The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 23, 1922, Image 2

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Skaggs Money Saving Prices
Fishers Blend Flour
The Quality Flosr cf tks
BytkeSack - $..
By the BbL - 7.79
Minced Clams
3 tall c&ss .59
Canned Pumpkin
3 cans, 2 1-2 lbs, - iO
Fancy Maine Corn
2 can f 3$
12 cacs - 1 $1.95
Yea azzzt tpprccbte th
quality cf tkb corn until yea
have trisd it
Tfcs Pc?ir Sbcrtecbj
S lb. piil - $1.59
41S.FSS1, - .83.
Bordens Milk
10 ctsi, lt!l - .98
- Mincemeat
He.-Iike cixtcre
21b. . .45
Tbi zzzdtzt butter .ubxtitute
Zlh. - .73
Goldenvest Coffee
2 1-2 D). C3
Daily ddhrcrie to all parts of the city. CO.D. orders gladly sent out
Skaggs United Stores
OREGON LOCATIONS-Portlaad (13 Stem), Sake Hitlsboro, McMiaaeUlo, La Grande,
"Tha Dalles, Bawd, Corvatiis
Ceaasty Ot&cial Paper
Issued ever Thursday by Nm
R. C. Uckmney aJ I- A. Lon-
Fntered at the rot OfHee
IilLboro, Oregon, sewnd
Um mail matter.
' Learn to Makes
Paper Floverc, Vax Deads
Paper Favors ....
'. ' ' ' '.'
t Oa Friday and Saturday, December 1 assd 2
4 i ,: ' 'it .. , v t. ..... " '
Demonstrator for Den ni son Mfg. Co. will be here an J
give free instruction. Everybody invited.
Second Street
Stationery Shop
Bank Annex
i -t ." -
We Do Picture Framing
Brakclining and rivet, at Cor
win Hardware, 1152 Second St.
Mis Kctty Kamna', of Farniin?
tuii. departed the last of the week
for Los Angeles, where she will
remain for the winter. She will,
vKit with friends in the California j Arthur Jesse, of Bank, and
nt. lriMlin and at efatt ints. Mis Minnie XeNon, of Bacona.
Mis Kamna i the daughter of! were united in marriage at Van
Mr. and Mrs. John Kamna. jcouvrr, Wash., thia week.
V. P. Perry, of near Rerdville.
was a city caller yesterday. He
ha j'ust finished horticultural in-.
pcction of hi lit raw berry plants
.o that he can put them on the
Born, to Mr. and Mm.-A. W
Haven. Hill-horn, Nor. 16, 122
a daughter. -
Lutheran service next Sunday
I p. m., at the t'niJted Evangelical
church. Third St.; Sunday
at 1:30. P. II. Scliau, pastor.
! Mr.. W. O. Hare, Mm. R.T
retera ami Mm. C. E. Well at
j tended the luncheon given by th
j federated Hub, Saturday,
j Portland.
iiamiii .Mnitiieatfru woman
a a partner to raise chicken and
care for the house. I will furnisl
.everything. . If interested write
V, rare" Argus, or phone SH88 for
1 information. 30
f ' 11 r i ...
v n. m eirn n, aged i year
'son of Mr. and Mr. J. C. Weir
, ich, dislocated hi arm at the r
bow list Friday evening, the re
suit of a fall from a aeat at the
Freshman party. Dr. E. I
Smith i attending the youngster
W: I), Hoag, of South Hillsbo
ro, was thrown from the Tag
gart rar, near Tillamook, earl
Sunday morning and broke hi
collar bone. Hoag was riding in
the rear of the car and when il
rounded a curve he wa throw
out. Harry Gailey wa driving
mil until Hoag called, did nol
know he had loat hi companion
Dr. 11. Smith took care of the
Under the Durant Plan of Investment Saviajt
1 ' ' ' " ' IN ' ....
- Fully Paid Non-Auessable
Not Mora Than Fifty Nor Leu than Five Shares to an Individual. '
The Star U Amerka't Lowest PriceJ Car of Standard Units.
$2.00 a Share With Application and $2.00 a Share Par Month
.No Interest
Name '
Street :-'K ' -, ' "
Tewra ' State
Tta Durbt Ccrpcrdica
432 Northwestern Bank Boiler
Phone Main 5804 . Portland, Oref on
Washington County Agent,
Hillsboro, Oregon, , P. O. Box 131
L A. Long. Editor
Sobacnptioa, $130 dot aaaooa.
