NOTICE TO CREDITORS la the Count; Court of the Slate ot Orcfua lor VtuhuiKton Count;, la tar Matter of Use Latatr of llrrntaa J. I u. k, tkvraxvi. Sotave u hrrrfcy givrn, that tbr aa Irrnftvrd aa born duly pHintrd b; tb abase rntilirj court. AJuimis tratrn tl the ratate uf mkI ilntunl. ni baa Jul) tuaiinrsl aa auca. Nov, therefore, li prravHis having tluuu afaiaat al estate are hrrrb; otitic! aatl rrtjuiresi to prrarnt thr Mine, tofrtbrr ith prvprr touhrr thcrrfor, to thr anvlrrwcncii at th l a Oftce of llarr, M.'Al.r & i'rtrrs, in the Aasrmaa Natmaal lUnk KuUJinj. ta litUahoro, U auhuigtoa Count), ttrr foo, Bithiu mi tuontha f.-xHu thr date1 nrrrwf. UtrJ this 14 J.v uf Juoa, IS." J KMIh 1UK, AJiuiaiatratn of thr K.atalr llrrtuaa J. I.uvk. iln-raxsi. Ilarr, McAirar & lYIrra, Atturnryt tor Adinmutratris- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In thr Matter of thr Ltste of Thorn.- Talbot, drccajrsi. Notr la ittvrn to alt rrson.v routrrhnl that thr uruirrturU have brra tiulj a(potutrd r.xcvutors of tin lut iu ami trstamrnl of Ihotua Tal bot, det-raMsi, b) thr County Court ot thr Matr of Orrgua for W aAitifta t ouutj. All prraotk bavin rlatou a.uust iui rsl.itr of I noma Talbot. dtveasrU, arr hrrrby mjuimi to rr rnt thr same, Uh thr prvivrr touth rra duly vcritinl as by In mjinrrd. ithui Ma niotitli frotu thr dale hrrr- vf, to the vudrrsigurU at thr rratilrw-r of Anna Talbot iu Cornelius, Wa-hiii( toa Couiity, Urcfoa. lalrj iWMay S, 19i AS N A TAl.Bor, THOMAS Ullirr.HOKX. I arvutor of thr last lU ami trU lurut of Tbouias Talbot, vlereAsrtl k fc. UiUou, Attorury for Latatr, lorsaUu. Oregua. NOTICE TO CREDITORS la the touiity Court of thr State of Oregua for Washington Couutv. la the Hatter of the rotate of llrnn lUniel, ucvcaxril Notice ia hrrrby pivrn, that thr un drrsigorii ha brrn July appointed by ine aDovr routleJ court, aa Adiniiiis trator svith Uir Will annnrd, of thr rstatr uf said drvr.rd, and baa dulv qualified aa turn. Nosv, therefore, all prrsoiu hating claim against mI rotate are hrrrby notitirsl and required to present thr s-uur, togrthrr with proper voucher thrrrfor, to thr uiulrrsignrtl at thr La imce 01 mrr, McAirar & 1'rtrra, in thr Aiurriraa NatHnai Bank Building, In IlilUburu, Washinirton Coiinjy, tlrr iroQ, aithin ait tuontha from thr datr brrrof. Uatrd luia lit d.iv of Junr, I9'.K. A1.KHK1) 1IAMKU AdminialMtor aith the Will annex rd uf thr Eitatr of Henry llamrl, dr- craartt Ilarr, McAkar & i'rtrrs. Attorneys for Aduiiniatrator ith thr Will annex rd. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENI In the lounty Court of thr State ul Orrfun for Wahin1on Count r. In thr Matter of thr Kstatr of M irth, M. lioodwin, deceased. Notice ia hrrrby civen. that thr mi drraicnrd Kvrcutor of thr last Will and 'IrUauirnl uf Wild drcra.ord, has lilei in the aboe entitled court and eaur kia final accuunt and report aa i h and tnr court tins ft ted and appointed thr Mb a.y of July I9'.'i, al thr hour of 10 o'clock a. in. of laid day, and thr court room of thr above entitled court in HiU.sboru, Orriron, ai the tune and place for hrarine olijrctioha to said i im! atvount and for thr final settlement of said estate. Irtrd tins 8th day of June, 19.".' K. f. (i(Kil)WIN, Executor of the last Will and 1'cxU inent of Martha M. loKdin, deieawd Hare, McAirar & I'rtrrs, Att.ime) for llxrcutor. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of thr State ot Oregon for the County of Waihinp ton. F. E. Hicks, Itaintiff, y. A. Nehrr and Kiniiin Nrhrr, hunband and aife, Itefrndantv lo r. r.. Neher, one of the abovr named defendants: In the nmne of the Slate of lln inm you arr hen. by required to appear ann answer the roinpl.iint filrd airinst vnu in thr above entitled t'ouit and cause on or before Saturday, the '."tth day ot July, lu'.'2, and if you f nil to so appeal and answer laid complaint fur want thereof, the plaintiff will apply tci the Court for the relief as proved for in taid complaint, to-wit, for a judgment and decree ai follows: (a) For jiiilirinent against the de fendants F. A. Neher and Emma Xrh rr for the sum of Eight Hundred and hevrnty fire ($875.00) Dollars tirlnci pal, and for the further sum of Ihrrr Hundred 'twenty four and 1 100 (324.1lj) Dollars, heinir interest on siid principal to June I, with In lerest ut seven per cent (7 per rent) on both of said sums from June first, 1922; for the further sum of One Hundred and Fifty (130.00) Dollars attorney i fees, and for liis costs und disbursements. (b) For a decree foreclosing the inorteaKi" described in plaintiffs rom plaint upon the West Half (W.".,) of lot 10 m Aldrich Acrrase. in AVashiiifrton County, .State of Oregon, and barrniK and forecloMnjr nil of de fendants' interests in said real nronrr ty, anil decreeing plaintiff niortt"Kr to De a nrst lien thereon, and order in- laid real property to be sold on ex rcution to pay the .sums l.ereimilmvi mentioned. (c) For such other and further re lirf aa may seem to thr Court just and Dieet In thr premises. This summons is served upon you In publication thereof liy order of th Honorable Ceorfre H. Hairlry, .iH,. of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 13 day of June, ly'2, dirrcting that such publication be made In the Hillsboro Arus, a weekly news paper published iu Hillsboro, Washin)r ton County, Oregon, once each wrek for six consecutive weeks, the nrst pub licattun thereof bein on the ISIh day of June, 1922, and the last publication thereof being on the 27th day of July, 1922. WALTER 0. HAVES, Attorney for l'laintiff, I'uat f)ffice Address, 60S ConsolidHted Securities BiiildinK. Portland, Oregon sort, devejsnesl Notar i hrirtv turn, th.t the an Jcmgnni h is brrn duly roanrntrd b tlr bor entitled curt, a I srsutoi .I thr l ist W ii; and lestsimnt of s.tio vtes-r s-ed. and duly o,nliricd susb. Now, thercforr, ail prns hiiint ,'iaiios aa.nnst mu! rM-fc are hrrrbs notirti-d and ropurrd t prernt sjmr, Sitftthrr with penH-r Mrtbrr thrn-ttr, to the underlined at thr lw olkcr ol llre. Ms lear I'rtrrs. in thr Antrr can Nstiond limk ItiiUding. in llnl Nor, tirrgon, within six inontlu inHw .hr ltr hcrrof. thu alb dax of Junr, I '.I. ilr KM N HMiK.I. F.eutir of thr Ut Will and lesta uirnt of Mid ikvrstMsJ, llarr, Mc trar IVtrrs, Attorney: for I xrcutor. u, I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of thr SUte of Oregon for Washington Couutv. In the Mutter of the Estate of E. Hel ta thr County Court of thr Mite ut Oregon for Washington Coaaty. In thr VI liter of thr t-skite of Jsr)h M. Ilriuidcnbrrg, drcrard. Nti-e is hrrrby given, thr aa h roigiml AJiMiniMrator of thr rsljte f isaid dciT.rl, h.xs filesl in thr hc -utitlrtt court :.nd cjusr. Ins Anal ac-,-unt ami rrport aa nh and thr court has Axed and appointed the 10th day ot ult, I .'