The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 22, 1922, Image 1

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Bo. 11
u P. CJy. ol Third Str-t,
JUJ Dirrtlo for Ifctee V.a
loiter of BuHrtM DbU ol Two Wm Dinuaard
ilv hmidr.d
irna.a '","M,, '"'"' "l
H.IUt-r.. Il.uh.f-r l..UHt N...
U( lh. M. t Cad. ..I
ThirJ l .u,l,a """ "
i... i..r a Unit ! three r
vi. .! t.itiw, I 44 ' ami
- .. . .ii.... r.. . it i1 37. I hi
ill. il.. .. I.-h.I board. ln two M il
I.. Uiiitf t hitiriiiitn
lur hi.
y, (U.. .. W.IU n.l U. I.
Tn - ,
r'.(tlii lluwm.'iil. niCal rali
,.f llo .l.r Villon
VI. II. rut II ili'l llllllllt t
'ttt another trrni.
n . r .if lliurr l hut.
I 111-
.. ili ui il. ami
Jc.i.l.d ll,c l'' ,u' ''
u... K.II..I ul the 1 1. mum liiiili: I
ui r tint; Tin" prupol i tu !'
.1 ...i...... a i linlirt In Volt' Ve
. .. mi lit- iuitru tt.Mi of a unit
ff a.l.lttiuiial romiia, tin
.i.. inn- '. be Ixi'lt f cum n it
,.J ,r It healed (rum thr main
.i.... i..... '1'lir Hint il lit t nl
iMuiiit ?Mo. ' built, nml tl"
i l. I.. I if nit I with taati.ui
,wftft i . - lV butl.liil ill hi.
Thr nult. r f tranrlat.Mi uf
nuliili- ntuiti-hl will ln I1
uUrrd mi tin ballot nml tin I'm
grt mil Im- prtpurnl a to l
prar in I he Iur of tin new a
Tbr ili'Uii I I now n iitinif out
Jr room., nml It l liiiiH-mtivr
that Winn lliililt br done t combat
the niimrliiin. Tlif irtininl 'f
Inote (it oritur tin unit Vtrnt l
that tlic tli'trlrl r luill !
Mum uiul hrrtlril, mtl tl
krrni.lll n lura llliliviiliinl r-
prsililurr. Artliitrrt rniv tlmt
. ii . .n
urn mil h' iimir. ntiil rrrr inmii
krrjnl f..r rnmf.irt Mill iilntllt
Hm. I'ulli U, uf I orrnt t.ruvr,
ii in ihf iity Tut ly.
Jwliu II. rillnii, of botr
HltHiuuiiK, in U. ,.,ty y,,,.r
Mr anil Mr. II. VV. Itnr ill
(.uli.l luril.iy fur uit t.tnuliil
lay at SiaiJt.
lur SjU- t- uUtil
llillki la. Kulit. I li.Mllli.oii. I,j
null mrtli u( ( i Jar Mill. in
Nltk Siliiiinll. uf m ar Slu III. ii
ill toMu lut ild). lie rtiurt
iiiui Ii luiy iluwn out lua ty.
Mit Hi It ii Hit lull rrturuttl
tln ttctk from lliv I of
tiiiii.lili iuiii,it kit fur
)unr lat atluu, alt t Aut .Strop
l!aui. 11.00. ( orwiii ll.inlwari .
IliiX SnuiiU M.
Mi., iKin.lliy Yh1. of (irt ot
1 alU, Montana, arrotj SuiuU)
In Miul Hit: kuiiiim r with lur un
r Muaical Orguiiiationa
Lin For Fourth of July
Je..e Crandall. countT clerk ofUCDDCDT IIIICI I CIICC
H.rd n county, MouUn.. .rrlred 1 tllDttl I UUtli ijlltO
ami will remain until after the
Fourth with liia pannU, Juilgr
ml lvh R f!raluti.ll Iv.u It ii
junt move red from tK. ...u-,! . p.-,1- ftt BfH""1 A-
ait alar I . f.t at
hei:ry mmm
tadwd Hua Without Warning
frver. trouble that ia not infre-
(iiient in the inter-mountain ace
m a. aeverai rrn aso. ana me
MtMinnvilIe Elk Band. HilUbo-of tne littlt; "Re bnuh pet
. a. . ... It I a 1 1. 1 ...uL t Iff '
M Mi llavtt Kn.Ml kV .f jl nMIM I llUlt uiaicu linn wiin IKUftOn. lie
" ' I I 1 1
wai mill up lor aevernl week ami
Thr I oiirtli of July coiiimittee Iik '" ritlermla urrlrd off like the Herbert B. Buell, of above Foreat
J It I . a? a t a ff I a a I.
