The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 01, 1923, Image 3

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•‘treuil Court of th* Stair uf Oregon
for Ute • »uni» «»f kk Akllillgtolt
ri linllff.
ll.iltirr < < •mpbeJl,
In 111* « »uni, < .IH,t ,,t Ih* Mal* ul
ilfHuh, lut U aalilliglun < «mili)
In Ih* Mollit ut II» I «lai* ni W lilla,«
llrrira, l»r> > *»*d
Fu Maiali I
tir****, i .,,a II H, <
Nmlth. Ja.p*r F t<*
Hrr v r»,
Alfrril tir, •••«il. Marsh J
I If) wu«»«|,
» Unii*
Hrrvr»* Ju»ir Mai h, fila Ma< A, M ,j
mir Via, G F Via.
it»r Atrnrff, I •.
Mrnrff, kk
I '.i lat* hing. Jaiir Du«
I al« hing. Birth» I t ali limg H ralbru
I « « il < al« hing, ami tu all ••Ihr» |»rr»«m
unknown* Greeting >
In Ihr aim« of |ftr Nlatr uf Oregon
A uu arr hrrrb) . il«d ami rr«|uir»«Ì li
•|»|»rar in Ihr I «»uni) < «»uri of
Mair uf Ofrgon, fur Ihr ( «»ufily u
kk 4»h|ngi*m, al llir < ourI Homo liier«
•>f* »I HdUburu, In thr < »»unly «»
U a»hingl«»n. mi Molai«), thr Iflh d«x
••f Motil, i»23. at 10 9'rliWli in th*
furrnmfu »»( that ita). Ihm and Ihrr«
l<» »hu* « au«r, if any you hvvr, wh
4*1 Ufdrr uf »aiil ( «»urt »itoiild n«*|
•Hafir, aulbuririitg, «lire« ting ami Ii
> r*»»ing N a * h I. Hrrvr», E»r«utrix «»
ihr i a»! kk ill «lui l r»tart*r*il uf kk il
II4HI Hrrvr», Dr«ra»rd, tu »rii »( uri
»«Ir »»Ir, fi»r noi ir m Ihm unr h«l
a»h and Ihr lithtm r lo br »«« urrd !»
4 *•»«•
un »aiti properly, «ir»w*ii,
.<»,! p« t aimum and payable un ur br
f rr Ihrer year» after «tale, Ihr fulfow
<ng dr». fibrd rral pr«»|M*rt) bri««ngitq
to »Alti Fatate, »ituatr In kk c*»hingioi
< uuiity, Oregon, amt parti» uiarl) «Ir
rfdod a» follow», |u w it «
Hrgiiihing a! a »lufir at Ihr Nurth
«vi »«»rner «*f l|tr < hrialian ) mrk k l>
I •» l( 3 kk
Mrr ,
kk aahingtut* i «»unty, Oregon
runnmg thrta « along Ihr È.a»l line ul
•aid Emritli I* I «
N«mlh 12**3 2 feel
I«» a »tune <»n »aid line, thrmr South
19 •!« g *»*» mii.nir» kk r »! 424 4 frrt
hrm r N *» d* g (Ml minutato kk r»t 113 4
fr<G Ihrmr Nuulh It* dig l*U mltmlr*
I a»t 143 g frei, Ihm« r N«>uth 41 <|rg
’♦«» iiiHuli» I «»I |9? 6 frrl !«» Ihr )’«a»l
iitvr «•( • aid Fmru k |> |
them r
'*«»uth 19 <«10 feri to thr
cothrr uf »aid
Breve» farm, Ihrtwr
Nurth 69 dr g il miiiuir» F a»t |*>39 *
frrt lu a »latir, !l«rn«r N*»rth 36 drg
I** lUihuki I a»| 794 I frrt lo a •(«•tir
hm.« North 69 drg A| rninulr» I a»l
I 4UO frrt n«<>fr ur lr*» |u thr rrnter «»!
I ualatlh Hlter* thrfwr up Ihr rrntrr
• 1 «»».I tivrr w|lh thr me»» mie ring»
(hrfruf, in a generai twrfhrrly direr
1 h»n 4 i<M * frrt tnofr or Ire» f«« thr
south line ut fhr J>*»i»h I IngrnfrHrr
l> I. t
thmrr South «•$• «kg
/3 it liti lilr» kX r»t a | i ig thr H«*u(h llt»«
uf »aid I ingmfritrr I* I
C and tltr
M»ulh liur 1 «*f thè S«*|on»«»ti EmiH k |>
I V No • 6. *¿7 S<> frrt mure ur Ira» !«»
ihr |>la<r uf begtnning, raulelhlng
J34 4f 7 arre» iiM»rr ut jrwe, a» pravrtl
for in <hr |xli!i«»n of thr »aid Marah I
Hrr« r», I «riutri» «f»>rr»«id
fhi» «itatiun i» publi*h««| and »er
• n< m«dr «ig«««n yuu !»« pubi)« ati«»n b«
• •r«lrr ut Ihr ||.»m.r»blr J U ( «tM •din,
lodge *»f Ihr «l*-*«r rntitlrd o»urt mede
•d rnlrrrd ••»» thr ‘ *nd day of Jam.
