I, Holt, son. 2 bills, «4 30, $805 38: Russel Grader Mfg Co. ,146.25; E D<1- at the Nosier Motor company show In that moment she received the sig- Kansas City last night and is charg- $20.62; E L Walker. ,22.75; Elmer I nlanche, $6: H W Sham. ,215.32; 1 owe, ,35; Price Davis, $28; Simon’ rooms in the old Telephone building nal. She flung the car into gear, ed with violating the liquor laws. Hershey, $4; Henry Steley, $2; I Fendall Hdw Co, 2 bills. ’»16.65. «6,- pressed liarJ upon the throttle, und on Second street Saturday. John Engeldinger of Portland was Chris Kaufman, $7; Ben Nussbau- 80; Western Oregon Tel & Tel Co, the "Baby” sprang forward like a cata­ mer. ,4.35: Flovd Anderson, ,7; Lou­ $6.65. pult. Jerry heard a warning whistle a guest Sunday at the home of his is Bauer, »9; Henry Bishop, ,5.25; .1 R X H Holm. Erickson & Brnseth, W. H. Scott Was No. SI son, Fred, and family. H Berger, ,61; Stove Kemper, $58; 2 bills, »143.82, $909.52; Herman The Argus lust week was unable from the officer to reprove her for her reckless speed, but she did not pause Pill Sohler, $42: Julius Kindel. $12: Eiship, 5 bills. $5 32, $87.85. «203.96, to learn the name of the man who Antone Hermens, ,21; Tonv Vandc- $424 67. »51.80; Gales Creek Garage, I tor look behind. She drove with rigid, Hillsboro won the individual comic prize in : iron-set muscles up the beautiful, glis­ lerg, ,34.50; Jno McCoy $28: L E $2.85; H E Stearns. $4.50; Hoodenpyl the parade during the celebration. tening avenue, and whirled Into the Roberts, $28: William Long. $15.50; & Walters, »92c: G M Siishnuor, 2 Carl Long. »6; Arthur Miller, $24; bills, $68 60, $170.10; P E Hagg, 5 W. H. Scott, who was dressed in ! garage behind tlie house. Jerry had Walter McCov, ,28: R Bennett, $24; bills. »11.40, »16.20 $536 20, $110, the costume of a farmer, was the , -eached the end of her resistance. As FOR MONTH E Vandervelden. »36; Joseph Kom- «122.40: 6 bills, $28.80, 70c, «20.30, prize winner. He was formerly in a I n her childish dnys site had struggled I CLAIMS Al.LOWED i nor. $20; Donald McPherson, «12: «209.20. «59.50 «36: C Cook, 2 bills, OF JUNE, 1926- circus, but is now running the farm with the broken toy until convinced R & II— L C Melouist, $14.10; Chas Jno Krieger, ,4; Frank Reh, Sr., ,54.- . 18c. «119.17; Chas Jacobson, 3 bills, of the late John B. Krug, near llills- l it her Impotency, so now she realized D Jones, ,20; Alvie Emerick, $81.15; 26; John Jensen, ,21; Emil Wvvflo. ■»203.70, »1.40, «66.50; Herbert Duell, Two Big Acts of Vaudeville the Ineffectiveness of her struggle J W Bruning, ,7; Oregon Electric 821; Carl Long, $28; A McCeJlen. ,36; J Brancbflowcr. $39; Geo Nv- -- - -■ boro. against the love of this man. Hbe Railway Co, Oreneo, Ore., $339.30; $21; Leonard Reh, $64.87; John berw «24 75: R W Rltehev «79.87: Six-Reel Feature, News Reel, a Comedy would leave it to Prudence und Jer­ Oregon Electric Railway Co, $78.30; Krieger, ,49; Martin Hermens, ,28; 9 bills, $98. ,106.40. ,502.60 ,130.90, Announcement 56.70, ,89.60, ,56. $19.60, $21; Ore ­ ,28.- P Bennett. ,12; William Iz>ng. rold. y,sCes2D.Jao 0;nBam e$23 ;n$-, . ,WJ, and Chapter 2 of Dr. Robnett, after a series of I She was late and made haste to slip Chas I) Jones, ,230; J W Barney, 2 50; Joe Vanaudenhaegen, ,12; L E gon Electric R»ilway Co, $52.20, $52,- 20; I, C Melenist 8 50* H Lloheow, unavoidable delays, is now located ! Into a fresh dress, brushing her hair, bills, 8153.65, ,16.35; L V ¡lickox, »10; Roberts. $32; Frank Reh, Jr., . ” ’ .2 2 The “Green Archer” in his office over the New City j oowderlng her creamy skin with her bills, ,62.50, ,62.50; Victor Bryant, 2 John McCov, $8: Walter McCov. »4: $5; Pats Welding Shop. $46.55; Han- el ’ s Elec Shon, 45c; West Bearing Co, The best serial picture of the year, com cafe on Second street and his wife I isual gentle care. She was very quiet bills, ,88, $12; Ralph Hiatt, 2 bills, Arthur Miller. $16: Renee Tagon. ,4; «79.12: W W Goff Co. $5.42: Port­ $70, 14; W ----- Sharp, ,16; Frank ■ F ------ ,lfl; ~ ‘ Joseph Reh, 25: Frank Reh, Sr., 2 will act as his assistant. See pro- during dinner, and Prudence's eyes Baley, »11.50; Frank Genzer, »1.75; C bills. $65.33. $2.75- Leonard Reh, »3.- land Oxvgen X Hvdrogen Co. $22.56; plete in 10 chapters. rested upon her often with troubled, A Teller, »1.75; H Liubnow, »5; P 50: J W Gilson. $3.20. Scholls Tele Co. 25c: Ixigrers Con­ fessional cards. unobtrusive sympnthy. And after din- Lebnow, »3.50; H Reese, ,6; Bert tractors Mach Co, $20.0; J A Irmler, R & H A G Gibson. «7.75: E A ter. while her father read the evening Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Vickers of -taper, and whllfc- pEptjence, worked Walter, »70; H V Fair, »45.50; Roy Mer«nn, ,’6' H A Germiouot $40' F $3 55: Sanders Magneto Service. $21 - No Raise in Prices—10c and 25c H Bills, »42; ; P ----- - M Allen. «25: Tom Taylqr, J32: Will 75; Colyeer Motor Sales Co. $12.44; J Christensen, - $45.- Portland were Hillsboro visitors last 50; Vem Strubb, -ubb, »45.50; ,4o.5O; Clair Doiel, Peters, »10; Geo Walling. »32.50: Alb Stownrt Bros Co, ,76.50; Indiana Wednesday. (Continued Next Week) $45.50; E D Testerman, »29.75; O V Zimmerman, »32; Jno Schmeltzer, Truck Corp, ,68.50; John A Roebling I The Hillsboro Argu« r--- i i • PRUDINCFS DAUGHTER I Olir New Señal WithThree Names BARGAIN BILL V enetian T heatre COUNTY COURT Wed. and Thurs., July 21 - 22