The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 06, 1923, Image 2

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Joseph Greer and
Bv Henry Kitehall Webater
v. v. mckinney - - - >««»•>»
MRS I- C McKINNEY. last Editor
- ------------------- -—.———---------------
C<w»'«t'l I*» <*>• H. bbs Mserlll C—nun>
Issued ou Thuraday of eac'i week by
McKinney A McKinney, Publishers.
Continued from last Week
questions ind a curs r, look tlir. ugti
1 nterad in the Post ilftive >1 Hillsboro, his notes put her abreast of the sltua
She knew her buwlneaa; so
Oregon, as second-class m id u atter.
much was enay to see.
Yet she was not. Henry felt, quite
the type of busln.'s woman he was
1 acquainted with
Iler drees had a
Within tin past week, Hillsboro somewhat mannish air which they, as
lias lost two of her well known a rule, are careful to avoid.
When the meeting broke up. Henry's
citizens in Rishrad G. ( ollins mil
Unnici II. F.mrick. Tin creator delay, occupied by the meticulous ad
Justment of I » me ’•< r before putting
lias called, but not before they on bts overcoat, g.m Miss MacArthur
were enabled to do much good au opportunity. al> »t an invitation,
work for theirs and their com perhaps, to come up and s|>rak to him
"Wouldn't you like to ** your new-
Through their pleasing person office. Mr. cYaven. before you goP' He
alities and earnest desire for the followed her *'»n the Corridor with
good things they had won many ■ curiously stimulating sense of ad
, venture.
friends who mounr their loss.
■'Ttna was Mr Ferris' office," the
Astimc goes on these • Idtinu rs said as she uahenst him Into a room
will pass and th« ir places w ill be that was Ju«t the is nvrational quar-
taken by others, but our memories tered-rak an.I ground glass box stall.
will continue to go back to those "He was treasurer of the old com­
who paved the way in this com pany At least, sbe added without ■
smile, “he was called treasurer.“
He perceived plainly enough that
she meant to tell him something. and
BETTY COMPSON AS CROOK ; waited, with a trepidation he was
afraid wasn't quite cvncraled. for her
To save thousands of men. wooimi to go on.
"I only meant." sh«‘ explained, "that
and children ffrom a fate worse
than death, a girl crook elects to Mr. Gr.s-r Is alw.ejs so full of the one
thing that happeu* to be on his mind
aid a district attorney in his in
that the rest of U' have to catch hold
dividual campaign, tins metioned Just anywhere ami till In.”
by authority, against a ring of
After she bad gone he dropped down
Compson Into the swivel-chair- tils swivel chair
plays this role in a new- Para now—feeling th«' Imperative need of a
mount picture, coming to the few minutes In which to get himself
But before the process of
Liberty Theatre m xt Sunday. together
Monday and Tuesday in “The re«.-ollectli>n had fairly found time to
begin, he Leant atop----- Greer *, he waa
Woman With Four Faces." It is sure—come down the corridor and
a Herbert Brenon production and turn Into the s«i-retary’a office neat
was adapted by George Hopkins door.
from a story by Bayard Veiller.
"Oh. hello.’” he heard her any. “1
Richard Dix is featured with Miss thought you'd gone.”
The other said—It waa Greer—"God­
C ompson.
frey. what
afternoon!” and
plumped duwu heavily on her ilrak
"Well.” Greer went on after striking
a match, "I guess we’re really started,
December Sth and thereafter the at last. I don't t>elleve there'« any
prices advertised
by Skaggs more d—d fee-fo-fum that they can
See you tomorrow?" he
I'nited Stores in Portland papers I think of.
will apply to our store in Hills naked. "How about dinner up at the
flat? My train doesn't go until mid­
Skaggs I'nited Store«.
"I can't come to dinner. But lunch
Is all right. If you like, and the rent
Brunswick of the aftern.ion.”
record Numlx-r 2501.—Th«- Phar­
"D—n it. Jennie, can't yon leave
the one decent workday in the week
Guy M. Edson and wife were atone?"
