THE HILLSBORO ARGUS Cowity Official Paper L. A. Lone, Editor. F.ntereJ at the FW Office at llillsboro, Oregon, at aecoad claa mail matter. Subscription, $1 JO per annua. Iwued eeerr Thursday by Mr. . C. MeKinney and ll A. Long. Portland gave Senator tic. E. Chamberlain, a nmrm houte-oom-ing welcome in the Auditorium List niiiht. Senator Chamberlain ha placed Oregon on the map by hi instance that service mew jrrt proper treatment, and his at titude at all times has inmiiunJ ed him to hi constituency. Geo. E. i 100 per cent. American and Senator, and Orepon appreciates him. ATTENTION Two or three 1930-Modcl Sis Ituicks for immediate delivery. They will po quick do not lclay, F. E. Hartrampf," Main, at First, HilUboro, Ore CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere appreciation and thanks for all nsi.tattce rendered and floral tributes aent on the occasion of the death and funeral of the late Edward Wood, our beloved fath rr. Clinton Wood, E. F. Wood, Hannah Christensen. Notice to Threshennen A meeting of Washington Count tlirtwlii rmen is hereby called for 8 o'clock p. in., on Saturdar eve ning, July 2t. 1920, at the HUU horo Club Rooms, Mlin and Third Streets, llillsboro, Ore., for the transaction of such business as may come before the session and for the discussion of 1920 af fairs. AH come. Win. Hanson. Pres. A. D. Hill, Sec'y. 19-20 Born, to Ed. Coyne and wife, of HilUboro, July" IS, 1920, a irl. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rice, of Shady Brook, was over town the first of the week. Mr. Scobie, of the State Cham ber of Commerce, has Wen in the city this week, helping with the State Chamber drive. The Cham ber plan bi$r things to develop a state-wide effort to get Oregon on the map at Eastern centers so as to let the world know what we have; what we can do in the way . . a ol production; our matcnie climate, and the immense field for capital in industrial lines. T. S. Williams and family do part the first of the week for Denver, Colo., for Mr. Williams' health. They stop at Ialtrande for a few days and from there go to Kansas City, and later to Den ver. He sold his llillsboro prop erty to R. W. Cox, of the mill company north of town. Found: On llillsboro picnic grounds, July 8, two bills and a cheek. Owner mav have same be writing Miss Edith Wilkinson US Reynolds St., Portland, Or., giving identification, full descrip tion of cheek, amount of bills and paying for adv. For sale: Fresh cow, full- blooded Jersey; 3 years old; witu nrt call j tine luiik ttow. .Uo calf, i weeks old. Andrew ttestberg, lUIUboro, it. -j U miles south of HitUboro, ueai former Joe ttobinou place. 20 Thieves, beware! Auyoiu caught stealing berries or olucr- wuc trespassuig in any wauuci ou our property will be prose cutcd to the full extent ot tin lw,-HtU, Ualion & Lalef. ti Mrs. C JJ. Buchanan and son Cha., are spending the week a Rockaway, making the trip ovet by, auto. Ihey were accompanied by Leo Uoar, who returned tut tirst of the week. Miss Esther Baler, of cast ol North Jrlains, recent graduate ol liilhtboro High, is enjoying he vacation at Sea iew, Wn., tin house guest of Dr. and .Mrs. d. It Mulkey. Free .Methodist Church Ser vices are held iu the church every uigbt. iiev. t. W. Oliver, evan geltst. Sunday services at tli usual hour. John G. llesslvr Pastor. Wanted; Housekeeper; souk a one wno cares more tor a gooo home and kind treatment than for high wages. Inquire at 143 Main SU 19tf Andy Westberg, of Farming ton, was in town today. He say- he will aot have a very big appK crop this year, due to the severit of last winter. Fred Brown and Grant Dor rand, of beyond North Plains, were city callers Tuesday. Mrs. X. E. Dudley and child depart the first of the week for Atlanta, Ga for a summer's visit. Lutheran services next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, at the Ad vent Church, on Baseline Street. P. H. Schaus, Pastor. Spirella corsetieren. Drop a card or phone 384 and will call at your home. Mrs. M. E. Cau dle, Hillsboro. 1-S The ladies of the Congrega tional Church will give an ice cream social on the church lawn, Wednesday, July 21. Mrs. Melissa Jackson visited with her daughters, Mrs. C. B. Taylor and Mrs.. Wade Arinen trout, at Banks, this week. Eugene McCoy, a merchant of Ontario, where they raise alfalfa to beat the band, as well as first class fruit, is in the city, the guest of L. O. McCoy and C. C. Defrics. He likes Western Ore gon first-class, but is clearly wed ded to the big expanse of Snake River. For sale: Heifer, 8 years old just fresh, Grade Jersey, largi sized. Theo. VouGrunsven, Cor nth us, R. I, near the Wren place. 