THE HILLS80R0 ARGUS County Official Paper L A. Long, Editor Entered at the Post Office a Hillsboro, Oregon, as evcond cIam mail matter. Subeoiptioa, 11.50 per , Issued every Thursday by Mrs E. C licRinney and L. A. Long Oregon's prison population is on the increase and the murder rate is also on the ascendant cale. This is rocks at those h said prohibition would rut down our prison inmates, and is also a barrage to those who opined that capital punishment would lecn the murder percentage. As a matter of fact, human nature is pretty much the same under any code of legislation and thieves are thieves, drunk or sober. The man who wants to kill ever hopes to beat out the law and the rope ha no more terror for him than im prisonment. Even so, capital punishment it probably the best for society can't be worse off if 't give him the quietus which men he will not leave cny more of his kind. The suit brought by the Amer ican Legion Post of Portland to ascertain the constitutionality of the bonus bill will delay the vty -ing of the service tr.en their ad justed compensation, or loans, but a very short time. The 1'onI concluded the best way was to tile the suit, which would at once be certified to the supreme court, which will rend r a decis ion forthwith. This is the liesl way, and, meantime, the state commission takirg applications will proceed with their work. The next big event in Oregon will be the livestock Exposition. Stockmen who visit fairs all over the I'liited states ai.d in Can.vdv say that the world never sees a better exhibit of livestock than that seen in North Portland. When shipments of exhibits com from all the Pacific Coast states! it means son r thin sr. for this sec tion of the worlo produces the finest of the tine. The Banks Hog and Dairy1 show opens today, and it is safe to sav that it will be the best live i stock exhibit ever gotteu together! in Washington county. All of Liberty Theatre Friday and Saturday This Week Harold Lloyd IN "Get Out and Get Under" Comedy Riot, 2 Reels ALSO Douglas McLean IN "One a Minute" ILjo DANC Every Saturday Evening HILLSBORO Auditorium Starting Saturday, Oct 8 Nelson's Orchestra Formerly of Council Crest -And Monte Austin The Famous Singer WOODEN WEDDING the stock will be registered or pure bred and the showing speaks well for Banks and com munity. If there is anything finer than an Oregon Indian Summer let us name it. John V. Smith, of near New berir, was in town Tuesday. John us enthusiastic over the construc tion of a v.iml road from Hilklw.- ro to Bald Peak, above Laurel, ami then for a continuation over to Newbcrir from that imint Then John w ants to build a vista house over there and have people motor to the top of the hill where they can see seventeen counties in Oregon and Washington. With a glass one can see Lane. With out a glass one run see Yamhill, Benton, Lincoln, Tillamook, Linn, Marion. Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington, Columbia and Clat sop, Hood and Wasco, in Oregon; Skamania. Clark and Cowliti. in Washington state. John U. wants to have a big picnic up there in the not distant future and invite out a lot of Portland motorists so the drive nnd house can be under way and finished by the time of tfie l425 tair. For Sale Cedar posts. Two miles north of North Plains, on irood road. Alfred Simmons, Banks, Route 3. 