The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 13, 1921, Image 1

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. " i
roL xxvui.
ii 1VM vv xnjj vvj xsu m
" sxtsssxee -Mxefja-' ajseas. sassBa assnw -sssjtsja- -sbbjbijp- r'
s " '1 w ' ereat
F I -
Rev. W. F.. Ingalls, of Lebanon,
Comr l Hdlaboro's Pulpit
Rv. K. N. Aviaon, of Spokane,
Ami-J to Forest Grow
ftir M -ilili-t Kpieopal Confer
rn.- f " '" l.r, at
r'irvt Uroie the fir.t of thr
nk W. IngalL, t( l.halt
on. t!t iipy the pulpit at llitl
hini l"r the coming conference
r.t. sn l li v. Atl.on, 11 f SH
kaiir. l' i aigticd to llir
'iiit church.
Ap.inliuciit (( intrrr.t lit Ihr
Mi ad Uvmrlt of Vli
ins'"'" unl are : miIi.I by Itcv. J. II.
l uni t I
l .irn. Iiui. It . J, II. Warrrll.
piiiry. n.. c. o. M.ruii.wh.
r'orr.t Unite, Rev, H. X, At!
ton. from Spokane.
IhlW.or... Her. V. Y.. IngalU,
front Lebanon.
Sholl. anil Fartuiiigton, Rev.
J. I. ( oil unit.
Jiirr mill,
ti.r.lm Home, Rev. F. M. Jas
per. Miliar ami Tiuard. Rev. W.
J. Warn-n, from Nrhall and
Win . I. r.
Tualatin mill WiLoitvillr," Rrv.
A. I .
Rrv. Wilton Skipworth, who
ha lint charge of tin- HilLboro
lirM fur .rvrral yrar, ha been
appointed ! the charge Ml Wood
lock, mil of Portland large!
uturtau churchc.
The Wa.hwglon County Iinlu.tri
...., 1 .1. . 1
11 l lull ami girl look llir
futli in i-riri at the .lute fnir:
hi irif. rabbit priijcl dru.
Trotitti r, Tiiri.
SiiJ nti-, lurkry rnjrrt- Gro
Trnfitt. r. Titf irtl.
Jinl prur, ciiokiiiK CUln
Pnrll, (in rili 11 H.mir.
Jril irir, rwiiii(, )iv, 1 '
F..lith IIu.h. ii. Dillry.
3nl iru-- Counly ( lyl Iul
Sth )rir.-, Iioinr muklliKAlifr
MutiKi r, Tiril.
Sth rui', rlf raiiiiK -F.lmrr
K i)rlu i. (irmirr S. llOol.
W'ailiiutiiii Coiiiity Stork
Juiitfiii); ti nni mtikrii 7tb In a
H-Il of 13 i'iiniH-tlnK tram.
F.lrvrn rmiiitiri mtiiiil Jiihrj tc (Jil
ls r rluli i ImImIh ami nrri of lit
ilivual frmii utlii r i-ounlir mmlr
rntriri. Inr roiintlr r mi ploy
niili ri who ilrvolr thrlr en
(ire tmir In proniotifiK that
briin h ,f the mhool work.
T.ikniif ill into roimiili-rittioii,
r nhmilil nil ! jiriMiil of llir
boy mi, I iirW of Vnhin(t"n
County . I
- V. A. Trout, Co. Sut.
for S.ili- or Rait I'ivr room
hiiuir, IhkIi i iIiiiki; nrwly nint
"I ami nii.-rril Iniiilr; wood
houir fl ,,f wo.; fruit trrri,
TurKe t 10 It Srvrntli Stmt,
ti-t n (Islington ami Hac
For Safety.
For Convenience. . '
For Peace of Mind.
Put and keep your valuables in our Safely Depotlt Vault.
We will rent you a box for at low $2.60 per year.
Come in and tee them.
