The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 27, 1921, Image 1

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No. 47
no noil roll
City Mutt Rim Behind a Year on
Taut, ladfm.tJy
To PI" Thirty Per Cent Addi
tional on Water and Light
Tlw City f Forest Gmve Jut
ii. i w U hating problem of il
owm from lh frl lht there will
H- no rilt l '" l,M count)
lav, roll l l" I I'm )r
,.f our l-ord li'-M "'d there by
hang tl
11 . ll lilnl it l i mill lr
villi U"' Mir, but it wa l'u
l- i Im vld and i Injun. l'"
k. rtnl. I Hiding that llir
Uw i riplnil. nml l ! a
l ..( i.ri.ll. Hit; t..w llir illy
ultmrilli Dn H vH' llir
, y and il . Ii ml p,'r t'll I tie
U. roll l r l Gr vs r l
iliiil will pay U"' nml
le tavr "ill when thry ap
Hr before Sheriff Ahvamhr l
hair him Write thrir rrrrlpl for
ihrir tuluing.
1.44 wrtk llir 'urrt Grove
Itv tumuli Mir I l ditu lli
problem wliitli confronted I to
,ny. for money I necessary !
ion. Iml the adnilnUtratloii of
nly affair.
Every phase if llir ituatiott
mi minimi. I Mini il wa linn II r
.1. . I In roiw I In Wnlrr ,mi.l
light ihargr thirty HT mil III r lo lull1 our the waller of
ftttamr until nut laipa)liig
tunc A l ily l gelling some
tl runnel from llu, mi. I
I!., x p,vrtie object til II
rU. it U rHi tt-.l iliiil llir ihir
tv irf rent raiw will nol mater
i.ilirr in Itir fullest mum', and if
il II U Ik? rase llir- luunirialil t
i 'iki It Li run l liin.1 In II ready
li i in V lliili limit It , AIhiiiI llli
on) i .. f.r 1 1
lo ii it I lo Um I'oiiktiiiii r tin llir
t, of local palrlolLiu, mill
Idi it. ' au i ff ilin In lores!
Grove, for every "man John"
mul "woman Mt Inula" will Ml
way I'ul.l II nut for tin ily on
tin- rlt'tnlMMi when it come down
In I u nl pride,
11 r Wdi-unt nr U Im up !
lli" l-iiit, mul II n h , lt lli'
Arfin m ill riil.'rr "lial llu CiAiVr
lnir(. t'miij", Royal NiIkIi
Imr ul Aim rltu, ItiolalliJ olli r
rrl.liy inning, J mi. XI, witii llu
lUtui i A44rKiltt I'mnn, tl
I'oilluii.l. Mr. t'ilr Oiwii w
iMlmlmg ttlliitr, a lui Air. Slr)
l f I IMOIII Ji Ill4rlim
lulluwmg wire luUIIU.
til4 lualtlt, Ormic; litrtlia
ttulUrwiMMl, I'railc; liratt
Ujau, l- Urat'li'i I HI float,
i iiautttlori Jt wii- rrotf Uttrunl
r ; Ijliiau (mi iiu iui r, utvtittr ,
trU4 trust, uiariiali iiilnua
I rol, .Vi. Aiarkiiai; iiary Li
trj, iuntr uliwl lUuiali ir
U j, iimiag. t lur it ).ar; l.Ux
Onrair, Managir )ir. AlUi
liiaUlUliou luutii tii MriiU U
Hit- rviH.Uc lauuiii, ami altri
tljtl g4ii(.a wire iiijuyttl by all.
Hit lodge wili iic a iMttkil o
i ul ami Uic raliling uf a atik 4U1U,
1 riUay v tilting, lib. 4, at iiuwa
IU1I. hitr)iMly imiUd, ami
UJiva brltiic Utki. U. AiiuiUluli
lln rc i uo brlUrr mclucni
lor your tuoury Utan a NaUoual
Crt am iv jiaralor ligliteal
ruiiuiug Urgu laoavily M 'uraUir
ot all. A aiuiiilc bowl vliaucl
in tlirvc uuuulc. At K Uutu
mall r irit-ra for the aauic f
iatity. No. ti, tHy I Hi lb
n r hour, 7U No. X(i, raoatily
mh) lb. M-r hour, f 0. Sir a mm
I'lr at lh UilUbora Trailing Co.,
or at V. 1 M-ii atorr, Lau
r I. 44 9
Id on m illative Jti aU, of Till
hi.Hik, ha offrrvd an auirnuuiiul
li our tat law a calling for aoutr
thilig lirw iu the way of lliuU
Uiul ariiii iil. I jhu rriurl
of the itMuwn, whm Uiu law
h 'omi' (ft' lit r- huhl it a
tiiuln r ltml uwiii-ra iuut ilrliv
rr ctuIm' of llir llinbrr oil tin
laml. l ailurc to mi ilit will utra
a furfvit lo the t-miiity tf IXS for
rah quarlrr Milion ol limlirr
ownnl. . truiwr urn rti
111 .ilr vim Ik- ih inamlrtl, ami I
Hit l.rnW i i iim that tin rc i no
MM or PWalpa DtnroUa Matiaei.
