V Si, llHE Bare xxviii No. 27 101- ItlLLSBORO, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 8, 1921. HULLS LINE M BE BUM ffl TILLAMOOK RAI C.liih Hll. feral No"-'n Nrw Presid.nl ol l.ook il Over Mr i.iul ,. ( I mi-l.la r. .1 ti rit ii in I l.ll ,1 r.i nut H"l ri I ill tl im urn sU. , LATENESS OE SEASON Lumbermen in Oregon lire More Than Optimistic fotuliiltir f l atins Over lle (". .,i,.l r I' I I.I uul III the ('' , y lht . i ti i , ,,!!,. Ill l.tilt tin ( ll. t ink nil' " llitl I l.n . I. i ,L. I Bl 1' " I.I. ; it i r ll.iiirintn. I ui.l. t l"M u".l' (,,,, tiki l".r.i I- rt...t i- tl' "' '" li lt) ( f . k I ..I. I. I. . II 1.1,1. IU l' .1 ..iw.. . till si til. 1 , i i i nl It EXPECr A ma winti-r nrr' "',,p v ii. J. T. O M ill. hi. AiliJri Seven Million Doll.r Sale of Ec- cle Timber i Indicator U.S. .. I' ,,i 1 1'1 ,. .lllll " III. "" 'I' I, II I.I I. I" l.n l',.,ll.. ,. S.l. . 111. - I..l . I I. . , tl - - r , i. hi ..I tin in it t ) tr.lm r nn, .un.rt, Mil nr 1 1 .1 t i . k, Ii . t f .IV Iro.tt l'i Punk Si. Mr l.ir.ln.r ,,, , Mullein ,ur tit In, , ir, and it. i.l. In.li ..t r 1 1 n,,l. -. o It. .ii i.f ,,. ,, ,, ,,, r,,,r (,i, j . I... I ii i " k K " nil .1 ..r i. mkn, pnrp..et H ;., r.liit r tit. within tw. t.lt , ,,, ,,f I Iml, Id r. ll., I!,,,, k i, mute They hate Inn k,h,, f . ; W ll .kl. . .. .i it . I; ifii,i,, w , Int.- in Hit- nt jr. Mr. n, .r, liir.tn. r .mi. mi. I tut Yniiniti r, It. I , ami , tp. , (., , , lli.- ml. r in I ' ilif.irm t. I'.. f..r.- t.iti i,in.t your ro.if t.e I . J I. ir.ls.il. (I. ma iiu f i. I it r. s mmy shut dovt u , listen -nhl v ll.. K in! I'.iiiii pilot, a tin- proof In teuton. A 1 nltlin r ton.- i mi. I ol. r proof .r..ilin I w Iui Ii . m. ri use ..f ..r.li rt, liou t i r, liivi lnk I In- "rurl" mil ..f ,r linn Ulnrlnl llnn, iimtini; in tin Inn tr, ttil I fiifurr vt it ti toil ninl , I" f l.itu nn.l ni.iiiv i nn rns tijj " ii. 'ii. y nt i r ullii r jmii.t.,, " I In ) will ijm rtr llir-mh tin mi.) I.i- will al'l'lv llir i.-tint nt wintrr. Tin OrrL'.ni Miiinfir lui.r H. uiU tin- f.illuw hrj ,i it 1 rnl Si haw li!. r, M 'iiitiiitaiinl il.', wa i llir l.nt nf tin- v i k . Mr. au.l Mr. J. rit I'.im lillf, i r. . ('. WirU Id. in. I iinil ill-, Sululn i il V al.ve i all) r 11. Uirti, .,f )! -.U at tin .'ilmtl M.tliri l or Salt .tii Tt Deire u to Build up 100 Per Cent Organiration i. HELP TO ALL SERVICE MEN Pott Will AuUt All to Fill Bonus Paper l.r.)i. k'.tt , iiuc I tin iithrr with n. id ar Si-tii 11 il.ll.Uro, U. jo 2 Mis )ri lar!.'.K' ins n turiti-.l It.. It!' in st i.f tl,.- s, -i,i, ml ,,,, fr. mi In r t.ii.ili .ii ninl will bfi at' Tin- Aimrican Lriiun it an inhti ainrrt.t lirnkr mi tin- imiH ti, t.,! In r lin!i. in tin- Mm. II. Cavr tutiun of arrvicc. From the tu llir IiiiiiIii r Imsiii. . w In. I . ?, 1 1 r t r. snl. m r. nftrr S l. J'.'. uuiltuoua year of reconstruction . .I m..nll, Mills ,.,., Mr, ,., ,., ,,, u ,.,., ,i,Imrpj ju-t pant, it has emerged with ....... " " , Jg,,.,,,.,.. fr J .. ...an j.ri..r l JIIIV I, Win Mr. ami Mrs. Jefferson Cran j ior Sale As Jo not wUh t (111 Jr. am! Mr. an.l Mn. Vernu- .Irive otrUnd to Nebraska, will Ad inn, of Portlan.lt w. rr jrirt : irrifire a Dode car, in Al eri at the m. Adin. home list f lition; run ahoiit S.000 mil'-, werk. They were ast..tiilird nt rubber ali iod. A bargain, the growth .,f Hillshoro the j,;,,t Phone 83J, or see owner at th. f-w years, and ery much uppre-j Bowman residence. Fourth an . eivite its impriivrm. rit. Jarkson stri-rts, HiUloro. 