""He i i lniELL SB1R 377777" HILLSBORO. OREGON. MARCH 31, 121. " N4 VOL XXVHI. , l A II. FIYI i SUOHU.I Ik ill Ifl HI POST II 6 ' 1WJy, April 8 ACT (,N SERVICE PROBLEMS MrniMl or r, ., ,,. UI,B Squadron of the ...... .t ..f Oregon, f " ... .... I'1"'. rvprrarnlliig ir MHH "I ' I"" l..,h .1.-1 r ti i.- : ii.u.iHiruiiM iur . ........ .i.ril Sli. ! " ,! with lli I l.HHr. .hi r f ' raUr moi.ll.lj ,.,.. f llir- Il.tUI-.ro I - I !W All Hi. II. whrllll r Itirllibrr of 1 1,. .K"" ,r rl,',l " jH . I, . waller .f Hl In- K, , t,. all . riv ! l Jm u'-. . Iii U.. Hy frt.ui Portland U I .Iward J. Eir. Depart 1,1.1.1 .lj.ltl.. ! Will Ulk ll on l- i.rgnUalM of thr .UlflfflU l'k rl'r, "f t" .,M..ii Smbe Drwrtmrnl. .1,.. mill ll ihr r" i" unlaw ..I..... ...all l f ll.i claim held tfi.inl llif Government I Cliff W.mhI. Iltf H.uUf rrprcrliU-I,,.- ,.f ll.r Iturmu of War RUk Imm.miii.v. who lake ii itiuf mi.l rontrnUnltnirMl ii.t Sat. Iiln, firl.l ,1. ,k ..r llir I'nilnl Slate Amy, uill attend la the rrurilir ,.r imry MrdU for Ihr liten. III... i. a M...il.ilil lhal a r r, . i.lil.ir of llir I'liilrd SUlm '.,.lir llrallll Srrtlcr ill nUo Iw in. I. ill. il in llir i rl y l.i nlr iiM.li. il ntti nli-ui ami adtlce ! id.- ilit.ilit. il mi lt, Tlr olfu-rr of ll.r I.hkI m.. hair Inrti in rom intiiii. itliou Willi llir lrirlliirlil ..ill. i . nii.l rr ilnit rirrif rffurl l.i I.... llir I'ul. Iir llrallll iWtur . . ..I f..r tl.f rirliintf. I d. ni. .Iiinf Mill Ih' In hi In llir in I k ' llU, nI all rt r in. ... Mill In nrlromr, lnlh r Hi. i tiair iu-tilM''rliii in llir l.i'i.ui ur nl. Tlir w liolr im Ki i.n l.x Ih-.ii itrraiitfril in krrp im wild tin- ni.iMr.l uirHr of lli. I mi. hi w.ili im -linlr li. il. lii uli, I t.rtM-r la all rrtmrit'r. -rna Olwin. . . . . I llir l.iu H? I fnl ir. !. low rr at H. .!, Itrtott Nrvlon, will Mirt I un.li r i..iitrui Ik.ii ami raiilly iulinl to r..ni.. lion, V. (, CmiiIU. of C.miIU Sun. San Irani ha arriinl mid ll.r i n a n.l llir ll kin I framr mil iiiir rHirUn al i.mr. Mr, CoulU in r i'Kiril a our uf tin Ih I alruiiural klrrl Morkrr on ihr roaal, anil lir will li.nr a il ailnl Juliii I'.aalnian an. I (iu Maya, of I'orlUiul, i m rii nrnl till orkrrt. Tin- rnlirr rrrw i ' Uiiiik on aviir.l.iHil" al llo iMiaritlnK (iouw ri.ii.lui Irtl ly Mr. and Mr, frank M.Cartlty. K.l liny MKin Will Ik- lining llir "liuiuin rJ y ail wild llir liitf li-i l Im-a ma, Tliry I.mr Jul fniivlirtl a likr lowrr in Califuriila. Tin Im in- fttunilalii.n lia Inn rum oil lul mill, r llir kinx r ii..n of t. K. I'ii lil . an i llirli nl -i.iilrui" If. mi rntfinrrr. Wr alart In llir .au-mrnt ami Anili with Ihr rliliunrr. Rrailr tit iimtr in wlirn wr m.itr out. Wr liamltr all ilrlaiU anil tarr yoa SO M-r rrnl y our knilnl unit k-lrw.