Ihute savings bank
tiro. Harm. 1) 111 llt.a..ll.. L
t , "ut i, ,-r
lhurl.,.11.,1. n.ltrr.Kl. UK Irfl .Sunday moriitu or m
fcuullHK I,,,, U, in ir lK.uri
l akr lounlry, Mr,r xw ,,
rnrr nni.1. U hrn llutury, t;t
Ulb n. .i1J( ur,.,l Ut UMir
vm lair in tl. f,.r,Mtt
llaria ha.l m m lu, !-cait--Ihrrr
, no .iixirty, fclirtt
lUrkltr rmiir atij (,rir(r fatl. il
t. makr iai.i. thcrr ,rr wr
! frar in H,c (r,rU f ,lU
frlloia liut.trra. T,ry liml off
Uulr iruna ami rrititnl no rr
ponW ami I hen unit to n r
rral i.. ImiU with tin- ku,r rr
ull-no ait.wrriiiK M. Hill. frtrmU rrr noliflr.l ...! k
m-t loorniiiK jut , a Wum-r w(
a ft . k
tor iHj trrr Koli.K uul to hunt
for Harm a I. Ii .h,.nr i MIP i
from (.air . Cm k thai It .trio h.l II into ihr. So.! Spring.
loumry. Mr l.a.l um ,, UiK,
ami amM-i all m-ht In thr
oN. Harm hmlt a ifP fr
comfort but ay it krpt him ttrn
in a rmi ml too much for a ilnrnt
rr.t, Whrit ilaylight lirokr (iro.
fouml that b ai itltiti 300
yarU of forrl raii)(rr'a ralnn.
with all kitul of a khmI l-.l ami
(ilriity In r it w ith no our to guard
ruui-li or niiioii am ihrrr
lie hail Uul all nix hi hivrrintf
H- oor m ule Ihr W illiam ram h
allit Wa ilirr.-tnl ilon ihr I. .11
ia llir S.hU SriiiK route. Harm
ay nr wa worrinl ju.l nturh
a wr wrrc ilown lu -only
hi worry wa h . aur uf an
rmply itomarli ami no warm
ldir to l.r.
Hiving lraril my farm I will ro ll
at puhlio aui'lioii at my J'Ihit I
milr wcl uf Si holla, milr outh
of IlilUboro, on kihi.1 rok road,
at 10 a. m., on
S3 hl(h grailr Jrrry ami Hoi
trln row, omr to he frrh at
lint uf alr; 13 lo frrhi it Wforr
Jan.-1; othrr in rarlt rinx;
UrKf hraty milkrr, 6 ami l gal.i
HoUtrin hrifrr, 8S , month ; Jrr
ary hrifrr, II uioiith; HoUtrin
hrifrr, ? month; all luWrt-utin
tritrj; I horir. ISOO lb. rai h, 1 1
an.l I'J yr. ol.l ; omi purrlirril R.
I. Rct iirn a lul pullittt Perfec
tion milkintf uiarlun, naril a yr;
i.iiH! ami liittinK for " alan
rhioti. ilouhlr? unit; nrw Ankrr
llolth rparator, 800 II..; 3 II. P
Kairh uiki riiKinr, nrwt HI 10 al
milk ran; binder, 6 ft. tut, good
running ordrr; new an Ilrundt
10 ili.C tf in. grain drill; MrCor
mirk mower, ft. rut; ft.
rakr, hyr.f dic harrow, new;
SO tooth harrow. IS in. Oliver
utrrl brant plow, 8 ahovrl rulti
valor. Sl.'i Milihrll wide lire wajr-
o'n with California olake bed.
farm truek with hay rark. 1 in
running K.'tr, hty fork, I to rojH-,
imllry , .pray pump ami barrel
new 200 kite incubator, 800 ixr
Colour brooder, Planet Jr. Bar
den drill, liafliee, uliovrl. o((
hain, fork and other artiilei
loo n nine rmi lo mention. I'ree
lunch nt noon.
Term: ISO mid under, rnh;
over $S0, U moiilhi timr, bank-
ble iiotr at 8 cr imt. intrrcl
R. Hoard, Owner.
J. V. Kuratll, Auctioneer, 80
SpauldiilK lildj(.
J. F. Gardnrr, Clerk.
g.m:xs FAIR A
EmU Wild Bit BarWua. Urt
Community Enkibtta Rank WitK
Any in Stat
The third annual hog ami dairy
allow at llauka il.owd Saturday
willt he biKur.l trowd of thr
Ihrrr iUv in ttrii.Un.-r.
mated at SS00. Hurinir the thrrr
day about 8000 Hrron were on
the ground. ItarlK-eue and Mrt up .!t(ur.lay a program.
At the lloUlriu ale I'ridar
loik lon.lgmd by C. V. (iallo
way wa old a follow: 4 vrar
old row, M (i. Arrt. tllO: il
month male, J. Herb. 8: male
under S year, Ralph Thorp,
II3i male II month, (i A.
tirern, to j ronigned lV Frank
Conn, II. fi mnle a iitoulli., Mr.
