The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 03, 1920, Image 1

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    ' 'y"1 MiiiilfiMi'T jiLl '. 1
m f t n i itHim iii M 1"
No. 13
h Record of Log Hauling at 75
Car Each 24 llourt
Slate Industry Rolling Right
Along, Full Swing
Si vriilv tin' eiir InfiiU uf liiffH ihii
ly in tin' record jidisiiiK tliroiiiili
I liIKIiiirii daily, friini llir Norll
county, on the Tillamook line
(Hid lliii in in ! s mi nvrniuc of ov
er n iii;llnn feel every twenty
four hour. 'I'lili H miuie Iik out
iil Hint ini-.-in-. n Inn jntyrnll ,u
ill t In- hills. Aside from I In -there
ii rt- several mill i-ntiiit rut
tiiiK nriiiiiul thr vicinity of I Mi
lium for thr two local mills tin
output hi'llltf ilrhvcrcd iy null'
t rucks.
St .Voles
Cm-go husui hi ucceilcd lv lll
I I'll iiiiIU roiitrilmtiiiK In the rc
port of thr West Coast l.uiiilii-r
II t f II M AhiiII i.'ltillll ' for till' II I l k
lul.-il M.iy '.". ftiigrrgatrd 2H,
i.'.V'.".'l f .1, of w Iii. Ii 1 0. 1 2 H, Kit I
feet iirr to In ixporlril niul Irt,
Hill, HMO feet delivered to ( nlifor
nin, Thr Imliitiii' of mrjfo order
ri in ii i n i ii tr on I In- IiiiuIvj of the
mil It after thr Mick's deliveries
k fni iiit.'.'it.
12 f i t domestic and Nn.22&..i 10
t'nrviillii planning fur in
.:iiin, lion Imii I .
Portland has five jihuils Imilil
iiitf rcinlv cut houses, ay hilt six hiiililiu un
der construction.
Aiihmf Sawmill K"i"U hi to
rut .'10,000 frill silo lumber Mini
other wood products prr day.
1'nrtlmid capitalists inrorpo
r.'itr vrgi liililr oil iiiiIU niul n liir
li.-tim. r huililiiig urn Oilil I'l l
los hull, drugstore, city hull niul
llourius; iii.ii. )u I'll iitf-t arc had
ly urrdrd.
Ymnliill to MeMinnville hii.;h
-iiy hi-in tr piivril,
Work In mm on four-story I i
hor Irinph- .-it Portland.
Killfi-nr issue $30,000 honds
niul uilf liuihl aviation lirhl.
Aunts to lutvr hntiielt extension
school from Agricultural College.
Marshhid ('. A. Smith shin
ftlc mill resumes operation.
Morciicr shingle mill Is in op
Scasiih N'rw lopping com
pany start operation!).
liiisrhui-y; linilroail nun plan
union store.
Middle- Hig- parking house
will hr ri iii 1 1 1' t ( t lu re.
It ii s-liti rtf - New machinery In
iniT installed in local creamery.
M.'iili-an New theatre com
pleted. Oregon highway work will he
ilehiyeil on account of high labor
Ilrookiniri Oregon Lumber
Co. In luiilil railroad smith, start
ing soon,
Hood Itiver has $75,000 in
building under way.
Additional bond of $100,000
rerlilieil to complete Ochnw irri
gation project in Crook county.
Total expenditure will he $1,
.'lf.0,000 and water 22,000 acre.
.hie llickelihottoni unearthed a
prehistoric piece of stone the oth
er day, fashioned ye.nri ago by
the hand of some of our primitive
fiilliers perhaps, by some In
dian, or by some A .tec. It is
about five inches in diameter, has
a hole through Hie center, anil a
groove around Ijie outer circuin
. ii ... i .
lerenir iikc ii nilglil Have lieen
fashioned fur a sinull drive hilt
Whether it was made -for a pul
ley, or is just a head of a war
chili-that was, or a pi-trilled
doughnut, .loe save for the life
of him he can't tell. It has been
on exhibition ill the Argus will
ilnw several ilayn ami no man lias
yet had I hi' nerve to name it. Joe
is gi'ing to si ml it to Hie Sin it Ii
-ii imii Institute, and when it is
examined there it uill be christ
eiied and given a name longei
than a populist platform.
