The MLLSB0R VOL. XXVII. HILLSBORO, OREGON, JANUARY 13, 1921. No. 43 JOHN JACK-SIBUCK BY ELEGTRIG TRAIN 5K-edin( riumr Cut Team off f Wagon, Killing Pionw FATALITY AT WITCH IIAZF.L Cam to Oregon in the Sialic and Settled Nw Farmintloo J,.l.n J ul. c f ruu-r .1 i"r I r iiiii.Kl.'il. ' V f l ft,.,.. It .,.lll li.- H il-f Ul'l -Inn I l' 't .v... tin mi I' m tin- I. . .ii l . !" id It II ' linn .- mi,'. llt ,1 II ..It. II.-, J..U n ! I! ,U. ! ! ' !' .... .11 .'-..I II. In. . ! l II. IK' I. ..I I I... .ln I. ..' ...ill. I 1 1.4.1 I.. I I It, !., ..I J. .Ilv I'lu.iv ..t.r 1'ittn Tin.liv. Martin jir. ii. .f mar (Juntt nm, in to it Tu.s.Ut. I', t'litfrr, of In linl. in M.miii llln, il.iuil l.i Ihr lily 1 ur U)r. V. (i. ami ll.nry ll -, ( StliolU, rrr (ilv li!"f III. f'ir.t of lltr tri k. A. W. MrWurl, ..f Si.ulli Tual uliii, a f ri limit f ri. .! in Id. tily Tut lay n(t. rmi.iti. J. C 1 1 if.-, f I'.irll iii.I, . ul lit.' lirst of I In- Mrik, liLilii m.r llir ram-It mnl I In- in. 1. 1, tit 1 . 1 K I lrr. (.itliitr.l liiH In , i.f slM.ri , wii it t ily ttit..r M.iii ilil, in.iliii' mi I In- .iir.l of .Ii ri..r fr llu- Mulunl. I. A. Ur, of llmiri I fi.k, mm- i.lir I In l. I of I In l J.ii.k, of llir It.ati Ttiiii , in t.iMii Turliv. Il , hit ... mil In Int. r t u I It. I .... .1 1....... . U.T..... . I in T . . .It 111.- l. i i . . II I lit- . Ill . . I I.. ... I. . I . ttr.W l. klU II. I M ( It .1:1 ill tl. r iiuirrt, ... i it i ..(., i - -.- : ,...,,.1 H..I !.. .r.. ....,).(.. I, "''I ''. rilnriiiiitf Wt.l (..r ll iiiolorumii rmttf hi .miii "da. tor wtrral Immlrr.l 1 . 1 1 trl of "I'll" IIm., of ('..rut tut, a. flu tri"K- a fri.ti.llv tii..r at llir Artfti of 'l lu- i. .. J. .in. ii tt U'tl l (ur Tu.s.l.t afli riio.ui. Tom i. uali.rallt h.mimI llml llu- Irani .titling ti hi t'lU .nri.f llu uoiil.l lo ami t..ii-iin till ili.l Argin ami lill likra il. Iii.I klj.kiii In h..1. tlrot ln I. am on lit. Ira. k a tin train Inl tin' rttini ami llir tin i.a. I . auu-l.l llir t J"il, artrrillK .1 from lltr I am II.. l.. k t ar . ,i . . ..... ... ... . Mot llir t. ail... i i..t or .r. . .. ii ii i . t """ f r .Ink uflri.l Ifit.liirtu of ' I. ..lit k ami Inl. rnal injiiri. I". A. Itrulrf, of J or. t (irotr in.l I . r.l (.roii. r, ., )...) I , urn 1 1. 1 Ir.l Wa.lniittoii Counly .lir. . I..r of tin- ( lr. yon fruit (.r.jntt r. ..'n , tl tin- Sal. in niri tiii tin I i-lit llir. r prlMjj li.n k nml fi.u.i t.1.1. h l.r h , lioflh all. r to). iHiBKy. .r aalr t lirap. or ill I. . .i.K l.f.niKl.t to ;tr.r for an t lluiirf lean umv- II.- a. iH.nt in Ol.i.i in H!11,i JnliM A. lo-.. ('orn. l.iiv lrr., i,i,.l . an.r I.. I r. on In Hi. Uli. ., H I. I'lioiit , ( '.inn llu. I..I ; oil. II. marri. .1 I l ira ,M..rn, of rirar' l" rnl of l iirin liuv 4 I armli.jfl.iii. in lM. an. I llir' j, f t Jt(.rf U intr IlilUlmr. ti.. ami llir follow mn t n i w i, i K. a ,ni, ...rt. Id... ami lrry, ! (,. w j Montana. IL- i lint liomr; ti ll,i, of r..rllai.l, nml ,,,,11,,,,. ,) h ..trr 300 ih r i l.i.