27 f-, !, . , ninl tmr ii tin Ir. nihil- i.f luring it ih.ii.-. I'.iii.t In-re she r, r. 1 loir I ith. d( ki" t )! yMir roof with tin- h. st nl h-.s It,, (iiilrnt I nit j 111..1DV. S. .- ur wntr ('. J Jta ral . i .1 ..... .. . , Hie Mm ' iH"K , . 11, 12 Hi 11-ts. IiiM . Il.ll,,,,r,.. 2S .r... ' ..itln rn tr..k . L.n.'l ,,-k are Urn hi; . '11 1 t .m. .... tl.. Mi"""" ' 1 s ,,.11 t.U ....r It-e .r.....s..lj , . V ..,.1 ( W l'k I I, ..til I'1 ' v. ..I 1 1,.- . I. .11" i i it i - i in " " ; ,., ,t I, nt the iil.S il liner liur, n l j I, in nt . r l I ill 1 .t,,i.i .. .1 I illni.'. 'k j in ! ,i lll.tui."'- i,nr . .11 .1. .1 l.ll. I ..lilil t J.Xii w .n ,.. nt t ii , .it..l j.i ii,. I, i . immI" ' Hi, (. Iftl .1 .1. ,,U r..l, ll ll. l! ill.' !ili k.ll. . " kit IniHi tin : A sniiiiiinry of lin.ituinl and in .liislnil rrpi.rls i.f tin- list two miks n t. ils u I. .in- of optimism M hn Ii las lint r pressed ilsilf fur I he pnst y..ir. The i ner.-il opiii loll s. i ins to he tint the bottom tuts In i-ti r.m hid nnd tli;it while Imsiiiim r. tit til may he slow, it I.- . - ... i i ' i i . 1. ,.,,,11. I,,, iui i.i'ur.i,.. . 'll iiiuIm- r ' , i 1 , I ermine IlilU'lrns au.l p.tvrnlls . ir.- tin- si i ri I of prosp.r.lt. j Astoria N'ewtoiiit ('miiiiuir it '.i. installing Hew ilnsinif mn ihinr. Si irti .1 oper.il Dll Si pt. Prinlli ton S nrk ruslied ui Or. you Washington hihttar, llir ... i . new roji.i iiiroiiitli .Morrow ami t lllllllll.l coiilitli s. j Tillamook ('.Mintv Ho Co. in- I . urp,,r il. s with if 10.(100 i at.-t.il ; ,1 hv llie prop.is. .1! I t aii((. in al i nurei, a.l.pnirli rs nt I win Itn.kv ul.l in. all a re at ' hate a .p. il . lul.tr. n' mr Or, jfon nshinutnli Ti h- an.l asl.iiiirt.ini " ,- '" .'""lnv Inoriiin, nt I I phone Co . of I.i.i. Kit r t all. v iii loek, stihjeit, " llie I'.iril.le of: sells tine. the lend P. lied," or' llw do the U.iod Itmr taUey'sefop .l.iee. toy nnd (!irl i-onijiare W ith n Ut pproinmteIy I .liOO OOO boxes Lead IViii il?" S. hool In gins. Astoria Cotumliia Fruit Cmi VI. mil IV, mid we .hall l- vrry riery tart operatiuii S. pi. II. Sf 1 1 I Hint all of our boys mid I'.irl till.) Lower prieen on the (,-irls In It,.- i oiiiuniiiity, at Sun liikdiuat enlist nut ion nnd lower It, I '.'In Ha, hue, II. II, I John II tmini r. a stu.h nt of 'n 1 1 lii I'tiitiisitt, lost his hfe I tl I, ht .trim 111114, while work nl St. lb I. lis, .,ti,lii,. luml.rr on a .. uiiiijj 1 i a 1 1 1 u 1 r a haioliil. n 1 1 bC ph 11- of whin nlo.llnr ealln- i..w l lh. ,1,. I,,., ot.r I., una , , ,, I l.i .t... .. d Tlllaill.."k 1.1 11 ill. 1 I 1 .. .. . Hi' r hall. Is. I Ir w as ,111 HI Int. 1 . . . .-l.n 1 1 ,,,,,, ..,.1.1 k-i , rj,, rmi. , t ; .1 Lin. . short I. ,,ll t .1. ....... - I yy (, (j n r, ,, ll.. pl s. lit t.il.ie .11 l .nil , r, and ' I" " " ''" j I, l, u,l r .1. .In. I l the w ntbl I . . I . I II . I In I i "V 1 j , r,t v Iml. t " k ot.r no i iuiu.iii.i il r n,l. f. sis a yr ajjo.i 111,. I,. I hv llie iirolxis. .1 "... 