II. Puvik. 118: female 9 Vrar..
Mr. II. Huvik. I till: male, un-
ler I )ear. C. A. Crocker, IS0;
eon.igned by W. Martin, hrlfer,
U uioiith, llert Krr, f.100; row,
aged cli... II. J. Rite, S0; fe
male, S. C. Ilikley, IlliO; female,
(i. A. (irern, flUO; ron.igned by
C. II. Car.ten. a vrar female. K.
U Miller, I80; tnw, S. C. Inklev.
I I73i il month, male, II. J.
Smith, J0; coiulgned br J. V.
PerrriihiHim, female, C!. J. Herb,
IH3; heifer, Frank Herb. 800;
roiuigned by S. C. lukley, female,
under S year. Mr. II. Hurtk,
i?H0j coii. lulled by Charle Spier-
ing, male, (i.orge WiU-o. U0.
I'rite RiblHin Awarded
Following I a li.t of the lir.t
and ihampioii riblM.n awarded:
Ilol.tcin-Sritior male, J. P.
Vatidercoevering, lir.t, champion
and grand champion ; junior male,
W. Martin, lir.t and champion;
male, lir.t or under, Charle
Spirring, lir.t and champion;
aged cow, J. P. amlrrcoever-
ing, lir.t, champion and grand
champion ; junior row, F. Prerrn
Ihioui, lir.t; araior yearling lieif
er, W. Martin, limtl he I fir under
I vear, F. IVcrenbooui, lir.t; calf
under one year, . Martin, firt
and champion;
Jer.ey Senior male, I.. S. Ir
win, lir.t; junior male, II. Wal.l
ron, lir.t, champion ami grand
champion; yrarling male, I year
or under, George Ilieradorf, fir.t
and champion; aged cow, Oliver
Wralcolt, II rat; junior row a,
Charle Hamford, firat champion
and grand champion; hrifrr, 1 to
i year, May Wratcott, lir.t ami
champion; heifer, under 0 month
Charle Hamford, firt; herd, I
S. Irwin, fir.t, 1). G. Mlley, .cr
oud; calf herd, George Blerdorf,
firt, A. K. Wc.trott, .econd.
Guernacyt Male, 1 year or
under, Wm. Tolke, fir.t, champi
on and grand thnmpioni cowa, S
ycara or over, Iticben Ilrothera,
lir.t, champion and grand cham
pion; cowa, I to 8 year, Ricben
llro., firt; heifer under 1 year,
Ricben Urn,, fir.t and champion;
calf her, one male and two heif
er, Ricben Ilroa., firal.
Hog. Have Their Inning
Poland China Hog Heat bnr
over one year, R. M. Hnnka, fir.t
and grand champion; beat boar
under one year, fc. r.nnia, lir.t;
beat now over one year, S. C. Ink
ley, fir.t; bet now under one
year, F.. F.nnln, fir.t.
Duroea He.t boar over one
year, Loula, fir.t; bet
now over one year, I.oiiIn Oglca
by, fir.t J bet now under one year,
Ralph Oglel'y. "l beat now
and three of litter, Lonla Ogle
by, fir.t.
(). I. V. Heal noar over one
ear, Ed. Schl.gcl, fir.t and
hamplont beat boar under one
... .1 . 111. . I a.....
vear. Will I are .illlllii, lie. i "
Wallace Smith,
fir.t and champion : beat bow nn-
il.r one vear. Wallace nmiui,
" ... hi
fir.t; beat now nnd three of litter,
U'.llnn. Smith, fir.t.
" - - : ' . . . i
The Hol.tein anil Jerney.caii
club made a 100 per cent cxhio
it of, their atork. Two cup. were
lven bv the Hol.teliv nnd Jcwy
" " ... . VIP 1.1
breeder n.oclalion oi na.nniK-
lon county.
Henry Herb took the cup In
the Hol.tein eta.", and Kenneth
Hieradorf In the Jer.ey elaaa.
The Frcahmen reception at the
Ilill.boro High building Inat week
wa a biir affair. The Initiated in
t Iflirh were irlven b cordial nni
rotinlng aendoff nnd refre.hment. aerved. Manv of the elder.
attended the function nnd the
"freahle" nppeared to enjoy It
ii .1.- i.. uiKn nr..
