The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 11, 1920, Image 1

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JiUX-a a;;
1 LiFfluiAL CQUNI'i Plurality in tha County
(baches 2686 1 Under Estimate
IMnl Labor VoU Lands SI
Adlierrfll dOCMIIM lta 491
flu- raning tMtard, roiii(inn
f 1- A. Jakoil, of (uriirlm,
l. K Wlin-U r, ,lha, ami ) jm
tr ('Ink K. t'. later, lint r rum
lot llr iillirial t oiiht of Um
h,.t ( Notrmlwr 2. Ilitril
urn's imijorily was Sflsil, or tali
!,, thin (lint prrdlitcd by llir
party orai-Ie. Manfitltl, for S n
tint, d frulcil (liatiilwrUiii in tlx
uunlv vote 1V ISiii of plurull
The Olro lull rarrii'il the rnun
IV by X !, lit wa lt In
iKr iiilc, Tltr four-yrar trrm of
.ilfi.T for ilrrk, sheriff, etc., was
rarrit'd lV A3 1 voir, and llir
mra.urc to allow Purtlitnd to m II
port ImhiiK, rlc., was rarrii'il by
(Tt, ultliouKll Iwatrn ill the slate.
Tliri- wrrr the only measure
i-arriiil in thr rountr. The four
in r rt lit liilirrsl lull wa In-atrn
urrw hi Imingly, the Vole in I In
...liiilr carrying a majority of
t out) lacking J.
1'Iip volf a twiirn to liy tin
Umril, iiffii-lal, (:
jl.irtlittff 4017
t'ov SSflT
Pn.hi 1T
.Wlnli.t , , S4I
In.l, I.almr .,. ,- 61
Tor Senator-
St.tttfl 1-1 T, , ii wo
IliiiiIm rloin . . SK37
Jlayr - 10(1
daughter ; tOI
.Si-non , At
i I'or Congress -
Hmlry, np
County Clerk -
II. A. kuralU
U i ll rule
W. f. iJ.4,y.
K. W. Aappiugtuu.
1. A. r.vrrcst.
-5 t(J0
No. 33
Siool huiHriiitcudcut
X. A. I fuJ mn
A. A. Morrill ftgf
(ito. J. iJmlw r
llllUboro Jttatit't
V. D. .Siuilh
t ay Officials
Miulc, mayor, (JVl; Council,
(.rr.Utu3tf; Carltlc, U3S ; Plirlp.
USIj mordrr, M Curmlck, lino;
treasurer, 1'. J. . II, o.
The vote ou the nx-aaurri:
I'ouij.uUory Noting
V imp
Nu "i
(10 Day Section
Ol.o 11.11
Vra . ,
Xo .
Single Tin
lour ar Trrm of Oihfc
-it 433
Xo .
l'ort of Portland
mm seat
BiutneM Structures and Many
Hornet Erected
Cannery Building and Equipment
Big Feature
A nti Vaccination
i 012
Xo 88 1U
Four I'rr (Vnt. Intercut
Vra . 074
Xo . 4972
Itooarvvlt Uird Ucfuirc
Vea -
- 80
- 42
1 809
- P3
Tullirrl. or
I'nr Snjirrme Court
jftVnton .
S rr lary of Slate
Korr , ,
H ro n .
Allirmv Oriirral,kle 454
lairy 9t FimxI Commlnilonpr
lUalry 8I88
I'ul'lir Service Commiionrr
H nu. It, di ni .... r ,17S2
Hnrlitrl. rep ,. - 4312
Nr man, or.. . u ,M,i , . '88
Slnle Senator
William (. Hare... ;, 8714
lt prrvntallvm
li'.liir 499(1
Flint , 80 19
Wrteolt SI 40
McCrradv . -2118
PUt rift Attorney
11. Tonirue 4598
J. M. Wall 2083
('mint v Comminiioncr
WUmer 4821
fill i-re wan no oppnuitinn.)
Citimty ConiniiiiloniT ,
artena 4092
lialt IM7
inn. AliKiindor 8812
Xo .
Diridt d lxgllaturc
State Market Coutmiaaion
1 ea J. 2018
No 1400
William (1. Hare, elected state
aeuator without oppoaition, ha
the record tote 8714 at on
nu n and mranurca. Gito. Alexan
der, aherilT, follow with 6012. K.
II. SappitiKatxi, county treaaurer,
rrctivtd the neat hiyhcat, 84(10.
