TT The HnLLaia r0u xxviii. HILLSBORO, OREGON, OCTOBER 6, 1921. No. 31. g B. 0EU5HI11 OEAOM SPOKAHE Ti.. Resident Thu County WAS A lOVElToF HORSES Mlamrdsllalf Mil. Track for Y...i el Witch IUi.1 ,l.l.r.. and ttcrd.llhf rr.idml .,11 r.r.l t'i Irani that Van 11. Ik 1 .,)''. lrrn br. man. r l,r I "''" 1 Wr J,!., hallif 'd r.k . I"U Ml ,,,.,.., .! IM-a.hiimll wa. ,m Hurling"". J"lv j;, and rr.'il the plain J Ot-c-.H in 13. ' parent B,r . f PoilUnd HI and ,vi hi. I ta prrldrlil f thr Or.ifi Niii"i"l lUnV for nrr , (rr The d. pri ion of I !!. ti iaiiKi'1 Imamlal tiit.rrl "! he ufft'rrt rr ,,r I 4lrr ill life be Hrl li nhrrr he again brianir , foi.rr til llir linamial world, , ,r.ll vrar Mr. llrlnsh B,H .. .1 ii place Wll.h II r, 411.1 l- half mi1 r" ittA tia. Ii l or "it hi hor-, mnKii " rr" many "r ii...r..uiililirrtl. II owned run Hina and trolling ! k and wa Ion r ( Iran rt. liutmi; Ihr Cual War he wa , mrmUr of a California rrgi in. i,l hi. I nrd along llir mer Uli.l md route. ,- mi a iniMiilir, unit ,.il., in, tin Salem Slalesman pii.I 1 .1' r Ik 1.1 do M iac mi thr OrW"ti"ii, Ulii In- untied I (if Wllrli irl I'Uir hr pinliiyril Clrm Sliaiirr, ( Jolly riill. I" KH aWllia "f lrlrfihnilitl llir rr il, Mr, Shatter aid: ' . ..ilimutl m t - Iw t mil. (or lnnu I rrr workrd. liril hr .4i.l tmi lie li. I il in maimrr mkx. jli-(iurr. Il- Ui In (JimhI (minor, ml hr w it iirirr 4 i'll. If Vll lm. i i . i i (ifiiur, I tin turry thai lir ln.l M K" " I II. ,.,A,rjr, MarU KrllT ill iK'ili, ami llir ilW anil llllrr iliiKlirti ur ir--lirordr1, ltn n, I lm , all u( SMiknr. ( I. M, S.-.ill, f )llar r, I'Uiii., iti I In- 1 1 MiimUy ii. I t'alliiloii tin- Ii.mik' iH r, , X. Sri'ljrr it liiirllij( o.ii knrr aitil iittiiiK III I.U liuir liimriiiK r tmr ( ln lllr a lli' ri ull (. iiiim iiit-t lit I InIhiiii Si K..IU kiiiI Slu r iumI. I III olln r I111I1I. 1'i.rrr.l In 1(1. 111. 1 m ilrliuiK lli.- iar ami it rau liil.t ii l( r.iik, rril frmii llir r.ia.Uiilr ami rl llnrlr fr I tl.iviri an rm linnktuiltl II kill nisi a i-omiIi of Itumlrril tlnllar l r. pair tin tiiatliiitr. .. V. ihr knrr aitl lakr carr of il m If. Tor Salr al llaram - J.iluixiti m.mi r, nrarljr ttrl S1', lia krr HIK'HI, UimmI liniH-; Krt(,iin ! ; lit) . ii. lli liarruw ; I i im li -In I l.rim 'lii -; Itink llm. lain tliKrr, ytn a nrw ant' turk tin.' II. J. (.r,.ff, Hill, iMir.i. It. 3; wmlli of Ka-I Oak Si , llilKlxiro lnquirr of ' 11.I1II lal.. 80 SS l lir I.IK klratil nli.nil l.i linn (lolllif tilrrall Mork oil I In mllltli nut ( Jarkoii lu.ll.1111 rot. I, ami llti a lilllr in.irr k.mi.I wt-nllirr I In- l.ltf riiiliankntriil will In- tin Wlir.l ami inlrr Iratrl. V. Hi Sitiiii llir t miiI t iimrl ill r. k llir railitay. ami with llii inirl run ill rritliil' of S.'ulli Tualatin will liair khhI lluiiiK m r ihrir way. I'lankliiK U rrrihiiK ratlo r slowly on ll.i trrsll.- ai llir 111 1111 Im.II.uh. STATE FAIR ENDS IH BURST QF GLORY Waarungton County Stood Se rtitn in Una of Prix Award EASILY AS GOOD AS ANY PUBLIC SALE I wilt m II nl miI.ii' mil I inn at my ffinn. I11II iinlr north nf Itrril nil. nn. I I'im milt a from IlilUlm r.i, nt I :i0 i. in., oil STI HI Y. OCTOHKR 18 Trim uunil wurk lirr, 9)100, 7 an. I ID trnr old; S radr llnl .( in In id r, Ixilli of tlirtu lirril; I lnw iron whirl farm wngmi; V nl. In. it v work linrnrti: (iiinii lull lii iin drill, in -guild Hhn'; tlrriw rultirt MrCormlik Idndrr in ((.nn! ..r.l.r; .I.ilf.irn tonic: mtlk. rirl. 1 i'iilli nliim.'ll lii. milk i-atta, While lK"ur,j t liii ! hi, -.urr hniiai'hold K"it"l, I m nil t.n.U and ituuirroiia othrr artii'lra, Trritts of Salr 20 nil. I Ulldrr, ravli; im r U moiilha' timr, imlr il H .. r irllt llitrrrt. Amlri-M' I'irraon, Ownrr, J. '. hiimlli, Atirlinnrrr. J.'lui iimli rw rtl, Ch-rk. Monry o l.oll ?'