-4 mil rv COUNCIL A" coMpROMISE ordered tht beginning fAIL w the prrcnt week all cars . TTrontractocof ,,inK "i'1 ""l " the ri,Jr "hU L,.i M up lake the north track mi Main, I The Southern ! itio Company with rua inrr.nN tpaii i Wwwiv owes Umf ON FOR THREE NIGHTS SEVERAL BLOCKS TO PAVE ...i-. Will b I-"1 00 ,v llu- contractor who t I fa.taa rnjn.r.. . Corf " tiled iy ' TuriJ '.., and Mr. .i.rli'il ..,.. I. '"llC COIM" '""" A' V .....le a ronfrrencc u;.r n" ... '...1.1 '"' " ;.. fr m long lime between Second and Third, ami this reduce the rongeatlon con siderable when train arr taking mi ami discharging passenger. Thi leavra the street i n to the koulh of the train ami one way tralfic it iMxtoiiile at all tiuieii, ami. when car are nut parked automobiles ran travel cithci way. It I rriMirteii mat iiir company is mmhi to establish !elU at North Raii)"c and Baseline, ami nil Baaeline, at SUth, to eliminate at much at pit.ilIc dangers of traffic. I Start This Evening at Moose lall Under Auspices Legion Pott CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT Three Frontier Nights for Bene fit of American Leg ion Boys council that beneficially affect the stomach accepted, ao I livt-r. ImiwcIs, kidney ami other ...nil n Iim'H Kraiilrr. Ilium ftrr r,m"""u (:.rrru niovrtl Vitaliai r, an old. time tried rrm Ou'-il' ' . I H, f.rr It rr 1 .1 y compounded of foreign am that fl ,H T I . attorney for domestic medicinal herb, whiili crKra a tin l,Ml .. thri'heil out rmiiiictorlc of the human body tlu. ,ynir ln-en It improve the Wood. It pro l ll" ! ".!....-.. akkintf for ,.,tra difetlion. It reKtilatt a the il'J":" ...i Mr. Hal- lmrU. It work upon the kid fS30D. " i ... 1 .1,- h thoiiKAinl nev. It quli ta the nervoua y Wh"'. ,ii..,.nt. The ruiin- tern. It nourUliei, atreiiKthnik Jollurt mi 4 really ami lin lirorate. It oMn tin cil"""V" 4 w:Mtd iirwlMk- iMirra of the kklii am JaiiiM"' - 5 , K,,t the healthy -rMlratioii. Sole areiit - - .1 . ovl awttrr a..j-- , ,. l from Itawlinrjl'laliu 1K. lso putHrd rrainu- l.rmrr, f tlf Nnrthwent an I lest Strnt two ,i,iK t.r H,rftt iLrw day from Lincoln; d are akin; for prorata witl oiiikI'I the three t vi nino pr- vraui ul llic (frtiroii 1 rail ami roiitii r NiuhU oimii at ilwn' lall uiuli r the uiihpuct of the mrrii-aii lA-gion I'int No. C of thin ity , the m t prottt U to j;1 into the I-eK'"" trrjisury. It will lie three eviiiiii of olden div. a they were in Oregon in pio neer iiiiiiinir rain in, and tin-re will Ik- all kin.U of fun. He aurc and L'et out ami uive Uows, with iiii; nt hidi-. LnJd & ' - the Imv a ulnd Imiul. They m t l Heed, Reedville, Oregon. II of the akin and liulureo Mra. J. J. NuHlinumer, IlilUlMiro It. I, Ho !!. Telephone North 0 The fool-1 l.t nave Ui (. ti.n I" Fv," blu.k. ""rt" . . ..... fri.lll Ail lluiils "1 lllM"M, ' l'ltheke day the wheat grower will riinir into lilt own. a lime more orKnnixation and the trlik will In turned. North H " to theL(l ci,,,..,, mrket. Some i i.r..i.rrtv owner nny the Improvement. VETERANS IN SESSION Take off your hats to the first OH, SUSANNAH STAGED REFER SALARY BILL real spring day I'.iigineer Harry Mtljiuchlan is ii joying a fishing trip over in tli Nt halt in eountrv. . Piano for lak, t'llj; in per fect condition.- Write Mr. Faith, nigral delivery, Ilillsburo. 