Politicians are hating
time nnhting for the presidency of
the senate. Moer, Portland. I'p
ton. of Eastern trron. and B. 1.
.ddv. oldtime warhoMe. are out
for the honor, and the ay the
-ire pulling wires evidences a riv
alrv that is kern. Jt now it
ok like a tieuw lietween EdJt
and I'pton. It is po.ble a dark
horse may be hrot out ana a com
promise effected.
flrmcnceau. the former French
minister of war. at the aj(e of S?
vear. is in the I'nited Stte
talking to lare audience on the
European situation. Ir. tlsler l
having hi theory of age etploded
lV the virilitv of the old French
Hillsboro High will play football
with the limn on the
local ground, Thanksgiving Day
at 10 in the morning.
Vm. C. Christrnsen ha been
named to lake charge of the Sher
wood Bank, and State Bank Sopt
Itrawwrll ask the circuit court to
confirm the appointment and 6
the roinprnvation.
The ladies Guild of All Saint
ill hold a bataar and ailvrr tea
st the Guild House, IIS n ash
ngton St., Thursday, December
14. Among different article foi
.ale will be plum puddings, guest
towels and apron.
Jacob Mauss, who recently un
derwent a critical operation In
Portland, i now convalescent
uul i at hi home in Mt. Anurl
Mauss formerly lived near Banks
and hi many friend out that wa;
are pleased to learn of hi recov
Congregational church Bibb
School at 10 a. m. Provrea In
remodeling I moving rapidly an
there will soon be relief from I hi
present crannied quarter. At II
t. m. the pastor will take for hi
crmon topic, "The Kingdom o
Friend." Evening service at 7 :30
topic, "Missing the .Mark. II
. Deck, minister.
Ed. N'orthrup, of Shady Brook
va in town Yesterday. He sat
there is a big potato harvest up in
In section, but the price isn
much encouragement for growers
A. w. Walker and wife return
. d Mondav from a visit with W
E. Smith and family, above Cor
valli. A. W. say that W. P..
i . .
making gooti up in ni oenton
county location.
Senator I-aFollette, of Salem
one of the big peach growrr of
Marion county, spent Wednesdsy
vi ning at tlie home of hi ons
at Cornelius. The senator vUlted
Hillsboro this morning. It i u
picionrd that the old wsrhorsr
came down this way in order U
sidestep importunities of hi voir
for the presidency of the senate
it the coming session.
Probate Mr. C. II. D'Hond
h hern named lo administer lh
slate of her late husband, valuer"
around 1 1 8.000. The widow and
the three children are the heir.-
I. II. Kambergtt r ha been named
administrator of the estate of th
late Mr. Emms B. Cota. Th
lroerty is valued at ItllT, and
the hi-ir are Mr. Knmherirrr.
daughter, and Ben Layman, a son
oeo. MrMrecn I named to ad
minister tl estate of hi mother
Hie late Ida Bell MrBrren, the
property being valued around
f 7.000. The heir' are four nn
ill residing near Hateldale.
In the ClrruH Cnurt of th Stat of
ureg..n for the County of Washing
3. P.. Tunni-y,
Ann Taniiev. IVfrndaut.
To Anns tsnney, the above nainri
In the Name of the State of Oregon
you are nerrny required to appear am
answer the Complnlnt filed agnlnst yoi
In the ahove entitled Court, on or br
fore the Slh dav of Januarv. IS2S. ul.
day bring after the expiration of sir
weeks, from and after the date of lh.
first publication of this Summnnii am'
ir yon mil to appear and answer inli
Lompisint. for the want thereof, Plain
tiff will apply to the Court for th re
ller prayed for In his Comolalnt. to-wlt
1. Tlist Plaintiff kava a IWm l
the Court dissolving the marriage sad
me nisrriage contract. Bow and here
tofore existing between Plaintiff an.'
uerendant, and that Plaintiff have i
Decree of absolute Divorce from th
Defendant, and that he have aurh othi
and further relief a to the Court may
w jusi anu eniutsnie.