.',CK) oil lirt tla imiirotird rral rilalr ri-iirlty. I'rank l"iiirr, frrutor of Ihr olatr of K. I'li-frr Sr., CirnrliiK, It. X; or rail nn Y.. J. M-.lrar. altornry ritali , Shutr Hank Ituil.lniK. IlilUlm ru. 30 81 I rrd I Knrr and (i. A. Mirlh. of ImI.iw Titfard. wirr in town Turadar and rallid on thr tU)i ioua wrrkly. I-Unrr lia, IS arn of onion li.nmil ami hr m of frrrd ihrrr dollar rr xaik for I In in Mui.lav. Hr riinrludrd In hold for a lilt t- a hr think I In rr I no fallniK inarkrl in i(ht. Aimlr for Sale All kind of aj.jd- . ("jnir 41.1 phk 'iu'n for rourarlf and ay 80 rrnti nr iM".-HiR I"' f'tinn J. ('. Ilarr jdarr, Mliitrr llruli'r, oulhravt if town. 30 11 IVrd tirnnrr, of SiholU. In I hp -H Tm-day. (Ironrr had a fine waluul rhihit from Ihe (iro nrr MiClurr walnut orihanU aiol lhor who viilnl hi ditplay av that for ir and itill V his .li.iwinn wa a gooil or lu lu r than any from olhrr part of II"' klatr. Kor lc Hrrninn gardrn traitor, with plow, di, lulttv lor, mid jriiiKtooth: hkr nrw: hrai. Sri- It at lh Vcd V ar F.xrlmnnr. J"1-' (J. S. Half rnmr out from I'orl land Tm-aday and rnt the day. lie ramr mil ovrr llir .outnrrn PatlhV and ay it i hi tirt trip on that routr for uiiny yrnr. I If had no i.h a that Ihrrn- rlllrtiirnt ah'iiK Ihr Aloha I lulu r rit-lit of way. Johnaon'a Studio h jut re ri lvrd an n.hanrr ioniniiirnt of lhr niflirat, up to dnlr holiilny mounta rvir lrou,hl to IlilUlm 8tt8 J. X. Ohlrr, Ihr NihnUni nhin l.. mill man, waa ovrr th llrl nf III rrk. Viailor to Fair Laud Our Eakibit and Say il was Splendid Ihr Si till- I ir l.ikl Snlur- dar llitfllt ill a l.lil.. i.f ifl.irv anil Ihc ronu-n!! of opinion hy all who inl Iroiii tin count y i I lint Ihr WashliiKlou (otiuty rxluhil irrparrd l.y W illiam Si hulinrrii h a Ihr rtkcrtitivr. wa a irood a anv on ilitnlav. altlioiiirh tin- jii.ltf.- awarded it Imt Mtrnlh plarr. A a in.illrr of fact mi i lui I v iiinii In . I wen- thr lariou rlullt I l.i-y left imt little room or hou r. (train, itra!, vrKetahlc. fruit ami all line of annrutturr and linrlii ullurr wrrr rrprrwiil rd hy llir i-ontity diplay, ami thrre wire iore of county and ktatr nulor who felt that w should havr had lirt idnrr. i Thr wi-rk wa one of hraittiful w rather, and thr niulit wrrr not ovi-rlt eoiil. Thr listior rr(ti.trrrd rxcrrd ed thai of anv tale f.iir in thr lit) tear of history ami Washington coui.l v wnt morr tlinn at any timr situ r the state fair wa inaugu ralrd. S'rkt vrar Washiuuton cimiilv will prolil hy ihr rxprrieiic" of IMS), and recls to Ito to Salem with a display that will hr hijiKrr than i vcr ami lrin homr a first iw ard. BRUCE E. CAMPBELL llrm-r F. Camphrll, well known in llillshoro. died in i'ortlnml. al thr (iood Samaritan Hospital, Srpt. 1 . ('nmpU-ll lived In rr in the eighties and nim-tira, whrn his fathrr. RrV. J. A. ( 'a in o- Im II. was in the Christian ( hiirch pastorale lure and I'ariuiliyton. lie wa horn at I Lirrisliurir, June 51, 1078. Hi parent arc both drad. and he i survived hv three I. r..t hers, 1.. W. and W. S., of Portland, and J. 1 ., of Smith Riv rr. California. Mr. C.iirpbcll wa the victim of an ai-eidcut. Hr Was riding a motorryilr on tlu Sandy boule- vanl and wa struck hy a ma chine, throwing him to the imve- mint. Hi skull wa fractured. our .u broken, and he M-stiinrd intrrnnl iniurie. A he wa known a a c.irrful driver the nc cideiil must have Wen nnavoida hie. Cn in nhril wa a conductor on niit! of Portlnnd'a atrri t tnr lint'N. He wa a lumber of the L. (. L., the I. 0. 