I i A i ; THE HILLSBORO ARGUS County Ottkial Paper L A. Long, Editor Entered at the Post Office at Hillslmro. Oregon, at second class miil m.itter. Subscription, $1 JO per annum. Issued every Thursday hy Mrs. F C. McKinnev and I.. A. Long The lower house of Congres ha refused to increase itself who mvs the house tl.se not show an ofcaional gleam of intelli gence It took outside capital to show Salem its possibilities in fruit cul ture and marketing. Hillsboro his a better field, and has the capital to develop its wonderful advan tages along this line-j-but will it tike outside capital to show the way? The A reus hopes not. j James Mann, of South Tuala tin, was in town Friday and re membered the home paper in his calls. The Conimuuity .if arc Club, of Earuiuigtoii, met with Mrs. Er vine UurLhaltcr, Jan. U. All the business for the year ll'SO was finished, and the i In I toil of olii cers took place. Reports of orfi cvrs fr the past year were heard. During 1:'"J0 the club installed drinking fountains and la.alorits in lit. 5$, painted the interior of the school and put ball screens on the unions. Oiticcrs for the ne Jcar are Mr. E. Keh.se, pres ident; Mrs. E. 1. kraus, tice pres ident; Mrs. Claud Cook, sccrc tary; Mrs. Erviue liurkhalter, treasurer, and Esther liudow, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Ileaton was guest of the club. The next meeting ill be ith Mrs. II. Cireise, iu Eartuington. Jan. 27. Vn. Alexander and Marvin Robinson returned to HilUboro the lirst of the week, after several weeks of small pox. The ben look tine, and say they are tine, and the malady left them w ith no ill results. It was only the quar antine that made the visitation uncomfortable. M. M. Mead, of beyond North Plain, was a eilv caller IihIiv. J. l Carstt us aud futility hue m.i down fiMiu luks. August l'.gc, of South Tuala tin, a oi r town Monday. W. U. Uvlirung, of Eortl.tud. wa .nit to the city Monday, greeting friends. C. W. Jam. s, oldtiuu r of W est Hast line, was a -ity caller the last of the week. Mrs. Annie Ouliot, of Port land, was lisitiiig friends iu Hills boro, the last e.f the Week. am J. Uaff.tr, of MounUm elale, was in town Monday, wear ing me same lie arty handshake The Women's Choral Club in. I MkiuI.ii .lining for rehiars.il New members w h hae join. .I the ehoriis are' Mrs. hints. Mrs Tompkins. Mrs. Ilowman. Mf H mi view, Mrs. kellnigton and Mrs. llumlH-rt. Eour new songs were- stiitlied, ' "Elusite l.otc, "I ultiliy and Oood uiuM, I'll. Passing Hours," and "Ellin IVmcc," by tircig. Mr. Petri hH-s to have the next concert m the latter part of March. llillslnirti Ivaptit Chur.h Preaching next Sunday, morning ext. ' oinig People;" scrticc al Sam says he ha s., t time to Krow! "j V , . yjj i unl.iy ,Vhool at l a. m. ; pray .... . i'r service Tliursd.ie inning, at l.io. .liuli r. (..MMH-r loiiii-' e,i i . " .i i I r . .3o. I ir. le nice Is in the t hurch "'" "a me couulv seat!...!, u. i i . .. .. . ... I, a f . , , -,-. mum vill .11 s i. III. e or I uc last of the- week, sp, U,g a;,, im ,,; rxUuA.A , ,, ... ...ues .,,. ... oreiuier. An , s. j., v R,,l,,. kai. pastor. elrew. ' The Corncl.u ,ost o.Kcc h is' ' ' af Su," K;,,rr r"4 bee, pl a in the pre sident, .! -'"'r J.nu.ry Srt b..M- found class, fourth, lass, and the annual: '""'" 't,'", '""' pay hereafter is uliccd at I HKI ' hai e lo suffer the Halty of " ti - .1.. 1... il ; ..i .tin r mi ti.iit' .in mi H''tir an. I ittti.