About 83 young eople were
prrtimt at a drliuhtful Halloween
I'arty given at the home of Peter
uereher, of I'hillfpa, Saturday
rveninir, Oct. 30. Thoae attend
Ing ajKarvd in comic and other
coatumea, Mia hvelyn Miller re-
fi iving lirt priio for the moat
uniiiue one,
(iame were played until a late
hour, after which refreshment
were acrved. 1 he gueata depart
etl pronouncing the affair a com
pu le aucrraa.
All H-raona not connected with
the llillaboro Fire Dept. are here
by notified to npt ride on the ap
p'aratu while going to or from a
All persona turning In a false
alarm with Intent will be proae
rutrd by the city.
llillaboro, Nov. 10. 1920. r
Frank Waibel,
Fire Chief.
iegulaply iif
Come to our Bank and start Bank Account
Yes, start. That's the only thing which will be hard to do.
When you once start banking money (instead of spending
it), it becomes a good habit instead of a bad one.
Put your money in our Bank.
You will receive 3 to 4 per cent interest
llillaboro has bad a genuine year
in building construction, both in
industrial and residential lines,
and it ia safe to call it a banner
year. The greatest investnn ut in
litis regard was the Uay Maling
cannery, ou Dasclinc, and this
represented an investment of
practically $90,000, building and
machinery, and its installation
has meant much to growers of
fruits and vegetables.
Tuv neat largest investment in
a business building ia the Tamie
sic Garage, on Main St., East of
the Hotel Washington. This is
soon to lie occupied by Peterson
.. . . ... ...
Iiros. liaragu aim Auto aics
business. The floors arc now be
ing laid and the handsome struct
ure will soon be ready for occu
pancy. The brick built by Percy
Iing, adjoining his Hardware
Store on the north, on Second St.,
is another nice business improve
ment. He also added a new front
to hi old brick building.
At least 60 new homes liavc
bcrn built in the city, the finest
building bring that of Dr. S. M.
Bengali, on llaseline, between
Fourth and Fifth. The Garden
Tracts ha had a big building
boom, It. I- Tucker having the
finest structure, on the site of the
old Peters' home.
State Industrial Notes
Portland The Columbia River
Highway completed from here to
PortlanJ Stauffer Chemical
company to locate here.
Corvallia New service Inula
ing planned for college.,
Corvalli Highway to te
paved from here to West Sid
Ttoscburg Apple to be ship
ped from here to England, Scot
land and Sweden.
Medford 200,000 gallons ap
nle Juice to be shipped this fall.
Vernonla-2.000.000 feci of
Douglas fir sold to Portland and
Seattle capitalist. lagging op
eration to begin with comple
tion of F.celes railroad.
Hood River With keen de
mand for home and present drop
in lumber price, building boom
i exiiected here.
Portland Crew working day
and night clearing site for new
Stauffer Chemical company.
which I to locate a branch in
Portland, on the Columbia Engl
nerring work property at Linn
Next after England, Japan and
Cfiina export more fir from the
United State than do any other
countries. In 1919, Douglas fir
export to China were valued at
91,497,011 1 to Japan, at f 1,015,
Portland United State mnil
wagons for territory west of the
Mississippi will again be built by
Wentworth St Irwin, of Portland
Bend Hundred of thousands
of acres of lodge pole pine and
Jack pine In Central Oregon, val
ueless for timber, may become a
foundation of a good grade of
commercial paper.
In a class by themselves com
pared with vessels employed in
the merchant marine service on
the Pacific Coast, ia the way J. D.
Gilmour, of Seattle, supervising
engineer for the Admiral -Line
fleet of steamers, classifies the
new trans-Pacific Shipping Board.
liners recently allotted to the Ad
miral LW for operation on Rs
Oriental freight and passenger
service. When commissioned
they will be the finest appointed
passenger and freight combina
tion vessel afloat anywhere, a
far as appointment, furnishings
and conveniences arc concerned
Egg produced in this state
now occupy a position on me
New York market, second only to
the well known Petaluma eggs.
Salem Phes company has In
creased capital stock to, 4,000,000
Medford 200,000 gallon of
apple juice will be shipped out
of here this year.
Corvallis New $20,000 bilk
crv lust opened here
Portland From Ice cream tubs
to wooden toy is the jump the
Champion Manufacturing com
pany has taken In adding to Its
The lleur -de-Lis will be known
as the Delta Kappa fraternity in
the future, having been granted
a local by the student affair com
mittee of the college. This bouse
was organised on the campus
more than a year ago by a group
of returned overseas veterans,
among them being several men
from llillaboro.
