The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 07, 1920, Image 4

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    "Here's Real Tobacco"
says the Good Judge ,
, That gives a man1 more
genuine chewing satis
faction than he ever got
out of the ordinary kind.
so it costs less to chew
this class of tobacco.
And the good, rich u
baeco taste gives a world
of satisfaction.
Any man w ha uses the
Heal Tobacco Chew
will tell you that.
Arf t in nro stjlrt
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
Dining Room is Now
Operated as Restaurant
We serve meals, short orders and lunches
at all hours
C K. Rogers
Rogers AUTO
63 N. Second Street
Phones: Broadway 17S6
General Hauling
Long Distance Moving
Hillsboro Office 1050 Second Street Phone 813
r oHiiifii jfcr-Afcv -J
The SPECULSlX ie often referred
to as "the ideal family car." It
gives plenty of room for the
whole family, real comfort, and
exceptionally easy-riding fea
tures. Its beaaty. power and
economy further help to make
it the outstanding value among
five-passenger cars.
50 H. P. deUchbl.had motor;
intermediate transmission; 119.
inch wherlbate, siring maiimum
r comfort for five passenger.
AH Ktl.L.L r
Lo "-Motlr .Sd.b.k.r fiti.mL
"Thia is a Studebaker Year"
The Wigwam
Is the "place that satisfies" when you
want a dainty hot lunch at the
Noon Hour
A real luncheon-something different
After the Show
Take Her to the Wigwam for
Chile Con Carnej
Boneless Chicken Tamales, Hot Drinks, Salads,
Sandwiches of all Kinds, Hot Sundaes
Our Service U "just a liltli:' belt, r," The "Home of flood
1143 Third St
Res. Phone Sellwood 2306
Hillsboro, Oregon
Mrv Catherine A. Adam. well
known in IlilUhor.. since pionec
.law celebrated her nim lr sec
nd hirthdav at ihc home of hr
d. tit. r. Mrv Cha. Pio. WIS
I".! Ittrrioon St., Portland, on
Thursday. Svt. SO. l!?0. in thr
presence of relative and friend
The afternoon wa enjoyed wilh
vun; in n old ong. loved bv the
romplimriit.-d sui'il in olden
dayx, bv cnverali..n and mui.'
Awn the friend railing; were
chMl mate of Mr. Pio, wh
t inted her forty year ago, lit
lie girl, when Mr. .X.Iain re
sided in, There wa si
quite a representation from the
JvnuUv School clavt of the Fran
geti.-nl, Market St., where
Mr. Adam attend when th
ncathcr permit.
Air. . I Kirn in iter
gen. (.enecc County, X. Y and
eaine to Oregon with her husband
and two small ehildren. The
.-a me aero in an ox team, art
tlmif firt in Marion County
They eaine to UilNhoro in lrS2
and lived here until the death of
Mr. Adam in 1905. Sine that
lime Mr. Adam ha lived with
her daughter, Mr. Pio.
in July 1. I fro. she wn
crowned the Mother Queen of
Oregon hr the Oregon Pionee
Association, being the oldest io
m er mollier attending the meet
... . Ml
1 nir 01 me association. 1 nuw
.reent were
Mr. l.y.lia (iault Reed, of Ku
cene; Mr. Mary Humphrey, of
Portland: Mrv 'Alice Miller, of
Portland; Mr. Pioneer Cant well
Portland; Mr. Phronia Ilicklin
A F.agl. ton. Mr. Brue Wol
verton. Mr. Jeamn. Mr. Mitel
ell. Mr. J. F.. Smith. Mrs. (J. Mc
Clure. Mr. V. Drunehrll. Mr.
