t .1 I HI h Bargain Lots Have a Look! LOT 1 - A tine collection tf Pocket Knives -only f a Liii.l in the l.t. Nearly 100 patterns to select from. Tlx i- knurs rr made t retail far from J It J to $1.00 each-- hut e bought them o e can s.-ll them. Your t hoico Only 75 cents Every Knife Guaranteed AM Asnerican Mad . LOT 2 Safety R.tsors g.od ones tio. liberty and Mires brands. lth standard patterns and finely finished. These are demons! rators, )ut have never been used. Regular Il l'O values, hut we offer them, while the lot lasts at Only 45 cents LOT 3 St vrr.nl doicu ISt. Granite Water Pail blue and while mottled outside an J pure white inside. A fine pad and extra heavy and well finished. This Week's Special. 95c We have also extended our Wear-Ever Demonstration Discount another week. So you can still buy Genuine Wear Ever Aluminum at a discount of 10 per cent from regular prices. So many of our customers could not get in last week to take advantage of this special, and we are taking tnii course to give all a chance to save on this staple brand of cooking ware. Remember Everything in Wen r-Ever ia 10 per cant mh tor Allen & -Maid The Winchester Store" WILL L HAYS KX CHAIRMAN, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE TELEGRAPHS m RALPH E. WILLIAMS Vice-Chairman Republican . National Committee VOTE X 13 WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM A 1 52 XV 93 Blue 11 New York NY 1205P May S 1922 Ralph E. Williams, Republican National Commit nun, Portland, Oregon. Mutual friend have told tn that von are a candidate for re election a Republican National i innmittceman tin year, and am constrained to send just thi wonl of appreciation for vou tplcndid service on the committee all the time that I was chairman Your election as woe-chairman of the national committee was the fullest possible evdenee of the committee' gratitude to you and their confidence in your great fu ture usefulness to the committee and to the party. In this I join mnt heartily. Kindest regards and best wishes always. WILL II. HAYS. THE HILLSBORO ARGUS County Ufauai l mt L A. Loag, Editor SwbacriptMS $1-50 par annum. luurd every Thursday by Mr E. C Mckiaaey and L. A. Long Entered at the IW Office at 'iillsboro. Ore gun. as second das mail matter. In the death of E. L. Abbott Hillsboro loses a citisrn who was iiubued with the spirit of perfec t fairness in all things. His devo tion to principle, hi love of fair play and his conception of ele mental justice was such that he was esteemed by all who knew him as a splendid riliacn, and a loving and devoted husband and father. "PAULINE- AT SCHOLLS Pauline, the Belle of Saratoga,' is the attractive and intrresting title of the f act Operetta to be presented by the Whit ford Cho rus, at SeholU Grange Mall, Sat urday evening. May 13, at p. m The chorus has been loudly ap piauaeu in mis section oi me county for their eicellent work in this production. At Whit ford, where they gave their first per forniaace, they plaved to a capac ity house and turned many away when standing room was exhaust ed. Miss Lcilah Filalof f, of Port land, is director of the chorus and also takes a leading role in the oieretta. Toe production cuius.' to Scholls under the auspices of the Scholls Organ Fund Commit tee and their prorata of the re ceipts for the evening w ill be tp plied on the organ fund. It is hoped that we have a capacity house at Scholls also. The Misses Nellie Moore and Olive Bennett are in charge of a home-made can dy booth at the hall that eveuiiii and the ladies trust that you will bring your sweet tooth along. Correspondent. CONCERT The public is invited to attend a concrrtat the Forest Grove Cons .i church, Wednesday c cuius;. May IT, beginning at o.Wk. Tlie' choir will be assisted bv Miss IW othy Tnouc, violins!, of lldlsbo ro; Mr. Jean IVarcv. soloist, alio a chorus of 73 children. ltussll Ellis Beals will ic piv or in numler and it will he the musical event of the season. IWotdv