iMinpv pruuraiii for the biit 0r" on ,ro" olllcn lree Ile Urove, na aued Henry carnnarai,
four .lav. of .-. I. I.r.ti.o. wl.i,., now mrndinK rapidly and ia ha-1 former employe, in circuit
will opt n in July 1 and l,,e iime ot ite' KrreUnu court, aaking that he be awarded
("low on tin ri'i-liiiiir iif Julv
in boynooa inrnaa. i. verdict for C10.1S0.
Thr Smith HaKll" Bd ' Mr. and W". J. II. Kroejtrr audi Hia complaint apedfies the
nifilii lit t ii M i lirril. and t lia in it . nnir ilrra. Marvuprite anil Wil- amounta atkea aa IOHOWI riTe
If i ail attrfit'liiiii lliut iiliau-a.l li.tmiiiA ilnrt this wi-lc In Ithouaand dollar damarea for
r tl..-"Iful, In ' arr n.t ti.n.lrrJ ,,., irin in Wl.rHnka Thp beatinir him about head with
ill tin ir iiartit-ul
lr, t han. .Vwill, and family.
Knot li Jolui Hut hall, of M
Miirv , mar Ktaitrtuii, tiled la.l
I riil it. lie l aurvivt d by a id
o .
And Aalu TbaU Doctor and Hoa-
pital Bill be Allowed at ?izn.w
The HoUli in ( lull ia in rrrript of
thr f.illott inu int ilnlimi :
imi arr ctirilinllv iiivitrd to
join villi tin- Miiltiiiiiiiah County
HiiUtritt ('little ('lull in lllrir an
Mai tuur and pli nic to ri-lrhratr
SUliliolii- l!i Hi- .Inliaiina. Nit.
HS677,' On koh'ii t'lmiiipiiin row,!
nu ,v . (J. Mulliiihoff.
Cirrthaiii. Ori'ifiin.
Mrrl at thr loinilv nurnt'a of
ait at 10 a. in. nhnrp, Snturdriv,
June Hi.
Will t int m vi nl farina nml ar
ri t llir II. (i. Mullriihoff
fnM Kt I .1 . i . i . I .
i in hi i ii hi . u iiirt iiitiiii mil
aeriml prow ram mill lie htld.
Brunt v ,11 till. .1 liim li liatki t
till Imvr a rrnl tiinn. -
S. It. Hall, Si crrlnrv."
Mi Slisi.. Klin-Linn U nil, nil-
' Siimnii r S hou at Monmouth.
Country home for rent, by th
ninth, mar loan. Aililrix Htli
irt M., llilUlmro, Orr. i'hoii
iaoS. U IU
Mr. and Mr. ktliiitlli llumk
and i lulil, ul rurllaiid. wi re out
to tin- old hoiiir to mii .SiiiiiUv ami
i ii jo) nl an outintf at llalca.
Jolui .Millrr. ul I'ortland. tin
oliltiuii- nouil wiirki r in llilUhoro
10 vrara ttio. a III thr fit V the
lirt uf llir wctk.
Mix 1 lurt lur Ijikr. ilnuithtt I
f Mr. mill Mr. II. i. I.nkr, itrml
ualril Iruiil the I In "oil Matr Nor
Hint nl Monmouth, thia month.
1 or falt I ivc bimhI rulunlf a
uf lit, fl lur awarni.--J. It. Mr
Niw. fuliild ion, lluitnii,
Orr., 1'. (). IS 17
M. I). I'ohl. ( I-niii' rnuiitv
and Mihlrtil ItopiHr, of Shrr
too,, It, , Mt-rr uiiilnl in mnrri
nut- Jmif IK. II'SS. Ilcv. Wintrr
kanip utlirinlinK
Tor Snlr- Tine little laildl
ihiiiv : nlrni ui nl it- ami irukiworinv
to drivr in Imht vi hit Ir. W. V.