81-83 S.v.iiM live imitation '"" i sued for the wooden wedding eel ibrsti.m which held at the ; home ,if Mr. and Mrs. Harry I.. I lint. l S h.!ls. I ri.liv ev. -iniitf. i September 3i. The beautiful h..nte s artistically decorated in autumn b ates and blue bird Uiucsli arrited a subdued i;tit furnidiid by Copciihancn blue 'caudles set in unicjtic candle hold ! rs made of tine maple bouiths Hutre wiunlen bowls of grapes and ai'l s added a touch of an tu mil t the scene. In the re ceiwim line were Mr. and Mrs ri.nt, Mrs. J. E. Bennett. Mrs Erwin. of llillshoro, anil Misses 4 llit r and ltess Bennett. A simple rin ceremony was performed by Krv. Coleman, the hri le and groom man hunt in to the strains tif the bridal march from 1 i'Ik injrln, plated bt Mrs l.estcr ("ampin II. After the cere monv the guests offered collars! illations, after which Miss Bess Bennett sang "I l.uvr You Truly" A very tuiupie and original idea was carried out in sen inn the re freshiuents. tiiirsts were sup plied with a wooden shiiittte for a tray and filed through the kitchen where sandwiches, salads, cake. punch and ice cream were smed Wooded kllites all. I forks were used and carried home as i.nive nirs of a tery happy rummf. humorous event of the rwniiiat was enjoyed by all when the bride t a 1 1 1 1 v attempted to cut a wood, ii calk c supplied by Mrs. (i. Hesse A varied program entertained the guests until a late hour: Bert Rowell sang several solos. Mrs Ida havs read terv effectively an original ixtrni written lor the oc casion, and Mrs. V. I.. lo(ard tf.tve an oriitiual talk on "Amu v rrsarirs. A hnllilsiiiiie 04k roker was presented to I he brnle ami groom by a number of Hursts, and uianv I lie r sii.atler. vrrv us ful iu' ..11 t . 1 .... 1 aeceinniiie trills were rreeiveii. Mine thief slo e ( aril. 01 Han I . ' . .1.. ....1.1 1. . . 1 " I'lMiii.nously voleil t.y .mi lilllllll. Bi lllllll I . 4 . a, .as at a. . ;, . ' 1 , .. .. , . trie guests iimI .Mr. ami .Mrs. t imi DUlllllllir Irtsft triiLl in. i u . . I " 1 , , 1 . , , . ' . I are roval t iiterlainers. and thai located vesterd.iv 111 a navt iisl.on I . . . . . .. .. : u -.1 1 1 .1 .1 t 1 1 1 heir wrii.liiig celt lirsti n i in Portland, where the thief had . ,1 , , 1 . k . L.ii4 . 1 . .... lone ot the lit social suet esses o hocked it for lite dollars. Who I.. . .v., ,..i i.a.. 1. ... 1 "" "" - - - . ...m! iiiiiiait 1 , 1 lor another ttas missing from the school urouml at I lie same linn- The Hande bicycle was a layloi wneti ami was bran.l new A tiursl Free Methodist ehureli. Join (i. Hessler. na-.tur Onnri.rli Oscar IV be I. of above Moun taindiile, ass a llillshoro visit. o W'eilnrsili v. II I 1 ....L .. .1 ti - - I -" i livi It . I " ' HOI'! 1 ,11 .111 l ill I II meeting services will lu- h. I.I ,,v.. I .Int.. . .rr-. 1.,.., 1.. 1. ... ii. I U. .II...: 1.' ... 1 , I . me iwiiuniMg fsuuuav, net. tv . l.ieuv Vrsierilav. L-i . & 1 1 , . . I itioixiittin liaviiiL tliurue. Set vices Friday mid Satnrd ;iv niulit ai 7:IU. ul Jay serines at II a m., 3 p. m. and 7.30 u. 111. I ..w - r feast at 10:30 a. 111. Sun, In School at 10 a. 111. All are wel come. Mrs. Nellie Hoard and famiU have moved to Portland for the Winter, and her dauirhti-r. Ali... is attendiuir Lincoln Hiuh ami ll.. (nrls Polytechnic School. Mrs Hoards mother, Mrs. Sarah Bag W. J. F.tlaff. of I .auril, was III town W eiliiesilav. irrllinif readv for vu auction sale. John J. VjiiI.o.i. of Ci iiirhii. was KrrrtiiiK fririnls in the rum. Iv seat vrstrrday uiorinii. For Sale -Wtch seed, mited twtli wheat: also elennril 1-Iii.mI ' eed. - It. J. Sehw anke. Cornelius. II. 1. I'liolie llillshoro Hit 1(1. 3.S Alfred Simmons, 1 .1 , . .sorill riiiiiia. was ol liliovt transacting P "a a aw i Hanks, Route 3. 