IMG 1S A. T!TTT) It EVERY DROP "Red Crown" meets the automotive engineer's demand for a motor fuel that wiU vaporize rapidly and uni formly in the carburetor, u. 1 ex plode completely in the c, Ih.ier. Every drop b 100 power. Fill your tank with "Red Crown and nothing else, and you won't have to bother with carburetor ad justments. Youll get prompt start ing, better mileage, and a sweeter running motor. Fin at the Red Crown sign at Santo Stations, at garage, or other dealars. tyf Gasoline cfQualty STANDARD OH COMPANY Drain Your Land for Larger Crops YOU wouldn't think of making your farm land do without fertilizer when it is needed. Then, why should you delay in draining your land, it will do it more permanent good than any amount of fertilizer. Drained land h fertile land. It will increase your crop yield enormously, enough more to pay for the 3 drainage in one season. You will harvest better crops. 1 ou can work your land earlier and, easier. Drained Ejj land has a higher value, making drainage your beat luveauueuw Our Tile Improve with Age Be careful in selecting your tib? ; you don't want to do the job over again. Our tile are made of concrete by the Dunn method, insuring the best that can be made. Thry do not a.-tintefn-ate, but actually improve with age. Every one is guaranteed. R. L TUCKER Hl. HILLSBORO, OREGON J?- HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BANK Edw. Schulmerich, Ceo. Schulmericb, F. J. Sowed, President, Vice President, SURPLUS, 120100.00 CAPITAL, $50,000.00 If yon want a safe place to deposit yoor savings, deposit In the Savings Department of this bank, as every dollar deposited Is absolutely guaranteed, and the United States Government Is not a preferred creditor. Call on as and wo will explain. Jan. Robb and family, of north of Sliefflin, were Hilkhoro visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mr. Carl Pfnhl, of thi city, father anil mother of Oscar I'fahl, were present. PEOPLE BACKING TAX RE DUCTION la spite of intcrfercner tv rt rial and MHialitk orKsuii.ttioit the fiifht for tax reduction in Ore The State Ta Reduction n tent ion was jumped tiHn a an iK'eiio to promote a -!l.-le in mwt tax. . commute of three a named t select a committee of even to prepare reduction bill to initiate and tke to th legislature. A comntision named by t la governor i to invcNtiisatc and re port on the cabinet or dt wtrtmrtit ytciu of lllinoi, Washington and Idaho. I ndcr this ylem Washington reduce $ascs this year $1.13" 010.13. the number p.ic income laes in Oregon ha fallen off m.OOO and the federal income (ax thi year will yield I , 000.0(H) as against fSS.O00.0OO collected in 1921. On top of high ante taxes and a federal income lax, it it believed that a state income tax would drive capital out of the Mate an. prevent new capital from cominu to Oregon. Oregon Manufac turer. DOUBLE WEDDING Married: Sunday. Mar it at the home of the bride's parent. Mr. and Mr. Oo. II l Kltkoininir, F.lisc Mever and John a? a 1 irk . 1 aiarn, itev. I Muel inir. .Married: Sunday. May 1 1. 192S, at the home of the bride" parent. Mr. and Mr. Geo. H. Meyer. Hlooniinir. S.iM.- A cr and Oscar E. Pfahl. Rev. I.. StueW nlhciatinif. All four of the hk-li r..nt...i ing parties arc popular youii" ihoiiIc of the di,tri. ..f CorueliuH, and all hare main friends who are ten.lerin,' ,.'