CARD OF THANKS it nr jcveryooe us ji aranig About Our Big Unloading Sale Not alone of the unusual event of mvu.(, but of the really rtenaihable value that we or of ferine m kick quality snorchandise that U in present deinand. Na leta renterludde or t won derful styles and material that Ml every daartawat and ar of farad at Mich groat reduction mm price that you cam at lord to nuaa thia great saving opportunity. It it a cadi aala and ev ary inducement U of farad you to buy your Mimmar need now. Wa bava too nvwch stock, and If you mo the bar- i NOW. you need tka good. Tka price U lowar tkaa youH ever tee thia game, you'll do a other are dome buymt, their aatira CE SURE TO SEE OUR DISPLAYS A Few of the Regular Value Of feted. No tiring attacked. Jutt for yourself. in tka Store and tea ISO YARDS SEWING THREAD White or black. All you want and no limit made .,,., FANCY WASH CLOTHS t)f heavy TurhUh cloth and in fancy color all vmh want . CRETONNES ...,4c In pretty pattern. Whv not brighten up your home, and at liardly any r x pensc, yard , , 12c PERCALES Litfht or dark attcrnv You'll really Itr- licve it' true when you the H-r-cale here at thi exceptional price, yd. 8c LAWNS AND BATISTE In trif and figure. Pretty pattern and will make up wonderfully, jard-7c CURTAIN SCRIM All you want, and at a price you'll take all yon can jret, rr yr.i :.. .,. ,in ,. 7 9-4 BLEACHED SHEETING You'll nerd thii niatrrial, and you'll nee-' rr have llir good luck to huy it at thi low price again thi aummer, ard47c JERSEY JACKETS In red, green, tan, brown, blur, navy and only $3dtS COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES . There are "a few more of throe remarkable bargain for you to k ... .... (XC3 CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS ' AND ROMPERS At t lil rire you ahoold huy yonr en tire aummer uccd - , 37e - ... . ... . . . 3 foe $U BOYS' AND GIRLS' STRAW HATS Atl hapva and Ue. Trimmed and plain. A value you seldom ace .... 23c MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS The bigge! bargain in traw you rvrr uw , . . 12c WOMEN'S TRIMMED HATS In our li lot and hat you ran't npial at twice the price. . . . . ,. $1.59 CHILDREN'S BAREFOOT SANDALS T!ire are in all Ur from S to t 98c WOMEN'S DRESS OXFORDS and PUMPS A value that you rant mi ..,$2.47 WOMEN'S WHITE OXFORDS AND PUMPS Time for white footwear, ami the are ' priced low you'll not pa them by oly .S1.9S ' HART, SCHAFFNER A MARX Spring and Stammer Suit Oaly about half the lot Irft. We vr vou from J. to l! 00 on every uit. $3l00 Vc Do Espert Hcstitchinfj All Herrutitcking, 10c yard 10 par cant ducount on all ordert over $1.00 LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT PAR. EGGS SAME AS CASH . MEN'S NEW PANAMAS . AND STRAWS $zsoUp ' f r-Mm)) rWea2.gfr.tfHP- XSi-O VA jf'h VJSV JftjY ll2wehheibae.CeiJ Your aatiafaction with a car depend upon your satisfaction with iu perforntance, appearance, economy, comfort and price. These are the vital point. And" you must ; get tatisaction in each one if you ara to be satisfied with your car at a whole. Consider the LrCffT-SiX from this angle. It it essentially the tame car at it was when introduced, k wat right before it wat offered. And it hat mad food in the service ol thousand! and thou tandtof owners. It it dependable, ha L-head motor it powerful, flexible and freer from vibration than any car at anywhere near its price. Itt graceful lines areenhancedby a letting finish. Cowl parking lights) and the cowl ventilator not only add to itt good look but are nec essary for complete aatisfaction. wm rwt of lixuruKi la UClf-lHii.ral)u2U The IJCHTIX standi up in tervice