! row n, li'.'i! lUilrond St.. ItiH-
l.uro. I81H
Waiitid !'prrirnrrd girl fur
lit in ml lutuM-wurk, on farm.
I -'oiid of rhihlrtn. Mr. Jamta
Unlthildrr, IlilliUuro, OriKon.
R. I.
Mr. and Mr. F.tUin M(iran
and Mr. and Mm. Karl Millrr and
fftiiiilit-, of Portland, wrrr wnk
rnd mt of Mr. and Mr. Tlu
Curiii liui. of auuth of town.
Mr. and Mr.. Gail W. WelU, of
V-.tit.rrir. Hunt Sunday in thr
t ilt and utartrd Monday morniiiH
for I'n.itic City, hrie Mm. Well
w nlir a abort vacition.
V... Snlr Shrnherd pup, 4
month old; junt right age for
ktork training out tr fine cniur
an.l wntoh dog.-C. W. Hergrrt,
lllllhhoro, Ore, R. 2;
Phonr 6R4S. a
Mr. M. 11. Hump and iliililrrn
i...... I...... vihitimr with Mrn.
II III v " itf
ltiiiup'a parvuli, Mr. and Mm. A.
Soutlu r. at Silvrrton, for r.ovrral
ft. II I- ...I...W U'illl till
wrrki. iM. ! ia " "
rrlrttivr-i it Forrst flrove d iri'i
llu lr ahariice.
ii- iniiini . n- .ni.i mantr tn motor trip to .icuriiii. a u I
lnir PrUuIr kiml of uiu-ir. will jto over the Montana route hmmer; physician's and hospital
Tilt KtatM llMIIlt l.f !tll tli(-li I avtl.1 rr.laTa ! ilia WllllU uliltla Na- bill. II 20.00: punitive damage.
from MrMiiuivillr, will atni-it tin tional Park, making the trip by ' the aum of $8,000.
IlilUlioro Mllllnrv liinul ami ailil L.v kliiira Tiirv will vihil wi iii I The trouble took place this
...I in il.;. u il... r;r.. ....I t ,.,... I...i:..-. . i ..i r:,.n.i .ISnrina at the Deuell barn, when
am .... n.... ..-.... I IHUllll . ....ft..f ... "" I r. .
rorpa of the (i. A. It. McMimi land, a brotlier of Mr. Kroeger, the two had an alteration of aome
villr will furnihh many allcndant John, reaiding at the latter place, kind. Uenell went to the noapit-
... .1 I 1 it I ..... !.',. I ii . . ... 1 . . . ill I il f,i, l.ilmnl fnv nrni.mll iknnl
t inr rrir oration, ruin tuc r.ia" I 1 nc V eaprrt to oc auacnt uiui. i -"-"
will l.r do n in iiumbtra to Lac kLliout Srntcmhrr 1 and will have the head, and Barnhardt took to
tut llii'ir Ii it ittiik.ii-til ikrifntiivnl inn I lJr lima trari.tkinir Inner ihrlthe woods and a few day later
1" ...... ..... - - - - ft.K ... W W....'...K . u -. - V
. I ' ' .--
I rir ultrai tiom arc m-curt-d in
iiuiiibrri anil il l- triplr p irr.i Imti
drop July 2, 3 and 4 from thr
arui t l.ttlliion in thr Wmt, will
lraw m nt It attt-htion. The l)r-
Kolili, with tht-ir nUbc rolling
frat. are imuular favoriti-a and
their program of the past i ac
rrtituatrd by the a))piariu'e of
(In- jounut st performer on record.
On Sunday, the pionrera of
three roimtira, WnHliiiigton, Mult
iiuiiiuli and Yamhill, will meet at
thr auditorium in annual st-aaion.