. Kratidatiiin.' The double crreimtiiv u-i. formed in the preciuv'tf the rel alive of the bride an. I and a number of invited frictidv t n liouoe wa held all day il the Meyer home, and nr.l.l.M,. dinner ami iipcr were k-nel The Ki iU it ill nil li. .. ;.. the liloomiiiif NcetiiMi. ; ALBERT SOLBERGF.R 1 . . ei-r--3 1i W s.wa iwm ifrtW ntcrd Ksrx ft? Om Him AnmnfiU fV ftttnmtnltillfUJIy trmj ailNkw, S"nf w. a5kW i irj.vrtxx First impressions count for a great deal. You should keep your home looking its best Isn't it about time it was repainted? An J not alone as a matter of personal pride, but also because painting greatly" increases the value of a house and pre vents decay. The B-H line includes paints, wall tints and varnishes specially prepared for every painting purpose. Each product is made according to a formula that has behind it 60 years of paint manufactur ing experience. To this, and the use of only the highest grade ingredients, is due the acknowledged superiority of paints I SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE i fvATrr cu rc ll . PoaUANU, LOS ANGKLBS McCarthy Furniture Co. Furniture, Paints aed Oili AlU rt SolU'ruer, of above North I'l IhmiL four vidver wound in hi forehead. lommr Umber went out to In Veslitfalc tlie affair mi. I ..... 1I...1 ...... .Mf the youuir man had not threaten cd lf destruetion at nnv pine, and had worked nil day S itiirdnv, mil a Hliort time before the re volver is lircd. He a indiistriou nn.l wu 110,11 wl.e tl... -If -inflicted. It i thoiivl.t IM-rlmp it wa a.-, i.l. nl,.l n. I... frcijiictitlv handled the firearm. Younir Sulli. ru. r wn aged .1.1 year and 8 month. II.. .. t... eldet hoii of Mr. Eliza Solberjfer. The funeral took plain Turn ly ot Helvetia, and Rev. Win. rul preached the lust rite. NOTICE Third Street Hilhboro, Oregon K. I.. nf l,.iun I, u n nn Ari;H caller Moml.iy inuriiiii. m. A. (ioo.lin, if ('unictiiit, wil in town the ItM of the week. t?rct liiifl friend 1'eter J:utbi 11, nf near Vel 1'iiion, wa a lily culler the l.s( of the week. Jlin II. Dorlaud, of nlmir North l'liiin, wa in the city Mon day. He reNirt the hot weather f the bit nn.l llrt of the wrik rather ccrc on hore in ifettinn the crop ly. Sum Otto, of It il.l peak, wa a 1 vivitnr Sutiirilfiv. Jamc Itur irk, of Or rum, wn in to mi Muuday aflrniiHoi. Win. Smith, of near old (Jrrrw illr, wa in town the first of the wrrk. R. I Robinoii, of near Farm inKton, wa Rrrclinir friends In the illy the I i.l of l.c wrrk. The Pcrehcroii Stallion, Ilugu No. 1 3!),4 1 -1 will make the sensun nf l!L'2 as follows: M.mdnv Tuesday ut Forest Orovc, McNa mer barn; NVcdncsday at Camp Ml'n nlacc. near Rov: Tluir.,1. 1 j . - -- - at Merrill's barn, at Conicliu ; l-riday at Claud Cook s farm nt FarmiiiKton; Saturday at Hilldio ro i-ccil Unrn, lliilsloro. Care will be taken to pr vcnl accidents, but w ill not be rennon- ible should any occur. Merrill & Clark, Owner. J.rncst Herr, M.innicr. 1 7 ! The I'liiteil State Civil Coiliiiiiiiiiin htates that although a niiiiihi.-r of examination have been held, there i Htill need for eliirili Ics to fill linsil inn nf fitifl. 