“You have too many workday« aa tt
out from Portland Thanksgiving
la. Fit be there at one. but I won't
day. visting with the Edsons and iralt. So if you're at work and don’t
feel like stopping, you needn't."
"Oh, all right I One o'clock, then.
The Knights of Pythias and
Pythian Sister» will have a soial You're sn infernal tyrant. Jennie."
"So would you be, Joe" (or did she
meeting at the lodge rooms to­
call him Joey), “tf you got the chance,
morrow- night. A program ha«
I gue -
been arranged.
The next moment Henry heard her
Marriage licenses were issued going Then, before he could move or
to Frank L. Howland and Viola think, the communicating door waa
L. Fleischhauer of Cherry Grove: thrown open, and Greer, at (»race with
Elmer I.. Lawrence and Ruth I.. the world, came tn upon him. He
gave Henry an amiable «mile, pleased
Mye rs.
te find him there. Before spraktng he
Thanksgiving guests at the Art devoted a moment to a prodigious
Miltenberger home were Mr. and yawn and stretch.
"Well." lie «aid, as be squeezed the
Mrs. Charles McCreary, their son
Ben and daughters, Thelma min water out of his eyes, “that’s over.
lone. The McCreary« are former We're through with that sort of
boakutn for a while, anyway.
residents, but for the past few found It as dull as 1 did; I could see
years have resided in Portland, that. Let'« go aoraewhere and have a
where Both father and son are chin—and a drink," he added. “I’m
employed at the Port of Portland drier right now than thia country will
ever be."
at St. Johns.
Greer piloted him back Into a aort
Mr. and Mrs. G. Garthofner
of grill where, apparently, food was
and small daughter returned the to be lia<l aa well us liquor. Greer
last of the week from a five weeks ordered bourbon for himself, and Hen
vacation tour of the middle west ry chose a ¡mt of orange pekoe.
ami south, visiting at Chicago,
"What do you make of Williamson?"
St. Louis. New Orleans, Mexico Greer asked abruptly.
"Make of hlrn?" Henry echoed.
ico and San Francisco. The pai-
ty experienced varied tempera­ "Why, I d«n't know. I've known him.
tures enroute from zero weather
in Montana to HO above in Louis
docs a star
twinkle ?
because light, like sound,
travels in waves. This wave
motion becomes a twinkling,
proh.ihly because of moving
(hint through which the star­
light comes to earth. As sure
as the course of toe stars h
in (hr Irrutinrnt of constip’i
tion. I’ll ret ent .Mineral (lit in
thorough and complete in its
intestinal lubricating proper
Tasteless, odorless, colorless,
absolutely pure. All the more
preferred because easy to
One of 200 I’uretest prepara
tions for health and hygiene
Every item the be‘t that skill
and conscience can produce.
Delta Drug Store
no ^O'XJoJUL Drug Moro
"He Married a Cousin of Mine.**
you s<-e. for a great many years, lie [
married a cousin of mine.”
".Married. Is tie?" Greer reflected. ;
Then. "Living with his wife?"
Henry Jumped.
‘Yea," be said.
“Oli, yes, certainly."
Apparently from Ills host's point of
view, It was by no means a corollary.
But, having received Henry's assur-
ance ■ n the i«>lnt, tie was content to
let It drop and go back to the main
"Well, I don't get any of tliew fet- '
lows,' he said ; "the financial gang. I
don't see how they get away with it.
1 don’t see bow they kwp themselves
alive. Oh, I know you're on their side.
You were In the hank, weren’t you?
And they put you in here to keep an
eye on me. But you're no more like
them really than I am. I saw that
well enough at the meeting. There
were a dozen times today when we
both wanted to sav. 'To h 1 with UP
(Continued neat week;
(irov e, $.350
Hugh Lewis ,-t ux to R R Num
rs it iix , \ I _■ I ' •' •”'* ti blk
Minnie (' \\ nil to Allan \ Dal«,
ttS. Beav erton, $ 10-
lots in (iar«lcn Home, $10.
