. ..-A TDirn JURY CA --riT fYUlHT in viwww.. - tr f (W ""UV rv: I akaWaWanaW. aaawsaians' WW (bari " - ... aTi iran rilllTY TilKl l. h"-n Forrat Grove HI Mil capl.rr.l - J.mr. Cad HEAVY RAINS HOLD das MJ Geo. Agorde. two moon BACK SPRING WORK Itinera of (hrhalriu Mountain, near Rr, in the ..nth m.l of thr Eice of Rainfall Sine Srptem count t, wrre rr. tr, yratrrdsy I bV Now Given at S.66 Inchr by Mm rill lr i..lrr, aitr by Geo. lUrlUrt and a Frdrral oth GROUND FULL OF WATER rrr from Portland. A fine Bit gallon aiill wa lakrn, togrthrr Farmers at Standstill, Hop of With SU gallon, i. iriplr tli.tilled fcrly Seeding Vanish liquor, and nog gallon i.l mii prrn.Lra. 1 In- twoTl.r hravirat rain, uf thr araaon a a. a a . . . a .a .1. . Mil Ibr. largral altll yrt ht in lu l.nr fallrn ainrr thia .lay a wrrk, in Hi Mitrhrll road.t. r, $150 00 I). " .. k.d Lia trial in rlr- )"" K . l. ....t Ik- iur the rountv a. at and it ro.l f luu I au.l ..i.l .f..il..-. a ...... rl 1 H. 1 ' - I ' " - .,. i .ik iiim rrcu I . ...... ll " ....-A-' . . . . . . . . . k.mrJ Mil ii nr iar ..f a r"lr I ro.u ... .c. iu.l br adimltcU last.ig but The Up waa gitra the orbital thr I Tualatin Valley la aaturatrd with Uay lM-orr whrn tlir ui.H.ii.l.iiii rl a. qiia. Si-rdmg an.l idowinif Bail arm oul u gallon, ol u. 1 1..... a vacation ami thr streams a a t B I . B a I 4 a product, nu n i sam to we gtMMi hair Im-cn ruiinioff rampant. 'I All Iioih of rarly arrdiiiif Van only la protect hiutatlf rum, wa dratroyrd. at waa alllt,, with thr rrk i.( .n . ij.lla lalhrr in law. A part the lU"r rrriting aurTn lrnt fori (ion ami thr gun on r. . of rviurnrr. nr inry anru to rainlall ainrr liM N t mix r HMr out thr 10 gallon our of thr mt aoaring. (iriawawr aaU "fr lrarn' Thr i..Hl.n.l ralhrr burrau takf, Jall't throw that uut. It l n..ti hr riirt rainfall ainrr lite brat aluff rvrr turnril out in 4 S. i.trmltrr at fl.Clii ini lira, a i . - fi.- i.i , . . ........ Iltrar r wxa.ii.iir- mmt I g Ol l.rarlj an lilt ll Mltlllll till purr alaff, liatl hrrn rrtiilirtl t I w r k. lilrrljr and rr rhar.oal had All farming orrtioiia liar Urn HarJ In Ihr bltrrlng a.i tit. brrn at a atamlttill ainrr thr lat fuarl oil all citractrd. It l laaur of thr Argua ami with tin aal to aay thrrc rrr a lot llarathrr proi.hrt i.r .In tinir rain drunkrn trout ia thr lilllr atrranil fr today and tomorrow it lMk In width thr ru.lut waa (xiurrd I hkr "farnirra rrat" fur anothrr TKr Ua bad a trnt In a drr ra I ttrrk. lar, arul onr uf llirm waa aittinn Fru,t tr.ra if thr rarly t laak fcy ami watching the ail luirnrr hate Uru Ur.ting Into bloom aostl alung wUrn Mirrilf Alr (hr pnt wrrk and thr rtiicra aadrr walkrd in on thrm. Tin hurra hac U-rN rr iiringbkr la aln wrrr laM.lril in Jail anil win moat llkrljr Jilrad guilt. Thr till Itaa brrn running a yrar. I1IMI. ... . ...it.. I. ....L . .--.i- . . ..... I.M .111 mh Mrai I ..V B.K... .1... .i i. nui I... p ...... i.ia . . ... ill . .1- ..... rtidrntlV lrlirr Hia ui it . f.,r a ur.u... . - . ......v.. . .mi Tratl'lrtoM. I . . mnl. ra ai. . - .. i. ti...i.u. ai V aH.I liMi .S.U.rUari. It SoImiU -wakl, ibargrU WH II- U)lf ii,.lati.N, waa fM4 guilty a a I ... i . i.-.o. .1 ikv a. lyrv. rMMiiiK a. cat Uii.h r, II aN "rirr. """I1" . 