WOLVERTON LAKE FOURTH ot JULY 5 i . STARTS THURSDAY JUNE 22nd ENDS TUESDAY 1 JULY 4th We are going to celebrate the FOURTH by making this the greatest selling week of the year. PRICES? Just look at these and WATCH OUR WINDOWS BREAD KNIVES 10-inch tr I blade. F.ach 5c DRESSED KEWPIE DOLLS Each 10c PRETTY SUMMER LAWNS Yard 5c WOMEN'S TRIMMED HATS Wr are giving them away at rach 50c Men', Women's and Children's STRAW HATS Each 12c ISO-Yard Spool SEWING THREAD Spool 4c Double Width PERCALES 8 c Children' PLAY SUITS 49c We Do Not Need to Tell You that These are Very Exceptional Values 45-inch Imported PERMANENT FINISH ORGANDIES Wash it, iron it, the original transparency stay without use of st-trch. And the Price yard 69c 32-inch Imported TISSUE GINGHAMS YarJ 3 59c 36-wch DOTTED SWISS A Ix-autiful ami dainty drts fabric in all new color. Yd 49c On Big Lot 19c AND 25c GINGHAMS yard 17c WOMEN'S SILK DRESSES In satin, mescaline taffeta, charmeuse, crepes, etc. In exceptional ly pretty styles. A big assortment placed iu one lot at a little price. Come Early if You Want One $5.00 Children' TRIMMED HATS 23 c Women's SUMMER VESTS 10c Women's and Children's HOSE 10c All Millinery Half-Price 45 MEN'S SUITS Will be placed in one lot Irrespective of former selling price and they represent value to twice ami more thin low figure. $14.95 25 BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS Not a one of these should remain at this really rrma'rkabli low price. It's hard to believe it's true. While they last $9.85 WE HAVE THE SHOE YOU WANT AND OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY YOU'LL FIND ANYWHERE CHILDREN'S SANDALS All sizes, in brown or white. 98c Children's and Misses WHITE CANVAS SHOES Leather sole and heels. 98c WOMEN'S STRAP PUMPS Low or military heel kid or patent. $1.98 Women's PUMPS AND OXFORDS White canvas or buck. Low or military heel. $1.98 MEN'S MULES KIN WORK SHOES $2.19 MEN'S CANVAS OXFORDS Brown or black. leather soles and heels. $1.98 WOMEN'S BLOOMERS 19c CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS 10c BLACK WORK SHIRTS 39 c KkakJ or Blue WORK SHIRTS 14 to IT 69c Men's Summer UNION SUITS 39c LEATHER LEGGINGS $1.69 WOOL WRAP LEGGINGS 79c Men's WORK OR DRESS SOCKS 10c MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS F.tlra SpeiUl 59c MEN'S UNION SUITS Halbriggan. I.ong or short ulcere. Ankle length. 88c Leather Faced CANVAS CLOVES 25c LINOLEUM A wonderful Moor covering that will he sold at thi re markably low price, so, yard 43c Men's DRESS STRAW HATS 75c to $6.00 WASH CLOTHS Each 4c MOSQUITO NETTING Yard 10c Sears Brothers R. L. Sears Mark Sears HAVE OPENED A NEW Machine and Repair Shop We repair everything Automobiles, Bicycles, Guns, Graphophones, Sewing Machines, etc. Saws filed; Keys Made any number Fifteen Years in Business SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Main St., opposite Farmers' Feed Shed 1361 Main St HILLSBORO, ORE. (16-19) Chrislinn Science Society, at Grange Hall, Main St., Sunday Services Sunday School at 10; morning sen ice at II, subject, "Christian Science." Wednesday evening service at 8. The Chautauqua signer will meet at the Ilillsborn Club rooms, this