1 1 I li... .hill (.'t hi w a injured so bail was 11 n 1 1 1. .i si tin the l.o.lt was not r 1 int 1 red until In,- 01 l.ii k In tin nfli rin. nil j II limit. I s ll... III. r Is llie 1 hn f up r nt the I. li lilnme ..lh. e nl SI II. I. IIS : -!) t . i.f I lillsbor.i, i , ( ll,. I .It. e ...KKi"Jt 1 1,, i nlf. a.l t h' a 1 .1 running nil.t th. ir Istoli, Okla., Will ti.il her dauifhter. Mrt. I'.liulM'th I'iiiiitiiier. Mrs. Alice U .iint and d.iuh ler, elma, pass) .1 through the etty Sunday, rnroute to M inning, for a tisit with '!,' liurrs. Wanted - F.nsii.ie iiitter, or ! i in. Ii. M,. I ,e l it. and 111 pood toliilitioit. ( I. ijir.iml, Shrrw oo.l, It. 3. l'hone sherwood N2. . 29 Ir. J. A. W'uii,!. rin li, who hat 'pent the S 11 111 111. r at l.adralide. it now in Portland, lb- wait out the first o llife w e k and tisited with relatives at ( nl. ri ille ami li uikt. . Wanted L.01 cl voiing rows. fresh or soon to fr. sin n. Stnti njes and prieet and will call Write llox 19, ltout t)re. ltuh S. Knurrs and family are inline from an extended t neation t Oak Hiilice, down on the Mc . n.ie, nnd 1 1 11 1 1 1 it aain super si 111; hit work nt mah r for the Southern Pacific. For Sale Two h re, harne ninl wnL'011, fl25; 3 row and tome farm tool. F. L. Quain nice, mile cast of Oreneo, on tin '..nu ll road. 28 , t hat the North Cell . I, ,11 lh. ir liiinl" r nip M 1 it !" II 111,111111. no ll.. 1, inf.- plui'ihb that 1,1.. lillilii'.i.k wilt b'' . . II as th" rt'J 111 th t p. ,i..l 1 t . il.. S. l.il. in ii.iiiilrt. UNRKSKRVI I) SALE OF AU- TOMOIULES lln highest bidder rt . 1 . .l l I i(li,,i,l r. 111 , I I l!l , Si PT. 10. I ..h.i.ln.i; of I or.lt, Matttills. . . . i.i . . ti.. 1 net ri. 1 s. 1 1... 1 ii. s, t train t, j ni lint.,. M ,.l. l.-ikers mid jilmnsl in. iiHh r m ,s. ol 1 ar. lln. 1. 1 -lii. ill bona tide tale "f 11. il 1.11, on tnsy limit, for 1. iir 1 r, ,i is U'i'1.1, I 'ale of Date, itiif.nv S. i.l. Ill, at I ii. III. 1 1.. -' i.is tt ill .i- told at Jake's I si . I V,,t,i Car I" i liailBe. 1i1t1n11 sal,- etirt Snlur.laV, '.'"i I.l,,, 11, l,i I i in Hrondttitt ''"I Sittli I'll. nil- llrimdttnl I. I.. ClllberttOII, I ie II ted A llclloliel-r. .tit S. hool nnd ill the Children' sirti.e, The In. mi like 1 hitreh for llie ii.iiiihnrili In. inert in the -i'lilliiiillity.- U . A. pastor. We rail and rl your laundry and nturii it promptly. First ils work. We hale uivrii retu tar senile in Ibllslnirn for msiiy I in. mllis. nnd hale nitrii nlif.ic lion The t'liimi I niiliilry. Ill 1 phone 20 I I and w e w ill rail for laniidrv. 2ti2! Win. A. Scott, of Corvalli. was in the city last weik. Mr. Scott It. R. 1 indley, of near Cedar Mm, it looking over the li. ld with the was in the city yesterday, preseni- prnrt on buinls hlionn bv recent hi.lt. Wheeler II ink Pro M II I! It I! i,l. f"r llmi I'mssi ssimt. . k. r h is leased th" pi 1. 