The27 JnilLLSBaiR I VOL XXVII. HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY IS, 1920. No. 19 fUlO S1A6E IUBIIS iitt in: Co,, Off GrecW on Trwillir Burd M04' Morwlna RAINS MAKE ROADS SUCK MmU 70 Fret Below, With 5i People ljurd m ' ur' ,lJ"n" ,',,lr," k.lliM.I 1 ltllr. .nt n the H ill Trr ll-r Bml."l. M"dy f..fvH.K.. Ml jur-ntf '"'l ' ' ''" Xhr I..J"'"'; O'Connor, trd SI ' 7f Tilt '" M . Portland. I' , .!... I and I' frur..l in 1.0 ,.!... .; II. M. H-tl" r.riUl. r' M'I trl '"! '"! I- i.f llir (',,, I ",,M r m,n " . ' I""1' 11 H trn. uf the ' -" t..n. S.Hlr, .-jf frai lured ami ,k injured. "! ..Hi. r irnir. .IikI'II.V t n'" l''i'l Tin- ir dmin ljr Olt Ull,l..r. at"l l yr.. ami thr l rlcl ) that ll.r m-. t'l- due 1,1 ' .rrd nvrr a Wet pr Thr tk pUce th- rune I'ri.ltff ami thr comf.iM kUti.ui. I l! ' " I" ''"' uf.l IlilUlwtro win II III'1 rok lima plate. The driver re jH.rtr.l I he affair and the pawn (.t. itr Liken Id Portland ill ail amlmlimr. Thr drUrr Hull .If. k. -r. .1 and roul.l lint 1m- In ri..l ui l.i Turaday in-irning, Int. klmwrd that tlt I. r mi a .!ir mill other part. hi. h iniM hate Ih- m rrM.n.i blr f..r ibr wrctk rr In -rrf-r( rtin.litioii. Tlu m,-.hed ear was m ini hm -hg. r, sivci Under marhinc ami iy Hit- Auto Co., 1iIh ownnl l.y ll falb.r of the .Irjrrr. It l liar.l la rrjlix- how the ntnrlitiir went ii rr tin- Imuk tli ritr lia.l tin Biiiiiiiliin in!.- of tli ilrlvr. Tlx mn.liiii.' lurnr.l vrr lhrri llmr brf.irr It lnmllr fouii.l I.Ml;rnii-lil in tin- I !m k l.rtikli. It U oiil that lli- y.Mititf iiiin driving hn.l nrvrr Itfrn r fitiiim.l II a rhnulTVur. DROP CAME TO GUARDS Tin- HilUlMir.i IkIuii , thr Sulijity (inmr t llif Mull ii'.in ill (iiinr.U uf I'lirlloiiil, corr U tn 7. Tnnrt mul N il M-n liiul n tiny, ainl limy nut in uniform, lulntf utiflVrrr' frmn n i v rr rul.l. The (JunnN h.l th.-lr ryr ilh tlnni nii.l rtinnr..-,l nt will. ". Ili inlrrun lin Itrrti iin 4 mul will .ly nrKt Sutulity. Tin- fi lliiw viliu ilrl-it tin fixlit mi Ihp -rroiimU Siin.lny 'l mit.-il with tin? fiu-iriU. n. ;i, or.lrrrd off tin lirl.l ly Minn.-, r S.-wi-H, ant! Hit I -iii wilie In niolojfe for tlp iulru il-r'n nin.liirt, ni th lioyi want ni r.i.yinm, nml will hot have il. On Sim.lny. July 18, t Jj.IO, " Cniiin Itluri will l.c litre. Iltitt't .ivrrlimk Ihem c rryluuly tMilUi-. Hm.. r Mii.ti. I.I, lm)frt fr lb.- ,II,,r M. r.iiti,-, , Juy I..i, ,t ,lri r f tin Mrr. unt,!.. fru. k, arr i,,tl( lu. ky tl.. .r ,!-), Im ky that tl" y alhr, Tomiiwu.l a, IrttlMK thr tru.k. nu. I M.if,r. " 'lli , tin- t.. havin-t"ii- afl.r 4 li' if. r, hi.h a .1 into ,r i.llV) Vtlii-r. Thr ma. In... i, ha ,y ihr S. . (rain mar, iin.riunit, an. I th r.- a h .r.lly tiioukIi li ft f thr iji .i t.ll nhithrr it a a. r. iron or tin" r. rniiaiit uf a ma. din.-. Mt,,i;, . had In. knrr i fi. tli.lo. ntr.l t.ii.1 hit i IIm.w ly lirniM'd, an. I utainr. a l.rok. n toller Imum-, tmo fra.'turr.l nl an. I truior . uU and l.ruiw-a. lr, I . . Smith all. n.l.-.l thr in jnrn . r.r. ntly lol a lliuinli in an an Mi nt. Iut hr i, K ll.l. all iurili( thr limr thr iI.h tor mi .In hiiik hi woiinil. In- ta rr'iiit alunit t !- In ifrr. wlii.ll . .nit M.itt frrr ami a hit. r i i ii f h' l.y a Jianriu ffirm. r. J. ('. Il .rll. v. of Mar-lull. Vli., arriM-.l b. rr Ut rk t make hit limn.