.1 II Canipb<ll <1
I'1 Earl
Bi altv \n«li r«i>n to Hugli I i vv
' is cl ux, lots ft tulli «i. blk IS, Bea Tupper i-t iix . lots m South Park
\dd. I'ori cst (iriui . $27'<*
I v ertoli. $ 10.
W m
P \ Dahlstrom i t »'
\\ II Hill to G< orge It Hill, lol
1 I
\iLI. Grcenlmrq
' Height», $10.
l ewis C Hight ct IIX to I.istfi
J M Richard« to George Fisher
in MiH "ll *
Ht ux. î I ravt - in ■.<•«• I I 2 n r I s. \l D n n s . t ux ’
\ I nSi III! v v e r I i i ‘
' 0
Neal John I ight et ux to Emil
Ylta M H ill to Georg. 1 IL in
I eek. » .seres ««*«' .30 t t n r .3 vv . $ I
\ Johnson, I acre sees 15 and Id
W Mahon to Georgi 1 Hein t 2 s r 1 w. $10
Ml« n S Dill, s
|i «'k. 4 acres see ,3i> I I n r >3 w .
lloviland et ux. 20 ier«s see .35,
Frctleriek Grogg Jr cl in to ( I l n r 4 vv , $10
Daisy C Griswold I** WiLon II
K I cui». .32 sa acres >. «• 21 t 2 n
Rogers ct iix . t in I n ilatin
■ 2 w. $1.
John F \ ail it iix to S, Loot Gardens. $»300
Frank W H iniiinn •<» •’ »I
District No }>2. tract in »«•«• 21 t I
Tlyornbtirtr, .3 acri s II irvi v ( I irk
s r 1 w. $ 10.
\\ \ Shavv ct ux to Tilli«- Hose
• l
Iv . I .Stift acres Kinn« »swood \c.
\ Munson to \lbcrt 1 sehman.
$SS7 25
lot in Conzvliniun Bros terrs,
\\ ,\ St irker et ux to Joe Bor see 24 t 2 s r 2 vi $1
ovieka el ux, traet in sc«' 17 t ’ s
Jennie Leeson Brown to Ivan
r 1 w, $10.
II Zimmerman, tr i.-I In sec .3 » t I
A I’ Dav is et iX to 11, lire Clnv . r .3 w. $10.
■ Vannoy. in Tuck, r A Stew
Alma S Jonson to .1 R Mi Don
irt’s \dd, Hillsboro. $1100.
’Id et iix , 2 7l» acres \nthonv W
Hart d I < No «0 T 1 i r 1 « t«0
W H Hollis to II E Burns, I >
\rthur B McFarlane ct al
2 blk .3 1. Forest Grove. $10.
G F. Westin ;hous< to Henry l‘ ’Chester Frydenddl it ux. OS 100
Nelson i t al. I I. 11 -■ . ?' t " n I- veres sec 10 t 2 n r » w . $1
Barbara Martin et ux to M D
5 w. 410
Lavvrenc«' ct ux, lot «i blk 41
Georyyc 11 Hilt to Charles H
M ' • r \. i . 'I'
* 1 "
Thompson Co, bd I Boi teller's
C F Clinehens ct ux to M D
\dd. Grienburg IL ights, $10.
I iwrenc«' et ux. lot ■' bl 40 Met»
Edward (î Goff el ux to Clyde
. r \ . r. Tr u t s * I 0
F. ct ux. I let in see t>
Scott G Wiltshire to Rachel
t 1 n r 4 vv, $10.
Miller. $300, lots in North Plains
Bank of B iv ertön I > Fred J«-0 *.300
sen. 1 acre Johnson Estati Adil.
I ena I! Whitmore rt vir to
Beaverton Rcedville Ac. $10.
