GSJS, VOL XXVII. HILLSBOKO, OREGON, JUNF. 17, 1920. No. 15 BUILDING MOVE 15 OH IK HIUSBORO vrrd lti"K-I i,n,,pr C,m,,fuc' STARTS PACE T., and1 TiU Ga nct !. l",rl Washroom ,IM..... I (.III "I rill" r t III. I mm. r,nt'" 'mi.' hit K '-, ""ili f In.. I' (,.r mi 111(1. Ml. I " lit rlmm" 1 rml- lli Mr li! f' l,l 111. iii , ,i -it-it ImiiI'Ihii? hi .iiu ihitrii liiml 111 1 1 1 ll f lilt Itlll'lll 11 I ru It 'm, I In I nrl i'i. lull n.lliiij s It l.tllk nililllimi In i, I lint nil Sniinil ( (Kilt, niul v, ill lint I' Inn k tiji.iiu v. ll l lnv Ull r (In llll'.llli l A.- i itrr nf lli li(J iiiii.iih I'i' twill i i J , I, ,. -i ii nf I lif (ipiiuuii ( t Iml ll iluln'l In n- n fr Hint M lit if In . . . I .1 ..I, X I ui 'inu f;ii mm n fin I p i.lilr Wlllll I it, n III lul!l I'I ' 'I' I'MMHi .li.ln.t, illiit 'iliiliiiM ir.ii' II i 'l'' I'fi'l'i ' ll"''" ,' ju(.l... lu i .iiii.iil liV i.illii I iutii. i (litl lit id ili;lli. . . I it Ht'I l.ll.Ii llnHf MIT, ' lw lui .1 iiu' in Iriulurr. )r .1 I'. T mili'tlt II I 1 li! ' an. I i. in. nl tinfitfr mi. I. r inn j irilili.'li '.l.lj.iilllllU I Hul l; '4li,ii. "!. I'll lln K at I In- ill ! in t r n 1 1 ii -; I , i ... i , .,i.,n. ii. , mm i i iniH hi my pill III Minji,' Iiu- 1 l ' f , r, f iriill mill I, p I ... IS y IIM, I Mllillijt U in. lull, , j w llii iill nil In 1 1 -.1 km nl ( ,,, , f lim.imil, mi.l i. rH, , nil, 111 TV l"lll.llll III tin' U lllllllirllr Vullry. Tiiki ll liy mill iir(r, linn I lill iln.r.i W mrin i iuimiIi fili I... .11 i.... . . . , .i . linn. I. iiu iiiijic.n i in. Ill in IfilH t rn uf l.iyli .rli i fur in mn t.ilmr, 1 I I, a t i t . I .. Ill iiw ll, nl M tiiiiini, tin i i lit I iillrr M.iiuUv, !,. ('. J(ti in , nf III fir Ttinllltill m n lilt ritli r Sntnrdn v. A. I' II nil. I. ( 1 li!r tin w n iii frmii iii-n r luil nf tin- ttn It On tlili'll "' l' rr Sin I .!(), tin- ISO f f.iiilliitf nil ! M nil Mm I. ! I ,-. ,,.... . t.i I. it. ll,, I, nil. I In;" fur im'i iitii iv liy ,Sr. j I, .if .i mi. r, if io -ftii', ir U 1 1 U .n.. U milling lit; liit M iiu Mrn t ImiiIiIiiiu, llnw in I fiijin .1 . tin' Smilli. tn I'.u ilii j an. I . !i..- , lln i lntlit. r,, killi n full ..i .. in. nl niul. rni old j , Mr. Ii.. ...vt liLi nit (In' liit"j lii. nl in. I 'tilv.'IO f. i I uf llii- itf - I j (I. Tin ttlll In- full' r m ni lUni nn iii i l iiu rtimii 1 1 , i n. I u 1 1 r HIIVIilll .i l I'. r. I..UJ fill l.iul.l ,t l.n.ktl 'I'I' ti.irili n( hi lnri on, I lln- lrf J r n, r, ,V. . Spr.ilirr, uf tnfi'uiiili. '.'."niiH. Ili', Inn, II'kI i tt. t . il.iii. m-rr litf inHrr-i tin' I', W tflli, nf nriir l'iiriiriiii (rri Ii il frn iiiU In lln- city Snlur liy. Jniili Wi li e r, uf II. him, ttitu ill .iii S.ilnrilfit , -in. I i nih il mi .In- It . 1 1 1 n'l r, 1. I'.. Jiijii, nf in it North I'lmll. n n IlilUlmru tillnr llir .irl uf ihr vtri k. I! nl in. I Ki lly hi liiinijlil llir trtti Ant. i lln ry .iiiin ii niul ',. I ikl 11 nii iilll. I'nr iir Thri-i ImiKm, hn i, rm i mi nl i in ninl paiil; rny linn ('nil 1032 N' n tli t iik 1 Mrnt I3tf ):. I ( 'inn lint, nl (iliiiu ' rti I'l-iui. in utn Snlur I'll l.n ll'l I illlll' itl Huh '. in ilium ili ili ly nfl.r ruin Intrn. l uiiml: rii, mi hifrlm ay I Jlrn rliiii. I'ny fur Hilt',, prnvr jiruj'irty mnl Inkr il . 