• rv, A D
<lifr«!ing th»! thi» ri
lal»««n b< publithrd in thr |fi|l»t»or*>
Argu» *»m r » werh f«r tour ctth«rru
titr «mi » - r»»(Vr wrrki» «mi futtlirr
«Itirrting Ihr fXr»t publi«*«t»«»n thrrr«»f
tu br u»»dr t«n thr «iti» <ka) «»( Jann
• ry. A l> 1923. aavd Ihr
f9a»d «lav «»f February, I
require» you (•» appear
I2lh «la v
• f Mvr«h, A l> lv/3
Uhm, thr ll«*n
( hmk III i ,
lu«tgr of the (‘mints (*«»ur< ««f Ihr Ríate
• f (>regt»ai. fur thr l‘«»untv i «•I XV A»tl
ngt«»n. With the Seal «»f »»at < «luH al
l«r«l thi» 23rd dav uf fattuary, A D
A hl It A I t I, Clerk
Ih«*» II
Itingue Jr, Allortvey far
I se» ut rit
I »<ut»
I li«»b»ih I «Mr««! Khaabrlh
I « »Ha (hrr loisbaml,)
I and« »•
ll«u«> Lamkxa and
Lamia»» «ml
,hi* alíe,} William
iuMldee* (hi» wjfr), John
I an«lr*» and l r«»Mli»ay Land»»« (hi*
Wife/. Erb» I amir»» ami
I aadfSMi (hl» wlfr), William lu«kri
I «i« kr r t hl<» W|fg|t llt<
kudiii>»ii bri*» uf Abraham ( Abram >
Il • l»r< • a
IA Ade »a, dr«raard.
Iguaril, thr uiikn«»nn hrH» of Jame»
M lltiwell. tire r ••»«!, thr unknow n
Iteli» of /iba M it.iorll, «Ir« ra»rd
I a rue (hi»
E I arur ami
I arur,
wife). J M L«rnr ■ml
ikmla, thr un
(bM nife)» Marr
known hrir» uf Jatob M I arur, de
.award, Ihr unknown hrlra I / .ha A
How rii, dr«m»«si. ( asalr
.Uffe and I IL Hal« liffe (hrr bn»
Itimi) )r«mi» I
ll«»nrl| •ml Min
ule II»* • rii (hi» wlfr), Kran« r» I
Hu well, a minor. J
A llttnrll, Io.
j Huwrll, and the unknown heir» uf
John l> Huwrll, dr« « a »rd,
I »« frmlanf»
|u F 1 i»»brIh I • i*«Ir»», FJiaabrth I
ait» an*l
Evan» (her htttbam
llrufy Lande»» ami
I «ml«
h*» wife), William I amir»» aiul
wife). Juhu I «mie ►» am*
I •iu|r•• (hi»
I andrà» thi« wife). Frh»
I r«-«»di»ay »
Lande»» (hi» wife f,
I »t»draa and
A b rubali*
\tir»m) Lan*lr»s, de<ra»cd. Ihr
Ih« ut»
*H..wn hrlra **< Jamr» M Howell, «It
< < «arti, Ihr u»kiM*»n heir» uf /iba M
H«»well. de« < »»ed, Ihr unknown hr»*» ul
Ja««*b •* I arur, dr«ra»c«l, (hr uitkli«<wi
heir» *»< Ziba 5 lluwell, dHeaaetl, a I m *
thr uuknunn heir» uf J««htt I* lluwrii
Jr* r a»r«i <
Y uu arr brrrby rrtjuired tu
•ud •«••rr Ihr « i»tt> pl ají* t filed ag4in»<
tut» In thr •Ifuff entitlrd •uil i«n a*
ISJ3. and if yvt
b< fufe
t«U («» an»«rr
an»wrf fur «ani thereof. Ih»
plaifttlff will apply lu thr tour! fu
the relief demanded in Ihc « «»tupi *ini
i*» tu rly I ur • «lr< rer an«| judgtn<til
1 hai you amt ra« h uf yuu br rr
quirrsl <u »rl forth Ihr nature uf yuu*
«•late ur inlrrrat itt the f«*Uuning dr
•.>ibe«l real property I*** rted tn U »•>«
iuffun l *>ut»fy, Oreguh. to •!!
I hat certain real pr«»p«rfy lying at»«
bring In .He« tiuna *, l<J, I 5 at»d 16. b<
a-» L»*r< uf thr J M Huwrll Ikufentmn
l »uq I iaitu Number M* and pert u|
• '
I M H<-wrll I » u tt i •
Sumber <1, »II in fownahip 2 'xx»ull
H«ngr * W r»t uf thr U Ulatitellr Mrr
Mt «rt, and oturr partir «lari) I m » u mir«
• nd dr»s ritxd a» follow». Io wit
ftnnlh| un Ihr northreaf line <*f Ih* J.
M Row ell |h»netmn I and I laim N un»
ber •< in »ahi
tow Heli Ip
V fl •
• f* r*»»al •( » j»«»U»t it» thè *«nlrr uf
Ih«- («»unir H«’»d. wbl«h |w«t» h«*Pth
• f
rrr» 30 tainutr» •«•< 491 frrt
fru«n fhr r»»t rurnrr of »»al ri «liti, a » i «I
r u-Alug thrarr in crWlrr «•( »••«) $«»•«!
i t. rtb 9l drgire» 31 «nitiutr» rati l*'J I
' ferii thrta r n<»rth 9 drgrrr» 36 min
I ale» )*A»I *17 frrt; thrm r *uu»rth *7 d<
»rrr» Il mtnulr» F«»t 6<M1 frrl . Ihrncr
aurttk 60 <irgrrr» JS minute» F'<w»t 3*7
ferì* Ihrn« e m»t(h II «krgfrr» 41 min
wtr» F*»»»t 313 4 frrt la thr toulhra»!