Gold'i Mav Ros. . t vir. tract in
W I. Wilson <t ux to \\ S Rev
Nimmons \dd. Hillsboro $ 130o
nolds et ux. tract in Georgi Rieh
Rudolph Sehin.d et x to Town
ardson <1 I c No. .3.3 and No .5 t of Beaverton. 50 acres secs 1 I
1 and 2 s r 1 w. $100.
and 1 ft t 1 s r 1 vv. $5
John Baldw in to Robert H Bel
John B llibbird to Town of
linger ct ux. part of lilk AS Forest ’L m rtuii. 10 er.s see II ■ I s r
h o .Inly q>i <lin<-«l ••
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Will run two trucks daily to and
First truck leaving at 8 o'clock
Second truck leaving at 10 o’clock
Leaving Portland office for Hillsboro at 1 o’clock
and at 4 o'clock
1153 Washington Street. Phone 542
209 Oak Street. Phone Broadway 0401
The Hillsboro Transfer Co.
K il|«iiie»| \| -, I « I,
Intiinbilr lmii|»»
< iwih p rj
w are.
“Say Merry Christmas
n l hrist.nv
r. both I .«fid ami Beautiful I l<« ftpplian ■
i r. now th. f iv nr .1 i. uu mbr .in < « W « I. v « e a III. c line Io »« I. . I from su. I, ,
Grill Stove«. Waffle Irons, Inasterà. P«wcolat«»r Seta, Culling Irons, I lash
lights. Elevine Heaters, Irons, Desk l amps and F latures
Come in an«l l<»«>k them ovqr.
< Kir prices are within «each of all
Starting On December 10
The Hillsboro
Transfer Co.
< '«»Miti '. Orr g«»»»
çXJ ' ä X jä AJ i a JJ
savin :
SKAGGS PRICES are consistent with the
cost of the merchandise, and our enormous
Buying Power makes these PRICES LOWER.
I Case Carnation or Borden’s Milk
10 lbs. Silver Leaf Lard
8 Iba. Swift's Jewel Shortening
Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon
10 Iba. Gold« n Marshmallow Syrup
10 Iba. Red Karo Syrup (Crystal While)
10 Iba. Blue Karo Syrup
10 Iba Skaggs Cane and Maple Syrup
9 Iba. Rolled Oats
9 Iba. Farina
9 and 8-10 Iba. Rye, Whole Wheat or Graham FLrur
1 Mothe-ra’ or Carnation Oata Premium
3 Grape Nuts
I—9-lh. Albers Buckwheat Flour
I—2' j Iba. Peacock Buckwheat Flour
I—2‘ i lb«. Olympic Pancakr Flour
4 Sunbrite Cleanser
22 Crystal White Soap
25 White Wonder Soap
20 P. Ar G. N.iptha Soap
2 Large Pee « Waxhing Machine Powder
1 lb. Schillings’ Coffer
3 Iba. Bulk I aberry Coffee
4 Iba. Bulk Cocoa
4 Iba. Popcorn
2 Iba. Plain Mix«d Candy
2 Iba. Xmas Mixed Candy
2 lbs. Commercial Chocolate«
2 lbs. Roar City Mixed Candy (French Creams)
3 Iba. Filberts
2 Iba. Paper Shell Almonds
2 lbs. Hard Shell Almonds
2 lbs. Brazil Nuts
1 lb. Peanuts
I lb. Brat Grade Mince Meat
Norway Mackerel, each
1 Package Swedish Health Bread
3 No. I |.i|y of Valley Sifted Peas
2 No. 2 l ily of Valley Sifted Pea,
2 No 2 l ily of Valley Cut Refugee Brans
4 No. 2'$ Tomatoes with Puree
3 No. 2'i Morgan Tomatoes (Solid Pack)
> lbs. Bulk Seedless Raisins
5 lbs. Bulk Black Figs
2 Pack Vges Sun-Mai<| Seeded or Seedless Raisins
z '5-OZ. Packages Red Ribbon Currants
I GO b. Tin Clover and Alfalfa Honey
$4 80
| K5
I 05
7 75
NO I ICE:—December 8th and thereafter prices
advertised by Skaggs United Stores in Portland
papers will apply to our Store in Hillsboro
Skaggs United Stores
Phone 2171, Hillsboro, Oregon