ad LvtAuig to Aaaut
A LttG HOUdb L LAi'tCiLLiI
Wlaeaia Aiternooo and Lvw-
BiBg, ro. at, dclccUd aa low UmU
Manager i'litlj), ol tin; LiUrly.l
will uviote au aittruoou auul
tt iiiiiK olU nuj ot tin: lo 0IU11
lo la lji awrii tnc r.uroau itviici I Adrent thurih, oa liaacLuc
t-uud, uu wiiu luc aaoitiou oil It. acuau, palvr.
.i.iy. .M-..H i"jrr w m ()M.r ,c hMr
o ,ity I.. . t hy U t ,t t(dr lu'of H.mmB,
roN-rty w In 11 giving in m-j.
iiu nt.
lor Salr 1'ine Jairy ram h of
I tl a rr, im luJnig ruaJ, kt rail
ay klatioii; aixtrrn acre
lurr: i ain timber land
haliiiH-r ImkIi tat of cultivalion
l.hal for Uiry or loik bricdui'-
rumh. A Urgulu at in
air. .il.lrc liaiun, .vrgu
ritn iii irmi'rr uai uir omu i i i
,11 ... II i.l ,.f il r,m,. l,l holi-1 llltllmri, Or., Iu a. .lid rwvr
il alw ay dor.
lUt 'li WilhyromlH-, of Smith
Tualrtlin, w ovrr loww Tind.vy
Columhii Sihtniill, of llrlvr
li, um down In llu rity Tin
luv afli riiiMin.
I.. ih. Do not U lt uhoiie. 4?
... m. a a
MarriitBX liitnc lia Iht
irraiitrd Howard t. Jmira and
l-lla I!. Il.ndrlrk. The con
Irnrtliitf jmrlii arc I'lircut (Jrov lit.
OlympU Oyater Cocktalla'
Tl 1 Dm of Sw-ceU.
EalluiaiuU Wast it CompCSi
by Thm Fair
(co. Jatk, of llir rirrr road,
nrar l'ariuiiiKton, ti in the city
l ot ak Urgi.Urid ItuLnUiD
bull, 3 yrara old. VV. It. Ncilarn,
Conit liu, Orj;., It. 'I- 4
John Luflu, who livca at thi
top of the hill bryuuu ortu
1'lmua, wa over to the uty Tut
G. N. Taggart droit to ScaiJi
tin week, taking tin It. C.
MuU hkr o lUir brat trip to the
Lutheran .rvk next bunday ilcm Waya and Mean. Coa-
afUruoon at two o iloik, at th J"'" ul P " "WMWU
p luudgci etiimaiea acmaauing icg-
ilture appropriations.
lie lliftaooro Ciuo ,t e.pviUi. UMurJ tt. Yurk .UJ CUr.
lhat l..e Uou w,ii run to i-uc, wf Ue.vcrVon ttcedville, fcrder;thlB d;eep meD of thc
llr. iir. i'lii-lliav all iiukf li.lia I . ... I I I
BaU Out tka Uppw Rmr tSS
ty. Mr. I'iicip wui luakt uutn
nig mm that Uu;, lUt in,t ruiipl
iMing a gut u luc eouiity iuuU.
rfialiuic oriita w iu in. lue auun
aa uaual, but Hie evening avaaio..
will nc priei ai 60 ami i cent.
the dale ai t lor Una oitcruig i
ou w cdiu de v, tebruary Xud.
V touiUiiUiv will Im; uul lo act
were united in ttiarrwge by ilou. -..lahborin aUtea.
J. W. OooiUJi, January I'Jll SpringfiehJBooth-KellT Lbr.
WauUd lioom and board,! Co. to In.tall new electrically
mar acltool if poatiblc. for wo-1 driven saw
man aud two boy, agi three and Attempt will be made to be
U. AJdre Mr. Loui, tt. 8, portion of Booaerclt highway
pared by I OSS, for Portland
a-orld a fair, which will commem
orate the linking of eat, weat,
north and aouth by paved hlgli-
ay. PlanninR to becta work
at once.