.', at the hour of la o'clock V M. of vinl d.ty, and thr court room f thr above rutitlcd eviurt in Hill4 Oreon, as thr timr and pUcr for raring .b.i,-stl.n. to thr find acrauttt i nd lor thr final settlement of said r tstr. IVatrxl this Mh das of Junr, lii H. F. M llVEIDEK. Adinitiistritor of said esttr. Il.irr, Mo Vlrar & I'rtrrs, Attorneys r Administrator. SUMMONS In tbr Circuit Court of the Slvte of Orrgon for Washington County. FrrU Kuprtrr. l'laintiff, s. tir-ine Mine Ruprtrr, IVfrndanl. To lirsine Mirir Ituprtrr, thr above namrd defendant: In the ivime of thr St.ite of Orrgon: You arr hrrrby notifird and required to appc.'r in thr above rutitlrd court i ml auswrr the complaint filed against mil iu thr abovr rntitlrtl c.uise, on or brforr Friday, thr 21st d.iv uf Julv I92i; and if you fail so lo appear and snswrr Said roiiiplaint, for want thrrr nf. thr llaintiff will apply to thr court for the rrlirf prayed for in his com plaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the uiarn.ige and inarrUgr contract now and hrretoforr existing between you and lUmtiff, upon thr grounds of Irsertion. This summons is served uiion you bv publa-ation thrrrof iu thr Hillsboro rgus, pursuant to order of thr Hon .irablr tiro. R. Higley, Judge of thi ibove entitled court made, rendered ind uVited iiHn this 6th day of June, 1922. and reiiiires you to answer said oinpl.iint on or before six weeks from thr djite of thr firs-t publication thereof, thr date of thr first publication thereof bring Junr Hth, 1922. and thr date of ,hr last publication therrof bring Julv 20th, 1922. H ire, McAirar A I'elerv Attorneys for llaintiff. Resident Attorneys Slate of Oregon, I'ost Office Addrrsa, Shutr Savings Hank Building. MilUhoru, .Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENI In thr County Court of thr Statr of Oregon tor Washington County. In thr M itter of the Estate of John .Meyer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that Ihe un drrsignrd Administrator of thr Es tate of said deceased, his filed in the iluive rntitlrd court and cause, his ft rial account and rrport as such, anil the court has fixed and appointed Ihe l'.th day of July, 1922, at thr hour of In o'clock A. M. of said day, and the court room of the above entitled court in Hillsboro, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said R nal account and for Ihe final settle nirnt of said estate. Hated this 15th div of June, 1922 FREDERICK C., Administrator of said estate. Hare, McAirar & I'rtrrs, Attorneys for Administrator. GUARDIANS SALE OF REAL ESTATE Votice is hereby .riven that imilrr and by virtue of an order of sale, duly made and .entered of record by the County Court of Washington County, Orrson, on June 13, 192 licensing me lo sell at private sale, the real estate Hereinafter dr scribed, belonging to lohn Allrnharh, an insane person, I will, from and lifter July 17, 1922, pro reed to sell, at prirafe sale, to the high est bidder for cash in hand nt time of sale, nil of the undivided one eighth In terest, of said John Allrnharh. of, in and fn nil 'he following hounded and described real property, situate jn the County of Washington, St.ite of Ore gon, to-wit: Cmnmrncing nt the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter nf Section l!. In T. 1 N. R. I W. Will. Meridian, ind running thence West 20.M rhs.; thrnce South It fit chs : thence East 00.50 chs.s thence North 00.21 chs : thence Fast 20.31 chs.; thence North U 39 chs. to the place of hreiiinlnv. also all the following described portion ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1 N. R. I of I. of t in Section 19, T W. Will. Mer. to-wit: Commencing where the County Road lending from West I'liion. Oregon, to roniand, Oregon, crosses the West one r said l.of 4, running thence South fo the Southwest corner nf said l.of : thence East on Ihe South lin nr said