THE HILLSBORO ARGUS County OHxud »’•»*' LIBERTY Fri. andSat THIS WEEK MHS IMMA C M.'KIKM Y. <>• Il A tosti. Editor and M'e««« s bwriptlon, «1 W ixr I .»uni ei.ry Thursday by »*ra <’ Me Kinney »">• 1 ' 1 Matinee Saturday 2 P. M„ Evening at 7 o’clock I I ntrrrd «t ÜM l'>-< ',|h” ‘‘ r<>, Urrgon. «eemd «’I»*» IM>|1 The Wobblira are planning « general strike in the logging camps for May I. 1 ul««« Ore­ gon takes a stand agnin.t preai li mg of sabotage the Wobbly < l< inent will hold the »tale's futur, k V' / \**fAà c- ;s> '?{i* in the palm of a very un,ympa thetie hand. Hi«tory rvpeat* itsrlf h««c you notvd tliat inanv w lui nere noi thr world w ar are ag.iin tightniii t over?” riu-rr i« little rea,on in cate«l at San J»»‘ * •’ Ilans Rasmussen, of Hank«. wa< in tin- city thi « morn mg. Horn, to Mr. and M r. John Illa« k. Hillsboro, April 13. IW i daughter. Born, to Mr. and Mra I I- Bailey, Hillsboro, April IO. I923 a son. 1 Kroiionberg. of shove Sb i |v Brook, is in jail, charged witli 'ion support. F. W. Robertson, of Gaston was down to the city this morn mg. .1 w Ml mil. of the Sh ' s mgs Bank, is visiting relatin’» in Des Moines, Iowa. Evangelist M. R Tatman will be at th«’ Full Gospel Ttl*’rna< l«’ between Seeoiiii nnd Third, on Lincoln, on Siimlav. at S '0 and 7 :S0 p. m. Lutheran service, at the Bap list church, South Third St., in st Sunday, at 2:30 p. m. Sunday li '.'l it 1 SO I’ H 8 pastor. Mis, Elsie Porter, nf Portlaml md thr Misses («tiii'ia and Lola Jacobs, of Hillsboro, were tin week end guests of Miss Rntli Boge, of Farmington. The Masonic Glre Club of Portland will broadcast ovef tin Dr. E. II. Smith radio Friday ev« ■ling. April 20, between 9 and 10 o’clock. J. M. Vandrrzanden, of Roy. while riding a county esti rpili >r thr other day, «lipped and hroki a bone in one of Im ankle«. Dr E. H. Smith made the adjust me nt. The I .adira* Aid of the Baptist church will give a chicken lunch > nn anti dinner at the new church edifice, Tursday, May I, from 11 :30 a. m. to 7 30 p. in. Th« public i, l ordially invited. The estate of Chis. Mitchell, who was killed near tile tunnel on the I nited, April 4, has been idmitted to probate, Del Frank Im bring namrd as administrator Mitchell left $230 in a Portland bank and other assets. Ma«- lturlwr, of Portland has sued thr Pri iniuili Pictures Production, a corporation, for * 1 125.00 and interest, due her on i promissory note given last year Th«- corporation Im« n utudio in \\ ashington county, John Mulloy, of Laurel, was In the city yesterday. Hr is nurs mg three badly lacerated fingers, the result of falling under tin wheels of an auto when lie fell from tin- running board while at tempting to make a landing. Baptist ( liurcli, Robt. (i Kav. pastor Bible Si'hool at 10 a in I’reai lung at | | a. in. and 7 30 p m. B. Y. I*. I at 0:45 p. rn. ; sub ject I lie Tabernacle.