The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 16, 1920, Image 2

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fci '
1 1
County Official Paper
L A. Long, Editor.
Entered at the Vast Office at
IlilUboro, Orr?on, aa rcoad
rlau nail matter.
Subscription, $1.50 per annum.
Issued every Thursday by Mr.
E. C. McKinnct and L. A. Long.
llilllt tMItU' "he tinal'v liH'.ltl'tl
. rvvid and'd home atoiit
the (mil- .1 lisj ihm- formed
t.i mike t " in h. She .iv she
e.u.ld In ir tin fsmuv e.i.Uui; her
throtscli the niht, but was una
lie t. mike Ihe m hear her shouts
ind tit ti he started to them she
ui'ul.l w :!k in ; eirele. She then
eotu lu.U d to esmji .luriiuj tlit
mutit atiel make another try in
the morning. She niT Alexander
.in.! l W. Redmond arris cd at
the stt iii' about the time the jrirl
was loe.tted.
Alice Gaston, a uil tf a coun
try school south of i'injH.r Moun
taia. s.rtent all of Monday nitht in
the wood lUirmsf a heat v storm.
and is none the worse for her t -JH-rienee.
The irl went to tin
1 I S t I t
fccnooi .Miinei.iv morning .tint was
placed in her classes and started
tack home. She h id Win in the
neighborhood but a few wetkv
and '. not familiar witli the
country, and when she started t.
take a sliort cut became lost. She
wandered about the wood uutil
darkness m t in and thi n fixed a
shelter of bark a iinst a tree ani
spent the flight protett
rl from the wind and riin. When
Registered Holstein ludl calf,
born Julie 1 1 - w lute predomi
nant; well dexeloiH'd for ae. is Oregon Holly I-ady Pon
tiac Kormlvke and be it sored by
Von Htitn Sir lltrlog lrmsby.
whose two nearest dams average
St lb. butter in T dav; for sale
also 10 II. P. portable steam en
gine, which wi!l carry 125 pre
sure, price. $150; also American
10 inch burr feed grinder in jjihhI
running order, priced at $73.
Clyde I.. l.eedy. Sherwood, Route
I; tel. Tisrnrd. X5, or Sherwood.
12. 27 29
Arjrn, $1.80 per yrar.
The prosHet for a gim.1 cxhihil
f the Club woik at
1 1 ill short on the 23rd and S 1th of
SetcmlHT siem unusually bright
The Pair will le held in the Over
land tiarige show room, at thr
corner of Second and Washington
Street. Thi' s.icant let across
the street has hern secured for
the pigs and calve.
Sotiool pupil who attend th.
fair one day will not In counted
absent. Seh.iid Hoard are rec
ommended to allow a hotidat
either Thursday or Friday whir.
it acrms pitssihle for most of tin
children to attend.
The Commercial Club of Hilts
boro will present a compliment
arv ticket to the moving picture
show. iv.d the 23rd and 21th. to
every girl and Ihvv who enter a
regular exhibit.
X. A. Trost.
Co. School Supt.
i "fpn M
"Cactus" and "Prairie lily"
Crack Shots in Vaudeville, in Added Attraction
at the
Liberty Theatre
Monday and Tuesday, Sept 20th and 2 1st
"A Burglar By Proxy"
Henry Yoclkcr. since 1S;2 a res
ident of near pdivoming. died .nl
the Washington Co. Hospital.
Sept. It. He wa born in Ku'si.i
IVo. 20, 1S53, and w a married
to Catherine Marv Meier in 1ST!
the wife dying shortly after thet
rt-aehed America. The family ar
rived in America in 1S!2 and sit
tied otith of Cornelius, which ln
ever since been tin ir home
Three children have passed aw it
and the following daughter and
son surviie - M r. Mary Hiiuter
San Francisco; A. H. Voelkc
and John "oIker. of I'looiuin-'
The funeral took pi ice this af
teriiiMtn from the family home a
Mloomin-. Ilom Kon V lli 11 di
If you are interested in a farm
lighting plant it will pay ou I.
see The Western Fleet rie Plant
and the Out n Plant, at the Hills
boro Electric Store, 1511 Main
St., G. C. Combs, Manager. .10
F. E. Hartrampf ha wold hi gar
age on West Slain St. to Albert
I.oli and Wm. Sehlattmann, who
have taken possession.