Thursday evening (tonight) to distribute the season tickets t.. nil who have signed support to th. meeting. Mrs. John D. Bergen and child left for Morgan, yesterday, to vis it with Mrs. Bergen's parents, Mr. 1 t 17 1 Unnkiiintl iiu ii rs. aj nil uin" Bergen has left for their Lome at arhhheld. Mrs. Leon Davis, of North' Dakota, arrived home the last of ! the week for an extended visit! with her lini-intu 1. -...I M .. ir ' , ( ... , n 1 1 it i,i rs. 1 1 . u. Vincent, ana tier sinter, Mrs M. P. Cady. WATCHES Arc moving too slow to suit. In order to move them faster, I have decided to put a special priced watch in window every day with price marked no low that you just cannot resist buying. Watch My Window. Buy your watch now and save money. J. L. Anderson. Jeweler 1147 Second St. "Let ANDY fix your watch," pnttt home wedding w.ts sol e mimed Simd.it, June IV l"i)f. j .1 Hirer , loi k m the f I. rn.M.tl. 1st the h.m. .f Mrs. II . lkc. 'ot this citt . w h. n lor diiitfhl.r. ! lt.c. w ts imt.d in Murri-mr .r..U r'. Hl.rl.m, ..f I'.nt html, tt.t. II tn..T.I (.rilti., fiMr .if the I irl llirt.tisti liiii.lt f Porl'm.l. ..fit. i-tlmc M is I ion m e I ake, a sit. r of 1 the bride. w.ss the hrl.lesmtid I nd attt r TsMtiiHisrr !' ! Im t nun. The bride w s Israel. I fill in a gown if while m tw m 1 Iror. and carried sn arm l..u.iu I ! f It ri.li ru sod i it 'The bridt siitaitl w.s gttwiod I" in hid .! tu.lt sod i nrrii ,1 a I'.m iin t of sw eel s si. The Wi.ld.il' mirth (r..iu l. n di Isst.hn in s l iii d ' Mrs II ir ..Id A I sk. . Mis I in V 1 1 .i in It r t . a i on on f the gr.ni.ii, e.aughl ll.i liri.lt s tioii.u. t. The h'ip couple wire git en a reft pi lull following the t it 111.011 . in. I Ho .ltut..l for shnrl In. in t in. mil lrii. Thi will be at htime l.i I In i r fru -lids t )IO Juk Mill strcrt, alter Jult I . The bride is wilt known u IlilUhortt. where In r rt,iliti hate rt sided suite .ihii. i i d-ttt The groom is a sou of Mr. and Mrs. Itrticr olt rt.ni. of lrl I in.l. I.nlh of whoiii are will know n nt llilKlHiro. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS I'orlltnd Trust t'u. to Cts It use witrnc it u. JJ71 mres m IS I I r I w, 0. F. U sterling t.i IU n J I.ihmIi t lit, I acre It. sit rl. oi Itrrdtillt Vrrrage, 10. Alfred (' Miillot it u I i John V MutltiV. Ss l.T acres sec ? I S . t t w. 1 1. A 11 Clark 1 1 u to (i I l hart rt ut. F'a lot 3 blk 17 I on .1 (irotr, f I. I lllie S. ott It It .T.I i I tir to I. BttwUbv it us., 3 71 aires see 31 and tl.l I s r I tt , lit. It.treliiy llrn.lt roi to J . (iotiil. S acres sees i and Mini I w, lt). (ieo M Mc Donald rt ut l.i Y U II tun s, lot Nineteen (iroti laud Acn , 1 100. II VV Mrnier it ut .i ( l.r. u. . K N rtnk.it II ct U, ! ? acre right of way. t) D V IN rkins i t ut to I red T Daniel rt ut. lot IS blk 3 1I.1I.Ihi ro (Jardin Tracts, I0. I. F. Shutr to t hus M Scott rt u. lot I sec In t I n r 9 w, f 10. ( lira A Sage it tir to I. f. Krck, 4rt if lot X blk 3(i lorest (irotr, 0. Cass Kosewarur it ut to F , I rankson it ut, 13 aire sec Is I I s r I w, JlO. John I. Sohb r to Oilier Shear rr, part of lot blk 2 NatlorV Add, Forest lirovr, 0. Sislers of St. Mary to St. Ms i ry' Home, 