The giant Krtria wheel and thr
htrnm mi-rrygo-round w ill he on
hand to entertain the youngitrr
and there w ill he ahow I galorr
Beginning with June Monday,
the hunriae was timed at 4:23 and
kuiiM-t wai timed at 7:40. Thr
same time wai achedulrd for yes
terday and today. Tomorrow
the aun riiei a minute later, but
u ts at the tame time June 22,
tin, day, la alwayi quoted aa the
"lonneat day In the year," but
waa found in a barn, with his
throat mangled as though cut on
a barbed wire fence. Deuell al-
leirea that Barnhardt attacked
him with the hammer without
warning. Barnhardt'a aide of the
atory remain to be heard as he
has been taciturn about the case.
He was brouitht to the Smith Hos
pital for treatment when found
by Sheriff Alexander, and up-
C. B. 00 CHAM tk 60.
Grain. Feed, Flour
Hay and Potatoes
Beaver Brand Feeds
Telephone SU and 11
Branches-Conieliua, North Plains, Mcl-IiattYuU
. i . i t 1 - . : . .. I .
,, I. noi N in wrcKon a iii iu uu. . nCQ ,te MTenou,l-
l ytw low ine aunn.e ioaa, MeA1(lr h ttn mn
w as six minutes later and the sun- , f .,
set six minuUs after the Oregon left Smlh Ho,
,un,et- : pltal June 0, after about 40 days
Fire-proof paint on your roof 0f treatment, he harlna? been in a
I. . ... nw.nlii Tlllkl . Kl!ll It. 1-l I I J
id thrrr will be ahows galorr. r ' " - i urj pugm iro.u u.c wn vi iiwi,
... i .i.. u ,i.... u;ii i. . Wit. has been demonstrated in various and injuries thous-ht at that time
WIlaFUtJ m t. run w an aa
Umette Valh y hall gamr, and on fire. Hve your roof painted to have largely been self-inflicted.
Monday two Wahhingt.m county now, before the dry season aa-
league tram will contend for the vancca too far. See me for par- H0LSTE1N PICNIC TOUR
honor of playing the IlilUboro tlculars. e can acu you p..
.... . H...I.H.I v.i.i ran naint it VOuriell. oriti--t.! . r t i
rrgulara. 1 lie winners oi mr r i it bkiiiiikioii county 007s anu
game will play Hillhhoro July 4, we will contract to put on the GirU. Ca,f club memDerii wen
. 1.- I- ISO paint for you. A great fire and ijTe,4OCv breeders attended
ft..vr.-v. - . j,. I I - - - - ----7
On the Fourth the big civic pa- weaincr prooi pau.v. t. the annual tour and picnic of the
radc will form at B :30, with M. P. sell, 124U Baacline St., HiUabora Waahlngton County Holstein
Cad in charire. Three bands will Telephone 2461. Breeders' Club, June 18. The
rno'rt thr caravan to the grounds.! Mr mnj Mrs. C. F. Lard and crowd assembled at the J. F. Peer
11. u ill I... a Co.l.leiH of Libcr-I .unj p.irti.n.1 r a-neital mboom farm. Roy. at 10 a. m.. to
. . ... - - , viilturcn, v. v" I - - r i -
ty, deioratrd autouiobilts, comic s,mj&y Bt the Mrs. JosephmeMnspeCT we nera 01 war. cows ai
....1.;..-. 1.1. vi.o iH HoaU. iratcrnai r... i..... r f i at nrr-aent that niace. An illustration 01 noi-
II I l- a- I ' 1 - a V laSt; IUUIi V - f- I
hhowings indu-trial features, and uring employed as lineman for htcln type waa given here, using
the "Uovs In Blue" will be in the p,cje states Telephone Co., Mr. Peerenboom'a splendid cows
motor vehicle witn i"c , Portland, and for the time be- ior mat purpose.
i.-.r.. .n.l Drum corns. 1 1 1... .....iron tin. rnmnaainirl The next stop was at the Chas
Tl... rarn nroirrain will be one) .. officea. Chas. Herb dairy farm. Mr. Herb's
..t ii.m .n.l. ii.. features of the 1 1. .1 M. Tm of three sons are members of the
Ul ll.V . , .l IOC MIUl V.V ..Vft. -' I , , -
.1. ...m. ....I trlrla I .. . i. . i- .u. ik. Kinlt Pair Hia r.Irlrr inn.
