The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 18, 1922, Image 1

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No. 11
mm MiLib
,1 tl.Ubc Sow-
Column Full
ie horse a rs BUSY
1 1
" to
,iu.lty -
lF!i at
li,,. i.ini iur
Lw Mr
. ...1.
' all a.l...t .
f ,1,., . ,r..r r error
fy h .mh.l!,1H5 em'
; "i. It - in i"t r n.l
jj nmt .lr..i.ii hiartcd
,,lc Mi-r'm '" w '
i the I frame
i on i if ".
K i! a k
titktt Ik-
fMJ the U l' r. ocr
W, f ',.' 'rimmed
pmt. A"l '"'t'h'oec
, uV l'ul the boy.
Brl cniy Mr Hone off
i.t.1 ..) hn.uin- t i'l.ttf ball
5aU. IWi'i lit .illy, hih
,im at It"' ti 'i "f et-
(he il.i"- machine
vtWt tiut nt !! at the
Vkf'iJ. ' 'I another
f. W. for II"- i-it..r., made
time. l(, and K. Fo
it t kn-; out i'f timra up.
jnauk 3 !nl "f timet
( the WN. Gray .truck
a au brfurr Ix'tnii relieved
hn trik out 1.
rm trmrk nut 7. tut pit bed
jr Wl at tint However.
Hill tt .-third the
"U t at to ClarrHt I
lodg rl mt 10 acre im la ami
III I n r t . f I lioo.
Ilarvry O'llryaa Intr.tmriil
Co, la Neward litniMmt C.,
rr Juitir Hurkrr l I r
r I ,I0.
Ur.irnr Hurdum rl m t.i I hi
lie Nrvr Crulil .tt IS IKir
l tin crv, 10. 1
l'ttl A. J-. r la tt KJ Mur
ry t uti tal 1 1 Ml a II.IMmr.i
Run. Wr C Hill rl t , Mr
M It ltHrl, l. in' Ail,
Kn-4 (irttrrv S.
AUhtI W. 1. !. i tt nx la trl
A IVIrMon, U.i Uk It On-ntHi,
f 10.
I run. I M M Vrrt rl ut la An
ilrrur Ji Mi-Carl Jr, lot fl ,k i
Mrtiitrr Arr? Trart, l00.
II I. Smith rl la A II Juir.
l MH, .lOOit fir. Klk.imli Wal
krr ! 1 1' I I it r t , 1000.
I K Ualilbrrii t Alrmmlrr
MrMwrrrH, crr ..t U Jalm
mh KUi AiUI, ltcati rton Rril
iHr, IlilMK
W II Itay,! rl u l.i H.11,1 Wtl
l.iiii,. w 10 fcrt lot t I.Ik 17, tr
vrrton, $10.
W II Hm 4 rl us to lUirl Wll
I . ri4 I ft of SO ft lot t I.Ik
IT. Hravrrtun, 1, '
W A Slia rt ut la S K Wrnt
rl , I.S7 iirrra Johnon F.ttr
A.M. Itrarrrtun Rrr ittc, 15? J
Slat m4 County Candidate Fin
ialk Thtir Campaign Thi Evtning
Friaaoa of th Govtraor Think
Ho Hat Um Lead
The liljt Primary tmlllo U on tlii
Friday, ,Ur It. O. O. l itliian U
iitiitrrtinK Halph K. William for
Bl'lullli'KH N Coiiuuilt. -
man, and the tig lit U a warm our,
Fr t'onri, ll.twliy Utut i'.atl
Filirr, of thi rounl), and A. W.
Norttldtl, Atoria, a ijjhhu nl.
IUl v look like tin wniiur.
The RrouUlicati fl;lit for taut
cruor git' .o and many think
OUtt ha tin tmck, Ih ing
prtotnt intumhriit. Holt will l.c
In rlotritt oiHiit a thr mtua
lioit Imikt touiiiht, ami Hull', mi
ottr y thrjf will ut him or
rr. Hut Ohittt'a friniiU arc riiial
y I' iit that (In rrm lit ("V
rriior Mill win. t. 1., I'atl. ri.ii,
of Polk rounly, U lij;litiii;;
hard for honors hut to tlu- out
lhr hi thanrr iH'ar third '
hut you nrrrr rait till, for I'at-
oii U a ramnatitiirr and ha
Tht Allium I Vahiti(ton County
Triik and Field Mul. held on
I'tuiiif I'nivrrty Alhh Mo ll.ld,
;imnuiy, .Mar n. a a micrra
from vrrv itaiidHiiiit.