1 , north o tow 11. ir . and ha (aki n Sheriff t.eo. Alexander and Primty Stotkilale list Saturday pour. .1 ntil iilwiit S.tO gallons of wine and moonshine which li.nl .11 1 iimutatrd ill the sin riff oilier nt a n suit of raids the past few nioiilh. For Snlc- -A team of horsrs. wi ij;ht about 2500. Work any where. Also harnrss nnd wn)ll. VI. dine tractor, plows, trn.k and a f. w other farm implement. (ifori- Swanom, ltoute I, Fix 13, Corn. liui. 2J'8! Mr. and Mr. Fred (l.ute nil- iiounic the i-nuauemeiit of their diiiiihler, Ann 1 M.. 1" " Ziniiitrrnimi. the inarriaue to be snlniinieil at the tl.,.imin l.lltb emu ihiirrh. nt rlelell o'clock. Wi dliesdity, Sept. 1 I. T.r"--'-.. ' ' pit. bejiin t .111 f f roy . ! limning nt Snark nnd are ship pinu. Wheeler Coiled mill re slum s siwillff. Astoria "-Contract awarded for pat itit; You iit 'a Pay bridge. Ileedsport Winchester Hay (.limber Company prcpnrinir for heavy work during winter. Ciim panv puri liase two Imrijes for 1 lira 11 t r.'t 11 sport a I loll. Newport- 5.000 trout planted in Lincoln enmity streams, Stnulifl.1 - IMI company mnv start drilling here within 30 day On uon's share of recent feder al ni.l road lull will be tf2.230.000 in next two year. I'. ndlet. hi -- Telephone Com 1 1,1 11 v purchase buihlillU site. Albany -Work I rushed on re psiirini! il.niunfed bri lue. St. Helens hccles compnny sells timber tract to Central Coal Co. for !?7,000,000. Operation of lotminu' .-amp to cotnmcneo 300 no 11 te complete railroad t properly. Hosclur cannery leased ; to open Oct. 1, cinployinjr a larg force. Nettberu Pnvinir of, city street nearly completed. Construction ork Marls on Silver Luke Irrigation project. Another section of the Panes California road to be htlill he I wtili The Dalles nnd Hufiir t lit. fall. Wheeler-- Prospcctinif fo.r ra ilium ftoin.it forw ard near here. Prairie City Work Iieuuii on 1' OSSl I Cllll lllilli' Hill M cllOll lit hiudiw av. Pendleton (.round broken for i. i. ...1 1 :.. ..i I new union niijit scuooi t . Coi-viillis--P.'ivi"if on soutl . . .1.11. .1..1 roMit lieinit riisncu 10 eompi. Colt aire (trovc-Sufiiimw hi?h' prestige that marks it as one of the most virile and potent factors in the national life. National, not sectional, nonpartisan, non-polit ical, non-sectarian, embracing in its vast sweep two million loyal Americans of all stations and con ditions, stands the American Le gion, the feared and fearless . .1.1 ..: I tl.. t.. .-.I l,Ofel I 1. 1 II 11 ' 'I. Ill l.l) pil..U.Jll,l UMU Seh il locals w inch made this nation Itreat. The American legion serves its country and serves Its comrades. If you hare the privi lege of membership, use it. Your buddies await you in 11.000 posts throughout the United States, its overseas possessions and in for eign lands. Applications for mrm- Ix-rship in Ilillsboro Post No. 6 will be received at the refrular mcctinfts of the Post, held in the LefTiou Hall on the first and third 1, Portland. Tuesdays of each month, or ap- 2-2 ply to any member. Application blanks for the State ltonus or Loan are now available and can be had by ap plying to A. II. Morgan, F. . Knjreldinfter or Ray Dillon. This committee will also assist the ex- service man In properly filling out nnks, or render any other ser vice possible. Post Adjutant. NEW MARKET ROAD iew of entering into some bus! ... ... in s. 11c nas Ih-cii an instructor for twenty-five years, and former ly taught in this city. For Sale -First class saddle pony, 8 years; gentle; will work !lh