- Fain lirr-Mi lan C.i., lluiMinK Ci.nlrarl..r, SOU II 10 UU ll.iil.l.nif, I'lirtlnnil. Or rami; K. M. Mry, Tunlatin VHry Ag nl, Itravrrlon, Ore. mm CHORUS III THE SEGOHD CONCERT Pleating MumcaI Emi8 at the Cong. Church, March 24 NUMBERS CREDlt TO CITY Chorus Work Showed Evidence of Careful Training Krai OrrKiiu Miiiil.iiir kniilrd n t'.nttrr Imiuiil Suii.Uy a n.l llir ri rulrnii lilur Inn il ihr il.nnr of S"l' iluiiialn nil iUt l.mt Th rr wrrr many prrlly Kinnrlj HI llir i Hurt lira ami il.l i iuiiu ituil hair hail a irroiirli on In -rniir lir wa unal.lr- l.i rlnklr Ihr linir! ili-rtiratinn on "inila .!' li.l," Ami rf-hl hrrr i ihr 1 1 in r In rrmark lhat no nnr i worrying al-iul II "mli.lim for irirn SimiUy," The day w lirauliful anil luin.lrr.N of ma- iinr linnl Ihr highw ay. 'I hr wi'iui.l t-oiu-rrt of thr 1920 SI M-aon of thr IMLIxiro Wont an'a ( Imrii waa rujoyrtl ly a Inrjjr an. In n-r at thr t 'ii)rf(n ti.innl ( luiri h ldt Thur.ly rr limn, anil I lir numlM-r wrrc K'v rtithuUlir a.lniM-. Thr ln- ru work mi all that roiil.l I ak.tl fur ami wrrr rviilrnrr that IlilKUir.i ha Miinr irry tint voirr. Thr ihorua l to Iw roll eratulnliil. ami ihrir lnlrm t.r in rrii lkiiitf much ruiiimriulntiun on llir urii of Ihr training Thr irKraui. I'aul IVtri ron luilor: Mr. Thm. II. Tonvur Jr.. ai-i-oiiiiianikl : Mr. Junnila ll.-dl.iii Juilr, kuprnmi,. wraa n follow: In Ihr Tlmr of Rii-m (Iiuir ltrii-hnr.lt ) ; Molhrr Son a; (W II. NViJIiiiKi r) ; Swrrt ami Iiw (llrnrv IlarnhvThr ("horu. Mr. iMri, in hi utinl l. n.li.l voirr, mr Ihr following koto. with Mr. IVtri at thr liatio: I.U ah- (lll)s Thr Pnr-uiinr fkranirr): Wh. rr Soft W liul lUow ((iunlv) : a, Srrrrl Ijiii- Tlirr; i, Rrjiral (Kotrr)s Tin Ann runn Come (Fotrr) by rr Greer, Power & Co. fr ami Walter Uadry, of I.nunl, o in tl.r rity yrli nhy. Mr. A. 1 (,i.ii, of Or.nio, wa a liilUlx.r.i i!lrr I rniay. I'oiaon win at for thute juir r la, at the Pharmacy. 2-4 F.. M. Stunl. aiit, of Cornt liii. wa down town Stturiiny, grrcl inn frirnda. Kodak acaaon i now on. Come in and look thrm oti-r. The Pharmacy. 2 :;iVALLEY LEAGUE OF SIXTEAMSTO FORU HilUboro to be in BaaeoaJl Aaao ciatioai Again Thia Senaoa ELEVEN GAMES AT HOME Aside From the Fourth of July , Games, to be Handled Locally Thp Willamtttr Vallrv llaarhall) Paul llailry return. .1 thr lat Iriftie will be formed for the of Ihr wrt-k from M.inford I'ni vrrity, Cal. (iro. J. Jmk mid wife, of mar FarniinKton, wtrr in town Mon day afUrnooii. (iirhard (i.Mtxr, of altovi- l!loiniti, mi an Ars;u i-alhr thr lnt of the wn k. Wantrd Shnl.it or lji onion art. Write to I'.. 1 1 trim r, ?-l Third St., Portland, Orr. The Farinlnton C'onituunity Wrlftrc Club will uin-t witli'Mr. I). IM Wruton, April It. For aalr: IIih ttradr UoUtcin hull: i vcara old. Addrc K Wyfftla, Corurliu, Or., 11. I. S-4 Herb Luck, of North Plain, wa in town Mim!-y, blinking liamu wan rouniy rv iru-na. R. J. llorkcil, of t. nvrrt.ni, a uiit of the Iatr , I). U k n. aa a rity viitor Momliy after noon. Mr. and Mr. llir Miller Mr. 1 milk, Mr, (.ox ami Mr. Frank, of Portland, wrrr lli!Ul- AUTO MONEY idiinct.Mi Ciiiiiity will tl.l k Kil el l.l".S.33 a In r harr i.f tin' mlii Iii nr Imntinn ml I. .I..I by Ihr Male of On-Ron. U n l.nit-oii Coimly liiiU In ihr .i. nl h .lin- in )aynirnl of nuto I-i t, 'I lir klandiiia; of Ihr