This Summons U nuhlUhH he n,Am
of the Hon, Ceo. R. Baalev. Judm nf
the nbove entitled Court, which Order
was made and entered on the 21st day
of November, 1922, and the time pre
scribed for publication thereof Is sis
weeks beginning with the issue of th
Mrd day of November. ISM. and
tinning earh week thereafter, to snrt
inciuoing m flnv nf Januarv. 12.
40 Consolidated Securities Hlit
Portlfind, Ortpnn, Attorney for Plain
,1.1 oik B"s" Huh School. Hsn
gsU.rc, India. VI. I. I".
To Ihr Fdilor It mav be i"cr ,
... i t
cling t o Sii'l I"" tvn.irr "
vowr paper, and rscciall to ny
ho ars- our fronds, to base in
rile n-etniMg a visit e nad-;
,i Mvsoee t ly to n t' ! j
s of the native Stale of Mv'rv.
. . . ,i . .....!
one ol mr larni i vt ....... .
tstrs in India. It lies aboul
utiles south of Bangalore I'll v and'
as a imputation of about T3 OOU
At alvMit Ihe end of ScplrmlM-t i
each year for len days nine dsy
this irir, on account of an r lisc
f the un- thrr is a r li-fi o
f.stial of the Hindu calendar, at
Mvsore Cilv. which is attend tl by
thousands of pilgrims, and hit h
in uianv wavs is uniipie in its err
motile and display. It gain
. o ii 1
prominence because ll. u . i ite
Maharaja of Mysore, himself n..
milv the observance of the
festival bul In a iwculiar neV le
comrs a irl in H. At ihe hrt of.
the ri.w Ihe Maharaja 'l
the throne, and doe nol hve llu-
pa Nee tinlil Ihe last day of tin j
A small party of us. Iin lo.lin ;
S4ime of Ihe teachers and liv
from the school, managed to make
the journev and to see sonu thing
of the sights, lust in those last!
Vw dav nhen the events culmi
nate In things In nhich the rnlri
lieectly involml. The whole
estiva! I a tool feast at which
lime the article which are used
by anyone are held in social rev
crene and w urhiiiw-d. The In
lian name is "Desar with many
variation of h lloig in use.
The palace is an ImtMising strtir
lure surmmintrd hy a Drge ilome
if black marble and smaller
lomes at the corner. While Ihr
late i Hindu, ll Palace I In
iMiint of archilrrtiire Moslem
Rut it full glorv I revealed al
night w hen the w hole of the build
ing I lighted hv thousand of
electric light whiih outline il in
cvrrv wav, and the whole palace
ilistrn in dassling light. I have
never seen anything more Ix autl
ful in lighting eflrcl. A red
light in Ihe dome dcnolr the pre
rnce of the Maharaja in Ihr t it s
On Friday evening. Srptemcr
SMUli, wa the big F.ngli-di doibttr.
or council mrrllng, at which l" .
British Hesiil.ut wa present, and
we mighi aisi have nsil an n (;.
tunily of .UvH.; i, f u I,,
made arrangement for ticket in
advance. In Ihr court yard won
grouped thousand of cplc
watching wrestling bout and
feat of horsemanship, juggling
and the like. The Indian soldier
in hi bright -colored uniform i a
very imposing figure. Many ar
armed with pikes and long lances
other with guns, and the p.dict
with club, and they had s hard
time keeitine the crowd hark
Bul the Drsara crowd Is a goinl
nalurrd one.
Saturday afternoon and eTe
ning is the big procession. The
route begin at the Palace and
lead through the town fo a
troops" reviewing field,, where, in
addition, certain religions cere
monies are gone through. Then
were band with fine music, and
infantrymen, and horsemen in
great numbers. The finest t.f all
I think wo the horse band, w hich
played a they were mounted, and
the il rum mer had a big drum on
cither side of his horse - Finally
came the Maharaja on a ureal
tale elephant, with hanging of
oiii. iiie Maharaja, with hi
brother, were seated In the gold
en howdah, and both were rl..ii.
i d in what appeared to he cloth
gold. 1 he cheering was nut so
immense a it would have been In
an American city, nor was the
wiuie he was
wltlim our view, other than the
most formal m,d. The return to
ne I nlace at nluht was one ,,. I
Klsre of light, which lighted up
"""' nc. I he .Maharaja
ws welcomed by the customarv
hitc of J mms.