-, i mimr, month n rint.'ml. lit of Of In. in.,... .1, ,1. family I.. I',,,,,,,. a( .,lki r. ill. , Mont. .unit ..I h Ih.i hrolli. r.. t alt in Tin Wimirn' Clmral Sorirt) will mill at llir C.iiitfrr jtati.nial tliurt li m l Mon. lav, nt ?;30 m., for Mr. IVln nt I It nt linn- w.nil.l likr to inn I .Ink an. I All., rl Ja.k.of I'.irl I. ii. I, ami llir.r l.lrr., Mr. Hi- .. . a How . II, S Iiolt; Mr. Aim lia (, l.iiiri I, nml Mr il-.... ..ii l.. ... . u I. ii r . . i i ' i. . i c . 'am ..ur tt lui l.ln lit join llu I lit I ii In ml look I.I ur Sati.r . ' .lat. at llir ll.lUl.oro C -lirfltnti' -,""- iliur. Ii. Itn. I rn II, l ul.U.k l or Sal.- or row ami int. rim nt ma. in ! ' 8 KHn ! l"r llu armmulon ( l.ri.liali t hurt Ii j ll "r lr,','" t,,r K,MM, ' . . t ...I. .iL. r I i.i ,! ork lnrr, I tmr niilr aoulli t .lirrt im'it- i 1 1 ill lr, iirar I'' l...a.l tta a l.rotli.r ..f llirh-l"1- Jr"' Var.lnimn, tirm latr An.lrru Ji.k. of II.IKIiro,; !". H. i. tt . ..I .. .... .. . t ami nil uiu Ii ol t a Jark, o llir I trr rliur. ll, rortlr Mnilf Satiiifi Hank, It ilpli W liit.oii, an l'ttt rn Or I iftli nml Oak Strri l, Joint ( ll-M'lr, ii.-i.lor- lli.liop l Wuriirr i prra. liinit -rry liiijli . yon ..., will known lirrr mnl ami w ill n-niain nil of lirxt tr-k nl tin ( . lift M.l.r.l-it for I In Sumltv, nl .1 p. in., lie m ill il. Ciliforni i to join ut fallnr, wlni.livir it M-rntoit Irttiirr on M-ron t. I.ikrll ill nluli- South on ln i it t- trip. al o... rt ation in Pah it im . t. i rj I Int itnl t N 38IH ANNUAL Fnrmrri Mutual Closet Matt Succrtsful Year in it lliktory W. F. IIAASE IS PRESIDENT Erwin Kittrr Succeed llirruelf at Seoretarjr-Treaturtr V.kJ) ) jAtrl BOYS! BOYS! If you want to pleat your parents come to our bank and K t a Clirintmnt club PASS BOOK and open a Chrittmat Club account if it it with only TWO CENTS. Tlien t wn rnwtith to have $25.50 next Chrittmat. The fi.llowiriR "tablet" explain how much you put in and tho different clubt amount tot INCREASING CLUB PLAN Put in 1c, 2c, 5c or 10c the fint week. INCREASE your drponit lc, 2c, 5c or 10c each week. In 50 weeks t lc Club payt $12.75 5c Club paya $ 63.75 2c Club pays $25.50 10c Club payt $127.50 EVEN AMOUNT CLUB PLAN Put in SAME AMOUNT each week. In 50 weeks: 25c Club pay $12.50 $2 Club pays $100 50c Club payt $25.00 $5 Club pnys $250 $1 Club pnys $50.00 $10 Club pays $500 $20.00 Club payt $1,000.00 We invite every BOY and GIRL in our community to join the club. Join TODAY Join. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK llu- anth annual . ...ii of tin l armi r' Mutual I irr In ,'n nut at tin- llill.lioro ilul. r.ui. .Monday, ami Ihr r port pf tin ..irrliry, I'.rwlu Ititt. r, .IiwIom.I llir fat I thai Ihr Aot i.itu.n on I'. i'. 