i i-n i'. iiiiln i., Iiilirt, in the inatlrr of im in. nli l.i hr htalr, Ut M..liii..iunh IflHS.olO tlSd.BSU f Hs.aiD HI. HIlS , fu t.iuni .lill.174 Miri.iii I nnr . . liuililln , ( 1 1. kniiin In. ki.in , M ndiliiirton I' A.li niimlv vrl ona fourth of r - - ihe Iiiiuhi- f-r after Ihr roil of i-i.ll. . Ik.i lakrn mil of tl ro m i int bv thr Srrrrlirv ol f M ilr. I nil vrnr Jnrkon t'ounlV wit In hind Wn!iiiinloil County in r.m .ayiiiint. althn it had lnnrr ear. Halrhlnft rug: Tom Itarron train, S. C. White 1 (fliurn. 1 1. SO rr keltlnn of 18, or t rr hundrrd. From S yrar old hrn nmtrd to yoiiii, r(oroti rorkrr- cl.- F.. ( . Umb, IIiIMM.ro, B I, Ho 8. t l.lli.nli4 Fiiroiial Cluirrh. Third and WahliiKloii SI. (Tbr Chun h of Ihr Frlrlidlr (irrrlinir) Walton Skinwortli. Btor ;! a. in., Sunday Srhool; arrtiiT iii.irniiiii ami ririiina: l ouiik Proplr'a mr.tii. al ll:S0 p. lit.; rholr urarlli-r rdnr.lay rrrn ii.; prayrr mrrllnir Thurily rrnlnf. For mIc! 0. A. C. Harred IMrmouth Rotkt. the kind thai Uv rim the whole yrar. ' Yen fur hil. lilrK. 1r wttiiK.--Wm. S. hulmrrh h, HilUboro, Or- egoll, t Win. Tunnrr. of Osk Park, on Monday hiitril a liite Minor ra bloodi d roolrr In t . It. I t . a l . a m ... init. of in nvrr. io. . wrrk K hr hind a bird lo Nrw Mrlro. Ttita I wh.il prlar inner do for man. I-'.. KlrTwrlvr rolunira of ItlUn hrr: b.-ra are In hralthy ,.i,n.litioll and lit miHlrrn hlra. Klnifi. Ilna-e. Cornrllua. Or., R. a. Si milr amitliwral of IIiIWmi t). (Juirk. of alMive Forrt (irovr. wn a llill-bor.i visitor Monday. iik H-nl hi boy hood day out In the Mounlain dnb rounlry. nurht To a Wild Row f F..I ward Mai- ro visitor Turdy. !tiill): I Ann Imihm (i-.uward i-.m. cMi, f.Pi. lMit iioo: (irri); I.ullibv and (iod Nijht trtin atari 10 yrar; good work (Johauura I!r.ihin).-Tbe ' I animal, ,50. F.. M. Hi. r, North Plain rond, North HilUboro, Or 4-6 !.. i- i n ,.n. ti air inri....iiT in,Ml.li llr ...,H . - . i a"" t,i.. t.;i i . . i. . k , i . 1 liiur mril I ivauirruir inrniii f , , , , ,. .. i . ii -i .l I., urnritci. who n.i uir. uia- l or v in kin, i.iia id iimmiu l TUrrr Fnirir t Ihr n.,ftomU' Ud tout BOM j-a. ft-- .t... In lli rvice in the witr, wni im mir tn rui i i.mq iiiiimiini I..... I, lUal.oi J.i.lirr. uuwii ,... F.luie l.ve (Clarrnre C. Rob- ""JT lnon); Whrn Molhrr Slrrpl F.mil Menkr, who hn rUanrd Come 'Round (Paul Ambroe) Thr I.l Chord (Sir Arthur Sul livan-Tbe Chorui. Mr. Juanita llratnn-Judtre. of Portland, made hrr nrt apH-ar- anre heart mi a twrntr acre nlarc out of the wilderne near HiiU-r tlie List few year, u In llir rity Tuea- day, pitying taxr. . i . n . v . - - i for saieuay norir, o jenr and Immrdialrly won the ... ... sl,c r JoubU-.