F.. Maurer. Mi Katie Ilicklin
Mine I.uey and Ij.i Humphrey
Air .IV rcr I to. Mr. Fin ma Pit
man, Mr. Spranue. Mr. J. Small
Mr. C. J. Adam. Mr. Cha. Pio
Mi Ixla Pio. Mildred Lang
Matter t lav ton Low, Portland
and Mr. and Mr. Wm. Adam, of
Mr. Adam rridrd for tnanv
A hot
Eat mora of our delicioua
Ijr, cooliag. refreshiaf ica
We solicit your Bulk Or
ders. When you want Homo
Made Candies, get them at
The Sugar
1155-2nd Street
You are welcome to lesn
parcels at all times.
Ten acres, all clear. Just
outaidc of City Limit of
Orenro; fine soil. Fine sev
en room house, practically
new. Contiidcrtd the best
buy in that locality. Price,
$200.00. Terms. .
Eight and one-half acres
fruit land, all clear; near
Hillxboro; small house and
ham; on rock road; fine lo
cation. Price, a bargan
$3000.00. Terms.
Two lots and good 7-room
house, on paved street and
sewer close n on Main St.;
plenty of fruit. Price,
$3600.00; one-third cash,
balance 7 per cent.
And Others
Land Co.
Room 10, Weil Dldg.
year, at Third and O.k ... ih
propertr anlil reeeally owned
County llerk Henry kuralli.
Polntaler (lenrral Hurlon
wii.l have reeeivrd ol iut
ing of th kainna f.4leih Farn
ham road, as he tu n4 long in
making up his Mind lo approvr
of th appropriation lull for aer
ial mail service."
"SomrUidy in the P. O. lobby
overheard Bill Garlter asking
John Ryan what he thought of
the outcome of the U hile S and
the Red. Ryan Mtid that he
knew nothing about the While
Sou, but hi opinion wa that all
th Red should be d.-Hrled.
I will sell at auction sale at my
farm, 4 miles northra! of Fore!
(rove, and one mile north of thr
Vrrboort chareh, al 1 oYWh p
m., on
Fifteen head of young dirv row.
high grade Holatein; all of them
fresh or will b freh by date of
al or shortly thereafter. Thi
herd is from good pr.nlueiag
stock on with it third calf; I
with second calf. At register
ed Holstcin bull calf.
Term Cash or approved
not for sis month at It per cent
A. J. Fver. Owner
J. Hugh, Auctioneer.
Will sell 800 one year old thor
oughbred White Leghorn hen a
fat a they finish their first lay
ing sraon. All heavy Winter lay
ing trap noted to. k. Our rariv
pullet finished their firt year'
laying with a record of tS I rgg
per hen. Price, f I f 3 each. 1
C. HoelTel A Son. mile north
of Mitch llatrl .VIkhiI House.
Mail address, Bearrrton, Or., R.
, Bos 110. SI
Arehbihop Christie, of Portland,
will confirm a class of forty mrm
tiers In St. Matthew' church lie it
Sunday, immediately after the
10:30 Mass. The lad'te will serve
dinner In the School Hall iiuuir
diately after the service.
The Community Welfare Club
will give a play and basket social
at Rrhse's hop house, Oct. 8, at
8 p. m.
Tatters The Pet of Squat
trrs Gulch Hot. I Esther Lindow
Major Timherlake-the propri
nor oi ?Hualters Uulch Ilotrl.
Herbert Schulmrriek
. Robert Ferrisa half brer
dlan John Kamna
John Maraton a land owner
F.dwln Borkhaltrr
Phil Dolan-Squatter.
Wes Schulmrrirh
Abe M'itherNpooBj Squatter.
Will Klir
aioscs i.uivtloom a servant
of Sqnattrr fiulchDick Huhmsn
Jacob Kent a land speculator
. Clarence Roblnaoa
Sheriff fiords
Frank Schulmrrirh
Mrs. Timothy Timberlakr
Mrs. Edgar Rehe
Clementina Fairlace a ynnng
lady from BostonIda Robinson
Everybody Invited. Ladle
please bring baskets. Time of
play two hour.