A big auto truck, laden with
furniture, comiiijr West from
Hillsdale, went oil (he grudt
Thursday night, n mile this side
of the junction of (be two liigh
wnys. No one was injured, hut
how in t Ik- name of all that is
mysterious no one was hurt is a
conundrum. It took n wrrrkiii!.'
crew the best part of n day to
get the load out of the ditch And
the machine hack on the high
way. A good steady man wanted to
. i i
worn on rancn married jin ler
red ; w ife to keep house. Com
'foi-tnbTe home, sti'iidv employ
ment and fair pay assured. For
; particulars see or address F. M.
! Heldel, Hillshoro, Oregon, tele
, phone .') t I. 12tf
Marriage licenses: Alphoiise
I'.iselien and (lertriule Crop;
.Claude I.. Anderson and Aldaj
, Hi rr, of kinton; Arthur Hlarli
ley mid Mary Cole, 'I'ortlnml
j I'.dw, 1.. Stritighain and
I H row ii.
1 lialiy chicks, from a mating of
' ranrrrd strain hen to Hanson's
J "Royal King" cockerels; May IS
, to June 1, $18 per 100; after
I June I, $15.Faul Dudley, Alo
Ilia, Ore. 1)-H
Wesley Jaakton
Away Sunday
I Survived by Widow and Six
Children. Was Well Known here
John Wesley .lackxon, Native
Son, ilieil nt his liiime a mile cast
of Nnrlli Plains, .Sunday, May .'10,
lii'.'O, from an attack of neuralgia
of the heart. He had been in
rather pour health for itoine time
but refused to take to his room
until n wci-k before, death.
He was liorn on the donation
hind elniiii of hi , f ither, the late
I'ly sses Jack son. .March .'I, IH3N,
and wuh married to Mrs. Maria
I. Ilrnnks, March 3, 1N70. The
widow and .the following chil lerii
so rvivr ;
Mm, Maiv Mi. he I Hahn, w'ife
ip i .-uiniiey ii. inn. .iiouniainuale ;
Mrs. htla May J.iiicoln. wife of
Clyde Lincoln, of Inwrm-s.
M mitaiia ; Frank Wesley J.ick-
. ... r. v- .i ..
son, in iienr .xnrin I l.uiis; .Airs.
Oscar Uchel, of above Mou
tainilalc, WflH in the, city Saturday
J. 1$. Downing, of below lieav-
s-rton, wan an Argus caller Sat
urdny morning .
.... i.' .. .i . i .
isa j.ugicion came out iroin
Portland, Monday, to attend the
iiiemorlal exercises,
Uoor und window iicreens nt
the Second Street Luu.hcr yard,
llillslioro, Vtc. 12-13
.Sam fuisley, of K'l.xton, was
down to Hillshoro, Mundav, en-
route to Forest Grove.
i A
ri 4 :i
Of. f. - r- ,:f
' ' ft" I
John Merr., of Helvi tin, was in
the city Saturday. John is rapid
ly getting a farm hewed out in
the hills, ami he has a nice little
Swiss canyon as a nestling place
for his home.
For .sale: Forty acre farm, 4
miles from Hillshoro on good
rock road; all in crop, fruit and
berries; new modern buildings,
10 cows, 2 horses, and
tools. R. 8, Box 113.
Fred Harper, of Gales ('reck.
was united In marriage to Ma1,
Kuder, May 27, 1920, Judge W.
1). Smith, of Hillshoro, ollicialing
For Sale - Chevrolet, in good
condition $550. A. L. Drake.