-r will tifirv .1 ... s s , Hie Miluli', lie states tint III j sjH .tors will visit this eountv Two Big Zane Grey Features -i-i - e-jts. Coming to th tti r Hit - ,rm.. ,, LIBERTY THEATRE Friday Thh Week Maiding Good were To make food my statements of the put that my price at all timet u low u could be secured in tha city, I am offering Price Reductions Which Eclipse Anything Ever Given the Washington County Public If interested call and get my prices. Discounts from 20 to 50 per cent Laurel M. Hoyt SECOND ST, HILLSBORO r.' , pe r year. Mr. aud Mrs. S. tiraf, of belli any. this morning made arraiigc- . , r.i ' "r ei..MHriauoll in i , , i . ... . -iiHiut tch. ,i see if there l.os Ang.l.s. I al., where tin v will I , v. I . . i .i " j a n e intra, lions. s(H-ud Mieral mouths. ' P. lH.rah Wis,,,, r. a high school' C hur, ,, 1 t The chur.h student, sustained a fractured ' , -X K xl ,v f"r ,lu arm ,d injured sp.ne at the bis ' hlireh se rvice ) - l. t,.,. S. ho.,1 ketball game last w,,k. lr. lins ,.r- X S,,l,,-: subjeel. more is attending the p.itient I ' KilnU of Jl " ! : . Jun K I Tii L - l I t i'r and Intermediate C. E.; T.,10. K. I- tucker and J. M. tioar. .1. . , . of IlilUboro. were- on the 7 7,7 ,f' lH.ar.t investigating u. j,, f . 1 " talitv at eV.i.-l. II.. I i .1 thnstiamtj. l,n !. h talit i at lt II. ,. . ad he tl lll hn.lings were that the Irain crew ; was free of blame. j Jas. Churchill, of (il. s, e Ouly monument dealers ;'""'''' -'se from Judge tu-... Washington County. Drop us K' ,!a,!t,.v ,l,t cck. reluumj card and we will show you our him fr"m fur,," r Jur.v "rUll. i samples. Write or call on us, at ,'"VI"1 ',," the November 13t3 Main St., Hillsboro. Ore-t !,'r"1, rnl ba W ',,",,,' "j"" r .... 1 1 - i . i iiiir. Hu" i"uiiieni m oras, Itill.stioro, ' uregon. mm .i i j 1 itwSflW : r- Saturday "Riders Of The Dawn" A Photo Play f tb novel, Tk DvM.it of Whraf Seen ft, 7 AN C. ORE YS 'RIDERS Of THE DAW N IU t r r-i"i"i isesss mat (skluiwuito n ainksiii 4 Zane Grey NOTICE TO CREDITORS 60 tf Mr. and Mrs. Clarence It .rlu r a.ul Mr and Mrs Raymond licn-jln the County Court of the Slat, of ...... ,.i i or.i.iii.i, ami i r. nn, l Mrs. Alfred Millar, of t)regoii Cily, were Hillsboro callers Mon day, in attendance at the obs.tj uies of the l;,tc John Swalley. Free Methoelist Chur.h. J (i. liessler, pastor. Sunday School at ten, followed by preaching at II and diss meeting at 12:15; evening sen ice, 7:30. Announce metit will he made as to the pro traded meeting. All are Wei come. Oeo. A. Wilcox, of Cornelius, was shaking hands with uldUmers in the county seat Friday. He i, an old time railway employer, be ing in the service of (lie S. p. for 32 year, d was here w hen the (. .V C. wended its construction way through the eountv. Onmron fur Wanhinirfnn '.,.. i,lv In the Matter of the Estate of Elisa beth Wun.lerlie-h, lecra.sek. Notice U hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly ronrtrmed by the abnvt entitled court a Exn-utori of the la.it Will and Testament of sanl .l.s-ea.ie.1, and have duly qualified a uoh ; Now, therefore, all persons havinit claims against said estate are hereby notified and reemired to present the same, together with prowr vouchers therefor, to the underpinned, at the la otriees of Hare, .MeAlear t I'-ter, in the American National Hank building, in Hillsboro, Oreifon, with in six months from the date hereof. Dated this ISth day of December, 1920. JOSEPH WL'NDERI.ini and CHARLES A. WUNHEKLICH. Executors of the la.t Will and Te tament of said deceased. Hare, MeAlear A Peters, Attorney ior r.xecuiors. Usual Prices, 10c15c25c Wednesday and Thursday, January 26, 27 ZANE GREY'S Greatest Nosel and PK0U-PI.1 "The U. P. Trail" 7 RF. F.I .5 ALSO 2-RF.F.L COMF.DY AND NF.VVS WF.F.KLY 10-Reel Program. - Prices: 10c, 15c, 35c " aaMasssssssssssssssssswwws t W. W. P 9 SCOW MONEY AVING SALE Every article in my stock reduced to a figure that will pay you to buy now. This is my first big sale with prices far below the new price level. Everything in the store goes on sale-nothing reserved-my loss is your gain. Bargains all over the store. Money talks. Positively no credit during this sale. Watch show windows for bargain prices. Sale Now In Full Swing 9 w. w, scow Cash Main Street, Hillsboro Next to S. P. Ticket Office. Store n 4 t V i