10 V. N. Hathoru, of laurel, was shakiiiir hands with county aeat fritnJs tliM morning. Dance, at Grunge I .ill, Scholls. Saturday. May 1. Hifreshments will be served. , 9-10 "D. M. M Imiis, of C lit halt in Mountain, wus over to Hillsboro yestirday afternoon jireitinj his friend For Sale Two young Ilolntciu high grade cows, fresh; 4 younj At Liberty Theatre to a Capacity Audience Last Night REPEAT THIS EVENING Farce Comedy Well Received Youngsters Do Nicely your financial help and you need to have the merriment that goes with the big three night of pro- grain. There will lie more real gh-e in these three nights enter tainment than has been staged in llillslioro since Hector was a piiii," ami van shouldn't miss a single engagement. Those selected for the charae- Austin Sims, 'of rriuiiigtoti wan up to the city Tuesday after noon. He will finish his Hpriug farming operations this week. The next meeting of the Itock Creek Literary Society has been postponed until Muy 18. There will be no meeting on May 1 1 J. II. McNauier, John Baldwin tern are well known for their pro Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. l,rabtrec sr clivilies to produce real spurt. I of Forest Grove, were in tow Take the tl ree nights off ami en-1 today attending the veteran meet . i .hi .it ' joy yoursrii. a win uc worm A nroirram ami basket social while. Drive the g oo.ii nig into! .. MJ at t. llmlvUI rttr t; . ,UT Jpour U-lmol house, on the evening temper, m ip jour .iigesuou ami ., . T .,. . ,.,m!iallv invited -nnd A giMnl time is as- BY SENIOR STUDENTS make new men ami women nut of you. "I t'a (Jo." The character assigned for the three night are: Mayor A. C. Shu! . who will lie loaded for evervli i 'r. Judire V. N. Ilnrri . who has a fine aense of justice. t mpered H'C local cemetery, Undertaker with a few nickels for the boys. '"'II oireciing. For Sale- Tram horsra, aorel i . one a horse ana one a mare . ii it. i i I nml N vear olil : wcium. booiii two. a. . rrr:""hm.. ...j Ap., . , . , rrt.ni. i)re.. R. : I mile North. B t. are m scssiimi --- - Ihdl. The life ami .Irum enrps here ami the way they liX H,.hling. of near Shefflin. ulaveJ Yankee Hoodie and Dile vnH t)ltt yrst. rday. lie aays on the street this morniiiK wa a M. (jjHcnwater are waiting rrrrlatlon. Comrade John Hahl fr K,M w,.ther, having -sowed mi., .ml Butler, of l orent Grove, .i, llt i0 4.rr t,j, kpring. They imlJ. I., (row. of HllUlmro, fur- nrp rrBdy for the lig drive, how-J Commander, and a ni.hrd the martial muHie. ever, aa soon a the weather act er. Tlirre was a K roinmunuy tjrlli Hot j log Hotel iJiciy wmic, .linner nt ihe hall at noon ami L. . . wlo you of the best dln- A. hm represented the mayor - 'a whu, Ing mem, In pioneer history. rrli ome. tl.e Mayor in- o . . NotKl,., better. to ! in attendance he- " i iso.00. af ter that, 118.00. Eggs per setting; $1.00 per hundred. i Paul Dudley, Aloha, Ore. sured. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wulter Ballard, born Maj , 1!J21, lived but .a short time. Internieiit was made yesterday in "Oli, Susannah!" a farce comedy, was rendered by the Senior Class of Hillsboro High at the Liberty Theatre last evening to a capaci ty house. The playlet was well received and the cast tint nicely. Edward Wall, as Dr. John Shep herd, a young M. D. without unds or patients, and secretly i t i . . 