0. F. and the Stri ct Car Men' rnion. He win univernl Iv ester med beenuse of hi jrenlal jjood nature, and the Horil tri'i ute nt the r.ivc were a tentimon ial of hi standing, among hi friend. The funcrnl war held in Port In ml Monday, and interment wa at iarminKton. under the niispicci of the t)dd Fellow. HILLSBORO AT 0. A.C US Safety For Safely. For Convenience. For Peace of Mind. Put and keep your valuable! in our Safety Vwillfc We will rent you a box for a. low ai $2.50 per year. Come in and tee them. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK Oregon Agricultural college. F.dward Wall, of HilUboro, has been pledged to Sigma Alpha F.p ilon, a national fraternity. Wall i n frenhmnn in civil engineering. The list of fraternity pledge also included Arthur Rollins to Delta Kappa. Rollin U register ed rook In electrical engineering. II.. U asnirimr to a position on the freshmen football eleven and nl,. ved for some time in the game Saturday, in which the varsity dc-f....i.-l i In- rooks 6H to 7. Lawrence. (Okey) Tnggart is is striving fin" an end position on il... varaile smuid. He pblVCll a full quarter in the varsity-rook gnnie Saturday, and it is expected that his ability anil experience .. ;il u in him n iilncc on the team W. Verne McKinney has been appointed a night editor' on the II . nil' t,r. The Barometer Is a paper issued semi-weekly by stu dents nt ttie college, .urainiirv ...ill l.,.ti ehnrire of the lucsuay edition in the evening until it goes to iiress. t Margaret Sullivan. SHOP IN YOUR HOME c...i..ui,' S.liwelzer embroidered ii...i ' . robes hundreds of Importeii sturdv fflnglmms snow while goods"; everlasting shirU: exclusive draperies, uc; your Fall and Winter wardrobes All kinds of varns. Let me show you the samples In your own homen visit implies no owitfa A VlllV. fr. O. C. Combs, 1811 Main St. Telephone J. M. Wlilrkiib . of vtr Brr ' illr, was In town Turaday. Rr t Irannl vrtch acrd for aalr. Wm. A. (ioodin, Cornrliu, Ore. 9tf Tony Sinav, of above iiloom- ing, wa a HilUhoro caller Tues day morning. Wanted (orl for ifenrral housew ork. Teh phonr IlilUboro 132. II 32 Richard Conuell. of Portland, wa out Saturday, greeting hi friemU. It: Big Lay mare; left kip down. Notify II. M. Shannon, llillshoro, R. I. 29 II A. Andrron. of Hrlvrtia. wa in Saturday and called on thr home paper. Prter White, of near Cherry (Srore, wa grrrting friend in the county eat Saturday. For aale: Twelve cowa, Ireah and coming frenh oon. Elmer Miller, North Plain. 19 11 Andrew Pirrson, of Rrrdvillr, was greeting frirmU here Satur day morning. II. M. V'atulrrtandrn, of near Roy, waa mm Argua callrr the last of the week. William Knittcl, of below Bcav- rrton, waa an Argu callrr thr last of the werk. Soirella ' Corietiere Drop a card or phone 38 and 1 will call at your home. Mrs. M. E. Cau dle, IlilUboro. Z9-3Z Jake Reiclicn. of West Union. waa greeting friend here Friday morning. We have a large quantity of drain tile, building tile, brick, etc. Yard at Forent Orove. forest drove Clay Product Co. 82 Harry B. Wickham, of near Elmonlca. was a city caller Mon day, on probate business. Ambrose Schmidlin, of above Ruxton, w in town Tuesday, on business with the county court. John Lipwrt. of Banks, wa shaking hands with his Killsboro friends Monday morning. For Sale Three Jersey cows and Holstein bull, subject to reg ister. Lee Clark. Hillsboro, Ore. R. 8. Telephone North Plains 23F8. . 