rourin, wHii uvj n i0m ana says u is easy so nu : '
1.1 . .. 1 ....1.. ... . . nenrr. won ine surer irouuv cuo
er met. 'ast year' wnicn was offered by
. ilr ir- ik. r....iii. the Washington County Holstein
A. W. King, of the Mercantile " .. ... . ...
Market, has just received a letter '"V
. .V .... . 1 i x itcd by a boy or girl club member
trom ma parenis. Other stops during the day
t. Mug, 01 viacaaiuoa tou.njr,) . . .. r
At the Can of the CanptroQar timf S, 153
$141,818 7 Capital
1.8t7.2 Surplus
Banking House.. 10,780.00 ProfiU
races, tatching the greased pig,
nic-eating contests, and every
thing that goes to make up con
tests of interest.
Tl. pniari at the auditorium
il. forenoon of the fourth
will he featured with an aililrcas
by Dr. L. W. Hyde, for the paal
year the Commander 01 uic apai
ihh War rterans, Dept. of Oregon.
I irrworks, day and night, onM w,u,re Mf KinR had
rtU u ill be biirirer ami bct- . . , .. ti, will
tcr than ever and the committee
taa 1 I a .1 aan
anurcs the public uiai a rentr..
of the beat efforts of three years
..... u. HI l.r ataired.
From all parts of the county
comes the word of a big attend
...l those in chnrgc look
for a record breaking crowd.
for Washing-
1IIC ,,.oi.vV -
Vamiiiii ana jiiiiuiuu
. 10.., .
Um.ntlra w be held nv e
If .. i .'' iwiv . uk or even a few dvl
jw warn 10 aJ nit rt 1 - ,
Wl have your holiday .poiled by WORRY over the valua
Me you left at home.
Put th. ... f.t. n.nart Vaulti. Then they will be
- aaa wa ian "r
and you will be free from anxiety and Ion.
You can rent a Safety Depoait Box for $2.00 per year.
We will welcome you.
uliu h re now visitlnir in London
Thry have Deen attending the big
Englihh Derby. 'Mr. and Mrs.
ktiiur w-rnt to EniUnd last Win
ter and from there to the Isle of
a bg
..vui.. 1. ft him. They will return
to Oregon some time during the
1 s Robinson hat none to
Southern Oreiroii. where he and liia son. are working a
L,in. .1. A. White, of the pool
hall, will leave thia week and join
them, he bring Interested with thr
Robinsons. The boys think they
h.vii aomethina worth while In
their new venture.
For Sale, or will trade 00-lb.
mam. 1 vears. $tS : 800-lb. horse,
iual" .. ' mm. Kir, Uln tn ride
torium In Shute Park. uaay, - .. ' , colt , 16.H.
July 2, as an all-day af air. up- Rank R 8. in Ar.
plementcd by a ." "" ..., district, on Pumpkin
There will be a prKram ... ..v 16.17
auditorium, or out. de. just as the "'-Re. . e
,,. wiHi,, All p oncers anui 011.. .
pioneers wish. . ,. ,. .iial his prune trees are la-
their families nave a e..r.. .... r - .
tation to be in attendance. . - . ,
11 aasemhle at the corner 01 crop. ij r - -Ld
and Wa-hington streets nuts this season and put ou prune
p 1 .1 M nMil fi 11- I t rir nil the same tract, intermix-
Sr.wm hi Uicre t convey ing alternate. John
them to the grounds. Any pw- v . r
son who has been a resident of planting. . ..
Oregon fo' ,s eliib,e W.nted-41550 on a first mort-
vriK"" .' ti niiA nMiwrtt. State
membership in tne pioneer gage on iw-j r -5 ---
. , .1.1. .kiU. nr irrand-li..t.... Jn red and length of
atlon, ann incir viiuu. r--- imum
children who have reached the Ume on principal. AddreM, Box
viuiti" ji I .,., 1 1A-1S
HO voars mav BISO . out. 4 , nuisuoru. "
a i..i.vpatlnir Droirram Is In n Thnrsdav afternoon, June
embryo and will be given the 2g the Soclni Club of the Eastern
Dress In the next issue. inr w,u noiu a rewiuun m
" .11 t. frpp hvl t n V.. nf VfaMn.