1 1 1 1. married, nau more iruuuics man the Allies in their peace iiegotia tions, and he carried the major part to a nicety. Belle Taggart, as his bride, displayed enough jealousy to make her part inter csting and then some, ana she was a credit to the character. Archie Pitman, as Mr. Plant, the widower father of two jew els." characters assumed by Flos sie Schicdel and Geraldine Cock erel, was Al and the trio furnish ed much amusement through the parent's desire they-should wed and in this the daughters, w ere good supports. Arthur Rollins as Lt. Merry, the Dr,' friend took the part of the practical jo ker and he nearly upsets Dr Shepherd's promise of financial support from, an aunt. Unly tn nnt affection for the new bride, who appears on the scene, saves the day, and when Lt Merry discloses how he tricked the doctor the aunt's heart warms to the impecunious medico and all is w ell The Poniona Grange of Washing- i ton County, at a recent session,! yoted to refer the Washijngton County salary bill to the voters on Nov. 7, 1922. The petition was filed May S by Chairman B. G. Leedy, and committeemen Geo. Harrow, Hillsboro, D. G. Lilly, Forest Grove, John CoMier, Forest Grove, and L. J. Francis, Tualatin. The final signatures must be filed with Clerk Kuratli by May 25, when the law will be . .i . rt - . 1 in lorce otherwise. me salary bill was passed at the last session of the legislature and made the follow ing raises, the same to take ffect May 25, 1921: Judee. 81200 to 1800. Commissioners, from $3 to $5 per day. Treasurer, from XIZOO to Si 500. County Clerk, from 81800 to 2100. Clerk's Deputy, from $1200 to $1500. Recorder, from 81200 to 11500. Sheriff, from 81800 to 2400 Deputy Sheriff, from $1200 to $1500. The Grange committee is now working in every precinct getting signatures and they feel confident HARE. McALEAR A Attorneys-at-Law Upstairs, Shute Saving Baak BUt Hillsboro, . - - Ofw.cn E.B.T0NGU3. Attoroey-at-Lav Office, upstairs, Schulaaerich Elk. Hillsboro, - - - Orajou JOHN M. WALL. Attorney-at-Lav Upstairs, A. C. Shute Bailiiag. Second and Mala Mi Hillsboro, - - - 0130 Basap D.D.Ewap CU7 ft CUr? M. B Main Street. ESUkw, Onom Soath of THOS. H. TONGU2, Jr, Attorney-at-Law . Upstairs, Schuliaerich Block Hillsboro, - - - Orejon ' D3. J. O. RObB. Bl D. PliyaiciM and S- -Office, Upstairs, in Cc Building. Besiderce, coi Sixth and Washington. PL Office, 192 1 ; residence, MM. Hlaboro, - lal DR. D. E. WILEY, IX D. Phyti that they will secure sufficient to Office phone, 181. place the referendum on the bal lot. SILVER WEDDING Residence phone, MSt. Cor- ercial BaJkk 623 Hillsboro, E.ILSaULLD.aa Physician and Sarseon . OSTEOPATH Completely equipped hospital in For sale: 9 young cows, fresh ; Hankers-President. A. W. Hoffman; vice preslden'. Fred Knifeldinirer: cwshier, Indies from the Auxiliary and they will need a Burroughs adding ma chine tft count the shekels. Meat Market C. C Reiter ami Wilhcr Dillon, who know I. il... ..I. I .iIa m M.k Aavvnil iniw uir ...11 ...1 "" ..... ,i... i-ln B Bartender-A. II. Morgan.Post V"-" '"1 regular 'mix a aili ome. ine ym 1, K , ...1.1- I.. Im In wttendance he- " . pau of a urior rngcmeiit. The "Id hoy and their lailie had a liillv time ami ollicer nre hein installed this afternoon for the rnsiiug year. When one look st the gleam In th eye of the old vi ts he caii hnr.lly 1h lirvr llmt sixty years ago they liulling the first real fight Perkins' manager, Dance Guy who shoots F.d the Fully one hundred people tender-l ed Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jaggi, of I iicsr iiiiij, . j . . the. ail-1 connection. Calls answered day rer wedding anniversary of Mr. or night. Office oer CSlabora and Mrs. Jaggi. People from National Bank. Helvetia and Phillips were in at- Hillsboro, - - Orejo- Oscar Hagg. as ' Buttons, the tendance and thev brought with! Dr.'s man. was good. Oscar Hum- tnem - baskA dinner w hich was! . . - . 