This seem to he the most mat
ter-of fact account, but assure
you the thing which we saw dur
ng tlii (rip were thrilling t,r
extreme. We were able to gain a
plnee of advantage for the pro
resalun, and the crowd wa I hi
mense, and a the hum f voice
"me to u and the ripple 0f ap
planse that greeted the Maharaja
( for the people do not greet a en
jhuslastlcally we tit) Hr ,n)
In ask ourselves, In the g,t f
t,r,imr,W.'.",t U thinking Well, won't try to an
;wrr J- y, hut I shall ,v
to write ,o abot tw ttt lm.
"d at least one of the pilgrimage
ear Mysore during this week of
Desara festivltle. ,
Zena A. Olson.
j Liberty Fr;
V , Will SB II V.,.
We desire to extend our heartfelt
thanks to .11 whoso kindly re-
.,.rei us will, aid and symps
thy during our bereavement, the
DHohdt, and return eaperlnl
thanks for the floral tributes.
Mrs. C. H. D'Hondt,
HiUsboro, Ore., Nov. 21, ium,
la hi latest Si Reel Wtrm Ptodu. iku,
2 Reel Comcdy-Pathe Newt
to get the hoy aad gWls those Roller Skal.t that tJaty
have been asking for. We nave just rtceived tiupastatW
Winchester Roller Skates
that are just what Ikry want. These come in full si
hrin4 rolls, all sleel whosds with the hwvy rtsWonsd
f.-ansti and are aickel plated. Thy are in kstk
bo) s' tad girls ' pattsrvia aad sell at S2.7S ia the rsfwlar
way. We aotigat these fee a special, aad they go an sals
this week watil all are sold (or uoly
$1.35 Per Pair
Wear-Ever Roasters
also, are now offered for a Iwarted time al very isscisl
prices. This is just whesi jroa aeed them. Here ars arises
Large aisa ... W W
Medionssise W45
Small alaa ...... . HIS
, These are the bit, heavy roasters with the rack ia Uttea
Alien & Ireland
"TU Wsackewtee Store"
In Ihe rnlv Couri of lbs Slate ot
lirvgon for Washington County.
In th Matter of Ihr Msla of W. M
lloundthrll, llvceasett
N nl lee Is hereby iltea thai Ihe as
drrtlsnrd, adwialstratrl of Ihe eslatr
il , M tloumbhelt, deceased, has
fllrd her nasi arrnnnt and report, a
admliiMrslris In said !, Mi
the I t'nurt of the ntat of Ore
goa, for Whtng!on County, and Ihsl
sol (Inst an-nunl and reporl hss been
"t for final hrsrlng and srttlrmenl be
for said fouil al Ihe Court room at
'siii Court In, Oregon, Salsr
lv, re n, iri. al 10 o'elork A. at
of said day,
IMIed l, ttrrgon, this
'v. n, isaa.
ji 14 a, iwinm-i u
.siliiilmlralrt ul Ihe f.tsle or W.
... Moumbhell, deceased
M. ll. Hump sod II. ii. Hump, Alior
.ins lor M Mat and AdntlnUlr
Is Ihs Caal)f I sft t thf ll
' Oregon tor w sshlBflo Cuaatf '
In the Msller ut the Mat l
l ink, deerssed. ,
NulH-e l hrrtf goa, ll
drrsigned Fseealr. at tS M
and Testsmrnl ft d eVtawike
filr, in Ihr b.i rslitlnt Crt
raaw, her Bnsl account sail nsart
tn. h, and Ihe Couri kai IMS ss
polnlrd Ihr Mnd dsy of IWvoM.
ISJ1. at the hour of 18
of soul dsjr. ami th euart rwas ri w
shove entitle.) court ia lldUar. 0
son. a the lime and pise fsf !
j.hjeetlon. t said Bn.l sceosstssil
Ihe Anal selllrnirnl of Mid
I laird this ISlh dsy al Mr.
MAROArtrTM us.
F.serulrli of th M 0issTnn
tnrnl nf said derrisrd
Hare, MrAlear A I'elers, M
lot Fseeulna.
Wa are having a Special Sale on all
Aluminum War and Dishes as
Thanksgiving Offering.
We also have a complete lint of Christ
mas Gifts) Christmas tree decorations
toys, etc
Everything that will make Father and
Mother and the little folks happy
Call In and Shop Early
Percy Long
1222 Second St.