1 a SHIP BY TRUCK Daily Trips to Portland llillaboro RMm PlK-e.204 Portland none, Broadway 2082 port! nd Olfie Commercial Transfer, 22S Aili St. 0. COSLETT aiu iul Fir St. HILL5BORO, ORE. 775 US'"" : Get Everything At The Sawmill t one, Cement, Door, Window, Moulding, Sting. wd Lath, well m ALL KINDS OF LUMBER V. W; Gardner Lunber Co. Associated with aap.LCR.co. Third and Railroad St. rM filrd in circuit court Myrtle Wilson im,n Sjlvrtrr Wilson for ilivorrr. She ullr. n that since tin ir lunrrintfe in Jyl Iti thi county tin- hnshand has failed t j,r.vl.l,- fr In r, nltho able ti work. Slu- swear that In will not work, hut at jireient it an ohjrrt of ilmrity at the Multno mah Coiinly poor farm. She wants hrr freedom ami the rutto dy of minor child. Cornelius I Oil, Laurel, ask judgment for I 500 fr a Chirac tractor sold t Hugh I law kio; loaned mon ey and $(iS for oat, J, defend snt. Icrn I.nmh nhrrg. r want, hi r freedom from Henry Ijiii.Ii nU r K r. Tin y were married in port land in lirlR, an. I Khe swears that the husband has mad.; false charge Multilist her. J. . I (off man, Harvey Jlahlwin it !... of rort-M strove, Have sued thf it their residence, asklmr the of SURPRISE YOUR MOTHER ON May Cth-Mcthtr'a Day With a Crcnxvfkk We have secret w want lu atmre with you- but we fn'l publish the detail hrre. We have a wonderful plan for you to use In honor tour Mot h r on the day that's imntt-il for her. Come in at once and let w Ml you the plant per sonally. Never hat uch an offer been made before. The time it thort to runic In at once. at iuv we nut itt' named for her. We eall it our Mother's J tv Club. All the detailt J ; it1ii personally, but 1 in print. Hut it't a I III III I'llin. - ilcmliil idea, conceived by ihlch HlnniHirl, and one you'll appreciate. Tlii I'tul we ran tellon Mather's Diy your Mother m til he given a tremendous surprise. We deliver to h r a Brunswick rhono graph (Model 112) and a special tollteli.ii of Itruntwlck KYr.tr.U. and but ill" rest 1. ltllt ,f I llrt tfJlft 111 M V, Mil. i Thf MntherV Day Club makrt It easy for you to liniinr her 111 thin delightful lunmirr. It affords her a pimmmnt reminder, a Con stunt pleasure. 0 1 1 HjMsto Fliannacy euri to retrain the eiK and the Warren Const rm-tion Co. from paving tre. l, in front of projw r y owned hy them. Kor Sale An nll-round farm team of geldingi., brown ami hlaik, laoo and 1400; true to work, in all wayt, (tingle or dou ble. Will tell one or both verv reatonable, or will trade for Kood young milk ttotk j cowt or heifer bred to frcuhen in Tall. Two utile Went of llilltooro, on high way..! no. a. Hobo. B. 1. for neliut, Ore. Telephone, Coruc- Iiut central, batt I. 8-10 llapti.t Church Usual aervicet at tlic Uaptint Church: liibl School at 10 a. m.; preaching at u a. m.t Junior at 8 p. in.: 11. V If. U. at 6:49 p. in.; evening ter- mon and baptining at 7:30. Mid week acrvlce Thurtdnr evening at 7:80. llutinett and k c ial tct- tlon at that time. Ah violation, May 10th and 11th. Welcome is extended to all. Thote lota in Tucker & Stew art's addition are telling right along. There's a reason. Houses arc being built and more are be ing planned. From $300 to $S00 for lota on aewcr and only three blockt from pott office, attract homebuildcrt. Make your selec tion now. Pay $30 cai.li and set your own termt for balance. Could you expect better prices and termt. F. M. Heidel, iliUs boro. 8-tf J. II. Humphrey left Monday evening to vixit hit ulster in Port land and then upend a few weeks at Woodland, Wash. From there he expect to go up into the