11 IT ' U.m.i M..ll. , I rru nam. i. . . wj- i i . I 1 1.. I. J. W. Prill h tt.if.i.. . - . in M .l...n It llaunaa. II. ar.li ' " n li, ill. rill, ,-iomi. - . . . i . Thr itilrnr aiirmpira i jiroir . i. . . . . . . that hr had inr IHluor iw tri.w ...... r t.i Ihr roihtli law paa- ,Kr, ll la aaitl that lr Will a tral tlir raar. , A .li .wr waa granlnl in Trrg loan . TrrglowN. Tao nrw dlrurr raara wrrr iil.J thi wrrk . Amanda Murk rath, who marrird K. L. Jlurk ralb in lri.ro In ItlT, aayt ahr had Urn tokl brr bNabaNd W. VIkiIiu. bail tlivwrr! Hrr, an J .hr Mird It-bat afterward abr f.iun.1 .lr bail brrn wUtnforwrii J . . I y. .hla a al m If aaa a Mai ills' uil.t t.i rrry lk Vigrllua namr H.iri. .vrli Janr Ambrrn. who buarrird John AmbrraoN al Van uurr. in It I , aay aflrr mar VuKr thr iubaml IndurrJ hrr lo ki ll a 'larr ahr ownrd in Port- m.l au.l buy a hur In Ncwbrrg. II. ll.rn naggrcl hrr until ahr aold hat l.r and "l(t" Ihr monry Lith him. Thr kiiidhrarlrd hua I. arrordlng to thr rumplalnt, l..n uKrlrd that alte go to an kl UJr'a homr In lir. Thl ahr Hr.lmrd. but ImiukM anothrr l.niir in Portland and aakrd kim i lirl hrr wiupy It. Thia br fu.r.l and thia rahaiiatrd brr tinur- ao ahr want hrr bill of . rrwin. Itf Joarj.h Sru, .f north .f town. waa an Argua rall.-r tl.i morning All kiadl of far.. n ciU at firrrr, Powrrl iV Co. Itf S'rla ll ilt n and ...u. Jrar, of ntW FI5H AND GAME Chalmrri tonring rar, t200 CODE NOW IN F.FFFCT ( orwin. Itf TW Big Buck to Hunt and Thre Bone to Caat a Lino ALIEN 25 BUCKS EXTRA I A. I. (i-irriitua. of abre FJanka, waa a ritr rallrr rtrr day. nrar Ilrthanr," i rr IMl.Uro via Bcaidra th Origaal Fe Non- Rraidrnt Muat Pay Tia Dollar For aaki Hatching rgg, baby rhirkt, and corkrrrU from Trap nr.tr .1 White LrghorD and Rhode Island Wbitr. If yon krrp poultry for Cggs grt (tork with production pediffrrrs. Every In P. ("hritrnrn, rf nrar North I dividual ia our breeding pen ha riiins waa a riry viitor Tura- a high production pedigree and day. all have pataed a rigid inspection R. I. M.pra, of nrar Laurrl. rwT' CaIog free. Fred waa transacting bualneta in town f-.!1"1 ,07 k St; flrrk Kuralli h.a rrcrivrd thr Monday. iiui.ooro, ur, rnoae l nrw ifamr c.hI from thr atatr tr . u. ir cmili. t S. C. White Minorca Hatch .ndi.nowrrady.aoDrputyUcr f. Jl were citv r.llrrl in e tra SUt Fif Pri" aav. to Mil you fi.hinK. ndhunl- YLfSZZT Winn"' hite, heavy Uy- inir lirrnar. of the latrat atylra, ' "l? atraJn. I hlp egg all over rut abort, acantv, or full, and barren. William, of above northwest. Per 1ft egg, $ firal . A ItrSO Bri.ublir with dumi. nirrly bordrrrd, and uix.n i.ay I Mountaindale, wa in town yra- pen, fJ.JO M-eond prn anil f3 body and hll; ow rhaulrd. At ling thrre dollar, you ran hunt;!""" rllmK on ol.ttime Irwin!, tturd pen. Egg, IS per bun riaht price. r.. L, n rkina. Hill- thrrr dollar more and you ran Jacob Jarky, of near North lM.ro. fih; two dollar and you ran Plains, wa in the city Tueaday Mr. and Mr. J.. Miltrnbrrg. r 'Pt,'i. hiS ' toyr, ,nd made hi annaal vlait to the wrnt to Tlgard May to att.n.l . AffU' . U..l.d.r .li..n... f... !,. li. I ' IW M", u'n lor v .,. ' I ropr of all month rridrnre. If .....i... . ilor yratrrday aftrrnoon. Miaa .MU1 P.!ik, of O. A. ( .. i aM-ndinK hrr titration with lo r firrMa, Mr. and Mr. J. A. l!Uik. Chief A. W. Mill, of Frr.t (iroVr, wa down lo tlir it v Turv day a w itnr U fori- i irruit i ourt. 1 V. (illil.l, of Si l.olU, wa Up 'w vou are a non-rridrnt thrn vou Tacday wa the ao-called firat day Spring, thr tun having cros- -A 1 1. ... 