1 ..... tor and inspector iiiul. r the In come Tax Unit of the Uureaii nf Internal Revenue, for duty in Washington. I). C and in Ih. field. Another examination for these positions will br In l.t .... June U throuKboiit the United State. Entrance salaries rango from $1,800 to $3,000 a year'. Full information and application blanks may be obtained by com municating with the United States Civil Service Commission, Wash iriKton, I). C, or with the local postoHice. Elizabeth Clark has sued Chas. A. Clark for divorce, allcginfl; cru el treatment. The wife says that while able to pay bill be will not so do, and that creditors harass her and when she complains he says, "To h 11 with you and the w hole d d outfit." She asks for a decree of divorce and the cus tody of an eight-ycnr-old adopted son. . Chester Wohlcr, who is con ducting the Wohler ranch, near Oak Park, was a city visitor Sat urday morning. Henry Hoge, of South Tualatin, wps in town Saturday, and called on the home paper In making the. rounds. Low Price-Higfa V&te Reliable Merchandise Men's Summer Work Shoes Drown bathe solr nailed r iijiper and sewed, Pr. $2.25 Tennis Shoes, Men' si.. Vi to 10," pair $129 Hoy' sir.e, 1 1 to 0, pair .95 MEN'S SUMMER HATS I'eaiiut Straws, each .25c One lot dress styles, in- eluding high grade num ber, choice at 95c Khaki Crash hat for warm weather , 75c ONE LOT WOMEN'S CRASH OUTING HATS All-tthitc nd gingham checks, choice - 49c WOMEN'S THREAD SILK HOSE , lSlack (' it mike, hemmed lisle top; our regular $1.25 value, in gray only, all sizes, jier pair 79c WOMEN'S BROWN HEATH ER HOSE r IJurson make, drop stitch, a beautiful stocking, reg ularly worthTSc a pair, on sale . 49c FLEISCHNER'S YARNS In colors, I os ball, cneh 20c 3-LB. "WOOLCOTT- COM FORT BATTS 72x(0 inches, each . ... .$1.65 MEN'S DRESS PANTS- Thi lot-Includes some of the best in our stock All Wool Cassimrrs, Woriti :ds and Serge, worth up to $i).O0 pair, w on sale,, your choice per pair $5.00 COOPER'S ATHLETIC UN. I0NSUITS This famous iniike for mm, for thin nle, price reduced to, suit. $1:00 FINE SILKS FEATURED AT THIS SALE Satins and Mesalinet 10 colors, Ad-Inch width regularly sold at dou ble, this sale price per ynrd $1.25 Silk ami Wol Canton Crvptt- In the best staple waul rtl colors, un sslr, yd $2.4) Taffrtas Ad Inch," In black,, navy, brown and gray', yd jl.7S BARBED WIRE AO roil sponU i AX HANDLES' Choice of one lo'l, each .,13e CONKEVS FLY KNOCKER- flallon rans , L f,t9 In your container, gal.. $113 CANNED MILK 11 cans $1X3 WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP 5 bar. .. $1.C0 COFFEE Vacuum Pack lb-enns3 FARREL WEDDING BREAKFAST SYRUP No. 10 rans -e5 No. S cans See Our Windows Tomorrow and Saturday Showing Special Bargains for the Wcofi Hillsboro Mercantile Co. HiDtboro, Orejca RPnilW r Round Trip FtJ - I', i ftrr apnllSr' Oregon Didr' railway TO AND FROftt Portland I Albany Corvallis HarrUbun JlMKlUMl Lily Tualatin WitaosmlU Woosfbwm Pro.rti..u,t r..t to an. I f .ii .. 1 way, whrrr are thirty ,., nt fc0( Oregon Elech: Railway G.II. Kum.II, Am ( 10 8 JJ) "ttnj inp coinmutilti VI iUnxn , coho Appreciate . 1 1 .... I QlUhlir,tiAnsAA r AppoMlathcm i ri)Nr.KiviaRUTO5 AT I IH iHS - WUte' How Coma Thai W.WW.OOO.OO Fm lav Cssniumt (eft 0RIGO it yaar. $217,000 00 paid (h. Paafc SUUs Fir Ins. Co. rsMs ad at HOME to kstassU up OREGON. Monty kept at HC42 niaans mora for iavsstaai b City, County, Sutt orikV II you would help WW othar Stales, patronin Ham If you would build up js own, patronie your COMPANY. THE PACIFIC STATES HUE INS CO. Rrprr wnlrd by Austin ace:o 1165 Third Stmt HILLSBORO SHUTE BANK BUILDS Sugar Bowl i Say it with Fkux Prove it with Caitdf Jobs Ellk Pro i