V . 1 - -i r v e t hi' .. 'if' v ;f i ' i' I j I' i: ! Skaggs Still Lower Prices Th Enormous Volume of Rutine now racnsd in the Many SKAGGS' STOKES in Oregon enable u to give Skagit' Patron still Lower Price tkan in the past YOU can tare Many Dollar by a iit to Skas Store. Tfcee Saving v effected by The Largest Retil Grocer in the Northwest are YOUR SAVINGS. Feature Days, Saturday and Monday Only CR1SCO 9 lb. Can . $U9 C-lh. Can .. I2i 3 Can , . . . .&! COCOA We .ire offering Inns f this hith trjlc Cocoa at an cxcr pti.n.t!1v low price. 15 v the Pound . .09 NORTHERN FLOUR Milled from Old Wheat Bv the Sack. . ... . ..... $.99 DONT MISS THESE FEATURE DAYS SKAGGS PRICES ON FLOUR Crown, per v. k $2.09; per III i&27 Snowdrift. per sack . 2.12; jh r Md... 8.40 Perflation, per vul. 1.69; nr bid - 6.66 ON LARD AND SHORTENING Swift' Silver Leaf Lard 10 lb. pad . . . $1.83 5 lb. pail 95 Swift' Jewel Shortening S lb. pad $1.55 4 lb. pail JH Swift' Gem Nut Margarin lb $ .50 ON SOAPS St Lars While Wonder . 21 bars Crystal hite . It bar- P " C. Naptha IrS lars Wool Soap S lwr larije hory It bar medu in Ivory 10 bars I'alntnliye . 10 bar Crente Oil 10 bar 1VU Naptha can OKI Dutch Cleanser for ON COFFEE Royal dtil lb can 5 3 lb can 1 lb can American Club lb lb ran e.tn ldb can Hill Red Can 5 lb can S j ib can I -lb can $1.89 . 1.14 .39 $1.55 - .95 . .33 $2.00 I. 1.03 .42 ON ROYAL BAKING POWDER 3 lb can $2.53 ty3-b can 12 oi ran 1.33 .39 ON CANNED GOODS S can Sugar Corn 98c 5 cant Standard Tomatoes 73c Libbr's Pork and Bean 10c 3 cans Chinook Salmon 40c 2 can Libby's Apple Butter 29c can Libby's Xo. 2 Grated Pinapple39c 3 can Xo. iU Sliced Hawaiian Pine apple 95c MISCELLANEOUS 2 package Yeast Foam ...... 3 lb can (ihirardclli Chocolate 3 can Campbell's Soup . S lb bet ifradc Macaroni 3 pack aire Baking Soda Plug Tobacco, per pound . J.llo, per pai lk.-iije 2 No. 3 wooden liove cracker ... 3 gallon Kerosene , $1.00 . 1.00 1.00 1.00 .98 1.00 .79 .79 .79 .15 15c 89c 50c 4ftc 25c 79c 10c 98c 89c ON CEREALS Corn Meal, white or yellow, 9 lb 27c 55c 35c 48c 35c 25c Rolled Oats. j lb ban 2 package Grape Nuts 2 package Cream of Wheat . 3 package Shredded Wheat 3 package Argil Corn Starch ON FRUIT JARS Pint Masons, per doxen. Quart Masons, per doarn 's-gallon Mason, per donen Pint Sure Seal, per doien Quart Sure Seal, ier doen ''.-gallon Sure Seal, per dozen ON MILK Borden's, Libby's or Carnation 10 tall can . 20 small can $ .73 . .89 . 1.33 .98 . 1.19 1.58 98c 98c Dairy Deliveries to all parts of the city. PHONE 2171. C 0. D. orders gladly sent out HILLSBORO Automobile Owners and prospective owners will be particularly in terested in the special showing of "Endurance," the remarkable new film of the oil fields, which has been arranged for August the 3rd. 4th and 5th It abounds with scenes that can not fail to im prest anyone who has ever experienced the thrill of pulling out of a seemingly impassable mud hole with a trustworthy car. You