Mrs. C. A. Boog. accompanied
by her daughter, Virginia, ar
rived a few days ago on a visit
with W. H. Reiling, who Is a
nephew of Mrs. Boog. They will
make an extended stay here and
at Roy, where they will M
lleiling and his son, Chas.. Thei
home is in St. Paul, Minn.
Frank Vandomelon, of Ewtaca
da, was over to Hillsboro Mon
day, greeting oldtimers, Frank
wa surprised when he reached
town to see a horse which hi
drove over seven years on th
man route out of Banks, when
Frank handled the mail on Route
.a - "..
He drove the horse all told In
the neighborhood of 88,000 mile
and he is a good horse vet. Hi
old owner called him bv
? . .. . '
wan, and the old rascal was rea
dy to shake hands with him he
couldn't ask Frank to take
We will sell at auction sale at the
Sam Tunstall place, nine miles N.
E. of Hillsboro, near Phillips, and
near Hockton station on the
United Railway, at 10 a. m., on
Bay mare, 10 years, 1800; roan
mare, 7 years, 1200; black mare,
0 yrs, 1100) registered Holsteln
cow, 8 yrs, in milk; grade Dur
ham, 7 yrs, in milk; Ouernsey
cow, 6 yrs, fresh time of sale;
grade Jersey cow, S yrs, In milk;
2 two year-old heifers; 4 year-
ings; Jersey cow, 2 yrs, In milk;
2 heifers, 6 and 0 months: 48
head sheep; 2 brood sows; boar,
0 Head tiiirs S S Mitchell wao-nna.
. z . ' ' i
Inch; Bain wagon, tyf
I i 1
hci truck. ...
U l.l"P PM7 ' vi
tonitue. ope buggy, plow. p
talo ditfKrr. hovrl cultivator,
mower, 1 cultivators. VanHruul
drill. prlnul.H.lh harrow.
pikrtth harrow, potato plant
er, feed cutter, Fairbanks Morwr
ales, 1 1 ten gal mrlk cans. 4 8
gal milk can. leljival cream
separator, milk cooler, milk pad'
and strainer. dosen chicken.
! ton auto truck, shape; t
X cut saw, Myer hayfork, ear
riag and pulley, and numerous
other articles,
l unch at noon.
Term -?0 and under, ch;
over, sis month note at 8 er
C. H. Tuntll.
C. R. Joy.
J. C. Kuralli. Auctioneer.
I will sell at auction sale at th.
W. A. Sshnow farm, half mil.
west of Mtemin an.l l niu
north wot of llill.boro, at ten a
m., on
Horse, IS year. 1150 ll., A I
work animal; mare, a yr. ISM),
fin work animal; mar coll, com
ing 8 jr nrt March; tow, 8 yr.
high grade Jersey, jut
etiw, grade Jersey, 8 yrs, jiul
fresh; ciw, 8 yr, coming frrh
Jan. IS; tirade Jersey h.if.r, t
yr, freh No, t net; heif.r, 8
yrs in Uec, not bred; registered
Jersey cow, 4 yrs, will freshen
Nov. 10, sired by Golden Maid s
Prince, remitter of merit bull, her
number, SsT.OitS; beef cow ; n
istrretl Jersey bull, 2 yr old
sired by Monmouth Noble, it no
and number, Monmouth Noble'
General, No. H7,sl; all tub. r
rutin tested; Cae tractor, com
plete with plow, worked but II
day. A I shape.
John Deer binder, d ft cut
Ailrlance rase, lit tinhorn.
mower; Brilliant roller, 8 ft; IS
tooth prln it tooth harrow; lUI
tooth spike tooth harrow; II ini
Moline plow; I hor.e cultivator
set heavy harne, hew ; set ol
heavy work harne, good haH
T. (S. Msnn, truck wagoi
new; Moline truck wagon, iron
wheel, practically new ; go.l oi
buggy, aulo seat ; buggy pole w it K
doubletree and neckyoke; m
ran, milk can, forks, shovel
garden tool, lawn mower, No. 1'
steel range; Id inch round Oak
heater; bedroom suite; 1 kitchen
table ; dining table; center tablr
I maltree and spring, 1 rock
er, chair, high chair, lounge
grindstone, double barreled shot
gun; lamps and other kitchen ar
Lunch al noon.