** Leader, Edward ( oxe. Praver meeting I’liursdai night at 7:30. Every body welcome. L. Mi lipiist lias a errw of eight men working nine hour shifts tn gi I the county machinery anil m gines into shape for the suinim r campaign. As a result the ma chim-ry sheds resound with ham uicririg, and the place is about ns busy as needed work can make it < hurt h of ( lirist Bible School »’ 1,1 B I Clay, Supt . Hat ntsaing for God” will be th. morning subject nt II; Junior and Interiiirdiat«' Endeavor at •i :l5; at 7 30 the subject will lie ( ainphellisni Exposed.” Special inusii’ at the evening service. L< n II. Fishbnck, minister. Peter I.orsung, a Hillsboro res ¡«lent for many years, Ims b«en named bridge supervisor for the county of Coo«, Peter will have charge of putting in the pil Ing on a big bridge on th«- South Inlet, am] will also have ehnrg. of all other slrm turnl work for the county administration Tim Lorsungs, J. S. ami Pet« r, have been building bridges for that district for several years. Tlic appointment is a matter of pleas ure to his many Hillsboro friends. f tl> Circuit Court %» a Stati I »it... •*r»u» I «Innin a ril l di»p*>»« il nt f u h« h (hi .» I t ,»ir u i» m 1t 1 nfti r a jury h ct .«t«‘ l mil» \i(Itur Hit I .id * « h t r g i d will of the L celli t»( a he lft r n< ir H I« «in vest» m inter, i n t I... Hit tod.iy, w k it h young niAii mg thr hearing t rir «’.-i»«* ( » drr w ». I 1er. I.dbaii I ••»h. \\ \\ .1 h putii. Fri-il Elligseii. J L Bi li« fi* I. k! r Hunter I hr where three ' heifer to Portland Io »< were caught rid hindi <1 Brook« contend, tbit nothing to d'> with tin « M r« I «misa \ lu t du home of li« r il«ughti r. M \ iiison, I'.irtlsnd \p«il Siu- was I- ■ i’ll m * ’ I ’• ■ I»<•«• It' I »3 3 11« r hu»I 27 i ear* ago For v ir alternateli her home I children, imi ha» ri «idi of her lime with her , Mrs ! \| ) \\ itsull Siu- I« > «un i» • d bv Mrs M I " Mr» \ urn 'll of I' l.ulll \\ arren. <>f 1 and Georg* k " i The fun< Canada meut, a rr r not perle The Coffrr Club tin u trrtaimd thrir husbiml sìts'sl frit mis ti> a Inti« annual affair, «t thr < tlonal i huri li. last Ctrl about si'li nil fur werr Mr. I W IL I. . »I toast mistress, ami a m ladlrs, in all candor, I' impressions of tin ir liu»l«an,ls \k Colimi! r, . p. >i>.|. .1 in I" 1 of thr husbands Fin dina i sp!< «.lid affair She riff \ I. i i n. |. r srn l'ros|H*ri. of |t. «»rrtoii, « i ipior eliargr. having found gallon still on Ins piare nr -ssits li lower l’rosps ri «s bail. J B< rnarduii ian. u ho had i I wine, , * A4 «I«» PIA' rest and is out on $230 , ash bail \. I> flirti, of Garvlen II mir IS out on $300 cash bail, after I« mg arrested on « chargr of « !«• lating tin liquor law R. r<| a big »till nnd many barrels. and the officials think they ha*« •II kind* of rv nli iit r • gain»t thr «Ir Thr »tdl ami «uppli« * frndant take” in were the largr»t month«. C Sor«'ii»«»n, win» »pent th« winter in < alifnrma, w 1* up fr«»m 11<•«• d1111r yrstrrdav. MORTGAGES FOR SALE We offer for sale the follow irxg mortgages— $ 350 at 8 ernt for 3 yrars 800 at 7 cent for 3 year* 1000 at 7 ernt for 3 yrari 1200 at 7 ernt for 3 yrari 1300 at 7 cent for 3 yrari 2000 at 6 per cent on good farm LOANS We have $4000 to loan on good farm security at 6 per cent. HILLSBORO LAND A REAI FY CO. England A Mellar ■ Hillsboro Oregon SUMMONS In the ( iri'Ult < ourt of III. Mil, I of Oregon for \\ awhington County. \udra Bryd'in. fini il 11 f f. vs. Jam« » Bry don. I h- f, Inlaut To James Bryilun. tin a Ini V e n itm <1 I >«• f« nd itit In thr naim of tin Stat< >>f I Ir «•gon. you ar« In r« bv dire, trd ami required to appt ar III tin alaiv« entitled Court