will enjoy the intimate glimpses of the oil country, the "bringing in" of the mighty gusher, the trip across the famous "lake of oil" and many other interesting sidelights on the oil in tending sidelights on the oil industry, as well as the spectacular dashes of the oil field sedan. BE SURE TO SEE THIS PICTURE EITHER THURSDAY, FRIDAY OR SATURDAY EVENING Liberty Theatre HILLSBORO, OREGON M. P. CADY, DODGE DEALER, HILLSBORO, ORE. .1 , Vau.l. r. !.l n. B'V w in the it M .1". s.l t Mr in. I M ' Muriow .J ii.Iiik lli. . k li T. U i. -f '' bri.Lie. ' ' 'lds P ,u I in. I no r. f U t in. oi w ,' .ill r sj i .ill. r !. 1I 1 Win II. if (in in h i it I l..,i I. . I .rinu' iliur l"r I. mo. I ii ii ii. ir ll.lKidc. C S . I'OII. nf il l "tl l (!r.it.-. v is a ILIUbor.i isilo In the Msinir of rrid. n.k M .d'O'dn a l! riioon II. id. I one is remind. .1 tint hit. Horn, to Mr and M It . , . . ,i ' l uiiiii.lt. if West Mun SI . Ilill 1 mm uliii iir iihhIi In llii :, . .11. ,, , ...r.i, uist I"??, a d tuiihli t puhlie in the way nf tarn. 'I if ... , I!. on. I.i Mr 111. 1 Mi. .l-iiii.' fort to ae-.iiiplish Ihimts w I.i. h ',,,, ,l!,...r... .lull 31, l"t'i meant community lniil.lnn; I ,, after .lav and w. k ftr . . k ll.irn, tit. s.iiiil)i It.i'pilil U fore he failed ill In all h. he did 1 1 .11 .burn. In Ml H'd Mrs Win much to heller lldM-m lie was I -.t ... . nf . ill.... I. uKu-l I a factor ill seeur.ns t.. l,IUl.or t"'' ,l,"ii,','r THE HILLSB0K0 ARGUS County OtlkUl Paper I. A. I..n. I .iitr Subcript.tn, $150 pet snnum Is'ued ir ri.ur..l.J' l Mfs .. C. Mckintirt an. I I. I oiitr Filtered at the I'o't rtue al lillsboro, t trefoil, as si e.ni.l lis m.til mailer. the TilIin.iok raitmiil hi. I it i nol cKkc ration to c lli.l lur Mrs Mini Ct.l.l.U. of I'-.! I ill. I. u is til. ( iii .l nf hr r 111. .lli . r lrs IV ti.ll. I., tin t .1 of 1 1.. ni thai effort he .in- lln pio H , , ieel more lime th in he .lid his 1 1. t, i t, , ,, H , lM pm.ite business. Mr I), i.l.l hid inc to at t a t imr Willi herwool Ins tips and downs, his .mn .r ll" '"' ' isrounds this .. .1.111. .1.1 . I II .1 .1 SltH.ln. hill III! Ill III. ss till., ll.. in. 1 rerses. an. I all those t In 11 si s 1 1 ... , , ... . " tf"ll -it. nils wire fruitless winch .i to make up lid. I...I he .... ... ... , ' S-ile "r K. 11I M li. me in win ie ihsi rem. iiitx r. .1 . , ( orm lius. colli iliiin : 11M those who worked inecss.mtN I. w .lb all cpnpmeiil and tl.U year's! keep llillshoro on the map. It is crop, M.hI. rn house, bun, clin k I doubtful if there In- any ten in. 11 " house . granary, lie V, M ( in I lillsboro who h... . a. ...... ' WV" U ('"" ''" I'lished as much s II. ..I.I did ... M ll. i..l. r...i.. ..f l orn, bus ,!,.. n ill limn yesler.l.H and 1 1M..!1 me way nt community .yssisl.ni.e. .. , ,. . .. I lie Anjiis. Ids ,m Is out si.le from this he earned . 