DARNELL RANNOW !! WEE'S DEPT. STORE ! Tho. C. Darnell, of I'artun. W .. and Miss Frieda Rannov. of GO AK 9 FarmingtuM. were united ia nwr riaate at HilUboro, Ore., April 30. lil, Rev. II. A. Dick ..tfiointiiiir. L KINTON PLAY . Quit tmriSHiiws o A Special Selling of WOT mm. READY-TO-UEAR IMP Good looking, smartlv tai lored. and eorrertlr finished FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY O.NLY, Wear our food, "Nifty" clothes. When you once deal with us, you will never quit We will tell you underwear that will FIT. X,' Miy old tlihig" and look right S"7',ec" of hat. ties, shirts, hose and bancSwrcniefs tat will harmonize with your suit and overcoat Our aaleamea are drilled in clothes-color, harmony. We Mrmonious whole from hat to hose. . There it ART in dressing. A man's apparel should bo one Members of the Kinton Grange will give the play entitled "l a ele, at the Kinton school house. May 7. This play wa announced fur Anril ItS. hut winr tit illllt' 1 1 was postponed. 1 he piay a Ik promises to Je unusually mirresi iiijt. ephew marries afjwrsi his uncle's wishes, and Toole's al- " " .... ... i . ...ic iiiv c. i. . . - port. Uncle an Dear on the srviu after they settle down. Thry try to hide the truth which causes n end of complications. Everyone invited to attend. Admission, adults, J5cj chil dren, lie. Proceeds to be acliiri! to Kinton Grange Hall Fund. Program begins at a: IS p. m. CHINA-NEAR EAST $10.00 Consider the exceptional savings effected through the purchasing of these Satin and Taffeta Silk Dresses now at this special price. Come in and try them on yourself; you will be agree ably surprised at their val Newest colors,' in pleated back srear coats $6.05 "Luxfte" ladies' pure silk STOCXLVS3 CSc a p-xr A special selling of newest 04.00 i I Laundry of Personal Service I Leave crfcri at the SUGAR CDVL CONFECTION'RY PUd;E2311Z 1 1 ninFvr"-.- Iisvraiu. w riltAL SETTLE. KINT In addition to previous gifts to the China and Near East Fuiul the High School reports: Net proceeds from ilav at the l iberty Theatre, $118.00. Sale of Candy during pluv. $21.35. Sale of candv at school of Do mestic. Science Dept., $13.00. . Methodist Euisroual Church. additional, $3.00. Congregational Church! addi tional, $6.00. ' E. C. Mulloy, of Laurel, $8.00. Total, $15.15. H. A. Deck, Chairman. ROAD MEETING j Argus: On Saturday evening. May 14, at 8 o'clock In the court room of the Washington County Court House in Hillsboro, will oc cur a meeting of all those who are interested in better roads for Washington County. As President of the Hilkl. UN) Club I have been reguested by one of the road foremen to call this meeting. . An invitation has been extend ed to Mr. Jno. B. Yeoii, of the Mate Highway Commission to address this meeting. Every one interested '' In good roads is in vited to attend. L. VT. Hvde. Pres. Hillsboro Club. The Only Exclusive Woman's Store in the County NO SUMMKR WARDROBE IS COMPLETE wftaont st least oat Gingham Frock. , Puet and pages of the very newest strict for Ginfbtnt Pictorial Rsrfow FASHI ON BOOK FOR SUMMER - NOV Oft SALE Pattern 20 carta It 35 carts Dress 9473 NONE HIGHER V 35 cents WEIL'S In the Count j Court of the Stat of ' Oresron for VV.K;.,t.. o -ft-"" In the' Matter of the Lj Will ad Testament of Morris C. Lincoln, Deceased. Notice ia herriv m.n td.t undersigned, Executor of the Last HTM a" aw . wui ana xesUment of Morris C. Lincoln, deceased, hm thi A.-., filed In the County Court of itaaouigion county, Uregon, his final account and reoort as nrh executor in said esUte, and the "ame na et for final hear ing' and settlement !ufm- a.;A '-m wvvr OHIU Court at the County Court House in Hillsboro, Oregon, on Mon day, May 0, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. Latea this 25th day of April. 