N ovember fl . PAGE EIGHT Hillsboro Argos COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Judith W. VERNE McKINNKY - - Editor MRS. EMM A McKIN'NEY, Asst. Editor Subscription uhm HILLSBORO ARGUS of Blue Lake Ranch Rates Per Year____________________$1.30 S Mouths .85 Issued on Thursday of each week by McKinney * McKinney, Publishers Entered in the Post Office at Hillsboro, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. WANTED Hillsboro has progressed in many ways during the last few decades. We have gotten away from muddy business streets that were nearly impassable. We have paved streets, We have cement sidewalks. We have the latest facilities in every respect. The people of Hillsboro have just voted in one of the most able city administrations that we have ever bad. Last year the voters passed a new charter that was sup­ posed to give ample power to se­ complish ttlings. With the first of the year we will look forward to some real accomplishments. It is hoped that ordinances will be pre­ pared and passed that will prevent any such occurrence as that which followed the partial destruction of the big barn on Main street by fire last spring. Courage and the will to do the right will bring their just reward. Street lighting here is the same as it was many years ago. It leads passerby to gain the impression that the town is in darkness. It is an encouragement to the crook who feels that he may get away under cover of darkness. The expense of lighting the business district is very- slight and the business men of Hills­ boro are paying a heavy occupation tax. What are they getting in re­ turn—very little in Police protec­ tion, lighting and other accommoda­ tions in comparison with what they pay. A real system of street light­ ing is needed and wanted. t------- . r— Thoughtlessness may sometimes prove very serious. In the east two men were killed when they drove into a barricade placed on the high­ way by boys, as a Hallowe’en prank. Boys will be boys, but there is a limit to everything. A local man was called to the bedside of his mother in McMinnville, Friday night, and after evading several ob- structions in the highway, he was forced to take the ditch to avoid hitting a large milk stand placed in the road near Dilley, as a Hal­ lowe’en prank. He was delayed several hours and so were others who stopped to help him. The milk stand was a large and heavy concern, and if anyone had crashed into it the consequences would undoubtedly have been re­ gretable. This trick wasn’t a joke. Think of what might have happened. As in every case the Golden Rule applies here. By Jackson Gregory 'll cats and witches welcomed every­ body everywhere. The guests were all brought into a partly -darkened room in which many spooks and witches appeared in all corners. Every guest was masked. After all had arrived the fun began with a grand march, after which spooky stories and spooky games were read and played. At a late hour a delightful lunch­ eon i was served. Those present were, the Misses Elsie Peterson I* Leona Schindler, Hulda Kehrli, Louise > Meier, Bertha, Freda, Lena Dysle, Haxel May, Mary Trachael, Leila, Ophelia, Deborah Wismer, and Walter Dysle, Alfred Zahler, Ben Leu, Bob Jeffries, Herman Gaus, Albert and Herbert Linder, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wismer, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Peterson. within six months from Philip l'exoldt of near \\ eat Union Oregon, date hereof. was a Hillsboro visitor yesterday. Dated this November ll, 1924, FRANCES SQUIRES. Ed Koch of near Blooming was Administratrix of said e late. a county seat visitor Wednesday. .'til 4tl Hare, McAlear X- Peters, Attorneys for Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS that please In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington county, in the Matter of the Estate of William E. Squires, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the above entitled court, as Ad­ ministratrix of the estate of said deceased, and has duly qualified as such. Now, therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are here­ by notified and required to present the same, together with proper vouchers therefor, to the under­ signed at the law offices of Hare, McAlear & Peters, in the Shute Savings Bank building, in Hillsboro, That we have a good basin upon which to muke this statement. A visit to thin store will con- Specially designed throughout, thene upholstered Rockers are built for comfort as well ns appearance. You will Enjoy Choosing Those You Need From This Display Copyright by Charts« gorlbn«r• Sons "Hello, Doc," she said cordlatly. “I haven't seen you for so long I almost have forgotten how you comb your1 hair!“ Tripp laughed with her at that; across the miles she could pic­ ture him running his big hand through the rebellious shock. "Yes, I’m back to stay, and from the looks of It I didn't come away any too soon. What was the trouble with you and Tre­ vors? What was the excuse for can­ ning yon?" "Case of lung-worma.” he told her. "Some of the calves, I don't know just how many yet He Insisted on my treating them the old way." “Slaked Urne? Or sulphur fuuivsF SELFRIDGE "Wa Exchange Naw ATTEND THE she said quickly. "And you Insisted on chloroform?" "You've hit it!" he exclaimed won- deringly. "How'd you know?" "I haven't been loafing on the Job the laat six month#," she laughed. *Tve been at the school at Davis and hobnobbing with some of the univer­ sity men at Berkeley. They're doing some great work there. Doc, I'll want to talk to you about tt You're going down there, expenses paid, to brush up with a course or two this year. Now. how soon can you get back here?