1 1 ill Mntrii- Stnrr, 1311 Mitili Mrii-t. HI5 I. ('. llin lT'l. uf iirnr ttnil . (!!-, li.i kiiu Iium In run a wniltrt t in h fiinl mitkr ll puj' . . II I! I nrlli hil 1 nil til llllNluiru i . 'iiltinl.iv J I'ur.l li 1 . tnitlitliiii , In ly in nil. illt In w. fl.-. r. s i u i In lirl fin' miiili'il r tin ' f2."i for t i i V IIUi n, IlilUlmro, (). Iliilrti'til Strrrl, f. 15 17 Itt.irr rmiin, niul it ill 1 11. r mi run nn. . III. r .l.irt mi I lit' liiililmlf . S. nn n in ti Ii.iiiii me Innlt in Iiu illt, lln- h tin lit uf Ihiiihi f..rrtiii U'lii'. H ll' ftint 1. 1' mnl liiiiilhirtl ttmihl liur.l't n rt ntiT it h -ii' for Uir ll ii i lininlfil lliitl liifnrr I'iill fnrly in u li.iiur will Imtr In . ll linl'jii'.l. Tin Hly will i'i.'ll,l tttlll Ih.nniml iliillnr nn Shiili' I'urk, Ihr Inn ma t iirrnil it! tin' ihilmn. Tin ruiinrll mnl tnntur Hill mni ilrtlirc n itll nilr rnr,im mnl 11 i miiil it will ll.'l lr mri;iry I.I W'lit ti'rt Inn,' null! ihinn t ill In' In.'t im' il"n nn ihr fiy ihi i;riiiilii. Tin Hiif Imprint Iiu lit Tin niillv ii) iuilillll4 ini Ji nn i ii i ii riilrr into Ihr iinln triil iiliiiiliini, T'hi i tin' liii! Iirii I. itinl irmriil ( niim ry Imill (hi .hiiii liy Ihr ll.iy Mnliim ( "ni j, ,V, u iliuiciii'iii n in iiiniiuili, mnl il h niflli l uvi-r 'HI 1 1 1 !- Iiurk "ll North It.'lUKr, Muliinif frmn iihiiitiui In 1! i i in-. Thr slnirlnrr i nnr xloi'i, is iiiiitU rii in coil! riirtiuii Ut nf tin- ik. Mm. Sprniir i.niviil miiitr itrri injiiririi in I" in 1 1 In- It.rlhi ttml. Iillt U now fill ly ri nit rrril, I ,.r Stir (. I. C nvf, Inttrr tlmll iv wrrku "lili l" (Tn i.trr Wlutf lirootl now to fur cm nl onrr, lirri! to O. I. C. Irr. O-ttnr I'tTii-l, '. miliii ulinvc M.iunUlniliilr. 1 H i "Ii hi Shniirr n in Mniiilny , nirtiiii't h-ikiiiK limnl with hint i nn r ihr hrnvv ruin of Sun ,i nl'ht. CTrm Hityi tlmt Hi' ,.,'u who khk nln'iit Orr-jiill mitt i ht.rr Himir prmiiTl, M.trriol innn vmiti poition nn r.imli nriir IIilll"ir or Forrt Cirntr for miminrr nr for yritr. If ilrirnl, vtiftf run rnnk fur r.iiuTi. Impilrr nt or itililrri. 1 107 I.inniln Street, HilMr, OriKon. 1 lfl Ht rni'in l in k mill wife, nf lune Miinnl.'iitiilitlr, were in the . jly S iluiiliiy, i ttin remit- to l.nt Ihi u rik to Kiinvi, tthere in y will vilt riTnlive-i In HuiTI . unly, eieeliiiK t'i I"' livt I ninth. E. KILIED; AIRJJOLLISION Wi Son-in-l.w of Mr. und Mn. Iw! Knnci, of IlilUlxiro he Vest i i ii i it mr m 'mil . 3(11 1 1 tUT5 "1 rf.dlAli;. i l'l,J i' fl 5-' Wit There it nn ancient phrase which y "When poverty comrg in at the door, love flies out of the window." The most nocure wny to begin a married life it to give her hank book for a wedding present, and add some to it each l'yday. Come into our bank and talk it over. You are always wel come. Put your money in our bank. You will receive 3 to 4 per cent, interest. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK FALI-S 1,000 FEET, SUNDAY Was Aged About Thirty Years and Was Accomplished Flyer I. yiin Mrlli-inly, ni, i IK) y (irt, n kilhil in an tiiriilnnr f ollimuii inir I nrt Unm, Cnl., Suinlny nf lrrmi.,11, tt, (nvinu nml liml itilh him in ,,. iiiailiin, hrotli.ri, ("Ifirrmi- mnl Wnllnrc luhiiiui, uf Iliili innik, ("jil. Hi m l aiiutlu r nidi liim- nt nu nlti- ililr of i tliuiiitiul fri'l nli. I In n the iriili i'ii nn- Mill. ml y' mn him- rmijhl tin- mnl fill to tin drill. The l i.lliillnj lurti liini li'iil n ilmie l.rukiii liut tin Irivi r, Sjiiki- l",Ii)riilr, lnn.l t in nf. ly. Mrllrinly wn with tin A. K. 1". n I ritiirr mul rrliiriiril nhoul lh linif the nriiiltiri' un nit'iii il. Hi tfl mnrriiil ti Sttr Kiinr. only UukIiIi r nf Mr. nml Mr. I. i ".nir, uf IlilUl.iiru. Mr). I'.iiih i 'ntn lirrn t ;i k i 1 1 if n "l (f ruiliiiilr 'iinilirn I'liiir)- ftl the Itrlmkf iValkrr rullejtr. She left fur I'mt IJrfiif Mmnl'iy n siuui nn i,1h- re I'itiil in fn nn n t ion nf lln- trnui'- ly. MiTlrnily tn tin- tirt lo ninki i new lu rifitril, when, in 1017, 'ir Imnlrcl within '2 fi-it uf a tu flapf, net fur n lent. He- at 4iiMinri to uri within lfl 3 feel if the (jnnl lt mnrk (tuecrHs, Iml nude a njilemlij ion. He n rtprrlrtl N'orth hrri- nnv lav, vthrii ihr new t'niii of hi lentil. Interment will tlitiihth- 1' in 'In Smith. M. V. O'Coiiin II, nf lli nvrrtiin, wan ii) l lln: i'itt Snliirihiv. Jim- Wrrri' ttn. over from Soiilh Tll.'ilit.'ll Tn. njiy morn '"( It, W. I! r(f, of in ii r ilravi-rtoii, ti 1 1 1 to tin- rnimly i.iiit Mon ilny. (',. V, Syvi-rmm ttut ii from I -low Ilfir.ehlnle, ncjir Coojiir f (Mllltllin, tin- 1.11 of the week. E R FOR GAR USE ke Bull by Horns and "Chip in" for First Carload lot to Town ' pUnti, v rent I v.', HilUl.oro. of ( 'ily Park, on 15-17 i l K. P. STILL UNBEATEN ITi.Hiiis l.utlc No. .It i ill un Uenteii when it fome lo tin Ht-1 in 11, In the l;it leu yenrn it hait from year In year hail a team in the In-itl, nml every year they nave Inkiu the n imniit in all lode ;.- v.' . Similar 'he Pythian imiriieyetl to Yamhill, where ther h'-nt tin" Jural l'vthian Irani. rorc 17 to . The rmm" were wet. the hall wai wet niul the hoys were wet yet awful dry nl lime. Fred Srwrl! rhaprroned the Hillthoro KniuliU nut! the ivay they hit tlir hall on thr it our wasn't slow, I)oc Hossiiian start .i f i . . iiijr me nrework hiut iwo men were out ami no nror" in thr firt iniiiiilf. Alter itimnnan i-onneci- il everyliDtly pnnehed ihr iphfre niul it wis curtain for l nmhill. ultho' the hovi did their "drrn- leit." Thr hovii takinR Jart in lite Kitnie front Hillsboro were: n.tljili Willinuii and Lawrence Tniiifiirt, pitchers; (. l'lulps. intehrr: Thad. ('. Reynold. lh; Ir. J. 11. itossman, ah; Hay Siif hr, 3li; Carrol I.onsf. ss; f. 1'. l'ayrmn and J. 1. Anderson, rf; Italph Deavillr. f ; Win. Nelion ami Win. ietfler, If. Carl Hande. the mnsrot, hein in quarantine, wai iinnhlc to it t out, Imt they say he prayetl for his IlilKhoro hrntheri thro the entire day. BRANDAW ANDREW A Vteililinjf f Inlrrrnl to Hillsho ro iteople w as rt h hruti tl at Fnrn liamville, Iowa. June 8, ID-JO, when Charles Brand w, of thi- oil V, wits united in in irri.t;-;e to Mis Orpha I.. Andrew. I lie . 