F. E. ha Wen in businrs here
for a number of year and wa
one of the first to put up a first
class garage. The purchaser
are practical auto men and will
take care of their share of the bit-sines.
For Sale Three house on
Washington Street and a lot on
Baseline; alt close in; improve
ment in and paid. Term if de
sired. Call at 10.12 Washington
Stree. 2 S 3 1
HORSEPOWER, heavy draft HORSEPOWER, both for the draw b ,r
and belt. Tint's w hat you. Mr. Farmer,' want, but nt the right price in first
cost and upkee p cost as we ll. That is w hat the designer, engineer and pro
ducer h.iii in mind when they developed the SAMSON MODEL M.
You want a tractor that will tnke the plate of and perform the dittic of ,i
barn full of horses without roxting you a fortune, or the big part of your crop
t: buy and maintain That exactly the kind of tractor you ge t in the SAM
SON MODEL M. The SAMSON MODEL M is the last word in modern trac
tor ciHislrm tion. Every working part is enclosed nnd protecte d ngninst mud,
dust or rain. Three grease cup 'arc all that you need to fill on a SAMSON.
It is lubricated throughout like a $1000 automobile, insuring great e fliei. iicy,
e asy of operation, maximum le ngth of life and service. The even distribution
of weight, compact d. hign and low eeriter of gravity give to the SAMSON
perfect traction, great stability ami INSURES iU HUGGING the GROUND
under all conditions.
Service to Samson Users
V, carry a e-omplctc stoe k of Samson tractor parts. The; SAMSON
TRACTOR COMPANY have a factory branch in Portland, Ore gon, carrying
a si-pply of parts, distributing over the entire Northwest. Went worth it Ir
win, Portland, carry a large: stock of Samson parts, covering five counties.
Every comity in the Willamette Valley lias a Samson dealer with a stock of
parts to justify service to all owners under all conditions.
The Samson tractor is built by GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION,
builder of G. M. C. TRUCKS, CADILLAC CARS, and other well known p.,r
uar lines of aiitoinediilcs.
CORPORATION and sold with our Service.
Hillsboro, Oregon
Hating retired from farming, I
will mII at .auction sale the .
C. buihaiiau plate kn." ih.
Cot. Cornclum hcstcriUiu ranch.
3 mite a S. W. of lldbboro. and I
mile oulh of Jam. Crossing oil
S. P. at 10 a. in., on
S.UTRIUY, SI I f. 23
It head giwttt cow. itul 'l fresh
at date of nale; i Imbr, I
month old; all tuberculin tested.
black horse, S yr, ImHI; black
. . i i. .....
nor.-, j yr, imhj; c. ' ... n... st
7 trs, 1700; black h.os, . ii yM. '.rge.t . , , "7 -
lS0; gray horse, 10 r. VM. tbl t o. . lank., t or,,. b. at
buggy hore, t years. HUH; ba j P; . 'J
... 1.1 t ,. lloo r ,!.,..' Pure HM.M V, M
..... . . . ,, ,.,.
' w t iinrs. , ii.
tlur. is ion. h ar.eidtuM i '
there eonsub ring th l.til'i i
M.uers art u.siiii o tll Ihe
and the trtd Is k. pt w ain, b'H'
. the i.otoiug and out. oiio" ;
,e,r. her, for Ihe root of til . .1
Sold lint make the wo.t.'
wag. The Father " t
proud III luallh and will 'i '
. uk in (J.'"1 plus,. ,1 si. ,
I will kill at public .notion l Ih.
Iie plee. formerly known a im
,.f til i.' . M of , I !, an.
'w i. it us iii Af thr ) tnliil.i.l
a-w.t in llilil.ri, (I ir nun. o tli
t .- ,i. i tor hia,,,'g i j Uem i
' l .i'. I. mil tkiotltit l! I I ir IH Dt.ol
ii 151 in o .'I sent! r.' .i.