Term- ISO and under, cah
over, sis month approved note at
8 n r cent.
W. A. Sahnow, Owner
J. C. Kuralli, Auctioneer.
A. F. Kalile, Clerk.
Notice is herrbv riven that th
dersigncd has Bled his final account
in th matter of th estate of John
Henry Cahler, drerased. and that thr
County Court of Washington CouBty.
Oregon, by an order duly mada and
entered on th 22nd day of Sriitem
Mr, iyu. has sdpo ntd th tkirJ
of November, 190, al th. hour of leu
o cloejt A. M. In ths forenoon of said
nay as ins tlm and ths ( ounly Court
In I. I . at . I ..... .
... w.. .nun iiuumi in iiuumra
Vvs.hinirlon County. Orrirnn ih
lima and plsrs fr ths hearing of
objections to said Anal account and
for ths closing of said estate, and all
persons hsving any objections to snid
nnai account and report ar. hereby
notified to present the same to said
eourt on or before ths 3rd day of No
vember, 1920
ioVa" ttd ,hl' 22nd d of 8Pmlr,
.aminimrstor or ths Kitata of
John Henry fabler, lieeeased.
ii o'V8 Tnfu At,' t law,
iiimni, uregon.
Notice Is hreh rlvxn fYimt IV.. ...
dersiirned. the dul Mnfu.lnaul ...... It
iVrT.i j ecu,rl of the Ust
. ana leiumnnt of Anton Per
singer, arcrsned. ha fil k i
Mount and report in said estate In
the County (W of Washington
County, Oregon, and that said court
by an order made and entered on th
tt.uu ubt oi neuiemlier. I0n I... a.
d the lot day of November 1920. at
the hour of 10 oVlork In the forenoon
of said day as ths time and ths Coun-
j iun room in the County Court
Houas In Washington County, 0r
ron. aa the nine. fn v....iu ' . i.
jectlons to said final sceount and for
mm of said estiite,
1 ----- ....... IIH,IIK ny H
actions to said final sceount and re
port or to the settlement of snld
tats are hereby notlHed to makn and .ucn nnjecuons on or before the
uiy oi novemiier, 1920.
Ex!CUtrl llf tha FmI..I. .. ll. ... ..
Persinirer, Deceased.
E. B. Tonirue. A ltrtrnsta as f ....
Hillsboro, Ortgon. ' " M,w'
Notice Is hnrehv irlvon W .v.. ...
. . . ' suits Wlt7 U II"
derslgned has this day been apnnlnt
ed executor nf tha Win -.i
tament and Estata of Hnry Voelker
j Ws,,hln(rton County, Orngon
and that he has qualified as such ex-
Now. therefore, alt
nloia'jV81"1 ,Bld tMUt r hwrhy
notified to nresent ih. mn,. i. w.
v ., -.-. - in", w-
V"tBi wll ilia bronor vimehA
",, urex,n or at tha law cf-
I' II Tiimrua la Wuhinetaa
iV. V. w
.BtrJ tKia 2iKa day of Set-Umber.
A l l."
l' B. Tow. Atory
or final mtue
la the fount y Court af U. gtata of
Or-un for Washlngtoa Count jr.
la the Matter of lha twt Will and
Testament of Juslina Uaaer, IW-
NolVa is hereby given that th WW-rssut-ned,
vseeulor of th. estats af
Jwatina t.asaaer, dveeaeW, ksa thla
dy (tied in the cmnty esmrt af Wash
igtoa County, Orua, hta final a
count sad report as such stealer is
akl estate, and th saaso has bee art
fur final heating and aelUemeat bo
fur said Court at the IWt llousa Ik
lllttibttro, Oregon, on Moetdav,' Nov
I. I9.M, al 10 aVlork a. a , of aaM
I . .... . k M . . .