1 1. . I .1... an.l muat Dar trn aimolron in ord. rl .... .. . ... ... I I. . . . ... ... , . . nun n ninruun. j'' " "'I to nri ami a liar amount in orurri hr find quite a w ntinu nt dontu hunt. I The Rock Creek Literary Soci hia way for a union luitli w Ihm.I. For 8ale No. Slinrjili rrr am arparator, good h!mtr. Jo. Sru., HilUlH.ro. ll. 3. Trie phone H.IUboro Sill I J. S GimhI hrary work train fur anli rraon!lt' J wt-it'h 8200. In iiulrr at Itos SO, llill.lH.ro. R. 8 . A If you want a "unlon-auit" thrn IP P"Kram and pir five dollar nay. To make it oel edneaday evening, Mar. rlrar thr atatr rhargr are: Reddcnt hunter' licene, 3. dred. Have few eock and cock erel for le. William Tnpper, Hillsboro, Ore., R. 4. Mil For (ale: Team good brown mare, 7 and 8, about 1800. with harnr. A bargain, a have n ue for them. John Herb, two milr north of Verboort, on road to Ror; A dd re, Forest (Irovr, R. t. S-4 Heavy laying White I-ghorn hatching eggs, 7 per hundred; $1.25 per IS. Will nil model 30. Everybody welcome. Whr uffer torture with those! new White tewing machine, quick Nonrrident hunter's lireiur.l iajnrui corn, consult Dr. Wil- aale at $50. G. W. Curti. IlilU- $10. Ili.m. aI UVll' Snn M.rrh vs lboro. R. ft. Box SS. V? mile south . a . A a a m Kr.lil. nt anirlrr licrnar, f 3.1 9 a 97 in 89-30. S I Newton. J N'onreaident anglrr' lirrn. equal to the licrnve fee rrqnirrd S. E. Stoller, of near Laurel,! Why pay ar on alump land? HuJT a Ciaaolinr powrr Stump 1'iiitrr, made by the Vaughn Motor Co., Portland. Orr. Irni onalratioM will Ik- madr at J. R Rottorffa place rtrry Satur.lat aflrrniMtN, brginning March fii and ending Saturday, April 30 All rrauna owning alump land or llilrrratrd in rlraring land ahould come and are thi machine at work. All are intilrd. Thi ma ihtnr i quirk . Thr lrt ktump iiiill. r on Ihr markrt. Hon I for Cong rr g ilioual I lui n h Itibli S. lt.H.t at 10 a. m. ; atrial prrp aration ha brrn made fur thr r'-li r arrvlce at 11 a. m., thr hoir will aing "Oh, Death Where i thy Sting," by WiUon, and "Hr Livr Who Once wa Slain," by I.rrii. The pator' topic. "Children uf thr Rrurrrciion." Chritian Endeavor mrrliug at 0:41 p. m. at 7:30 p. m., the pas tor will drlivrr a hiturr on "Tur kry in War Timr," accompanied by HO colored alulc. 11. A. Urck, minitrr. Church of ChrUt, corner Third gr thr place, t milr rat of! and Havrline 10, Bible school, IlllUboro, Baarlinr road, Virgin la place. S Dr. Curti llartlHt. uf Ontar lo, Ore., vi.itrd the firat of thr wrrk nitb hi brothrr, J. R. Hart Irtt, of nrar Si holla. Dr. HaH.rtt wa a Major in Ihr world war and wa ahrltrd and hr wrr hi acar. Onr ahrll rlplodrd in thr place where he wa drring a wounded auldlrr, killrd the pa tirnt and thrrw the Major clrai out of the place, For aalr, at a bargain: Large twoktory barn, strongly con TWIN SONS B .ru, to Mra. Waller E. White, li thr aklngtaN Counly Ho- id. Marth tl. 1991, twin son. llr and Mr. While resided here M yrar, siid Mr. While preidrd .r Ihr prreription case at Ihr 'lisrmacy. White sav the .i.iiKi.