1 . ... i i jrrooni 11 well Known nere, mm wan overMeas with the .. r.. r. He is the son of Mr. und Mrs. A. Hramhiw, of Fir St., and has a host of friend) here who wish him and his hride every lwippi iiess. Mrs. llramlaw is a well known younif lady of Fnrliain villi, and for years was wilh the lemlinir newspaper of her eont iiiunitv. They nrrivetl here Mon day afternoon and will make this eilv their home for the immediate present. VISIT ASTORIA Astoria last week was the Meeea of the (irnnd Armv Veterans and the Woman's Relief Corps. The n.irt eitv irave the old veterans a great welcome ami they enjoyed themselves immense! v. ext year they will have their annual en enmpment in haslern Uieon Those nre.seht from Ilillshoro ,.,,.rpE. V. Sias, Mr. Estep, Geo Wann, Mr. Anderson, J. I.. Crow Franklin Doughty, Jas. Hoy Mrs. Mary L. Barber, Mrs. Mary Sahin, Mrs. Mary Led ford, Mrs .Insner Orabel. Mrs. Francis Co ta and Mrs. Haines. P.. Klinc-er, the Tualatin quar rv man. was up to the city the jlast of the week. J-'or mile : K i i al ii. I'lioiu 1'irnt honor rit Miph- Strei I. .Mr. and Mm. lint llrnter am iliiuuhUro niiu- ov r from Van roiiver thr firnt of tin- week ajid .pent thr day Hilli frii lulo. Taken up: li iy horn-, nhoul 00 Iho. Owin r may have same I v pavinf for ki ( p nn. I this adv. " V. M. Walk, r, Laurel, It. 1. rhone Seholls I.'. I.inr 13. 17 Mr. and Mr. J. (". lierhi-n ami Mr. and Mrs. Frank Imhrir name in from near )r mo, Saturdiiy Id nee flow th- (.'.is sliortajir wa ifrltirtj? alon. W. H. I'reiK'li. of 1'oresl drove, .t no down to tin' t ity Saturday He is lliinkinif of llinif his 1 H00 tcreo of hohliiiL' up in Morrow i ountv, and t.av tju re is ipiite a lemniid for hi timber land, of vt hit ll he has a line hit For ale: Russell thresliinif outfit, run but three seasons; in ;'ouil l oiiilitiiin ; new iii.tin belt nml new 12 lil.l. steel tank. lake it for $S50. Terms if desired. -R. W. Brr. Beavertoll. Ore., R 15-17 .Mrs. l-.arl ltinule is up Irom I.os Anifeleo for a few week' visit with her hroihers. r.noi-n mid Wilber J)illon. .-tin! her moth i r, Mrs. Nancv Kim;. F.arl is now foreman in a bi'r Los Anireles meat market. Wish t.i rent a farm of 50 to 100 acres in cultivation, wit! .-ixitl -sized barn, capable of tak ing care of 15 to 25 cow. Want ed bv responsible parly will bank references. Address B. Y L, Box !. Hillsboro, OreKort. R F. D. 5. l-lfi 1. A. 1'rakcs. the well known Scnppoooe brieder of reijisteret entth-. has jronr F'.ast to buv re-fis tered 1 Itilsteino to imprtive hi u-r. lie attemleil the llolslem Ass'n. nteeliiiy; at Chicago. Phi is well known here, hnvinir at one time owned a farm near Nortl Mains. Instruction In piano, June, .In ly ami August, by n pupil of .ieblinir. of Chlcazo. and the New York Institute of Musica rt. For appointments, tele hone Saturday of each week Hillsboro. P0.1. Miss F.lna An erson. IS-15 .Mrs. Rose llolmason, wile o John llolmason, of near Oreiico lied Friday. June 11, 1!20. at l) u ash. I o. Hospital. Mie wa aired JI3 rears, and was a native of Iluhn-.'trv. She is survived bv icr husband and seven children ransrinir in aires l rtmi 2 rears 10 17. The funeral took place nt Oreiico, at the llolmason home Sunday afternoon. Rev. (iraf am Rev. (iclvan oilieiatinjr. Inter ment was in the Union Ccmetarv near Cedar Mill,. Undertiki Limber directinir. The Circuit Ctturt in I'ortlam tst week jrave a directed verdii ill tlie case ol .Merrill v. iianviu versus the Oreironian 1'uh Co in favor of the