SATURDAY MORNING ONLY To the First Fifty Customers 32 INCH TWO MORE SPLENDID VALUES Only 500 yards will be sold at this price. Come early and don t be disappointed. 10 yard limit. 27c 16c yd. 29c yd. Below Today’s Actual Wholesale Price. this offer. advantage of 81x90 SEAMLESS SHEETS $1.77 10c CREME OIL SOAR Regular t« n cent .seller. Oppor tunity Sale only 4 bars HAVE JUST TWO WEEKS If They Last That Long 3c bar Coats, Suits, Dresses SHINOLA SHOE POLISH Fir-t lot includi - i wnle range of selection and repre-t nts values to $1 I 95 Get your choice at 6c SPECIALS IN TOWELING INFANTS’ SHOf S AND MOCCASINS Eighty five new suits in the new style- ami fabric* now in demand. Nothing la tter made with mor« a- survil satisfaction in wear ami appearance. lite style is built in ami the material- are the finest all pure wool. Some of these -uil- represent $ to value- For just 2 week* X.' $29.50 H ARGAIN3 K>R BOYS ( oats of all wool Tweed, Polair, plain or plaid. Xcwi -t style- and all sizes. Drc--e- of Xrw \lt'me Crepe, Canton Crept. Wool Crept and Silk Taffeta. Suita ol I : -. . I - - r - • v and Irie otnii . While they last. Values to Unbleached yard TIME CHILDREN’S SCUEEER SHOES Hart, Schafner & Marx buits New Spring Coats Suits and Dresses Come early if you want your share. Bargains like these don't last long. HOUSECLEANING HERE \ alm s to $V 50 eludi -h.nt t ml- Look tin —* "" r. to ilo Since we purchased our Spring and Summer Stock, markets have been steadily on the rise ami Manufacture i want u- of still fur­ ther raise in price. Through our earlv buying ami eastern buying connections we are enabled to give ,mu ur ■ m « 11» <1 prices tn a 1 lines of Summer-wear. PRICES THAT CANNOT BE EQUALLED AND WON T BE. .lESTTWO \\ I I KS . t bus mg 01 I OR TUNITY. In many instances you will find prices tnat are actually present day wholesale cost I’rm ;.vi. : ’.««i only while present stock lasts.’ WE CANNOT REPLACE THEM AT THESE PRICES. Doors otM it at mi <■ oeb ek Sa. lay morning Toilet Soap Special yard 88c OPPORTUNITY SÄLE YOU’LL Bleached 27 INC H DRESS GINGHAM TWO WEEKS $1.18 72x82 BEDSPREADS !M» Piace« Yard Saturday, April 21st to Saturday, May 5th TWO SUPREME BARGAINS Take 34 AND K» INC II SH KS GINGHAMS—Yaid PERCALE—Yard 16 inch Pillow Tubing 42 meh Pillow Tubing NEWEST PATH KN IS H«»y« Su«|*, $2.98 5c Come early. <»f 27-INCH INDIAN HEAD any skirt in our entire regardless of former SC».«).- 15c Y’ard 30 and 40-lnch Plain and Fancy VOILES, LAWNS, BATISTES TISSUE GINGHAMS \ alues to 50c yard in short ends 15c Silk Stripes; 32 inches wide and in unusually pretty patterns. Op­ portunity Sale special. Yard Y’ard SILK AND 36-Inch COTTON Assorted Colors. CREPE Y'ard 29c 100-Yards SILK THREAD Assorted Colors. Spool, 8 cents LACES, EMBROIDERIES, INSERTIONS A big special assortment and val­ ues that are bargains. Look them over. Choice, per yard JUST FIFTY BLANKETS Size 64x76 and will be sold to the first lucky customers at A value that yon 11 agree is without a rival. All the latest of new spring shape, and styles DRESSES—APRONS III Gingham, Sattren and Pert ale. An opportunity that you’ll Want to take advantage of without de lay. Your Choice Entire Stock WOMEN’S TRIMMED HATS $1.98 ■Selling t<, 9-4 UNBLEACHED SHEETING ONLY Gingham and Percale APRONS >a>rxJaM 49c Ready to put cheaper than y, make tli< in $5 $«l Ï- $ Hi OO 50 OO 00 MEN’S AND WOMEN’S SHOES Greatly Reduced, lor I wo Weeks < >nly .