Wcu atehie country and spend the Summer months. John Bettis, farming up In the Nes rerce country, Idaho. w here the last of the week, vbuting with his brother, Jas. Ileitis, and nephew, Claude Bettis. S. Cooper, of near Laurel, was in town Monday, emitting the us-1 ual growl, along with the rest of ut, aluiut the backward weather. Judge Geo. R. llagley bus gone to Tillamook to open court, and will be absent until about the 18th intt. : Spring hat arrived and you will want seeds. Oreer, Powers St Co. are headquarters. llf Ituick Four for sale. D. Cor- dn. 6tf GETTING OUT MAPS j Portland, Ore., May 4 The Ore gon Tourut and Information Bu reau, created by the last legisla ture for the purpose of fostering the development of tourist travel in Oregon, will begin its aetivi tiea this week. ! Governor Olcott has appointed the following committee to direct' the work of the bureau: IVhlie1 Butler, Hood Kiver, chairman;,, Cameron Squires, Portland, vice-! chairman, and treasurer; George' T. Collins, Medfjrd; George' Lawrence Jr., Portland, and Wal-j lace C. Birdsall, Bend. The committee has selected as! manager of the bureau, Sydney B. Vincent, who hat made a study' of the development of tourist! travel, and who, during his re-j glme at manager of the publicity) bureau of the Portland Chamber; of Commerce, furnished numer ous articles descriptive of Ore-' gon's scenery to various mnga-J xinet throughout this country nnd abroad. ! The committee has established an office in the Oregon Building, Portland,' in -connection with the State Exhibit. Tourists and oth ers seeking information regarding Oregon will be supplied without charge complete information, maps and other data, to enable them better to know Oregon and its unmatched scenic resources. COME ONE, COME ALL : Friday Evening, May 6 What Play and Basket Social When Friday Eve, May fl, at 8:00 p. m. . Where Ed Rente's hop house, Farmington. i. The Community Welfare Club of Farmington will stage the play "The Girl From L. Triangle Ranch," at Edgar Rchsc's hop house, on the evening of May 6th, at 8 o'clock, baskets will be sold after the play, Come and bring your friends and enjoy this West ern story, over which you wil laugh for many a day. J. O. Stearns, a Portland attor ney, was in the city Monday, on probate business. I-IATCi-IED tho Kind that Lhro and Grow Day Old S. C. White Leghorn Chicko-020 per Hundred Special discount cf$l pzr hundred to thoss calling at my place. W I . . i i r .i--.n ehiikt td offer st above .i.., n iiiuiit'ii ii ii in ut vi ..I I .an Nee each week during Aprilf Chlcki from a strain that has been "N dlirciiilltf f..v Iikivii I i.Wlth every order for idilcks this season, we will give, frse of our booklet on care and feeding oi me vj . "ooklet also contains valuable information on breeding, mating, ana fading laying hens. It will be sent as soon as the full purchase i-rice tor the chicks is received. ' Come and sec for yourself the strong,1 sturdy stock In our plant nrt the Mammoth Candee Incubator In operation. . will find us here any time during the day, and we will be m I to have you visit us whther you biT.ig an order with you or not Place 1, one-hajf mile north of new Highway and S. P. Electric ; l ihlas Station. Watch for the sign. t , W. J. WILCOX, R. 4, Beaverton, Ore. "AUSTOAtEKCY" Insurance JOHN ; VANDERWAL Associate - " The Agency includes: The" Leading Oregon Co., THE PACIFIC STATES The Leading American Co., THE HARTFORD FIRE The Lending World Co., THE ROYAL INSURANCE CO. " Austin hzzzj Phone 71 1Z, Shute Bk. Bldg Fitting j Memorialo