ami answer th« Complaint tiled you ill tin aliole « lltltled Cails« on or before six weeks from tile, • nf the first | hi !.»I h «tn>ii of this , »iiiiiiiion», which ¡* on or hefori s MW w « t ks froni t hr 19th day of \pril, l'i2.’l ami if you fail . «< so to appear and 'iiiswcr *nhl < complaint • for ” want th«*r« <»(. th«* Plaintiff u ill ~.rr»v .............I apply to C tn th« Court f«»r tin r« In f |»r »\« «l r».» in her i— coinplniiit, * f«»r to wit |’«»r a drerrr forrirr dinolxing tin inirriiigr coiilrmt now alii! here toforr existing b«-twrcn th« Plain tiff mid I >• f«-ndmit. tlpnli th«* ground* «»f desertion, and f«»r a decree nwurding to li licr the carr, custody mul control I of (i I a d y n Brvdon, tin minor child ... I nf Plain tiff mid I)« mi iiiki i >• fendmit, 1 • •inbint, mill for meh otln r iiml furtli .In r relief .is to tin Court «li ill seem just in tin premise««. This suniinons i* « rv« <1 upon von by publif atinu tht-r« <»f in til« Hillsboro Artfiis for *ix sue«« «*i\» and I coll "■< ...... liti! ‘ ' " < > k . |>|| I nulli to i un ordir ........... of IIn llonorahb' Gcorffr H BnI Ivy, Judgr <>f tIn above « ntitb «1 Court ' .... s II iiiiub’ ntid « iiti red oli III«’ IMtl, dnv of Aprii, ...... v of Aprii. 1923, «•••••■ th«- •' «late ' of tli«- tirst pillili cation thereof lo ...,. ing Aprii Iti, 1923, mid ili«’ flat«' of thè ln«l piik*li<-.«tinn tin r< of In ing Mnv 31 1923. Hnre, McAlcar A l’et« Attorneys for Plaintiff Post offici- nililri .1 Hill In < kregon. u INC 111 SI I R .SFORI nlNC.Ht >/«< Making a Hit with Winchester Baseball Goods g«t«»d« o»« he r« N Lester- ^Ireland Don’t ße Misled Wl. i » . l>. / «hr > oh !«, you grt «heap good«. Off. Hiaii.i," «irti bruitasi I me, ut "W< m I s Offs** Dependable Merchandise • t rr «oosnlu «• our molto. Highe«! po,rt |>«>d fo, «((«, poultry «md li«««lo«h Free Delivery King & Frank SECOND ST. Mil I SHORO IAS O PHONES - < uo I , Meat D«f>l . M2 Our New Store Has the buying power of 44 stores, en­ abling us to furnish you merchandise at lowest possible prices MEN S WORK SHOES Light weight $1 »5 to $2 »5 Mr.II. Il H . Ighl 12 95 to S3 95 Hr a $ > Shor » Kt 50 to M 50 BOY’S SUITS Hoy, Suit, m IJ,,, •< rgr •a^ nn»t«ir« «. at M 96 to $1 ! 96 MEN’S MEN S DRESS SHOES I Io I I I allor *hor« in broad and medium tor«, rubber heel* M MS t<> $7 50 >hors in double ami triple I width», with rubber her!« $4 95 and $5.65 M* Il » plain tor, < u»hioii »«»Ir, $4 45 rubbr r lie « Is WOMEN'S SHOES In I’nt* nt ami Kid l.eatlirr in a variety of «imp atylea, and < Kford, $3 45 1«. $4 50 WORK tK. ralle« tn « grad' $2 JO KK hltr |»at k eie lull! in tub $1 » or wai»|, nt $2* < «»reliireoy pant« $150 K hull I punt» $2 25 hhfiki lacrd punt« WORK SHIRTS In blur and gray « hambrai I Hinn mad«- Idur and grAj Extra hravy $1.35 MEN’S SOCKS Ro, k ford mi WOMEN S HOUSE APRONS CLOTHINC 2 for • <>tt«>n «ni 98« HOUSE DRESSES W olio il * bla« k «Atre n $2 45 WOMEN S UNDERWEAR I ilium nt \ > «I « 50» and 65« 29c CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 35c 65c \\n i t » M f •*'*ni pl«’ «hör« for Mell, kt otnrH • nd < hlldrrn Vitine«, 'Flu-»«’ «’<■ ■ ****’ '* wil1 •nd Fiber Haga and Caars, at ** »6 to $|«.5o C* Bre>er Co. Store ’’ n*’‘‘ ,o Cor*«n Hardware. Hillsboro, Oraf«"