1.. n ,,,r, ,, ,,,, , miiims bp the ui.lirin .leinlmii , s Wmter wheat .. Id n. he be stowed upon his f.imih. Uov, on the t -i in .U II tr.. firm i I l or lire pr.M.f ronf pmil, see I' ! If these auto killuiirs keep up J. Hir.lsrll, at ISlii l ... line, or there will be a nationwide l.tu t Icphnnr 8ll. A paint lint i.i makiiiK it a felony f.ir anv enrpn proof .14 mist weillur and lire, ration or rrson to inake an an Hr mil ynu the i,mit, ,.r wit tomobile which is K.nred fist e.mlr tcl t.i pnl il on fnr yon ft, - n.Muh to make 23 ,dr, per rv U , d,, departed If r.liy f..r a I rl ii t(lit ' Un 1 , 1 Willi her sisl.r, Mrs Amacher, al ilislmro Ills 110 ntiue III the 11 ,,, ,. ( , , U l...'. l 11 1. 1 1 ,r ' ' 'r .rui.l Itoiide UI.O Who ,sl. Il.llsl. . (tfMiiir ,if (r U)ut ,r -huuld worry. The .ru, and ,., (,llU k,m ,H) , eontemporary will like tare of who is worth while, ns well ( hristiin Science S.i. i. Iv, at those not worth while and that '""""Wc Hall. Main St, S.mdn s a full duly, not a partial ..ne v r "f Sunday Seh.... n n innriuiitf seryjee al II, subjril ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Spirit " Wednrs.Uy eienin.- sefyiee nt llirrr lUmhsrl a ..... l " .( ..I ,11. . , . trrns, mtt aeeiilrntilly .h.. U,( , lT- Miraliclh ( ir leiis. .,f mint, by a but hi .itWn, n. Pivrtlnnl m. a .0. ....1... I' bun. I he twu l.i.ls im ..!.... k... .1.. . ... . . , it. . , . , ". tnrniiir 10 ,rr 1111 earryin ihr .i.ii..i .11 . . disi.i.iunlnl In nrwn a .i- l.. ''"""aim'lilr r at the li.nnr ,.f t re ni.itinl the h..rv 11,. i. ...!'' and M iht on Ihr m.I.IIp In v,.r mty nil Hank me iruu Wis dis. h.rr.l, h,tlin 11. n. .. w , hrt in the lr. Dr. It. .1,1, ..i..,.i ' 'r lr ias raiitrr. It hot. I.lnw the knre Wi.nl . ),( I with ohm attaehnirnt, in tf,,. .e..r ,.., ,ne nji.rr.1 Inn n, ( n..' shape, (iond r.. rf J hrf n---...er Ihr, lord ,,r.,r Nr. I.rr,. ! , ' f , y, .... the i..,M,i.t...n ''i"" ,,,r ,r" Mers, ( ill ll. .1. toy mi; .1 m((. ,,r,, lahcn Up Mrayed to place ..f"f V'-rth I'luns. js St ui.dcrsiKned you..K mare, I ur i (- v... , . ....... ... , Guaranteed 30x3J Fabric Tires $7.75 Net Other Tire in Proportion Hillsboro Tire Shoo rhutti ioai w r mi Main SL ll'Uor, Ir. John llrll.. nf year nl.l l..w. i I. 1 . ,,,,, snr.i. ..! snulfi ., t sm .war 01.1; imy wrltrh almu' i , , , . . . " 00.- Vtt.hin.lr T I '''", ' " lUslndy of tin - - s murii. i i -mm a . - sin rui ..n.rue.l with liulnt loiiof Oregon; mile nr.t, near rnd of Ualnut avenue. 10 li John V. H.ile, ,e ,S p. ,.( lli. Inpi.ir lt., A slill f 50 ,( Inns capacity and s.nne ,i,or Here Iniiil.l nil the pln.r. In )! ne.r vn 11 ,... rt J " , T . 