T he H illsboro A rgus County Official Paper Devoted to the Interests of Hillsboro, the County, thr State, the Nation. No. 27 HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1924 VOLUME XXXI T kill I CDÍ1DH CP Linn I C niLLdDUnu dbnUULu A Proclamation ¡GOVERNOR PIERCE WILL 1 WILL START MONDAY talk at county meet By the Mayor of Hillsboro, Orc go»» * Main Idea I« Big Family Gather ing. Everybody Should Come September 14 PLANS MADE ID CARE Follow Too Closely FOR MAIL SERVICE! Hunters Heels of Animal Thought on To Be Dying The United States government, No Decision Handed Down But Hope to Have Portland Mail Out Business Houses Will Close By through proper official channels, District No. 7 Réassumes Union Unsafe To Go Ahead in Ed Mixner of Scofield is On Late Train has called upon the various stales Mayor's Proclamation Dr. Govcrnor Pierce and Contracts of the hospital here aa the result to mobilize their citizenry. This I George Parrish, «tate health of-» mobilization is done for thr pur­ BUSINESS SERVICE HELPED being attacked by a big bear that DISTRICT 7 TAKES BURDEN MUSTER RECRUITS FOR DAY have promised to speak at CARE FOR ALL STUDENTS fleer, wax thought to be dying Sunday pose of finding out just what the the All County Gathering at the night. His arm was seriously cut, Proponents Cannot Be Downed, Delivery Of Mail Will Be Made volunteer citizen» of the United Speaker of Statewide Prominence Formal School Work Will Begin Shute Park, September 14. Will Continue Work As as well a« one leg. States are willing to do. If you To Local Firms Before Eight Will Be Secured. School« The two previous meetings of On Second Day. Early En­ It seems that bear tracks were Soon As Possible are willing to defend your coun­ In the Meaning the Grange and chamber of com­ Will Cooperate seen leading into a deserted or­ rollment Urged try from enemies, you should "You'll be late for school if you don’t hurry.” These and other familiar sen­ tences will be hrard by the school boy and girl next Monday, for it is on that day that school opens in Hillsboro as well as in many of the surrounding communities. Accept All Students merce of Hillsboro have much to do with bringing about a greater spirit of cooperation lo­ cally and it Is hoped to bring about the same results in the county gathering. The main idea is a big family gathering everyone come and bring his frirnds. In case of rain the auditorium at thr park will br used. A good, peppy pro­ gram haw been arranged and it should prove worthwhile. "Com­ munity Health and Public Wel­ fare" will be the subject of Dr. Parrish’s talk. Because of the unsettled condi­ tion of the. union high school question, the school board of District No. 7 has rcassumed thr high school contracts and for the present the high school will be t - ' ‘ *---- , Many hmuluctrd ax heretofore, inquiries have come in as to whether students within the union could come to Hillsboro now that the union district is not to function ns yet, mid ns a result NNC* — the authorities have expressed a willingness to accept all students The One Who Does Will Receive from whatever district, if they Five Dollars arc <|iinIifi< into effect until September, 1925. The only change in texts is in the first year of high school history. Wests World Progress will be used. 1 his is a text covering in an efficient summary world history down to flic present, furnishing a satisfac­ tory background for the study of American history. Freshmen and sophomores arc to use the third floor of the high school with the new study hall. All clonks and equipment of these classes will be kept in the halls on this floor. The juniors and seniors will use the second floor similarly. Library Arranged All rooms in the high school may be roll rooms as well as recitation rooms, while the main room» on each floor will be study halls. Library facilities have been arranged in the rear of the assembly room on the second floor. A grade room han been pre- pared on the lower floor of the high school building and will probably house the third grade pupils who live north of Main street. Another grade room is available if needed, and until such time It will be used as a lunch room for the high school girls. If it is needed immediately for the grades, lunch tables will have to be pet in the basement hall. This will not be unsatis­ factory as heretofore, for there n ill be no coats or equipment left in flic lower hall. In reporting the grade assign nients Inst week, two were inter changed. Miss Mattle Case is to have 4A, and Miss Helen Hansen 4B. to his visit to Hillsboro, which impressed him as being very met­ ropolitan. In nil his travels he said hr had never seen a city this size (lint impressed him more fav­ orably. Thousands have sent in their guesses as to what is "The Most Horrible Sin.” No one has yet succeeded in guessing what the lecturer believes to be the most Horrible Sin. A. H. Bush, "not hanging I.ocb and Leopold;” C. E. Nirhlescn, "Adultery;” editor of Arguus, "Deceit;” L. O. McCoy, "Adul­ tery;” Mrs. J. II. Nelson. "Dis­ honesty;” J. S. Curson, "Work­ ing Children in Factories;” I.ec Blaklev, “Drunkenness;” N. H. Howard, "War;” Mrs. H. N. Shears, "Dope;” R. W. Weil. "Immorality;” J. B. Englcdingcr. L. J. Merrill, "Indifference;’ Ed Schulmcrich, “Dishonesty "Immorality;" Glen Stapleton, Calvin