A CARD SAHNOW BANKS SHOW FINE wii,n,_ LIVESTOCK EXHIBIT BROCK 'The homc of Mr and Mi». Mei lington Br.'ik. of M ipli Street 1 I l-ll sbovo, via» tlu »celi, ot a vcry Ipritt, vicddiiig \\ c,lm »day ev, ■ ■tingi Sip’ii;i!'.i I u li, 1 I ili, ir d.iuglit, r. Glady» May, In e inu th, bi ni. . I l rii in B S ih now , Iti 1 . Paul Il Schau», of Trimty Lutili r in church, offici ating. readmg th, impressivi- ring 1 c, remoli* I h malli .111 arili of ce Ider» and rosi». The brillai party I enti red thè room to thè »tram» ol Lohengrin. Th, brille uà» beau I tifili ili a gow n of u Iute »ilk ean ton crepe, »imply .fasliioncil 011 long Imi » and tinishrd w itti »ilk ISpanisi IL r te11. 1. il tra* li, 1,1 in pi ict uith a corone! ot I pc.-irls and »li ic carried (he eon I venti ni il brid <■ » bouquet. M i* r of tin I 1.cuora > ihn xt I I groom. Iliadi a , harming bride maid. Siu won i J1 • 1 Nil >ilk I frock (rimili, d si itli laci ami rii' 1 bon. Wilnier S ilinow . 1 cousin I of thè groom, officiati d a» best inai*. little Guenevcre Brock. I a niecc of tlix bride, via« i flower I girl, and little Manali Saw yri I carri« d thè ring in thè lu-art of rose. After the ii-rvtnonv a delight fill buffet »upper was served to one hundred guest». ¡'lie bride 1» one of Hillsboro - fain »t daughter», ami has a larg. | i iri-le of friend» who love and r< I s|>ect her. l or several years »hi has been with tin Carnation Company. The groom is a »on of Mr. ami Mr». Hugo Sahnow, of near Cor lius. ami is om of tin »killed me chanies of that svition. The newly wed» w,re the re eipients of many beautiful pre» cuts indicative of the liigli i st, cm in which the contracting partie •*rc held. Mr. and .Mr». Salmon d< parte.. Thur»day on a motor trip to F.u nka, Montana, and other inter mountain point» for their honey moon, after which they will lak up their residence in Hill»bor.>. I COUNTY AGENT NOTES Four corn entries have been made for the Corn ami Potato »how to be held October 27, at HiUaboro. Thrc< potato grow« rs I have stated tin ir intention to ell ter for the bushel lot contest i Twelve cars of corn and bushel i lot of potatoes w ill be th< I amounts required. The pre . miuins will be $7.30 for first; $."> A. H Rasmusen was out from for »econd, nnd $2.50 for thiril Portland Saturday and called on prize on both potato.-» and corn, the home paper for another year. and will be provided through thi He takes a position in Portland | county fair fund. this week with a big auto concern For Sale—One work home, l«>00 lbs.. 10 years old, work sin- irle or double, gentle. Would trade for a good cow. Also ont brood sow and 10 small pigs, 3 week» old. and pigs all sizes for »ale.- George Ritter, llill»boro, < )r. . R. 1. Box 51B. 80 No chance for toes with a death choke. You will walk in comfort in the sock* __ we wash and mend for you. Our dams are "just like And we mother used to make. g»t them to you when we say we will. Phone Taylor’s Confer., 2011Z. and our Route Man will call. 2 The Day of the Knight ii HERE! Our real interest begins after our cars are delivered. LET YOUR NEXT CAR BE A WILLYS-KNIGHT NDRY d hartar w*m OUI E. L. PERKINS’ GARAGE The Day of the Knight it HERE! > Harold Simonds. Pa»co, \\ i»h | mgton, inquire» for a carload of Quick Lunch' potatoes. Nile, heard of tin-, variety, but if you have it, write Mr. Simonds. Those wishing to purchn», Hungarian vetch . m get name of growers in this county fron. the county agent, at Hillsboro. Inquiries are being mailt- ns to alfalfa seed for n< xt y < ar. Al fr.lfa seed may be pnrclinsci. from dialers, or naini-s of dealer and associations ».lling Grimti alfalfa will be supplied by tin county agent. In all events, in »ist upon g< tting only th< Grimm variety. A »mall amount < of certified White Winter w hi >1 I is for sale in | this county. Also I i somewhat I larger amount of certified Rink, Class B. ( (ret ' , your order in early for this good set <1. FARM LOANS Rates are advancing. We are still making loans at 5 per cent basi rate with nominal comtniskion. See or write me at .McMinnville. (17-tf) W. Bain. 