««»rare of Augu»! kk rUcking’» trwct «•
i»i.Jt thrnrg we»l | J3 ferì. m«»rr ai
ir»», tu thr rrntrr uf thr Tu»l«tin Iti»
rr, thentr «p thr rrntrr ut »»al »1rr«m»
fuiluwing thr mr»n<lrr*ng» af »wi«! rlv
tre tu Ihr wr»t line of thr M*wthr«»l
|qu»Mrr «»f *ir«*th»n 9. Town»hip
Haiigv »farr»»idi thrivrr »«»uth <* dr
grrm |6 minwlr» ew»4 IODI frrt U> lh«
¡iufthwr»t «>•$•»♦» of
Strila |V»nnrf’t
J»I««I, thrm r narth *H> drgrre» <1 mm
Vira I a»t I 169 4 frrl In thr
line ut »»al J M ll«>wri|‘» Itone (tur
t <*»d ( l»im «t » |mihl luta Irei fr«*m
thr m*rth « nrnrr <»i Ihr «antri Ihrfir*
»urth 47 «Irgrrr» 37 lumulrt l ati ai
|ii‘l « l«im line *»4 irei, thrm r •n«»th
irffpwe •• minuir» E«»t IMI
hrner nurth 33 tirgrrr» I minute E»»l
>" »
frrt ; Ihrnrr »uuth (»1 drgrrr» 19 Sol», r I» hrrrb) giteti, that un Mon
<!r» I •»( |6| 2 frrt tu Ihr «rtilrt
ley, Februars 19, l9gH. the tat ridi»
bf Ihr i rrrk . thrm r down »»lue «h >nl for ihr yrar 197* will open for r«»llr«
|)iB» frrt to thr n«>rthr«»t ta»uial*r) «»f >h»n uf taxes, and thr first hilf of all
6 «ul J
IL>w rii
• vrs sitali Ix paid *»t> «»r before April
liuti, r »l>>ng Ihr «»u.r • <i,tb I, f«dl«(w mg, amt tlx *er«»nd half on
V2 «Irgrrr» U> minute» ! *•! 1<«*, frrt t
• r before th-tuber S» f«»ll«*wmg
he pi»« r of txginnlng, etibjert tu • **»! »hall Ix « hargrd ami « ullr* tril a*
Xttwlual righi uf to»v far « dii» h f«»* ihr rate **f onr prr cent per month 01
lr»in»gr puP|H»»r» ovrp and »« r««u» frarthm uf a immlh in tax «»f dr|m
,*»1« b mal 7, In »»i«l Hrrtlon 9, mal thr <|ttrm) until |*aid
lnlrrr»t at »aid
I I «iM|r»» |k»iMti««n I a tal l limi !>• rate applies t«* the first half if nut paid
br l'uatalln «Iter, »•*«! tight uf WAV t»x kpril 3, aitd t«» the »r« und h «If if
i»r VAi«l di!« li tu br un thr line «»f th« »»ut paiil |*v th tuber 3
All (axes rr
reseti! «tit* h «« hh» »ali! |.»n«l.
itviining unpaid OH <h!«»lxr 3 »hall be
I h»t «|| runflirtIng or adverve de I mqurnl, ami i»n Nm ember 3, |9'J3.
lami» uf >.U| AOit rm. h uf V.»H la aviti » prnxlty «»f 3 |xr rent will br rl»argr«i
f '|««rt» |>r «Irlrrmirird
tnd « ••Hr. Ir«| thrrr«»n in addition to the
1 hai a ilrcrrr hr enktrtl quirt
interrai herein pr«»xi«lrd
1« plamtlff « tltlr t«» »sid trai r»! iti
knx «lax tf‘«*r Ihr r .pirtfhm of si«
b«l »djudging y«»u and rach *»f voti lo month* after Ihr tivrs «hargrd again*!
)»r m» rttalr ur Interrai whataixvrt re »I property err «Irfimpirnt, Ihr »Itrr
I «»r 1«. » a HI reni pruprrl) . that pialo
iff di «II have thr right, ami it *h ill be
ff • lille tu vald trai ratatr |s gi»«*d hi* duly ti|M»n «temami to ns ike out ami
» Il I ’ I . ! . ,ld ,
, , f * . . , ,
i vrtincalra
de|ln«|urm lei
rever rnjulneil and debarrrd
frani «gainst »m h proper!», *u. h certificate*
*■ rting atti rslate, interrai nr «'Ialiti tu bear intere*! al the r ile «if 12 pr i
bal»««rirr in ur to salii rc »| estate ut < rii!
I >n, nr a* «itt'ii a* pr •• («cable al
D |*»rt ttirreuf mhrrsr (<< thr pi un
ter ()«lulnr 5, Ihr lax « ••lici tar »hall
lille imi eatatr Ihrrrin, aia! Ih il levy up«»ii »iiftuirnt g«««««l» «ml «liittrl«
r plslntiff bave »u« h other «nd fur
uf delinquent taxpnxrr* alili sell • in
rr rrlirf a» to Ihr court mav »rem tn satisfy »aiti tax, or »aid »hrriff »hall
r» I Alni equitable, ami int liulinf hi
«barge »aid personal tax again*! mal
*•' «imi ili-hurseiiieiit» thrrrln
pruprrtx amt »aid tax »hill brcoinr a
l.K« rvlre nf thi» »oniiimn» i* ni ale up
lien upon said re il property, ami »hill
1 ' *u |»v publit ation thrrruf in Th» l»e enf«ir«*e<l in thr ».itile manner as nth
|li*h<>r«t Argu», a werldy nrwspaprr rr real r*!alr lax lien*
|l'h«liri| in Aiid kk ««hiiigtoii Conni)
In making rrqurnt for statement nf
■ . . .