-r will sign their appli ini Ion, to hrrotnr F.Ik a soon lliry ran write Irgibly, Mr and Mr. White realde in rtUnd, we are to have at lrast ISO urea rut tu it Sunday. There will be a trn minute program by the Prl uiary and Junior department. II, aubjret, "Thr I brMian's lloitr of Etrrnal Ijfc;" 0:43, Junior and Intrrmrdiale KndeaV' or, Gerald Harr will had the 11 S. F.ndrator; 7:30. Panlomine of the Rraurrrution and two special tonga, sermon, "The Rattle Over the Empty Tomb." Un II. Fish back. Tigard Evangelical Church Katlrr service at the Tigard ? ' ' la,n' r,","' m, hr t'e reid. nt ..te of the non lilllM.ro. as rraidnit applicant Auk. Kuhn. of U-low Hubcr.l Counly huntrri licrnae for was in town thi morning, pnunifl person between the age of 14 IIore horses for sale ; from - i T i 11 w.a a rountv .rat vUilor vrter- " "nu r win,... day. Mr. Stoller recently pur- r'de for co or 7" tU ch.cd theD. B. Cooley place. Pr'" 'rom 20 "P- Comc ml look them over at farm near lor . Ale: Team horse, 1S0O Bethany. Wm. Kerron, Port- I ll"ll ll a. . 1 .1. . - . . . . I a . .a a aai.il I tara and makinir hi annual viMtland IS year, to hunt in realilrni s each. Will sen at Hall price ; I ud p 0.4 to the Argua office. Yrar ago h. county only, $1.80. guaranteed. C. Sorensen, twol . RcclP,ned Eed Clover seed for worked for the htr Hold. Imbrir.l Combination hunters and ang-lmilei south of Beedville. 1-8 I ,le . fiBe quality. Twenty cent The stage line between he re I per lb.; alto clover bay at fIS 1 1 1: a A. 0. Barber it the original ,rr" .. ,. .high Remcdiet man, and hi 'ntlnI "i angling iicense.i nJ portUnd h,ve r.iM:d their per ton. Ralph Prahl, HilNboro, Hillaboro addrea. I 1271 Ba.r mnT , V" fare to 75 cent. The Forest Ore. Phone t8R8. 8-5? Jl,r. p, .n.71. ,r.. G(0 to PorlUllMi charge i a For S.le-A irood team, verv on stgnea by iwo doar reasonable: weib about 3200. on regular biann, t ,, , v ... hich may be obtained from Vr. L J. ui.am, me wen 1 .... county clerk, or from any regu- known chiropodist and loo tpe- - For sale: Milk cow and horac. Alien muat mt $28 extra be- 0. Inquire ol Boscoe Bennett, l at Third. Patron, pleaar X ,',r.,b3flJ notice and recrve your or- P.P, f c for him. 2 8 'f fh""'" . line, at Third. take I cr Ml Charlotte Walker, the County Public Health Nurae, will h,rlT apointcd agent of the Utctf wiU be in HiUsboro, all be found In her otlice in the com Lmr eommlaalon. W'eil'a Store, March 25-6-7-8-9- miaaionrr' room In thr court I Aliens mi.Al iui houae every Saturday morning. frc they can take ont either a Tho. Wilket, who ha been mile nortb .f ReedviUe- Addrea hereafter, from ft to 12. filling or hunting, or trapper's Ln.Bdjng some time the pant year K. x. i-a - lor .ale: Tram of horar. license. Lurveyina over in Columbia Coun-I. New ,tock of DTe l thc dark bay, 7 and 8 year, 1750 Ciil war VrtV ,nJian w,r ret" tjr, wa a HilUboro caller the first Pharmacy. Adi-trn .n.l anun.l in rrrrv rr- P'nnrcr whoe coming date 0f the week. I ord F Vlnti. lldUIr.. R 4 hack of I860, get their licene ... . .. . Iwin. , , l 1 .1 c -i t tt. I ' .lunula, .lie miru wiin, 14 ear for sale. D. Cor- ltf ; ll...M- 9ART9 P....r mil... from Ircr, "nd llloae panian war vev ll;1l.lu... AAA f nnn i.ileran at thc faoldien Home are Mr"l a w, v ra - uses the latest method in remov ing corns and callouses without pain or soreness. Call Weil's I Store and make an appoint ment. . 