single and double; wctfths )0i)i is racer, but is senile. Pe ter I off limn, 1'acona, Ore. Tel cphonc Si ll. 2ti 23 infr to the county court a petition will 93 signers, asking that a road lie established from the Multno mail line, where the skyline bou levard converges, due west to the Frank Imbrie home, near Orenco From there it is expected that la ter the road running west by the old tile factory will be widened nnd made a part of a proposed market road to run via the Her- Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Fleming, of man Kamna ranch and from there Independence, and Mr. and Mrs. I to North Plains and Banks. The Samuel l.ri.sbine, of Moro, Ore. j project is wanted as a market were here the past week, attend-1 road, and Multnomah has spent a ing the funeral of the lute Mrs.l couple of months making surveys. W hitmore. Mr. Fleming resided the engineers now having roads here years ano and says he is as- with grades not to exceed 5t per loiiished at the way Ilillsboro has cct,t. The petition has been pre grown mid improved. Mr. Uris- scnted to the district attorney for bine reports that Sherman County I approval or rejection as to regu has tin: banner wherit crop of its laritv, and if regular, the matter history. I mav be taken UP at once and , ..r 11... 1 :-...i v..,ii.. viewers appointed IUVI.ll' int. ... .ii hi, . 1. 1 - !,., visit. '. 1 the I'liileil hrnni li'lli.' other dav. ostensibly BIRTHDAY HONORS lo look our lite lino in relation lo a new agreement with the pur- W. N. Brown, of near Laurel, was chasers of the l'.cclcs holdings of honored with a birthday party at their timber and the railway ex- the home ot tension from Wilke.sboro on to the N'clmKui. Ralph Budd, pres ident., and L. C. Ciilmun, vice pros ideol of the C. N.. and Chief F.n- L'ineer lloaitland. of the (1. N. comprised the party. t,H 'VSV Money'1 ,CMon loy or mn cftn ,enrn ' l BANK ,,,S Bnk'a part of yot.r faming REGULARLY and you will Ret idiend. sPf nd all you make and you will always be "broke." Tnat's ARITHMETIC. AJ llmf. Ml this time. Wc- invite YOUR Banking Business. HUTE SAVINGS BANlT wny opens with paving complete. Four L organiaiion rcporis lumber prodi etion on increase 111 north west section. Luffcm- cannery busy with pear roo. . . ...... ..... llnlskaiic Trail is tunic 10 ... 1 . scenic l.ooKoui. Albany Fast Third street gets itnvinir. I ..1. CotUgC lirove cnunery pneiv- ing two cars n wecK. Riddle residents improve rem- xlerv r.mil. flood progress being mailc on Oakland's modern Ifio.tioo gar HC- .... St.'IIelens work 10 siari im mediately on street Improvement. White Swan, Klamath County, sawmill resumes after year of idleness. COMPLIMENT MISS SHIRLEY . . . . . . Mis Mildred Shirley was conipn meiited with two showers the past week, in honor of her approach- inir marriiutc with Owen H. Helm. The lirt was an iiluminuni show er, held by the I'ollyanna class, nt the home of Mrs. C. H. Rico. The second was given by Mrs. J. A. Pinkerton and Miss Nellie Wat son, nt the home of Mrs. Pinker- ton, on Thursday night, Sept. 1. Many of Miss Shirley s girl friends were in attendance during the evening. Facet young lady gave the bride-t'W'e her favorite recipe for happiness, written