To those who have passed away, we who are left behind must put up suitable memorials. Inspect our stock of beautiful marble and granite. rK on vi Ml CAUDCC i lint l Uoftlthy Chlckt FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS we will give all orders for l!cunst:tt a Libsral Discount. Call in cxd .tC3tb Bssuty cf cur Monuments and AAc?Lr ; M. N. LEWIS & nd3,atFcrth I'ii'-cro New Ucht-Sdx Fhf-Pmtnme'r, 40-hnrm l.nr. ItM-imtkmhmlkmm 14M TFITH unexcelled manufac V V turmadvantafjcaandliTCO quantity production, Studcbakcr b able to offer cars of sterling high quality at prices vhich mako them the most exceptional values ca the market This is a Stadsbakzr Yczr Petered E7Gr4370 Iha St, HJ2icr, C. skoal-stx TOumia cak si7so sROAusnc coura tasso. UQHTX Tovtmc CAB - STEOAuIdC t PASS. ROADSTER 17SO SPEOAUSIX SEDAN ,. 7S0 LKKT-SIX LANDAU-ROAOS1 : nOAilX 4-lA5S.ROADSTUl I7SO BIG-SIX TOURING CAR 1JSO UCKT-SOC SEDAN F.O.B. Detroit . F.O.. ImUi BmuI ALL STUDEBAKER CARS ARE EQUIPPED WITHCORD TIRES CIDS WANTED Sealed bids will be received up to the mornins of May 13, 1921, at the C. C. Store,' for the plumb ing work lor tne city loueis in Shute Park. Specifications may be seen at said store after Mon day. May 2. 1921. All bids must he nceomnanied bv a certified check in ton per cent, of the sum of the DroDosal. The rijrht is re served to reject any and all bids. J. O. Uarrett, Chairman. Argus, $1.50 per year. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. l.ana umce ai roruunu, uresuu Anril IK. 191. Kottni. U hrrrhv riven that William n.L.t nf Mnuntalndale. Or iron. who. on August 1, 1918, mnde Homestead 1. m it t csai Entry, No. 5'-'3&, for s. r 74, otcuuu 9, Township 8 !., Kange a ., w uiaiu tto Mrriilinn. has filed notice of in tention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the lana aoove ae-.i-ihril hefnr the Renister and Re ceiver of the United States Land Of tlee. at Portland. Oregon, on the 27th Llnv nf Mav. 1921. r Claimant naniet as witnesses! Thn. p Mnirher. of Mountaindnle, Oregon; Ernest P. Dlmmler, of Moun talndale, Oregon j Morria Rodgers, of Portland, Oregon; H. J. Luck, of Mountaindale, iiregon. Proof under Sec. 2308 R. S. ALEXANDER SWEEK, " 1 Register. - dated the 7th day of March, 121, ia favor 01 uuver inreiiuieDi company, a corporation, puunuii, .ana mgaiuw Pee V. Vychi, also called (Pete V. YlhV ilpfndant. for the sum of $;lji0 with interest thereon from the 2nBday of Marcn, ai me rate of II per cent per annum, and for the fntlir tun of 229.43. costs and dis bursements, to me directed aad deliv ered, commandiug me to make tat 01 ik mi nriiwrtf nrrtinauer an i-AhrA I hnve levied unon and Dursu ant to said execution, uruer uu .i rrr nf Sale. I will on Monday, the 23rd day of May, 1921, at the South door of the Court Mouse in nuisooro, Wmhinirtnn Countv. Oreaon. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, tell at public auction to the.highett hMH tnr oiuh In hand, all Of tBB fol lowing described real property, lying, helnir and situate in Washington Coun ty, Oregon, ana more parucuiany ue- scrioed as louows, to-wut Lots numbered U, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 50, and 81 in Block numbered 13, ot wen Portland Mfiffhts. tn Kntisfv the here inbefore named sums and for the cost and expenset of tale and of said writ. Said sale will be made subject to re ilrmntinn as ner statute of Oregon. Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this 18th day of April, 1921. GKO. ALEXANDER. Sheriff of Washington County, Ore gon. By W. W. uowns, uepuiy. o m Hirkev. Attorney lor nam tiff, N. W. Bank Bldg.. Portland, Ore. SUMMONS . In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Washing ton Sarah Jane Anaberton, Plaint'ff, v John Am barton, Defendant. , To John Amber ;u thu iibove aamcd Defendanti ' In the name of the St.ite of Oregot : You are hereby noUoti m-.d required tn iniwtr in the above entitled court and answer the complaint filed again -t you la the aoare entrjra cause, n . before June t, 1921, said date being th Mnlratinn of six weeks fri ll) the date of the first publication of this tummoat upon you, tne oate 01 u: first publication thereof being jnurv day, April 21, 1121, and the date cf the last publication thereof briiv Thursday, June 2, 1921, and it yon fu' to to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, taw plaintiff w-tt tppll to the court for the relief prav- ed for in her complaint, to-w.t, iur decree dissolving the marriage a"d marriage contract now and hereto forv existing between you and the plaintiff, and for such other ana lurtner rcn -r at to the court may appear meet ami proper., , ,. . This summons it seryed upon you h publication thereof In the flillsboro Argus, pursuant to ma orucr vi i'n Han Rn. R. Bailer. Judsc of tl.e above entitled court, made, dated an 1 rendered on the 19th day of April, 1921. ' EDWIN O. AM ME, Attorney for Plalutif f. Address fourth floor Electric Build ing, Portland, Oregon. , ' , Seedst Seeds t Seeds! Co to Greer, Powers & Co. for garden? and lawn seeds. 1 f j SUMMONS i. tK- rirciitt Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Washing ton, t Hattie B. Maddox, Plaintiff, vs. W. B luauuv ' To W. B. Maddox, the above named Defendanti ' ' In the name of the State of Uregoni v .m horhv nntifled and reauired to appear in the above entitled court and answer tne compiaini nieu vou in the above entitled cause, on or kafnta T11 Fits n. 1021. said date beinir umwiv . w - - after the expiration of six weexs irom the date of the first publication of this summons upon you, the date of the first publication tnereoi oeing inurr day, April 21, 1921, and the date of the last publication thereof being on Thursday, June 2, 1921, and if you fail to appear and answer saiu com plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff Will apply 10 tne court lor inc mm tnr In hr rnmnlnint. to-wit. for a decree dissolving the marriage and marriage contract now ana neretoion existing between you and the plaintiff, .nil fn audi nther And further relief assaji as to the court may. appear meet and la nerved unon you by publication thereof in the HilUbor j lamio nitPClintlT TO Ml OPUr.r III IILC Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of the above entitled court, made, dated and rendered on the 19th aay 01 April. 1921. RUSSELL H. STEPHENS, 'i : " KHnrnrv tnr PliJntiff. ' AirlMMM. Northwestern Bar.k Build Ing, Portland, Oregon. v "" SHERIFF'S SALE The Percheron Stallion H1130, No. 139,414, under statp lhcnco, will make the 1921 ccacom TUESDAYS At the J. C Smith Darn, Forest Grove. WEDNESDAYS At the John Campbeil Farm, one mile East of Roy. THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS AND SUNDAYS At Mer- : rill' Barn, CorncU, Cxtz&. -,-SATURDAYS At the Farmer Feed Sed, Hillsboro. Care to prcyc-t, kt net rc:pc::bb Ifcir accid:it - Rlcrrill Cz Chrii, ovncro JWl MERRILU Caretaker. ' Telephone, Cornelia 1SX itfnti U hrphv viven that bv virtue V.ll - i D . 1 1T.vipiitlnn. Drder and Decree Of I c- 1 . I 1 .... . A ..it. nnilM Ik. M.ll of the Circuit Court of the State of I I) 1 1 LbIncubtor