8 i th umr rlaaa. Alice Mildred Meyer ha sued Blltk ca.n Aug. 20 to Oct. Ernest IL Meyer for divorce, her -0imit two with horn, complaint charging cruel and In ,)(e( mut Bot kiljed human trralinent and failure to nl.. .-4 Cm i a .Iah pay bill for family neccitle. . . WM Jn town TucMlav. He states OAct, 8981 ; residence, 1928 They were married in Oregon , - , pheasant, bbe or ooty that there will be Lutheran ser- Clty In August, 1920. t'uc, ruffled k rouse, native vice at the Advent Church, on monument dealer in! plu a-i.nt, bob-white quail, Oct! Baseline, HiUsboro, Sunday, at 2 P. II. Schaus, of near Shefflin. ca. j. a noes, m. d. ; Paqraicaai mi Surgeoa Ofice, Upstair, ia ComaserciaJ BaJudimf. tesider.ee, corner of Sixth and Washington. Phone, Only I L'iah t Aaa I iT'liai s la Mnti Vlinli I . a . m a I a . A aa a. I struHrd, ntodcrnly equipped for ' amngion uouniy. irrop u. a i ... -.. P. tow or burse. Would make ex Mu,M,', fl-tit.n in connection rarJ aa w. wSn fcilow yoll our jjag limit, ft in any one day, or Announcement Dr. Williams, rrllrnt frame for good big house. "h lhc Jiwl,J,Jr S"'M,I 10 sample. Write or call on u. at ten during any consecutive 10 the well known chiropodist and k-.l U dl a,II m-5 Eaaler sermon at 11 a. m., si , St. HilUboro. Ore- days. Net more than three fe- foot specialist, will make regular ... uk....i .K..U li-.- Hp I le.cil muatc, duct, He did ol Monument Work. HilUboro. male pheasant can be-killrd In trip to HilUboro every 60 days IH orn llrlma for a real baraaln I I ,)'" Vain," by N. Kurth and 00 tf seven consecutive days. watch the local paper for his llrlm for a real bargain. 8 K & TwmU Xmnf go Tront-over 6 Inches, April 18 .dr. . J. N. Allerbury, of the Perfcc plr. Mretlng at 7:18, and preach- l; 01 1Uc" C"""' to Nov. 30. Lim!t-80 finh or 20 . , T. m nt rvd.r tlon Bakery, report an unprece ng service again at 8 p. m. You i now v .d.ng an nncle at Uk Robt. Thompson, of Cedar drnlrd patronage at the Baker, are welcome.-W. A.' Oucffroy. "... Wah and hU ay fri Wui arvennsecuUve day.. Zrinlil 1 ' h.. ihr ,!. P..lr. hoive that Id health, which has J , .... lh' more drives than any man in the D3. D. E. WTLEY, U. D. Pbysi m aal StargMB Office phone, t81. lejktypce phone, 1688. CUTJI I PRIVATE SALE - ill rll at private sale 8 milk . hiph grade Jrreys three if I 'all cow, one frcah in Janu- ky. ..ur jii,t frrh: herd test. 4.H. ll... ..or work horae. IO vrara. ' H-I.l about 1400; will Work lirahrrr; State silo, t3t, prar- iiiv nrw, only Riled twic. C. Jeiiten. Bank. Ore.. R. 8. ll'oin- North Plain 2 1 Fit. 8 tvlL2aAAtlD.D.a Pbysiciaa and Snrgeoa OSTEOPATH Completely equipped hoapital in connection. Call answered day i 1 .l..!. f r.l :Li rue lie rr,H.. thr bakery wa s ,.n n, .nlh a. Car. 1 . ' . 1. r..l.il 60 fish or 40 pound, in Winra- 7- .7. ".J t"T.i t-mTi "u " . , - ...j I - ,- 11 .1 a year aco, win uc ifi-ih...... . .... iiuuuj m uc ul .v. . . ...uvuw wa. forced lo secure new quarter. kriiu. .,, . own Mondar nf T ?,.! ,.:i.V.t 1... sion at any time. L w .1 ik. Jri 1.. Rm. . . - . W. The, will mote the la.t of thr . ' . ,, s. llow iute,eA J . It i. Always Unlawful . ' ZZ k to Second Street, where thr , . . ., ...1.. IA Merrill k Clark, of Cornelius t. take nn anv irame animal BapUst Church sernces Beg-1 PKnra Ofir. 141 1 Mra. lit Counly Agent ha held forth "roipi fm Portland to the Bend nd HilUboro, have bought a rcg or ,raine bird for "the purpose of ular service Sunday, B'b Dr. J. as. DaWMl many month.. country. Central Oregon. In the Mcrra rercneron si....,.n, - . ... hU,ng same in capuvuy. c' 1 . K ..j-. Haa reanmed the Practice of " ..a. . II I . . 