2 07 acres John Kllmtl die, . Franciscan Fathers of Califor nia to Archdiocese uf Drrg.m Cj Iv. I acre ace 2! t 2 r I t, 0. F.rra A Kirts e ut to IUrol.1 V VValtlroti, 40 acres sec 1 I n i I , I0. T V. Cornelius i t ut to Carl J Steitriascii it ut, 77 aires Little ton Lindsay .1 I c, 0. F. W II Schneider, lot ! (, r..ti hind crcs, i0, M H Ibtrknrss i t tir to Itr.don W llarkness, n w i of sec 20 t 3 n r S w, lo. R C, I.itihr it ut lo V C Spenee i t ut, 7 acres sec I I I . r I w, $10. V C Spenee ! ut in Helen I lark. m res sec I t I s r I tt , f 10. I II Nichols i t ut to R . ' wi I ut lots II and 1) Tigardville Add 1 2(10. F.inuia McN'elly Uigcb.w it tir to ( has M Kershni r, lot a ( , , ;mV subdivision, ii)S0. C A Hroderson i t ut t F.iUard ft Wirtas, prt ,,l block i Fores! drove, io. J O Hold) i t ut to Vcsry V (lardneret lit, prt of lot blk I Morgan's Add, IMKhoro, $10. VVm 1) Davenport to Nm,a () Davenport, 10 acres sec 17 t 2 s r t w, $10. Finma Hocken to Charlotte K Hogale, several lots in Hockclis' Acres, $10. itobert Shelley ,t s tl, ftnlpli II (lalnhlo, 9.62 acrr see II t 2 t r I w, $10. ft W Ritchry , t t Nnll(.y J. Kitchry ctal, tract i Hvc 2 t , r w,f0. H f '!ri" f;tr',"n ,l ' 0 ' ""d, n l; lt 4 ,,M.k fl7 ,,. drove, $10. TRACTOR FOR SALE netmc Caterpillr Tractor fr farm use or r...,i .. i . . : 'or, cxcavni- -- nuitri iimc, $1050, If taken Price. soon, new, $HO0. I'ort- Summer Needs for Women Wash Gingham Dresses $4.98 Skirts ',,, 1 f 'H.kW U r. mstk ,11, , ( $138 TaiuhvA''! If r. si.d ir.t,rJ $llAVHZtXTi w Dimity Sport Waists in all colon $2.50 Coats and Capes The pi ins ua thrtr ftr Nirlits h.tir Uin frrsllf rr duertl ll mil .,t o U ItH'k thrill ntrr Goar's Woman9 s Shop Merchandise for Women Mrs. I.. K, Wilkr. and daugli trr, Mis. libra and Ixwa, have rilurio tl In llillslxiro after wtrr at mould in Cortland, and arr il'iiiin ili d in their home at ltar line tnd F.ighlti. Mrs. Zula Linklatrr drparirdj (or .Seattle the last of the rrk, to attend the graduation of hrr ihiuuliter. tt tit It, froiti the ('niter ! sity of Washington, The coin-. iiu net-mi nt rterctsrs ttrre lirld this week. Mr. and Mr.. Harry I.Ur lull hate Mifilird 44 trai l from lr. riniirtK, twl i soon btul. I to homr jtlst side Ihc clt) liniita, cast f lk elty park. Mrs, It J. Ir.krt, f Vr in...... i. I In- run! ( " lUught. r. Mrs. Il.irrf Mdjt Inn, I he pas! nk. Wrrr D bins, a bn-lhrr .-f Mrs. M.Lh; Inn, was also a gursl iwr C'rMt Usl week. rt, ' ""Oil, Icrms, airt v n c. t, land, Oregon. Phone Auto 318 QH, For Sh fl-,fl Ay , . also steid S i i ' - . ....,,,, n ,H ,.r 17...., I with belt All In A I shape. Tele Phone SHTta n.1.1 .. A ThermoEoMc Ydl TFIKRM03 BOmn la? roo.o hut Iced tea cold, l-'or ' v iiario ri .uio.1, 8 Duntilo wall with Its triplo !r ' ' r hiiiklinj comfortably warm in wiubT ri frwHhingly cool In aumim r. N itln'rcuii mA nor dampncMa creep throuuh thin wull. After wo cxj.Uln the rt'ttHonu U you ditmoiiHtration, you will luve no dnililt l"j th double Duntilo wnll beinff the lt for 01 cotiHtruction well an the mot economic.l Como on over and nm us. D UNTILE Build Better Building Cheaper r-ii R. L. TUCKER M. ilrs northeast of! town, 18-17