IM....I.. I.t... I It.. I .in kens
.,.,. ..,MKI: 1,100; biiekkm hore, 1,I 0
Mel ornilek hinder, 7 It u. K""41. ' . - , . i . .. .
shatv; McCormick ..., r, S'i K' ' " " V
cut, gtmiUha; Champion mow ;t..:.U; f cw . ,.. I
rr. 5 ft, KiH,d; Champ,-., Iiayrake; cow to fr, sl d ,1. of e lc
.i . i . ' i. k . y cow to freshen l.e. l!S heif
uiuaio i in n.o
cultivator, 8 one horse cite j r o Ircsli. n .', . .;....
tor. 5 wagon. 3 havra.U 3 !',.!. tested no reaelor. pur,
walking plow. Oliver '.ml John brnl Puroe J. r,.y ow to farrow
it in i i... ,, M.t. ; S I hi roe J-re utioat.,
Peerc, did gang pl. ttie nr . i
. . Vi I .1,... April pii!; it . U lule t rghon,
row, pringliHth harrow drag M l' 1 ,
i . . i. ii .a..,. Iiting Inn. 1 anercil strain
harrow , 3 hore gram itriil. lot "
cr bunthcr. top buggy. CbpH-r vy layer; J do. Wh.le .
fan mill, garden drill, l airbank. born Tan. red strain pull. U.
lab . Shaker pot Ho iligg. r, Hi: April halel.; no. ne ,c
. p. Fairbanks ga ciigmc. 3 . Is born l an. r. d lr..n pulb .s.
Ii. p. I airhank ga i ngme
work harne. bugvv harm , ad
He and bridle, l,!k cooler, milk
can, hayfork, ropes and pulley
complete, pitchforks. Inn, iihov
e l. ar nnd numerous other ar
licle. All machinery in good re
tair. Lunch at Noon.
I erm of a!c : fSO ami un.ler.
M iv h: 3 i on. small cloek. I,
White la ghoril.and Ithode Island
Kids; S Ion grain hay; buggv
and harness; one horse wagon
and harness; .13 in plow; in.h
, plow ; one baud corn shell, r,
hand corn planter; pitch forks,
halter chains; did tree; PI. til. I
cash; over, one
note at eight er cent.
Arthur Van Vein re,
( inr.
.1. W. Hughe, Auctioneer.
W. V. Pergen, Clerk.
sear approved Jr. hand seeder; S one man nil
' i .1 .1
fsaws; i.aclcie n 'one .n i raoji
'and pipe; heater, piH- and fine
I two burner Jewel bine flame oil
cook stove and otrn, I'crfntioi'
foil heater; library table; priuci
; dresser and plate glass mirror.
' Simmons gilt rnamrl Iwdstrad,
en that the "''''I l"ri' I"','K; elastic fell
tiiattress; vrlci I lrusse Vl"
i ' ,t ihn I ('is .i t i .!, I" n.
j i I Mt"t; Wti la AM ,4 i
ii. f ,. I'.ntate !
It ii,. Me A I, ir rl-is, Al!ii.v
I. . A.I'H.ll.tti illl s.
In Ihe t'lit'Uit l euit of tK. Stat uf
Oirun lor V aoliiiiiflun uunty
J...U. l.iaa., I'lainliff, . Julius
to Bap. I "I Umlaut.
lo Julius Viia, lh ahus nanwsj
l'i fi'li.luiil.
lU at heirtiy not i (led amt it l.t ft'Har in the also vnlillcd
, .nut ami aimwrr Ih eou(iUlnl
auaiusl )uu In th inlillvd
i-miM un or tsrtui I'tltlay, lh 2,'n.l
4ay of (ktulwr, IV.M, wihl daU Uli.f
after the rttt alien of sis wwks fiuui
tin- ,l.i(r il thr Atst iulJieliii, ol .
this umini'ii, lh data of Ih first
ull it a .n Ihrrisuf U-itif Jsrit. Ifith,
I 'i .'0. a ii. I lh l,t of Ih Ul
ea! thninnf bring IK li.U r 21!,
r'.'t1, ttu.l if )uu fait so In nrar an.)
ttvr aid ron,Uinl, fur want ;
therwif, the (1 aintif f will lit
l! rourl fur Ih rHrf loarrti for la
hir rmii)talnl, lilt: I'or a .l.errs-
ih. Htit ing Ihe mairUtf and martlet
ii. mraet nn and rUlth(
ts-iocs-n vku and Ihn tintif f, U)nn
il eiouiid id rrurl and inhuman
lttalniel, nj further ar.iii un
ta said I'lainliff, Ih car,
i and rintii4 of N'lHino l.raai,, Ih ml
j tt..r rhil.l of Ptalnliff ami youtwlf,
! i.nd fi.r inh olhrr and fmlher rrllrf
n lu Ihe court may mia tuftaU
j and ioi.rr la Ih firrnitM
This uiiinmn I rrv airalnsl
lull ty l)o thrrvof la Ih
I IliltU.rn A . cu, tiursuaiil la orjrr
ef the llniuitalil (",xt. R, Pct, y
. '.l.h'. h. iletrd on Ih.ltlh
j ilat uf .sViitreittr, li'.ll.
