The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 05, 1921, Image 4

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Mrs. Alice M. Hammer, of im
.ti h 6A suit aeamst tie
etta of the lata William ile
Quillan, asking for tha McQuil
Un hum Srnmi and Oak St.
valued at about 14.100, ami
$a,000 in cash. Mrs. Hammer
makes C W. Rediuoud, eiecutor
of tha last wiU of Mr. McQuiluu,
and all the McQuillaa legatee
defendants, and aha aks for an
injunction prohibiting Executor
The Host "Beautiful Cr in JSszsriccL
Redmond from bringing proceeu
I "n3E3S3 CAC3 j
inga to oust her from the prem
, It is hard to imagine a
' business needing delivery
' si all which could not
profitably use a car so
even in service and
co economical in cost
;.M ..-
At the expense of sevoral thousand dollars we have installed the finest finish
lag mill established in Washington County. Eighteen big electrically driven
machines are turning out the finest finishing material ever placed before the
Hillsboro public. Our own dry kiln takes care of several thousand feet of
lumber daily and we turn out only the best.
Soch - Doors - French Doors
Vindovrp - Window Frames
V And everything turned out by a splendidly equipped plant.
Visit our mill on East Washington Street, where we run a crew of from 9
to 12 men, and see our stocks of best Oregon lumber transformed to the highest-class
finished product.
Ectimatea Cheerfully Given
MBteo Saoh and Door
PJoHMng Mill
; Ea 2D72, Hi&boro, Ore.
ise nntil the circuit court passes
upon her omit.
Tha complaint alleges Wat iu
May, she was living in the
11 cU allien borne and that we tea
Utor waa feeble in health. She
says ha agreed with bar that if
she would give him food and
lodjriaa and her personal care in
I nursing aa long as h lived he
would will her the MxllO occu
pied by tb McQuillan home ami
give her n legacy of $,000 ii
cash. She says that she tnertup
on refused to take other work
nursing, and applied her time to
the contract. She admits that the
contract was not in writing, but
that unless the court decrees her
the land and money, she will be
out and Injured on a boua fide
agreement between herself auJ
the testator.
According to her complaint
she lived up to the alleged con
tract front. May, 1919, until No
vcmber I, 1920. She says that
the executor has refased to pay
her the (S,00 In cash, althoagh
it has bean demanded.
Mr. Redmond states that the
case will bw fought in tha courts.
and has retained Hare, McAlear
& Peters to defend the action.
Arthur D. Moultou, of Port
land, and Bump k Bump, of
Hillsboro, are attorneys for Mrs.
One of tha fraternal sesiions of
the year was enjoyed In the lodge
room of Alonteauma Lodge I. O.
O. F. In this oitv. Saturday eve
ning,, April 10, when SS0 Odd
Fellows and Bebekaha met tn cel
ebrate the lOSnd anniversary of
ue lonnaing oi Udd t eUowship.
The occasion was also tha first
quarterly meeting of the Wash-
mgioa county uaa fallow and
j Rebekah Association. The pro
gram waa more than interesting.
Dt. L. W. Hvde mad tha add mm
of welcome and Senator Wm. G.
Hart delivered one of bis charac
teristic addresses on Oddfellow
ship. A number of songs, read-
inn ana recitation and
number of instrumental music
j were given to the appreciative
audieace. The favorite of ill ...
Sister . Rebekah Sabin and her
eight charming daughters. Re
freshments were served at th
close of the program. President
a. a. walker, of Forest r)rn
. . . . -
presided over tae meeting. The
aw quarterly session wffl be
held st Gaston in July.
President Frank Connell
nounces that then will K. .
meeting of the Washington Coun
ty Holstein Breeders' Ass'n.. at
the Farm Bureau nffiM 1- Uill
boro, on Saturday, May H. All
members are requested to be in
attendance and visitor are in
cited. :
ConfMInf inn. I V U SiLI
- TJ--0 v-uurin HI Die
School at 10 a. m.; Mother's Day
program at II a. in., The Girl
Reserves Hnrn. will -i... 1 n
service in a body and take part
i. "'"cues, ine piiHtor i
iflitmi will
m nn fli oilier, U'li
Country's Queen." . The evenh.V
aervioa will U. ... . .