A-toria The lower Columbia
Uox 37, City
Mare fu Sale W'tuha about
liidt vou but In kt la -and do null 100: 10 year old. lUaaonablc.
ot nook Una titanic to blip ouil L. M. llcac, liiavertou, II. 3
nd do your bit. Hie dealU rali l Ueaideucc near diliuil lcle
ill toiiliiii ii Ul huron: iroui aUrj phone Scholia luic. 48
iloii i. appuliiiig and every Uol The ohi iiyi -v. . fort-nit Blln, .l.innrd 9.098.i4t feet of
i. .1... i . . ' i : ' - --
.,. w ,M.a . .... B (rsicruity, of I". L ., will offer a lumber In 19S0, ootntripping all
. cuu aa a for inUrilaa dc un river comoetitora.
4 lie ouu liiuuoii p., lure deal L,,.. ia toll. .,,.. Three auc- Tollaire Orove CAdin work
... , U(,ull,.j uw iiriMruwmt Ktj lUM bJ , mcanUH iriin on new coatt highway.
lor llu wortliy ouinl, but Mr.l.i,.. .i,- i,uuhv will be it uroi I Vnr OM Underwood real
i imp eoi.uuded lie would give erly tmitHcnUy. dence to be rated for new hotel
llio ricvipl. ol two. ...... , ., Lite
Buii,al-misullu..milk dailv: Portland Caa Co. granted In
O ----- - o '
lie' liai aii-urvd aouie good reel
and the local committee hope to
ec a crowded houae both after
noon and eviiiiuu.
will kU or trade for good, gentle
work horc. lour uulea ulh of ' 1 on ' temporary, b-cd on
Following ia a list of the t'igbtl
grade graduates who graduated
reduced cost of crude oIL
Oregon ia aiith in federal per
mits for applications for water
power development. The states
lead in this order in number oi
hore power: Arisona, New
York, California, Washington,
Montana, Oregon.
Salem 1500,000 state rural
credit nonai to dc soia.
Redmond Work on irrigating
1000 acres to start in spring.
Portland has need lor new
f' ''
1M.Y i!
50tt trot
I: I S lilt iWk
Our Christmas Club is not merely a convenience to help
our little friends deposit money; it is for BIG BUSINESS
MEN who want or should want to deposit money REGULAR
LY and ACCUMULATE a nice fat sum without ever "feeling
$3 a weeks in 50 weeks you have $250 1 ' '
You can put in $10 a week; in 50 weeks you have $500
You can put in $20 a week) in 50 weeks you have $1000
Don't stop then. Put in FIFTY or a HUNDRED dollars a
week and in 50 weeks accumulate $2,500 or $5,000.
Do this for FIVE YEARS; let the money STAY in our
hank and tee what it will amount to why it's a FORTUNE.
Put every one of your family in the Club. Read the fol-
lowing plans:
Put in lc, 2c, 5c or 10c the first week. INCREASE your
deposit lc, 2c, 5c or 10c each week. In BO weeks t
lc Club pays $12.75 5c Club pay $ 63.75
2c Club pays $25.50 10c Club pays $127.60
Put in SAME AMOUNT each week. In 50 weekst
25c Club pays $12.50 $2 Club pays $100
50c Club pays $25.00 $5 Club pays $250
$1 Club pays $50.00 $10 Club pays $500
$20.00 Club pays $1,000.00
Ilillaboro, near Frank Simpson'
place. Jerry V arditnan, Corne
ll u, Ii. I. 40
Dapliat Service- fiegular ser
vice neat Sunday as uaunl
iu M atiiitiutou V ouuly. Jauuary 1 1 reaihuiit at II a. iu. and 7:90
1, lai; IP. m. liible School at 10 a. m
DutriUI liasel Phelps, LvK Mr. Grimm, Supt. 11. Y. P. V.
Grlgrr, I'harlea lleamau, Gtadysl un i t at 6:49 Sunday evening
llolseher. land prayer and study class meet
Put. "W, 7 Sorciuon,! Thursday evening at 7:30. ilob
iioria Apphgalc, Lcnora llryaiit,! ert Kay, pastor.