Ily iilin ii tlM'a Hie rampu
irt htil a Kln n''arniur( a
tlm rontt'stniit with tltrir frirtid
mul Nillirriiit Ix-ftan tu arrive
from all .i-t of the lounly. At
trn iiVlurk Itir whrdufo of rrnt
for Kridr i li'Mi, (h gnu. Mut li
iiili rt l and nlliuxiann
li.iwn. UilUlHiro (iradn School
mill 41 In tlirir faror
!ill.r.l off mil. tin' tl4T rniiant
for "Hiint," ' Corm liu waa a
1 1 on troinl ilh SS (Httitli. and
Milniirr rmiic third willi.ll
HinU. At noon Im.kit dinnrr
wrr.' ir-ad on tin- tahtra ro
ivhl for that i4ri Hot rof
frr, furnish'l hy th mrrrhant
of th tou, rovrd a vuli-omr
i.ihliti'ilt to the iliniur,
lit I lif aftrrnoon tin IhkIi mIioo!
rvriil attrartrd kttt intrrrot.
The hiuh i hool wr ilil,l d In
to to i la '. Cln A and (lrt
It. t Ij A t'n4t d of ill hi(h
tluHiU with an rtirotlmriit of or
rr SO and Clan H f all hih
mliooU Mith an ilm.llmi'lit of 90
or h i, Forrt (iron hiuh rh.nd
with Hit point tit tin ir rrrdtt, Hon
I In l.i it ut i fid nilvrr up, awardrd
acm Mil
dies at cq::eu!is
HiihU RaapocUdl CitiaM Sue-!
curat to Month of 199mm
Thoma Talhol, writ known and
liiahly nsiwilrd ritlxrn of Cor-I
iirliux, and for o r a ijuartrr of a
rcntury irouilnrnt a a Kniglit of I
Pfthia and UiM fVllow. dirU at
hi honiD in thr midway rity Tur-
lay morninif. May l, ll8t, aftnl
month of illae.
Mr. Talhol vaa horn in Norton,
Fnuland, Aujtut a, Ht, and
rame tt thr I'nitrd Stotr In IBBT,
whrrt- he marrird in tin Kal.
Two rhildrrn aurrivf ly that msr-
rlanc William Talbot, a promt-
unit railroad man at lUnni, In-1
.liana, and a lUugliti r r.'l'.r, of I
( lii.ntfo, now viitini in Florida.
He raim to Oregon ahout H7,
ud at onrr went to work for the
Southern Fraific Co. aa fore man,
. rl ui to M S U'l.ii., .,,. i, HliL.,l.l..
!k prlrritdsr
JJAitro .. .
Ml ...
'At MU
Jkt Sutid.if thr i
at Wiltim. tt. ,
r.ihimn now
...., 500
rival, the
Iw at
TV gmif will utart
ir n in, r arret urr II n
John Ulierg lo F F, WUeot, Irrt
in v al t S a r I w, 1000.
Writer Tr.iden' Ine. lo A C
MiMxrn, i.o arm, part of An
thony W Hart d I r t I r 1 w,
T J Alien rt ut to John 11 Venn
rt u li.197 arrea wr IS t I r I
John Pranon rl wt la Otto A
OU..n. Ut 4 .k 4, Ac.
Mary F. IlrnrnVI r Vlr lo Lewd
( row! her rt ut, 10 arm are IS
linttv, f 10.
F Vrooman rl ut to C Jack Jr,
lN 7 and Mk t Morgan" Add,
Hill-buro, 10.
Irrton In a
loli of .In iil-iIi. Tim IVilu? lnUrraity lo the higl
,!uf J. I). I jr. l.iii. ii. an and t,, ... iilioi.k in C la A nith moot
... t ........
Illll.horo mine nd.