Department Adjutant K. J. Kivrra
aenda out a circular to Oregon
I'o.t aaying that In caa rillra arr
wanted (or Artui.tic Day cel. bra
tkma order ahould be aent In at
An Ohio court baa derided that
III8.0OU raiatd in that ktate for
the In in lil of Oliio divUiona, un
railed for during the war, ahall
be turmd over lo the American
Lrgiou aud accordingly the uion-
ry ha been turned over to three
Im.lrr who will expend it for
diaabted aohjlera and aailora, and
their familica, for a period of ten
year. The court held that the
Legion wa alriclly an "all arr
vic" organiaalion and a lueh
wa entitled to the fundi.
An endeavor to enroll an addi
tional 10,000 of niemberahip in
the lot po.t In Oregon ia under
way. Il you are a aervlcr man
and do not belong join your near-
e.t Hit at onre. . You ran hrlp
the p.t and It ran hrlp you.
Ilill.boro Poat No. 0.
Jotrph M. llramlcnbcrg, of Oren
ro, died Oct. IS, IDS I, after an
ill lie of a few wrrk. lie wa
born in Canton Zug, Switerland,
Jan, 10, 1888, and came lo the
United Stalea at the age of SO
yean, lie rttleU nrat at l urn.
Arlaotia, where he home. traded.
He moved to Oregon in I DOS and
firt aetlled at Shady 11 rook. La
ler he lived at Mountaimlale,
Shady Hrook, Hillaboro and lau
rel, and then moved to Orrneo
ome year ago.
He ia aurvivrd by hit widow
and the following children: Mr.
Robt. Schneider, Orenco; Mra.
Ja. Roger, Chicago, 111.: Mr. J.
A. Carr, Oak (irove, Ore.; F. J.
llramlcnbcrg, an es-arrviee man
of Ihr V. S. Navvi Margarrt, Ar
nold. Joarpli and Hertha, all at
The funeral takra place Friday
afternoon at the Orenco Pre
church, Rrv, II. F. Gelvln eon
ducting the aervlce and Interment
will be at, direction of
tiro. J. Umber, undertaker.
Mr. Brandenberg waa widely
known over the county and had
many friend. II waa well read
and a good conversational!. t.
With Ike entire nation pau.ed at
noon in two minute of ilent
prayer, American Legion arr Ice
men of the world war Iri.m can
.tate and territory will do horn
aire lo the unknown American
.olilier ut Arlington national cent
elerv on ArmMlce Uav, Novem
brr II. Medal of Honor men al
ao have been designated by the
government a othclal mourner
Honorary pallbearrr will be
elitht general of the army and
four admiral of the navy, with
mm rontiitit.loiicd and pttty of
ficer a bodv bearer. Prraldrnt
I larding will deliver the funeral
Mr. Whitney, of Halnea Sta
tion, near Fore.t Grove, Monday
of till werk found a mail hag In
a l raw. lied, containing a lot of
po.tage atamp of largrr drnom
imition and 10H cent In liennlei
Thu Hack I auppo.ed to have been
taken from the Fore.t Grove po.l
o flier on the night of Feb. 11
10S 0, when it wa looted by bur
glar. Chicken aeratched up the Many of the atamp
were .till In good ahape. The of
wa robbed at a time when
Dutch Pete and two or three
yegg were tapping Uncle Sam'a
nlaccN in the valley wiin regular
ity about one each week. Bob
Wlrtx. the noatmaater, lo.t an Inv
provement bond nt the tlire of the
robbery, and till wa lounu in
the cache, a well a the tmi end
of n $20 bill. Thl. la.t find will
mefin $18 to Boh, a the end left
iv the robber when they robbed
the office had the figure S on it,
and the government paid Wlrtx
two buck for the piece. When
he nut In the other end of the
bill Uncle Sam will doubtlc give
him $18 more.
O. Phelp. owner of the Liber
ty Theatre lluliuing, i tearing
out the front of the atructure and
In n abort time there will be a
neat pressed brick front facing
the street .'Inc. There hai Deen r
jour-looking sag in the upper
front for aome time and the im
provement will be appreciated
even hy a eross-eyea man, a.
Phelps nays.
Chas. Pierre, of the Portland
Fire Department, was In the city
Tuesday afternoon, talking over
old times with his oldtlme friend
De Witt Smith.
We have a large quantity of
drain tile, building tile, brick, etc.