Helen ibwaile, Lester Asbahr, .. it,.,L-.rm ut SJ.B acres, honses. Less built In 10 than
Irwiu Lung, Herman J. freuden I i . 40 U1 .... , r-iuvu0. about in 1919.
tluvl, Harold Piukcrton, Laurel .0 slashed and in Msture: Portland Union Meat Co. to
tm.t, Uona Smith, Bollin Ucik, j g.ruom boUM.. ng rn. nd 250,0O0 on plant eten
Donald SuiiUi, Henry Peterson, 1, ..... .iwmil. niii,.. PKi ui Uon.
Gladys Stewart, Geneva Jacob, Uurvl uu uj Peak. Inquire PortUnd to get $300,000 fac-
Allni yandehcy, Winifred Lind wf San l)u l, Ore, E. I. tory to build lumber piling de-
ho hit, John G-Ua. I huue 61J, on line 13, SeholU vice. " " '
lhat. No. 8 Helen Power. ,,,1. 49 Several million feet of lumber
Dial. No. II J I, J t ui line Prit- ' will be taken out by steamers
i iu tL l '-,'t uf tc ;lVcaTiCC. w-'ih entered Portland har-
Dist. No. IS Clicatcr HelUel, lC Uapu.l suimay aenooi i . . . t weck
Winifred French, Wilma Dook). Sunday, trusters were instructed IjtkcTicwMachinery for sash
Di.U No. 14 Ilobcrt PoUiek, urc ana pro.iue- """e ina door factory arrives.
Grant Gibson, Dorothy Patrick, chair to tare for the ovcrttow m pemnclon water rate taeremsed
Lester Iligby, illwyn Coon, Uo I sonic clasi. Arrangements arc Porund Ship Valdea takes
ma Polliek, Mary Schlie, Thelma wing mmic tor now lijsoftOO flour to galf markets.
Una, Luke Strange!, Geneva enure -u on inc aionon j.ron, Reedport New road project
near court nouc. . Mng p-annCd to connect Reeds-
Itcv. O. L. Curtis, who with his port with Coo Buy and SJuslaw
wife and family vim ted since the .Road.
koUdava with the Rood, return- Astoria to have new $55,000
-.I to Cnluarv. Canada. Mrs.1 fish cannery
Curtia w ill remain several weeks Portland iret $60,000 garage,
Dial. No. 71 Owen Aydilotl.l i. before rctuminir. Mrs.1 100 br 00 feet.
Dint. No. 88 Uonuiu Morgan,! rurii U a daughter of Mr. L. A.I Contract let for construction of
lair Parsons. I Rood", and a itcr of Fred and Xclaon-Huntinaton hinhway.
... . w ... n I I. . . l .
Uist. sso. a lAiin oyilThos. Hood.
morula o in i in. i i, . . . .in. .ILL.
Iiaiciimg egg nu vu;
from selected second year White
Leghorn hens (Tancred strain)
mated to cockerels of best trap-
nested stock. Egg", IH.OO per IS;
8.00 per 100; chicks, $20.00 per
McDonald, Kathryu Clark, Hilar
iu Spii-sseharl, Ida Posey, Char
lotlc All. it, Martha lliliiuy, Us
rr Storey.
Diat. No. 00 Swanton Hate-
N. A. Frost, Sopt.
Iron foundry recently catab-
lihed at Forct Grove now in op
Willamette Valley Lumber Co.
mill erected at Dalla at cost of
Si 80.000 now operating. Gives
employment to ISO men.
a a) a
Total amount cipended lot Aa-
,00 Have a ?T tori, buildings in 19i0, $55.,80S.
; r.LMtLiuoi: u highway
dV"?:': work in progress. , .
Ready-cnt houses are reduced
Phone 9G4
The Hilliltoro Club held its regu
lar meeting Tuesday evening, Dr.
L. W. Hyde, president, presiding.
Mr. Peterson, of Portland, talked
nundry to the club members, and
will canvass the field to see
w lw-lhrr or not a stock company I n V P. i,-r. f Hare. McAlcarlln price 40 Per cent
" a v m i m .
un Im formed. The club took nol . t..i u Im Ihcii .-h-rtrd a mem-l Portland St. Charles hotel
nifirinl artion on thin, nwaitinii III Hoard of Directors of improvements to cost $50,000.
further developments. Ithc Trustees for Pacific Univcr- The Linnton mill openca tiua,
Presldriit II vile asked for a bml l. r i a irraduate of mornins. employing 170 people.
nttnuUiuf this evening w hen vls-l p, (?, ad was active in forensics John F. Dolin, head of building
itors will lie present from Forest f whilc there. A campaign will be trade department of American
Grove and Galea Creek, interest 1 ,i...l .-ulurire the scope 1-eder.ition ot iJioor, asserts mat
id in coiutrted action for open 0( tu. college "d make it the labor has a big responsibility for
peer of any institution of learn- high cost of building and tne re
inir in the Northwest. swftant house shortage. He is
n orllnir that "labor in
Trapiicsted White Leghorns ... --J.,,.-- mllsi accept a
and Rhode Island Whites for sale A Auction in wages if cost of liv-
t 1.... ...nlfiv fit .'trtra tret I . t . t,.i..i1 't
ii jrou tt.. f"" -no- o--i mg comes aown igmncnuj.
stock Wlln prouuciion iicuigreca.