1 A a I . I Sk ft I W Lr ll I ll D I T . C 1. a. KHa. ...a. a 4V K a. 1 I 1 m lllil n. . f. a,.. . .rttllL I 10 nan oy anv hk-.iu " V . ' T Medicina and Sumrr. awd ha aa. arnninn ntwaraai - . r- I .w- n -i.l o...i.i . I wuim ui UK wawcraa. uuuu- .... .v.vwu. Hog for tale: One Chester early day Uuson wa Chief r.n , "n 1 1 T k While Iniar; three Cheater White geer for the .Northern Pacific, 1000. and will be placed in the brood aowaj all In good shape, when they put ll.ro the line over Uh.nt..ii County service this Sow. will all litter by April I.- the Stampede tunnel, and he still Kr. Announcement- later. A bargain In a second hand "I. By owner. Call 4RX.- "y"- .... !- Roy A.h, fl mile 8. E. of Hill I hark tu thing doing in thc rail- Thc Rt rcv. Walter T. Sum boro, on Carl Skow place. 14 way world. Iicr UjNhop of thc Diocese of Or- Cha. Deichman, Verne Me l J. A. Churchill, State Supt. of jcgon, Episcopal church, will ki..nrv and lisakrll Carter, of Public Instruction. wa$ register- preach nt the evening service in O. A. C, are spending the Easter rd al the Washington Tuesday All Saints. Washington St., Ess !.. ak folk. Liuhi Mr. Churchill recently rc-ltcr evening. A cordial lnvitatioi .1. 1 r - -.1.... .:..... I ........I ia iifiid.-d lo all to attend this or sale. Hrt ela f 11. ami .i..i ru. v 1 l.i.r lPl.l Urn. Trl-IK " . sj -." rpltone 28R8 than with hook and line. course at 6H raw 1 . !. nan a. a I ! r. a"a)A m lo angle wunin iw iee u. . . . 1- . . .k-.- lh- HIll.Ko Tiaaw. any fihway. For Sale: Grade HoUtein five Ls.i R..V To sell or offer for ale, bar- .iion .,0-. irA caif. fregh. April ter or exchange any of the game ,filh. .i, vearlinir Jersey bull. animals, game bird or game fish, eligible to registry, cheap. rMax or part inercoi, 01 me siaie 01 ncrecr, Bcaverton, R. 4: near Oregon. Haxeldale. . -8 au ..i.i.i ur ..so k ...A... . . . , v ., . ' ,r I John Thornburgh, President . ,. , I of the Forest Grove National ..all A, Al... tfW.n. ' I connected with that instHution, Hillaboro, Oregon. or time bird. ... .....1. . 1 D..1.1 n.... T-l.lii.it - in. . ... . r . (. ...1. in r . m. .. ' .1 1- . . ...... mm . r . n . i. . . .a . .... k... . ..u n .... ...... .npniiiir. n. am.ri " . . .... i . i.tni...... IB I r . ... u ............. - lu aiimi inim i.i.iiv i I ... ,. . .1. I,ui.ih ..Ucr In establishment of I i.i 1 i k. fi.inl .....j 1 I were in the cKv the last of the . . , . 1 il " --- ------- ,i ii.tx.in.ofti. m (.-. ... ..- s..j - " 1 or rauroau ncm 01 war. 1 , .. - , , Fred Berger, of Brthany. and h,Kll ,chooU i the United Ja ,,,, rs. ,rip here since he To anitie or hunt without ha wk i" county seat a . . m : . . . aa aaia'awiias ar rr 1 . . . it a . t. 1 .... w . .a . 