The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 28, 1921, Image 7

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You will find every member of
the family loyal lo the carv
It is serviceable alike for all
ges and all demands, whether
business, family or social.
Tha gasoline coMoaptkM is unusually low
Ths tin mtUmgt fa anuaaally high
At the expense of several thousand dollars we have installed tfie finest finish
ing mfll established jn Washington County. Eighteen big electrically driven
machines are turning out the finest finishing material ever placed before the
Hillsboro public. Our own dry kiln takes care of several thousand feet of
lumber daily and we turn out only the best.
Sash - Doors - French Doors
Windows - Window Frames
And everything turned out by a splendidly equipped plant
Visit our mill on East Washington Street, where we run a crew of from 9,
to U ! men and see our stocks of best Oregon lumber transformed to the high-est-class
finished product.
Estimates Cheerfully Given
sboiro Sash and Door
Planing Mill
Fhcns 2972, Hillsboro, Ore.
fur her .! that he aN
Relation of Office to the People
at Large
. . . i t i.i. r sin- .m l. lorm
to the aaij'i u ii-iMfc ; h.n ..Miip-niv s present
KoU-rt v( i' hi fhair. '"' l,r'" sl. pt Me t'.V "'
Complete I'" "'l''n laekle.
uun l Mr f ,r
.ilr. i
I Article From County Nure Tells
of Official Duties
I Tl. 1 ....1,1;.. id t ill
lire ijiuviai puvuv
sirous of knowing the 'Vhv and
ii'h,'rcf,ir.. " an.l instlv SO. Till'
I -. . . . ... j .
question "What lx- tnc loumj
Public Health Nurse Do?"' is of
ten asked. The County Public
Health Nurse answers thi query
tin full in thi fitlliiwinir:
"This is a question I have so
often been asked l want i
give the public a short resume of
the work of a County Public
Health Nurse.
Evervone who has a ehilJ in
sclionl Itnnwa nf tlie "school
nurse"-well the school inspectinjr I
is one important branch of the
work. 1 lu re are maiir home
rails to school children s parents.
I fur v.irimi rfnmiiii. Some to ex-
nlnin tl nwsitv of hn v ill U I
Jonnnic a defects attenaea io,
I others because "Mother wants to
see the school nurse.
Then tlifri la the child of the
pre-sehool-nge, especially those I
under three vrars. to lie looked
after. It is astonishing how few
mothers understand or appreciate
the value of irood. itlain food:
plenty of fresh air and rest fori
children. Mot to mention Ilrinir
inir baby up."
The exectant mother has al
ways been glad to see and talk
with the nurse. The nurse ex
plains to her the w isdom of belnirl
under a physician's care, ami I
neips ner to get ready for the
comma event.
It is one of the irreatest satis
factions in a Public Health
Nurse's life to see the look of re
lief on the family's face w hen she
comes to irive actual bedside care
to one of their loved ones. While I
doing it she -gradually instructs
some capable member of the fam
ily in the care of the invalid. II
is 'great to note the intemt with
which the younger members of I
line household watch the new
baby ffcttinor its bath.
The Public Health Nurse visits
those suffering from tuberriilnuiV
tinier ucuve cases or those whol
have been exposed to it. Sh. In
structs thel family how to care for!
me sick one and how to prevent
others from taking the i1ieni
How about contagion Here
again the Public Health Nurse
has her work to do. U U ho. ,l.J
ty to aid the Health Officer to
prevent contagion. In nv
she can. If you know of any filthy!
cunuiuon wnerc flies and disease
(which are inseparable) are mm.
pant, tell the nurse about it and
she in turn will iret In tm.
ine tiealth Authorities. Don'l
forget the "other fellow" it
are suffering with a communica-
me aiseasa.
Besides all these hlm.. f n..
work, there could be much done
in the wnv of exrmnatnn rr.tu. I
j viu ds. Home Nursing Classes.
Little Mothers "Leagues, Clinics
oi various kinds, exhibits, etr.
Health Nurse lnnl,. -r. n.J
i. , ----- iirr iiiei
neaith of the community In vi
nous ways.
l .. ..L for 73 in r mi
n.oi.v to care for cU al
dautfhtrr. Te cotnpliiont allK"'1
that Twenty man led a "desert
lift" prior to warrintfe, which in
the laiiKuat of Hrcl I !'.
me.iiis that he owned or cared for
a Hock of "baa baas " and. trans
latcd to the vernacular of Main
Street. Ilillslmro. means that he:
i . ... k.....ik. !
was a slieep owner it
herder. J
Minnesota IS seed corn f r
sale. Acclimated. Tests M
Per lb., 10 cents. Oscar Hund
ley, Hillsboro, R. 3 -mile east of
Scotch church.
A hotel that U known as a Winner by Travelers .11
th Northwest. Rooms untcllcL Spaci...
room. Prompt Mrvic P H"
Ideal Restraurant in Connection
Entrance on Third St Short eroWs at all hours, rv.
until midnight train arrives. "I
Z-Gir us a Trial-.
L SHEVE1TS, Proprietor
Third and Main St . Third and Main $t
r "e)
i i ;
The Most Beautiful Car in Jtmerica,
for S.ileVVI. T -t I
chicks, ior ripifvovw am r . -
Carrie Bennett, one mile north of
Church of f hriiit rpi , .
i "iiH iiira
and Baseline Sts., Lcn B. Fish
hack, pastor-10, Bible School;
11, sermon bv h nauln m ft f .
termediatfl R
be a patriotic meeting led by the
Boy Scouts. Junior Endeavor in
the basement. Sn;,. .. o .
he Parable nf tl. n.'..t
WO innpial .11 1 " .
u.. .i ' . . o w,, e givm
! ioe Junior Endeavor Society
Airs. Jessio Tu,.i..
Itobert Twi.n(m t
m, ; r uivorce.
i'ey were married in Portland
n 190S, and have n ..I.m.i.
k , T. x "e wne say that the
husband la (r,,;it.r i ...
" truei anu in
human trentmon I- ti!
that he had no Idve and affection
A Thoroughbred
Our New Series "GU-n brook M4" model M) true brother
of the World's Champion Paige 6-M. It la a srnalW and
tighter car, but the sporting atraios are idroUoaL And
whut it-wily counts u tborouKhbred stuck. 1
The "Glenbrook" looks the prt that you can aea at
glance. And out in the open, where there are steep hills
and real tests of spirit, it lives up to every tradition of
great ratine.
One ride behind the whrvl will prove a thri!1lrg revelation.
Let our dcilct uke yu out today. Let hiii show you
how H feels to accelerate from five to twen'y-ftve nulet
per hour in nine seconds flat. Dost of alt, g t behind tha
wheel yourself. Then, deckle if life is realty worth while
withour such s car.
tUmtntk fw tmm tn Im tttUf. S Mr
trims) ftwt tttmfm ipmi mtiti, , tuit fc IMnHl
1M Kimt Tm flli , lUtf k ftrml
CmfHmtmmmf . J VmmI
IWii f w f w ., frW k IMrssI
M-nttrt V tH Um Car mi Htm frwat
pwmg ii mi
Is Anflto Time
Our salesroom has some spendid
used cars in fine running conditions.
All standard makes such as Fords,
Chevrolet, Dodge, Buiclc, Grant, Oak
land and Overland. v
We Buy for Caoh
and Sell on Torma.
Get that car now. Be ready for
uie picnic season. .
Our MoUo..Satuficd Customer,"
Used Car Exclmge
Kelly Uvery Barn-Hilbboro
Wm. ALEXANDER, Mandcer "