Oatej inis rini oar .i isepi.. irju
Jt'H tiAit.lNKR.
Eieeutor of the I at Will and Te
lament of Juetina l.aasaer, oWeased
at. a Hump and l. l. Hump, At
lornev for th. F !,
With residence and addieea al
IhlUbolo, trrgoa..
siufcuirr-si x
Nvtks is hersby givra, that by ltu.
of aa brwUua, Older aa4 tHwrsw
Uaued out of and wadar taa ae
of the i ntuit todtt of la ttlaU ,
iirsgva, lr Ui leualy l Wasaiag
ton, dated Ut Tlh day of 5eplenhi
IK.M, la favor ut C. 1 1. I'iggott, Idaia)
tiff, and aa-aiut V mil rt t. at or
ids, o ltiMlit, lor taa sum af f I? tit
rust, and tha further sum af 1374 uu
wta tiiificel iheneua (ium lbs SiHh
day of May. If-M. at th lata of 8 pt
rent, per annum, and for lbs furlawt
sum of I Jo. oo Allot aey a !, la an
directed and delivered, soaiaiaitdtwa
mo la make sai of ths real prooertv
berelnsJIer oWtlbed, I bv trass8
uooa and pursuant to said r.ierultM
Order and Ivtree of tal I will mm
Monday. Ih I tlh day of OrtoW
I9'.'U, al I He smith duur of lbs Cu.
bouse la HtlUburo, Washing too town
ly, tiregow. al lb Iwur at tew a'rtwek
a, ru. d( swhI day. sell at PublW auc
tun lu th bigheei btdJer for rasa U
hand, all of tha following describe
real property, lying, being and allw
at. in Wasbinsion fount y, Orvwnst.
nwd aioro psj twuUily described as
luiloaa, lowtl:-
The N.Mtheat fourth of tha aowih
et fourth of Hn-Uon fowr Tvwaafcio
three north of gangs I our Heat ad
tho W. si, Hashingtoa t ounly. Or
ern, and roatalnlag forty arrvs.
to aaUr th hvreinbsfora nasi
urns and for the mi and etswavses
e eaie ami said wrtt
Niid i.le will t-e aia.h subitct t
l mihk tir ;r l -id'e -( n er
I'atni at IlilUboro, Oregoa, this SI
dag pf Meptemhrr. IHifa
t;t:o. Al.KX AM IJ
lcrl(f of Wabingtua Couaty, Or
lie W. W. HiWVH iw
Notica is hereby given that tha an-
dersignrd has been f pointed by tha
County four I of th. Male af Urego
lor naslilagton tounty, i.tcutrta of
th IasI W Ul and Testament af N r.
Frk-krit, dvcMuvd, and has i)ualined
All persons having claim avails
said eatata ar hereby nollhd I pne
sent lb same, verified aa by law r
quired, to tha said KierutrU al tha
office of 0lesbv Youn. 424 Cham
her of Commere llldg. rnrllaad
Oregon, before tha evpiralioa af all
month from tha data of tha first pub
llration if thia notka.
1'sted and first published this 80th
day or September, I920
Kveeutris of the Ust Will and
Testament of N. . Prirkrtl, !
Oglesby Young, Altorenys for Rs
In ths County Court of tha PtaU of
orrgnn for Waahngton t aunty.
In th Matter of ths Esiat of Frank
J. Williams, deceased.
Nolle la herrby given that th un-
tferisgned Administrators af tha
tat of said deceased, havs filed In the
hoove entitled rourt ard rauat, thali
final scrount an.l rrin.rl as such and
to court has f ved and sprs.l iled ibe
Iblh day of October, HOT, at 'ha bir
of 10 oVlork A. M. of said day, and
tha curt room of ths a ho. tntitievd
etmrt in IlilUlwro. Oregua, aa the
urns ami place lor hearing oWettlon
to sow nnal account an1 fir ths Anal
sltlrment of said estate.