Ite w rck* l«\ laxes, town lot* »houlil br drsigimtrd
Mur of an arder m»dr «mi rntrrrd bx addition and lot and bl«u k number
triti hy thr ll<mornhlr Geo H Big
kerragr should be designateti l»x see
f. hiilgr of thr almvr rntitlrd ««»uri
lion, township and range
i ihr |Oth «I av of Frbmarv, 1923
possible description »Imuld be eupleri
l><itr of First Publiratloni
Frb I». from tired ur contract
On pixing arc
«»ml kilt of lax it will be necessary to
Jhitrof |*a»f INihlicntInni March
return Ihr original first hilf tax rr
Whether writing or calling • ’
oftirr br sure to give us a list of all
property, personal or real, ami if per
•«mal property is in title to other», ail
Attorney» for plaintiff
|A<ldrr»»i 1410 Yron Bldg, Portland, vise ua, thus »axing trouble to yoil ami
tn the oKicr.
Ihr County ('our! of thr State of
ir<K(in far Washington ('minty.
the Matter of thr Estate of Mathiaa
Fi*« hen, drrrihaed
(«»the I» brrrb) given, that thr mi
feigned I mi » bren duly ronflrmrtl by
tluivr entitled court, a» I '.vrrutrix
llir laut kk ill and Text anient of said
•r isrd, and ha« duly qualified
l»»w, therefore* nil
persoli« Iwixing
inn against «aid eatatr are herein
lllrd ami required to pre« till Ihr
ir, together with proper vorn hers
’• for, to thr undrrNignrd at Ihr law
!«■’» of Ilare, MrAlenr A Peter«, In
A merk*an National Hank Building,
lillnborn. Oregon, within «ix month*
li thr date hereof
'alrd Hih Hili da\
|\ It ,
xriutrix of the Lint Will ami Ten
ent of «aid deceased.
hire, Mr Alear A l'etera, Attorney«
VI I»» ii tn nrc d <»f a motínmrnt
in irk« r, nr p*»wts, or I'rinrtrry
I» I h ri hy gixcn, limi geni
«il propoanl» u ili |><
< <>i,i,ly < «uri <>f \\ M>liii>Kt>>><
< «Hiiity,
1 tri g«»n,
roi k nt thi xariiHi» rock <|iinrrl< •
• *f sani ( oiiiilx. uiitil 2 o < l<« k I*.
M , Nalueday, March IO, I»»S.
List iiiiil h»caIimi» of uunrriv *
nini i atlmatcd atiHHinl <>t fot k lo
hi- ftiriiiah« il al raclt intty In l>n>l NOI K F OF FINAL 5» I (I f MI NT
al Ihc olio. >>( il,. < ounty Ju< l«>
Notk’r 1» hrrrby givrn that Ihr uiolrr
( ounty
( ourt
lo r« hy rr
vlgitril, Ihr duty ajqatinlrd, qualified
■ rv «■ * Ilo right to rcp « t nny nini Aitd ««ling td<n*(*i»l ratar of fhr r»twt<
uf < lauilr A N«btli, dr< rA»rd, I«.«» bird
>11 lu.l ».
J. W. < Ì o « h I|||,
hi* ««count and rr|M»rt in »«Mt r*
( >>unly Judgr.
tatr in thr ( ounty ( «»urt «»( U »»hing
< ounty* <>rrg«m, »nd fh»l » am I
rourt* l»v •*> unirr m»dr arul rntrrr<l
• •n thr |Oth il«) of Frb, 1923. hft» ft«
In tlir ( ir« uil < miri ••( Ih
r«| lh« 19lti d»«y of M»r« h, 1923. al thr
Orrgirri far Ma hmg***:: <
hour uf Irfi <»*< | im 1« m Ihr forr/uMin nf
A. I. Itutt,
»«id <4iy •• ihr timr «nd Ihr < nulil)
( »»urt r«M*m m thr < ounty ( «»urt l4uu»Z
Margarrl A Gallagh« r. Ibi
in Uridiingtun (»Minty, <*rrg«m, •» thr
hrir» «»( M ilhaiit |
< •*•)!
l»|.ur fur hraring •»bjrcti«*uv to » mh I fi
crearti, al»«» all uther pr
n»l ttrruunt and for Ihr ftn»l »rtllr
partir» ti li k ho «li < iaiimng
m« til of »¿«id r»talr. and that all prr
• Hlr. Interrai ••r
sun* having an) »»bfrctUm» to »»al A da I
rral pmprrty dr
a < < mnl
report «*r to Hir »rtflr
piami Itrrritt,
mrnt of »aid rvtatr arr hrrrby nutiftrd
I u M arg.irrt
to inaiir and ftlr »u< h ub)rrttan» <»n
hm*wn hrir» uf
brfurr Ihr |9lh day of Man h. IV23
«Ics ra»rd, aitai
partir» unltimwn «Iaiimng ali) right, ti
) »tatr
Ile, iiitrrr»! or r»l «le in ah«l t<» Ihr trai ClAtidr A Sahin, dr« ra»rd
Attumry at Law.
pruperty i i|r»« rilxil in
Hi thr ( «m.pbtml
her« m, the *•!»«•> r mulini, I 1 >r (rmlant» i 11 ill d»«»»«», < trrgun.