Yard at Forest Grove. Forest
George Atwood and Frank Rite-
tour Struck by Locomotive
Both Me Leave Familica Rite-
nour Buried at Oregon City
George Atwood, owner of a amall
ahlngle millc near Scofield, and
rrank Ritenour, of near Uuxlon,
wrre Inatanlly killed la.t Wed
nrnlay when Atwood tried to
drive hi car acrua the railway
track of the Standard ilx Ac
Lumber Cuinpany, near the Sco
field yard.
Ilrakraman O'Donnell, who
wa with the rngine taw the mm
approaching ihn railway and aig
ualled them to atop. I ad of
topping they Increased . tin ir
ieed and juat ai the car rro.ard
Ihr nil it wa ttruck by the en
gine atmo.t amliUhlp.
AIwimmI wa aged about 83
year, ami Ritenour wa aged 83.
'.ach of the ileail men left a fani
lly ami children.
Coroner Umber inve.tigati-d
the tragedy the la.t f tin Will..
Ritenour' n-tniin wrre aent
In Oregon City fur interment, he
having been a former real lent of
that place.
The engine la nrd by the
Standard Hox for logging pur
pose, and no blame i attached
to t'm train rrrw.
Exclusive Sebwelxcr rmbrolderee'
rolei hundred of Imported
yard good; aturdy ginghama,
mow white gooda; rverlaitlng
hlrtt; rxclulve draperha. ('.
your Fall and Winter wardrobe
All kind of yarn. lt ne aliow
vou the aamtur In your own
home a nnplir no oblia
lion to buy. ,
Mr. G. C. Combi,
lilt Main St. Telephone
Sfll. 80 8 J
Gordon will filed Th will of
the late Alexander Gordon, cov
rring property valued at $18,000,
baa been admitted to probate.
The land roti.Ltlttg of about 10?
acre near North l'laina, has been
leviaed to Alfred Gordon, son,
and Nellie Gordon and Annie Bai
ley, ai.ter, and (1,000 is devised
to three grandchildren, and Nellie
Gordon, daughter, 1 he last
named also I given the household
furniture, the automobile and
horae, Alfred Gordon get other
prr.oual property. To a dnugh
trr, Mr. Hornel, he give $100
stating In the will that the small
nr. of the legacy was due to thr
fact that she wa well provided
for In her own right. Frank
Gordon, son, i. given $1,000 in
cash nnd nil advancement mailt
prior to Alexander Gordon's de
Cong. Church Bible school at
10 a. m. at II a. m. the pu.tur
will take for his topic "The Ma.
tera Complaint, at 7:90 p. in.
"What ii My G.uir There will
bo special music nt both services
The Christian Kmleavor Society
meets al 0:48 j, m. II. A. Deck
Church of Christ, Corner 3rd
and Ba.clinc 10, Bible school
Dr. Helms, Sunt.; 11, subject
"The Great Love Verse of the
Bible;" 0:45, Junior and Inter
mediate Endeavor; 7:30, subject
"The Lost Book." You are wel
come to these services. Leu B.
Fishbuck, minister.
Q Knowledge, skill ami thor
ough experience enters in
to the fitting and making of every
pair of Dr. Thompson's glussca.
Consult him nbout your eyes next
visit. Washington Hotel, Satur
day, Oct. 15. 81-82
Yesterduy was Columbus Day,
the anniversary of his discovery
of America. The banks nnd court
house were closed but the poor
newspaper people labored in the
Lord vlneynrd just like the reg
ular days.
Cabbage for sale on the Jas
Scwell place, north of Sewell sta
tion and a little over two miles N.
E. of Ilill.boro. Call at place on
Saturday, Oct. 18, between 10 a.
m. and 5 p. m. as must remove
crop that day,
We have just one more Nash
Six to sell. It is the best automo
bile buy yoit ever saw. Don't
take our word for it come lu and
Investigate for yourself. Price
set to move it. D. Corwlu Estate
"Splrella Corsetlere Drop
card or phone 884 and I will call
at your home. Mrs. M. E. Can
Hillaboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and BeUll Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any juam
We Alway Pay the Market Price for Grains and Hi
of All Kinds
Telephones; HUlsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City ISIS, North Plain, Main 263.
Three and Four per cent paid on
time deposits
Bent one of our Safety Deposit Boxes. Take
rare of your valuable papers. We keep a
nightwatch In the building to protect yoar se
curities as well as oar own.
J. A. Tnornburfb,
The Delta
Prompt Repairing 1
Mab Star i in wis Orate
' . tmw!W .W. J- (
Drug Store
I pared the entertainment.
Grove Clay Products Co. If
die, HUlsboro, 89-82
a Weil BN inc biihik. y