-R. of hrr luidirnrr. ,w a..tb of a w - XlaUon itation. Phone HilUbo ro, 8R48. The Social Club of the Ka-tcrn Slnr will mrrt Friday. April lt with Mr, l.urkhaltcr, r ir-t ami Oak St.. Mr. Fred Clinic will 1921 wiuin, with ais trama in the membership. The HilUboro team, Sherwood, thr Kirk put rick and thr United Artisans, the last two tram beinir from Portland, form the ouartet al- rraily agreed and two more teams w ill "be added. The Ia(rue w ill apply for admiion in the Inter- ktate Ix-airiie Baseball Assoeia tion. The Valley Lraetir. howev er, will have it own orjraniaa- tion and omrers. The aean will start Mar 1 and close Aujruit 7, A meetinif waa held at her wood Sunday, Fred Se well repre- Mntinsr liiiUlmro, and at lhat time the four teams sirned up a a nurleus. F.trven irame will be nlared at HilUboro aide from the July 4th ft-sme, which will be handlrd lo rallr. II. T. Bennelt will man are the HilUborna. who will be barked by the business men of the city. Plarers who are trying out for the HilUboro team are Kn its. catcher: dray and Foster, pitchers; Palfrey and Mitk, 11 be; Jenrn. 11. McCurdr, U. Henderson, II. Batchelar, E. nurkhalter, L.Erwin. IL Schul- merirh and J. Correirl. J. E. Reevca. chairman of the HilUlmro Club baseball commit tee, has raised quite a sum among the HilUboro Club member and the business men to finance the tram in the way of uniform and outfit, and it look aa though we will not have to go away from home to aee a good ball game. Meeting ia Called A baseball meeting will be held at the HilUboro Club rooms. Friday evening. April 1. All players are requested to be pres ent". E. Dillon. c. c. Biicm th co. (Incorporated) HilUboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale aad Retail Dealer la Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot hipper of P0TATCC3 and ONIONS Grain dropped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT COEMEUUS Beaver State Flour The Beat Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; HilUboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 253. J. A. Thomburgh, John E. Bailey, President. Vice President C. L. Wagner. S. G. Hnghea Assistant Cashier.E. F. Burlingham V. W. McEldowary, Cashier. D. R. Cheney, Assistant Cashier. FOnESTGMUlATU FOREST GROVE, ORE. DANIEL PARSONS Daniel Parsons, a wrl) known harness dealer of Forest Grove. dlrd suddenly Sntiinl.iv evening - - r March 8fl, 1951, alter going home STATEMENT OF COKDITION At Call of the Comptroller, December 25, 1S23 BILYEU VISITS from his tiuslnra. Hr and his M lf l. fi the utorr altoot nine! l'..r unl.-: Tw o vear old hite o'rloik. and he wa atrickcn I Lruhorn rooster from Tanrred shortly aftrr reaching I he rrsl- 250 287 egg stock, 8 each. tlemv. John II. Umlrr, lonncii aiion. Ita u lk inn f iilonirr.I IlilKluim. R. 1. Hoi 43. 3-4 Mr. and Mr. Luther l'aron and wa aged BS years. He 11 , imll. Saturday evening survived by bis wife, whose mni- A ., 0 n, p m for ,he pur drn name was Alice McNnmer; a f i,uvini. . ncw flBK for the l..ll...a l.asasksL PtrlU f 1 Mill.!' ....' 