31 t low .1 tin ino-.t nut i t ful Jrar in llu history of tin- or UaiiKttioii. S. I., (traf, one of tin- ilir. . tor, nml li.r I'rt i.. ul of Ihr Hoard, callt .1 Ihr m. tui' lotf. tin r for hi l i.t linn . H. tt mli-rrd In r tin ttiiiii a li n tor, a ition Ioiik hi 1. 1 h t . i J . t .... mm, tor tin- rtaton Hint lit- lia. old In farm at l! tliunv ami will ot- out all hi M a. I. iiiton County roHrty, thii toidiiiu all In. pialilii alion fur tin- ollitt . . a t . . nr. tiral u.m lo . in frw tlav. and klat.d thai hi would not m- i li' to lh. .lirrr tor.liiii. Aftrr In arin thr n port of th. Mi on thr lmim- of l!i'.'(l. thr follow iny ottirrr Hi rr I lift rd - V. I'. Itnr, dirtitor fur fivr vmr. i. t.., , . j. .nil j. tt i.mrr, tiirrrlor lor tmr Vrnr, tu iirt-t i-i Mr. tiraf, rt iflird. IVlrr ( rutt n, auditor for im yrnr. A. I., ('rot ni, auditor for lti yrnr. Snrttary It it tt r madr llu- f.. hitting u n. ral r. port : General Report I'.tid diirini; j t ar l.i all ollitrr, tlirrti- or ami apprnin r l irr . ir paid. l!S0 I irr lot- paid .iin r or!tlilnli.iti (ah rt-iitt-t on jirr In i ii in ,'l., frr. t If., inrr or- (,'nniiiatiort I n. ii r iiici- in font I.f. .11. ItMtt N't-t in ur.t llir, !l!I0 l.irrtl or t-rtnrt llrtl ln.iir.iiir in fort-r irc. ai, n2o i,s( N't t Knin ilurinit yrnr Mi inln r nt i-Iom- of I ! I ! .. ii2 tnt tnlM-r iluriiitf yt-nr . 7s Mt iiilit r lost, u. itti- drutttl or t-nm-tl- . 2S Mrliiln-r nit Pre. 31, l!20 101 S I 1.3 is ;: 2,;3.n.5o 3t.!33 r.o 83,100.8 l,i'.'2."l!I.OO 2S0,U 11.00 3H,!KiS.50 211.072.80 III .88 2.2!l 2.10 rr rent l.ira tu ( 1 .000 of iiiMirniit-r I'rr t t lit t vp. list tu nil tilt' t-tit pt r 1000 illMir.llli r , tt raif t-tisl t r 1.000 fur lnt 10 Vrnra I'tilit-ir liiril iliirinir yrnr 325 Tin- prt-M-nl Im.ird of tlirt-rturs :t now (iiinlilirtl, arc : (irrhnrtl (iut tir, Alfrrtl !urr in r. i.rwin luitt r, urn. 1, iinnm iiul ,1. ,1. Winner. ftrr lite Itllllll.'il met till); : .'til j.iiiritt-tl thr luitiril of ilireetor met nml 1 leeti d I lie ollieers fur llie eiisiiinir vrnr rresid. nl, W. F. Il.i.ise, Hills Intro. Met- President. Alfred Cm. her. of Collin 11. Serretnrv-TreiiH., Krwin Riltt Itetliitnv; I'. t). nddross, l.inutuii. Ore., It. 2. A shown lv llu1 rejturl, the its- soelitliuit is now- r;irryhii over ll.S00.000 of insnrniiee on fnrin rterties tlu-ir poliev is not to invade the t-itles The honrd of director this yenr calotilntes to run ti the liisiiranee to over two million dollars mid with it pi in like Unit of I!i20-tlie lust vrnr Vet this will lie no trouhle, F.v- erv one of the 1,018 meiahers of the oi'if.-inixation is In hind tin luit r.l to make 1 n batintr year. r. n .liiii.t on l i.i.rtv' .l.l't't 1011 nt ,i4i 111 l.i. r. it i.l .'.111 mill.t i pp.iiil i.. ni. a folio. St iiiili , llirt , 011 jii l.i i try, inur ami, I" 11 il iri.til .t i.,ti,, l.riiitinu ami road uid ln.liwat.; II ius. , Wt.ltott, on 1 p'.iii..iis ami f tir, f'tod and .1 ury, lii.ur.iurr, and pulilie III -! 1 1 . 