1 v a Bass am -sbbswb also 9 heifers, coming fresh this here:, as Lt. Merry s fnena, tne en joyed by the multitude. Kev.j t' .n .' im ... ...i i...if... ....lk..i.r..i i.v irnod foil tol cu-:.i .........J i umlHinirl Has resumed the FrMoeo ot I nil. A lani: IAIWII aim If. in. I I fun., tut wv, n I CUCIUI 'V. . auk " O I JO mjk u. ll l.n .l tlairv sto. k and in ifood the Merrv Andrew, and Rosy lP.mnv. and the afternoon was Medicine and SnrgefL iM eoudilion. K. E. Iaoiih, 5 miles I Jossie, as Aunt Susannah, wasenj0yed by a program of exer- X. W. of Yamhill, Ore. 9-1 lithe real thing when affairs were ciseg luat werc especially fine. V II Wchniiiir Trustee for trlghtened out. Marie ttusn- Mr. and Mrs. Jaggi settled at MZJrMo elr landlady, was their present hoine within the i 9. aarii Ftmpnri iL ? a t-Kv i . . m in the city c T" . .T rt P" OI . . r JV'"?: Z DR. J. T. MACKAY, M. D. L. U. .irenis, oui. anc m f m.s.y inave a nosi oi incuus m . place going and she did. least and North ashingtonj Special Violet Webber, as Aurora, tne County. maid, was the center of interest r, -d Mrs. Emil IJ Kuratli, For sale: rt room house, close anj tj,e way she loved the Doctor m Nellie McDaniels, George to High School; 3 good lots, dan- wa8 typhoonese. When she found Trimble and family, and Miss dy chicken Jiouse, fruit and her- tiat e wns married she immedi- Clara Jaggi,- of Hillsboro, were ries. This is a good huy. Part nteiv proclaimed herself a widow. nresent at the festivities. -1 i 1 9 - 1 I iucsilitv. lie has an announce ment in display in another col umn in this issue. offices in the Commercial Bald ing, above the Hillsboro Conmer- cial Bank, Hillsboro, Oregon. attention . to obstetrics and diseases of children. Office Commercial Hillsboro - , - Bank Bldg. Oregon ere for thr perpetuity of a republic. DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE D.iirv farm of (il acres; about 40 acre in cultivation ; balance pa lure nml line standing timber; b- ratril at I'.luionica, on Orrgoii hlcttrie IUilw.'iv; am selling in order to close up estate of the late Sam II. Sloy. For parllni lurs, terms, etc., apply to John erwid, Manager, 774 Eighth Street, IlilUboro, Ore. -1l Si son. first man who doesn't "swing terms. Tualatin Valley Develop, i She was more than good in her them around" to his taste. Co.. Hillsboro, Ore., Odd l ellovvs portPaynl One Lung Laundry Glen Uuilding. a-iw Powers, who has seen how wash- XIr(J if. c.'Itson. after n Neil Jamleson, of above Forest g i really done " 1,1 month's vinit with her parents. A HOME FOR YOU Miss McNeill directed the play . . ... i . and she ts to te congraiumicu "i'ihis is a Gmve. wa down to the county . . seat yesterday, greeting friends. Neil was formerly county agem here, but gave up the position to ... .. ll..l.U.....H'd T MM.VI.lt go Willi iue uairyim-" on special work. Good pasturage for all sum mer. for cattle. For terms in quire of or write to F.ischen Bros "FrawnCf. . - n,l fr C D. Varnham. de- SherlffF. Grcnbemer, who ,t,j Saturday for her home in will he armed to tils false tcetn. jMS Angeles. Mrs. Letson Sr, Denutv Sheriffs who, with their chief, will nose out all the moonshiners L. C. Allen, "Two- gun Amly;" 'Eat-em-up Jack, A. W.'Wilaoxs Light-foot lick, r., Nichodmus; 3 fingered JoeT Wil- M returned pod off ll.ni CrnVi Kliri'-ulllli Jim. llornelius, Route j or telephone SuHlmuc r.' 1)end-eye Pete, Theo Cornelius Central, Hill line, 151. 