81-83 I ' What Women Can Do with can of paint and "a little work that's fun." WE want to be of aid to women who wish to keep the home always spick and span, 10 we maintain a "paint and var nish service" that makes it easy work and fun to do many'little painting jobs yoursr'f. We make a special line of paints, varnishes, etc., for "home work" after 72 years' experi tnce with paints and painting practice. They are paints that spread easily, dry perfectly and give the best lasting results. Master painters and interior decorators use them for the srienticfic paints and varnishes are the easiest to apply. They cost no more, and sometimes less than others. What pleasure to have home thines always looking bright and new! What fun 1 to view your own work neatly done! Sur prise yourwlf. See what you can do with "just a can of paint or varnish" in your home. Use Fuller's products. Fol low Fuller's simple specifications for the work you want to do, and you'll make transformations that will be a real delight. Remember don't let surfaces rot it costs lest to paint them. COIOf aiiR1 is - G PmOOqiH Xlzzio CorviceTciiiits VamUhtt-lnanttlj MTdbyW.P.FullarfcCo. WHtSS TO BUY 1 Impor tant that rou get tht right ma terial to M lure to (o to the right Mar tor Puller product!. Cat out tha coupoa to the right as a auae to direct jrou. Kiamaher don't allow tur facei to rot. It cotti less to paint tbaa. Writs M aesr a portearij- lor booklet of Ful'erV SpeciA cation "Home S-rviet" Paint Product which telle jult what ob (or the work you have in Send full description of and get our free advice on any kind of painting job jrou want to do. FeraH Jsfta f patatiat It I ndvianble to obtaia the eershae of a Maeter Peiater Decoret Varnish Stains no. n;; i" Ti ppfs- - . , - "n,-.nee wiia no rioia me worn and Kir ieu mirlaces of fur niture, noon and in terior woodwork. The enlnr nf ani oral wood tea be natenca Made in S colore. The Decoret Line la composed of White r.namel. Ivory enamel. Stove Enamel, Screen Enamel end Brorue finishes. For Purniture DECORET I "Pnl. lera Specification for refinithing in color any wood aurfare. It ataina and varntthee In one application, furniture, floor 1, chain, wlckerware, etc. Alio for radiator, lamp, chandelieri, pic ture Iramet, iroa bcditeada, etc Alio makere of Rubber-Cement Floor Paint, All-purpore Verniihe, Silken whit Enamel, Piftecn-for-Ploora Var linh. Washable Wall Finiih, Auto Enamel, Porch and Step Paint, W. P. Fuller & Co. Dept. IS, San Franciico Pioneer Paint Manufacturer lor Ycare Eatabliihrd 1849 Brinchee In 16 cities la the West Dealers Everywhere SAVE THIS Cut thle ont end nut it In your pock, book or handbag aa memo) KuHer'a "Home Service" Palnta art sold by the following in your cityt R. L. TUCKER Hillaboro, Oregon i ii i i , iiiii. wat I ran tut t in, ey w, I make her home with thtm huM,,,.,, i ,ity Wr,l,,r,v For Snli Sin n hrad of iiu Kerse mutt have t-hangrd ui'mtlit tlioiU. Ostar IMirl miir routing to tin south the pat' Moiinliiiiulal, i n!,r, t, Hank R I ur , . v u - U .. . .1 , I j ,iam .irjuitnt (ins . 3IS.1 ma ears tuneu to Hear tit f, M11 i u, ,, ...... rv r i.. i ..... Mr- nl"' W". "'irry While ami h., he L;.XA'.r::rj..:" inu hear. tU h tk " J P"'"1 . K"-t "f Mr. ,.. M ,d.y. -V ,' Di, k lUnl.y . rrt. . Joh Williniiit, of Knrrtt Cn W-tl .. .V in the ity M,,,ay Co., W,lbur U lon uf the Cad, Mr, William, was one of ,,r u& Garage, and W. .Soh U r. .....ii .. i ' . ., i r-f., mil! raitinir up In tlir - -ri nm uuil UP 101 . . ,i Hillsboro. Thev ar .m..j 1 ut 1'ts and putted home today or tomorrow. !, P'',nt ' '! oca innt. ....... r, tirrriiiiuiitr, ,,r ioNi tngnsii a-rnale setter. ' hne 2H0'i. 3.,f white and yellow sDoteeitt 1.aiI . 