1 .11 ; I isi.t r, or. In nil Ii nml pi, l lu morals, ami printing; I lint, ni.titu lion, run. I. alii (uliway. .alt ru nml piihlu ol'oi ils. f . . I In t Ik t, f I nr. .1 limi. , n a tily Moiulay. ll ami In wilr ri.i.Uv front n trip to ."out In rn ( alifor iii.i, and win!.- .! hi )it i;ii on a tour J. W. tro...l unr tu llu ln Mrkirail r -.rt, Tit Jiniin ht rr i;.niii.linu' r.iii riot. J. V. it that shortlv aft.r h. lift lh. r. the MtAi nt ifnt 1 rmiii in hut .low 11 tin- u iu.iliii(f at T11 and it is now as ; t as a Sumlat Inn. I pit nit-. Mr.. Wistjuiii .f.n ruin, of r..r!l .i..l, di d J hi ', r.i2l. ar: ! trirt, Shr . ..rllt.d lV th. following 11 ('. A. Ma ruin, Mn.icr, Or..; N. wtll am! (i.irti. Id M.ierii:t,. I'ortiinil, ami W. Mm-rum, nf I or si ( Thr fum r .l lo.,k pi n t- r.liit s lay ami iiitt-nm nt wis nt I'or.-st (irovt, tthrrt tin 1 ttrums rr , r si.i. .1 or a 11 11 tu ( r t.nrs. I'rt t hi wrath, r t .111. !il hois rr nun. I on. ni iiu wiui.r ol a. w ht 11 so 111 my -i.hit 4,'toti ruiin Iv hrtd. wt r. tlu .1 aw nv Thr I't lliut r l.ri.l.'r, llu (Vntt r s lIU- , llu uslintii r Itritltft and luiiidr.d f small hridtfrs and rulvrrt wire wasluil out and it rost Ihr roiiuly "trr 25 000 tu put them in nr till 1'iir Salt I to.- tlairv rim It of I IS in nt, 1 ml u .1 m ro.itls. at rail ay sttlion; si-.t.,n am- n tiirr; ix at n s (mil., r liml; liil intf hitflt state of rullit ntion. I.lrnl for tl.ilry or stot k lrt t din(j rntitli. , at i.'ii per arrr. Atldrt-ss "Uimh.' Arifus Hill-I.oro, Ore., in arnlrtl rnve oM'. lo not t 1. phonr. 47 F.rwtn Iwttc r, s. t rrt.iry trrns urrr ol tin- 1 arnirrs .Mutual Ins Ass'n , was doii.j some tall tiii'ir i n c the other d it as tu his duties II.- says thai if the Mutual krt in. rrism-.' ri ht alon a it ha inrre.tsrd in tin past in ordrr to Krt hi rorrrspolidniee out of tin wnv he will h.-ttr to Itnrti to him nir r a t J w ritrr, It. l. is, ol I., iti rton. was ii 1 tu the rutinty seat Tuesday, an. rrtttrmlM-retl thr .rcus oilier 111 his mils. I is our t.f thr ae rrr.litr.l ort Itnrtlisls of thr north wrsl, ,ind when hr pl.tre his pro duel on the market it st II fur hr knows how. and does take enrt of his trres. lor , lie-- I orty-tiv e aert -t, on rid line; 33 aires tleur.d; 12 nrre pas! tin- and timber, liuild ittirs 1 I room house; kirn hoth worth 7000; eleetrie lights in th house nn.l, and water pipei to I.11M1 lins. If interested, write "It inth," e.tre Aruiis, HilUhoro. Ore. 47 "Three frosts and then a rtin" Is an old wenthrr sayintj here in Oretjon w hieh is easily expl iiiu d. Four days of a strcteh nfter the frost tlates without a rain ill Ore Uon is the exception w hieh proves the rule. Sauttn 1 (r.-if, tf near Hetliany, was 11 tity ealler Mond.ty, iitteml init the insurance session nt the llill-dtortf cltili rooms. He and Mrs. liraf depart in 11 few days for nn extended stay nt I.os An irclrs. For Salt Registered Poland Chin.-t hoar, hiif type, 20 months' old, nml weighs about 600. Campbell lints,, 11 miles east of Roy. Photic IlilKboro I0IU. P. O. address. Forest drove, Ore., R. 2. 