8-10 Sonora Pete's Gaming JoinV- yors, . it I.. In llu. I V...I.... It.wrn Mnioin-pr. who di-ISusnni jesse it. nousir7, o . ' ", r. ..i OBvM1 iiis winninirs wun me cuyi"-" " j- with her and thev !top nt San Frnnclseo for a! short visit. . ' v. The Misses Pearl and . .Valine Allen, of Amity, arrived in the city last evening and are the guests of Mrs. F..' C. McKinney. Miss Pearl taught here several and they attended "Oh. Susnnimh !" last evening. They H0YT-H0YT liire M. Ilovt nml Eva M. Hnyt, well known here, were nihil in innrrJaKe nt Kelso, W., lsy2, 1021. Thev will travel in vslifurniii fr several month. ror knh.; Team, harness and "IT"", leant, good work anl- maiH, mic is good saddler: 1150 M 12S0; matched In rolorj na 12 y.ars old. Price $150. "UKii tsrey, North Plains, Ore meat market business here, now .if Portland! was In town yester- . . ... i lay, shaking luiuls. wltl oi.i friends. He Is talking of settling near Cornelius. E. L. Moore, traveling sales- . I..u.l... ...... 1.I.1.IV man lor a launurj m.. ... house, returned last week from a i rin l.nek to New York. K. Ial- ' . . .1 I . . I. . ways likes to get uacK iu iuhuii ro. , Lost Brown horse, white face harness marks; vide council and the churches. Sonora Pete F. Losh, a real Old residence building for sale cheap if taken ut once. W. F. sport. , Tews, 1217 Haseline. ,U-10 Handsome Jim (,). VanSickle. For .sale: Team, 5 year old Panhandle Pete C. Dessingcr. geldings; broke.' New harness if Bonfire Ike G. Stipe, who wanted. Walter Zuerelier. Ben- nronoses to be "lit up" only on h erton. Ore.', It. 2 ; residence near jnr Mrs, Farnham's 91st state occasions. I Elmonica Station, on Oregon! day. r The guest of honor is an Overland Red-Wayne Vauglit, Electric. - 9-11 real home a genuine thexsuccess of the affair. The play j double-constructed house with all will be repeated this evening. I conveniences; 6 rooms; dressing The High School orchestra r.,om. 3 large lovely bedrooms; furnished the music, and their fi.eplace in dining room; buffet numbers were given appreciative ijving loom; nice open stairway; applause. Their Instrumentation:! fuji mirror door from it; Dutch Violins, Ruth Helms, Margaret kitchen: laundry trays in wood- Buerner, Deborah Wismer, Neva sned; water, gas, electricity; all Cooley and Gerald Barr; quitar. electric fixtures, hall gas furnace ; Chas. Wells; cornet, Warren breakfast" foom; dining room; Barnes; saxaphone, K e n n e t hjv;ng roora full -width of house, Linklater; pianist, Lenora lry- 12x19; house all plastered and tinted ; first class plumbing and fixtures; lineolum in kitchen and hnth room: shades, house all screened: lot 70x198 ; roses, ber- One of Hillsboro's dearest elder-! rjes chicken house and . runs, lv ladies was complimented to a Priced at $3500; small payment snrnrUe Anril 28, 1921, whenjrtwn. balance easv terms. Lo- members of the Woman's Relief cation 8li5 Washington Street. Corps paid their respects to Mrs. phone 2866. Harry McLauch Sa rah Farnham, the occasion be- la,,. - 9-10 birth DR. DONNELL HAVENS DR. MAY MARTIN Dentistry, Pyonrhen, ProphyUxis Children, Satunlay A. M. ; Morgan Bldg., Portland, Om. ant. Prof. Francis directed. HONORS BIRTHDAY Loon WiUot Hyd U. D- t Honrs 10 to It Office Treatment of Diseases ol women and children no throat. a real "hold-up. Wild Bill F. Henske, who is 1 w-ild enough for anybody. ; Trump Card Bill II. D. Ful- and feet: white weighs about 1000 bs, and Is 10 K r, who "knows the game." year .old. Please notify B. H. sUck-finger Joe C. Peter Zimmerman, Slrassel, Ore. 7- ; Hugh Carey, of North Plains, was In town yesterday. He" peels to move to Gaston this fall. terson E. I. Kuratli, President. Wm. P. Haase, F. Gardner Cashier. Andrew Bandler Frank O. Mitchell, Vice President. E. M. Bowman, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS IL A. Kuratli, J. J. Wismer Hillsboro National Bank Hillsboro, Oregon Capital $20,000.00 ' . 