Jack, “Dishonesty;” "War;” H. Rehse, "Gossip;" and C. H. F.mmott, “Money.” These were the first guesses submitted to the question on "The Most Horrible Sin." Sev­ eral hundred are expected to turn in their answers before Fri­ day night, September 12. The winner will receive the gold piece that night. Oleo Bill Urged Joe Dunn of Portland wns the principal speaker at the Rotary club luncheon Thursday. He gave n most interesting and In­ structive talk on the problem of nutrition ns nffected by the use of butter substitutes and advo­ cated that nil should work heart­ ily to make the oleo bill ns pa ssed bv the last legislature of fcctlvc when it comes before the people this fnll under the refer- cndiim. Other visitors were O. C. Rytcr of Pittsburg, Pa., and M. S. Woodman of Banks was Mrs. Anna Wells and Vincent in town on Tuesday. F.ngeldinger of Hillsboro. chard near Scofield and J. R. Mc­ Although no decision has been join this great army. This day Plans are being formulated to for mobilization is Friday, Sep­ take care of the mail in probably New, Huland Thacker, William handed down by the district tember 12, 1924. It is neither a a more efficient manner, at least and Ed Mixner were lying in boundary board or by a court, it National or a State holiday. Let for Hillsboro business firms, than wait for it. About dusk the big seems certain that all the work of fellow came into the orchard and organizing a union high school all loyal citizens cooperate. with the present mail train, which To the end that the strength arrives at 8 :05, according to Fred was shot at and hit by J. R. Mc­ district has gone for naught and The bear then ran into those who have worked hard on of Hillsboro’s reserve force may Holznagel, Hillsboro postmaster. New. the wood« followed closely by all it will have worked in vain. be represented and that the Have Early Distribution except McNew. It was in the power of that reserve be known. Wrong Description It is hoped to have the Port­ woods that the bear, thought to I. J. B. Trullinger, mayor of The fly in the' ointment was so land mail come out on the late be dying, made the attack. Hillsboro, call upon all business slight that, although the propon­ Southern Pacific train in the houses to close their places of ents of the measure were looking 'evening, if possible, and thus al­ business between the hours of 1 for such little technicalities when low of a distribution to the busi­ Recruit for Parade and 3 p. m. Friday, September readings of the descriptions were ness houses before eight o’clock. A speaker of statewide prom­ 12, >021. made, it was entirely overlooked Foilowing this the carriers inence will be secured, to give a J. B. Trullinger, and very naturally overlooked. ' would go out on their routes message appropriate to thr day. Mayor of Hillsboro, Oregon. The difficulty was that the Henry­ again after the eastern mail is Recruits will be mustered in for addition to Cornelius was not in­ distributed, after the 9:20 a. rn. n parade and it is expected Hint GEORGE ZIMMERMAN mail train. If this is done the “Game Clear Through” i« Way cluded in the description, al­ the local post of the American FATALLY INJURED though it was supposed to be and late evening business distribution Legion will sign up in a body, as Arthur We»ton i« Described was understood to be in the pro­ would be taken off. w, l| ns other organizations. Hit by Falling Snag Near Colum- The i rural carriers would prob- SAYS PUBLICITY MAY HELP posed district. Thr committee jn charge con­ umbia County Cognizant of the condition the ably be • held up an hour in order sists of Dr. J. H. Rossman. Dr. L. union board and the board of to give the rural patrons regular W. Hyde. J. L. Crow. Mrs. C. E WAS ON DUTY AS WARDEN “Death Due to Gunshot Wound District No. 7 held a joint meet­ service. This would be the same Wells and Ray Dillon. at Hands of Clifford Smith," ing last Thursday night and the Tile oath taken by those re­ Funeral Services Were Conduct ' service as they now have, with Jury Verdict Hijlsboro board volunteered to the exception that it would be an cruited for the day to take part ed For Native Son in Hills­ step in and take up the burden. hour latex. in the parade is as follows: boro Monday Following an investigation of "Game clear through." Effects Local Papers We, the undersigned American This is what they say of Ar- the description of the territory If the plan is carried out, the citizens and residents of Oregon, George Zimmerman of ncar thur Weston, overseas veteran of included in Cornelius and of the do hereby 'voluntarily enroll in Forest Grove died Friday morn­ local newspapers would not be Forest Grove, who was fatally original petition it was found that distributed by the mail carriers the army of the I'nitcd Stntes for ing at Good Samaritan hospital shot, for a cougar, in the moun­ the original petition lacked just a period of one day, September in Portland, as the result of being to the business houses Thursday tains 25 miles from the Grove, one of having a sufficient nnm- evening. 12. 