Ilurnrtt and Mit'oiirt will wilh rtl it. Tho Waahiujiton
douhllc.i land the
iipn iii.- lourtU'onnty Trark and Fh ld Merl A
the dominant; MH-iatinii prearnted a silver enp
titkrt, aith Ceo. Shepherd Biid'lo the wtnninu hlii mhool
hi "forty-foot chaniirl" traitntK
in the nUo-riiia.
fleo. R. Hahy, rimiit judge,, Imi ho iippo-itioii.
I M. (iraham in the. only in
dl.Ulo for th legl.liiture who h
hia nmiie printrd mi the Rrpnhti
ran ballot. Three may Imj noini the ( In r two I'V writinu
in, The aimnl are .M. II. won neoiut pwee.
Slrvrii.i.n. ItarleV l Prteriuti.i The nuetei of the
( l.i-. It. Thi a a awarded to
twlun hit(h n l iM.l, whieh had a
iHiinti, Gtotou rame ireond with
till point to ll credit.
In eouneetion with the Mrrt
omtorieal and derlamatorv
Mtltniijiiiil hereby an-
kimirlf a. a eniulnlatr
iCmnty C.iiiuui,,! r before
i L-ptsbtii an t..t r. nt the pri
,Uy 19, l-J-.".'
1 i.MRHialr.1 .luted, I
5 amlf .i rk for nn
aiml i!i..n, fur all
Mt rrilu, (,,,,, ( (iixi ii eon
J tiib g.MHl liH-inf.i, and
lrrtiimn- !-.-. t ,,n,
Thr f unreal of the lat William
Wrixlit Itaxlry waa held lat Fri
lav afternoon, thr rortrgr bar
iux the Hell ( Impel at 1:30. Thr
rrviee wn ronduetrd at the
Tualatin Plain Presbyterian
rontckt wa hrld in the evening at
.rh Halt. Reavrrton won lir.l
ithirc in ClaJ A and Hillalmro, pure,
Merl wan
Kd. Sehulmrrieh. H.IUb.r.i; I.. .M.lMrHy dur to the untiring rflorti
t.-k..ll.. ami It. It. lLrtei. "f the committee In rharge, an
f'edar Mill, I1" ''I,MI handling of rvrnti
It I. a known fart that Farm by tWh Fr ink, and the Paeifir
... , . t .... .....I....... I. a 1.1 w
Ilurrau nirmNrii ami older win
write namra on tho primray leg
a Pythian ana
Work of CovnatHM School
Z. .1
TUom Tatbut. b Me filrndu of
dv let remriiVr bJw,
Ulative tieket a fullowa
On the rrpublieaw thkrt -1..
W. Ilrne, Wm. Sehulnurieh and
L. I.. Crawford, and on the demo
rralic tieklt the llrtine of L. l
C'raaford, Win. SehulmrrirU and
J. C I-rede.
For rounty
Uulver.ily atudrnU, who ably
l..i.ti-J hi'll.
Emma llryant,
Co, School Supt.
William Knhle, of Miclllin, died
at hi home May It, ltiS, after
romuii.iom r the U" eUniiled illura. He wa born
el.ureh, Re. Andrew Carrlek' u,.,,u,tj,.BM ramlidatea an John in Germany In 1850 and came lo
prraehing the lait rite. The' ,. . re nt ineumbciit by nr the I nited Stale in ISSS, firt
l.ur.-l. was Rllrd to CaimellV bv . .... . L I A I I u ttlillll ill M illlir Niltfl. He WB
. -r j -t i iMiiiiimriii, I . . , . t .1
the relative and friend of thr, iiakrr. of the aame eitv. and ieu, married in (uriiinny to Hiialwtli
, ' 0. W. Mrtiraw.
Wl.Ore, f I'.i.l n,lr.)
m Sal? Tt-ii i,
lot ri,
bite Hiltiboro man, and the oflcl
ating mini.ter dwelt upon hi. ae
tit ily a a factor In developing
hi. sertion of the ib.lriet.
- Attendant from abroad at Ihr
funeral wrre Hon J. V, Cami-
Mrfirnw, of Ilank., No one up
Har to w ant to predict this out
come, each of the trio being con
(Unit of hi election.