' Hair, M, br A Friers, Allornest
t i.iii'titr
ihe r.Mj 1,,,
in,o..n i ut, (
of 10 ,. , i, I
",ato sal,, i .,
rash ,! t.BK.I ,
f th I t ,
Vunly, all , ,
iilso nanr.) u
rl .i,,i.,s ,
lti llil,i, .i ,
thl-lrlil U tl- '
I. sol
t.l R- f,.'
,?..ull. l,f Hi,. ,,
c T , s ..f i;
tiint l-inf Ih,-
11. I lf lit,, . ,
lrt tu N, a i
d"s i re. n, . ,
ag t of
of Vjll ',. II,,
Wl-Sl Sll .t
thrtt.K 1' ,-t ( ,
t'la.1. of t. ., ,
IU Ir. of I n,,
lal.i thi, !
I ',
I. .'f i ,
V. lUuliih k. '.
fhrtma K 0 l.t V
II. .r, v : ,.
for liun-.l in
' .
' ,.i i '
. i i '
, . L" t,
'' ,-, ,
' 1 A
h , , ' H
,..,., m..
, r.u
IT 10 "...
4 ' ""tv. t!t
7"-'""" 'i
su!ii m
i.. j .,
' . eoht,,,,
':,v"f v., i.
' ''til ki-S, l4
1 ' AiWv-.
irV" pay the uprnM-t,
W (rl results,
W remit result
W take the P. Urn.
NO ( 01 1 1 n ION,
Why Maml nn a Mufij,
Srnd us )iH,r tlow or
McMmntilW, Qrtm
Notice is hi ri bv git
l:i rt lie rshi it i SlHtilii?
Uttticn lr. J. (. Uolh and lr !r,"J 3 r1"ki" ,h"'M: 8 A"un'
l. K. Wilev has been ,!,ss..i. ,l In ; "" n'1 ki! ,,r" "! f,,"l .
mutual consent.
Paled at Hills!.,, ru this
day of September, l!-.0.
llr. J. O. Uohh,
Dr. l. K. Wih v.
Perkins I now located In hi
new quartrrt fflve him call.
Free air and water, at f
! cot an, I mattress; setting ma
JUI, 'bine; kitchen cupboard; clothe
j w ttngrr; washing tubs and boiler ;
i lilllk can; buckets; strainer,
crocks; churn; pans; fruit jars,
and numerous ether article.
Trrms of Sale; $20 and under,
cash. On sum over "i0 a credit
of ft months time, appro rd bank
able note, 8 per cent, interest. 8
per rent, off for cash on f 20 nn.l
J. J. Wismer. of Cedar Mill.
has bought an interest iu the In over. Term of sale i be com
surance and Loan business of; pbed with before properly Is re Kuratli. and has assumed; moved
his duties. Owing to the fact that
K. I. will have his hand full as
president of the HilNboro Nat l
Hank. J. C. Kuratli will handle
the real estate end of the firm.
Mr. Wismer is well known in tic
F.asl ,,d of the .'.unity and is Wi II
nullified to take car.- of the In
surance and loan.
Father Costi line is home from
W, Hatsry Fibs, Owner.
J. W, Hughes, Am limn er,
F. II. Shole. Clerk.
In th County Court of Ihe State of
Oregon for VS ashnglim I'ounty.
In th Matter of the Estat of Frank
J. Williams, uerat.
v. .(.. I 1.....I.., ,i . ... . ....
, , , , iii ,' - . v- ii.iru, guru if.tii inp un
an c. tended trip to Alaska, and j ,1, rUgned Administra'.ur of the r
it eiit as far inland as Daw son, lata of Mid derraard, hav 6lr4 in the
whose golden davs dated bae k ' ,',ove rntltled court sr4 raue, thri
to about l!M)0. He'snvs that Ala, j !"m, crlnt ,ui " mrn K,1
I i , . . ' , ,, ,! COUI't na ' "l Opt.! ilt ti l
kf ' ' '"1"" "I"'".'' , K.U, day of iktober, fJ.'U. h.mi
Report of Uio condition of th. HJUibon, National Bank at UuUaW, la Ua
hUU of Oregon, at th ckaw of businri on Sept, , I'jju.