- with Inn .lau-htrr, Mr.. May Hla.l. ., fr an in. I. fi nitr .. rio.l. Mr. Ihrtl. y i at lioinr lit tin- r. unity .rat lirrau.. hr -kill with many of hi. ol.llitiir id ighhor from tin Hank tir. rn; lllr wrlioti from day to iliy. Il .till krrp. hi. Marl lull home, John It. lUil.V, llir lliitun r fruit grow.r, ai in thr rity T'lrktUy, rrturniii-c from a I' trii. Ilr ha a (nt roM-t t for irtitira and llartlrtt (w ar. tin krn.oii, and a luiky riiou'li .i i-il irit ti.-ally all hi. hay in In f..r.- tin- rain f tlil r k. Ir. ii- Moon intra Harry Monrr f..r . truln hi. Slu- want t'ii . r mouth for I In- ran of tin- lul. I of Imm ln- n.k tin cuk She ay tin in a ktrrrt -r l oinlui tr and In rr- rir.l hi m.tnnrr for tin imiMi.-, trratuiK hrr t-rurlly at mil tiimn. Litll.' I.lialrlh Wilro. I'i year. i!.ii(litrr uf Mr. ami Mr. V, J. ViWo, of nrar Itrrd lillr, ilird kllihlfllly nt Twill Ito.k, Ore, frmn an ntta.k of hrarl troulJi. Sin i aurvivnl hy lirr pnmiU. ami our lirothi-r, Wliitnry, and a .i.t.-r, Marian. KUi- I'rntliir, i'd 15 yrri. of, nn. I Omrr llullrr, of St. Ilrlm. n(..l l! yrnri, writ tiiarrird at Vam-mivrr, W'n., Fri day. Nanry K. I'ratlirr, mothrr of thr lirid.-, ri-uri'd tin Iiii-nr, RivliiK writti-n )rrmi.ion for thr nu'iti.iN. I'ini I.. Hrown, 1. Im Ix'rn nii.l. r tin- t ar. uf a jihykirian for many month. , i in from near Ijiur. I. Saturday. II It lffin- nin-r to look likt a new man ami Hill ton Ik alil- to give- the brut of till-Ill n'. Mm, 11. K'. Sint.on ami j-raml ilaititliter, Mr. Millie 1'unh. of Portland, wi-re IlilUWro visitor, tin: la-il of the week. Mrs. Simp ou now at Oregon City. Mr. and Mr. Frank Hidrlik, of Seattle, Wn., were fruekt of Mm. M. A. Towel! the la.t of the week, returniii(f home Monday. John Wtmderlieh, of Hank, wn in town th! Imt of the week. 1 HEAVY HI DID CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE But Alto Doe. World of Good lo Vegetable Kingdom 2 JERSEY YOUNGSTER HEAVY GRAIN LAYS DOWN Salvation of Spring Crown Crops, However Lots and Gain Jai. Rohli, nf near Roy, a a city raller T'u. wl iy. Eaitman Kmlik and Film at the Phannary. ltf C Sore n n, .if nrar Rrrdville, was an Aru eaiir, mml.y. Selected by Committee Bull Aa- 1h. and Tho. Nii.n, of 1 kociation. After Tour of State SelioU. were rity e:tl.-r the l.l f the werk. I LIGHT HUNDRED FOR TWO Geo. Sent by Expreaa to Skarnoltaway Bull Aaaociattofi, on River The liravy ralm of Monday and Monday night did a world of good, whirli wan tome eortiM-tia-tion, hut alao did eon.i.lrrable damae t- winter grain, flattrn- injr many field ko that it will be neeeinary to rut the crop "one way." A great deal of hay ha heen eut and U in the awath or khoi k, and thi too, will Ix eolor- . a k a a a e.l runi.rratilr. and tlamaKed quite a little if the moikture eon tinur to prevail. The hill farmrra, however, where Potato ii King, are juld laut over the faj t that late plant ed potatoea will thrive from thik on, and there U promlae of a rrop. f'hrrriea are kuffering much from the rain, particularly thoae that were just ready to pitk, for they are aplitting badly. Those which arc jut turning are not ulTrrtng aa yet. Taken by and Urge, while the precipitation ha worked damage it al.o hat done a world of good. Two yrart ago, a little later than Ihi. we had nearly a werk of rain, and the damage wat offset by the benefit, Oregon weather hat a naaty faculty of doing the wrong thing at the right time but it generally balances very nicely and you can't alwayt order it just a you want it. Cypher, wat a eily fternoon. George Trimble, of Helvetia,! Grorse I!icrdorf. who raise wat in tne city .Mon.l-iy alter rrjmtered Jersey stock, shipped noon, greeting railroad friend, two bull ealvet, registered ttock, Karl Cramm. r and Roe Strib-tn t,,c Skamokaway Bull Associa ting were recutlv married at Unn Skamokaway, Wash., on n 1 . m Beaverton. Ii. v. Wil. y oin.