1 eirr oruwn, 1 Male, accormng 10 sci.ooi H,ru Ispcnt the Winle In the city yesterday. Winter months In! jng on person a license, or refuse Jfri!nJ' WSa4 HymW, U. D. Honra 10 to 12 Office Treataaent of Diaeaae of women and ehildren none and throat. - lation. I Southern California. Hi sonth-l irt show nch license on demand Robt. Simnson. of Buxton, wast The Woman' Relief Corp will! em trip w of much benefit to Uf proper officer. down thc first of the week nurs-j . . I A a I . t A 1 1. r T.I.I . . . E. I. Kuratli, I're.ldent. Wm. F. IUae, Frank 0. Mitchell, Vice President. E. M. Bowman, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS II. A. Kuratli, J. J. Winner J. F. Gardner Cashier. Andrew Bendler .. 1 . . . -.. . ... . ... hold a aocial meeting Friday, hia health, ami ne ia now iccimg April 1, at 8:80 in the afternoon, a fit as the next one. I ' . . a a a . tl . a a t. . 1 and al 8 o tUM-a wm enienain me c.lJaI.. fi,l.v n O . .. - l I ..1 I J nut acouis. 011.11.Hrs un take notice. To wantonly waste game. To hunt deer with dog. ing that hunch to get back tol Tendoy, Idaho, and get to work HiUsboro National Bank Hilbboro. Oregon ca. E. T. KZW 1 . van. a To rob any bird's nest, except ln his mine. He and Will Jack , J such biril a are not protected expect to leave for the tunnel I "7" " TT. ir7,' about May 10. W1??.' u "TZ Tn. nunc nr nnirlp on Iitna.Sl ... .r . . .iI . .V 7 - .k-re,,r, "amter, wne oi jonn night Telephone 1961 Z. without Permission of the W.Eke,, died at Cottage Grove, Office? 1 and , Heldel BnOdlng, iuroHMs.... "- March 17. 1921, aged 48 yeara- HuiAboro , . . Oregon officer charged with the en- . waj a f Fre(i dl j ' B t., , Owen Shaver and Mrs. Emma f C3. C IL rcLLOCX, game birds f T.1.lin. InUrmi.nl wsi Datttfial or song bird. at MeUger on Monday. Uprtair. in liUlaboro Commercial To lie In wait for deer at or P . . I d.'iiji s.i c. -r v w, The funeral was held in Portland..,,. w cf Mr Bnd M. C. w I ncar llok, while hunting. J. W. Connell returned the laat -7 J1" Nntie. to rarmara-Tha feed roDer Rollins, was operated on in Port- To hunt or shoot from power of the week from a trip to Tilla- 22 . . at Bethany wlttroll and grind on th u,ul Tuesday, nt the St. Vin- boat, sink or sneak boat, or sink mook with j shipment ot "oc- PR. W. IL PAS LEY, Deputy Mocnunic ranirht a vonniT chau nermittincl . . , ... ". .. it.. b.T law. a inuy o unvc m.s mmiuiii. w 1' For aalc: Few settings of S.on Itring stopped the owner ad- C. W. Leghorn and Barred Ply- milled that the lady had no drlv- mnulh Rock. 11.28 Urr IS. K.lrr license, but said he would Sin B. Medill, Nelson Place, Cornell- no more. Thc officers say that " " V"?T" us, Ore. mf "soners" cause then, , lot. of T, ti.-.. n . d 94 ,,. trouble when nice weather is on. i -li. . Theo Brocmcr, aged 74 years, of North Plains, died March 18 Frank Rollins, overseas vcter- Capita) (S0.CC0.CO 4 Par Cent Paid en 12 Month' Tim Cartiacataa 3 Par Cant Paid on Saving 1 MEMCER FEDERAL RESERVE. ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN I1ILLSS0R0 Orcg. following date: Febuary 12: 26:1 ... n.i.i nB.i u -,..i-.-. w. He says Tillamook ia going right . r a . a . na . ac . 1 1 in n a 1 a s.. avf 1 .1 " v March 18; mi Apru "I .. ..u . For nnnaturalised oerson to ahead, and their cheese product I . if.ij.i tij. ..u IK f. - "Ht . . ....... . V ..-.-... - - . I - .... 