15 15. F. Ci ty, who is ntjain located on the raneit at t ornelius, was down to the hub Tuesday. Mr. Clav was the local Christian pas tor here several years . Local Mill Men Anticipate Good Run Tkit Year MARKET TO OPEN STRONG What the Stat it Doing Along Industrial Line Fred Lunger .lr. and Otto Krcbs, of near Sherwood, wcrt up Monday ntlcndinir the Mutual session. Atlain llcil, an old time Ccntcr- ville resident, was ovcr'front Ror- Inir, Monday, meeting with the insurnuee association. For tnte: Two Duror-.Icrsey brood hows. Or will trade for heifers or cows. F.. 1. Donclson half mile N. K. hiirh school Hillsboro. 43-45 luteal lumU rmt n arc not at all in thr "dump," a rvtry man John l.x.k for an rxer ptioiiall v Kootl w'iii a oon at tprintr om 11. Lvtn now thr market is .trouper than thr cut, as how 11 hy the rrrord of the aoiatiou mill. Portland New business in the lumber trade showed an rneour X"S. feature for the week just tlost-tl in that it wa slightly in exit . of thr total rut for that period, acrordiiiK tu the weekly I u nil,.-r review jut issued by the West Coast Lumbermen's Associ ation. Orrjfon, Watliinirton and Brit- 1.11 t olutntua represent 5 ixr . nt of thr total shinitlc protluc- tmn of the Lnitcu Mate anl Canada. S a 1- m M a n u f aeu ri n g plants in Ort-uon have increased 475 in number during the last two years. nitordinif tu the biennial renrt of C. II. (irant, commissioner of labor. Ort-(on F-ntr Co-operative As sociation marketed J.000 doien jfetling 75 cents a doien In stead of (iO cents. Tidewater fish hatchery is en larged to turn out 15.000.000 sal mon. Multnomah County tales jump from 12.000,000 in 1920 to f 14, 700.000 in 1JI21, an increase of 21.9 lH-r cent. State taxes show an Increase over 1920 of 65.2 per cent. Sensi.K Crow n-Willnnu-tte Pa per Co. will resume operations m ar here, emidovinil about 600 men. Kbmath Falls Straltorn rail road completed to Dairy. I.tlmnon cannery distributed f'200.000 to growers and workers. Oregon tint hemic n sjHnt 250, 000 in 1920 for forest protection. Douglas county farmers' turkey (tool netted 49 cents. The Northwest will experience a distinct revival of business with in the next CO days, predicts A. V. Brow n, superintendent of the western division of the X. P. Ry. Cornucopia Tunnel in mines strikes ore bed worth 500 per ton. Reedsport Johnson mill has 1,500.000 feet lumber order. Racked with sound judgment and economy in public affairs, this nation faces the most pros tcrous periotl of its existence. New port Tort commissioners close contract to complete jetty. British buyers placing five-year hop contracts nt 25 cents mini mum ami one-fourth of any mar ket increase over 25. Cinatilln and Morrow counties. Ore iron, and Benton county. Washing"", to unite for develop ment of hydro-electric energy on I'm.itill.i rapids. Salem Viek Bros, dedicate flOO.OOO