192 4, and agree to accept as­ struuck by a snag pulled over by Committees from Hillsboro, early Sunday morning, by Clif­ her of legal signers, the others signment for that period in such a road gang. The accident oc- Forest Grove and Beaverton met ford Smith, 17, who lives in the living in the Henry addition organization of the Regular curred on the Washington-Col- which was left out. A vital with the railroad officials in Gales Creek section. Army. National Guard, or Organ­ point in the law absolutely re­ umbia county line seven miles Portland last Thursday, but were Courage Remarkable ized Reserve, as may’ be desig­ southwest of Scappoose, He was quires that the petitions contain unable to bring about any change It was between 3 and 4 o’clock nated by proper military author­ on duty as a fire warden at the in the decision to make a curtail­ in the morning when he was shot, ten names. The attorneys ad­ ity. time in Columbia county. ment of the local train service. As A canvas stretcher was impro­ vised the board that it should not We take this action as an ex­ Born at Centerville a consequence the changes as an­ vised, and six men carried the proceed with making transporta­ pression of our patriotism and He was born at Centerville nounced in last week’s paper will tion contracts. wounded man to the highway interest in the security of our March 13. 1870. He lived all his Will Continue Work be carried out. necessitating a some eight miles away. On this country, and of our firm belief life in Washington county and drastic change in the distribution It is the consensus of opinion grueling journey, bleeding inter­ that peace and the welfare of vicinity, being born on the Marsh of mails. The evening mail nally from a severed artery, and 1 of all interested in the movement our Nation can be maintained donation land clnim, and spend­ trains will be approximately an on a 20-mile trip to the hospital that it is mandatory for them to only by an adequate preparation ing his life on the farm and as hour later. —up to the last moment, he was go ahead with the formation of for thr National Defense. timber man. another district because of the We agree to parade with the game clear through. He leaves, besides his widow, MOVING OF CITY RECORDS organisation to which we are as­ t In the hospital Weston showed overwhelming vote in favor at five sons: Heinie, George Jr. BROUGHT TO A HEAD great bravery in intense pain, as the last election, when 13 out of signed, on September 12. It is and Richard at home at Thatcher, understood that this obligation is he had done on the hard journey 18 districts voted favorably and three miles north of Forest Recorder Agrees To Move With an expression of patriotism and from the forest, and, shortly be­ the total vote was two to one Grove: Walter of Cardis, Ohio, Realizing that the defeat that we are not bound for future fore his death, said to the physi­ for. Them Before October 1 and John of Clatskanie, and one was brought about by the minue- military service, or for any pur- cian : Or Resign daughter, Edith, nt home. e«t technicality’, the proponents pose beyond that indicated in "Please tell the newspaper men Of his immediate family he is this enrollment form. The moving of the city records to play this up big. It may save hope to make everything fool­ survived by two sisters and one | from the office of E. L. McCor- some other chap from being kill­ proof in this case. brother—Mrs. Julius Schoenberg BANKS SHOW PREMIUM 1 mick on Third street to the newly ed by someone who does not see Regret Expressed and Mrs. .Lottie Tnnnock, North LISTS BEING ISSUED Plains, and Harry Zimmerman of constructed vault in the city hall what he is shooting at before he The large valuation of the land in the offices provided for fires.” i Cochran. proposed district would have al­ Verdict Returned ‘ International Winner« Will Be He was a member of the Glen­ the city recorder was brought to lowed the district to proceed in a "Death due to gunshot wounds manner that would have in-tgred Shown There September coe I.odogc No. 22. Knights of a head at the Tuesday night coun­ it the hands of Clifford Smith,” splendid school and transportai cil session. Pythias. 17, IS and 19 The council unanimously voted was the verdict of the coroner's tion “facilities and keep it within Funeral services were held The premium lists for the from the Bell chapel Monday by several months ago for the con­ jury. As a consequence it will the estimated figures. Only ex­ Interment struction of the vault and for pro­ have to go to the grand jury. pressions of regret are heard on Banks Hog and Dairy show. Sep- Rev. M. A. Marcy. Smith was detained and placed every side. teinbcr 17, 18 and 19, have been was in the Zimmerman cemeterv vision of permanent city offices. (This was done before the resig­ in the county jail here, but was ‘ M bile we feel very disap­ published and nre being distrib­ : north o f Hillsboro. nation of Mayor A. C. Shute, released on his own recognizance. pointed because of the labor and uted by the fair officers this who made the recommendation. Saturday afternoon Smith said time expended and lost, we feel week. The stock is (icing listed , The vault and rooms were com- that he and a party of friends had more disappointed for the pupils and. according to S. C. Iiiklev, I ! pletcd sometime ago and yet the been campin# near the scene of and parents in the various purts president of the show, n large in­ city records were not moved, in the shooting; that he had been of the districts because of what crease in exhibitors is expected. spite of the fact that the original told that part of the country was