1000 feet north of Witch Hazel
Station, on S. P. 11-13
Mrs. Thus. Rollins fractured
hei" right, wrist, Saturday, while
trying to crank a Ford. Dr. Dins
more attended the injury.
I-'dw. KnulTmau, of Helvetia,
one of the overseas hoys, was in
the city Saturday, on business.
G. Schumacher, of near Quata
niii, was up to the city Saturday
1.. W. Guild, of Seholl.s, was up
to the countv scat Saturday.
ouh bank is a safe
place for your Money
Nobody wants to slave away until they die. No one is
looking forward to an old ae of poverty and want. But old
age is coming and your earning capacity is goin-?.
You won't look forward with fear, you'll look forward
with joy to slowing down when you have a good fat "bank
account" as the result of your steady deposits in the bank.
Put your money in our bank.
You will receive 3 to 4 per cent, interest.
I.etitin Ca'luime Haas, wife (
F.mest Haas,, of Sheridan, Ore'
Mrs. (iraci- M. Knffctv, wife of
Floyd JtafCrty, of Mouutaindale
iii. i i
ami .iiiiui nay Jackson, Ml Home
He is survived by the following
brothers and sister-
Mrs. I.ovisa Crane, Portland
widow of the late It. II. Crane
Mrs. Mary ( '.irpeiiter, of Winona
Wash,; Mrs. l.vdia (). Dcrshain
Crntei-villc : t'lysses Jackson, of
Fossil, Ore, and Win. C. Jack
son, of North 1'lains.
Mr. Jackson was universal! v
esteemed and Had a wide ac
quaintance in Washington Coun
tv ami t'orllaml. Ills word was
as pood as his bund, and he was
noted fur . lii.s integrity" and fair
lie look great pride in hi
home place and in his .stock, lx inn
one of the first Holstcin breeders
in Washington Countv. He was
a member of Glcncoe Lodge
Woodmen of the World.
The funeral services will hi
held at tlic Tualatin Plains Pres.
Church, June i, at 1 :30 in the af
Mr. Jackson was the son of
Mr. niul Mrs. Ulysses Jackson
who took up a donation land
claim near what was known as
Glcnroi;. Ulysses Jackson came
to Oregoy in 181S," His wife,
mother of the deceased, was I.u
cinda Dobbins, a pioneer of 1 S 5 0 .
Deceased leaves an estate con
sisting of his farm nt North
Plains, an equity In the Chenctte
How, llillslioro, and some valua
ble holilinu's iu the city of Port
land. He always had nn abiding
faith in Orepon and many times
remarked that lie would never
leave the state. In polities lie
wns n Democrat and no matter
how deep the adversity of the
paily, remained loyal to his con
victions. As a husband and -father
he was always devoted and his
friendship Mas always prized be
cause of bis loyalty to those in
whom lie held confidence.
Donelson it Hell conducted the
C. W. Tompkins, of Shadv
Urdok, was over town Saturday,
arid called on the home paper.
.wargueruo uieeson, ol JJeav-
erton, will receive In r degree in
Commerce at O. A. C. thr coming
Miss Georgia Paid in, of Van
couver, Wash., was lu re t he last
of the week, attending gradua
tion exercises.
Young lady .stenographer and
book-keeper wishes position.
Good references. Stella Arndt,
Holier, Ore. 12-14
Jtev. 15. Fishbaek, of Sa
lem, will take charge of the
ft i. . - i i i . . .
( imrrii in v iirisi pulpil ;Uer
June 18. He occupied the pul
pit .Sunday.
T. .' I t . .
i-or .-iai j, j. i. pigs, live,
better than six weeks old; also
Chester White brood sow to far
row at once, bred to O. I. C. sire
--Oscar I'chcl, 2 miles ahovi
Mountaindale. 13-15
I-. r ii ...
i-niis i.. iirown, ot i.anrci, was
in the city Saturday, greetin;, I is
county seat friends. He is recov
ering from an extended illness.
and will soon be able to look af
ter his ranch.