with 4 minimum of repair eipense. This, with low) fuel consumption, meant satisfactory economy. We never heard of a LlCHT-SlX that wat not comfortable to ride in. And the price, $1045 f. o.b. factory, it out of proportion to itt value. Thii prica includei the thief-proof transmission lock which reducet the rata of theft insurance to the owner 15 to 20 per cent; large plata glass window in one-piec rear curtain, inside and outside door handlet and other refinements. And you get the priceless in gredientprestige and high standing of the' maker who for 70 yeara hae been building quality vehicle! and telling them at fair prices. ItMMMlillioll kxR rearlag, $t04Bi 3 Pammn,jn AoeeWar, $i04S, Caae-iteaaVtar, $l3Ut Stdm, $1780. AHpH f. e. e. attoiy. ... PETERSON BROTHERS Hillsboro Ore-. on J W't! drire to triwlrr our heart frit 'thank to atl wliu kimllv a i ltrd during our l-ereavrmrnt. the illiir. death aitel obeiiie of ithe huobaud ami f .llur. the lit William kahle. . Mr. KlitaUlh Win. halite it , AufTUvt halite, lli nr kjdih'. ShetRiu. M.1V IT, Kalih' Mr. ami Mr. Juliu S Ikh h In-ru, of North I'lain, were in the eity Sunday t vriuinj, l or Salt - llorw . youiiK row and ealf.- Ja. Itobh, l'orrt tirove. Ore., It. t. ri.oiie oH7. Near .HhelHtn t iIm.ii. 1 1 IS , (ieo. A. While, ran.litlitte for Kovernor, Mike o a K'hmI rrol at the eourt houe Sturdy rve nlnir. Ilal Taylor a a u f'.at Hairy Sunday and e4U(lit tle limit - and imidrntally Hal I a r tty K""4' liei(thbor ill gilriii( 'Hlll'. For Sale f'Jevin Slirhrrd U. Kdward Walter, llilll ro, Oregon, K. S. Old (itm roe. 10 1 1 Frank Johnoii, of llw- Si ' ke liue, ahove MoMiitainiLili', wa Krrrtiii friend in IMMmro the lat of I lie uerk. llcniktititiiiiK, cent! bultou eovrriiiK, ete. Mary lloltrViK'l, US l lflli St., l urr.t (irovr. T I .,.iie ttaXX. Bit Hiu Mitrhrll, of the Oreill Nurery Co., wa up from Orm ro, Monday, on iiimi ot tlu riiurt hmue. For Sate-Two hore I'urrku Milato planter in A I lmie. A. Irj(ttlii. Wrliilrll ati. Iieyonil end of Kat Ouk St.. M.ll-ir... I'rlrjill.ine SINS. Il l) Henry ISrtkrr, who IhihicIiI tl e I'red Sehomhurg laee, near Mountaiiidale, a few year K', wa in the city Sutur.liy and rati nl on the mIikIou wetktv. j t'ked Overland maehiiie aud Oakland for ae. Sr your owu irle and if it i will. In rentou the ear are jour. D. Com in State, 1 1)3 See.oii.1 St W'anteil StmV to, jalure; I'll hty of Kr, and ruiiiiiiiH wat-' irt one of the bel atiire in the alley .K. K. I.yone, It. f, Yamhill, Oreeou. II If John Mei hen and II Inn. I Hor-j iieeker were Junior Weekend, ttnet of the IMUlH.r.t miv ati Delta Kappa houe, O. A. V.J Corvalli. , j Mr, and Mr. Vintv Itloyd will leave tlit week for Coipiille, In' tlie I or llav niiiiitrv. where ,,Vounif Itloyd wdl try ran. Mux I heir ae i live mile from Co jii.ltv". t.n the Paeille Hlehway te lwe u that rity and Marhlti Id. Mother' Jlay viltnr at the home of Mr. O. KiUou and her liitit(lit r, Mr. Kdtia ltui ll, were Mr. and Mr. Kohrrt IM linnlirr. of Foret tirove; Mr. F.rnekt Kroner and .m. and Mr. and Mr, (iiiv K.U.m. of INirlland. For Sale-'Ti-nm; mare, 7 year; hore,, 10 year; w right 9850; truaranlerd to work imkU' or double. Al. hnrne nnd at:,. imh wagon. Steve Yurkoviifi, ltilllioro, Onuon. Route , II, u 101). M 3 The U mouth old ih of Mr. and Mr. Clareure New died in Portland, May IS, and tin' re main were brut here for burial, the funeral ttkin( place Tin d.iy morning, intrrment directed by (Jen. J. I.i The parent re". lde on (hirihaldi Avenue, North ItilUlMiro, Iirne I'nlmnteer drove down from Pendleton the lat of the week nnd wa lite Kurt of hi mother and nUler, at the F. (i. Mitchell 'home, on Main direct. Hi; naii! he had no trouble in driv 'r d'wn from the I'mntilln cap ital aud made the trip between 8 in the morning and S in the after-noun. Very Smart Styks of the Newest Apron Dresses Everyone at a Special Price 90c. to 02.95 Pretty Attertment of French Gingham -Dresses for $4.98 Dainty Wool Sport Sweaters In ei Cohn $2.40 to 04.00 Gear's Woman' & Shop umImv Ralph L .