1921. r ' Clvrlp T.ln.nln Executor of the Last Will and Xestament of Morris C. T in ; ill ,-. . coin, deceased. " M. B. Bump & D. D. Bump, At torneys for said estate. THE EUICK The Buick name is the Buick's best salesman, and Bnick. loti models have added' prestige to that name. The new models possess, the; known Buick reliabil ity to meet everv condition of iravei. lo that reliability there is auuea comiort resulting from improved seatinsr and spring suspension and easier control of mechanism. And the new lines are beautiful. V.mh car's reliability is re inforced bf - ..1.1 ! . . aumonzea iJuick service. The regular equioment on all m.lt since January 1 Includes cord tires. You should see these new models to appreciate them. Ferd Hattrampf, At Buick Service Garage, No. iuo Kiun, nea. Kint sf mil. boro. ah Mrs. Chas. E. Wells iitl h O. W. Wells at Newberg,. Tuesday. Oscar Hundlev. at nmr fV Plains, was in the city the first of me weea. For Sale Brood sow. n i r . , . Y 7M old; finest in county. Will litter about the 21st. S. Cooper, Laurel, Oregon. n Marriaire license was ar.nt.A to Thos. A. Gibson and Emma Walpole, the first of the week by r i v ... .... . J vicrs jwuraill. liihann liail. r. Clatsop County. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Why Delay Buying That Summer Suit We are Making a Substantial Reduction on all Spring and Summer Suits A GREAT VARIETY OF MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM AND EVERY ONE THIS SEASON'S STYLE NEW SUMMER FROCKS Of Voile, Organdy ami Gingham at I3.S0 and up NEWBLOUSES- With a touch f summer, of Pongee, Georgi He or Cre,e de Chene at.. ... $4.44- and up SPORT SKIRTS- Check, Strlc or Plaid -Tweeds, Serge and PruiirlU. SIM 2,1 " 8 1 : . S4M and up JERSEY JACKETS In all the wanted Colors at - . U50 and $10.50 Te Carry "VANITY FAIR" Italian Silk Ucdiroea. Goar's Woman's Shop 1212 Main Street. . Phone 422X Hi!!sbor0 Lutheran services net Smi.l.v afternoon at 2 oVI.wt. . ih United Evangelical Church, on Third Street, between Washing ton and Baseline. P. H. Schsus, pastor. - Dressmaking Am prepared to do fashionable dressmaking. Mrs. Ray Cleveland, Cornelius, 0re' 7-9 Senator W. G. Hare a via itor to the Haskcll-Carpentrr plant up at Cherry Grove the last of the week. Richard Beamish came u from Cedor Mill. Katur.l.v -...i attended the 102nd anniversary l Odd Fellowship celebrated by woniesuma U.dg at their hall, Main and Third. If you are in the market fort tioiiuiiirtil, see me Ik-fore bajiar V large number of Jrvigns frns vhieh tn select, at prii-m tthirl siiiiot be rqunllid. Nave Ik gency for the Otto Sc'liumiu Co., of Portland. II. W. Prirs It, Banks, Gre. 49 tt Call at the Argus office ofr first viass jou wors, Which Paint Costa Lees? NOTE how the bat paint spreads easier and covers more square yards than cheap paint does. Figure in the extra gallons of cheap paint that you must buy and the extra cost of appli cation. 'v' It means that cheap, paint costs just as much as good paint on the house. The best paint then gives five or more years' protec tion to your property invest ment. Cheap paint on the average, starts cracking in twelve months. Which paint costs less? 72 Years' Experience The house paints we specify (at your home are the rMi 72 years' experience in making purpose. Made to stand the peculiarities of western weather. The best material PIO NEER WHITE LEAD. linseed oil, zinc and color are .' combined with long-time skill, in scientifically exact propor- - tions. ,. . ; t ..Our white lead base must pass k through a silk screen with 40,- 000 meshes to the square inch. A patented purifier makes I ' It 1 a. mm' - (. it "whiter,' so Fuller paints are exceptionally