CONTROL OF SCAR It Has Won the Friendship of a Nation There lias never been the slight­ est uncertainty about the position of the Jewett with the American public. Wheal it was first introduced last year it was greeted, not as a new­ comer, but with all the confi­ dence and respect accorded an old friend. And the explanation is really quite simple. Motorist* had long waited fur just such a car as this stout-hearted six. They had pictured it in their minds as the ideal expression of economical motoring—»0 the Jewett immediately came into its own. Since that time an immense vol­ ume of good will ha* been created throughout the nation. chart has accurately reflected thia appreciation. Month bv month the figure* have cluobed until now the Jewett 1» firmly established a* one of th« fastest selling and broadest sell­ ing cars on the market. It has, we sincerely believe, don» more than any other automobik in preaching the sound dostnne of six-cylinder ease, comfort and efficiency. It has made men conscious of th« elements they should expect in a practical car, and they have done the rest. In 1923 the new and greatly im­ proved Jewett will continue its march of triumph. It is now a seasoned product — tried and proven. The Jewett ha* consolidated ev­ ery one of its fnrndship*. It has proven that it is not only spirited and good looking, but strong, sturdy, dependable. tablish itself as a safe, sound and As might be expected, the sales profitable investment. In the year to come it will vastly increase its circle of enthusiastic friends and still more firmly es­ Touring $995-Sedan $1465-Coupe $1445 F. O. B. Detroit Tax Extra JEWETT A Thrifty Six Built by Paige HILLSBORO GARAGE HUFF & VOGES, Props. Washington County Distributors, Hillsboro, Oregon C. J. Anderson, of XX < 4 Base line, was in the city Monday. COLLINS TO LECTURE Christian Seien«-« Society, it Grange Hill. Main St.. Sunday Service» .-‘ gih I iv S. Iiixil at 10; Peter W. Collins, of Boston, the morning service at 1 1 ; lesson sub­ man who has answered a million ject. ■Mind.” Wednesday evening questions, will arrive in Hillsboro th« evening of March 1st, to de service at 8. liver, under the auspices of Hill- boro Council, Knights of Colum bus, his lecture. What America : Mean» to I As a lecturer, campaigning against the menace of Red Kadi calisin, Socialism, Bolsln vism, I. W. Wism, ami other enemies of Americanism, under the direction The best all-around tire for I of th«- K of C. Supreme Board of your I Director» for the past decade, I Collins has established the world's record for answering questions in the »pen forums al ways hehl at the conclusion of his 1 lectures. («rand Knight W. J. Soliler an nounccs that the lecture will lie entirely free to the public and that any of Mr. Collins’ hearers is entitled to a»k whatever question he or she deems pertinent to the subject of the lecture. GOODYEAR TIRES Almost Sold The stock of Pate Prunes for Spring delivery is almost gone. Only a limited number of or­ ders can be accepted. The growers and consumers ♦»»*»■ put thrir stamp of approval upon The DATE PRUNE With the Date Flavor TrsO» Mark Krs No higher endorsement of this delicious fruit-confection could be hod than this overwhelming demand. Sample of the fruit, dried, sent postpaid for 15c. Sold by Bailey’s Tire Shop 1130 Second St. Hillsboro Eor literature or detailed infor ■nation or advice regarding anything in which you are in­ terested un the subject of se­ lected fruit stock, phone, write or call on Horticultural Specialists ORENCO. OREGON A.C. Moeding, Prop HILLSBORO, OREGON How do you make your BREAD? Do you use povv- dcred Milk, Expanso, Fer- men to, etc.—No. The PERFECTION BAKERY use* Dakota hard-wheat flour, milk 41 2 per cent but­ terfat, pure vegetable short­ ening, highest quality yeast, salt and cane sugar—mixed in an Automatic mixing ma­ chine, baked in a modern Revolving oven, wrapped in a sanitary package. MADE IN HILLSBORO Phone or ask any dealer for PERFECTION BREAD D odge - B rothers BUSINESS carl» spring, before blossoming, are necessary to each blight or nuldrw. Oils are of advantage only for the con trol of certain insect pests and cannot be used a« a substitute for the proper fungicide. Children can romp and play to their lieai is ««aiteni in thia car. and when clesrung tune cornea, you can turn the luxe on it—tn»i !