In the N»mt of thè NI Itele uf Orrgon
k uu atnl rm h «•( yuu arr hrfrb) re
quirrd I«* appear Ili Ihr r alMTvr r ni dirti
limit alai answer Ihr I I «>mpluint flirti In thr ( «itinty Court uf thr State uf
Oregon f«>r Washington ( ••unty
Mgaltiat you ill lhe ab«»vr htdlrd « au»r
• *
un *»r before the 3l»t dav nf Marete. !
|r>liiurfil uf Hr)x<«a A Whitmore,
1924, •»»«! «tale bring after thr espira
I >rr rasrd.
tlun uf M» «erti» flutti Ihr date uf thr
Suine i» hereby given that thr un
hr»l pubi*« al*»•*! uf ilo» »ummun» upu*.
)oua ihr date uf the first p< bin alH>n drCMgwd, adnitm»( f alar With the w ili
thereof bring |lt«ir»«i>» , Ihr I Mb H • . «nnrird nf thr retate uf Hrbr< < a A
uf February^ 19/3, and Ihr iUlr uf th« \\ hdmore, «Ir« eased, ha» fllrd hi» final
«rruunt atid rr)x>rt, a» »u< h «dmimatra
i»»t publication thereof
Iwiiig I hur»
da), the 29th da) uf Mar h, I
am* tur in »ani catatr, in thr ( ounty Court
if f «U fall »«• lo Aptxi *r and an»«rr uf thr State «*f Cfrrgon, tur U eahmg
* am I c«»mpk»inl, fur u ai
Ha<r».-i, ih. ton ( aunty, and that »aid final a««uuid
Flaintiff will appi) tu thr court far » nd rrpurt ha* bgen set fur final bear
the relief pra)r«| fur in hi» ««»mplaint, mg a ltd set Hr mrrd befurr ».«id Court,
tu tolti fur A de» ree declaring thr it Ihr Court Itimin of »»id I ourt. mi
Ftamliff tu be the «»toner In ire »tiiiplr Hill boro, Oregon, on Monday, April 2.
I9J.1, at |0 o'clock A M of m » m 1 da)
amt In actual |M»mras$«»h ut thr f««i|«»w
ing de»« rilxil par« rl uf rr.»| pr>qxrtv
\dminittrator with the will enne «rd <
l)ii«*t* being ami situate »n
in ’ Washing
• *f Ihr estate uf Hehr« r a A U hittuore !
tun < uuntv. (>rrg>m, i<» ■ R
Beginning a ( ^5 (Miitit » hr rr thr « en
II Bump and l>. I* Hurup, «»t
ter line of the Count) Hoad running
rati • ardi)
a*id «r»t» ardii
thruugh !ltll»b«*ru. Oregon, attornr)» for aard
Hr, (ail. 6, Township I ‘south,
th, of
est, Ak dlamrtfe
w«!» thr U r»t line uf Ihr S«»rtl»wrs!
quartrr of sa»d Set lit n ft, «ml running
Dap a rimant of thr Inlertor, U S Land
(henee »a.ith t«> the n«»rthwr»t • .‘flic r
(Nt»<e at Portland, Ora.
«•f thr Southwest «|iMFtrr of thr »«•uf h
writ quarter uf a-»»<l Section •*, then«e
Erb 26th. 1923
F-ast ’/7 5(1 rh«tnt, in«»rr or
Ira», to thr
Nolire is hereby given that Edw «rd H
kk r»t line uf the Edward I Barton l>
W »If, «if Beaverton, Oregon, w hu. un
C I thencr North 3 22 • chains tu
Ian 2, 1919( made Homotead Entry.
Northwest r«»ritrr of »aid I Hartan D
.... |..r Ihr U
M. , XU *
C | then» r E ast a|«mg thr • North lint
Se, ti«»n 19. r«»wm»hig) I *» , Hange I Vk .
said claim ♦ U| «ham». them e N«i
Meridian, ha» gird notice of in
J<> a* chain» to the renter baie uf
lenti«»n to make three sear |*ru«»f, to
• f«»rc*«.i<t < ounty H««sd, thence Noi
rst.ibhsh riaitu to the land ab«»vr de
westerly f«dluwing Ihr renter line
•crii »cd, tvrfure the Register A Re
»aal < auntjr !(«•»«! to thr place of
.en«r of the I*. S l>»r»d Otter, at
ginning, containing 117 <M> acre», an
Portiand, Oregon. un the 24th day ol
of lew».
• n«1 fi»re«er barring and prn hiding Aprii. I *21
( laimant name» a* «itnrtar» j
you at>«l each of y«»u and all |»rrM»n»
J uliu» liaunrr, of Br» vertun. Orr
• laimittg bv, thmugh or under yuu
it , S
from claiming or attempting I«» claim,
Hubert B I»»ty. of Bra v rrt«»n. Orr
«•r ataerting <>r allemphaig tu asserì
H a
any right, title, «»r interest in or tu vs al
h animer, nf
Jacob D
real property, or any part thereof, ad
ore., it a
«rr*r tu the title or interest uf th*
1 harlc» I
|lar<*n, <»1 Benvrrtun, Ore
Plaintiff therein atnl therein, .«n»l that
Ihr title uf the Plaintiff in ami tu •aid H 1
Art tilt
real prtqxrfy br quirted against tli*
«dami» and demands of y «au ami ea« h
uf you
I hi» »uanmon» l» served upoai you bv
pubi* ation thereof in Ihr IhlUlMirx
krgua, pursuant !«• an order #«»f thr In the I «»untv Court of thr State of
HcvgoraMe Geo H
Bagiry, Judire al
Oregon for kk i*h»rigton County
the ab«*vr rntitlrd court inaile amt rrn
In thr Matter of the Eatate uf laaac
«terni vh the loth alay uf February,
Thoma» kern», deceased
Nut Hr n herein given, that the un
drrwignrd ha* hern duly appointed by
Attorney* for Plaintiff
thr above entitled court, at Adrnini»
i(r»i«lrtit All«»raie«» >t.»tr of (>rrg«»n trator of the estate of »aid deceaard.