-ialin-f. ""r morning, receding lor months. They arc half brothers to nine heifi-ra for which Biers- tttfmmn tt I'ar.nii.ifliin M . rr I . ' ' I ttinnrlik f.n.1 lrn i.ln..p tar m m greeting lis Hie city lues- day. Ray Reawim-r, w ho is handling I dorf refuted l,000 each at nix the Hillside quarry for the court-1 month of a nr. Their dam are ty, wat dow n to tlx- county seat junior 2 yi ar-ol.l., and on official ursdaj. I test one produced 411.25 Ibt. of If you are in the market for a ,,u,ltep fat "-,,20? dsJr nd the I have ,mr buv it. a Mil. bell 0l,, r 0,i 0' 11"' ,n 239 y tith t-reen b.Mlv.I). . wnimilU rej.resenltng ..... R'l .. I. n m q w toured all over the Mate in search J. E. I)icki..n. of Oreneii,! f fuf t.nIve. and after lookinir with the Orrg.iii Nur. ry Co. at v,.r tic varioua herd, selected f present, was a city caller lues-1 hiilf of the quartet from the Rk'nidnrf herd. -The Bicrdorf herd was visited bug I chassis Corwin day morning. For talc: Ibre, weight, 1200 Ibt., 130. Inquire of C. Son n ton, two mile south of Reed ville. 19 21 at the time of the Jersey jubilee, and Jerev breed.-rt were mr prised at the way the ow ner han .ii... i I.:. .-.I . Li. . a , I uu u it. va aai av ihi iiioih i Air. and Mr, l-rank rami, oi , . ... s etrV . a I""" l'""' ramomca, came up luesoar t Ualrrmen ran readily are that tee now tor couniy s. ra w a . .,, rii,,. , riflt kinA . . t ...-.-.-.-------p,- progretaing. , . , ilni few Mrt. Chat. S. Parker, of Port-1 ashinf-ton County will be rank land, was brut to the Dr. Smith I jug first in production of blooded ospital, the nr.t of the, week fori cattle. an operation. I The calves were shipped by Tho. W. r.....-r ami R.-rnice pref t"d, and reached their RECITAL There will be a recital at the ChrUtian Church, July 18. Thr program: Character Sketches (Imperson ation), Only a Newspaper Guy Ixn rishback. "Down in the Forest" and Wonder If Ever the Rose" Flor ence Garrett. Hut otherwise we're well How we tried to whip the teacher I.rn I i.hback. "The SUr" and "At my Dear Old Mother" Miriam Stockton The Spell of the Yukon Len li.hbark. "To a Hill top" and "Gray Days Marjorje Wells. "And so did I" and "The latest Form of Hysterics" Len Fish back. Violin Solo Ruth Helms. Hit First Case "Jet Only Her Fish back. "The Bars are Down In Lovers' Ijine" Florence Garrett and Marjory Wells. Providence Fulled Him Thru Len Fishbark. Trio Misses Garrett, Stock tlon and Wells. . -v .. A r.v? i ft i When you sell your fcStfKCW ft l. ' -- a...-. in i i rwr.v.---:JVt i' put and keep m Ones man wkn AlAn't Iwlieva in banks. wa ploughing, nd he plowed up a tin can containing $500.00 that had been "Juried by some other man who did not believe in banking his money, . That $500.00 is in the bank now along with money that the id farmer received for his crop. Our bank is a safe place for your money. Put your money in our bank. You will receive 3 to 4 per cent, interest. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK WANTS TEN THOUSAND Veda Armstrong, who married J C. Armstrong, at McMiiinYille, in 19 IS, asks for divorce on the grounds of cruel and. inhuman treatment. She alleges that the husband abused hrr for correct ing Ms children by a former mar riage and encouraged the chil drcn to be saucy to her. She also charges that he slapped her and called her vile names. Mrs. Arm strong swears that she left him and that this Summer the husband went to her and threatened to do her bodily injury if she did not return and live with him. She asks for $100 per month pending the suit and petitions the court to give her $10,000 permanent ah mony.. Armstrong lives near For cat Grove, and is reputed to be fairlv well provided in this world's goods. EpGINGTON RICE . Oliver Sherman Edgington and Lura M. Rice, of near Blooming, we're uuited in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. t. M. Kice, July 10, Rev. Walton Skipworth ofliciuting. Hugh Rogers, chief of the S. P. scaling forces on log ship ments. was in Marshfield last week and had dinner with the J S. Lorsungs. Rogers, says J. S is always busy, but takes time to hear of old Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luther and children, of Salem, were dow over Sunday, truests of the Har trampfs'and Luthers. While here they sold their Hillsboro proper ty, having purchased a home. in Salem, where i-arl is in tne em of "(lid Glen ti.itur Monday Al Mulloy, of I.aur. I, and F.d. the younn.ter the neat little sum of $300. One was aged 7 destination within 24 hours after ihipment. v CAPT. E. D. PARSONS DEAD Hodgdcn were married in Hills boro, July 10, l!-'0, Judge W. II. Smith officiating. L. J. Rukhlow, who is located with his family at Barview fori Captain E. I). Parsons, for many the season, is home fos a few I year a Columbia River pilot and days on business. I steamboat man, died at St. A in Il.- II..-, .), (. ...,;. it.- rents Hospital, Portland, July 9 .v. v, - ... n I .mam r . . . r. . - . I eountv otiarrv u at Manninir. apia.n i arson was agea j , i -.-. .i . ..i r... 'I J i. I 1, CI 111. I. . l IIIVIAI . orite arnont; the pilots of the month of the Columbia. He left was down to the county scat Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Seiffert, of Ln worth nerhaos nine near Phillips, were In the city thousand dollars, and among his Monday, incy expect to move est,te was a 8mall pIace at into Hillsboro this Fall. Huber. which he willed to Can- Marriage license was granted Mn Geo. McNelly. His other be the last of the week to Glen I), quests were as iouows: To Captain Michael Nolan who is . Ins executor, his gold watch, his Liberty Bonds and his war saving stamps: To Eugene Mann. Huber, $260 and his poultry and a calf; To Airs. Laura C. Mann, Hu Henry Doolcy was in from her, his diamond ring; Sheeley and Greta Mclntyre. The groom hails from A ernoma. For sale: Several tons clover and timothy har In shock. T. R. Davis, North Plains road, 3Vi miles N. W. of Hillsboro. 1 8-9 To Miss Clara Willing, his nurse in his last illness, at St Vincent's Hospital, $50 in cash To little Ruth MeLcod, Huber, Banks, Friday, greeting oldtime friends and getting the lay of the land on things jw'.'lcal and oth erwise Lester Campbell, of ScholK i .llor TiimiIiu- Ilr k.. . c. .tt !,.. Ur. lis small gold watch ; not. aui... ...... " .- - - - went nearly flat with the heavy o j. ma-cewce, nuoer, n SF250; To Jimmie McLeod, her broth precipitation. household goods at Huber; To Cant. John Retrl. Aatnrin n .... 1, I 1 U. U. igm, oi -orncnus, was hig two blooded hogs; in town Tuesday. Mrs. Wight To the McXi-cjd at Hub; will soon make a trip to unaat u. an 1,-jfe-. to visit rclaUves, provided Her To Sam Lotan. Portland, 2 lots health will T,00mis Park. Multnomah : AVanted: Unincumbered wid- To Frits Hirsch, Astoria, lot in ow wants position as practical Loomis Park ; nurse or housekeeper. Call, or to a. js. Lamm, Astoria, lot in write to Mrs. M. Persinircr. 