Iiatrd thia Ittn (lay uf ,lept, 1920
m.mmc wii.i.iAM.i and
AJiiiinialratora af ssiil l!lal.
Han, McAlear rtr, Attorneys
ior Auii.nisiraiora.
In ths County Court of tha Stat of
Oregon for Washington Cmint.
in ths Matter of tha Estat of F.d
WAril liughes, decease.!.
Notice Is herrbv vlvnn. that tha un.
derslgned has been duly confirmed by
tho above entitled court, as Executor
of tha last Will and Testament of said
decease, and haa duly qualified as
Now. Therefore, all Ivrinhl bavin
claims against said sstata ar hereby
tin J a a
noiuirq ana riMuirM to present th
same, together with proper vouchers
therefor, to ths undersigned at th
law offices of Hare, MrAlear A Peters,
In the American Hank Building, In
Hillsboro, Oregon, within sis months
irom tha data hereof.
Dated this 3rd day of Sept., 1920.
Executor of ths Inst Will and Tsstsv
mi'tlt nf snlil deeenuMl
H. McAlear-k Peters, Attorneys
or r.xeeuior.
In the Circuit Court of tha Stat of
Oregon for ths County of Washing
0. E. Uwls. Plaintiff, vs. Anna N.
Lewis. Defendnnt.
To Anna N. Uwis, defendant above
nameu :
In the nn.nn of the Stats of Oreiron.
you ars hereby required to appear
and answer ths romnlaint filed avalnat
you in tha above entitled suit on or
nerore ti,e twelfth (12th) day of No
vomlier, 1020, which data Is more
thnn six (0) weeks after the date of
Puhlkntlon of this Summons,
nnfl If ynu fnll u appear or answer
for wnnt thereof, tha plaintiff will
apply to said court for tha relief d
mnnneii in his rnmplnlnt, to-wltt Tls
u.lvln k. - 11
dafendant upon tha grounds of cruel
'"d inbumaa ..... '
th. defendant. JiS
as to th. i U t.
tull.)J. ' " -mm
Thia ,
ar IS. aU. UUM C-
JOIIV i sa
Aiin.: ."-V : ""ItLOrt
rw ivaL . ,"'",lf
la tha t Ireull i wi,t -Oreua
f-r WsJuneuJTi
tTacwc. Fain,,,, j. Xl
unknown b.,. J iUTki
aJ all
awrUa yk .
.i.i.. .... ciuau. Z:
raal prop.,-, WriUJ 11
Pa". 7-fuutnTa
Vh anknu.a bW M .
w-w and partis okaZ, 7
"r right, uu.. tnuOZ' rs
th C
la the nam. of ik. a.... . .
Vow and .aearfJail
by r-Mtrd to ?r
eatlU cou.l .,,4 T.t.r
plain! g(d u,
Wlllled OR JZtV
day af Oetobrr. W, Z
being afU Ui. .mimTi'Z
Ik-..-, .f ,hl. .SJZ
Ih. dal. of th. Ar.
mrptantbrr, t.o, and U. gji, J Z
last thf broVTW
day. Ih. I4lh d.y af ImZ
and If you f.U w u at-s-aTaJ
swr said Con,Pl,ta, f ,JT
af th llalnt.ff mQ aapty ,ra.
fowrt f.r th. rcf p,ty m
eomplalat. M
elariag th Plaintiff la W taeaVi
in fe stmpU and la tha artsalaw
sewsioa of the futlowtsg brtLi
pareW af f-Pi Irtsg. Wbi
AU af lot N.v I. 3 and I h kW
N. I, la Ih. t.a .f tMsSfsa.
showa an Ih. rworiM Mai then!
and forever barring and I ulisaj
you and arh f yon sad sB awi
claiming by, through or asW n
front rlalmlng or sttaiits a
rlalm, ar adding ar altaawosf a
aawrt an hrst. titi. ar kvbrwi b
ar la said rsd pmoerty er say sat
thereof adwr. to the title sr awns
af Ih Flalnllff tWrla ar taa,
and that th (UU of th. rlawun b
and t said rsal properly b atiaM
agalaat th. Halm and ens) t
yoa and each of jtm.