Post (>fh«r \d«!re*s, Shutr Saving» • nd ha» dulx qu»li6rd «• such.
itank Building, lldl»b«»r«», (>rcg«»n
Now, therefore, all perwon* baring
i laitn* again»! »anl estate are hereby
notified and required to present th«
««tiie, together with proper toucher»
therefor, to the under*ignr<1 at thr law
• »ttcrx of I Lire. MrAlrar A Peter« in
ihr Amer»« an National Hank Building,
tn llill«buro, Oregon, within fei munthl
from thr date hereof.
Dated this l«t dav of March, I92M
\«lnnni*t rator of «aid Eat ate.
Hare. Me Alear .A Peters. Attorney»
for Adniinlstratur.
52 I
In the County < «»urt nf the State of
(lrrg«'ii for kk A*hmgt«»n County.
Notar I-. hereby gixrn H m I thr un
t»rm by thr County
Cutirt of thr St.«te
*»f Orrgon
Washington County dulx appointed ad-
hi ituli.tlt'f »f ll»r r*t tir of Strphen «I
I'.arhart, de« ra»rt|, a ltd litui hr ha« du
ly quxlihrt! a» sm h
Non, thrrrf«»rr.
•ill persons having claim* agninst tsviil
estate are reqtieftted <tml rrtpiirrtl to
present them, with pr«»per touchers al­
iti« bed, to the said ««bninislrator at the
ofkee of ll«»M*«»e I* llurat, at N»» lion
porti .«ml, Oregon,
nithin six month« from date hereof,
Dateti this 15th tiny of February,
kk M RIFE.
Adnilniatrator of the Estate <»f Str
phen J linrbnrt, devra»rd.
KoM'or I* Hurst, kttornrx fur Ad
mlnhtrator. I 10*» k ron Bldg, Portland,
III Ihr Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for \\ ishinglon County
Helena II h ihlrr. Plaintiff,
Kahler, Defendant.
To .lames habler, thr ihoxr named
In thr name of thr State of Oregon.
\ on arr hrrrhx required to appear and
answer thr complaint of thr plaintiff
herein filed against vou, on or hrforr
six (ti) seek« fr«»in ami iftrr thr dah
of thr first puhlh ati«»n of this sum
Sheriff amt Ex offii io Tax Collector
mon«, ami if xoii «o fail to appear ami
for Washington County. Oregon
nnawer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply for tlo* relief pravrtl for in
her complaint, to w it:
Eor a decree of divorce from you
Niitirr i» hrrcby givrn that thr under forever di«m»lving th«' msrrkigr run
xignrd buse hrrn bx thr ('ounty Court tract heretofore ami now existing be
uf Wn»hingti»ii Ciiunty, Oregon, iluly tween plaintiff ami defendant
This summons is served upon you
Mppointr«l cxeriiturx of thè I i«t Will
pursuant to an order mule by thr lion
■imi irsi iiiirnt nml Esilile of Elim
Bagley. Judge of Ihr above
brth llnnlcy, drcraiird. limi hiivr duly Geo l<
qiiiilifìcd nx mi « h execiltora.
All per entitlrd Court, which *aid order wax
»un» htivlng clniniN ng.iinxt xnid ratntr made and entered on the ’J.'lnl day of
nrr hrrrby rrqiiirrd to prrxrnl
thr Erbriiarx, 1923, directing publication
Minir t«» un . xxllli proprr voucher», ut of Niiminon« once a week for six (ti>
sik irsNix r xxifks, beginning xxith, ami
thr Inw <»lti«r <>f M B Biimp, In Hill»
Cmility, Orrgon, thr date of thr tlrst publication bring
March I, 1923, in thr Hillsboro \rgus,
within »ix imuith» frolli dntr hrrrof
a newspaper of general circulation in
Dnlrd al Hillsboro, Oregon, Frbrii
Washington County. Oregon
iirv I. 1923
Date of llrst publication, March I,
Will I AM HOB« mill
Ell \N( IS II \NIT.Y,
Date of Imt publlcHtion, \prll I 12,
Executor» of the l.n«t Will and I'ea
lament and I I >tc of Elimlietb limi
Attornrx for Pluintlff
Icy, Drcr ixrd.
M H Hump and D D. Hump, At
422 Chfimbrr Commrrcr Building,
torneys for the Estate.
Portland. Oregon.
52 u
6. H. P. MILL GO.
work of »my ll*»turr, wh«tl*rr |»nr
» li/i*« <l lay yotirself or through th«
\\ «»«»dnaa ia or ••»y IlH Ige. it will I m
tn vmir int« ra st to ronaiilt l.rwia
A Co,, ns th» y will give you a I m t Start March I on New Working
ta r valor for y*>ur money than
ox wh» re* r else In fm t they mn
IVr yon a on «iíla-rnhh «»li aiiv pur ALL MILLS ARE LOADED
< h I •
2 111
In the County Court of the State uf
Oregon f»»r W ohingtun County
In the Matter <»f the Estate of William
.1 \\ exton, deeeased.