Loan and dwcounU, Indudiag rwliacounU, rxcrpt thi shown
!Pl,!', 2H5,o.'.22
OverdraiU t .il ,
V. S. tKjvernment acuriUe owned'; " ""' '"'"'
oi ' loni u,ioitd to aecurt circulation 60,000.00
e giai to ms-ure Kital mivin,; deposit (par valun) . .,.'iU0.U0
'"Jt,d M bilateral for Suta or othr-r deposiu or bills paya
ble tt 6 IMM) 00
Owned and unpledged '. . '.".7.7 " f7.076.00
War havings CerUticaU and Thrift Stampi actually
owned ' ... ,.,
J.'lVH U" S' ('vernment Securitina
Honela (other than U. S, bond) pled .! to wnrure postal sav.
"Urn depowu 7 r 4)0.00
hflcuntif. other than U. S. bond (Mt including stock- owned
unpledged , CifiTI&l
t!.T'Ltal,n'.1' ,wuriliM. 'tc., othw'than'u7s.'7
Vi, , ,nJ Kerv fnk (50 p-r cent of nulmcription.
ffili l'1 htut 0WMd niwumburrd . ail.Ooo.OO
equity in banking house
f urniture and f.xtur4i
Rual estate owmal other than banldni'nouMe' 7.'.
Lawful renerve with .,. n..i,
Cash in vault and net amount due from National 'lYauk 7.7
theTni. i dJ!".fro7 nI". ben. and trust companies in
ct.iTrt.f. i
, ., vis .Kim un.! imrij j
r Dan"ln cy or town us re porting hunk.
RaTr7rJUM With U S I d from ' U." 8.'
Capital .lock paid in
Surplus Fund
Undivided profit .." I':: "'I ,'i',t
u-tm current expense, Interest and taxe paid .' H,m,
Circulating note outstanding .
Certified cheick outstanding &lt,0M).ii(i
Individual deponiu fubject to check
Total of demanrf imV2J li.'.'.' VJ ' '.' ' V ' ' ' '. '.' 20,hK:i.2r.
Jpet to rpRorv.. ' v ae-poiii)iiul.
TIME DEPOSITS sirmrrT '-fnn Vei, ' : ' .M'-'H.r.:
SUBJECT Tn BPQFnvn';::..'?1 .:IM - .
m noro notion, and postal savin .. " ' ,mya""5 ftUPr 30
1SC TiZ dSilti" tha" ,or m U,7..4:t time di;poiU ! .' 4,0!tl.(i,'i
Total of time deposits subject toResorveV:;;;:;;, 'H.'r.J 22H',i0MH
Total ' -
State of Orwm; 'County of Wuhl n'n, f.84,'l(i 1. 1 C,
Correct Attest:
T r... .ii
Rubserihed and sworn VaWnrl'J.' ,."?'?' A. Ki.ralll, Dlrnrtn,
... ,,, ,, (my of Hp,1,mlM,1,i Vy()
My commission expires April 7, 1924. M" Bowmnn' Nnta7 I'uhllc.
ilKliVN"S Hir. UP
UK At.
V.t (.- is hrrrl.jr ftvra that by siilur
of at, lri, -r, s(w arid tkrnw of the
I .iiiiity l ourt of Wa.ttintttiu 1'ounty,
irgon, made and da-d on Ih I 111.
day of Se.trmtr, in th maMi-r
of Iho ruartliiin.hiti of All lilrhy,
lirulah klrhy. lUlph Kuhs and Thri
ma Kirhy, Vunn,
I will on SalU'da. Ih ttth day of
iVtidirr. 1 ';', at lh South d'so of
Violin Lessens
(met, ,1 ,,,ir ,wr if
irnf, . ,,,,., ' ,i. , i .r
yea. nt 1,1, j m, f,,f
Highest Standard of
Call Phone 406
$.95 n.w
Ones nJJ Dfnbi
Ih. inn f,i..- lhrr With "It. . 1 in... . I or :.n oii.r I'.link te
l.lerv l.hiiik.t ..lf.r.,1 here MM" nnd i !. .1 I .it mm
I -try .. s..ns, jf for no others, lull M.U llml.t.