The Eitp..r;i. - n.i:i .'.
wiirwian J&ndeavor Society i ictt
sat AtAaT m . 1
, . " F m. u. a. lieck, min
Geo. af u..t.. ' f vt .i
iwiii. w n a Miii.k.a. . .
uiMjuuiv yevicr
For Sala. a
Swis bull; yearlings Uo regl.
tered Brown Swis butt calfV
Adolph Rutschman, Laurel, Ore.
1V ' "1
The Car With 100
Hill Climbing Records
Oa January 21tf the Pai MDrtonaN Model 646 won dt
world's stock chassis record for speed by travtiiag at rast
of 102.8 miles per hour.
Sace that time M6 models have barked every teat of tyoad and
endurance that could prove the metal of a real caamesoa.
At one hundred points in the nation these michty cart arm
mckled the best Ual hill climbing records sad surpassed them
wkh ease.
knA in mrk eaie the tests hsve been csjotWtid If
nonal drivers in standard model that any man CM t7
Ii s. nrMu to einhuii or amnlifV suck canclstaal
in the held of iport. The records apeak for thsmecrro la &
most positive terms.
Tin affirm that, irresnectiw of nrko or dIoMi
the Paire 6-66 is the leader of all Aracrkan iportiag
If you believe that championship form i tha host gunransji a
all 'round efficiency, then you must believe in im Pas-.
If you believe in demonstrated performance oa road, k3 and
track, the 6-66 wkh its exclusive power plant must incvksUy 1st
the car of your choice.
VoVsw'01uawe 10 IJ4po JMMhV CflP9 aVhtf sssHP1 flsVl4
, HUFF & CASLER; Htlbboio
Is Aiato Time
Our salesroom has some spendid
used cars in fine running conditions.
All standard makes such' ao Fords,
Chevrolet, Dodge, Buick, Grant, Oak
land and Overland.
We Buy for Cash
and Sell on Tcrma
Get that car now. Be ready for
the picnic season.
Our Motto-" Satisfied Cuetcmcro"
Used Car ExdoMe
a . . J
KMV I lirniNt D " 1111 fl
.w awtwijr uarn raucnoro
' -
centers in the middle west and
eastern states all Indicate a irreat-
HC w lrull8 an was at
Orst renorU il. nn-.i . . .
ate advices received by the Ore
futlon'OWe"' CooPertttive Asso-
An authority
. , r Kc"crai iruit
matters in the ,.pr,..i
, i mates
rues! F.vmii.i- .
.ki r ' we hive
been able o learn rcffardinfr the
friut situation between the Rocky
mounUins and the AllanUc "SS
Indicates the lightest crop in a
generation. Since' I last wroi
yon, tkr.Wln'.JSdJS;
damage to our prospecU r?!.
TJJ' 'i'"11 o blackberries,
rawberrie. and apples. The .p.
" ;r ago.
From Idaho come recent re
port to th a
i . """hob oi seri-
Idler "d I frm U'C Y'k,m
22 ( n eral it may be
of the Vast wU1
, nm&llest ,ruit P In
year.-Oregon Growers' A'.
? W0 ,adlile Pony, tao Ih
Jbm., Orenco. ? 7' W7j'
tin, was In 4, ooutn T'a
noon IU t0Wn Tue'dy 'ter-
Wherea; the Divine Fiith"
t.. M --i ....1 liroilr
vanett nonio our e"'i" :
er, John Zimmerman, who w
member of our Templf, ".,
faithful worker, be it
Resolved : That we l"
ber of Friendship Temple. Nf;
8, extend to the bereaved fa""'?,
our deepest iiympfftliy, una ne
further -
Be.olreds "" That a !'? ;
these resolutions be wnt n
Immediate family, and a copy
forwarded the Argus. f
. . - . - p .. itii. .
North Plains, Oregon.
AU kind of ffarden H'.S
OrcetTower ft Co.