1 . U. .M.. AW... p. JIW.I - ... I. . , ....V j .11. ft U . .I.:.... Ik.t mVM nAnanAAl.l .....t. ..... ih. .....nr.. r ihr hunt nr anoie wKnouc navinir in u toe .... r,'""r-" 1 vi.i. c . p... os.. P Tl 1-1.. V, f P.nl.lotnll.l,",""",,, " . ., ..J! IK .mk.J t.1. lri.J. -V" " v - ... - - is 'i i.i- ilia i...in. hn horn 1 itnsscHsion a irun license in auui-iij. ...... n ...v..-.. ...o ...v. psua bo u.. .1..!.... i " r ... nsill Ul was irrcciiii( i...in"s the citv Saturday afternoon. ' liri.1.1 i-rniiir. a o. n 11.0.. . ... w . n.u ..dr of O. A. C. is i.v.,rU. and his mnv friends 1 I The Oreuco Bluebird Coffee! , . I. W. HuUa.1 1 11.... ik- P..! varolii. ot lii I k ii,.i kl. mr.npw will ki.( The male nuartet from the Eu-1 rinh met recentlv with Mrs. G. .1.1. ,.iiv with home folks. Lnredv. Hi affliction 'is said to srenc Bible University will give a Munns. Readings, a musical se-jWo anawer ealla day or night to v . 1 . " . . . . .a 1 a a ri u a nrosnrol for a nvc been with thc transverse concert ai uie vBraws vuureu, If you are a prospect lor a , , ... t ...,i, i Tk nm. .. . . 'r. . .1 I Cltlon. . v ' I ll.Urson., ...u.v. w.. . r '""n''r 7 , ' Hk.,,. gram will consist of college at .a a. sw m in mhib. a .rar an. aa.a a 11 r n 111 1 ia . r si . ww. a . ..inn m. lint Hmaaa " sw . . a - " ------1 v. . runups, - l.ll. . vn.llln ri..lr who hive spent thc winter in Spo- '"J u,, . m v a s . a ll IlUIllUI, r nil. a. Vt iiMioviwim . ... . a I . aAiianii1 I A BP AVanin m Stevens. HiUsboro, Ore., March . v roadinM and Born, to Mr. and Mr. 20, 1021, a daughter. Mr. Case, of Tillamook, is thc guest of her daughter, Mrs. G. C. Reiter. Mike Rahn and II. Krstek, of ' near Phillip, .were city callers today. Herman Tledemann, of Green berg, waa In the city Saturday. , 1 Fred Klatt, of Route 1, wa In town Friday. - . . i rr number, and several ning, mas- . ,. .1 im-.-..-.i. lug the trip In the car. W. T. xhcrevi also 80l0 and duet says ion ..c . 1 rkl. I. - . . . . . I. . . , . I. II... II. . i.. A ...a f 1 "... roans man moac or. cncouim rru ,,, . .,..,, ,j j. k. Tk n.11.. ii ":. ... ...v ... W h pe enjoyed by aU iook ...n. ..yC ....r. t s The .amission will be 10c and tnrcc nines, nis was wie on,yA. ... . car that made It throusrh the seal . - - ' of mud over thc mountain with- Have iV ton Republic truck out being towed by a team. Mr. I with dump body and hoist, fully and Mra. Phillins will buv a home overhauled and in first class con here and remain In Hillsboro, sat-lditiori. Equipped for hauling H. H. Flynn. Union Saving and Loan Asso ciation, of Portland. Loans for building new homes, easy month ly payments. Tay for your home like paying rent. If you are go ing to build or buy a home, see us. We will get the money for yon. Residence., acreage, and farms for sal e. Washington Isficd that the old town is hard to rock, etc. Price is right. Inves- County Realty Co., Upstair west lection by Mrs. J.awson Auld and election of officers took up the greater part of the afternoon, followed by a delightful lunch served by the hostess. The next all sections. State Licensed EmbaJaer Omson ;Dr.J. IL rrMTrrr meeting will be held with Mrs. Room np-arit gj.oto BnlldW. beat. tigate. E. L. Perkins, Hillaboro. of Postoflice. over ami mm Hillaboro, - - Ojfot Licensed Ora tS9 Tfm. 1018 ... faMM 9TI - tloslorate Pibnt. tizzT') Car vieea. tesLlzsz TrrJ Vcnt "i- -a I ' f Cir;ra