19-21 Wiufield Dryden and Burt Hall, of Portland, members of the Fleur de Lis at O. A. C, were in the city Sunday, guests of house brothers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State ol Oregon for the County ol w aching ton. In the Matter of the Estate of E. D. Parsons, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has by order of the County Court lor tee County of Washington State of Oregon, been duly appointed as Executor of the Last Will an Testament and of the Estate of E. I) Parsons, deceased, and has duly quul ined as such Lxecutor. AH persoi having claims against the said Estut art notified to present the same to th undersigned, duly verified as by la. required, at 1307 Yeon Building Portland, Oregon, within six montl from the date hereof. MICHAEL NOLAN. Executor. John C McCue, Attorney, 1307 Yeoi Building, Portland, Oregon. Dated and first published, July 1" 1920 Last publication, August 12, 1920 ATUEN TIOH! We have two or three 1920 model, six-cylinder Buicks for immediate delivery. Come in at once before some one snaps them up. The car that is al ways right. j F. E. Hartrampf Main at Front St., Hillsboro - HAVE YOUR ROOF RE paired and painted before rainy weather sets in. mmmvn Webfoot Roof Security Paint Used. Phone 421W or Sellwood 440 Wanted I "y be' p'U- fort 'r , 5 lrl tattle, ho 4 ' '. ',.' I !, , use good tnff . "" l'!",, Hesvrrt-nj mail addre.s. W, W. Xf.llar. Rtvd.tllr. tr. !" ...k( .. , r, i k, , Nsttionl It i, j . I'. I blr,j Agent will call and estimate Roland Asquith SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County. C. H. FiuKott, riaintiff, vs. Winifred C. Morrow, Defendant. To Winifred C. Morrow: In tin name of the State of Oregon you art required to appear and answer tht complaint filed against you in the above' entitlid ease on or before tht 28th day of August, I'JW, and if you fail to appear and answer said com plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for ire his complaint, to-wit: A decree for t71.00 and intrpt at f per cent per annum from May 20th, 1920; $50.00 Atty. fee; eos and lia busements; and a decree foreelnsinr a mortgage which you a.Htiumed ami agreed to pay, on the Northras' fourth of the Southeast fourth of Sec. 4, Tp..3, North of Range 4 W. of W. M. in Washington County, Or For further purtieuhtrs refntnee to the complaint in your Iuuh1 and on tile U hereby nmil.-. This summons as served om you by publication in the (lilt.dmro Aigun. a nt'npnpT of Kenenil circulutun pubiishi il in liilUtioro, Waitluiigton County, Uregun, and that the date of the flrt publication thereof Isthu 1Mb day of July, lUl'O, and the la t publi cation thcrf will be on the L'Cth iluy of August!, I'v.'O. Thitt summon is publisher! am! served upon you pursuant to the onler of the Honorable (ieo. R. flngley , which Order wax made and entered ot record in said rae on the 1,1th dny of July, 1920. Firnt publication, July 15, l'.20. l.ait publication, August 'If; 1920. C. 11. 1'igKott, Attorney for plaintiff, 2oT. Jeffeim Street, Portland, Or. Collection - Knight A, I j u. i menl Co., MrMlnnvillc, Ore. li l ATTENTION Growers of Srrtlling Cherries Your ilulilriii ur tdhi r ran make gmul money ji k Ing the fruit, iff .' .ilirt ree, Hint ,t (,,r Mir il l or enimery ju-t jumble them into n,bv and lii to tit. We Mri t the ! fur rnpngiiting iiriM , OREGON NURSERY CO. Orenco, Oregon urJrirKvMJViyiriririrMMnnxiprii9nriFn 111- mmszi illL toHBS It i llirr I ALONG any highway in town or out ZZ J Ml Jo I' f " nole 1,16 6reat number of Ajax loJ 2 llfll A l--v Kings. Yon can tell them hv their trianglej K 'W5tt 4 1 in J tTCa aUl tei 8,ur ShtAtlJcra of Strength. IvWlf?)! IK I We the complcle Ajax line. Come in. Let it Vlf MT y us hhow you why Ajax users ore bo euthusi VL lli m A fi i v. a',tic' ) Wp$ry HILLSBORO GARAGE : ''I ' L HUFF' """"" 4Sx rAfitnnwtfiinmwmwwfwuwsuu;;;;; I i J m I. . I r,roT"5 - - A A 1 ; . j -i r d f 4 I $1875 L j w-&w SERIES 20 SPECIAL-SlX The imooth, tweet running Special-Six motor b a tribute to the high fctarclartU of accur acy insisted upon by Studebakcr. A demonstration will show you the car' unusuil power, iuick pickup, flexibility and speed. AJk H4 nml Ik tutvhm J f.r Sfti.JAI.-SJ t . mi g,ll,t. U It, f 4mmWU WJ wwi .. I.t .. .. ..f. 4 mm 1M 'Thi$ it a StuJtbaiter War" H. C. PETERSON Hiltiboin, Oregon LUMBER Fr tin ! ti k I it $; t" t! I; 't iiiiiiiiitiit limn ii.ixu in riidin wi.ltli and ! ;b f"r f'it tM) dt my y irdi. 1 1. 1 it jiiir i'jMirtinitIy lt g I ' s " "' in rmili Inmln r nt nil i vlrrmily J"tt R. L TUCKER, m-su,h.p.r i h, Trfki Hbrcb xrhxo we call a cpcSs just that THE P0IT n)n a torn, BY ANY Qihnr no mo. . WOULD SMELL, a iwaet. AND THAT8 all rlUL BUT CALLINa! SOMETHING ELBE a roirt. WONT CHANOE lt .uwlL OF COURSE not, AND I'M not knocking. BUT JUST telling you. RIGHT OUT. . . THAT THERE are only, THREE GRADES. OF TURKISH Uweeo. FIRST, QOODl Turkish. WHICH 18 mlKlily (mod, t AND ALSO eimitvo. AND SECOND, POOR TURKISH tiMera. WHICH IS leu eiiHxmtva. AND NOT o !. AND THIRD, totmcen. CALLED TURKISH, which. NEVER SAW Turkey. BUT CREW, Or MILES awny, AND DOESN'T evm. TASTE LIKE Turkl-h. AND IT'S Mm Kil Titrklnh. THAT6 REALLY from Tufkif. THAT YOU t. IN THE elRireltea. THAT SATIsrY. !- OUR retilileht tuv''r in Turkf wnnt thfl hest-nml w th amne with Doniratie l.-nf. th.m l-y th'tt " ,', roploil method-. m.l V'U f'l! nmnkathnt nrtnnlly Ih- "wW , v - ) w m .i. TV