to point where said line crosses said County Road- thence Westerly along said County Road to the place of heginnin?. containing In nil 3.1 acres nf land. Itiils will be received bv me nf the law office of M It. Huron, in llilkh,...,. Orriron, or nt the resilience nf llenrv Stoffers, Jr., Hethanv. Oreiiin ami said sale will be subject to confirma tion by the county court of Wishing ton County, Oregon. Dated nt Hillsboro, Oregon, this I uric 11, 1922. filf.olAV AM.FXnAf'H, fiiinrdian of the nerson and esiut. "f .lohn Ailenbach. nn invine person. i. n. uuinp, Kesidrncp nml P. O ildress nt Hillsboro, Oregon. ! D. nump. Residence and !', Vddrcss nt Forest Grove, Oregon. Attorneys for Guardian. O For Sale - -Five ncrrs ilinrcl l.iml mar ScwcII st.Uion. ' V 'rojii no liiiiMiito-s; n liroffdcti to I met. Adtoininir ft ncn.u nrifl lioiisc niiirlit be li(iiio-lit. A Crfttidall, 803 Saornmonto Street, Portlund, Ore., or rail nn fr' Ewert, Sowoll, for furthor fnfnr- mation. 15-17 otur is hrrrby givra that thr untlrr sngnrsl has bs-rn duly appsnntrsl ad aiinistrstor of thr rststr of Mitihl J nr MiVomm k, drcrasrvL by aa or drr suadr and rntrrrsl in thr Coaaty 1'oiirt of Washington Count v, O re gvHv, on thr ith slay of Junr. IV l-.-J Now, thrreforr, all sriswt who kar t'Uitu agsinst s-tul rstatr arr hrrrby aotitfrd ind dirrctrsl to prrwiit uisr to sue at thr ktw rh.r l t- II. Toogvtr ia thr City of Hillsboro, trrgn, t gel her with thr proper mh krrs b in ix months trs.m the dtr hrrrol Dated Ihis Mb lias l Janr. I. '2 tirOKC.F. W. Met OK MICK. Administrator of tbr Est at r of Ma lildst Jane Vls-Cormick, IVcrasrsl. F. B Tongwr, Attornry at I jiw. Cum iiirrviil lluihling. IlitUboru. Orrgvn. NOTICE l liv IVrt lirrwri Stallion, Hugo No. US,1 saa all make the arason uf lu2S as follow : Monday an J Tuesday nt Fors-st (Jroe, MrN liter tiarn: Wrdnrstla v at Caaiii. Ih H's :irv, near Rojr; Thursday at Merrill a liani, at (ornclius; F rid. XV at Claud Cook'a farm at; Saturday at llillbi r tccd mm, Ihllshuru. I'arr will ht taken to trerrnt as-cidrnts, but will not hr rcsKns- iblc should any iKt ur. Merrill sV Clark. Owners. Frnrst Hrrr, Manaarr. IT KIRK FINK William C. Kirk and Marsrct I'. Kmk were unitrst in marriage at Vancouver. W ash . Jon. I?. I? Thr lritl- is well known here and thr Kroom is thr oidar i gn r on Ihr Pimlx r llilUK.r passcn ner scri-s anil Ks ln-rn with the Southern PaeifiV Company many sears. Thej will at res-iit mske their home at Timber. Their many friends anions tlw railroad solr on the Tillmok line extend coinratul itions, MALE HELP WANTED Thr Starr Fruit Co re (iiirrs thr sen iivi of a man to handle Ihe slc of their I'r. f. rr. .1 and Common St.nk issue in Ihis) territory. It is an investment that i should yield alMiut It) per t This is your oimrtumtv add siilvsl.xntiatlv to your income. I ' full psrtieurs address Thomas II. (rernr. rare Sttrr Fruit Pro duels Co.. F.axl First and Yamhill Stv, Portland. trr. FURTHER REDUCTIONS la Daily mnd Wcck-Ead Round Trip Fare To Portland By tbe Oregon Electric Railway From May So' to September 30. fares on Ihe Oregon F.lcetric Rail way from Hillsboro to Portland and return will tie in effect as show n below : $1.00, tickets on sale daily, rr tiirn limit October 31, with stop overs allowed at any mint in either dirt . tion. 8J rvnts, Wftk-rnd, tiekrls on sale Friday, Salurdty and Sun day, return limit Tuesday follow intf X sto-ovrrs. S3 cents, week end, tickets on sale Friday nud Saturday, return limit 15 days from date uf sale. Xo slop-overs. Round trip tickets at reduced fares on sde daily, return limit eighth day, to F.u. lie, Corvallis, Albany, Snleiu, W i.Kll.iirn. Forest firove and IlilUhom. (i. H. Russell, I S I 7 Kriit (. F.. Rv. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby jrivi-n the llllilirslL'iicd will not I.,. blc for any debts eonlraetrd by his wife, Clara F.. Hcrry, she hav ing left his tvt il and board without just cause or provocation, and all persons are warned to extend her no creiiit on Ins account. Frank . Hcrry. Cornelius. Ore., R. , Jnc J4. Hi 1M F.. C. Miillov, of Laurel, was irroctinir friends in town Ihr last of tin- week. II. A. Shaddrti, of near North North I'laiiis, ws n eitv ealli r the last of tin- week. F, I.. Brown, of near Laurel now liandliiiir Oregon. Life Insur ance, was in the rittr Satnrd.iv. ifrccliiit; his friends. (icorife Turner nml Minnie Stowcll. of Huxtoii, were united in marriage at Vancouver, Wash., June 15, I "22. Mrs. Win. Robb. nf North Hills boro. was operated on for nn lib 'loiiiiiial aKIictioii. l ist week, Dr. I'msmnre jn nttriidniiee. Suirvlla Corsetier Dron a enrd or Iclculione 884. and I will call at your home. Mra. M. E. canine, Hillsboro. 18-14 Marital Trouble Mtrtle U Fills, who married F-dwin FUis at F.vrrs-tt, Wash., in l0?. asks f.. a divorce on the grounds .( mi. ' and iuhuutan trratnnnt. Slu a Ibat the husband has io..b life so miserable that she can longer live with him. She want Ihe custody of three minor i lol drcn and apH srs to In- very m sonablr in her financial ib insn.ts praying for 30 per month for the support of self and children l.ula I'faff. whose husband is second ofKcrr on a strain tsnkrr plytiiK out of Fall River, Mass says that she wants a divorce from her better half, I'd ward She says that he refuses to n-rmit her to live at Fall Rivrr, so sh. can br near him when he is in port. She charges insane jral ousv and false aeeiisatioits, and nsks the eourt to jfivr hrr the eus tody of a minor child. John Ooolry, of near Hank, was a city caller Saturday. Jhi still keeps hi eve on Ihe liascbal news and hasn't fortfottt n the id.' days of rivalry betwern Green rille and Hillsboro, when John played against the county scaler In those days thr b.iv plsvrd bare handed and thr est. tier lha! didn't receive from the pitcher with only hi callous marks as r "mit" wasthou(ht a molly coddle Mut, a John says "Thrui lys i (iiine Forever." Mrs. Marjiarrt Mead Harnrs, ot Southern On gmi, rri rnl ib legal, to the F.astrrn Star annual gran, bulge in Portland, has been in tin city thr past week, a giust of hr. sisirr, Mrs. T. A. M.Court. She i a daughter of the late N. It. Mead former Hillsboro hotel mill. an. a sister of Van It. Mead, who rr sided at Orenco several years. Jus. Ritcbr), of Forest (irovc is siendiuK 'r weeks in tin Wrsliiii-Alhena country, for the bene lit of his health. The Wrston leader say that Kitehry is riiluip bin ling broncho and gelling toughciird up so tlial lie can ln l harvest in case he ((rts Work brit tie. Mr. and Mrs. 1). R. Wheeler, i Aloha, passed through town Mon day, enroutr to the Xrtarls, f.n an fitendcd period. Have took all thr shovels on the ranch along w ith him and expects to dig i lam and ciilcti crabs the major p.irt of his tunc. The bunking men and employes and families of thr county held n big? out nf doors picnic up at Meai Imm, Sunday, and a line lime is reported. The county as soclation was well represented. C. F. Horucckrr, of Leisyville, was a city caller Monday. FURNITURE ANNOUNCEMENT We have just purchased and are offering some real bargains in slightly used furniture but as good as new. Also marking down our new goods to correspond with pre sent declining prices. Come in and see our goods and get our prices. If we haven't what you wish we will order it for you. L G. Sslfridge 1132 Third St. HILLSBORO, ORE. (18-10) usaL Free Attraction Secured CKaAftTlC . siAMr or ocArri jj Arts y : ' 1 " " r --rT :Tx7, An-. : Js-As-.UasvX i ,..,... " ... , -. , i . . ' - . : ,:,. I-, e -4 ..'