Notice i* hereby given, that thr un
drmigned have been dulx appointed by
thr abovr entitlrd Court, as .Adrnini»
trit<»r anil Kdminhtratrix respectively
«»f thr r*t.itr of *aid deceaxed, and have
duly qualilird a» »nch
Now, thrrrfore, all pertVMM having
• I.«ini'» against »akl rslatr are notified
tnd required to preirnt the «aiiie, to
gether with proper vouchers therefor,
to thr undersigned \dmini»trator and
.Administratrix, at thr law ottcea ol
Harr, Me \lcar A 1‘rtrrs, in thr Shute
Saving« Bank lluililiiig, in Hill »boro,
Oregon, within aia month« from the
date hereof.
Hitnl th I* 1st day of Mnrrh, Otiti
I I um W ES LOS.
Admini*tr«t ri*
Adininist r.itor
respectix rly of «aid extate.
Hare. Me Hear A Peters, Attorney»
for said \dinini»trator and Adniinia-
52 i
Nolle* la hrrrb.» givrn th«l thr under-
«ignrd h is brrn duly appointrd admin
ivtrxtor of Ihr rtlalr of Ueorgr aiul
\ nllir Kirin. dr< < <vrd. and guardian of
(irnrirr Nichol. Kirin md .Irnr Franc*.
Kirin, minor«, and i»ny und all prraons
lining claim, again«! laid ratal* ar*
licrcln rrquirrd to prrarnl said claim«,
dull vrnrtcd .1« In law rruulrnl, at thr
oilier of tin altornrva, Allrn A Hob
rrta, 71« Swrtland
Bldg, ~
Orrgon, within ai* month« from the
datr of thia notier.
I«aleil March I, IH».
Datr of flrM publication. March I,
1M 23
Dale of lint publication, March 20,
Adm in lai nitor and Guardian.
Allen A Robert», 714 Swetland Bid*
____ .
I'ortlmiil, Orr , Attorneys for Admin
tmtor and Gumdtuu.
52 t
Biggest Lumber Cut in Ixical His­
tory for 1923
Hr ii »»irvivrd hy his widow, .Air
Lucy F.ggininn, and thr following
« hdtlrt h < »«-orge, < Is« r, .\n<lr» w
Theodore nml Saimirí Jr , Mis«
L h < y nini
• »f P«>rtLinil
Huth llertsi ll. all
Figgi men. th»
broth» r of Andrew
< f finr Mill |M»ohry hrr* d» r.
f»tr»< r I took place In Eorthmd on
liM’-iiix, and
I mon <em* t«*ry,
waa in
gear (’••dar
Mr. Eggirnnii resided in the Cr
Mill B rtoany section for
I’ll* (, If I' l.umbrr I <>ni|>nny
atari* tlo* week on a ten hour <lnv
dur to the ml
ami tli<’ m w <>
to inrrraw !><«
output Alid
tlo payroll. I
I Im o ib r
« «»nl«l take
ah*'ml for w >■>
on rm>r<- every
All 11*111*» 011 tIi»- « n i t tiff
I r
w helmed u ith orti» rs mid fiothing
rm* stop lt*23 I m hik thr banner
year f«»r Oregon fr*»ru >«tai«d|M>int
of output nii«l snlrs mi«! employ
merit of Inhor.
State Industry—
Reedsport S P ( «» to • r» < t n
freight iiiiil pnsseitger «lep»>t.
Mi Kay ( r» ♦ k *»tor
I*« lull« ton
.igr project, cost «I ,000,000, to
l»r built.
Site» rive
|>er ton *n p
Snow (re
Ben<|, to sp< t*«l i 10 (100
K« i»t«iu
N ii oli Co. to increasi
rapacity snsli nnd «loor plant.
Falls At eyerhaufcer
l.iHiibcr ( o. plan* huge s tu mill
Haines Wi’strrn ( nion in i nr
taking out
p* r Ion orr.
Prineville Contract let for ■
new bridge across (‘rooked rn er
i'orvalh* gfeneral hospital to
erect ad«l*tion.
Dee irrigation district to ri
pend $03,000
Salcrn The sum of $1.009,92 4
slashed from th«* appropriation*
Oreg n I •
E Havlej
gives $30,000 to help finish Pacif
ic highway,
(»rant* Pas* hop industry net
ted growers $100,000.
Dealer sawmill in«*rrases « apac
ity to 100,000 ft. a day.
1 * limn «><*k vote* bond* for a
$95,000 achool.
Portland Two «lory f «5,000
apartment hou.r to tw erretrd on
Hawthorne avenue.
Riverton Coquille Coal Co. to
buy 500 additional acre* land.
Aahland to get fl 50,000 com
mrrcial hotel.
Oregon « 1922 fruit crop had a
»alue uf $12.195.700 or »1.000,-
OOO gain over 1921.
Marshfield to get a $75.000
A»toria —Troy Laundry Co. to
have $5 7,000 plant.
( lat.kanie to lay more w ater
Milton to build natatoriuui at
city park.
l.innton Quality null tu «tart
operation*, XX dl cut 75.000 ft
Pacific Cooperative Wool (iron
era distribute $20.000 to 1200 Or
egon grower*.