bidding for distcimtion of tractors. Echo Pendleton highway will be completed within week. Hood River ork begun on concrete portals nt twin tunnels between here and Moster. Salem 40,000 acres prunes now between Portland and Ash land as compared to 10.000 few years ago. I. ust Lady's pearl nml gold handled umbrella; between Hills boro and Portland; carrier's ini tials, "P.. M. S." Finder leave at IlilKboro National Bank and get reward. Oglesby Young, attorney, of Portland, was out Tuesday on probate business. Oglesby still carries the same optimism with liiui. All Saints ( F.pi.scottitl), Wash ington St. Sunday School nt 10 a. m.; morning service, 1 1 ; Young People's Society, ti:I10; Evening Song, 7 -.45. John 1. Marsh, of Ccnterville, wns greeting friends in the city Saturday, nml while making the rounds paitl the Argus hU" animal call. R. A. Keller, of beyond Hills dale, wits-a city caller Tuesday C. F. Bergstrand, of below Reedville, was a city caller Fri day. E. WvHles, of Cornelius, was a Hillsboro caller Tuesday after noon, Thos. Mndison. of below Witch Hatel, was a Hillsboro visitor on Tuesday. J. W. Vnndervelden, of Roy, was a city caller Tuesday, and made the Argus a call. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Cooley, of near Laurel, were Hillsboro vis itors Tuesday morning. Social Circle meets Thursday afternoon, Jan. 20, at 2:30, at the home of Mrs. Glen Payne,, Wanted About 15 small pigs Chester Whites. Eugene Hen- derling, Cornelius, R. 1. 47 Henry Harms and R, J funwanke were in from near Shefflin the last of the week. The Knight Adjustment Co has established an olliee in Hills bro with J. J. Strangel as man ager. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plaint Wholrial and BrUll Dealert la Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES ami ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. . J. A. Ttomburgh, Prwkket. D. R. CWry, - AfcUUnt Cai&ier. Jofca Bailer. W. W. MtEUrfMr, VIm PrwUent Caatkr. C. r. Bwttaffcan, 8 a Bn&m. FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. STATEMENT OF CONDITION At Call of the Comptroller, Septanbcr 8, 1820 RESOURCES $516,042.41 U. S. and Other . . Bonds 20621vU4 Banking House 19,237.00 Other Real Es tate Stock in Fed Res. Bank Cash and due from Banks. 27855.49 150.00 250 -00- LiABIUTlES Capital, $2S,0O0X3 .Surplus. tSOJOSOM -Uadirided Profits, $18,123X3 $1,024,551.24 Crculatiesi 'Deposits (53.123.C8 $23XC0.C0 903.42S.16 S124,S31J4 Only Roll of Honor Bank in .Wasbsnfton County Interest Paid on Savings VICTROLAS Are the standard by which all talking machines are compared VICTROLAS Are, and always have been, the world leaders VICTROLAS Are sold on easy terms a small pay ment down, balance monthly. Call and let us demonstrate them to you. The Delta Drug Store Watches Silverware Novelties Prompt Repairing HOPFMAf JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Man Street i ' HUlahoro, QmsjMT