It is reported that this is rec
ord time for the granting of a lo
cal, and the men arc naturally
proud of their progress. They
have, a new home within a tuin
dte's walk of the campus, consid
ered one of the best of the num
ber. llillaboro men instrumental in
the formation of this fraternity
are Frank Rollins, Charles Dcieh
man, James Mahon, Haskell Car
ter, Verne Mcklinncy, Jamea Im
brie, William Dierdorff and Hen
ry Stohlrr. Leon Allen and Law
rence. Taggart are others who
have come in since the club was
Ivor Erwin, well known in
Hillxboro, where he played on
the Inter-City league ball team,
is a pledge of Delta Kappa fra
ternity. John Dirrdorff, Charles Bu
chanan and Miss Verene Shute,
4f the University of Oregon,
were in the college town to sec
the Aggie and California teams
battle on the gridiron Saturday,
October SO. Dierdorff, who i an
Owl club man at the university,
was the week-end guest of his
brother at Delta Kappa.
W. V. McKlnney.
Provision to Taka Car of and
Educato Threat Minor Children
Testator Make Will Chavsscteris
tie of Hi Attitud
P. R. Dickinson, who ha just
completed a neat job of lathing
for the Liberty Theatre Improve
ment, remembered the Argus for
another year, Saturday.
Olympta Oyster Cocktails"
Pre Den of Sweets.
W. G. -Walker, of Bank, was
greeting friend here Saturday.
M. M. Mead, of above North
Plains, was in town Monday.
R. L. Mapea, of Chehalem Mt.,
near Laurel, wa a circuit court
visitor Monday.
R. II. Hanson, of Beaverton, R
4, called on the family paper the
last of the week.
Cha. Geiberger, of Tualatin
wa in town Monday. Geiberger
ha spent many year building
roads down his way.
J. C. McDonald, who has been
making Hillsboro for his insur
anec companies for nearly 20
years, was a city caller Monday
Taken Up Yearling Holstciu
heifer. Owner may nave same by
proving property, paying charges,
and taking same away. Harry
Hansen, Portland, Ore B. S. Tel
ephone 14RX, Hillsboro. 86
John Herb, w ho has been run
ning the county quarry at Man
nmg, has finished his duties for
the year and has moved back to
Verboort. He was in town Mon
Mrs. E. Hughes departed Mon
day for an extended viait with
friend at Albany. She will b
joined there by her son, who has
been in California for several
For Sale Bay mare, 10 yean
weighs about 1100; good work
ing animal and good, safe driver.
Julius Coupe, Hillsboro. R. 4
on the J. T. Young place, on the
hisrhwav. 1 mile west of Hills
boro. S5-36
All 'of the county officers, e-
crpting that of county recorder,
which i not a constitutional of
Ace, will hold for a term of four
years instead of two, after quail
fving next January. Many often
wondered why that office was not
included in the four-year salary
bill the real reason is that the
constitution docs not mention that
particular office, j
Roy Cook, of Cornelias, was in
town Monday. He says that quite
a bit of clover threshing has been
done since the middle of last
week, owing to bright weather.
While the straw was badly rot
ted the seed was in fair shape and
nulled easily. Several thousand
dollars worth of seed has been
saved, but many fields have been
For Sale Three Hostein bull
caves, pure-bred, eligible to reg
istry : dams producing from 60 to
70 lbs milk under ordinary herdl
care; sire, Aggie Calanthe Ponti
ac, Rag Apple, a Vfc ib. sire.
Price reasonable. Fine youngsters
C. W. Spierlngs, Hillsboro, Ore.
Route 8. Residence near North
Plains. 88-86
Born, to John! Ryan and wife,
of Hillsboro, Nov. 8, 1920. a son,
The mother and child are doing
nicely, and Mail Carrier Ryan
has been engaged in buying the
cigars. This Is their first child.
