w " 'obe 'Successful Support Your ifj look l(c parh'L Home Bakery ' X mill Wv make gtHui bread you ran ,ay oH-n markrl. "nrhes, U hen tou order hrra.l from Vnu t ir r,,. p . i DrMsd. It will nil the I 111, a. , u,r ' - ' '' r re sii,, upmrt a home institution. Try It. 3 A pipe's a pal packed with P. A.! Seven days out of every week you'll get real smoke joy and real smoke contentment if you'll get close-up to a jimmy pipe! Buy one and know that for yourself I Packed with cool, delightful, fraerant Prince Albert. pipe's the greatest treat, the happiest and most appe tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out! You can chum it with a pipe and you will once you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!) Why very puff of P. A. makes you want two more; every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the last! You can't resist such delight! And, you'll get the smdkesurprise of your life when you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert ! Such entic ing flavor you never did know ! And, P. A. stays put be cause it's crimp cut and it's a cinch to roll! You try it! MM m hwr nrf Ma. fW rJ kiaWwi mmd tth pmmtd trymtmi Uh Awi4r with pmragg ALlEiT MMIfWMf I the national joy smoke CfTT(k INI br a KthUi N.C. Mrs. K.iztl MKormi, Is his mu-J Warren V. Mi Corum k for divone. She all.- they urn niarnYil at Vancouver, Wri., in ami that the husband i, pi illy nf criu I ami inhuman con duit. .Sin- swears that he ha Urn surly an.! rude to her, has lieil to her. that he is iinprovith nt. , and she w.is furred ti uo nut and' make her own livint;. The eoin- plaint also rhar:r.s that tile hus -; land was disrliars. d from thej Portlaml poller foree l.eeause of! his nn reliability. j Mr. ami Mrs. Chester Drives, of Oak Park, ami Mr. ami Mr,. Sam Johnson, of Hillsboro, re tunieil Sunday from a ramping mp to tne lillamook beaches an. I Seaside, making the trip over in the liriiltfes ear. They report a tine time an. I Sim is now filim; the siaht on his pin to jo out ami iri t tliat venison. Want to rent a raneli of from .10 to 100 aires. Will plow or iliso with tractor by acre or hour. Ivan Shaner, Hillsboro. Ore.. It. 3. jt Hot weather Is Now Here! Don't neglect your battery. Have It filled with distilled water. We give free testing, filling and consulting ser vice. Regardless of make of car or battery, we can help you get better life and service out of your battery. We have a completely equipped shop to make all repairs necessary on all batteries. Willard Service Station Lohman Battery Co. 1052 Second St. Open Saturday evenings until nine o'clock ii .JO ! W hTrllt'S lit do j Just Arrived Our September list of BRUNSWICK PHONO GRAPH RECORDS. All are worthy of special at t e n t i o n consisting of standard music snappy toe tickler for dancing an da funny vaudeville sketches, on sale at Hillsboro Pharmacy Many a icood, cap.ihle man pataet a whole lifetime without ever learnin ; the VALUE OF DRFSS1NG WELL, When you v. to hunt oik, the very first thing th man you ak for a position trci anj judge you by, ii your CLOTHES. How else c.in he first jiul;:e you? They are the si;,n to him of your success or failure. No man wants to hire a tailure. This is a scrnuts earnest talk e wish to make to deserv ing men whether they buy their clothes front us or not. WW our good, "Nifty- clothes. W. W. Boscow Frank Overroeder. of F.lmoni- ea. was up to the city Monday. Martin l.arsen. of Klmmiica. was a city caller Monday innrniiu E. L. Mapes, of Laurel, Mas a Ilillshoro caller the last of the week. ii. i i . . . I tier jacohscu. ot West I ni.ui, was greeting friiiuls in the aturday. Win. 1'. Hrooks. eldale, was in the city Mniidat ami paid the Areus otliee a call. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank W. Jack son. of l.eond North Plains, were Millsiioro visitors Friday after noon. I i t r i ii . . i . inireniev. )! helou ) Witeh Hazel, was in the t il v Fri- ' day and paid the rt liifioiis week ! Iv u call. I Fr sale: J'air siidinx house i iloors with carriaife i-oiiinleti ; very cheaii. Call t Second St., or phone !)0.'l. aj a; V..:l I ... r i ii .'ii .i.tiiiisou. oi iniisiile, was in town Monday inoriiini;. Neil still knows how to tell a irood sto rv as well a.s hustle for the f ir iner. ttani io Kent A farm of 40 acres up to 100 acres or more in cultivation. Must have some i.as I .. ... I l I v I ...... u. .ii. wavnison, IlilNlioro, K. I, Lux 73. 05 2H Miss liessie Arrhlioi,) rrtiirmd I riday from a ten days' vacation at S. aview, Wash., ami is npiiti at (lie desk for the Wilkes U strait C'omjianv. For Sale M lUhtd black farm team; weighs about 2H00; chenj. -('has. L. Wood, on river roa. to Farminton; address llillsho ro, R. 2. 2V.27 Mr. and Mrs. C. Hlnser and Mr and Mrs. S. I',. Pay ram went I. the Willamette river. Sahmlai evening, ami spent .Sunday etijov" I iK a lishin expedition. For Sale Horse, 1200 lbs.; A 1 w ork horse, sinir . or il.n.1.1.. . Drake, tpiart.