on a .small card, sealed, with the ad vice to read some time within the first six months of marriage. Many beautiful gifts were tender ed to the honor guest. his son. Finis L. Brown, August 28, a big dinner being enjoyed. The children were all present - Chas. W, the eldest, Laurel : James, of San Francisco; Ben. of Ilillsboro, and Frank, and Finis, of Laurel. Mr. Brown's family consists of five children, 15 grand children; 8 great grandchildren, and a great-great grandchild. Aside from the family, the fol low inir made up the party: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mulloy, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Messinger; Mr. and Mrs., John Mainland, Mr. and Mrs. John Will, Miss J. Main land, Mrs. Geo. Campbell, E. S. Crawford and Fred Schmidt. The honor guest has lived in Washington county many years, the greater part of which has been spent near Laurel. SECOND HAND CARS COFFEE CLUB MEETING For Sale nt a bargain If taken nt once Four room house on lot (50x150. nt Orenco. Will eomoletclv furnished. R. sell T Regular meeting of the Ilillsboro Coffee Club will be held Saturday afternoon, at 2 :30, nt tie Public Library. Business to transact, nnd a lecture on Health I rusaile. Mrs. Chas. A. Lnmkin, Secy. KINT0N MELON SOCIAL The Kiutoii (.range will give Melon Social at the Kintou school house, Sept. IT. The prpgram lieu-ins at 8:13. Admission free F.vcrvbodv welcome. The pro reeds to be devoted to the Kinton We liave some good buys In sec ond hand Fords at your own lice. Call in and see ns. Why Irive that horse when you can ride all Winter In comfort. Otto F.rickson Co., Ilillsboro, Forest Grove and Benverton. PYTHIAN SISTERS C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillaboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealer la Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags SEE US BEFORE BUYING Cax-lot skipper of POTATOES and . ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time We Always Pay the Market Price for Grains and Hay of All Kinds SEE US BEFORE SELLING Telephones; Hillaboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK Three and Four per cent paid on time deposits Rent one of our Safety Deposit Boxes. Take care of your valuable papers. We keep a nightwatch in the building to protect your -curities as well as our own. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS J. A. Tnornburgh, President W. W. McEldowaey, Cashier. IAFFjE SELF FILLING PEN THE PEN THAT MAKES WRITING A PLEASURE The Pythian Sisters, after their Summer vacation, will start hold ing their meetings again and their first session for the Fall will bi this Friday evening. All menv bers nre requested to turn out and help make the meeting a rrgular housewarming. Wanted Stubble pasture for 100 head of hogs. Can use fields for part or all hogs. Will pay for pasture, or go BO-BO on weight; or buy field. Hngh Carey, North p ertSJWIISBJJIBftaiiJJJpjs" TH students The Delta Drug Store BUSINESS MANS HILLSBORO, ORE. PEN PROMISE $250up Watches Silverware Novelties Prompt Repairing HOFFMAN JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Main Street i Hjllsboro, Orfa Snyder, Orenco. 26-28 Hall fund. . 1 Plains. Phone IFU. i 18