thev have lost.” declared C. E. One hundred head of fine i intention was to move them as ' infested by cougars, and when he Well«, one of the union board grade cattle have already been I soon as possible in order that heard a noise, told his companion members. listed and it is expected to be the Sprinkling and Irrigating Hours they would be safe from fire and I he saw what he thought was a best cnttlc show ever held there. Benefits Union District Are Reduced other hazards. cougar and fired. International winners will be It is hoped that the matter cun If the records were lost it shown. Last year there were 150 Bom at Laurel be reorganized and completed for RULES WILL BE ENFORCED would be a loss of several hun­ exhibitors all together. Arthur Weston was born at filing before the levy this fnll. In dred dollars to the taxpayers of It is hoped to have the gover­ Laurel. When he was small the one respect it will be beneficial This was realized by nor as one of the speakers. Ball Water Sufficient For Fire Pro­ the city. tection and For Domes­ several of the councilmen, family moved to Forest Grove, to the union district in that Dist­ games and sports of all kinds are who urged that the records Ije where he was graduated from the rict No. 7 will pay the expense» tic Use being arranged. The big barbe­ public schools. He served in of operaing the school the first moved at once. cue will be Thursday, September France for two years with the half of the term. This will en­ of A restriction in the use City Recorder E. L. McCor ­ 18. able the Union district to avoid water for sprinkling has been set mick agreed* to move with the American army. Funeral services were held on issuance of warrants before tax down by Manager R. R. Easter of records before October 1 or re­ FIELD MEETING AT HERB’S the Puget Sound Power and Light Tuesday afternoon at the Buxton- money would be available. The sign. Prickett chapel under the aus­ local district will accommodate company, because of the existing Will Inspect 13 Varieties of Corn emergency brought about by lack pices of the American Legion. as many outside students as they TO HOLD CORN MEETING He is survived by his parents, possibly can, according to a de­ Silage Tuesday of rain. Mr. and Mrs. William Weston, of cision of the local school of­ i Cooperation Asked Portland, a brother and two sis­ ficials. A field meeting will be held at They ask the cooperation of all ters, all of Portland. the farm of Frank Herb, one-half consumers of water from systems "The district boundary board mile west of Greenville, on Tues» of the cities of Gaston and Cor­ has declared the union district A field meeting will be held at day, September 9, at 1:80 p. m., nelius, the Tualatin Valley Water formed and has taken no action Miss Evelyn Sewell Enrolled the farm of B. K. Denney, south­ to inspect some 18 varieties of company and the Puget Sound since. It is still intact until we in Junior Life Saving Corps east of Beaverton, on Monday. silage corn growing under the Power and Light company. can find some authority to September 8. at 2 p. m.. to look same soil and cultural conditions. Miss Evelyn Sewell, the young declare it illegal, otherwise a The sprinkling and irrigating over the results on the trials of a Several of the varieties nre hours have been set from 5 to 7 friendly suit will have to be insti­ dozen different varieties of sil­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. from Washington county, while in the mornings. Other rules laid Sewell, has received a badge of tuted. The condition is such that age corn. A number of local var­ others come from various parts down are—stop all leaks, do not they are not safe in going ahead ieties are in the tests, as well as membership in the Junior Life of Oregon. This variety trial is sprinkle or irrigate when fire with it. The boundary board will Saving Corps of the American unacclimated corn from other one of the several arranged by siren sounds and do not use more meet Monday and take some ac­ Red Cross, Clatsop county chap ­ sections. the county ngent in Washington water than you actually need. tion on it more than likely,” de* ter. In order to be entitled to Those interested in securing county. enrollment, little dared Mrs. Emma Bryant, coun­ "These rules will have to be the highest grade of silage corn membership maintained until we have another I will find much of interest in com- Miss Sewell had to pass very rig­ ty school superintendent, when Farmington Club Meets rain,” explained Manager Easter. (paring the different varieties id tests in swimming, diving, and questioned concerning the status “There is plenty of water for fire I grown under the same conditions. all other tests necessary to save of the union district. The Farmington Welfare club protection and domestic use. persons from drowning. nu t at. the home of Mis. G. Burk­ These rules will be enforced and Evelyn made the endurrnce Marriage Licenses Schools Open halter August 21. Nine mem­ inspectors will he kept in the test easily, by swimming nround bers and the following guests field to sec that they nre lived up County schools opening Mon­ the lflO-foot tank 40 times. Ralph S. Taylor of Roseburg were present: Mrs. P. Phillipi, to.” day are Tigard. Garden Home, Miss Sewell entered the con­ and Edna M. Sears, August 28. Mrs. Dan Burkhalter an