L. G. McNew, of near Beaver
ton, and Mr. Wade, of Laurel
wood, were taken into custody
this week, both being deemed un
safe. They are paroled from the
state hospital. ;
The last will and testament of the
late William McQuillan, signed
on May 29, 1920, was filed in pro
bate court last week. 'He named
ss his executor, C. W. Redmond,
and as the attorney for the estate,
E. J. McAlear, and sets forth that
they shall each have S per cent,
for handling the estate. The es
tate is valued at from fifteen to
twenty thousand dollars and will
perhaps exceed the latter figure
After declaring that his just
debts shall be paid and a suitabl
monument erected the executor
is to serve without bond he di
net the executor to pay the fol
lowing legacie:
Brother, John McQuillan, Ire
land, ft 000: brother, Peter Mc
Quillan, 1500; children, if any, of
former, 1800 each, and of latter,
(230 each; to a niece, Mary
Burns, San Francisco, and niece,
Ann Collette, San Francisco,
$1800 each; nephew, Martin
Armstrong, San Francisco, f230;
nephew, Joseph Armstrong,
230; nephew and niece, Jas. A
Lee and Mary J. Law son, San
Mateo, Cal., each $1 ; H. F. Reeve
of Gilroy, $500, and an additional
1800 for putting in a drinking
fountain at Gilroy, Cal.;
To the Cong, church, Hillsboro,
$500, to be applied on any debt
they may now have; $500 to the
Portland W averly Baby Home;
to another brother, James Mc
Quillan, if alive, $500 and $280
to each child, if any;
He gave f 1,000 to elma
Wilkes, daughter of Mrs. Alice'
Wilkes, for her education and,
care ; i
To Lester Glascoe, f 1,000 for
hi education, clothing, etc., and.
on reaching the age of 21, he is;
to have the residue; and provid-:
ing, also, if estate has residue af
ter legacies are paid these leaa-
tees are to have their clothing and'
expenses of education paid. The!
Glascoe boy is not to drink nor
smoke, and this is left to the ex-j
ecutor to administer. In case the!
executor ia unable to follow out
the provisions of the will with the
Glascoe legacy, only a woman not
a relative can succeed him.
The first Christmas after his
death. Executor Redmond is to
pay 250 for a Christmas for the
poor and needy children of Hills
boro, the executor to use his own
judgment as to presenting, and
on the second year after death of
. . . , i . i
testator tne same sum is io oc r
pended in the same manner.
The sum of $1,000 is left to the
executor for the care of testator's
dog, Nero.
He gave his piano to Mrs,
Ralph Deaville.
A lad named Jason Crayne,
who was cared for by the testa
tor, is to have care and education
al expenses provided the executor
thinks he will become a good cit
isen. The instrnment gives the exec
utor the right to sell any and all
property without court orders,
but asks only that he report ac
tion to the court. Mr. Redmond
i to serve without bonds.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hammer
were the witnesses to the will.
WTe desire to express our sincere
thanks to all who so kindly ten
dered aid and sympathy during
our bereavement, the death and
obsequies of the wife and mother,
the late Mrs. Nellie Reynolds
Chapman, and return especial
thanks for the beautiful floral of
ferings. S. M. Chapman,
and Children.
Hillsboro, Ore., Nov.8, 1920.
James Cummings, of Buxton, died
November 8, 1920, at the family
home. He was born December
10, 1835, in New York, and came
to Oregon in 1884, settling above
Buxton. Some time ago he was
stricken with paralysis. He is
survived by a widow and four
sons and one daughter. '
The funeral took place Sun
day, Rev. Grey conducting the
service. Interment was in the
Buxton cemetery, Undertaker
H. W. Prlckett directing. '
Guy Welsenback, of beyond
North . Plains, was greeting his
county seat friends Monday.
HiUaboro, CornsJitu and North PUinc
Wholesale and Retail Dealers Ia
Graiii. Hay. Flour, Feed and
Grain B253
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. GirachofiMdor
roQed at any tim
Lumbcr9 Shingles and Lath
Beaver State fflour
The Beat Floor at the Lowest Price.
Telephones; HZSthoro, Main 14,
Corneliua, City 1515, North Plain, Main 2S3.
I. JL Tsswakmrgh, Jama & Baity, W. W.
a B. Chsaay, F.
Assistant Cashier. IQ.1
At Call of the CosnptroSar, SiPtisnhar 8, IK3
U. S. and Other
Bond 2S31&34
Baaknig Hons 12037X0
Other Real Es
tate 1 ,33.00
Stock sa Fed. .
Rea. ygen
Cash and duo
from Bsaskiu 273CS.O
Capital, nS,C?3C3
Sui oil, (X3yCS3X9
Profit 1312XCS
Only RoD of Honor Bank in Watksnfton County
htereat Paid on Seringa
Are the standard by which all talking
machines are compared
Are, and always have been, the world
Are sold on easy terms a small pay
ment down, balance monthly. Call and
let us demonstrate them to you. .
The Delta Drug Store
Prompt Reposiri
'-! : fi