1 i. it. in i, s i s. ...... l fni if i uus. nrmir ims hill, and five lter- Mr. Mar garet Williams, Forest Grove; Mr. Flora Robert. Yamhill; Mr. Martha Spenee, Corvallis; kit. KvcrvlwHly invited. Am taking orders for baby chix from Taiicrcd high produc 0 mu life cau fa fans a Aa A. 0 ' V . IIHsAUrWi .Mr. .Martha opener, lorvaius.i- , Mr. F,ma Perkins. Monmouth, l'V" TntZ kw CL, Yours Banu? am. I l si lailsit fArr. PorlUnd The funeral took idaec Mon day afternoon, Rev. Hlnlr con dueling.' Mr. Parson had been in busi ness in the Grove for over a quar ter of a century, anil he waa high ly esteemed by all who knew him. CAPT. BEN F. TUCKER ICnolaln llcnl. F. Tucker died at the family home near Tobias. e-t of Recdvillo, Ore.. March 27, 1021, nged 81 years. Cnpt. Tuck er wa master of smnll craft In the Astoria section from 1878 to l!02, when he moved lo near nenverlon, i the HnmebbiK sec i:.i II.- Inter moved to near U. i ih ill.- Mid then to Tob'a-4. II U survived bv his widow. Miran- ,da Tucker; a daughter, Mra. Hilit Sain Xcwlen. of Portlnnd, a son. Wm. S. Tucker, Recdvill land a grandson, Clyde Sal, of I Mlinnv eolleire. The funernl took place the first of the week ami the remains wen t:iken to the Portlnnd Cremiitor- i ti in. stock, hatch May IS; 15 cents inch. John Under, HilUboro, R 1 ; Ilox 43. . 4-6 Mr. and Mrs. Jo. Kemper, of north of Forest Grove, were down to HilUboro, Tuesday, am while hero called on the home ra ier. Their little son fell, one day last wrek, ninniiip a nail into hi check, causing quite an injury For Sale Tract of six and one- third acres; good buildings; or chard; walnuts, loganberries; running water to irrigate entire place; own wnter system ami plumbing; close in. Mrs. A. K. St rnch.au, HilUboro, Ore., Bos 17. Route 8. -Phum; 2188. 6 " Wsill make you "fe.l at ""HnTv'oulr our bank, whether or not you are yet ready to do your banking business with us. , n We make our bank a FRIENDLY bank. Our officers .are not hard to meet. . , Our advice is at your service in any financial matter. Come in and feel free to consult us. It will be a compli- ment and a pleasure to us, ' We invite YOUR Banking Business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK Thos. Bilyen, former Hillsboro resident, now manager of the As toria Marine Iron Worka, accom panied by his associate, . A. Viggrrs and J. R. McKlnney, vis ited the county court here yester- d.iy to take up the mater of sup plying rock crushers, heavy road machinery, screens, graders, con crete mixers, elevators, roller wheels, etc. Mr. Bilreu argned that if he could get the' business his nlant can turn out enough road machinery to supply Ore gon, thus leaving the money at home. The plant worked through the war. and since hostilities ceased has remained idle. It is finely equipped and wheels will be turning in a short time if the company can get enough orders pledged to justify starting up. This is exactly what Uregon must begin doing manufactur ing and selling the product at home. This will mean a bigger and better Oregon, and, consider ing the freight rates from the East, local plants should be able to give the Eastern firms a run for their monev. The motto, buy at home when you can, ia a goo! one. If you cant buy at home, buy in your home state. Bilyeu is a finished engineer, and if any one can make things go, he will. RESOURCES $442,633.23 U. S. Bonds 171,3346 Banking House. 