802 Louia J. Pranger, of Banks, was in IlilUboro 'Tuesday, the guest of his brrther,"I . J., of the firm of Pranger iV Co. John Linoert. of Bank, was shaking hands with his Hillsboro friend Monday, and remember ed the home paper in hi calls. Kor Sale Soan of smooth. round built 2 year old mules j also registered Duroc Jersey sows, will farrow Oct. 20th. t. J. Chalmers, Cornelius, Ore. 2 Mr. A. W. Rinir. of Portland, in town Saturday, enroute to her Portland home, after visiting with the F.. J. Hoffmans, of near Farmington. For Sale Twenty registered Duroc Jersey pigs, six weeks old. Ten miles northeast of Hillsboro. Helvetia section, Hillsboro. R. I. A. Anderson. 81-88 An alarm from the H. P. Schmeller home, south of Fir St.. nt Fifth, culled oat the hre de- nartmcnt. Tuesday morning, but there was no damage. Pinnn instruction every Satur day at the Roy Stuart home,, 1123 Fourth St. Can take care of a few more pupils. Eva Pit man. 81-88 T A Jarkson. of Cornelius, t ' was nn Argus caller Tuesday. in town L. A. made a visit to the Argus, and he will get the religious weekly for two years. I:,., Loudon, of above Bloom ing, wa in town Tuesday. Jim is more th in glad to get paca w om reliable Washington county, and he savs when he moves again it will be when the undertaker cart him away. v. Sale or Rent Five-room house, high ceilings; newly paint ...l .ml imiiercd inside: wood house full of wood; fruit trees, large lot. 1044 Seventh Mrect, between Washington and Base line. -a Saturday. October 1, tool in Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alex ander, Hillsboro, a son, weight 12 lbs. The sheriff is in smiles, as this is the first son born to tne Alexander household, their nrsi two being girls. Ti, Francis Wiest & Company, stnrted loaning again this week, after a temporary lay off occasioned by burning out early In the Fall. Eighty men n re employed by these people, and they will ship out ixo inous nnd feet of logs dally. They had not expected to start until Spring, .a . f t. f 1 I. at but the activity in mincer factor in their starting this Fall. TV R. Roe. of above Mountain- dale, was in town Friday after RCoVCQTnil DlnrJEPR u LfilLIIIUIl I lUriLLII ll ... ..... . 0m 0. wouan passes away I C.B. BUCHANAN & CO. Mrs. Mary A. Pratt, Pioneer of. 1852, Diet at Age of 89 Years HUSBAND KILLED IN EAST Waa Robbed of $3,000 in 1867, Leaving widow institute Mra. Mary A. Pratt, aard 89 vrar. 7 months and 12 days, died at the home of her son. David HarjK-r, near Braverton, October 1, 1921. She was bom in Missou ri, Feb. 19, 1H32. At the age of 20 years she croed the plain. rulinir a little mule, and hched in driving thr stock with the cara van. She attended school at Sa lem in and in 1931 was mar ried to Flias Harper. In 1S67 they returned to Missouri and went to Arkansas to look for a farm location. While searching for a place, Mr. Harper was kill ed and robbed of 3,000, which he had in a belt around his hod v. This left the wife destitute with five children to support. Mr. Harper returned to Ore gon with her rhildrrn in 1871, i.nd settled again near Sileni. where, in 1876, she was married to Lewi P. Pratt, who died at The Dalles in 1881. Mr. Pratt returned to the valler and since that date has lived the greater part of the time with her son David. Her mother lived to the nc of 101 vrar. She is survived bv the son. Pt vld Harner. and two daughters, Mrs. L. K. Adair, McMinnville, and Mrs. S. E. Ripperton, of Se- ittle. The funeral took place Oct. 4. nt the M. E. church. Ker. Ii. A Orav conducting the service, and interment was under the direc tion of Undertaker Prgg. WELLS REED Vauirhn H. Wells and Mrs. Nora Reed were united In marriage at the First Methodist Episcopal church. Portland, Sunday after noon. Oct. 2. 