'À For fire and auto insurance just : ee Ruahlow, 1 5 I f Send Us Your wj-, - ^nnoufícement The new Ford cars are now ready for your inspection, introducing changes that improve the appearance of the various body types and increase their comfort and utility. They offer you not only economical and depend­ able transportation, but also a more attractive style and a greater share of motoring convenience —a combination that makes the outstanding value of Ford car» more impressive than ever. See the new Ford models now on display in our showroom. TfcrM cari can br i.btamrd through ihr Ford H'rckly Parchara Plan. OTTO ERICKSON A CO. Hillsboro—-Beaverton—Forest Grove CARS * TRUCKS • TRACTORS — and address on a pc tcardorinalct- terand we will mail free and postpaid, a sample copy of Popular Mechanics MACAZIMB the most wonderful magazine pub­ lished. 160 page* and 400 picture* every month, that will entertain every member of the family. It contains interesting and instructive arti­ cle« on the Horn» harm. Shop nnd Office —the newest deveiopmentt in Radio. Avia­ tion. Automobile and Grrap«. Each issue contains something to interest everybody. We do not employ subscript ion solicitors so you will r'ft t/e urged tOhubscnbeand you are not obligating yourself in the least in asking for a free sample C'-w, We gladly send it to prospectivs readers. If you like it you can Iriy a copy every month from any newvh ler or send us your subscription — $3.00 for one year. Popular Mechanics Company 200-214 ■. Ontar»« Str««t, CMICAOO, UX. Popular Mrchanlct buil'ffnc/ U to 4/«4 prod* >n of t/itd f/rtat nvn/agifu. | ’ (('oiitinucd from page I) halem Mountain. oiul, and Martin Herb, Banka third Walker. Division 2 John V.Hideeoei irmg first; \ntnne »1’1*0 nd. Ethel Spiering. S ort I Plain«, third. Dn ¡»ion .i f <- nhn«n»'i Herb first. Jaraey • I >»v ision I Delbert Bierxiort, ll.ixcl Lilly, Hillside, sc» first , I ..... .............. , ond; Uiura I-aura Elwrt. Ebert. Watt», \l atta, thiril third Dn ision 2 Lurrnc Bu radorf. SeliilNin, first; Howard Robert »on. Hillside, sei-ond, Harold Jensen, Banks, third. Division 3 Margaret Birr» dorf, Sihi-tHin. first; Kenneth Biersdorf, second. Elmer Koenig. S, bolls, third. .’louii ha« it» sihir lining, Every th,- e darker tin cloud tin and purer tin stiver of brighter and it« lining. gr<-ali-»t soirow and In tin», the w lit. fi tin» c i « r liereav 1 im ut . in the losa of our soli come tu us, .. and brolhcr. the w ords uf I riir »v m|>ath) from our T fri nd« and his friends, han I,.»'. 1 In i n sti rliug lark i loiid »liver, lining our J The iii . vhv cxpri ssimis of si in |mthy ami loyalty han demon — * -r Í is a.t »trail,I to 11» that our gin e ually shared by those w » ho w oulil ii uf gladly help us bi ar nur burdi . . sorrow To all, we can onlv say that (he kind and »vinpathitic words given us have not b, ■ 11 in vain and w r t hank v ou 1» »111, • r, Iv 1» vou have »v mpa t his, d with 11» We can sav no more than Vie DRESSES from i? 3 Thank \ •u. Mr and Mi. J I Knight. Division 3—Waldo Flint, first J.'»i pli K night The silver trophv cup given bv M . M 1.1 n > 1.. I > >, the Washington County Holxtrin 19X3 ! . ■ »’ \ ssoi'i.'i i ion W .-lit (■ lolin Walker, of (’hehalcn* Moan PUBLIC SALE t lin, for the best showing in club work with thr purebred Holstein I will »ell at public auction at th, Delbert Biersdorf was awarded W. L. Moore place, I mile aouth the gold watch given by the and I•• mile writ of Banks, and <• Washington Conntv Jersey miles north of I orest Grove, at Breeders’ Club for thr best Jer 10 a. ui . on sex in the calf club exhibits. MONDAY .(»< rtJBF.R « The Pig Club awards follow Team mares. 7 and 9 years old. Fat Claxaea 1300 each, set work harm»». 9 Duroc Jerseys- I 'uis Ij*r«rn. head choice graded cow», snmr first. fresh ami »ome to freshen »non. Poland Chinas- Howarx! Rob 3 heifers, to freshen this fall. 3 ■nson, first; Harry Inklry. ire vearling heifers all this stock 1» ond. tuberculin tested; McCormi, k Chester Whites Jas Rodgers binder. McCormick mower, M, first; Johnny Rodgers, seeond. (‘urmiek havrake, liavrvk. pair Hampshire» John Mere r iron wlirrl». Ostmrii trdd, r Mon first and second. itor grain drill, corrugated roller () I (’. I.vic Wolford, first. 