Coffee win c t",u . 1 or Mrs. j. u. '"' Vi
1 1 .m lire 011 reuiiiuH .,r nome 01 jun, m. i
101 in - 1 11. . , , ...
Stevenson, at 2:80 ocloca. ah
n.itntVk(Vra fit the Star are invited
a" 1 I HltllllVin
afTPNTION. PYTHIANS irt attend.
rtt . 1-.. -, - 1 ...
. : I .. el- lann.lti. hnrae. nar-
The Pythians will decide i ncsg and light wagon; also Ford
1 i.u j ..... . 1 ftlnnj.l ... 1 T.huIm nf
Monday nigm me u.uc r- - car acnvery it.v.
11 J . ,1. (..11,. nnlnf . T t... r H.vrr-
if the nnnual picnic ir ueaVenon "-i -'"
. i. PvthUn Sisters lodge.! . n. 1B-17
nn .l.r ...u j. .11... ftaw.
... ... . nt,,ctWl tn be I Ti .
All rythtana aro rcH'"- I n H. BOge, 01 rnrminniuii, t.o
present next Monday evening, for tn frends in the city Mon
thcre will be work In two rank
and refreshments win oe aer,.
. $ 2S,0t.t
Other Real Estate 8,850.00 Circulation St.000.C0
Stock in Federal DepoaiU OOStOJl
Reserve Bank. 2,280.00
U. S. Bonds 20l,77.02
Cash due from
Banks 1SM2I.88
The Roll of Honor Baak"
3 and 4 per coat Iotareat Paid on Time
Directors J. A. Thorabargh, John E. Bailey, W. W. MeSl
downey and S. O. Hughes
in I
tens. Frank Herb. J. P. Vandecoe
vcring, Albert Evers, Wm. Mar
tin and Connell Bros. At th
Frank Herb farm four of Mr.
Herb'i children exhibited calves
which will be entered in the Boys'
and Girls' Calf Club contests at
the Ranks Hoar and Dairy Show
thia Sentember.
A stock 1 udrinff contest, and il
lustrations of Holstein type were
held at the Peerenboom and Van-
decoeverinar herds.
The picnic dinner was served
at the stock pavilion of the Banks
Hog and Dairy Show. Uotfee anil
len rrram were supplied by the
Banks Commercial Club, and ar
rangements were made by that
nrtraniaation for the excellent ser
vice given by Camp Fire Girls, of
Banks. Manv short talks were
given following the noon lunch
eon. Anions- the speakers were
A O. Wahl. President of the
Banks Commercial Club;W. N
Hathnrn. President of the Hol
stein Club; J. F. Gardner, of the
Wlll.Wo National Bank: K. U
Stewart, of the Oregon .Journal,
and S. B. Hall, a breeder of Mult
nomah county. S. C. Inkley was
marshal of the day.
Weeldy Special:-
A Powder Puff given away
FREE with each Purchase of
Talcum Powder at 25c.
mi ...111 Hip last big meeting o." - atk. n.
1"" "I . 111.- .e ih. warm cow. . w.
until alter w
Found Stray black and white
i, ore
The Pacific Coast Rescue and Pro-
tir4ive Societv kindly asks its
friends to remember the girls
mothers and babies when canning
The society, on an average, pro
vides for fifty girls, seventy-five
babies and a staff of thirty-five
workers and attendants daily In
the Louise Home and Albertina
Kerr Nursery Home. These un
fnri.tnat. srirla and babies come
from almost every county in the
.!.! Ariv one wishinsT to donate
canned fruit and vegetables
n.aan rnmmnnicate with the gen
' . . ft ft. .
eral office, IBS vumsiae oireei, an that lars may be
shipped prepaid. The society will
also pay the freight charges tor
their retain.
W. 0. MacLaren, Genl. Supt.
Delta Drue
Watch for Next Special
Always Here to Give Scrvto '
Main Street Hilhboro, Oro.
j season.