1921. Rev. Joshua Stanfield officiating. The cere mony was performed in the pres ence of the families of the bride and groom, and a few invited friends. The bride is well known in the Rose City, and the groom is an oversea veteran, having been one of the first of the Hillsboro young men to get Into France. He was with an engineering corps and was under fire his first week in France. He is a son of Chas. E. Wells of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Wells will be at home to their friends after October 15 nt SV Stark St.. Portlnnd. STARTS JERSEY HERD William Brogden, of Brogdcn Acres, east of Hillsboro, has ac quired a foundation for a herd of registered Jerseys. The past week Mr. Brogden bought from Geo. Biersdorf, registered Jersey breeder, three calves, two heifers and one bull calf. The bull calf it aired bv PoODv's St. MawCS: and is a grnndson of Noble Ladd's Lady Helen. One of the heifers is sired by Poppy's St. Mawes and the other by Helen's St. Mawes Rosarie. The dam of one of the young ladies has a record of 585 ibs. of fat as a senior three year old. The trio will ffive Mr. Brogib n a start for a herd that may be heard from in a few years. CLUB ELECTS (Incorporated) HilUboro, Cornell iu and North Plain Wholesale and ReUll Dealer la Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags SEE US BEFORE BUYING ' Ca lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time We Always Pay the Market Price for Grain and Hay of All Kinds SEE US BEFORE SELLING Telephones; Hilkboro, Main 14, Cornelius, Gty 1515, North Plain, Main 263. FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK . FOREST GROVE, ORE. THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK Three and Four per cent paid on time deposits . Rent one of our Safety Deposit Bote. Take ' care of your valuable paper. We keep a nightwatch in the building to protect jow ae- curitie a well a onr own. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS J. A. Thornburgh, President. W. W. Mcldoway, ONE CEN SALE HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES SUNDRIES RUBBER GOODS TOILET GOODS STATIONERY PURE FOOD PRODUCTS The Delta Drug Store Forest Grove, Ore., October 4. The Monday Club, a community nrcran ixntion of Forest Grove, which includes in its membership hi farnltr of Pacific University nnd many residents of this com munity, this week elected the fol lowing officers Ur. il. nates, dean of faculty and Professor of Philosophy of Pacific Lniversity: president! Miss C. Christianson. ... m . w T . vice-nresident : Miss n. Miens a.pernrv-treasi:rer: Mrs. W. P Dyke, chairman social committee; Ml Afnnehe Lamrlev. chairman program committee ; F. C. Taylor, professor of Latin ana uree i the University, chairman oi me membership committee. For Sale Five acres, part of the Spring Hill farm, between r.notnn and Dillev. $800. Write or apply, Margaret MacLachlan, Public Library, Portland, ure- gon. 9-0 Rolland Dunn, of Hillsboro, and Hasel Eastlick. of Portland, were married at Vancouver, Wn.J wnoy, I Caahler. I : Watches Silverware Noveltie A- 4 Prompt Repairing HOFFMil JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Main Street t irisfciawa, Oreg ii the first of the week. ba a noon.