Instruction in piano. June, Ju
ly and August, In a pupil of Kmi!
I. killing, of Chicago, and the
New York Institute of Musical
Art. lor appointments, tele
phone Saturday of each week.
Ilillsburo, 903.- Miss F.Ina An
derson. 13-15
W. N. Fishbaek, a nursery man
of West Salem, was here the first
of the week, the guest of Sam
J. Galloway and family. Mr.
Fishbaek says there is a great
luiure Mr tne-i.ogan and ottier
berries in this section, an3 con
gratulates Hillshoro on Retting its
big hundred thousand dollar can
nery. For Sale Thirty acres of a
farm; good soil; all under culti
vation except little over 5 acres;
J4 mile from station and store on
lliiited Railways; lays on rock
road, milk route; mail route; has
good snlall orchard; house and
barn on place. See or write to
owner, John Sigrist, Hillshoro,
Ore., R. 1, near Council Sta
tion. 11-13
J. T, Peevehotise, of near Sew
ell, scut in some tine strawberries
the last of the week He has
third of an acre bearing, and last
year cleared 301.65 from the
plants, mid w ill do as well or bet
ter this year. He will have an
acre next season. There are those
who say there is nothing in small
fruits but just put figures to
Bucks on Being Forced to Break
Sabbath Observance
Furnishes Work for Drs. Smith
and Dinsmore Gets Mechanic
Win, Tupper, janitor for many
years at the court house, and W.
R. Montgomery, his assistant, left
! their positions last; Saturday.
! They claim that ' they were not
i getting suflieicut salary to justify
j their remaining, and leave the
i places for others.
. Henry Mclnlire is temporarily
I taking care of the buildinsr.
Mr, and Mrs. Clem Shaner. of
Jolly Plains, were city callers
Saturday a f tcrnoou.
Miss Aniiie Harrington, one of
the assistants at the post office, is
I taking her vacation.
Terrific slugging featured the
game which carried Reedville to
victory over the Montonierv-
urns, 01 rortianu, at .uoiia.
Sunday, The score 16 to 10.
Morris, pitching fpr Reedville,
was all to the good, and had the
Reedville boys been fully alive to
the fact that "eternal vigilance is
the price of liberty" the mail dr
ier house team would not have
luttered the score card with so
many runs, l-.rrors on both sides
made the game a little ragged.
yet with it all there were those
gripping moments ot wavering
fortunes that always hold the
spectator spell-bound. Reed
ville's infield was working . fine,
although Churchley at second
had not fully recovered the use
of his injured pedal extremities.
A Fan.
Hillshoro is getting one brand
of religion by the aeroplane route
these days- that is to say the no
tices of the meeting are brought
here by a flying machine. The
Apostolic Faith, of Portland, has
sent out an airplane two succes
sive Saturdays, the flyer scatter
ing; literature over the city. Last
Saturday he appeared about 11
.1. 111. and sent down tracts an
nouncing the meeting. He let go
his propaganda a little too late,
and the winds scattered the most
of it over the Garden Tracts,
very few hitting East of North
Range Street. Whether the gods
of the winds favored the people
down that way or thought they
needed the , tracts isn't knowii.
The preachers arrived in an auto
adapted to out-of-door preaching
later in the day, ;
A Henry Ford in the Bettis Auto
Livery Vent on a rampage Sun
day forenoon. In the stillness of
a Sabbath morning, when Henry
wanted to he unmolested in his
devotions, four men met grief
when they tried to crank him for
a trip out in the country. "Hen
ry" was determined and when he
goes "loco" he has an Eastern
Oregon caytise faded. Jim Bettis
tells the story of the quartet who
were put fiors du combat:
We had an order for a little
run out in the country. Emil
Roy first tried his karid at the
machine. He turned it over a
time or two when the Henry
kicked back with the net result
that Emil had his hand badly
bruised with one small bone frac
tured in the hack of it. That nat
urally made us sore and John
Dodge told Emil he should be
ashamed to let a Ford put a big
bird like him oat of business.