' Tht Daroocrat-
There are three democrat run-
bill, circuit judge of CUckama! ini, f. ttc f,vrriiorhip, TIh T
county j Raleigh Ruliytm, court . Hrv Walter Pierce, t'nloii county i
I ..l 11 ....l1... , . , , r-tii i.
r. ii.iru-r mr "c . ...). .., .... i,y.p,t,f iiitiii', i.
(-. F Runron, Portland, court re
porter for Judge (Jen, R, Ragley,
The pall-bearer were Senator
W. O. Hare, V. W. Redmond, F..
J. MeAlear, Cal Jack Jr., Geo. Al
exander and R. H. Collin.
The flower were many and
Knintrtli. They came to Oregon
bout td'.iO. He i uurvived by hi
. . . ii.... . ...
witlow ana mreo on, niuixm
Klik Jr., of ShellUn Auguit, at
hum. , ntid Henry, of Nampa, Ida
The funeral toik place from
the home yesterday arternmai.
Uev. Schau cmidiietiiig the cr
vice, Interment wa In tin? North
TimUtin Plain eemctery, Glenn
U. Ih II directing.
...! Ilurtrv Starkweather, of
For the legiilatlve ticket voter
will write In the name of three,
and two candiilntc arc H. H.
.. I I C. I...1...l. l.
ueevc ami .. - in...... . ,,. . . i
I...I..I.... fmni wlmt ainc hear The "Huiy Hee' ewlng t.luo, oi
the recall f William and leh, HWrlet 0, 111 give a ba.ket o
T ... l,.,r. race. rial ut tin- M-lioot houne on Thur
dav evening. May S3, at S o'clock
Object to rude fond to end one
or more member lo the Summer
n ... r r nt..w u.ltt kiu.nk
ncr. r. aU. iinati i-.- , , . . ,
IL 't-M u-il.,lut . hiireli. Sun Udie not waning to onng
sine rrcc .iiriiim.."' .-? . ... . ,
I day May SI, at 11 lu the morn, banket are rep.e.ted to bring
Sni'ubjcct,"TheRctllon.l.j,of plo or rahu.
I the Church to Cl.rl,t, to . I.vcrybudy 1-Invited,
holding a uoiitlon with them un
til he retired l take care of hi
private lnlereU,
He wa united in marriage w
Fannie Neer, al Cornelia. Dre.
s, 1 878, the wife dying April tO,
On April 9, l0Oe wa united
In marriage to MIm Annbj Prtera,
of Cornellu, the widow and two
children. Lrnter, aged 19, nnd
Helen, aged li, urrlvlng.
Mr. Caroline Merrill, wife ,f
J, 11. Merrill, of Cornellu, I a
Mr. Talbot ha ai-eaya bri n ac
tively Identified w'ln the at-hool
management in hi town for many
year and he H a pat chaneellorj
of Slmonldca IMlgCr Comellu.
and ha repreentei1 Ida lodge In I
the Grand Inlge everal time.
He wa a Veteran Pythian and
alto a Veteran Odd Fellow, har-
inar toinrd Gaiton lodge in th.-l
He nerved a Mayor of Corac-
lln and wa alwayi progrelve
In ilvle work. He lcve eon
(il. rnble eitataand hi home on
tho main alrcrt la one of the
nlccit tdacr In tlier olty.
. . - m m 1 . t ... .1. 1. I
The funeral toon piaee una
morning at ten o'clock from the
Talbot home, under the auiptee
of Simonlile Lodge K. of P., ti e
ervlcc being conducted by the
M. F. paitor.
Talbot wa a man of klrong
J People would realize how eay H i to grow wMlFr
of them would make the effort, -
SAViifr."01 " UrA tak-i concantratiBg their fjr0?
INC money, instead of thinking bow they can SPEND It
JJ1 not make the effort? Come in NOW nnd open an
add in ; r.. ... Aa It vrowa. deiermin
creaM! and it it thllt determination and your enthuii-
""i will make you rich.
We will welcome jrou.
We dealrc lf f xlend our ulncrre
lliiiuk to all who o kindly aHit
eil ti during our bereavement, the
denlh and 'obsequies of Hie late
Knii-nt Hclvogt, ami return
.... . r - ,1...
pcelnl innna i"r me norm u.iv.
"' . .......
Mr, l.. iicivngt
and Family.