dre-fonian H.tnville sued for i, 50.000 basin lis case on articles which appear d in the ( Jreii'onian aneiu some si iiii.itlt' of Hanville's at tin i time, ttr subseiiucnt to the time that Hanville taught at Astoria llanvi e was marnetl ana. was not divorced, and was enamouret of a vounu lady of the port city He w rote' some violent love let ers to her, and the lady protest ed so hard that H.tnville was as cd to resign his school, which la er he did. He taught in Hillsbo t i . .I.... it. ro a lew wccks. uui wneu in , . i i i . in school closcti on nccouni oi in ness he never put in a reappear ance. A. C. Shute was called to Portland as a witness in the case, ha vinir been on the board when Hanville tauuht here. Of course, the local board knew notln'na; of his Astoria troubles, but were sat isfied when Hanville flew the coop. Hanville asked the Ore Ionian to net into the game at the time the case first gained notorie ty, but 'vhen Astoria ennie back at the aentleman he wanted balm money. Hanville probably will not buck a newspaper for a while. He has been married two times. His first wife and two children are in California, and his second wife he married when she was seventeen. Both wives are now divorced. O BE HERE IN DAY OR SO ind Way to Relieve Shortage for the Immediate Present The first carload of iras to he hipped to Hillsboro in a "tarik- r will arrive here in a day or so, perhaps Saturday, maybe Sun day, and Missihly not until Mon- lay, as all dejiends on the South rn Pacific freight itervice out of .oo Angeles and into thr Oregon ountry. Tin hi if tanker was sent out the first of the week, and it required loto of diplomacy to get the filling of the order con sidered, o acute is the situation. Rut the order was honored and the lifltiid that makes "the gas wnjfoiis go is on its way and will irrive provided it is not held tip v highwaymen. The shortage was getting on the Hillsboro di alers' nerves and Ihey finally evolved the idea of the purchase of a carload lot. When it comes the tanker uuist emptied forthwith and every available tank in the immediate ieinity will be requisitioned. ar owners can get their car .inks filled to the running over point, and farmers who use trac tors and machines will hrinjf in their 50-gallon tanks and have them filled, and in two days they sped to have the big shipment iiraineu. The shipment will contain ap proximately lO.uou gallons, anu t required a deposit of 1.000 in local bank.f r the Standard Oil Co. before the order was even onsidcrcd. The car is billed as fait freight, with a tracer after caeh station and it should get through here by Saturday as it left Los Angeles on Monday. Messrs. A. H. Itasiiiusst ii, of the Service Garage, O. I.. Huff, of the Hillsboro Garage. E. L. Per kins, of the Main Street Garage, mid M. P. Cadv, of the Cady Ga rage, financiered the deal. Inas much as they cannot get as cheap a freight rate as John D. can by . . . , 1 I ; ocean shipment, mere is iikcii- hood of a small advance charge on the gas, but the garage men Mt.v thev onlv want to make out f a gal'oit as they make when it ; .soid directly here by the oil companies. Here is a hance for the farm- t . . iMI .1...;- ....l.. t TS WHO WlSll.lO nil