Prineville An Eastern lumber
company to apend $3.000.000 for
null*, logging railroad, etc., to
open up 1,500.000.000 ft. stand
mg timber.
Albany furniture factor* plans
to increase capacity 50 per «flit.
Salem Architect selected for
new XX illamctte Cniveraity gym
nasi urn.
Two newt sawmills to start in
Curry county.
\\ ork starts on n< w
store building.
(irrsham to vote on bonds for
I «1 room grade ichool.
Washington high school stu
delit* nt Portland put on Spanish
dance* and studying the Spanish
Several western stairs have
bill« before thr legislature to err
ate a state board of therapy ex
amiiiers. all women.
Tin- State of Oregon will make nil
nHi«4aI effort this spring to lure
travelers from their conventional
European tour and draw them in
atead to the mountains and lakes
of Oregon. The State Publicity
Bureau ha* contracted for space
at the Second International Trai
el Exposition, in New York Citv.
April 9th to 14th. where, against
a backdrop of Oregon scenery,
expert salesmen will tell all in­
quirers of the travel and reerva
lion advantages of their state.
Twenty four foreign nations
have either taken or reserved
space, which has lid President
Harding, who will open the show
by wireless, to give it his ardent
endorsement tiecause of its educa
tional advantages. American in
terests will be represented from
coast to coast, by such bodies as
California. X’erniont, M aine, the
Great Northern Railroad, I'. S.
Shipping Board, Bureau of In
dian Affairs, and many steam
ship companies, travel agencies,
and resort interests.
Samuel Eggiman, aged 50 years,.
died in Portland, February 25.'
1923, after an extended illnesa. |
number of year*.
Mrs, A ii nn Murphy, Wife of TI mm
Murphy, of abovt M«ji*ntain<lair,
«In «1 nt th* holm of her (f/iughtcr,
Mr». H A aSrmtb, of Miiwuuki' .
< )r. gon. I < bruury 23, 1923, aft» r
in ilhi«'«* foirriiiK acverul year*,
sb» wa* agt <1 «evrtity years.
lhe. isc.i wa* born >n Mayu
county, Ireland, January I, |S55,
iml came to Anirrn a at tin- ag<
oi 17 yrar*. She remain« <i nine
y. ar* in New 1 ork and then came
to San 1 ranciwo, where »hr wa»
married to Thoma* Murphy in
1*79, ■ till wttlril on the ranch
■ il»>ve Mountain.i*lr
Shr wa* thr mother of
I H79
• Dil-t < Lihirrn, «i, <>f whom are
living, Slir <*■« a|*u the grand
mother <>f right grandchildren.
She i* survived by her husband
and three son*, Thomas, Patrick I
ami Henry Murphy, all of Moun
t.iiiiainle, and three daughter*, Si*
ter Mary Rita, of Oakland, Cal.;
Mr*. J \l Stu< ky and Mr*. Hen
ry A. Smith, of Milwaukie, and
a sister, Mrs Wm. ( arr, of Port
The funeral was held Monday,
ami interment wa* in the Catholic
cemetery at X'erbourt.
Mr. and Mr*. Murphy settled
above Mountaindale manv year*
ago, and the deceased wife and
mother wa* highly esteemed by a
large circle of friend« in North
W ashington county.
She was
noted for her many sterling <|ual
dies ami for her hospitality.
Beaver can be trapped u, Wash
ington county hereafter, a bcwj
law having been passed to that
effect. The trapper must have
a *|x-<-ial licrn*e for that purpose,
however, for which he will pay
two dollar* extra, beside* the pay
merit for the regular license to
trap for fur-bearing animal*
C. X. Galloway, who formerly
farmed in the Mountaindale see t
tion. is now located over in the
Vises country, where he ia enjoy­
ing good old coaat westhi-r.
E. J. Mendenhall, a Portland
attorney, wa* in the city Friday,
greeting his oidtime Hillsboro
The st nek of Dntr Prunes for
Spring debtrry is nlmost gone
Only a limited numb r of nr
der» rjvn
be a« rrptrd
growers amt ronsumers h ¡ve
pot their xt amp of approval
With the
N > higher rndurxriiirnt of Ibis
drI mutui fru»t-< >»iifr» ti«*ii multi
hr* h>d thin I h • * over* h< Imine
Sarnpl* of
fruit, dried,
ant p*,«tp.ui for 15*.
F-»r literature or detailed infor
i»i«ti<»n or
ai») thing in «huh you arr in
terr »ted on thr »ubjert of ar
|r ted fruit •torli, ph •»nr, write
or rail on
The best all-around tire for
your car.
Sold by
Bailey’s Tire Shop
1130 Second St.
A. C. Moeding, Prop.
=■" ’ mJ
Last wii k we explained and
called attention to the ingre­
dients of our White Breed.
This time we tell you what
our Health Bread contains.
1 The Whole Wheat Bread
is the v* i>eat kernel without
the bran part, gr.nind tine.
2 The Graham Bread is
wheat and bran ground to­
3 The
Bread is the kernel, ground
real coarse without the bran.
4 The Health Bread con­
tains nearly ail whole wheat
and bran and very little
white Hour. Where, in the
others, it is half and half.
Edw. Schuhnerich,
Geo. Schulmerich,
Vice President,
F. J. Sewell,
If you want a safe place to deposit your savings, deposit in the
Savings Department of this bank, as every dollar deposited is
absolutely guaranteed, and the United States Government is
not a preferred creditor.
Call on u* and we will explain.