4 Per Cent Paid on 12 Months' Tlmo Certificates 3 Per Cent Paid on Savings who is ehamimin dealer Black Jaek Johnnie O. Carl son. Chuckluek Mike Enoch Dil lon. i Jack Pot Joe Walter Robin son. If this assortment of charac ters can't pry yon loose from a hard-boiled "grouch then jyou are not even half-human. ' Dates tonight, Friday night and 'Saturday night. BASIL C HOLLENBECK ana, son. MEMCER FEDERAL HESEUVE. ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN HILLS30R0 V v Basil C. Hollenbeek died nt his home above Mountaindalc, May 4. 1921. after an extended illness He was born August 11, in Indiana, and came to the coast in 1886, settling on the east fork of Dairv Creek. His first wite having passed he was married in 1805 to Charity I'reese m j,nui- the widow surviving, uue Stephen L,. of Hillsboro, survives. The funeral t a k e s place Friday nt 1 o'clock nt the church above Mountaindalc, and interment will be In the Raffety cemetery, Undertaker Limber tit- Afitinir. Mr. Hollenbeek has resided here since 1880 wth the excrp- ton of a couple of years at St Inhna. Florida. He was a very conscientious citizen ami nun many friends. ,f For many years waa In the aninrv business nnd he supplied honey to inny homes in this section. ? Chas. Wunderlich, of Center- I ville, was In the city today, i ' Daniel Erwln, a student nt t. A. C, visited With folks over me Phil Bates, oldtime newspaper man, now with the Oregon Manu facturer. wll out from Portland Tuesday and called on the Argus. Phil is of the opinion that the irovcrnment should pay nt lea-t fifty per cent, of the main high way puviug as the ..government owns practically: fifty. per- cent. of the land in Oregon. .' Engineer Tibbitts of the S. P. red e.ir vmsscnirer service, says I that the lirst of the week, whili running east of the city, between here and Iteedville, going at a 40 mile din. a Hillsboro delivery irniU crossed the track '"and tin- motor missed the truck only six feet. And then he 'says' people wonder why he is taking on age. J. J. Kuratli, one of the pio- MRS. HILDA SCHMIDT Mrs. Hilda Schmidt, wife of Al bert Schmidt, of near Orenco, died April 28, 1921, at the Wash ington Co. Hospital ,from an at tack of peritonitis. Her maiden name was Hilda Zielke, and she had been married but a little over two months. She was born in LeDue, Caimda,xand was aged 18 years, 6 months and 27 days The funeral service was here Monday' prior to'shipment to LeDue, Canada, for interment. Undertaker Bell directing. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. Wm.Schmidt, died a week prior her demise. Mrs. Sarah Farnhani CALL FOR PIONEERS neers among the Swiss settlers of uollorary president of the' Corps, this county, celebrated his 7Slh uul slie recciVed many beautiful birthday at his home near, Phil- presents and a profusion of flow lipslast Sunday. His children ' . , were present, besides other rein- Those present were Miss Anna tives and friends. Those attend- Si; 'Mesdames Sehlausser, Mary ing from Hillsboro were his three Knrlerj Cota, Anderson, Wm. sons, 1'.. I., aim