Every individual in our breeding
nuns has a high Production pedi
gree and all have passed a rigid
ing a new road to Tillamook vial
Gales Creek and the Wilson Riv
er road, over a new route, follow-1
ing the survey of the Gales Creek
and W ilson River Ry.
Hatching J- J- Col!,BS V. Roberts,
K.nliil Mil will !. reer.ived until
2 o'clock P. M., on Wednesday, inlccuon .or ,. . -r renresentlng Internal Revenue
February 1(1, 1081, and then op eggs-paoy I Collector M. A. Miller, of Port-
ashington conn'
order to help
income tax re-
t .. i ? 1 . 1 1 r . - tsn rA l ..... M . i ... .
a ccruuru iiuir lur R , Rebckah Lodge, Scholls, turns. They wiU He at rorest
must accompany bids for cachl. . i i .,r,(.,.r rewntlv. Wil- P.mve Fehrnarr IB and 16. and
lu lmina UUcgard, D. D. P., as-1 at the court house In Hillsboro on
listed bv Audrey Ilcaton, install- February 17 and 18. Doth of
Ing as follows: Noble Grand, these gentlemen are fully inform
cd and will make tneir expiana
Vbrnar; li, l8i and tlnn 77.. Col o "ll.
mrd f; the crushing of rock at C.f - fjf ,?" vl.iit W.
t c several county crushing "'"f' ty in Febrn.ry In
piinw. . people with their
t .. i ? I . 1 t. , . - ffin no ..... 1 ...
Specification and information
in regard to the work may lie ob
talned at my ollice.
Uy order of the County Court,
Jan. St, 1091.
47-49 County Judge.
Helena Miller; Vice Grand. Ha-
scl Stretcher; conductor, Mabel
Allison; warden, Geneva Durr;
chaplain, Llssie Coleman; secre
tary, Neavllle Bartlett; treasurer,
Rhoda Ilcssc; inside guardian,
,No. 1 red clover seed, thresh- Florence Twlgg; outside , guard
ed dry, before the rains; re- nn, Henry Schults; R. S. N. O.
cleaned and readv for lowing. An, L. S. N. G., Audrey Hcaton
John Walters, Hillsboro, R. 1, on.nd Ada Hanson; R. S. and L. S.
the E. F.. Lyons place, two miles! v. O., Mina Lillegard and Sarah
northeast of Hillsboro. Phone Chrlstcnson.
tions so easy that he who to de
sires help can but see the way.
Remember these dates.
Lost Holiday week, a wallet
with sum of money and tome pa
pers. Finder please leave at Ar
gus office and receive reward.
This was lost by an ex-senrice
man, and its return will be appre
(Incorporated) - "
Hi24mra, Cornclitu tusd North PWTsl
Wholesale aad Retail Dealers la I '
Grain, Hay. Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Cav4ot .Upper of POTATOES ami
ONIONS. Gnmhoppd
roQed at an y timm
Lumber, Shinlc and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at Um hammk Pricsja.
TatepSMmea; IIZsSmmto, HUes 14.
Corndiua. City 1515, North Plain, llaia 253.
J. A. Thornbargh, . John E. Bailey, W. W. McEldowaey,
President. Vice President Cashier.
C. L. Waaner. S. G. Hnehe-. D. R. Cheney,
Assistant Cashier.E. F. BurUngliam Assistant Clicr.
At Call of the Comptrolkv, Decsniber 23, 1SS
Banltinc House. 19,237X0
Other Bimd 21377.45
Rial EsUta lSOCO
Stock in Fed. Re-
nm PriTTT- 2X3X0
Cash and due
from lka-. 1SS,C1.1S
Capital, $SXS9X9
fVofita, $3733X3
23X00. CO
. 723XS3. 87
The Red of lienor Dsuti"
3 and 4 per cent paid on Tune Depoaita
: I
Ouar Bsct Tonic
. . - AND
The Delta Drujj SIotc
Prompi: Ropairk :