Hlllhboro, Ore., Moy 15, 1028
Graduation card at the Phar
Hinrv Hilmold.' of above
lllmimintr. wn greeting friend ii
il ... kanl II Pilfl If
Rev. r. i uoaer w ,!.,,.. Scholl
" , . . . m I J . . it It'll. .1...- ,fuUfcM GiltllH.InO
(HIuthm liidlviiliiul jtlrmiwrji omi wiw n uihhih n
it Place In the-Plan oi won in unit ri meinneri-u i.. .7
i.. u'rl.l." At 2:80 i. m. he will enllH.
l work lii thO Panama I Murrinare license lia - been
I . , i !,. ll.l. .,,.,.k . I l.. .1 T II... ...... an. I Ion,
r-..,.! rone, wu not mo m' irriii imi iei n m" " "v
irent J. G. Healer, Pantor. Lt. V. ChriMinan. The groom hail
" from Porflnnil. ' '
md MOORF HONORED R. G. Cull, who arrived here
, I recently from I,nncater, Pa., af
..'it: -..-.!. Hmh.1 ftmvrii- ter an absence of neveral years
tlon held nt The Dalle last week, linn again taken a position with
lion, iiMU i . .... ,1... iirn n,,l Sl,.n. u-linr. lie-
Mrs. Fit W Moore, oi mi nij, mc t .. .-. r.. --i ---
wn elected president o u hi i VI t'u" xf.
personality, was
well educated
and widely read and hi btiNiiie
Judgment wo especially Bne. lie
wa a man who made warm
friendships and held them to the
Politically he was an uncompro
mising democrat. ! -
A hont of friends regret Ins de
mise and tender the stricken fam
ily their deepest sympathy. 1
. The flora! tributes from irienti
mid the organisations to whieh
he belonged were profuse and
beautiful. Interment was In the
Cornelius cemetery.
e. d. oueiim & co.
Grain, Feed, Flour
Hay and Potatoes
Beaver Brand Feeds
TJephoMt: 511 and 11
tnnehm Cofniue, North FUina, McHutUS
At tie CaD of tWCeenptraSer May 8, 1K1
!lS,ISS.7 Capital
l,ai7.lfl Surplu
Banking House. 19,710.00 ProjlU
I 91,000.00
' 10,000.00
Other Real Estate IJSO OO Circulation 91,000.00
Stock In Federal Deposits , 60I.l9C.8a
Reserve Banlu. 9.9S0.00
U.S.Boda 909.7T9.09
Cah dae from -
. 199,199.56
Tkn R3 ef lienor Eesk"
3 and 4 per cent Intareet Paid oa Tinw DepsMa
Director- J. A. Thornbvrgh, John E. Bailey, W. W. McEI
, downey and S. O. Hughes ....
Liny Spcchk
Doir' Paper
Special 7Cc.
The J Delta Dru3 Store
Pooka and Ma ytiia
... 1 ... ..lll. Irt fill RllVUI VVttN IIIUIOU euill.ij i,.vi...n
ItirilS, O" '""'."- .", n il ...... ...Ill, h Wll. trh.ll
If A I.Hml f 1U..1III1II. Ill I. 11 Wliri Win. V"
rtira. (.. w... - . n.L.J i. mil I
tlicy lirNt c,diisiicu in tiumuoru,
mill hi many friends are giaa 10
Portland, whoi blisbaud spctii
bis boyhood days In this city, was
elected secretary of tho auxiliary.
see him again at his oldtiiue work.
Owing to the fact that only one
name will appear as Representa
tive on the regular printed ballot
nt the coming primaries we would
sua-ircst that the. name of L. M,
Hesse be written on the ballot for
Representative for Washington
County. We have known ; Mr.
Hcsnc for many years. He was
born In Washington County, and
we have known him to be abso
lutely honest and reliable, a thor-
ougn mi silicas man ana a convinc
iug and forceful speaker. We be
lieve that he Is the most capable
man Republicans "of the county
can place on the ticket for Repre
Ferd Groner,
J. M. Stretcher.
a ' ;' ''""WW---'"" l'"--a " m
. aiwa w w a v w xv. w w
Uzhk Street Hilhbcro, Ore.