Tongue's number will be a Souttv ly Moskowski. ! FOR CO. COMMISSIONER The undersigned hercbv an nounces himself as a candidate for County Commissioner before the Republican Voters at the pri marirs, May , lsss. ' If nominated and elected. I pledge myself to work for an economical administration, for all possible reduction of taxes eon sistent with good business, and will give a square deal and impar tiality to all. Ci. W. Met; raw. Banks, Ore. (Paid adv.) KA'GGS UNITED STORES Skaggs-Money-Saving Cach Stores--Prictvt w . J. Merrill, of I orm lius. a city visitor yesterday. I For Sale, or will trade for hogs! Team of horses and a two year old mule. Jos. llarriuiclon. Tel ephone Hillsboro lOltSX. II Mrs. W. Yanderveit and daimli ter, Mr. Preston, nul child, of Portland, are guests of HilM'-.r.. relatives this week. For Sale- Washing uiaehine Good a new. Will sell reasons bly. Call at S49 West M ain St . Hillsboro. ! II Mrs. Joseph Bailey, formerly a resident of Forest Grotc, and well known in this county, was buried at Forest Grove Saturday. For Sale Registered Guern (sey bull, 0 years old. -Fred Mey er, Hillsboro, R. 3. Telephom j North Plains 41 F3. Residence miles north of North Plains. II Advertised letters in the Hills boro postoluce A. K. Allen, C F. Baker. J. B. Mi.ldlcton, M. V Myrrs, E. E. Miller and Albert Svduey. Owing to the fact that only nnr Lorf-Bull dog; answers to th. ' " -Pla' as nepreseui.i- nme ot '"Bull;" white, will, tive on the regular printed ballot M;k around right eve and ear at the coming primaries we would tail Is bobbed. I. N. Matnev suggest that the name of L M." Hillsboro. R. 1: IW S RALPH L WILLAF.1S Rcprestitati'Ie "for ' wlrilington' X.TU. U,U"' C5uil'' ,,f V" S,i,' County. We have known Mr. Hesse for many years. He was umH' ,8 "l P born in Washington County, and A" Mv, nrr " ' prrs we have known him to be ahso- nL .Sa,nU fcund.iy ' School ei .-suiuiay ai 10; Holy t orn muiiiou and s. riu- n at I I. Tin Rev. F H. Clark, of Portland ill Ik- celebrant. Pure Cane and Berry Sugar 1CD pcrd tzA Best Creamery Butter, 2 pousdi - -A- Shredded Wheat, 2 packisies Old Dutch Cleanser 10c can, 2 ccs -Canned Milk, all brands tall, 10 czzi Matches standard size boxes , 5S.U .72 ZS .IS - Si 4) Daily deliveries to all parts of the city, C.O.D. Orders Gladly Sent Out PHONE 2171 Hillsboro Oregon FOR REPRESENTATIVE lutely honest and reliable, a thor ougli business man and a ronvine ing and forceful so, nkr. We In' lieve that he is the most callable, ,K" ,,br', man Republicans of the county! The Hillsboro Public library can place cn the ticket for Rcpre will have a Book Fair the l.i,i sentative. , .week in May. beirinnimr lit lln lth and l i ting until the follow ing Saturday evening. .Fuller de tails in next week's issue. Watch (for K)sters and the press, ami plan to attend one day or evening unra Man. Complet line of fishing tackle. Corwin Hardware. II4 Second St. 10 IS The Social Circle of the Cong, church will meet with Mrs. Ir ter Ireland, at 7S West Main St.. May I, in the afternoon. Clair Sample, of O. A, C, was called home the last of the week, due to the last illness of the. late tt'm, Raglcy, For 4 foot slabwood, e r cord, at ti, and short wood at (3.7S per load, telephone 9tt, or 31. 60 If' There will W a social and card party at St. Matthews' Hall, Tuesday evening, May Id. Ad mission, 23 cents. All are ins ited Erwin Mrury and Bessie I Stockton, of Timber, w r re mar i ro d in this city May f , Im, Rev II A. Iteek officiating, , Mrs. .oy Brown dr parted the j last of the week for an rttcnucil with her sister, Mrs, O, M, Han son, at Moro, Oregon, ' For Sale at a Ilnrgsin - Roi I Island No. 10 two row corn plant r, g.Htd a new. J. II, Freudrn thai. IMKboro, Route I. Phone RXl. 10 II I rer Methodist Church, John G, Ileer, pastor Sunday r tiers at 1 1 a. m. and p, in.j Sun day School at 10 a. m. Prayrf meeting Thursday night. You arc w i Icome, r, your joit ii J .aenji reus itHicr. I f l .Us ...L Angors Koat for lr- lot of II with k.,, t'.M M phone lR3 t,,,, p,, . . i .i . . ins iniruifiT IlilltaSfS, Ore. , We ha,e ad. I. .I i.nrly tdwi to our bu.inr.s, f.ir the parMw of displsytng many useful srurks of the 3 lo Slimt tatur Wilt Hsrda'sr., $tm4 St. lfit Mrs. Mar. In!) H,i r mUrtsis ed the tlobml I Ktb of the Sunt ity Benefit lodge, TI.ufs.Uy, Is t lullchron and f..