-r of a mile north of itch Hazel Station. ,,n S. P. Address Peaverton, Oreon, R 4- 28' Mrs. M. A. Powell accompanied ner sister in law. Mrs. Jin,., tw. II, to Monmouth, Satunlav. to auemi a I'owell family reunion n the original Powell homesten.l returning Momlav Rev. H. A. Heck, w ho has beei ,.f I!, il l. I ii ... mieiiem, ni tor Nome weeks, where he was called account of the. illness of a n l. tivc, will be. back in his pulpit nl H... r'.... .a i . i . ' ' eniircn mis corning J. II. Cray, of cast of town, was a caller Monday. He- is fMtinf reauy to tfo out n the ,!IIm ...! du)lieate bis experience of two Olicks a.s a rem I ,.t I.:,. i.in minting. fico. H. Ward, for thirty years "on i hc nearst newspapers, m,v mi u,: American, at . Cliieatro. was the Kuest thin week of Mr. "! Mrs. J. L. Anld. of ,. Oreneo. J company with the Alilds, Mr. Ward visit.,1 ll.ll.l.,. ro Monday tnornimr. nn.l it.,.., it in in. . I of a monummt. M Sturm r , f l.rti.n.l il....in marker, or jiosts, or icmetrrr my, v as a cil i ullrr Munda . "orkof any nature, w ht thrr pur i , . . v. ii" .i .i it tic-1 , nl lirr N.wt.il, . cliasetl tv voursilf or thru the , ,, ,. , ' . . .. ,, . an Arum caller 1 n.lav mortaiitf Woo.luun or on) Imuc it ' 1 I": to vour interest l. consult I'-oid Urni.i , of lirti Hill Co., as thev will aic Vu a bct-i ";" a Hillsboro illrr the first of ter monument, iU, than can be tin- week, purchased for the money anv , I. Ii,.!.,.! w lu re else - in fut they can savr you coiisijcrable on any pur cliase. s i if of I 4 r in t i t t n luiMllri in thr was t r t ii si , t iiij; eit MondsV. I' ... . ii t t i I i, t. . , ,. "r n in . ii... inn nr iiijin lohl) 11. lull. . of lliiM.m, re-I I , , . , " turned from !',.i!!mi.I I rnlav and I , , . , ' ., ,i i .. . hi "ar lienirr lor . r. 27 spent toe ilav in the city, lid lias a fairly uo id e,-,.p t( prunes this! Mrs. M. F.. Johnt.ui, nf nrr car in.! will harvest the acre. J 'he Radio station, h as an Aricus iiisule of thru ..r four vnikl,n",r Mondiv, etimulr liouir time, 'lars no (r. P nl. v niiil . (rom a visit in Portltii.l . i i . i . . a . - f nie inie IMVii! I orvvm were work- r.,.il. I.IL ..l. . . -m "n! R till W inir toiiether in Hill .born, and lie vvas ileeolv ri. v. I t . hour of the tlealh of his f e(, u,j J At. Lou loll, vv ho i . . . nt I v s .1 ! His plate ..ver it I .l.tv v ill,-, u. louht the .It.Ii in pi.ne baek a.'ain, after having been ,."f (- ranch for a loe.ple of v. ir., lb and his fuinlv viil move ha. k ! Hi l u i , k nd in, be ..( h..iue amonsj th ir old u, i.bbors, mill s soi.t !i ,,f ( nrm bus. . Will.. I t o sm.iii ni.is; alto a loll V .- - In.lmrr of II. Rasmussrii, lUnks, Ore., R Ilm IrlS. 2J t F. (', Alford, of above Uml-.ri.j v. as m tovi ii Moii.I.iv, prrrtinK frn-mls. He tttr that he has found indications of petroleum on the Alford place. The A. II. Ratmusseits and A. II Morgans nturiinl the list of j the week from n tnii to P.n jti. Dressmaking hildren's i lothri i ii . i . . i t- . , ,' " t IS.1V 1.1.1 ."W-nsi.lr, ii,. HI. nil sevviinr an. . .. . ' " iir tur in . rr.n ii v . i . I . . i i I , fl'Hir Ifisi ors nentiv nolle al) -;.... o . ... , ..... i.. t I . i . i ; r- -r-M h ,, the ,r. , uv. " " ii ...i. t L ... ,,l. ....i ... i I'"'- " " -' ' tr... ...I.;.... .. . . ... "i. ....... n ,p,i( in sen. Perfection Bakery SECOND ST. "tiLsnoROton Special Friday and Saturday September 2 and 3 Cocoanut Caramels 30c lb. Den of Sweets - 1 LEONARD DROWN, IW '"at ti nrmn amir HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL -BANK- Edw. Schulmerich, Ohk Schulmerkh, F. J. StiraB, Preaident, Vie. IWtUt. & SURPLUS. I20JD0O00 CAPITAL, 150)00.00 If you w,nt a .afe ,,Uee to drpo,i( yoor m,,,k,, druortll .Saving, iVpnrtmrnt ..f U,j. Utik, at erery dollar drpo absolutely Kuaranlred, ,J the United State. (iitrMl nt a preferred creditor. Call on iu and m will tap la in le develoomcnt nf Jiotor Transportation tation; the perfecting of the motorn comfort and dependability; the construct of smooth , durable highways; the prucS of a motor fuel-Red Crown gasoline wh,ch meets every test of power and mih7 age; and finally, the Standard oTsee Sta .ons at convenient locations, making RCrown gaaotoe readily available' anokrd service stations, and other dP1 TnT63' STANDARD OIL COMPANY Red Crown it "-mm me Gasoline of Quality Big Reductions on all Used Cars If you are looking for a bargain in a uwd car or mA we have it. All our can are conditioned and redy l I Our motto, "Sati.f,ed Cu.t0mer,M UrKe to select from. We buy for caah and tell on tnrno. W ve you money. Compare our pricM. a Used Car Exchange made a pleasant call at the Argus J 1246 Main Street ouiec. jvirs. An .1 iu n ,1, 1. 1 HILLSBORO, f. ,r- . ' H"-r o I traru. - ti