llieir taiuv. and an opportunity for anyone who has a - receptacle worth while. The buyers will divide up with other local filling sta tions so everybody can have gas for at least n while. If the deal works satisfactory the gentlemen will order another tanker at oirt e. Win. Masters returned the first of the week from a visit to the Yakima country, and says he is glad to get down where the green fs in evidence everywhere and where crops look like 100 per cent. He savs that fruit is almost .1 .1 . . . 1. ?- t? ... - ad a laiitire mere una v-uiuiuei, n--the cold of Winter-Spring blast ed the peach prospect, und the al falfa suffered much damage, so that crops generally, even in the irrigation district, are very poor. "Old Washington County for me," Bill rambles. John W. Bailey returned the first of the week from a trip over to Carey and Birkenfeld, where John Dennis is engaged in log ging. He says that John is in fine fettle and has worn out five pairs of trousers in the woods. Bailey despatched him several new pairs, one of w hich he thinks was a little over sized and the Argus man would like to be hidden somewhere when John opens the bundle, just to hear him quote scripture. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hartinger and son, Dwight, of Grundy Cen ter. Iowa, arrived here the first of the week, and are guests at the A. Rrandaw home. They expect to remain on the coast several months, and may conclude to live here permanently. Mr. Hartinger was foreman of the composing room of the Dispatch, the paper published in his Iowa home. He will celebrate his vacation by working on the News-Times, at Forest Grove, beginning Monday morning. John M. Brown, of above Banks, was down to Hillsboro Tuesday and yesterday, coining down to a sale. He says he hasn't planted his potatoes yet, but it is plenty early In the-hills. While down he visited his sister, Mrs. T. E. Cornelius, south of town. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hilhboro, Corneliu and North Plain Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot bjppr of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT C0RNKLIUS Beaver State Flour The Beit Flour at the Lowest Price. Telephone; HUlboro, Main 14, Corneliu, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. J. A. Thoruborgh, President D. R. Cheney, Assistant Cashier. John E. Bailey, W. W. McEldowney, Vie President. Caahier. E. F. Burling-ham, S G. Hughes. FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. STATEMENT OF CONDITION At Call of tha Comptroller, May 4, 1920. RESOURCES Loans $578,668.06 U. S. and Other Bonds 217,147.34 Banking House I0,O1-O Other Real Es tate 1,850.00 Stock in Fed. Res. Bank 3,850.00 Cash and due from Banks ' 195,660.94 $1,009,612.84 LIABILITIES Capital, $25,000.00 Surplus, $78,414.41 $98,414.41 Circulation 25,000.00 Deposits 886,197.93 $1,009,612.84 Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County 3 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON 12 MONTHS CERTIFICATE Come to the . REX ALL One Cent Sale June 17, 18, 19 The Delta Drug Store Watches Silverware Novelties Prompt Repairing HOFFMAN JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Main Street t Hillsboro, Oigon