—Trevors? Oh. Trevors Is fired. I'm running the ranch myself. Business men of Portland put up $300.000 to further the set­ tlement of land in Oregon. They have carried on an extensive campaign that would prove of general benefit to Oregon. Other parts of the state are profiting from this as a result, Committees in various parts of the state are cooperating with the Portland chamber. The best part of the state (Wash­ ington. Yamhill and Polk coun­ ties) has done less to cooperate than any other. This part of the state has a more regular prosperity than any other and the possibilities have not even been scratched. We might at least show some action for ap­ preciation. Sometime ago action was started by Forest Grove to se­ cure a sign at Bertha, where the Tualatin Valley highway turns off. They asked the cooper­ ation of Hillsboro. A letter was written, promising whatever aid could be given. This was about four months ago. The move- inent was a good one. Nothing more has been heard of it. Strangers may still go on their merry way over the large and attractive stone bridge that leads on to Newberg and other Yam­ hill county points. Washington county has more to offer than any of them. We should not be ashamed of it, but rather should be proud of it and let the world know where the modern Garden of Eden is located. The Banks Tribune with Dean Sellers as editor is fast developing into one of the most attractive country papers in the state. The front page is made up neatly and is varied, it is a good show window for the editor. It is typical of the town of Banks, which is making great strides with paved streets, electric lights, new buildings and new homes. Redecorate Bank Workmen started in Saturday to redecorate the Shute Savings bank. An indirect lighting system will be installed under the super­ vision of the Puget Sound Power and Light company. The bank will also be retinted. PHONE 21X 1132 THIRD STREET Pacific International HORSE SHOW And enjoy yourself by taking with you a box of "Beckett's Best" Candies. Buttermilk Freak Daily BEC s w Phone 2157. fiioney saving Wr Deliver t J NI TED STORES I BLUE FRONT “You've Hit 111 How Did You Know!" Doc, I need a few men like you! Can you come early tomorrow?—Tonight? You’re a God-blessed brick! Yes, I’ll stop that murderous sulphur treat­ ment If It Isn’t too late. Goodby." She lost no time in calling for Bill Crowdy, the man whom Trevors had put into Tripp's place. "By the way,“ she said when the man with the voice which had sounded so boyish In her ears answered again. “who are you?" “Ed Masters," he told her. ••Elee- trlcian, you know." “What are you doing this aft er- noon?" she demanded sharply—"just banging around the office? I’ll tell you one thing, Ed Masters. If you are one of the loaf-around kind you'd bet­ ter call for your time tonlgbt. If there's anything for you to do, go do It. Don't wait for Trevors. He's gone. Yes. for good. You can report to me here the first thing In morning. Now send me Crowdy.” "He's down In the hospital and hospital phone Is out of order." “And you’re an electrician, hang­ ing around for orders! That’s your first job. Send the first man yon can get your hands on to tell Crowdy I say not to touch one of those calves with the lung-worm. And not to do anything else but get ready to talk with me. I’ll be down in In half an hour.” As she rode the five mile« down to the office at "the Lower End. her thoughts were constantly charged with an appreciation of the wonders which had been worked about her every­ where since that day, ten years ago, when she had first come with Luke Sanford to the original Blue Lake ranch. Then there bad been only a wild cattle-range, ten thousand acres of brush, timber and uncultivated open spaces. But Luke Sanford had seen possibilities and had bought the whole ten thousand acres, counting, from the flrat .sight of It, npon acquiring as soon as might be those other thou­ sands of acres which now made Blue Lake ranch one of the blggeet of western ventures. L : MR ■¿il --¿in —-L __ " L&TT Carnation, Borden’s or Federal Milk, 9c can; case.............................................................. TwoNo. 2 Ray Dean String Beans................ Two No. 2 Standard Com.............................. Two No. 2y2 Tomatoes, with puree .............. One No. 2LG Royal Club Pumpkin ................ 3 Cans Del Monte, medium size, Peas.......... One 15-oz. Royal Club Currants, 18c; 3 pkgs Two 15-oz. pkgs. Sun Maid Seedless Raisins One 4-lb. pkg. Seedless Raisins 1-lb. Citron Peel ....................... 1-lb. Orange or Lemon Peel...... 1-lb. Best Bulk Mince Meat....... 1-lb. Full Cream Cheese ........... 1 Can No. 1 Minced Clams........ 1 Can No. y2 Minced Clams...... 3 lbs. Small White Beans ......... 3 lbs. Rice (short grain) ........... 2y> lbs. Blue Rose Rice............. 3 lbs. Macaroni.......................... 2 lbs. Powdered Sugar.............. 2y2 lbs. Brown Sugar................ 4 lbs. Louisiana Sweet Potatoes . 1 lb. Skagg’s No. 1 Blend Coffee 1 lb. Peaberry Coffee................ lb. Good Coffee...................... lb. Filberts...................... lb Fresh Roasted Peanuts lb. Brazil Nuts $4.25 25c 25c 25c 15c 43c 50c 29c 20c 25c 25c 19c 25c 25c 25c 19c 25c 25c 23c 42c 38c 29c 19c 15c 17c (Continued next week) Hallowe’en Party Given Bethany C. E. A very pleasant Hallowe’en party was given to the Bethany C. E. members by Elsie and John Peter- son, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Peterson of Linnton, Friday night. The home was beautifully dec- orated in harmonizing colors for Hallowe’en. Smiling faces, black Skaggs United Stores Hillsboro, Oregon Phone 2171