• and out Ike prie» is $1405 deli vermi M. P. CADY Thousands of young fruit trees, planted last spring, were killed during the summer by attack« of borers, says A. L. Lovett, chief in entomology at Oregon Expert incut Station. This large loss was sustained in spite of the fact that borers may successfully attack only unthrifty, poorly growing trees The excessive drouth con ditions of last summer caused ■ severe drain on the vitality of the trees, particularly those young trees w Inch had had insulficiwsit time to develop a good root «ys tern. Tw o method« of preventing borers from attacking the trees are suggested by Mr. IxivetL The placing of a barrel stave, or aim ilar shield on the southwest side of the tree to ca«t a shadow on the trunk is one method. This prevent« sun scald of the bark which attracts borer attack«. A good whitewash is also a pro tection against attacks of boring insect« One of the most success ful recipes for making whitewash is 8 pounds of quick lime, one half pound of glue or casein (powdered), one fourth pound of copper sulphate, and one pound of flaked napthaiine, with enough water to make a whitewash about the consistency of paint. Car bolic acin i* re mirrine i p r» sulphur. Thorough spraying of otil the m nr Id this solution will remove both th« moss and «cale. Lye removes mo«« most rapidly, but not per­ manently. For permanent pre- vention the O. A. C. Experiment Ixr • undertaking < hai^ri, Station rrrommrnd« the usual concluding nables him to understand thor low, being a member of Washou the complaining witness. «■uglily their viewpoints. hotiss, eliminating excessive charge* on service batteries. gal I.«i9«, anil also a Albert Evers, of North I »rest Wherever Mr. Collins has lee Muscovite. It was upon his mo­ Grove, wm n court house »¿«¡tor Our prices will be no more than the regular battery ser- tured during his years of service tion that \\ ashougal Lodge wa* Monday. Ever» is one of th. dal I with the K of ('., press and public vicn, and you will save th«- daily charge of the replace­ «0 called. rymen of the county who appri of all politics an«l creeds have He wav a great lover of chil elates the value of b)(,<»dcd dmry ment battery. igrecd that his message of com­ 'Iren. Wherever he went lie madr stock, and hr mid his brother are mon sens«- for right relations be Bring ta y«air ballet ies- get your work done in the quick frinrds and was jovially hailed putting their herd across in fi,„. tw««n capital anti lalwir and un with "H- llo, Jack.” His hobble» shape. service way. We guaranis« our work. w m ring opposition to Bolshevik Merchant Olinger, one of Bred doctrinnaires has contribute«] were animals and birds, and al largely to n clear understanding various times he had apiaries, Ville's ardent baseball fans, was poultry, and rabbits. up to the city Monday. Of of the social, industrial and econ He leaves a wide circle of he will aee to it that R< < dvillt- has »mi« problems that confront the friend» and a host of relatives in another real baseball team this world today. Pennsylvania to mourn his loss. year. Funeral service» were conduct- Geo, Bicrsdorf, on.- ,,f t(„. r, ,,| F. B. ( lark, of Farmington, e«l Wednesday, February 14, by Jersey breeders of the county was greeting friend» in the city Rev. K. J. Stratemrier, of Brth- 112X Third St. HILLSBORO wa, in from North Tualatin Monday. any Presbyterian church, at Lin- Plains, Monday afternoon. M ili S Auto Owners LOOK! PREST-O-LITE OREGON NURSERY CO. PERFECTION BAKERY Apple »cab and pear »cab are likely to cause much more «lam age this season than last, report* th«- O. A. C. Experiment Station Winter or dormant »pray» will not control these disease*. I wo sprays of lime sulphur spplied In Storage Battery Service and Charging Do aa thousands of others have done, replace the old pump with a modern .Milwaukee Air Power Water System that will make money for you. Have fresh, running water all over the farm,save much daily drudgery. MILWAUKEE Air Power Water St;stem.« are adding many thousand« of dollars veariy u> farm profit«, with /<•• work for everybody on the farm. Water >• delivered fresh, any distance. No stor­ age tank. no ice cold or warm, stale «rater- always well temperature. Cowa drink more, give more milk. Water for fire protection. Power for all »rnaJI power joba. Low priced. Write for M-page catalog. F arm U- ■.•*'>> •' F Mm v/n Portland. Or*r