John took a fall out of the ma
chine, and after a whirl or two
bing two hones were cracked ie.
his forearm. This just naturally
made me hot in the collar and I
tackled it myself. Henry looked
at me rather meek-like, for I had
given him many tussles and came
out ahead. I primed him good,
took him by the nose with one
hand and whirled the crank with
the other. Henry struck back j
with fervor and the first thing ii
knew my arm hu'nir limply by my j
side with one bone, fractured. It!
was certainly a successful Sun-j
day morning with Henry still bat-,
ting 1000 per cent.
M -chanic Thomas came along
just then and gave us all the
"Hee-haw." Thomas was ouite
gleeful over our discomfiture, and j
remarked, "Why, boys; you just;
naturally don t understand the
nature of the brute. Why I've
bull-dogged and hog-tied ' those
machines every day since Heck
had his eyes open, and my record
in breaking a Henry to ride is
five seconds by my Waterbury
watch. Watch me bnll-dog him
for you." Thomas then cut a pig
eon-wing, spat on his hands,
shook his fist at Henry and
clinched. there was just one
round when the referee held up
Henry's right wheel, proclaiming
him the victor. Thomas had a
bone broken in the right hand.
Dr. Dinsmore set Bettis' f-ac-
tures and Dr. E. n. Smith took j
care of the other three. Both of
the M D.'s. were a long time get
ting the boys fixed up, for they
worked slow from laughter for
each had wrestled with Fords for
lo, these many years, and knew
their natures.
Monday morning Henry threw
the cylinders over the first thing
and sang like a bride-to-be. It
was just a plain case, of Sunday
sulks. ,
August Tews, an authority on
Fords, says that a starter doesn't
cost as much as a doctor's bill,
and Aug. knows, for when he
whispers in Henry's car nothing
on the highway can pass him
just ask August, "By-Juckeys !'
R. M. Dooley died at his home
in Portland, May 2S, 1920. He
was aged 65 years. He came to
Portland in $9i and later found-,'
cd the First National at Forest1
Grove. It was during his regime
.. . .v
mac me sate ot tne Dank was
blown by safe crackers, supposa-,
bly Carey Snyder and his pals.'
and the till looted of about six
thousand dollars. Dooly was a j
good business man and the bank
was insured against robbery, so j
there was no financial loss. Thei
dead banker leaves a widow and;
two daughters and two sons. j
Edwin Morgan, reared here,
now with the Street Railway in!
Portland, was out Saturday.)
"Tceting friends. Edwin says he i
hardly knows the town, so 1
changed is it since he took up his'
residence, in the Rose City. He;
says that there are many Wash-'
ington County men in the street
ear and police service in Portland
For sale: Ten pis. Will hold
until weaned; order now. Jos.
H. Sens, Hillshoro, R. 3 ; 8H miles
northwest of city. 12-1 1 j
Mrs. J. S. Abbott and son. Lyn ;
Ballard, of Portland, were Hills
horo visitors Saturday.
Glen Taylor, now located nt
Astoria, was up Sunday, a guest
of the W. H. Taylors. ,
Hillsboro, Cornelius and 'North Plains
Wholesale and BeUil Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
. Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
. Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
J. A. Thornburgh,
D. R. Cheney,
Assistant Caahier.
John E. Bafley,
Vice President
W. W. McEldowney,
E. F. Burlingh&m,
S G. Hughes.
I u
cot nnnir m atmm a i
At Call of the Comptroller, May 4, 1920.
Loans , $573,663.06
U. S. and Other
Banking House
Other Real Es
tate Stock in Fed.
Res. Bank
Cash and due
from Banks
217,147.3 4
Capital, $25,000.00
Surplus, $73,414.41
Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County
The Delta Drug Store
N I lira
Prompt Repairing
Main Street : Hillsboro, Oregon