2C5 Loomis Park; Holladay A v., Portland, Or. 21 Captain Nolan is made trustee F. M. Loft is, of near Rccdville, of the crops on the Huber place, ace. goes to Capt. McNelly, he to pay any deficiency, if any there be. . BIG SUIT FILED . . r the same to be distributed amonjr was in town luesuay, nis scnooi :, . n district will soon paint the W itch .f. . , . . . , rnntv IT 1 ..,.. .! l.A.ww . ...11 t,r " . r--r---v- l ....... v.... , !. IT..V 1 lilil. I r.,,.l In Bn..l-h TWA', ml p r this issue. Dr. J. O. Robb operated on Mrs. Max Crandall the first of the week, and Mr. Crandall. who is occunit-d nt Corvallis, came down I A. tr. lieals, of iillamook, hied to be at the bedside of the patient in circuit court this week a suit during the critical period of her asking judgment in the sum of trouble. I spun 57.08 part payment on togs r, w . t, , sold the S. & Av. Lumber Com 1 nos. Vr. menu a ii. v. uau.ii , . . . ..... , m . . nanv. and for the further sum of was down to nuisooro luesuay, v - , . , with the cheering word that the ' . . r rains did potatoes and gar- . . I. . .! . 1.1 aens ana imc --r... .unu v. .f . . r,:.KJ t anvwtV. I . i n-- Mav. the eon John Boeker Sr. returned the tract price beine $25 per M. de- last of the ween trom n nine Jivered, and the note sued on was months stay in Los Angeles and given for lumber furnished the San Francisco and other tnlifor- company. AV. N. Sharp and C nia points. He has given up his T. AA'insW are the partners Eastern trip, but may take a no- forming the S. & A Lumber Co tion to go back along about In dian Summer time. Lionel Rosenthal, student at O. A. C, lately with a surveying force near the British line, at Glacier, AVn., was in the city ov er Sunday, the guest of Verne McKinney. He reports that Cliff Long is still on the survey up there. Rosenthal goes to Scap poose this week to work on a survey. Hare, McAlear & Peters are at torneys for Beals, C. H. Piggott, who bnilt the Haunted Castle on the Portland mountain, just ' above Sixth Street, has sued Winifred Mor row to foreclose a mortgage on some land tip In the hills. Harry Cook of Cornelius, was shaking hands with county seat C. C. CUCIIAIM & CO. (Incorporated) Hillaboro, Cornelius and North Plains , Wholesale aad Retail Dealers la Grain, Hay. Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot skipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Tamburgh, Joha C Bailey, W. W. McEldowTiey, rVswitWat. Vice Preaklant. Cashier. D. X. Chaasy, E. F. Borttngham, Aatiataat Cashier. S G. H-tfbea. FORESTGROVENATIONAL BA FOREST GROVE, ORE. STATE12NT OF CONDITION At CaJI of the Cos-apfaolkr, ftiay4,183. RESOURCES Loans $7I,6.06 U. S. and Other Bonds S17,147.S4 Banking Honse 19,041.00 Other Real Es tate 1,880.00 Stock in Fed. Res. Bank. SJSO.OO Cash and due from Banks 198,6604)4 $1,000,611.64 LIABILITIES Capital, $28,000.00 Surplus, $78,414.41 - . $98,414.41 Circulation 18,000.00 Deposits 886,197.98 $1,009,611.84 Only RoH of Hobc Dank ia Waeliintoa ConBty 3 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS 4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON 12 MONTHS CERTIFICATE NOX-A-FLY KEEPS THE FLIES OFF OR YOUR MONEY BACK .25 Gallon TRY A CAN ON OUR GUARANTEE The Delta Drug Store Watches Silvemare Noveltie Prompt Repairing H OFF MAW JEWELER AND OPTICIAN R&nst t IClsboro, Ornoo , i ploy of the S. P. friends the last of the week.