clear-toned. The paint when finished and applied on the house is a beautiful, elas tic tough, protective coating. -Such paint costs but a trifle more td buy per gallon and is" five to ten times more econonu-" cal in service. Don't allow surfaces to rot to "V it. f- -i . i. V " fun c aiiow surfaces to s '1. it i Free Ad7xso on Painting ASKour agent for our free al f xlvice. He will ihow you a color ; card which shows 32 ihades of this deiir- .'; able paint , f We have a Puller j Specification' Depart-- ment which will tell 'i you all about the" i most desirable color schemes, color har mony and those other details you want know. Take advantage of Puller House Paints. Takesteps to paint now. Dont let weather depreciate your investment W.P. FULLER St CO. Dept. 6, San Francisco ."1"H'urr of Ptlnts. w i t lem . Ettablishcd 1849. Brandies in It CWts In tht Wtt Dealers sverywhtr. Also makers of Rubber Cun n. ' Paint, All Purpose vLV5?wQSZ 2S" J",f K-1 'n-or.floorl Wi S!f B fimialB. Auto Entmtt, Biira and Roof Paint, Porch and 8t P.in. nd PIONEER WHIT hZS. Slfiy kyW.P. Puller 4 Ca : T ("fai IWf and "Pfcos- I r'i ,vm tciSeations J I -4 Cat aklwr . saa asaka f ssrvica Hints, xrzx to boy r psbrtt art Im !0,tuf 'jw. 4fs important ttfm, Aftnti' nanus and ad fwsan are printed in the memo. tR rl,ht Cutitit and pit tt la your pocket now. SAVE THIS (Cut this out and, pasta it in vow not book as a memo.) . sif k1 JeeU tainttaai Puliw. Specification Houc Painu Wa aolTav tht foilowinf Agantsi R. L TUCICER HILLSCORO, OREGON In the County Court of the State ot uregon or Washington vuuniy. In the Matter of the Estate of Al fred hmmott, Deceased. Notice is herehv oiw-n kt u. , J o""., uioi me undersiirned executor nt th. ...... v- m it a a wm and Testament of said de ceased, has file.1 ill tit. ilin.. ... titled court and cable, his final account and report as such and me court has fixed an1 .nn.i.i ed the 3rd dav of .Tun 1001 ... the hour of 10 oYWV A f -r said day, and the court room of we aoove entitled court in Hills boro, Oregon, as the time, and i . Ileft,,nff ""J'rtlons to said final account and for the fin al settlement of said estate. ; Dated this 2nd day 0f Ifay, frenro-.. C Executor of the last Will and aesiamentof Alfred Emmott. ueceaaed. Hare, McAlear & PeteVs, Attor neys for Executor. ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State " for Washington Countv. In the Matter of the Estate of An drew uison, deceased. Notice Is herehv .l undersiirned h. .,n? Ic . , uuij con- firmed by the abova ; antitled Will a "ecutM o' last Will and Testament ..u j I - aMI 114 QB sCuch ' hM dul' qUalified " Now therefor ' .11 t Ing claims against said estate are present the same. tnii... ."A offices of Hare. MnAl... . " .OI a": ".re". " the In n Tnm'u? i,Bank Bu,ld- n. j .1, UBie nereof . iB?,atedthl' 28th day of April; Some FACTS Abat P The Universal Car u- you just how many Ford Cttr Ind trtw '" at t'oit. They show January 1 ,92I and h1J trp ek, have been buU (( J sjii(e e United States. manJr hv' sold to retaU customer, in JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH Produced 29,883 35,305 6186 Total Production: .. iJ Delivered to Retail Customers 57,205 63,(33 871 Total RsUil 5alta,C3,032 d-tio by 80,o88 Ci ? -.. of 1921 exceed,! ro- showing- tliat tl.. April ional Cars and truxla m imbly plants combined palls In ol, 90,000, Utl"'1 .,! ,em ma cuHtome' mUc18k) now bei Prdut'e and " 'or the thing like womlr fr,0re' U,,til wrDluI 'i ,,ar,' II wlU be ft xe prompt deliveries. iirplu' ot orders will prevent any- you would be siir. r i , xti? srn t .he. w.t , 1 UeiaV. Phnn. ... a J Ptto Erickcon & Q). FOREST GHOVE y HILXS30RO CAVRTON a r or ,ald deceased. ... . - wr rauutr r executor, HLJl?t,T k to AWubla to