'WT ''""""',' li-.ll. V.r.l is in the enuntr jail the first of the week, takintf a day "II to yisit his parent nt Males. near tlnk I'ark. RublM-r lieltiiiK fnr Sale (mud 1. .1. .... . . . . .1 in n, on ,-,.t ,,,,,1 j K'inil nhapej run but .1 hours Mr and Mrs. V. (; r..y, ,.f Uik I irk, ae.niiipaiiied by then tlauul.ter, Mr. .,n., ,wk. ami son. of WnlU W alla, W it , , ft the last f . fllf , ni ( tinll (it the Tillamook be ache. also over 200 empty mill run! A- J- M"l-i r.l.irm.l tins sack. t . .1. Sa. arisen, mi ,ii moriiiir from t. Jk,. M,, say place, 5 mil, , S1, f J,, j ranch, where he helped htrirsl '"i-". VI vi ' ami tliresh. lie sty. M.l.. lOii ai res nf W inter wheat w hi, I, wenl to Imsh. ls per ai re. W in ler wheal is "Kiii" in Washing Inn iiiuiity llii year. J. It. Tnm kins. nf (iasl.ni, was in I In- tilv Tuesday t w tmi)f . . says thai the thresher are out Mi f-.ree 1111 In, ttriy, s; ,. ,,f ,,lr V. 11, Vr irr.iiu Is Koid, while nil the Sprinif crop, as usual, is poor or indifferent. I 1 r y...i , ... r.ni.aci, ill rliili broke nu ankle last Saturday, a witK'in loaded with hay, 011 w hii h he was riding, having upset. Dr. Wiley reduced the fracture. long time nn wickey was with ('. Heglinir. r when the latter suf fired a fracture, and Saturday the two Here I, nr. ill. -r Zwickcy fill heir to the broken TIRES ON THE GULP PLAN AT Peterson Bros. 30x3V Cord Non-Skid 32x4 Cord Non-Skid 33x4 Cord Non-Skid 34x4 Cord Non-Skid Ford Fan Belts on Culp Plan $10.95 $18 95 $19.95 $20.95 30c Ford Spark Plug on Culp Plan 45c Regular Spark Plug, all Cars 55c Ford Transmission Lining, complete set in box, in- including rivets 60c Peterson Bros. PHONE 62 HILLSBORO CORDURB Giant Over Size Factory Guaranteed You Can't Beat These Prices 30xl' Cord, nutvakid 32s4 Cord, noti-akid ... J34J Cord, nun-akid , 344 Curd, nu4-akid .. II US . 23J0 24J0 2SJ0 WE PAY TMF. WAM I AX FRESH SrOC K BUY AT HOME, WHERE YOU GET THF. SfRviCt Hillsboro Tire Shop V. FEUER5TEIN. Pro,, 1331 Main St. Phom 2431 MdMO If ('. I! i lie riliirtud froi.i I o.sil, Suiidyy, where she ytsllrd wiih her wim, ki(sey .ie, and wife. M,r wa accoinpaiilrd b Mr. OUon, f t'oralli, and Miss ur Heed, of IiniieaH. lis, Minn, mother and ..usin of Mr klii(sley I ylle. J,,u V ....IUUQ lama, oi. n, if,. ..(j. jrirrlM He will .....i, , ,r (, iipBft, III . f..r lt, , ill. Mr. Mrurrf it i4, there and ,! ,rll(f, u, Meiirrr mur tnnr in ihr lilM part of the in.. nil. Catholic Citizenship AtriCLI t'lMJK frrl.l, r .Irlrtrlf.tt Mil r.lr...- l ilorr,.!,,,. (W SO-CALLED TEMPORAL rVr OF Tilt; rX) IW..,., ,hr Itoh..,. , ., h, p,1WJ rUlmt hr u rul , mti 1.1- -.1 ''-';" .rrle. .ml ,,k-I,, ,, ,...J tT... " VU- u . '. Tl ' "' ,hU " rU,M"" i'l' t Lrrrlur,. V ,Uaw. the ,h,.r.h. .hi mM.l , yNV rmUrul M,. n, w. fcfc m l..r nr..l. , t,M, n ,hMh 0., ht, What u and wtiy u-TMr. omnia ot uhimiia! J . it I...I 4 .Ir.,. arulr.l Irrr.l.irr s Ur Ihr W4 or r.h.lil I S nri,,,,,,,,!. .here frr.Hri.l. I .binrl. I .. m.Un m.y ronjsd wl ''nr.,lr,. p K, J,.Mtk,w f , "VI M IN If ALY, SUCH A NI UIRAL 1 . ttHITUMV K is r.l ,lili..,I y,H) ,r4 Jr(i(iU u(rJ (at lhf UifiJ wf(,(m ,' 1 rnlruslrj I,. It.e II, .h,.,. of lt..i..e .hd till "rm .rr.rr. II,. I three hr ,l(M rttxi h, ,,,,,,! ,ul , , ,,,, ,fJa,.a le.riulriier, lil.rrt). Nt UlRAIITYi "1 t" hr ,.. ttSy h4(M) b( mm f (uj rrin t INDFf t NOFNCr., "i...r.M, ihr li.rl.irm, ih, MM.rr.al