vounty jacksbn, Melissa Jackson, JU. A. Clerk Kuratli. and llieir families, p u Hararaves, W. O. Donel- f nnrvnn A ' Wiinhinirtnn Truck I soiW1 Geo. W'ann. J. H. Garrett, Service, Wm. Jossy, Prof. Farm O .M. Cobb, L. W. House. Those produce nnd supplies transported eainng ourms mc uj. Lf, IVfnnntalndale.' North M. N. Lewis and Mrs M. M. Pit I""" " ' I .. . . rs Plains and Portland every Tues- tenger. Others asme irom v,orps -. Ti,...ai. nn.l SnHirdnv members caving respects were t '. i.:lJi..ri.R nnwhn. TL. C. Vauirht and Mrs. C ati's warehouse, North Plains. E. Lytle. d-i,1 fflnp. 4f Second fit. The host and her visitors c,n- ni...i ,nl.,i, khi ) ' ' Aoifl ioved a very Interesting after l none, j j i iFc.ii c.j I u v v "John C. Hulsman, bachelor. noon; aged .'88 years, died from an at tnek iif peritonitis at the Wash ington County Hospital, May fl. 1921. He is survived by his fa ther, who lives in the Blooming section. The funernl took place today at 10 o'clock at the Corne lius Catholic Church, and ; inter ment was In the Fern , Hill ceme tery. Undertaker Limber directing. A call is hereby made for the committeemen of the Pioneer As sociation of -Washington County to meet at Hillsboro Club Rooms., in Hillsboro, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on Friday, May 18, for the purpose of formulating a program for the pioneers on the Fourth of July, to be rendered on that date at the celebration grounds at Shute Park. Please make response to this call. , J. A. Imbne, Secretary., Hillsboro, Ore., May 5, 1921. DR. E. T. HILlSk Chiropractic Physician Using in connection Electricity, Hydrqtherpathy and Scientific .' Dietetics. Calls answered day or night Telephone S961Z. Offices 1 and 8, Heidel Building, Hillsboro, Oregon DR. CH. POLLOCK, - Dctrtist . , . i Upstairs in Hillsboro Commercial held ...j. xr.: ci. T..nV.. li.t IFillio i"a Juaui 0w, AviuwMw -. . Hillsboro; - - -.. , Orego -. DR. W. H. PASLEY, Dentist Offices in Heidel Bldg., ur stab s. Main St., adjoining Post Ofice. Phone, 8096. HiHsboro, Oreg. . H. W. PRICKETT, Underteinr We answer calls day or night to all sections. State Licensed Embalmer Banks, Unjosi Dr. J. H. Rossman, , DENTIST Room 1, upstairs, Shute BnlldW. over Pharmacy, Hillsboro, - - - Oregon licensed Oregon 180 Penn. 1M Phone 7f Nathan Weston, of the Hillsbo- GZO. J. 14-- ro Schools, liaS a promising voice! FoBMfnl EtiMmM . and has joined the Whitney Boys' I Moderate races. rM"??j w rKn,,,. T4o ta tn mwnr viMi. Residence mnerai hwi AiJifni.iiin Pni-flnnri th fiaf nflWaahinarton and ; Sixth Streets. June, as a soloist, and the excel lence of his voice is snteh that the I EUlsboro. instructor is giving him gratis instruction. Z Ilearn Ore Geo. H. Carter has bought house and lot at Corvnllis and th Carter family will move to the Collegexcity in September. The many friends of O. B. Gates will be pleased to learn that he will soon be fully conval escent. He is now able to walk about his room and will soon be Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sto ver, of East Portland, May 8, 10.21. JL dAtiorh'tor. nt flip "Wn ah- j r. y t - . - ington County Hospital. The TUALATIN VALLEY DSVEI OPMSNT CO. RealEsLrV Fire, Life, AntomcllLi tzi Csi unity lxsurtci child came into the world by the vranlta. Hat we- farms acsarmn route, ur. iaismore residences S operating. Mother and child are L c f, 8, Cj. UUIll WCll. Leonard VanLom, of Leiay- AU kiads of . f arii .2i Osr, rowtrt ttd t t .j homo. vlJie, waa in town today,