7 ft. tractor disc, I* inch «till Open Classes beam plow. 3> Mitchell w agon in In the open classe» for swine good slia|ir; light farm w agon the H h BB b BSB b won as fid boys and girls springtooth harrow, 2 pegCnith lows: harrow», ensilage cart, havfork Duroc Jersey Sow over 1 ropoa and pullev*, 4 trn gallon y, ir, Lcni Ihrig. first; Jack Rus milk cans, 100 gallon gas tank »eH, Scholls, second; ('rial Kop X 30 gallon gas tanks, »om. pel, W itts, third. household furniture, small tool» Sow under 1 year, Ted Kappel and numerous other articles Matts, first; Ralph Bradley, of Lunch served at noon Scholl i, second. Terms of Sale $20 and under Sow with three of litter, l.em cash; ovrr $20. six months bank Ihrig, first; Orval Kappel, see able note at 8 per cent ■ ■nd; John Kennedy, third Windsor Moore. (Jwni-r Chester White— Sow over 1 J M Hughes, Auctioneer I. ir, Elmer Koenig Scholls, first H. A Stohler, Clerk Sow under t! months, Minor Hesse, Scholls, first MARY MILES MINTER Sow- nnd litter of three, Elmer Koenig, first. Mary .Miles Mmtnr«<»ntr best 5 of litter. Lent Ihrig. first . Pllir.” Thia ]>hoto|>Hy I*» wrt in Orval Knp|x-1, second; Elmer thr Kentucky mountain and i* « Koenig, third. romance telling a deadly frud, thr Best Fat Hog- l.vle Wolford. result of a youthful quarrel In r»t ; Howard Robertson, second thie pl»y Mi** Minter • !»»<•< Kinir In thr open classes in competi- of th» m»»*t rff<« tivr a urli of her a w ith all tin- stock entered in stagr rarrrr, and »hr ii slip|H,rtrd n- »how the bovs and girls won hr Ant onio Moreno, who ha» the i» follows: man’s Ir-ad in this f in in itmg Jerseys .3 year old cow, Lo- story. months and under 12 lius. Address, Cornelius, <*re • 11» rt Biersdorf, first; Haze I gon. R I X« 30 .illy. • i <>iid ; K Mumford, third For Rrnt Good farm; *0 Lucile Ebert, fourth; [.aura Eb rt, fifth. Delbert Biersdorf also acres tindrr cultivation; lots of Inquire of won junior championship on Lad fruit; well improved E. L. .Moore, Chamber of Com St. Mawes Pride. Ilolsti-ins 2 years and under merer, ILIIstioro. For Sale Seven Duroc Jrrs. y years, John Walker, first, sen E. < A. Bell, un lor and grand champion Holstein pigs, six weeks Heifer, I year and under X, Haase road, S miles south of \ntone Vandeeoevering, first, Hillsboro, and then n half mile 30 D.inu-1 Herb, third; Ethel Spier west. ing, fourth. Beautiful piano for sab-, near Heifer, I year and over 6 Hillsboro; big saving in price, months; Glenn Hill, first; Frank and trrnii as littlr as $10 month Hill, fifth. ly to good home. For particulars Hccifer, under fl months, John write Cline Music Co., Astoria, \\ alker, first; Thelma Meyers, Oregon. XH 80 third. For Sale 1911 Ford, userd but Stock Judging Contest—Twen littlr, $45; also window, panrl t v two < lub members entered the doors, and sianil power feed mill ■second Annual Washington Mrs. Il I. Smith, corm r high < oiinty Stoi k Judging contest. way and Oak Park road. Photo Seholls Calf Club won first Hillsboro I I 4. 3 I f'liee; Watts Pork Production For Sale— Work horse, 1X50 ( lub, ' cond, and the Chehalem lbs.; also rabbit hutch, 4x14 feet, • Ionntain Calf Club, third. with four < ompartiiK ids ; will sell I In winning team, composed or trade for cow or large inculia of Elmer Koenig, Frank Peters tor—or what?—C. A. Davis, lb ,i ■ till Waldo Flint, chose to take vrrton, Orc., Il 4, •"’j mill north art in the Pacific International of Tobias station. 2H 30 i >ntc»t'. in November. The Watts Want to borrow from $H00 to t< mi therefore will contest at thr $1,000, nt H per cent, on tract of Oregon State Fair this week. K'linith Biersdorf of Schcfflin I nd near Raleigh station. South i ide 32 5 points out of a possible ern Pacific red car line, First security. Address M rs 100. Elmer Koenig was second, class I rank Peters, of Scholls, third; \nna Pettibone, Portland, Or. 3 I \\ . <). Kappel, fourth, and Lcnn II 5, Box I7X. Wanted Wish to rent a »mall Walker, fifth. Two Washington county citi modern house, or good house z. ens, who wish their names with keeping rooms; bv married cou lu-ld, gave $75 to the Banks Calf pie; no children; best of refer ■ nee».- Address ( lub lo be given out ns prizes. Sht-rman J. Awards in this class were as Moody, care Box 7, Hillsboro, Ore. follows: 80 Jerseys -Calves under 1 year. For Sale Fiftveen months old Dellx-rt Biersdorf, first; Haze) egisti-red Jersey hull ; »0111, >< >ond ; Laura Ebert, third. .-carling purebred Hainpsliiri One year and under 2. Lorenc me kn; some purebred spring Biersdorf, first. Hampshire buck lambs; som,- Over two years. Margaret •railc Hampshire ewes. ----- Frank Bh radorf, lir»t ; Kenneth Biers Schulmerich, I lillslmro, Origini,