ettureh LIBERTY .. . ..i.....u,,h aus wiih his ( nllinlir .Initial rhlltlrrn ! r.rr) ii.ltoa. rsr V In tlmr i. .r llrt,,, ipltlM, (,lhrr la all, hr imi.t Irr.l Ihrw Ull um'K TITI.r-Jtll.WK K.Vr-.K HKr'S A T I MIMI I l l TO THK, J hi tiikrtitti i. ...i .t. ... ..... . in-ii lrtiTHI l tK. Olir ,a 1 ili..a f fell "illmrlty In I hrislun lallh and n.i.r.l.. ('altiiihi In smrrir. In.l In rrnulinlr re. Irsu.tieal iirrtrn.liin. In nirrl i i.ll iiillrni Ik W tniiiarlf eUliii. Nil I'nl llli'yi 1 1 in ,i. I rv 1......I kinitftf "'.'""'''''""''''IIS alMiyr drl.llr.1, . ".'.- ..aiir.n linn,,. re Ihr .ti, r'(TS IHi Ihr FA III. M ',r,' UITnitia.1 ll. ! s.li- a..., ... . a I La PlUUMT Hierarchy In ,r If. ,H. llAVr a tit inrii uiruuur . . rs ..... . IV.Sfc m sv .,(.. lH'ler.1. I, M,rfr Su ny , hr MN.S (lf ,hr,r B.L.tont. Tl Ml 1 hate nryrr rrl .iiyl,,,( ,,f , Miacllllir, fur thry " 2L' trry shall.. 1.1 ....1. ...... 1 ....... ii . ... 1.. ., potim' 1 "iniiMini niiiiiii anr eirrie numif. . r- ' ...i,,! .rrin rm., he w.iiiht ,,uleky hr rr..ir.lr.l In mln.l '' un V I ri r l.ir liii.llirw. "II wise NKiUtnr. ' in').,.V,.,", ,hr ''"I" '"'If n.n.t he runnlnit It. Of h.' ""!!' L MIHIIT'AI. ,r,, f , (.N,llr ,.,,. n p,,,,,,,,, Nrlh Nn.erici, A,, ,vfre, lleranli a ml the reunite I.Unils. In- '""! ""'cj, iniieli 1.1 .1.. ........ . . . Ihr ih i "'ri" nurrierr in Ainrrieiin p.iiuu,. nn. . I lie I'HII STS ll.r.,,.vr. have nrvrr .rrn an)lhinK of l.n m"': ' ''!!, ' ns , thry voir, why .h.ml.l lin y n tl.it raeh tllf f eretiM v. aeeonlml I'WII Itlr... Hie ItlSIKM'S l.ivi- I I ..1 ,ki' I..1....I I.,,.H Mifl'l "II wise NKiUtnr. ' . . trrj Ihr Cll"110 t'i Ihr I. M. wiiiiLI lhai-..ii l 1...-. mi. iw' unly w'rt "UK (11 rrllRi.ih, fallh, mural..) Ihrrrf.ire Non C.lh.ili.w i"";' (Tior nils anpposnl "f.t.lit Irttl machine," nthrrwl.r It la al cleitl Mtnnilsttll- " THF. POOR POPE HAS NEITHER ARMY NOR NAVY mily a frw gunni, , ,,i,.nMrl, ,(nj lr Vallcan nr.Miii.U. M jj "rurtl, e.n.l.l lmt ,rr,,,. ,,rm IVrf , lew ,Umlrril "ilrilHl IPJJ". hi, ll' " "Ins, mid n frw ih.nim.uil ur million "niilrltiial" (tin) suUHf". '.i,, I'nllll.al maehliie" In unit Inn- anil a Ihr all .ln.winK AntH W Vuirrlea ('iillinllcf " MORALt AnU fiilli.ill,. frleiuU-iim. thr InlrlllKrnrr that Aliiilghly ''''' '"'.fiiinii WITH THAT INTI.I.I.MiKNt'K lrt nut Ihr rvlins nf b'f'W n V'.'i' ,,.""'hl' .v"r Ciithiille nrllihorn. , . 0, n AH I H IT'. FT VI'. will appear next wrek. IVrsnni wW.li.K to reply it, ""nt i.i.in nliuvr, or pr.i. urr furthrr Informiillnn on ',,,''l,r,'f''. nriwff 'Hi.tl.uishi,, t c'alhnlle (Ttl.rnHhln nrr eordlnllv lnvUrd to mlilr"" "r Milwiiultlr, OrrKon. ' .Jvo'1"1 NoTUT'.i A rreenl "reply" I,. Article one and two, In Ihr, Xj tf,il 'TKiin of ,r Anil Catliullet h,i. hrrn aimlyfd In Ihr Cnlbollr H" """rt, Inly lh. 11122. Intrrmled person, my eunmill thai pulillrtl'. ,w ,,, (Slifn.d) K. E, EBERHARI), , , , , ,. flud. (Paid Adv.) Seerenry Callmllc V''tM 0 U '