7 months old. fW, vill ... c. ""au " May rew.rd.-Notif v Mr. L r',i. . ' w" rc. I'"1. rrlaRfi at Argus. ' " 82 lrr?'':- Vtr,'- oi. ou, I US I, Jlev. U, ; Andrew IIVr-1, i i... i Gray ofllciatini w . ucviinu it ueinanv. vai In id. .:i. t....i...1 a ... . has not .7 ' . " r"na AM"W the ConMhinal Hm not a few of them. V"J FT Cinril imi'eT . rW "irmll. ' "Ul tu Flains, was In the city the last of UfG WCCI( Th latest CTMliaw 'm fall Coats and Dresses will be DISPLAYED at The C. C. Store HILLSBORO, OREGON ELSON MFG. CO. 4B3a Washington St Portland, Oregon 1 , , I" inniini chunh Tuesday evening, Oflobrr ii. ratrons ami li t.. ... I'uw.n: III vueci, t'tw (!.ld rj . . i ... i 'ui.. i.,-iriur,pa.., ... OUI1 Old Cllonili f. up.vl... , r, i " i mini a I'Odgc Ncrecneil truck, prarlir- any new, cord tires. S,.- Bn EmmolL at F.iihi,,,ii'. vi..i... 11:111..' " """mi, iiiii.tiMiro, A, J, Somnirr. nf Pt1...i ' tin mi , came ot Saturday and ,pt.,,t a v. ... urs uown at the old home, Virginia Place. He is now in the parage gamp in the Roxe City. The funeral of th u II - - . "I"IIIIIS old soil of Mr. nn.l Xf.. ir... Stunkaril una 1...I.I .. i 'i . i Oct. 8. I riendn in the ItapUst 'hunh BM-fiste.l and R,d,(.rt K pastor of the Ilillsboro t hurch conducted the servlec TI. ' ents wlnh to tlinnk nil U. Lea at... A... ed aid nnd sympathy. For Sale HpiI uf OKAil If ..1 I i i. ... . . " aaumrein mill, air Johanna Colantha Arti sired by Sir Jul CopiuicopU Fifth; dan, ().,, Pontioc Artii; come. froTn ,iKh record Nli-ndl.l miibi " , .... imii nirniiis' 20 mth Jd. Grater propor tion white. Mr r i m.. tt-m TIRES' Ws announce a Redor Ikm! in ki Pii f u and Tir Repairing. On au-count ol a ReslWtio in tk Price, of Rr.,ir u ial w ara abU la -naka tkaa low prics and at, same) high class work that have Item .;;. ,nl our ty. turrvvr. COME IN AND GET OUR PRicr.S COME JN AND GETOUR PRICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED Bailey's Tire Shop 1130 Setronii Street IIILUltOKO, ORE. Why Invest ood money in Aarvi? Buy Gasco Briuts m l . yur money's worth. Why buy ashes? I'honr Mam ilJOO (or At.t.Mit. fliij T) .,r . !l al the (iat Olfur, Alder lirar liflli M . I'urll.n.l BuyHavolineOfl For the Automobile Itrcommrmlril by all the l.railu.g Mamifaitunri. Ul hi adtine you mi (be proper ml for your rar. Save munry by keeping your rar wrll oilrd with a real liihri.nut For the Tractor Now of all times you want rllirlmcy and rronomy nf ! rrati.m. The ue of Haroliue linurea both. N u 1 ar Drr haul bills. Mure power. I.r o of time. Wr .1. liver orders .f 80 gallon and over, Call or j our nr.lrr. For the Lighting Plant Havolme i, dvi.ed by the Drl.e and Fairbanka M-r" fa.lorirs, after thorough trt of all oils in their labors lories. We ,,rry S gallon rans for jour c.iini nil mr. Service Garage Distributors Hillsboro, Ort. Talehona 501. For SaU by May. Bros. Mercantile Co., North Plains; Rowell Bro., Sehollsj Orenco Mercantile Co., Orrneoz llanki Carage, llanks. Wahut Tree Fin Yearling Graftad Walnuts, Franqurttes, Superior Variety, the best adapted nut tree for the WilUmelts Valley. Ready for November delivery. Put in your order now, o you will get your trees for Fall setting. Wm. Hanson (81-48) HILLSBORO, ORE., R. 2 . Nursery near Scholia . ....m i, I1UIS- lV . P''n. North