‘tltot - S« Hing • I will Ite $.1.98 w ill be $4 98 w ill lie $6 95 w ill be $7.95 10c WHILE THEY LAST X5 ■ J MLN S WORK SHIRTS III different color, ami nil sires tu l< Huy your entire summer Heeds X< >\\ $5 MAI LORY HATS CHILDREN’S SANDALS PUMPS, OXFORDS, TENNIS SHOES Extra .Special 98c 1 lo- lineai bai Iliadi for Ilo prlt e Simili liarder Wrar aliti look I n I ter. New spring «tylrs just re «riseti Two W eek a < )n|y $4.44 CARPET SLIPPERS, 49c MEN’S SOLID LEATHER WORK AND DRESS SHOES -It... - nrt downright bar gains nt $2.98 Women’» STRAW SAILOR’S In the season’s latest col ors and roll brim styles. Hats you will like B R I 1.1.0 ALUMINUM CLEANSER AND POLISHER $1.49 Cord Wood and Eggs Taken In Trade SOCKS—Pair lai Hid wr || ||I»( of rt» rpt th«' tlinr >rl while thr V l«wt you want them at Women ami Girls PUMPS $2.49 In p iti ut. Yard MEN’S AND BOYS’ CAPS 19c Each MEN’S AND BOYS’ FELT HATS 77c Each RECLAIMED WOOL ARMY BREECHES Gi t ready for summer outings. Regulation O |>. Wool Army Breeches at a Khaki price While Stock Lasts 10c Small Size IIIIaESBf >H< > TOILET PAPER foiihst (.itovi: NOTION BARGAINS Regular size roll ami price only !<• each guaranteed while quantity lasts. Roll nine early and prevent disap- Now—When You Need I hem MEN’S WORK AND DRESS $4.98 Pretty ami dainty new Panama < loth Hats of many different shapes and lower and ribbon trim m I | prettiest little hat« imatrmable Right 5c I hi-v l*» i <«pf •< ft r ihi'i prhr »!><>$< olid Come now if G<)< WOMEN’S TRIMMED HATS—$2.49 Haircloth, 'limbo Braid, Satin, Milan Straw. All shapt s in ally trimmed. Remember—Just 2 week Boy’s Corduroy and All-Wool Suits you at $7.50 TWINK DYE SOAP 150-Yard Spool SEWING THREAD Dozen, 53 cents WOMEN’S WAIST SPECIAL \ oil«*—, lawns, organdies, dunlin , in plain and fancy. Different colors ami styles. Wi are giving them to Pair $2.98 INFANTS’ BONNETS YOUR CHOICE Each IMPORTED Men Here'« a Real One $10.00 49c Special Clean-up ODD LOT STAMPED GOODS I Small Boy’ Suits ilroun-« kt$«i mitturr« llnikrii lol* «mil » f» m »old up U> $6 dU \ t lu-tiiv of tli< *< arid t >>u 11 ha»r t<» hurry. Browns, blues, greys and mu tures. Broken lot­ and •»1/ • ■» sonic value-. Come rari v grt your pick U hilt they last 17c Man $22.95 SUITS 10c EXTRA LARGE TURKISH a 5«1 «lozen Dress Snaps Gun MetaJ 2e dozen b MEN’S ATHLETIC UNION- SUITS A downright bargain and one that has been selling everywhere for 95 cents ami over. i)pp.,r tunity Special. 7c MEN’S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Summer W eight. fh Bnll.rlgg «•nd \l< ,|, knit of good grade. !■ i t nt, p, r garinrnt .69 MEN’S HEAVY OVERALLS ••wing to (be rapid advance ill overalls this price i- rt oiarkalilc II not promise this to last very long. Get a supply NOW