19,237.00 Other Bonds 2177.45 Real Estate 1,85000 Stock in Fed. Re serve Banks 20.00 Cask and due from Banks- 135,631.18 LIABILITIES Capital, t2S,C3E3 Profits, sCS,73US Surplus t0jCS0.C S8SL819.75 Gixulatioa Deposits $10,73088 25CKC3 723387 $2541175 The Roll of Honor Bank" per cent paid on Tune Deposits I 3 and 4 II n 1 1 m iBBanBBaaawBwWBaaBBaBkBBaBaaa THE BUICK PEPT0P3A Our Beot Tonic FOR ENRICHING THE BLOOD BUILDING THE STRENGTH AND IMPROVING THE HEALTH FOR SALE BY Drug Thr ttnirk name is the Buick'a The Fur m Bureau and County jiics salesman, and Buick 1921 Agent olli.ee ha been moved from modela I that , i r i X' 1I....I. TI..J1.I I tllU'K OI lilt' .MlllUU'li MUlllt UUUU ing to the third floor In the rear of the court house. The county court has provided good quarter have added prestige to , . i.i l hp new mourii possess the known Buick reliabil-j itv to meet every conuuion i travel. To that reliability there :.. 1 1... I...U- l.t.t.iti.iii jui.l lliev nre.!.. -.1.1.,! ..-... f.wt ven1tinir from ... . ... .... ........ . - - , j. mil.... I',,...'. . permanent, and will not be tin- inmroved seating arrangement hnii.lv when people learn where. J nring suspension and easier thev are. rontrol of mechanism. And the T.,l... Mr ..f H.K'.li la of.nru- lines are beautiful. Each the opinion that he lives in a 'car's reliability is re-inforced by COFFEE CLUB MEETING The reffiibir meeting of thr-Cof fee Club will bo held nt the Rest Room, at :80 sharp, Saturday afternoon, April 2. In the evening the ladles win entertain their families and the teachers of the city, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Payne. . For house moving, barn mov Inir. raising buildings, etc., sec or write M. C. Hewitt, Hillsboro, Ore., R. 4. Years in the business here. . Estimates given on this clasi of work. e-tf mightv fine neighborhood. John was Injured by a stump puller a few days ago, nnd his neighbors went out, headed by John Freitag and S. Herschcv. and before they quit they had nearly three hun dred dollars collected. His neigh bors also went over nnd cleared hp a couple of acres of land rea l . . , , dy to crop, and they sny they will sec that his Spring seeding and planting is done while John is convalescing. As Mern has a big family this neighborly demon stration naturally warms ,the cockles of his heart. The Swiss Society of Helvetia is also lend ing a hnnd as well as the big Swiss Society of Portland. authorized Buick service. The regular equipment on all models since January 1 Includes coru tires. You should see these new models to appreciate them. Ferd Havtrampf, At Buick Service Garage, No 1048 Main, nca. First St., Hills Wn. -tt Watches , Silverware 'I Novelties Prompt Repairing REED LYONS Clarence Reed, of Portland, and Miss Rhoda Lyon, of Hillsboro,! were nnited in marriage at Ore-1 ron Cltv. March S8. 1921. The! bride Is well known in Hillsboro,! where she has resided for a num-l ber of years. - - JEWELER AND OPTICUN Main Street , t t, 4 1 I si