(ri8 si Wt home, at ItSt OA St. F.isatM were present and sa rsjoysUr ftertioou is ri potli j, (Paid Adv.) Fenl fl roter. . J. l. Mrt'tcnrr. PETERSON TO RUN EDITORIAL FROM THE MORNING OREGON IAN COM- ing in salary, but it enrries many responsibilities, and calls for work. Its rewards nr. nf i-i..r . a . aiany mends Irom all over the vh,B tB -..it county have Insisted that H. C.' .rtef t T ',, f mnn Peterson, of Peterson Bros . Hill-' ""r'i 0r U' or. ery ' - won of ant? n. k . . . k. . " " niaiucr pur boro, itermit his name to lw wsii ten in on the Republican primary ballot as Representative. Mr. Peterson is a Practical l.nsi ness man ana his friends cnaseu by yourself or thru Id. Woodmen, or any lodge, it will l to your Intercut to consult Lewi A Co., as they will give you a bet Insist 4 ' 8 ,B w that If nominated and elected he ! LT.r V.C ' "n will make irood. He is a member II. 1 V' money any of the Washington County Auto MR. WILLIAMS FOR MITTEEMAN . . ....... .....nw.u.a,.,UB vuurtr, ill H. Hays w ho but lately recognition of lendershin, nd the ..uiiu IU.IIIUMII ui uic npuit- prestige ana influence that go man iiaiion.u committee, pays witn it. Mr. Williams hes been tribute in a telegram to the ser- the committeeman for Oregon for vice performed to the republican fourteen years, nnd is a candidate party by the committt-enian for for re-election. There is no good Oregon, Ralph E. Williams. Mr. reason why he should not be r Hays should know. His tcsti, elected ; there are good reasons mi.n v may be accepted as gome- why he should lie, the most obvi- Ihinv more than a mere jtolite and ous and unanswerable of which is formal expression of approval, to that he has a high place with fhe be expected from one member of committee, is on terms of inti- the oraani.alion for another; for macy and confidence with the ia- it is supported by the entire com- tional leaders of the republican mittee, which, not maiiv inontin nartv. i In linr tn, tU t --- , ... ... .... aWI n.v. ainuuilfll ago, by utianinious vote of the chairmanship, and can. and doubt representatives of fortv-e iffhr less will stales elected Mr. Williams vice- no new man, whatever his quali cliuii ninii. He is the oldest mem- ties.' can possibly perform ber in point of service, and it is The Oregonian is reluctant to onvious it is not clenieil by any- interfere in the contest for nation one that his standing with the al committeeman ; but the advan heads of the republican party Is tages to the republican party in V'. ,,iKh' 0rCn "f Mr election The national committeeman- are so plain that it feels that it 'hip is a party job. It pays not'i should point them out. VOTE-X 13 (Paid Adv. by Committee of Republicans, C. L. Starr, See'y, 617 Hoard of Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon.) motive Ass'n. and the boys are boosting for him. VOTERS Republicans and Democrats: I want your votes. Write in my name for Representative of Wash- ington County, at the i.ri...ri... May 19. The greatest differencoj itciwten tne two parties is the name. I think as a native of Washington County, I can faith fully represent both. Give me a boost. B. B, Reeves, Portland, Ore., R. 2 (Vol a paid adv.) 10,200 MILES Oa a Re-treaded Tire is some mileage. W. W. Mellar of England & Mellar Real Estate Co., drove one of my Re-trcads 10,200 Mile on the Rear Wheel of his Dodge Car. Se the tire in my window. If you want Results let Me do Your Tire Work. ' BAILEY'S TIRE SHOP 'Twenty Year" RURAL UU.DIT LOANS FARMER FRIENDS T... .., help yon in the hour of need. should you at any time need suf