Thi euniav I arvd ssss jm
by ftthlleatina thereof la lb lta
rw Argw fmnoini I. sasrawsftsi
llatMwabl. Ceo, R Bagley, itejt sf
tha abmr. Mititlrd eewrt saw sal
rwneVrsd on the let day af 8rsba
her, lt?0.
liar. MrAlear i Prtert, Attanssi
for plaintiff RMbbatt stwrarn
llat. ef Oree4i. Poet (Mr JUV
drvaa Khut. tavlnr Bask Nt
ng. IIUUhDro, Or.
fi yyoss
la Ih Circuit Court of Ik etsda
Oregon for Wsihlngis Casst?.
Joat tirsap, PlaioUff, ft, Jatsat
Graap, WfmdanL
Ta Julius tirsap, th. skv tsasi
Yej ar hw.ty aotifiej aw) i
OUlrsd ls appvar la the atww siuM
court and answer lb. easrisist W
against you in the a her sswej
reus, aa or hefor Friday, fiw p
day af October, 190. said sals Wag
after th ipiriiua of sis asskt trai
tha daU of the Or.i ptUktam
thia summons, the dam
Kblkallon therwif brln Seal.
, and the dale of Iks kwt a
rstioa thereof being Ortebir .
1820; and If ou fail o to alpWJJ"
answer said rvniplaint, W
thereof, th. Plaintiff will ssrt
tha eourt for th. relief PrT"I
k ..i -1 .. ,.. .it - For i ec
dissolving Ih. marriage sad iwraj
rantract bow and herewors
between vou ami Ih Plslstlff,
the ground f cruel sad
treatment, ami rurtnrr
. ..ii t,.-i...r iw. .r. esses
Ul Saw Iinimm, mL
and control of Norln Grssts
nor child of Plaintiff f'wTJ
and for surh otl.rr snd fsrtkKj"
mm tm Ih. n,irl mV KB fSsn"
Imd proper In th premises .
This summon I ar4
you by nuMlrstlon thereof JT
imishoro Argu. pursosat U"
of the nonorsM t. R
mmAm mdrMl and d4
day af Her.tem-r, 1(tafVt,
Hare, McAlear a iwr,
for rialntlff.
wwawMawaaaa "' "' ' " satstf
Notice Is hereby given lhJs2
of an Order. Ihs-re s ",,,,
County Court of Wrl'Wtbtli
rir..n. made ami dated on W
day of 8n.ten.l-r. ia2, .tag -T
of th guBrainmiup JTM
Beul.h Slrhy, Ralph K.rbf"
ma Klrby, Min.t. ..itjsf
I will on KatU'd-'.tgJglf-October.
1920, ut U
the court house In HiT ksf
Ington County. Orego b g
of 10 'elork a. m.- 'd.,Sir W
prlvata eale to the
cash In hand, suhjrrt 0 CaM ,
of tha County if'lTrfll
County, an i " to
above name.1 minors In U
re ltame.1 min - Jagris
property h'rp,ai, JST1
.... ,..,..ietos "i
therein neing ""'"'h4it t""
est, said real property Miw
s II .m OA-war It ' .kallnl
ed a follows, )D
Beginning at a J,oS
South of the N.rthn5f.
IB T 2 8 of R 2 VV, w'"Jl(rf
pmnt being the Nor lUr
..... mt land ronveyfU Dti !. W
deed recorded AuK. yfftet
page 409 of llstdc 83. JtM
Sf Wash. Co . Oregon i rg
. "Linniiiir. catWal
1-- - .
res of land. ct Sti'
Dated this Hth W pt .
acres or
109A .mfRtls. .
for Ouardian.