.- -.' ' , ... '.'-. ' ' . .i - - , . . . "... i;-ws.v4-i. , -as-A 1.'.. .'. . ! LI'..., ' " ."TZIlpZT 'S2.:ilJ,,.. The Fouitk of July Coenmilte luia accureJ TW TKirsi Great DsrKuKU in their Ci,anU and Stair-of-Oralh act a a special attiacttotv TKeir prof ram ia auenthina new in rrvolv U( acta, Holding their aodiente aprllbound by thir thrilliaf tuilibit tlunla. l.ittl, Mia. CWrt, on of lh youngrat floba roller in tha buaineu, ttoaa aom vsrry cUvvr woik, tut h at roo pint and top-haad mounting on the lohe. Ttwy appssanrd hera two years ago and havt Uii new featur to tha woi k. o STUDEBAKER builds mort u lindrr cars than any other manufacturer became Studebakrr build them better. We can show you 84 definite pointa of luperiority in the Special -Six over Studebaker'a nearest competitor. In timea of dose competition, merit wins. Today competition in automobiles is keener than it ever was, because people are ratn. I, rWas ( Pm$ Cmp (" ), J.'M. jssiaa. buying mort carefully than ever. St ude baker increaird its mIts 29o in 1921. tlvough the industry, as a whole, showed a falling off of nearly 45$. 1922. up to Msy 1st, shows a gain in StudrUker production of 14 J over the an period of 1921. Stude baker sales records trll their own story. Hie buying public haa declared forStudc baker aups riority. ). SI1S. K i Ma- (sfaat ). ff. W AM . a a. li-wJ- . la. I -i xfLIJQl Peterson Brothers Hillsboro Oregon fTMIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEARj i-, i.a -u . , -:r-', to Mr. nml Mrs. II. r (iirml i.f l, I .., ,i i . """'i. mi inr nilllll' of Mr. nml Mrs. N. . S, ,i,.,,, Jam li, nizii, n ,UKlt,.r. T,r lilllr lily Is a (jrnn.l.1,,1,1 f ,r nml Mrs. Sihiiil.l. R. I.. Tucker is rapidly ui,,MK to Clllllllll'liiill n ..i.l u III " '" i- iiiiiiii Inx close to (Junl,,, Trncls tifiiti 'i'i... .....ii . . . ' 'iiis nrc itiriiic of cr MMiit lilocks, anil th,. struct ii rrl win present a very liumlsiimr p pcurance. Mr. ami Mrs I,.- ii Clarkston, Wash., , rc in 1 .'iy alur,ny. Thry m-rr nccninp,,,; nil In IIiiiIi I, ..r v ..... . - " i nrcsi "vc, u l.rntlicr uf Mr,. I),.,,,,, Laa t '11. a ' -w- .r i.cuipscys arc vlsitinu rrlnl ..i f . i . " , i urrsi Irrnve, For Suli- t.'.l.l I. : i ...luallM wiiui nun, never uncd; Wf llt barK,ii nn have no unc for it. Never act up. .kih ior mimconc,. M .Sturm, Sr., Cornrliua, It. 2. ,0I1 and one half ,nirH HulU )f 1617 "nt from Melius. (Jri-cii II..I rortliuiil the nui ,. ii i i , wi ck, nun been li.tti,,K Al.l.-r Sprlnirs. , H h'"'T Iminc, I,,),, simp,, for iii "''T'lV , IIU J"'"' v. l, h. V. locomolive engineer, It now running ,, b,.. tween Portland n, Rowburi. ' Nev Feed Store Beavertoa Feed ti Produce Co. RELIABLE DEALERS FOR YOU Stock Feeds of all kinds, Poulry Feeds and .Supplies, Flour etc. Warehouse: Formerly Starch Building PhoM 25 Lina 24 BesverU. WE DELIVER '" " . Mr,. r. "Carl OUoh, fmploye,! nt the AI- Hon., I.. M ().. J"f l' ii A Irs land Ntore, brokt- one of Nnuxlit. ' 11,11 H Alltf l Ui IhwtH tin-other day, while MI, ll22, " ' ,)ie Er t riuikliix H t ar, Dr. Diniinorc re- er U t iul"J wl ilii.-cil tl. f... rimi..