-WiHfrra Kirca Orientab Whib Hiir-drcda cf Es5c3rsc Men Need Work Preddtst cf Dbld Vct' Azxuy Scores Willitrs Mr, (.core I William, preiddeat of the Disabled Veteran' Aiuilnrv. adJrrt4 kitft lo Ralph I'.. William. Republican National Committeeman, lal Thur.ti'. .Irmsn.linf sa r p!anation a to why he employ Oriental labor In hi hop yard at a time when mnj erwr vice men arc joblea. v , William I one of the targeat bop dealer In Oreftw. Mr. Williatn' letter follow: DISABLED VETRIANS Al'JII.IAIlY Mr. Ita1di K. W illiam. - PortUnd. Or. . Mav U, 117 Hoard of Taade Ftuildmit, Portland, Oregon. Hear Sirs Poitive evidence having eomr to my knowlede that v.m Onentd W iMir in your hop yard, while hundred of unemployed aar veteran ami . U.rr .Urriraa o sen arr vainly .rekin work, I have felt it my duty a prridrnt of the Hial.rJ Vrtrna' Auxiliary to lit.piire your re a on for thia atli-tude. font rolling. you do. the tok in several hanks and rank in a. .m. thy uw n, there. would apN.-ar to be no financial reason, why you should tint einiir it a re ms- nine- wKe your leiiow American eilUen who arrd work tu upHH I IIh iiim Ih anJ aepradrtls ami t mill- mi i.nrnini laiMir. ei- prititf party One feature that ha imprced itelf forcibly hihin ray attention L the f.i l.ltkf ample act by you I. one that may influence esaptoyrra. You are not merrlr a pri citlarn. lou are the Republican National Coronal. a.l Mil I'll I III til 4il of Ike m ortfaniaation in th elate and you, therefore, owe it to the Republican .f reK..M to f uraidi If yonr ow n conduct a correct example for other employer to follow. I have a rW.I prejsd aKaiut Oriental. I .imply feel that the ttnetanloyneat problem in.T the arnmtiee Ui ke come o amitc that our own Aaierleaa folk he-BU be taken rare.of to the entire eiclaassd trrieniai inimr. i u are a wealthy wan and eaa eaaily afford to em..l..v Amrriraa krlaa pro,K.r waKc. iC Toartver truly. i,RS- ORO. L. W I I.LI A MS. Prealdrnt PiaahleJ Vet eraii" Auxiliary. Vote for ' F I T H I A N '&? Kd&sxA Committed (Paid Adv. by E. AV. Van Horn. Ovcra Vein CARD OF THANKS Wc rutcnd our aliu'cre thank to onr friend whu tendered aid and ympithy during our bcreavi" mi nt. the death and nhcqulc of our tittle Mn, illnir, and return rapcclnl thank for the floral of ferine. Mr. and .Mr. Clarence New. , IlilUboro, Ore, Small, uarful and up-to-date nou.chold iieeeitiet, at today' 1Hih. Cowa In and look them over, Cor win Hardware, 116 Second St, Royal Ni ilil 500 car.t p.irlv Hall. M .v I". . cludinK upHr. Invited. .it -L-1 Hin pw iu the ,lmiioa tH All 500 tajr Argus aubierlpUnn, 91.10 per Giant Over Size Factory Guaranteed Yea Can't izsX Tfctw Pricei S0x3)t Cord, nontkid .. 52x4 Cord, non-skid 134 Cord, norvikid 34x4 Cord, nontkid Hits 23.R 24.C3 -.. 2U3 WE PAY THE WAR TAX . FRESH STOCK BUY AT HOME, WHERE YOU GET THE SERVICE Hilkboro Tiro Shop V. FEUERSTEIN. Prop. 1331 Main St. Phona 2431 Hilltboro, Ora. Tba Popular daanand far genuine Edmondt "FOOT FIT V TET3N IMataoiual to thair comfort and watrfcj ZHm. Tlsay do mora than any totalled Foot Dtctan toward oirfcj enraa and bunions and other foot ., H- tvttfj by wanrlnt bnproperly fitted "FOOT FrTTKa Ci tba foot tnugly without Wt . : 0.95 WEIL'S DEFT STORE