ficient funds to improve your nonie or purchase additional prop erty, or pay off existing liens or mortgages, we can assist you with our TWENTY YEAR RURAL CREDIT LOAN, especially adapted to the utmost needs of the OREGON FARMER. There is no cash commission to be paid on our form of loan, it be ing a strictly amortized 1 nun. If you are fortunate to have the security necessary to secure one of our Farm Loans, we stand ready and willing at any time to quote you figures which will prove to vou bevond a .nn.t.l. doubt that our RURAL CREDIT LOAN is far superior to any oth er loan offered by any other per son or corporation. W. W. Mellar where else in fact they can savr von considerable on any pur ehase. 5, ,f Th- U'.C. T. I'. f Washington county will hold a convention at the Hillsboro M. K. church May 16 next Tuesday. The meeting will be called to order at ten in the morning anil lunch will be served at noon. A very Interest ing program has been arranged for the afterixt,,.. t... i speakers from Portland will b, present and give abort talks, and ,0"le eeellent music is promised. All are cordially invited to come and bring their frends. Congregational Church Bible School at 10 a. Members f the American Legion and Auxil l'ry will attend the II o'clock UVlCLer ,.The ,",ir lurkf IIrk! My Soul," ttlll Mrs. Payne will iR "Mother ()' Mine. The nasto' :.. "ti.. Challenge of the Present to Moth em. At 7:80 p. ,. the youth of the congregation will render n musical program. Let everv one remember this is "Moil,-.'. n... ml wear "white flower for mother dead. bril. . ' iivntr lor mother living." H. A. De.kJ minister. STAGE RATES SUf r Cut. F" Portland- Miniin may 14, 1SZZ rWhy not travel by auto when you can do so for the fol lowing rat:s:: Portland Round 10 -Ride ..... . 0,,e Way Trip Book mi All 6c Notions 6 for 25c All 10c Notions, 3 for 25c All 15c Notions, 2 f or 25c A T.Ik JC1) La) La Spool Collet, 6 for & Crochet Cott- n, 3 haSi for 25c New Spring Gccds-Rsu Low Prices 32-Inch Devonshire Ginghams, per yd 29c All Silk Jap Pongee, natural and llesh colors, yard oe. -!! .1 . . - .... wot: vncioin, in inches, plain white and 1.1. I ... I Women;, Fine Cotton Hosiery, p, -77 Ifc Men's Cotton Dress Socha. i.er .i; IrV, Boy. Heavy Ribbed Stockings, ,11 sizes, per pair ... Girls' Fine Ribbed Hosej alfsuTs," p IlfllP Genuine' "koveris, f uV on ale at this reduced price Men'. Blue Denim Bib Overall, and " great my at 29c ISc 10c 25c 15c 89c $1.00 SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY ON SALE AT LOW PRICES NOT HERETO." rORE DUPLICATED Men'. Solid Work Shoe., wide b.sl tinilfit atlilf.Si w. I. Men . Fine Dres. Shoe., hr, rillilK'. I.. . I l.'....l: II. 1 ., , "s. ., -iikiisu III si S Children'. Barefoot Sandal., ;7.7ll Children. Barefoot ""Sand.Ur "UrZ SIZI S. l,f, r ' Women'. Black 'cU fl'Z"''"""": .... . 1 . . v",,urui popular. in stoek, at per pair... THESE AND MANY OTHER STAPLE ITEMS OF HARDWARE PRICED AND SOLD AT fill le $1.78 NOW ON SALE AT $1.00 A toad Steel Shovel for SL0 Pitefc Forks, rach... - J -g SinU US Asm. each . f g Keen Kutter Caaap Ami, ( a t. - O CshUt Oa, qu.rt cans SHOP IN THE GROCER' DEPART MENT DURING THIS SALE! THESE AND OTHER BARGAINS OFFERS) $2.95 $3.85 88c $1.29 23 Bar White Wonder Swp 22 Ear. Crystal Wkitt Soap - 8 Gallons Keroatne Rolled Oeta, P lb sack Albert Flapjadi Floor, package Canned Pom, 9 JI.C9 $1X9 63e -Km IIP $3.85 A REAL STORE FOR YOU We are In business to please our plron and give you honest value fr y""' mmJ' We are ferrying a Wg stock ami rn rvld you with all kind, of merchan.lise al l"'f possible prlcen. Come In sml try u. For Dependable MercUdUt tt t-Sayfej Pricei Read & rnce Urc,ll 1 See tb: Wisdowi, Tta Yea Will Buy tl Hillsboro Mercaiis Co. niiisboro 75 $1.15 Cornelius 85 1.30 F. Ojove ..l.OO- 1.50 Dilley 1.10 1.80 Gaston 1.25 a on $5.80 fl.20 7.00 8.50 FISX TIRES 1130 Second St Hillsboro, Oregon Hillsboro. Orcaoa Hillsboro Oregon 0.50 j 10-18 By D, C. Allard, Mgr.