U. S. Otis Drah or Kkki Blaii'trU I .. i . ... .oi l roi
,ii ii mil; 11 ,irr,uite. II. ti f in ,. The sen !,! .( nhtj !f iW
houie or ennii; fiijlj rii h, miIi,,
U. S. (WI Blanket No, 595 Vr ..I. ii III ml. it srnsl'4
n.ler no d Order lilhil from orisjiml .l. h. inn,' V, M fl
tjunrt. r.n i-l. r stniiti. J, ,inHr. i lil iltkiti i.l, i! .j for h.r
ii' I !, iotiiftlil,
Vrse ,lr a'if nils romliittril I t.f hr.oy deflisi; Kt I
Fryintf I'nn and I'lal of ulumi- hd in Uinn, .: . . mi. ts:)st
nun-; titenj f.r rnmtr and hy i,. ;, , ,
Senuls; nil new, fife rom.rlrr,.t " . , ,i
.md. ' New full liiTK") mAU
Imrn; sieatrrn n-, rikri iu psn
eaih. Nrvi ami I'll ' nvK
f.VNisr ,l.(7.:..s ,v.i.i.i,' m vi
hy IL S, I mlrf . j'H.!3f!l i' "
I irriil.lo eiiinii'" ' ? i'-' 'A tmk.
. I . I?. .11 tnf ffttk
ArillT irsirnnr ....
Lru.h, shmine int.. I. . )
iultr. Ill ''I v.Ut., 7's- flP
esrn't CilsrrHi-SollirthUn; rvety
iM.jr .-vroui una ramprr should hv.
I',. S. Army Aluminum Canleriis,
hhw is.ii with winrw top), 7V
.aeli, poi.tiiol.1.
". li.. trrtBfrm; ,av haw
nun eons a reiver, r.0e rneh. it
Hind. '
I nhrtnknhU Uhrmrt, niraurlntr iiuistr.
in inelie. pneh in rnu.- I..,- f... .
huMi rs or Front. 3.fe rVh, ,Vw f ' 7 Ii i .k f il
.nld. ' ' Men's T rmi e.. full length,
i . ... . ... . i .. ....i. ..,.,.., I ffiftllrSifj
"" . rri0i tor rl..thln8irliun. '"" " -
dry; splendid. Mg .V ,,rh, lallnrnl; every pan nr F
ittniiil, tisn prrfivl. (' V: JioslliaiA
r....r. nml jr-rse y eloves; every riroisi llrmhit I ne
tuiir new nnti luirfM-l 'in.. ti,,. l,r, a limil"! fl0"
pniil. ,., ti ,,o ..air, iiottmiii.
I'ni,,n-,MI trerifn t'ltr Alltf'. rvT',, i,jt (Jumper ami over- perfrs-t. f.Je rae-h. pl'iA
Remit by Post-Olfiti. Money Order, Expre Money Order,
Bank Exchange or Cashier's Chee k ,
Vmi run no risk - t vi rj thlnif Riianinli e il e vnllv n l'r'""i , (,
Siilisf ii lion or your iiioiirj tmek. Order nt nnn suflv w" 1 u
LarKcU Distributors of Army TenU in United SUl ,
.159.361 E. Commerce St, . ' SAN ANTONIA, TEXAS
Used Cars
Three Fords, 2 late models, and 1 1914 model Touring.
Good rubber, and in good mechanical condition.
I 1918 Maxwell Touring.
1 Model 90 Touring, in good shape.
1 1918 Dodge Touring, fine condition.
1 1917 Chevrolet Roadster.
1 1917 Chevrolet Touring.
1 1916 Chevrolet Touring.
1 1917 Overland Touring. , , . ,
1 Vi Ton Republic Truck, with dump body.
He, new tires. All ready for the joh, barR81
price. New in February. .
1 2j Ton Master Truck, new tires nil around.
1 l'a P-nhwrd Truck, in good shape, rnnnR to a
Look this over. . .
Our values are right, and we do our bent lo K've nllM
lion. .
You will do well to investigate these if in Ihe market
a good used car or truck.
E.L. PERKINS, Second .nd Waging"